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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1892, p. 6

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BDM N D IT TLL Liéppsin! the wimil',contrary to) m nyse!f ou",I i ie tngth u l1 myfae. 1Y lu th sop-Uat ________ rn~~~~~~0.orrow, or suppose old <Grayes jobs "yon off sufe lupu t b 1aullm aou m h"adad A desbt-le hn i a iggin', how then, imaiey i it. urashat hovei ile helame3-artbý -\ ch CUAPTER XIX ~ ~~1Hefetciel arotbcr shovel af rubbisb, and, 111 shah esaspu ail the stme," Sald .I. "Do ~r eputesoe al ckiata r ee etaîe--e S iX~ ' 3 iE ,having given me anoiher sahigloieyau tîAnk Cowalîivwas inaiîedSmtth0tuaNugou me "I vu een emntsc i i eote, si, said sac igiok luidea cf makiug tînt pit for nathing? Do iheiard hlm motter.l"Donit stir. lime 1nraue arms. ,aid ~ ~ ~~ii th l --e bsmtwhen thev I" If Cwan badil '-'een tuak iT f, either yeu belleve lhe was called awav for nothint,.enough wben we're seen. tt's ai] lt- ; willis -- "I{phes ons hog ledmabak ini speeeble,ýs> asadness ta mv Ihlm e0- mu would have been a free iîotan ta- Is it uthing that Graves singlefi ire out ta the sokel-'s ib:gîing an the grouind, admiglîy littl i, g oeie. ai ci. teve hlm ta lilmei, pour beggar îlb n euegtawywuoîttetiu j l" ou ing that the sanie breaibh rofliug over towllards aid Graves. Ilmust -'e,11aefeuui otni hog oi-te aueround whlenuthe fitls ovçer.« I othcr. " ,c:lwund crredy pîcce af palier frhe tamp itdown a lbt. Nererammd if h a straw," 11e.sassili. Vhu i~ usrxxm cd 'Are bal le taescapa ,toecthei. ylinoors?" hburtea abit. Uic wdsgrew lainier and! Adarrc -MyIb cr piiot undguid." talunit cors, suledainliu ue ~~"Na ; ocitluui belp tu'e -ber and stay "W/cii," repled Tilly ;ycutr qscstana inter a h cillsdquickerand duep-yu al trubtuSturmy suaofaife ?e liausted is the darlist cerne r lil ea o-t àbebliud. Tlî-s's wl7i cle kil yo'va got a popiekinDut Fl aaSwur for lu, Cuewa'n etover nie. The lest worIl1distilngllîsbuýd Lar iow-No ear; but you 7May b batenanad tartu1red t tle last sta1, of en iîeart inyuîr ady.' wo'lidn't ]liavu buen iuspircd i.'o mkc that were, l" Donit forget the 1-1issus and the e cond cîcýý,ý,ie,"W durance. Jlîved eher3ecsix' . d Litle ter l'y. gat ailîeart ut l'd givea every drap ot pit if b'd a' p'essed lic ,v'as scrapin' il onti1youugsters ; bue good ta 'em." -But Ilieas-d gtalgh difrnebetwc r 1 febik -î iodtn at ab rafttouegî o on. As tac aid ('raeus caliing lia off 1 the gratiig cf the shovel above Stili a utIle ai(sbgfoacmp stones againsit,,ich 1 lay IlîddleduilP. MY hours," sai , flrcclY. for î.octliînig5 and putting oi yau in bis placu, longer ; then tint ceased. mn)"a aui-gnereioling pi. firt feeling af rturniug animnation wai a Y" ou raie t get a-y irle-îss how you asl junsây ei ls oins C wi vnttaku "Hc bas goe bacis ta the fir," tiuaugbt 'aturuque, Miss Amyll y "us rine sense aofbiinger--not plystcal buntger, but a b ow ; su you bgîielpi a ipoor tlin and îlu iisty sud bl i-,alis. vith regard ta I.WC'ar-e nuch' ai a size, lie and .I ;îy yu si n h oowy spiritual ravîag for thtliet vbuwas as sie- J1lie none the warse al for ilU :' and tiien hb, the b ca catryin your Mloi, \îrder I han siîowiig limself first in one place, thon stooî Diggs -"I like Mýiss Migg becausu S euîsaiy ta ny existence as bread ta tue cd ntpia iibl-l It wfe and railea, the on'y ieinerk l've ogteta ta-lz i ter in tînothur, wbich is easy ei augi i wtl la ecoaoiical." Bîggs-"7How do yons starving i;ti ifai famiiie---every way 's tcildreiî that Iniht limderailier condition-s dam tîthie -"the sînoke abouit, nu onu wîll suspect -tat know su-eis uconamical ?' Diggs-"V%7cIl, srong, as iurgent, as maddenisîg. 1I musC ies-ee led nme ta h"lp hlm. But 1 haà i.1( 'î Xl cokd toi suise intaSience, and onc ai Che îwa innis goîîe. -Uc wîll do te'-e is vemy Little naisi about ber."' i ave vnene or laie w1bat, vestige aifer-'euaitenderness. I na-s irrpruard l.,i ts"-c. aftuar yeiug me c-iuiîou sly, bh sio -tIsa' vithout (doribtfor the love of bis wife ruason uîaincd. W/bat nas nt ouie bea. a N'ie that providence îîa-d pust anclpp-r. t" '-e lN'en tiiuing avec aîma" o, uuand cuidreni. Pour wretcli1lit vauld g- iFTheHasbaa-Yor lteooic. ained hy farce mustilbe gai by stratîîum tniu'lun n-';iîtIl tis' am --"Iîîac.l'd cciicri,î bs ihfg lîui nviîîg abulyn hrei uy lceCTaliie- Wiafyo dut ai nm tuai wa-s suggested by the sabtIle cui1 igil endl(1.'turc rOtl 0ans way evien the' ; iglà just as uviiet wouid -1tslve---mychance oa iblîertyan uconomîcal nh a s eus lier wedliug whîlib balethe place af wiid iîîry. "Na"s--d " o'tu-st alaa ueix aun Li-oitaruocluer. Are vycua religiaus 1îny lite-ail, ta ciîaîge places vith hbila idreýsefar a possible second marria-gu I'd like lsac certaiani tliod la evury case o ai stir to Save yenuless Ilhave aitqua ai-e il" , a-the iaue ai une good woan? Wlat a con- ataswa o hneeaon s Ies waauicetysi osue u an sac,'1bh i out tod"said I, 'club at-ast betweun lis ; bieonging for ecape . K 'it-"Animais are naiurally ai a 1ouleai, inyltpositonseccîu eîy ta masalu u of eli'mîtaiese u a bu'e, trail gofeeinug o utt ion~i. ba- vîûgiielip the -oman wlosc' love for hlm nbore lar~relsome disposition, As the puai says, luWsieemdt n, ueyadee e-s il,'Paie s anle u %ad me tochncent , 1toni ik lc va-ar bog,) nd 1, tk taise the i eewh s osdeligîitta harle ad bite." Howitt- i-roas iy. mdt mJsl ndee p-thougblies Lbe-n hEu-piDg at ilie job for four oaiudeîflal jusi hec hobugui. nuit laho steeperlta the lips la iafamy. How shall Ye ,aud evelî the yster afte's gets imua ibi iswrîîg 'I agad nlh myel dassndyave ou îîtiing Weidr-wcalirýd faiblt i if iebdidaýt ha' - ta iork do it' 1 ni-st bide lu tfat cottage tili ny a broul. 'NThîîî isi rt icig,' 1agexusi caîrraye lai-swbo t gelaw1 " au c ienr pickepockets, i. r noubli. Tiiere bair la growa, and the prisomn lekisnr "'Do yuu ever shed tears-real. tearse on tut ias a rile cireaua.lui. ga-uai '~ii l "-'said1, cge]--i iiîust lle -ierlcý~iîiii i t ; cli --'sil lu', off front' y face ; thon I mnuet go thie Sta'e f"' 'Idiii tbe firat two or iîre ble awillof rGod auJ ciao. ibtheguhî leua bu s ntîi h'i viiTif ubbiîg lits sti-bby cibn, and laokitig Liat ta Sevenoales and fiad lier oni. Bat iaw tmeîytui, eulvu n"rpid siauld enjoy the fruits oiflîceir crime wîlw-c ti.l ai tTh iti tth pis. I touiif-e iar onsta 'slal eiih ie? uednt ruîgeaymdehtl Ea,"btaleriatlarirga ue tueir vicetumts rot li nnîoeriied îai Ary. A u SiO'bd.lita if the v'iad would change a tilt. 's an bhat. Tsipi-mtuih ldug ut t u enîd nuust camte ta Ibat: justice inuit triumph '-'Firsis ai a", ne bind aurselveshby ail 'th n'î bueauisa, neiller. ta Cýteèp liuer nil] pit itue Iseas ln my wav Ih s la "Wniused ta sgilfiiemsulvesfor rich My~~~~~~~~ w-ttisdnhctieola rîgI atlctasquartecia abide fimtlfuliy by the ctst. 1on ba-ntiiîg uspthe lreeî'aibcr ide .Iiaiaaud ; lo can avenu *the biw'-, luere's ,hialiauds," says a dusolatemanaî. "No,"' cvrel u raueinflucteu lapn i-Thieonu nho iosî-s lui(do as mtich for the iA-îînw'me1o ocetneiiiin lesuae sapw ~-îe Ou lîîîîsn t'eiisaIaller as il t'ca-s fort-is unit Sef." peaking. blo i thci-ee si-a omiseIn;tewlnd Sbinti cyke, an' thevierracu em eansla other, Il w'oaid [ltave been la giiitiss accisnouaerm.g vusornttcktsd -eyca îcum(leiaev, i n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T co'oiIutCaeIra ent aa ' gu t la. isas', if yoils',re ut rua .ligiois lau-t o uca-x-ia'this roitbiatiou ai belpfnl cir-- n il c bear sont aIm eive ra hiat iltbr peuîi -in 'uaet heoIs' uaid îeaegth iece, l'antd uustances if onu hladno laille but-laacci . '- hlint l'Il have ci ail 1portraitma," Neyr initht. -lw o n s-ctd on top ai theiîecp tcî sho Vinys-eli, an d suo0d if yati cold alîtlîcthaI've gar Seine kind (lei) .i scai Mr. Derrick, wlîo bhasci eesddu- Nevr mn(ltha,. ow .10we tan 9Giaves narnaune ai the cîta rd la about, we'l ai band la geuiuucg ynu oe, yoîs miglit givu J 1fuît thai rtbe earila as beiuîg stamped. uxricb lapetrolieui. " usuenyangata1ýi tbiotîîib îuîy fough iiy :have dtan aur lais." u'pore salud oifriabchfae ie. wuî d nsiiouacî coi J encva . lu[ing sbap agaitu1" uxcîcinerd bis evifu, wnhol suitteled Ibroihh ber fa-tlt. Eîu'ry layadds siitybomuusscleu ue ne-a1seci rtsed ora îsmnetanasciletisfc cn1-l. vey îîuîr rspraio W ush sainsn sîi tal tîte suniftsîy tiry uevry day ciitirî.ibAif b tlieiig 1 elege t s usectas'resf ad-ifotbe' w t Ii(11 i iebrSuimmg.Ts-'îîtt' ise go ci lsice lItf(- i-rtSot ac ui I 1rflce o ncnnad eolc-i oicoert.E ymnerspain cise tint w rig. hy bbco baane iii uuIfey viiue ego ig ugthuetnoney Mi. R.ialîn elui at imy ias becoming mare difilcuit. Wii cacci Little Braibet-,---" Mr. Johnson, wan't onta a teblneofmsr i l ibeschna for nie a--c-aen esn Iig promised i1-onu? bhelp is vife if breath ca n afearthu tuemcd -ddud ta thuyugaasamdfreteitow'M. oI oui ay sîie. f'srlment dcciraocas io n wsaady disposa'l Ioam tnibîr hewno «"M alo ysIe tstetelerofheodtoo cuniag ta bu outidby - ie laid tue nhere ta li-i lier. iugbt lapon îîîy laine and shouiders. 'Tohnso-" Cerîusîly, îy hitle mana;liai 2'au 'ucIfs1 Ci e lierby Le ane biyiai a Sabieti-. l'l'Il tel "au %beire ta fnlier emfor cor- "Yoi're al riglit?' aied Tilly, lisuoice wvy' ?" Little t3vother--l'Oli, Dni asYssteu silletIerail u ie utitatis nhut' I"Youlillave ta suow me lion itie hii's tain,'" seid lue.,"But, frsi ai aIl, lit aie sonnding ifar away. jcan sçec t laiiihyaii. 1I nt tut,'aseif 1 nrccioî bisc u. eyr iii,? 11cm cil, ta bu doit, before mwc draw lots," said I yuined9ado1f ou u I"es,",Iaswered niib as mach forceuas cen. a loger on thue Iraca-cion c u m ieAIheb Co-ce your ssiis"grosled lbuthure Ila h asw hwy sa yugo?', -ol ase." Did yen fate maclepressing befora y-au ci-hua islsuic nr-; a r 111' shah triusi Icitfee guidane af Prou i- The sae isnfsffocationî-a terrai to lîint accepted Jacle?" astod oone yoîîug lady ýfa exta 1ei plie aide by ad---i.Lie sava l aI'u goad incud tegiuote tt -denca,' saîd 1. ai non -gai- e no nmoral nnecsiuîess thten. friend nîto hl juat gat engaued. "Oh, ai - ~-lii i-Cgey, uJthut l hn i mat le wnufoff, aînd for a ie luitmu in fect-.I"Fr aàchange ai toge -tu c a bit ai reudy The plysicai pain nas aotiigta nue ;~ lao. A n iuJack lasgo -troung y oîleîw. 1 fo iot ht her lie,,,-,,i -,i netabandonmoney 'and uvcrytlug"? bis cyca grow'iuig 1 iiuen ulat Providience xaîlenculene ta o H s * 1î~u'Ci .11 ith,. ts-- i - of riv R-heumatismà,an S-c roul saIc-Reum Se es- l-ws A-nemri, R>iaes 'ho-- L-angguîcdneý,ss, Drops;ý L-iver Com nplai nt A-1l cu-red 'by, Prepax-it r . lu,ý j . .Ayer & Caý. l, Mas. Soldby ali ýlug i t i-ire$ý s1 bi L 1 CS . cures otUhers, wigI cure you Po seou lisr iunexcalipd Nusery tok edy ta the right mua. Sent or teri%. CHA.JSE BROTIERS C. N otice to Farmers. tare. TaOd the governar haie eda't ieul ax- vag" aia11u qea1 a pveri - -tub ontW/ tous aboni yaî." bath thciy le saitne siz,, about aunad dainchcculdu' icse..n "Nao, sm ; pluase tel!hinl, ith uny Sume Oa iciuiked wtii "C"ani aiui- awsicaetairosubdyad -especta, Ibat h cm suncl. ohliiged forbils the éther- usILhIT.s"- pl ii ad ciaaih ia11d oane considérationî,esudtîleaiI shah bu egisd t- loa ad ow.Ucigai evcrtiî dyiit vr ete su' i' quare go ot just lIse Scmo as ccci- ia-ncora-,c eady, le bd.This s >bis bit aofpp er seliA u 'et a mte-epbb sordIs Ime nad mrIl -)îc bu i statr is ,ýinde ak n. Hee' ui teluselly'. Tbure's fo ya! When The nuxi mamiag I went niti theicgang ltter c nd this lauere's- aiae. You isInbtaa L il, i to tpellienglbad My- lowsuîta the fielcds, auducmesonetbiimuuOC7,is'îSslf a blut-wiy neyve tept np ai rgniar onrred wnlaNle ta suyexiîed imagiaatan Uclg-areni'oLe-pper 1îattod I"C, ' stock ovrmtO 1-eeov a e n' lt semdnthiag les t1han a 1ivine Ifnter-, bis fori-elith L;- id an heigciltme inoMa-tu'Lhea I haget, anothur caeuo uiasitian. - ~~suame rtîbhîisb up i li ii - andau leou t nuig wytnd tbeuî peuiapa rviec W/e cere cearing the poîtlta atin, nthe hb p, ca-ae haut fa me. ciii seuici same aber cave ta profit hy- te. 'vlich layoau the vuuy ousiirîs ai the culi' "Non, ilica, Ioulesharp,"lsaid lac, 'put Hawuî'r, -maltoy,1 I ut gmacge yoî yourr vated land. Iu anis corner n-as agi-et boa-iy-ou- papur aloiigide ainu--an the liudle oud don i y a- good tiru-i for bhe, fane tiat bail beca brnuiag foi-a 'ceut, aîud hr.- .S close b y ir a st-so aiatt hardima ad rab- I laid ms' paper beside lis, -Du the topaif Oi- diadansgie-unlongui-r ad louee. A bisb cutited frc'to a iie'viy tilir-d patel oifjtIse lk ai-ehudie. leîîgth TtUy ,,pa-sssg me îvilî lis frt,, sJi, iuaorlaad for cansnmp ,don. ina mcei bcd I"Coins cloie beside nie," said lie.Il -di ve nitia illi cotceieui ucsaim, "If the -nîd been occupucd fon foar da scia fcedia g ituenmeyoar lband, :-amud anear ta acl squtare by Jotai -ugeLury quiet, yoil h-av-e ta fi-e and su-aleuug the rmabualu asif came np. ' ne use I aivea ta ýcetsqua-re by ya." inaise up yaaour 4id as provitdence doun' It n-as an enviud empiaymeat, for the mue 1tookLeotrtaa-h, holding bis baud. utn you Ca libule it to-daiy."> et r-hua non caid tait togeuluer ta their "lNaw is- tno onti, andlîven h scy bre, At thel veny pmomenit the coiiutin of huait'a coitett., Nan, mvleiber the narda" bloîv nitlmesanid the pa-per as gues iturthest i- aoleiswii- nic u-oa cd aruvelped os. XIe suspected that- thoeu Inaemuau-t is- fi-oaatbe lotkis luthe e. tuuer, atîcl tllir'lagar ont oaitl, mbgaraata ya chuef os'ntot1can't eay -, baltnlceîîne gaI ithe laser. sdTul y cliîaisiag uith ie puagemet, acrid on i t he gonnd bu callcd anc af ubeun bad W/e tîui; liu cautcd Il onu, ina ta 1 us fbar had gai oit lis tlIaot. as thuy nere gai- g off ta hu ire, anJ, Itli-ce," and ive blev it scemi indicions i0 nie ibis was iioýihiaig short ni a Divinte uodding ta me, aaid- cnough non, but ibsut ti e fuven af hope au-I dleacO"antaioni. thimî t .ihu efieco upou i TI lau can leavec a uîethat job ta-day, dmad bi-auglt oui- draps of sîveat on Ouriy uvs scacely tuas convia ingÏý. as yoa'i-e nais over trong; eauay's diggiag 1 faces. ou- T hume mast bu soamething hni i," hu s-aid wili da yoa goad,(Cois-an." The papcr3 futbcued la theo air aid il îuîîagain, ap gfcbeti,"Isa nrun Couva-n Ioeed t use as if bue nîshed me nitamn a foui aithe gouuid. Ti'e bi-ee e'rerth e n amiey. Wci o e dea-d andtarau awc muiîringro uam- c up mine and sîveptisusa couple ofai myis'tY5.<ileasmau self, ayards bcyauwaycnuUlueiatebut. Pare maebis cvay ia the cloud ai smoie h joined the ailier iman, nhosc asiea i- You'se nwon, ncy"saiciTilly, in a buading downoclose ta the gneammd. Ihfli Tilly, a camnes, and ne e cita uorthile touie ut Jeep djeuction. 'l I donthuai- yon jlaned close aistlis beuis. nscrdei- h vieug given direccioans as ta w'laî Ino ill nilI, but Gad help My wnue andid ds " Il11-me w-e are," lie said througle bus eaccl ias ta do. -faorbalan hiaur a 'ter lic____ oscd lips as le canme ta c stop; "'stik ivas gone 1lie narted ihmîlbot. I CIJAPTloRkXXvour liaude un downatheru. and iay litl'l ai onlq>ý»y lusi dispesed ni ththle "ingu aiATR X leSrif;iP Ini.I n1iai'1tiian Conan. Ouîcc or mica I catugii IBtLIDAt 5E, hplanged my banda tliraagl, ihe lçoua' lîtuaio aget me wuv ula canud indécis- 1 As 1aie cy djmae, Ihbltuie fa eflet earîb, and laid lscid of itce mail ai aasely io:î on i h iface. At iuagtb, culen auricycs i tpouthe iazarclons nndertaleing before ne. mtc ai," ruaca-Uevgnn agala met, lie said, il? bueunsetoue habit. II tiiew ibat h muest lie for hausaburicd jurse ie sce-tered-a8ide thecoyîÀlyi igres.riu, n'al ta cane-la(S. cive ; that 'cheu I roise ont aifuny,'id Ihuna stmang and long palli brcugbt np l'lI-lve yocq gai uoa-cctiig asac ieri li tAie îight, I muai malecmy vray ei- 'the rail leyour body mia-Uce"tb i m icoar, eîdiag the menu sen uit nta "beatielrauaibsl' . "ý IVits ,th-ntta you?' I1ccieed. punsuitt;ad ther before I dard t e n- hast-sa. , 'If ycu bcdl yan could help ca poouric"i, owtara neuaanuîme r-n- ai a ilits face nas pn'-ple ihiuaiugh houlding bis mc h-t' go a cit ni chldiciebar apforai ossme a cuecai ny prissuu iidress. Theeeiahsalonig slen ive tout on the side op- thé wnaus i limn.' W'hilu Iuvas digesiag aclueune w-u desperate oanonigluta daulin aituea noe ibis tui- i et he heap fou- a elovel- is very incepliass any anc butacniii " ate olda ýit h-c soojtaîsnoîler miute fui ai ribisii. là dedna-uiadmcan. ItlU bd tua ernai-,forl>u111,% C ,ausbunsti ýicelieb a"ndid lb n't Il AuJ if you ladi't," h do oigcaald nais e cli doubt île siu,believing, asbe uisoî shu v 0a u leus. W/huayon se ha-aisteamy- ide, II you mighi stanîd e chance I did, tîîut I ires te chosen instrumn t fiai me go downu offthe top) ifitbe iîu'p, yec pet ai heipiig yoursol." thbbcexciutiauiofaa Divine v- I nasti- r a-y round te fic into thesmote, amîd W Wbueido youa nVn'"If i-le wind don't cihange, it's cli ap,' mate for hehlecal. il in oi M" Na Pli tisg. Yeu kaum lion a spi- said'I'illîy, w1ra ire nerec lone cga-lu naît1 0o1 forcear et gui t nddoncre 1- riA.- ~ ~ihtussa sConn htiaywc Iobe cd lhs instrîuctions, and once nmore " eo.No onu everklnen ut asîteat . icas-neyer opus the gioaci-iiiet aiic îy weinut in ties cote Cea3ide the long chai- l'muîo c al.Sa-y ci-ha' L lihe'. os hi-ld yýý - -d coi--r y'aa ap, nitbosut b-iog laie pi. Fenl-, t0,c_-1U's a11ilenctue 'n1- - 1poiIui-.e "laYon go, mm-loy, andulgood lacis tu tibusi a piere nifci-auJthmosmgh, b ian lito ithealîn wch u rrou-,iadm iea ibis lue caruf-ily nithudr wn uo, le sviag a clutiinel for the emîreace aoi air. Nperithu- lesi, Chie pain aiof reclluîng iaireaseeh ; n ,y fece, my osgue, mayiecle swailed as if the vessels muis Ci--a thhliUe blood, forced apwards tram nîy comsticted hlimbsanad body. ileen ac terrible, riamp suzed my leurand cuepe alouviy IIpwaîdI'-. Ttn-as as if nîy tensions weie being dreg.gecificmthse 1 1mscies. My ingera hegan ta hige sifl ileey wune beimîg powevu'rniv glvan-iýdacuso thua the saune tearuîg aoui-evu amad tetnd()n sprecd ao1p my ainus, 'ithacut tuat arrange seui-relugions confidence ime Divine gi-cee tIse tri-uié re oaid ha-ae eeuntundumablu, atnd I ainsi have burt ont- ai the gi-ci n vhicle1I Ny baicd. W li tise doncvulsive effort of a i-aan ai th~e pqiiof existlence, llntl 00w tthle con- ae.inenesue acousiloîîs oah ie tiîing I did, mcy limbs coni-atdlvioentiy, cunl I beavud my slionideus up. Ohc, that fi-t gasp af-air ! i ca-n glu e ni- dccafi Ns effect upota me, for eeruy fori-mioa physical relief is mnduquute ta ilescrube ih by comparisous. W/liai-er 1 'cas saefuon discovery, or whalier Ilîsd betmayccl nîy- self, 'cas, at thbc mne, a incIter of imdiffer- ece-; h i u nauglita fuel l iat 1brectbcd But 1ieetiy Inoticec tbaftIshe souusd af ialliag ecrîli ailîl occatiaseui ; tiiet sbo'ced I hadnot Ceca Jscovered. "Hoaw ilit,"I tulerd myseif, "iattbaagliî htiietrrible noigbi la îemoved franc uîy body, anîd my lucadhs comparaiiveiy fi-uc, Iaan se tiothiung?" Usung rmy uusuubed hli hurtle by lutile as Ilîey regained strangule, Ii-aise Iiy body highs. Sbll ahina-idai-le.Ira-isedmy ci-ma catiiolisly, anJ found Chat I ivas a oc crud with dry potato Isu-'i. Then the maysbumy cvaas cxplaiued. The guard, susaciing I luad concu-ahed myself li the mmbbisle leap, w-cru pulliîîg lu dlois cand sractumug t in a fi-uaL place, and the liglîtun sitiff badCeeu thi-owmaom'em tise vey spot wheue hI ay burîed. (TO BE bixr-'tTIsNU .) Wlien Plitlippa Faiscuti, bleu bright Eag' lale gi-i nbn anleed et Camibrurige I"aboc'u the senior nranglem,'w-as six yeans aid, se w-asenttoicargrandmobers iu tue cautry. Onue day, nîien Ai.'luad beau piayiag nisîs a crying Joli as tlioagl it were ahîve, liei- grai-hnther ;aî:"iPhilippa, y mLi- dal gives- yon a gi-cetde-ai ai trotulîle." "Sb-h- .h l" said Chu ehil, "i li-seen the ab- j.tct ii uîy ic ta eeep lhem froc' leowiag thiat se is, a doil 1" POWDER] Contaics au Alurn, Ausooni-Lme, uapî a r uy Injluuiati A large S3 -aeIP~tae- ash- ion 2toathly- wili be sentý to any actdress 5,:L1 Oubcian dlihciaa' 1 jâ "The !Ladies' Journal" It s i a publication that willi t'tees-at cvery aima flan in thce land,. 'The regishar siiscipti6ou pi-ie) ai-L"'Tlàe eieclîusý,.îm.i5>à"-l '* mcni hihu paper ic 5ý2 ,pr yi-ar. Yau gdi Ihatii-o ior applications i, î-i-euie GCues BirkNiau. WttanSni d1'Swla ,y r.,iîalles ma k Dics ia usen cd ii-c oate.iad 5uaAl Iiizzinesa, Nîssa rc lu.farr its Ileacli,.e, yut(aiiioaLar u îuuPuLC c. equmal.î e tialIt iuto-tp incr fîi-i prc--enù-tIII i, naa7lag -auî rm. wluil iiuey uo co-muetaIl uiardel or te stuiiit tr:ecChie waud haaIma-t p - t -i i is cm li suier i-coi uis isireu.isJ amta jcine andi-, nItciyse -ooueS- ttuyyutf aie. TnlIcr h vln ad t-iotiim pt ie sfaIersho not. fv3c>r$l'EaSoLI-aca i-v ic uca-sy'asal

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