Li3ca thoeoughknowledge a the natsil, ql wc yb tk doto nbi a s. 111 i bmth d ves.Hudeao ubtivesmaladorie r ram,"-Cfil erTJcc Gazette"1 an UIE iË,,s & Ce, r ï,L 74.sesptl CSIS î, ~oBsle- --n-l1n. JewsPous~,.Tired Moth-ns, The rîtsh onsl i Ilmascs, na e- lttls5iboleau:ponYoUrke por wîc ba ltey benisue b te A trc kuetht lassimuci obar foaio in rgard 11i thelconditof t ha Prhp oudono hef to iv4'ue cit au itsseghbrbodss~s te L nd p j" , iiian", uess ii t o sstes 'l'inc s,1 ai ss s n -"ist',y n a d ,do n ~ pis o b ee ts ves s as otits- twus n SyisafioRgran,~4 frits, YlW-1, ide ooe icd slipotixat, w wll egar A1 h soaar~ I0 tBt11 is~des tr agti is eatiall elfsuporin. ithtIe di 01 OSS sId edy o o d e' o m ry al o e m d u n t -ee, !n;lI pa ý ng tng e o meg od I dd lotki~ 10.e ot n tdrly orq. of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,- 0;ý> tis glc s lsotsttonr ro ea nCiuneniltwlo yusi o n10ct ian art.pic on. îearîth he (corpoSsd hsrsl's 'risn tA r' of orhorst assd othe ncesarses c lf wllol flucuae p with te. s polato, whietexperi, li ts de- Aud noce wld ne ln ynsal gan inuýL e sowy, or he ldvrals tIl sir- l litcfootrints, thgro Md tr ip e, raiidste opuateon s'patof te aoutin,0L0, rhc tn.altl .l anumter lseuss bd ota be i'cesissgbut itOr ner tîO csidrn clnlgayhes on tise oid stili tcl, dhe FooIpeis hnties tusaowt The povrty nf tise Christians and Jews isa And i , t arieiL n s1 liuse ocemore; eemaïkable, tihe Moslems having of late iIfl I nend abroko'n cart ý110day yoas's absorbed tise trade and sealth whielis To-isorrovw maeakte aoai Itbeaky- wes'e forraerly )a the hazsds of the others 'Esr en sa nGd olouîd sa The Moslems stoadily increase in weaith, Bise wt assooiti sIulilcentisan ,vi wiile thse Christiaus aild Je-,Ns as stcadily 1. nover s-ussp , d l\icshsning lead: decline. 'Tise unusual stiate cf thigs'is sad , 'iioinn idhgis ne1,sîcat liown, 1 to ne dute 11 thse s of the tiseougis trade to The litthý o by I useyd to kss je dead!, tsi frst pt 4 pmiun ds of agsipint iof visgr 2tablespoonfuls of geound ýClia- hoy nthle hacl oi tise stoye. Thýis, isn apeslgsauce pioasing tû0 the pala1te. Ayc-lvoe rp may be slsed -Goy- orri mCatwba and even the wîld ir ~reontesîstoeswihot peeing, nover isnwih sai andwater. L-ttossas thsss for wenty-four houes. Thlen drain off tis aIt a11or and having prepared a qnast of sllced onion s,-take a tablespoonlul eachi ot usace, claves, allspice, sud blacke ppper, wsth a quarter ni a ponnd of mustard andi theo same ni celery spead. Put tise tomatoes an,',sson into a kettie witis vinegar enougs tocoe them, into which tise spices hav benen ;tiit-CdI sîssi add twn potinds oi sssgýr. Loti tise wlsole hoil togetiser nîstil tise tomea-j tocs aiýre tender and look clear. Ttwo taisle- spoonfu ils of lorse-rad isis are deemed'aui im- provemeunt by sosne persons, but are not in- HOT S[.ANV-ChOp or sionverv -fine a frm whire lsead ni cabbagc, and eprinleelightly wîth peppes' and sait. Jseanwile, msix to- getîser si a saucepan a ofcen buttes' the size of ans eo, wtihal ateacupini ol vine- gar onY modolrlately streig. Put these over the lire and lseav, Mix together 2 raw eggs, a sm-aleupfloirich n1illeor, better, cai --assd hall a teactspIui of sugas'. Stir tisese slowly into tise heated vinegar, to whiclitise ,nabbage musst inow hobadded, util it is -weil scaldefi. 11 sisould be tesîýýder,: ansd heated thirougs and tistougîs. Some persouîs geatly prefer slaw asrepared thus The ioowissg, ciippediren tia ollanns wara itsrprdutoninthese columu To the dio o is loe SirI an sre yss iliage e'witb m!le tsto'p tise bas efacefisisdisg(110 ildes' amne viLi do) which is goýiisg on ins certain 'dîrectiuons ininus' midst, and 1.!liave no rea-on to doîsbt tîsat sny experieneý in this city is tise oxperienc' of otherasin înany parts of Canada. I hsave read se rsuchsni tise great ancceosa of Dr. Willianià' Pinlk Pis ïos 'Pale People tisat 1 determiisesi to gis-e them, a trial for nervous troubles. I accordinýgly vWesst 11 a drugstore to procure a suppiy. On askin)g the druggist for tiOe pills he took down a glass Jar and preceeded Io0 take ont thse qnantity. "B[1t'," aaid T."Dr. NVill- iams ' Psnk Pilîs are' sot s)ld l, i!bulle, assd that cannot be thons." "O, yus, it is," said tIse dealer, " we always ýget tbem in bulle sud sel! them tîsat way."' 1 bad s'ead thse caution of the propriotors to tise effoot tîsat tisese pilla wvere never sold in bulle, and thinleing they sboulfi kuow best, I declined taleing tlsem, aud bit tiese tore. My is"'xt experience SIa niomore fortunat.e, Againi pslls pink in color to ;hiat thé i gesstine, were offered me. 'WVIen I icsnonstrated this dealer admitted tise pilla wereeont aup- piied him by tise Dr. Wuilliamns' Co., but de- clared that they wes'e j ust thé cameé. Assdi yet, fer the saske of a littie usore profit, hoie would bave itnposedl thenis on nie for tise NPéEeueIga~sciaica Hea byDrugsandh ealr vrwe F Efty Cents abotile. Direettoisa su Il Langnages. T ECHARLËS A. VOG ULER CO., Bltim or, II canadian Depot: Torciltc, Ont. Dycr and Clcthes cle«ner, etC cated ta be asnne f uawIlno v thm roru uew vwhea doueD. Cor'c neKmgud Ontarlo Sreets, PACOi,"ET) 1 I IJE FLO N SIZS LONFELOWS PiNS of si exceptionally fine quality. Of diffe2rent treugtli. To -Cuit ail fastes. illîins Sold Annually. î ~YS & SONS; ~1E1 Uod<althe cogd .eit"o ise tomaeý,. ai cheiprto a f . uni, cf tse ea~tos a o srn aUno- ie.Salt Rheu..Im, Eilysiielas. Sero., ehiesa auA uixny p ie ùnïl'am -if tà - unppïi- oefBU O fFor Jaundic-e Ayerls , ForLosoApet For R heumaHm For b' od S For Fever P'rrparcd by r .C &C.Lwrl H LOOD I p R1H THEGR *1 jater ye serse sues was prepareunos thse fot- lowtag plait : A oati of green wood waa haulefi, and ecd morisîig tise dsy% suapply was chopped. iTisen tise leawl wa gosse tise farmer xold go loto tise woods sud eut dowsn enother boati ni green troos, coui c of tstupoplasa, ansd tisesanse routine of clsop- ping oaýCh d ay's supnîy ai s titre v,;Ia gossje iisro htî. Tise amounut of lomtetic fric- tion, caused lis'tisat w ood was incalculable. 1.0a canta otise pou" fires the meale would otic oiste, snd tison tise larmer would scold. As to tise poor wViie, se wss fusaing apd lretting hall tise tinte over. lise firea. dsd îstc#blamehiero000bit. Wisat I dîd biam iber for wssatiat se did net go oss a',"atrilce" a nd refiuse to code a mîeal nutil btter wood waFc pros ided. heeis a righît way assd s wromog way tu do e'tiig. Tise rg way tb prepa re ise lr fuel is s-os'y easy and ipe Wlsou tise rop is oss md tise wister's lu il is et barnd, tise laituers'lonld tom Iis St- tention 110 gttiuig up at yeer's anpply ni 'sood. Wbomstise auliug Iron tIse woods ia completed, tise sood ebould thioncho pro- poed -for tIese tos a, anss put in a snnssiy place te dry. li ibis way tise homo wjilI ho suppiied wiîis goed fuel tise ycarround, And behlod tise ads antages of uLatt plait The good fuel will msake tise bouse--wiie,'s worl eoasis r; il, wili sers-e as one lubricator 110 tise dousestic msaciury, and it wil hring posco instead of sver. To tise fartucu hiîseoif tise advantages are scarceiy bes, Witbs a gooti supply oI wood tisore has ne constant stoppage on bis part; during tise bIuay ýscason to proparu fuel, Wisen tise prep-aration of fise wood drags thrnssgi tise whoioý year, tîseougis plamting, isaying and isarveating, a groat deal oi valuahie luine ie mest, 'taiicis sggregstcs many dollars in tise Seasionable Recipes. POvsvrO YEAST.-Ti'e arge potatoes boiled in 1 quart ai watee; pool, assd mash fine; add 3 tablespoona ai engar. Mix tise inass labos piat-of waes'in isicis1tise poba- S tocs have beau boiled, Add a, tescup af e~ ~ PLP~ILL od yeasi. Putilis satanejar,a sud lu fouIr hoýura lb wi *ilhabs'oady to use.Kepia CURE ALLcool place, and make* mesS yeast froDI it in Taints of the Illlood. lè our daya. Oaa teaoup of yoassiwili malze 000pan ol finger-rolasuan uai ai ofs'ead, otwo1aavoa ar bcead. C E T ii 11 è l oCoan To'uAs'ýo CÂ!rSU.-Have i'aady 2 (quarts oî tise sisained juice aud pulp of ta- - ____; matoee iully ripe but sound. Choap fi ne i4 pepper pada, 3 green ansd i ced, altos' ex- trating tîscir seeds. Two tcacupinla ai hiacle usustard aeed, isabi a teacuplul ai coi- ery cisopped fine ansd tise saina ni ilver- cliei nions, hallsa toacssp5ul nisait, add- iîmg -a teaspoonlul of powdered macc sud B A K Ives, Three pinta ai vinegar. Sttre tlsie catsup ia glass bottbcis, leavsng room n lutise nleol eschfor s teespoanful of olive ail VD TA Fz=R wlc11;h will effectually keop cil' i.i a aiý 42,OK5 ES FIED âOs t- LAf G . SA E i ÎN p.I DA r e s s ere taion.~ "'t K lC at lorng ttrolls assd Ioaty Oeils, anC is a good are due ta thse -psessslce nf living parasites imitation of inlaid Werl.ta ssade as fOllows in tIhe lining maeps brasse aI tisenase aud 3Gathes' leaves, green, and ti different stages eustachian tubes. Microscopie researcis_ -z in thesr auttsmnal glory, and press with a~ however, hac proved this ta ho a faad Z_ m v htlyIot iron upon whicli spermacentitise resuit of this discovery ia that a atm- * .< -. rIsasbeen rubbedA. Tisapreservssthoir tint s ndprevents their wsissklingL, wîssci they pIe s'emedy bas beeu formu'ated where wsb doilpiaed eteonleaesai catarrrs, catarrhsal doafuiessansd ha3 T Ie bl nay be oblonsg or round and asleearprm euycue inost tise write prefers round, we wiil deal with tisee simple) applications made, ationblue it as'cardissgly. Staixs it black or cherry. by the Patient once in two weeksi.î A rran ge u aur lea ves in a ivreatîs or two Isal f - N . l. -This treel nient is flot a wreatiss, sticleing tisen tigbtly 1tiste table snuf or an olutanont; botîs have beau dis- wits gluse. iPurcisase a liali pint nfi"te 'ca'dd as injurious. A pasupiset c7- - varosis Varcnigh our table, letting it ery, plainig this new treatmnt is sent froc J o' and contý«ýuu to varuisîs it until your lbaves on recempt aifsnsmp ta psy psagby j. , are variahed in and your table is quite G. Dixon & Co, 345 West King St. Tor- - A pi-elty onue say lie made by nsing enutoCanada. -Chrsatian Advocate. 1ý Suféor foi Corwayltrub pansica in-tead oflteae s. Tihe varnisis uffecresflyrm Cke arrsltobor brneottie colour, and il nesîly donc l al crfby 'a beaoe quste effec;tive. Another can ha made by nsang a ciseese-box lid and tisrme broom- S re Sticks. Secure tise sticks in tise middle, ec ats us-eii~vrme tiePn crossing tbem; wrap witls wiso and laiton combirsed with tise sootblug and expectorant with scrow a ails. Feston tise top on sitb ps'opes'tiem of oises' pectoral herba and barbes. scrcws: stain,and when draped witls a daiirty A PERFECT CURE FORf sci, it is cisarminig; used for hsoldinsg a ~~-~~ COUGHS AND COLDS ribbion to Is1d3 tise-,vire wbich la teni tise 10DE EO 0 OC. - Ep dI.11 T R?, NCHAL and legs totiser. E ELN ISAE. mecou&hswsic Stili aîsAotl.or suggosts it"eli toausse mmd, I resst other remedie y ild prusptliy te tiIs pleasant pince eyrup. neot so sobtautial porisapa, but qsite a -Ris 2eio. IVL, 0c FeaR pora jnos-elty, 'I iree brooissticks are used lest. eL V*- eoue ened togotlser as juat descrihed, and for a top use tisree plain painsîcai fans, one fo cacis rofi. Scoute in place witl sacrows. Deconato witls bows ni ribbon. PRSSTROf'iüEST, BESà. IrHAVEYOU Oid ttands asndtables that have subserved S lnjated r, DMD env uuanda F r isiuloel' ibeir uclubses os' those bougitat an antssou sn eqasOp d5oce tet vcry ciseaply, eaus bcrmade to ont-rival tise odb-IlOc,-scdruge, expensive one in furnitns'e stores, by sai- in. M- , 5T~,~ 5 t paperirig ail ranigiss off sud spplying two ItEVBENaeanwnsIII cats csf white paint, and tonching up here I coVEry ilat are a e wrrsso INervoise Debiliiy, LestViead sud tisere witls gilt, sud then var'nisising. IA'Tc Filsg anoi;etosie B3EANS eakuese of ibody or rmmd raused FOr Overt'iZty tsiarî by ors -wok, rcbs'rrsor ex- flbcas_ýinedy ai- Mas.Wsyaows Sps'stJs Ssseupha beu 'oluieiy c"reg sthe m= = üis es "wÇun ail cibur used by tuiliolisA a o-l)tiers for tisicilîd!,ren T5EÂTMEC'S have faiseis even to reliere. jlidbc'dru- wýliile teethig. If dýisturbed tugtLisud brol gsstea at<I1per package, or six for $5. or seut by maýilo on aI yoss r reat by a idke hid sut'erlng , anC d ociptsdofxprieseod , 1Ç cryiý ng îit pano) C tg eei scoudat u ne Write for ePamphlet. Sol iu- an 1gettle aI "Mrs. Winslow's Soitng Bowmau lie by STOTT & JURY. "Backa o te saeg Syrup" for c1iidren teotblng. It wil roiev ea_____et__h_"____ ______________ tise poor ;uile suffeérce imniediately. Dcpend - nasteAd ftcssem isposs it, mothers there isno mistaketub out it M NH RESTORED. neye are in "Dolay Sl ItceaDiarrboea, regulatos tise Stomnacis sud -1SNTV h troul. Od' dangeou.Ng Bowels, Cures Vrlnd, Colla, caftons tise Gis, Kd,, ih aduces Inflamsmation anC rives toesones-fi pat Kdny.Pll-g:.Ie td fide enlergy ta the wisolo systemt Mrs. Winslowsisinid,15tld prompt reliefÏ" troubles resuit Sootldng Sy rup "for chlidren teetblug la pies,- ' t o cure ait NerveucDlP! "75 per cent. in BcdSiood, sant- th le tasto and ta thse pressciption or ouao t-mises, sudse ofeeki of tisa oldest and beat fmmdc nisysicians aCdenrLc f rj iec e yppime nusent the1 United States: Prico 25 cents a l>ower, Readacme, fi-st caused by Complaint, and Sold ayael drinestsa.aouztManthedisordered id'- the mnst dan- werld. Be suresud asl for "Mue. 'sa'saow's Ét~ s. iude, ail drains aC neye. gerous of all Ss-aus'," B ego'bs eofxcower cf lise 1'Might as wel o ghsD Plctogaphtl rm lte. GenratreOrgans inlBrgt Dcae eltier ocx, cnused 'sy fi-y to have a iabctesq and, Dr. Beddae tele us tIsaitsahre s je direct 3ve-eeeia,ctlafi1 lrdicretinms, or t1h0e etessive heatycty Drps" relatLion hetween men'a pursuits udthe sueadt bnar, tyoum r tias edisas lirit . tA Q without4 aewor-. "TAhe ab olie eo'a tisir haie.' An unusuial proportion mcOnucnier~ai t~o carv tYbhe oîet.5Prie ag e, as goo d diasc wnt of messwith dole craight Lair enter tish e '~ew - ie ftaPete health when the exý1ilst Yihere u rry, ; s'c.vélstse's" ei n arceasuto10 5ec -d,, h oer e 1ynytellte i dneys are DOd1d's K.,'"er. le-î", as'set' and i kee PlIr ,ti 'le ,ltisrIr- dss, AtlOCEIIIL clogged, they are Ple(u'zucd - ti "a~.-n oc'm'x iisaa s s'o, '1 , Ol,rn Cr CS. ,51 t Ç e Y- ki bS l dldarccct'sbncc & e-'ui~17 N7P'C~ O pCi J,-cb c'~5 ~ j 1