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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1892, p. 8

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CJLARKE UNION. Mr.W. L. Cobbledick viaited Ofshawa frieuda recctly.,_Miss Tillie Prout wilI teachi aur Echool riext year.... .Mr. B., Amch is recoverinig f rom recent illnens... A.Dav-Is heas sald hie Keen driver. . .. Samis boughit a fine colt front D. Bell .... Ç jax s i i eov te Leshard. LLESKARI), Geo. Stuapleii and wife visited Major Hughes, Clre Rb.White has gone to Enterprise .... John Kivell, sou)., wants a new trial in case Bradley vs. Kiv. al....Mre. Chas MePherson of Orillia was hoe. ....T, W. Underwaad aud An- gus StaIker. Omono, sud W. Und'rwood and Jno. Jackson, Kendall, joined our True Bine Tamperance Lodge. NE W HA FEs-N. Mr. Guy has moved to Jas. B. Word. en's, far.... .Mr. J. Sullivan, D&rling-J ton station, 'has prasenited his daughters with a new Dominionx organ. ... Hope te se a fulil houce at tho sahool entertain' ment Dec. 22 .... Mr. P. Mars, section faremnan on, G. T.R. here for over 20 years bas be removed te an eastern section and Mr. R. Witheridge succeeds hlim home. Recent Visitors :Mrs. Winans, New Ycrk; Mr. BH. Wriqiht, Bcwmanville; Misa Ida Lowry, Powassau. . ... Visitera fromn haro: Rev. W. F. Allan, B. A., sud ivife te Baltimora; Mr. Jne. Pool to To- ron ta., .,.Gao. Dougîsass is back from Liud8ay. .... Mm. R. ]3srf8tt, omit merch' ant, and Mm. Thos Miller, Oshawa> are exc-hauging bjusa.. Mr. R. Borne, LL. B., et Kuox College preached fer' Mr. Allan Sundsy week .... Rev. «A. Leslie, M. A,, coudoctýed preparatary service ou Friday for Suaday commun- ion. ....t cbiid of Dr. Oliver, Mimico, that dîed of diplitheria was buried hao lsst week. C. C. -RicHABIDs & Co. 1 have used your MINARD'S UINI- ME-NT successfuily ina serions casa -of croup fn my tamily. I consider it a me nisdy no bouge Bhould bo without. Cape island. That string cu my finger meaus "«Bring homesa bottia of MINARDS LINIMENT. 5OIIA. Recent visitors-Mrks. W. and Misa G. Brauton, of ]3owmanville; Mm. A. Annis ndsiatîr, of Ebenezer; Mr-. nd Mise, Hlarcoclr, of Courtice; Messrs. Foster, Walters aud Larder, of Oahawa. . .. Miss Rachal Vice je home trom #owieianvilae.. _.Mm. C. Bill bias arrived in oum village aga n. i, r W, 11,idge intende moviîîg ta Ty'icis Phurtly ... PgiSS Divis3ion meets Saturday this w . .,r Jne. Ashtou bas bi.hed a large seseous thresax- ing .. ..Mr. lhoi. Balier sud Miss Nancyj Williams mopresont Solina Division at the; LIkoper is Lowe à 1gain froat Oono.... Couricilior and Mmo. P&scoe have bea visiting friendt in the West and5eattend- ing their Eon's. weddiug... . Mr. Jno. H1. Tremoer's fsmiiy is racevering frein an %ttack of dipht'homia. .... ÀA very pleasant affir took place st Moemefieid ou Wed- nesdsy set at the msidence et Mr. Gee. Awde, former]y ex deputy reaveofe thisý towuship, when was sglemnized the mam- riagi et is daugliter' Sarah sud Mm. Ilerber, Paseca, sou of councîllor Pascoe of thi5 place. Cong-ratulations. Uneý acici in the blood le the cause ef nesrly ail diseaîo, itvisite every part et tisa body sud is liable te fasten disease ou any organ - the duty et t!se leidueys is te extract wa.otes from the bloed ; a celd wiil stop tim action, a pain in the3 back falloe, snd nlefs relitf is obtsined, pertmanent iuabiity el the iiidueys ta perforai thair fauwpions, folow@, which 4xa'y tarminatç4 i- liver caniplain"L~ydpep- sia, b1aod dâîeasé, dmo1psy, d~btse Bmight's disesse. Docdd's Kdo il q"i~st the ]tidneys te natural wer1 nud cura ali complainteansd rasaîte âïisin% from faine, TYRONE. M. Rieh. llawkay recived a hearty 'wlcomae home firn Lllaud, Man., Mon- day. .... Bowmanville S. A. band deligit- ed our ctizens with tbeir music af Mon- day's banquet wbicti was net ase great s success es noua.. .. Mr. Jas. Walters in- tond s gîng te Grand Rapide to fihh s goad situation. 'Succeass Jame.,...Mr. sud, t Mre. J. Saundere ara impraving niceiy. Mra. J. Brock, of town, le wating on that. ... Mr. J. IH. Elliott, Bampten, spont Sunday week witi 3Mr. F.W. Werry. 1Sehool report for Nov.-5th claase, Ed, McCulaougli, Tins Rysu, A Canapbo4h, J Farrell; 'Sm 4, L CJade, E McCullough, A Gardinr, C Branton, 1 Avery, L Peu- fcud, L McLsugihin, O Pollard; Jr 4. E Branton, M Clamons, W Souci, E Skinner, O Baud, E Wrigit; Sr ;, Rj Lingihai, J Ecaghn Curtis; Jr 3, P MeCalougi, F Frasar, L Saindetsý, G Sanders, A MýCfflough, Sam Simipson; Sr 2, Ama Wilgit, B Pollard; Jr :2, L Eloidge, B Cr -pR, Clamonsq, E 5kr- no, M Byam. MI Sanders, A Peilard, O Sanders, N 'Stock, 1 Travelle, F Mc- Laughin, S Simpson; Sm Pt 2, C B1anshy, A Creaper, N Simpson; Jr pî 2, p Clernens, Hlary Celmons, Ma Lundsy, J Bingisarn, Aý E1odga,. J. I. ALU,,N, teacier. 1~VR ELETA CI-r.Austin Flint asiys lu ieu Forum : ht la probable thlt a prsan wti an inieritsd tendenlecy ta cocusumion would navet daevelop the dica fh ould ho prctcctedl against infectioni w i th ffsec bacilus. Ji! ths ligàt et modAem disceveries cansump. tien cau ino langer boý ragatded as an in- curaible àdisoac." L je n xagoeasion, te sy iatKam'sBahlam, avion talo intime, ILabsaved raany from cuup tn.At ail dîutggi3t%' 50c wnd $1. ipians TabuleS- Mamon's new cutter Mr. Fred Fleury is giviag the best of satisfaction. People who love a good fibting suit shoaild flot fail to give-him a trial BABY ýONE .SOLID SORE Trried Every*iingwsithout Relief. No RZest Ngkt or Day. (3ured by Vuteura Remed1es. MIy babywbe two meanthe 61d, hal a breaklng ont %vith wat t0 Hea ale~czm.ler head, arms, feet, ai Il bads were ea'eh oes old sore. 1 tried evrything, but zoltber the doctors nor any. lVeeuuld get no mast day irgiht wîth hler. In y -(treMity I tried the Cu- TWJR 'IME 15, but 1 1 hfe allho no faili iu theu, for 1 hadl never sccu themi trivid. To my great 'Iurp!Ce,"Zr' e ek's th, CI TIZVIA REMEDIES, tiletmaWero e ie, but 1 cs tautouse the Is. F(>L", ENT for a littie wbile, -ma dnow Ise laas fat a baby-»Aayêou would 111,e ta il, as eound as a dollar. 1behe@evemy baby a oldlhave died if I1usdall ot tried CUTIOURA tE-M- EU writetbisjthateverymehler^wlth abb lii mine eau fee] confident that there ia a Medicine tii n %sel cure the woot eczema, and thatmediclne la t1CUIT5URAREssEntES. MRS. BETTIE BIRRNER, Lockhart, Texas. Cuticura Remedies Curry every humer of the skia and scalp of tnfancy n 1 chldhood, whetber torturing, disfigurog, tcb- inburuing, scaly, crusted, pimply, or botchy, w th ]ou of hair, and evry impurty cf the blood, whe1ithar simple, serofulous, or heredtary, when th' bcet physicians and al ther remedies fu. Parents, save your cbtîdren yeas of mental and !hscal snffering. Begin now. Cures made ia c'îý1iklhood arc permanent. blood purifiera, and humior' rneedies of moderi lie1 are absolutely pure, and mnay bc ueed, on the0 youngestj Infant with the Mot gratlfying succeas. Sold eserywhere. Price, CuTrîcenA, 75c.; SloÂP, 35.; RESOLVENT, $1.501repared by the PorTEa DRUe1 AND CHEMICAL CORPORATIOIt, BOstOI1. e~ e~for IlHow ta Cure Sikia isae"61. pages, 50 Illustrations, and 100 tetimonlals. PMPLES, blaek.heads, ebapped and ilys, ta ~>FREE FROM RHEUMATI8M In oneu 11 minute thse Cutlcru' IÀAnti-Painiaster relleven rheu.- l,'>matie, selatie, hp, kldney, chet, and 1~i" musclar pains and weaknensse. Thoe f. à ..,y onatsantaneous pain-killing planter. .Harper's MagÉazine. ILLUSTRATED. HÂssPFRR's MA«AziNE, for 1893 will continue ta maîntain the unrivalled standard of excel., lence 'whlch has charaoterizstd it tromn the bc- ginning.Among ie notable features of the~ yea thra IIlbenew novais by A. CoxANx DOYLD, CONSTANCE FENIMORE WOOLSON, and WILLIAm Bt. scir, Short stories witlieh con, tributed by the most popular writers of thse day. iuclading MARY ME. WILKINS. RICHARD HARDING -DAvis, MArGÀARET DELAND. BRAND- ER MAI THRW5, sud nsany thers. Tise Muis. trated descriptive papeswilI emnrace articles by JULIAN RALPIE On new Southeru a nd Nortisemu isubjects; by TIIEODOR5I CHILD on ndfit; by POULTNEY BIGELOW on RuIssia and GerManY; RICHtARD HARDING DAVIS on a Landou season; by Colonel T. A. DoDGE on Eastern Ridera, etc. EDWINr A. Anag' lIma trations of Shakespeare's Corneies will ho contlnued. Literary articles will b1econatribut. ed by CHARLES ELIOT NELSON. Mps. James T. FIELDS, WILLIAL DEAN HOWELLS, BRADNER MATTILEWSgnd o thora. ,1 JIARPER'-S PERIODICALS. HARPERS3 MAGAZINE...... ....... $1 0 HARPEII'S WEEKLY ...... .......... 100 HARPER'S BAZAR ...... ...... ...... .. HARPER'5 'YOUNG PEOPLE ....... ...0 Postage Fs'cc ta all subscs'iber.s in thec United States, Canada caÊd« The volumes cf tise MAGàmi.NE begzin with the Numbors for June sund lecember of each year. Wheu Po lime la mentioued, subscriptians will begin with the Nuamber curreut ai the time cf receipt of order. BOund VOlUMes af HAitPER'5 MAGAZINE for lhree yoars bacin u ueat ciotis biudiug, wilI ho saut by mail, po3t-paid on receipt of $3.00 per volume. Clatli Cases, for binding, 50 cents each-by mail, post.paid. Remitiances should ha made by P., Moncy Order or Draft, lu avodI cLance of los Ncws.napcrs arc set ta copy this adrtestise- ament without the c.presà order of HAitUE & BROHERS, Ad dress, IIAAPER & BROTDIEàS. New York. (NEW YORK.) Ilepublican NewepaIMr lu Amatie a. DAILY. SUt4DAY. WEEKLY. The Aggressiva Reprublican Journal of tie Metropolis A Newspaper foi the, Massgesi Circla/lion over 1i'1,000 Copies ~The mat remarkable Nawspapem Suic- 1case in New York. TRiE PREss 18 A NATIONAL NEWSIPAPEE. Ciseap uews. vulgat sensationsansd trasis lind ne place iu tise colamna ai THE PIIESS. TllEE PE lse tise brigitest editerial page in New York. It spatklee wità points. TIIE PRlE'SS SUNDAYI EDITION le a splenid papi, covring oery ourant teplc of lotteet, TRE PRESS WEERLY EDITION contains all tise good liinge ofthtie Dalîy sud Sunday aditlons. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIEUM TIEE RESliase uosuperor inluNew Yomki. THE PRESS. est xNes(ppr ta AmIer ica, Daly and suudsay, oeYe......50 6 imonths,,... ........0 one monts,........ .....4 Dsi]y uù'. ee Yoa--...... ------..0 fou maths.. .........1.00 Sudy ue yar........... .1...2-.00 1,weelylrProse, 01 eue Y .a...... .......00 send for THE PRESS circuilar. Sampfles free, Agents w8uted ecverywisare, Liberal Commrissions. Address, TEIE PRESS. 385Park 110w, New Yorkt. 19-3wv. SThora is ne one article in the lina of medicine tiat gives so large a return fer the moueyaza gs gaoes streugthening piauler, such as Carter's Smart Wood sud Belladonna Backache Plasters. Mr. Delbert Henry, Ingorsoîl, was in, town a few days lat weok. Mr. aud Mrs. John W. 1Gifford have re- tumued home frein Cabourg, Thousands ef livas ara saved auuualiy by the use of Ayir's Cherry Pectoral. Iu tha treatmeut cf croup and whoopiug cough, lie Pectoral lias a moat marvelous eetIt alsays inflammation, frees the obstructed air passages, sud controls the desira te cougi. The little daugiter cf Rev. Geo. Bmown is reeovoring from diphtheris.1 Mr. Edson Keat, o!f¶esleyviile, was visiting frionda home lait week. PERSoN,&L ExpEniENcEz.-Edward Bsn- lau, Champion Oaramau masya: "For inuscular pains in the limbs, 1 hava found St. Jacoba Oul a reliable ramedy. Its results are the most beneficial,aud I have plasaure in eccmmendîug it f rom persan- al expariauce. " 1Mr. and Mms. Robt. Atkinson, cf New- castle, spent Weduesday in towu. Mr. Samuel Henry, Newcastle, spent Sundsy at Mr. Joseph Ilnr3 's, Sunday week. MADE WITH SaLL.-Dr. Wood's Nor- wsy Pine Symup, the modemn successful cura for coughaclda,hoarseneLs, astl'ma, bronahitis, sere throat sud ail pulmonary ecuplaiDcos, is made fromi the best pector- al herbsansd barks by the meet akiliful sud scientifio methods, sud canuot fail te give prompt relief. Mr. Bonij. Thotuton and Mr. J. B. Turner, Wo&,steck, wore iii town e- ceutly. Mesa. D. Hall snd Wm. McLeod are building the maseu"y work for the found. ationofetMr, Cornet ck's uew buildings abt' Kendall. l A REmARRYABLE CASE.-GENTLEî.IEN.-- About five yed5is ago 1 neticed on my hand a great number cf aoft, spengyT watts, very peiint n, and whici bled wien touched. i nover witneseorl anytbiug lika it, sud was quite alarmed. NVe are nover wiîiout llagyard'e Yelow Oul, sud oe eoveuing my littie girls sppliad it ta oaci wart. 'They did this caverai niglits aud in the mornng the pain aud itching wete se bad 1 had te cco' iny bauds with enow, but finslly thesa wrig dropped cut aud I have neyer beau toubled mince. MRs. Wîî. CRAiG, Brighiton, Ont. On Tueeday evouing, Nov. 29th, 'au event of mare than pasaing iî.torest teck place in cur tawn, balng the marriage et Mr. Orneldo Tut uer, sou of Mr. J. B. Turner cf Waodstoek, sud Mise Eva, ldest daugitor et Mr. Johnî Boom. Theo careiuony took place at the rasidancaet the bride'd father, Park Street, iu theie presence et aLOut thirty ilîtimate friande of tihe brida and groom. Eider J. Wilr ougbby, ot Drayton, tied the nuptial kuot. At ter supper the happy couple laft for Newcastle sinidst tha good wishes et their many friauds sud a shower et ice,6 old boots, &c., sud on the foliowing day0 proceeded on thoir way ta Woodstock, where thay will m'a8ida. The preaents were numroions, usef ol sud handeomne. "h CUJRE O MOTER."-GENTLE'isEN,-- My mother was suffering f romn dyspepsia aud bad noi appetite. Everyîing failed te cura bem until eue day, whuie vieiiîîg ~ rind bue, Isaatw a bottle of B. B.B. e on ho abl ;ou irquirng what theyj uaied it for, I soon fonud out what it cor-c ed, aud wbon I weut home told mother that she s-hould try il ; aie aaid se had Do f aith in aniything sud ebjacted te try it. Notwithstaudiug hem objec-tionlIwent in the evouing sud brougit homo a bottle but it was in the bouse for. s waok bef ore we couid indues hemr te take it. At last,i ase ho wss gettiug worso ahi the turne abe cousentecl te try if, sud on takiug haîf the battle found il was cuing liem. Another battie cured lier, and we beliave saved htum lite. We ara haever without B. B. Bý. uaw. -It î such a good rameAy for besayscie a3 wli. E.* WEsToN, 15j Dalhoeusie St., Mentreal. HA PJPTO.N. Largeattoudance et pattrus sud stocek- balders attha annual meetinug of tieCheose Ce. on Saturday. Theý report of tho werking efthle factory fer "the past seasan wsas vary satisfactory and wan adopted without debste. The foliawiug geutla- mon weme elected ase diractors for the on- suing year: Messrs. Wm. Law, Robert Burns, I. L. Brown, Wm.' Allinansd AI- fred Hogarth. Mm. I. L. Brown is preai- 'don, ..Several Bsmptos.iaus atteuded ansnivesry services in Bewmanvilie Sun.- day; othere weut te Tyrone in the eveu- ing to boar thieir old friand Mr. J. S., IRundlle. . .. Mr. Jamnes Brmnson et Kan- sas,, U. S., la visiting friend ee. . . The improvemoents on eut cimrci ara about cemïpleted aud it iill «be re-openad this week.. . .Mr. Tbeodoïge Saltor eturned home fronm Dakota lssut -wesk attar au ah- sence et igiht menithe....Mr. 1. L. Brown's yeuugot ou (Frauk Merrili> wassbaptizedl on Frlday aveanilutia presenceofe a nuinher et relatives asud a few intiîmate friands. Raya. Liddy, Hoack sund McCllach wore prosont sud if wasthie genemal opinion that tia job wss doue u p Brown and a very pleasant evatiing waa apeut. Minard's Liniment camai m,oet. 1 I Neyer were so Attractive Neyer were so Varied N ever were so Pretty Neyer were so Admired' Neyer wer e so Cheap Neyer were so Saleable C»D Scribner's Magazine for 1893. PARTIAL PRZOSPECTUS. FRANCIS HODGSON BURNETT will coutribate the fdrst serial te appear iu a magazine frrnm lier peu for many years. eutîti. ed "Thse one 1 know tise best of Ahl." H. C. BUNNER wll fornisis a séries of six sketches. entitled Jersey Street and Jersey Lane, Illustrated. ROBERT GRANT wli reCae tise futtiur expemiencos ef Fred and J02ephine lu a Senel ta tise Reflectias of a Msmried Man. iliustrated. HAROLD FREDRIC Nviii coutribuite a political naval of great power eutitled Tise Copperisead. B? THE AUTElOR 0F "JERRY"1 MISS S. B. -ELLIOTT, tise autisor Of Jarry, Will wrile a realiatin sbtory ofnitsi amoug tise Ton. ne oss mountimneers, Tise D athelu Sperret. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES. Sema utipublisistd letters of Carlyle 1a Edward Irving aud othets, deallug wlith a part cf Camiyle's lite fat différent fromttisai brought oni in tisa literture et Caryle rominiaceuces. Recollecions or Lincoln and Stiumer' By tise lats Marquis de Cisambrunt Bath articles are fuit of new malter. Au artist lu Japan. By Robert Blum, wiso is just meturued fromt a residence of uoarly two years lu tisat country. Abundantly illusttated by theo author. Ris' tarIe Moments xvhicis have beau la feature of tise magazine during 1882, wll he continued by saime particularly striking papota, among them seversi by the great wur correspondents, Williami H. ' Russell, Arcisibald Forbes sud othors. MEN'S OCCUPATIONS. A series of articles on tisa lire werk of mon lu many calliugs-tse chief ways (exclusive of profeselons)iu wisicis menu authisaitlivelihood. THE WORLD'S FAIR IN CIIICAGO. A soties will bo publishod later lu tise yeam giviug tisa imuressions made by tise exhsibitian upon tise diffament observers of note, botis Amorican aud Foreign; sud mauy cf tise observera will ho aIse artlîts Whio will ihînst rate tiseir owu articles. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Fnrthur contributions te tise Po!i Great Citles. SIrs. Bnrnett's illustrated paper ou tise Landou plan for RHine Aid to Invalid Chidren, etc. 0f apeciatluitemest aise wll ho Prof esser Reilptins aulisoritivo acotaut of tise Peary Relief Expeditien illustrated). a very interest. ing article by Octive Uzaune ounlise exhibition cf Womau's Att naw going on lu Paris. and articles ou artîsticsn etsaccomits of trayais etc., etc. TaE ILLUSTRATIONS cf tise year will represent tise work net ouly of tise well knowu illustratots, but many draw- Iugs will aise appoar by artiste wiso are best know as palotera. TERNIS: { $3.00 a Year; SPECIAL OFFER. Tise numbera for 1892 aud a subscription for 188, $1.50. Thse saine, wilis bacis numbero, bound lu dciii, $6 00. Now i% tise time te subscribe., CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, New York, AUCTION SALES, WEDNEDAVDec. 7. - M. E. J. Burk, Lot 16, B. F., Darlinltcn, will sali 47 lieadi cattle, saven herses, Il pîga, 200 bushels rots; in emeve. Sale at i sharp. See bis. L. Aý. W.Tole, Auctionee-. DRESSED HOGS. The undemsîgned is preparad te pay tha highiest market price for any quantity of Dremsed 110gs. Parties wiil1 do Wall ta write ta meo be- forae]cilling .their hoga. STANLEY ýSTAPLES, 47 -f. Buirket n. Minard's L',niient reliaves Neuralgia, 'Our NE~WDEPARTMENT We take pleasure in announcing to our inany customers thatwe have accepted the Agency for the BTJTTERIOK PATTERNS. Any- one who knows anything about a pattern knows that Butterick's are the most reliablo made.0 In connection with the Pattern Business we are givinig to our customers, free of charge, THE METROPOLITAN FAsH1ioN,ýs a fashion sheet published monthly by the Butterick Publishing Go.> of New York. Everyecustomer dealing at our stoie will be presented with one of these sheets each month. This wiIl aid you very materially ini making youîr selections in Dress Goods, both as to quantity and style,. and it 'wilI also keep you posted as to the latest novelties and styles ini ail kinds of Drefis Goods. We will carry in stock a foil range of But- terick Patterns, and if thera should happen to be any si ze thiat we by not in stock, we will take pleasure in sending for it without extra civc A number of Dregsmakers have already expressed thýeir satisfacti-oii and pleasure on beingr informed-of this gteat cinveniencea convenience which we confidently expeet wil be fully appreciated by our large cir" cie of friends and customers and the general dress wearing, public. We are bound to maintain the good namne whicli we enjoy and which we believe we rightly menit, for dealing, infrt-ls good-va1ue~ Drees Goods and Trinxmings. We shall be able now to serve you wNith greater ability and we trust better satisfaction than ever before. We shall make it a point to kcep well posted in ail that pertains to the suc- cesa of this important Department, and the ladies of West Durham cari rest assured that we shall ever aim to menit in evcry possible way the patronage which lias been so iberally accorded us in the past. We ask of you that you will at lcast give us a cail when making your selections. DRY GOODS AND JEWELRY BOUS8E. OrJ'ne of thl-e Iargrest stock of Furs in this county is to be founcl ab M. MAYER'S Hat and F Ur store4 It consists of Fur Coats, R-'obes, Jackets, Capes, CDollars, MuifLs and Caps in the Latest Style and at the lowest possible cash price. A large and well selected stoclcý lu Gents Furnishings always on hand anid as cheap. as the cheap- est, ca"il early and secure a bargain as the stock must be solci. Ail kinds of surs altered. liîgli- est price paici for Raw Furs, PIRAC,ýTICAL FIJRRIE1R5 DE N TI S TR Y AS(YU DUCS OR VITALIZED AIR.' Gre Flnne ansd Fla ,,Clear Havana Cigars" greai variaty sand v,,ry ciea, "La Cadens" sud "La Fiera." mes 3End Bouse. upon, having these brands. Ripans Tabules cuiremi :4- BtOOTS, and SOS A nico new line of Feit Goods just opened out and meeting withgeneral approval. Ask for. Mr. Wm. Jennings in this department. T. GEO. IYASON'S Clothing House, BowmanvillI, Ilipau s Tabules cure dyspepsisa. i <Ceîîdensed fromnt te News.) Mr. Thom. Miller, Oshawa, was ini town recently. Mr. Wm. Armstrong was ini Toronto Sunday week. Blow, blow, blaw! That disagreeable catarrh can ho cured by taking Rlood's Sarsaparilla, the castitutional Iremedy. Mr. Elbert Gamsby has returned home froun Tilsonburg. Mr. Thos. Stanton, Pontypool, was in town laat week. Te be free fromn sick headache, bflious- nes, constipation, etc.,use Carter's Little Liver Pillm., Strictly vegetable. They geutly timulate the liver and free tho stomach tram bile. Mr. Frank Stutt and Mr. D. McAlden have had la grippe. Mmr. Archiba'd Greeln las returued home frcm Rochester, N.Y. JUST TO HAND LAST SATURDAY, TU G on Agrq CLOTHING FlOUSE, 6 Large Cases of NewGFoods., An Immense and Elegant Collection of Nice Goods.. 1 - - - i

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