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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1893, p. 1

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?5Rlm8.*-485O Pita ÂNWUM, OUR TOWN ÂAND OOUNTY 11R82 NEw SuRitEs, B OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, E WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. Â JÂMES J3ITOP ANI) PROPRIETOP., RESDÂY. FEBRUARY 1, 1893. 'VOLUMEC XXXIX, NUMBEP. 'p i i BIE-41FOR1u F STO0/(TAK/N0 JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN UuuuI Will give Great Bargaîns in, AU4L K/NOS o!O Of Torcnto, Ontario, Cured of Cat[arrh and Neuraigla Good authorjtylias said ht"u tîala1 thepry of the nerves for pure bluod." The proîopt action ef If ood's SarsaparLla on the Hl ed) tonbhied iw llî Us toning and lstrength- iig efet mou li'e nerves. nmake Ulis a ut" u ern'u lg and also for il.r.etc. W\Veittetisnl t1h1 letter te ail Iuavil, ucli btroubi 's. andi especialv te ElIRB Y. Mr.Walter James of Whitby lias re- t:zed home, fier eisýter-in-]aw, Mrs. AktThiornton,' went 3ith lier.'. .. Mre. Geo Fleury and littie daughter, of Oak- > ' -ae itngold friends here. Mr.ý Wmq. JOeweil tad Mi8ss Oemenc"', *O ShLis's &lil f louse, visited here Sun- day ý aise Miss Brown of Orono.. HAMILTON, April 20, 189 2 1 wasdoctoring for years with phy@icians for ,aP scaly and ficurvy affliction of the sclthey told me it wass czrna, but gavýt nie no perminent relit. 1 was also trou, -hled with excessive dandruif, which wowld drup front my head like snow flakes Hearing of Anti-Dandrufi 1 u8ed it, and fromiîthe third application feit more re- bottÈýo was used the eczema and scalp e3ruptionis and have flot re- turi ed since;- dandruif was thorou-hly reinj>Ved, the itching of the scalp stop ped, and fý)r an elegant, clean and u3eful hair dresýing Anti-Dandruff lias no equal. D. S. Gna--, r Mgr. H am ilton B ranch K em p, do esi v ï t a f r y&s, w h n h l h Peck, Manufacturers of idar,Toronto. rROJ'IDBNC!E. Vi,îtorP; Mrs. Haimilton, Mr. and Mrs. R2eî,, llibrook, and Mies Ida Oshborne, lae;Rev. A. J. HI. Strike, Tyrone... * . .iîs Lena Allun, Whitby. and Mies HA YDON. BRNNISKILLEN. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vanstone, Pick. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Vancanap, ering, and Mrsr. T. G. Colwill, Whitby, town, at Mr. A. B. Oryderman's; Miss are visiting Mrs. Campbell.. .. Mr. Jss. L. Hoakin, town. at ber sister's, Mrs. N. Moualjoy lias rented a farmn in Whitby.. Smith; Mr. C. Doubt, of Port Perry, at .Mrs. W. H. Creeper is visiting lier ais- Mr. N. Byers' ... Mies Arnott la home ter Mrs. John Douglas, in Newcastle.... f rom a very enjoyable visit ini Western Sunday's service will begin at 3 p. m. oa Ontario. . .. Miss f3yera lias raturned froua accut of the quarterly meeting.... Tàg a fortniglit's visit to Port Perry.. ..Mr. Lgague meets as usual on Weodtîesday ev- Thomas Evans i. home from a visit ta eningý We are glad tiiere ii a growing- Woods9tock. W@ have flot met Mrs. interest taken in these meeting... . Mr. Evans yet . .. .Mr. Wesl6y Robbins gave Robr. Washington liad a successif ut wood a very enjoyable evening aud a capital bee Saturday. oyster supper te the youn; peop'e at the BiLiousNEss CuiticD).-Gentlemn,-I home of Mr. Wm. Robbin's recently... have used Burdock Blood Bitera for The social at Mr. A. Staples' was rel biliousuessansd flnd it the bett reniedy good in every way. _. . Re v. D1. S. Houck for this complaint. 1 used several other preaclied an excellent sermon to the ladiels remedies but they aüil failed to do me any SundaY eveaing .. .. Quarterely Meeting gooi. llowever, it requirel only two liere Sabbatli neit at 10:30 a. inm .A bottles of B. B.'B. to cure mo completaly. load of yonng people from Orono spent a and I can recomcîend it to &H. Youris p1easant time at Mr. H. J. Werry's, Truly. Wm. Ro.BixSON, W-llaceburg. Friday evening. SAFiE AND SuiRL-Not only safety SALEfM. froui minerai poison (of which B. B B. Rece-ut vigi-ors:-iliss Kate Squire, does not. c:titain the aliglitest trace), but Orono; Miss E. Henderson and Miss prompt aud aert4ii action in the cure of Warder, Bowmanville. ... 0ur old pioue. diseasa may lie confiddntly relied au froin or 11r. Ge mrize obbs la very Fick at liii the use of this untivalied natural apecitlc sou Williaru's. . .. Mr. Thos, <rig tili for Dydpepsia, Con4tipttio-à, B td Bload, suffera frein the injury received by lis HeBdache, lllioLanessansd ail dilcaa of receut fail. . . . Mr.JO eph.0lemsenna --'ho stom kch, liver, bow,îlàansd bho d. tamily visited Tyrne ý ie d. recen ly.. ,'Our Lagepaid atrtrul it toNWOP'7 --~--F V-PIr i, i-. j1* ii ____________________________ Mr. li. Reynolds will put atone work under and enlarge lis biru. .... .Mr. Wm. ~ ~3 4J ,~ 0miston visited h;a brother Thomas in Toronto re:ueutly.Rv. D. S. Houck preached an effective sarmon to the, Ê_younL, ladies last Sundai'.Mr. Wm. surpassing excellenc3 andi will Print more news and more pure literature than ever bafore in itb hi3tory. The Sunday Sun is tuie greatest Sunday Newspapeî' in the worid. TLhorn visited in -Mariposa racently... Mr. H. L Pa,.cot lias gone to has new home near Taunton,.. .Viaitors : Miss Della Werry, Soliaa ; Miss Wckett, To- ront3 ; Master Ri'aell Reynolds, Scar. boro . .. .Miss Minnie C&mlpbalt sud Mra. Wmn. Tèpp are sick.. . . Ir. Jon. Bray lias returued to his homean lere 'Ifrom Solina. "Clear Havane." "L% Cadena" andi "La Flora." Ibis upon having these branda. irice 5c. a copy. iBy maiJ,$L? a year BLACKSTOCK. COIJNCIL N'oi's.-Mr. W. MaoLiughlin Daily by mail,- -- a year is assessor for 1993, salary $69. Messrs. sait an SunavJohn Hughes sud Wesley Mountjoy are jalyan Snd'r Y auditors at $8 each. The Bi>ard cf Healdu consista cf Mears. W. McLaugh- mail,-- -- -- --- --8 a yeaîr lin), Jolhn Hughes sud W. Barton. Robt. Addresq, THE SUN, New York. Etigenton sud wife are te neceive $8 s moubli hom tie Counil,. , ,Mr. TIcs. 25. Nesbitt la home froua Maitoba .... The cficers cf the Sous of Temponance here DRESSED HOGxS. are: W. P., Jos. Ferguson ; W. A., Misa Worden;,Secy.,Jas. Hamilton; A.RS., The undersignet isl preparadt 10psy the Miss L. Taylor; F. S., N. Malow; Chap, higleat umarket price for auy quantity of Rev. R, M. Plien, B. A. ; Treas., Mrn. Moore; Con.,Miss fr. Beacock; A.Con, Dresseti Hegs. Wm. Parr; I. S.,bMiss M. Taylor; O.S., Parties wili do well te write to me lie. W. A. Beacock. . ..Thie News informeti fore kiliing their hoe., ita readera laat week Iliat "Harvey's STANLY STALES, moustache is gnowing fine" sud that "ýA STANEF SAPLE, JWilliam Sheep sent Sidney Young for- 47-tf. Burketcn ward a few yard,-." Joehlatia thistli n bis lingers possibly when le sent it, anti DRt. wooD's çot bAv FINE ""RIP liaeesie resympÉathy o h hl entes ceugha. t!olds. Asthna. lironehitlS snee fto hl jloarseners ast (nsuinbtton If taken lilttmecomnîunity. PD-SlTiVELY CURES Sria t le; , l ou1-s Genes-al iei Qit tnc, Lumtibago, Iidn-ey- l,; ec Tt i, a Weil knoW n1tti n cdica,4 scite ]lis uitterly i:tiled 1te t11i trdra e I lrmoiche cmses. NWe ,tveturetl s the tia oltlt Electricity Las OulY been e sea aieda ag-ent for a few y "ar,l ,asuen ctec.' of JlOurncttrt!-tianaicther mielt.. ote binedc. tome of e0e]rectdcng1'u, mieatre- uitug this tact, are ýut c l n niteusel!, es etfitis moot potent Of nature'sire. 'lý RESTORÉE MANHQODi suIt tsSerinca W ik s xLest 'laîî'teed. eak acketc. :At1- i elmod,. et ýtreoýtment f 1,tecure' * , t s à, etaaloss of E, eve force or mowea restored Lt medh-cal 1reaten, and - c )ýr who would U'Y te acetnpliHJtitis bYîli.. lçindef'driigs is *ae in - dnerous fenu utcharlatanismu. Plrope l1tratd TFEME DISEASES CAË BECUIIED Eitctri-itv, as applied by' th1 e Owen Eleetric BeIt and Suspensory, will n'est ,ssuredly do se. l t te only known rensedial age4t that will suPPly wliat le lacking, namely, nerve terce or pewer, impact toue tand sirtoth organ* and amrose te b' atl.,e*ien the, ,,ttolc DEWARE Oe IMITATIONS And the worthiess, tlteap, so-cailled Electrie Beits adv'ertised by sqane cencorns ad peddleci ilireugli the ceunrry. They aireaelectrie lui naine enly, worffilcs as a curativ eerat dtear at any We.C.allenge the World te) show ttcli Electrie Belt wlîore thte currenit is uder cn trot o et hepattent lis cnpu-easth. Ouar 'rade Mar-k is lthe portrait oftI)r.. Own craebesed lu gold upon ex ery Boit aned e 1 piacemsufactured Ly us. ipaus Tabules cure ayspela. - S-~ - j o .w~ . ..~.u g l e P O DJ fle ~ I~'~~ ' "'y 'Lu u.ya L 6ioe t hé c o 1 n~ T~~.L %vu e qute stisied witfl iRE STATES- MA-N, George. Yeu iit emnploy yonr time better. Your old employers won't thiuk -aly more of yonfor gettingimb such low bus;iness. Be a ma.... Mlr. Dean terrt di. Wat about the rabbitsnts J e~ .... .Mr. Wi. Eastwood of Boa- manîvL'u bas been visiting he...... Mr ansd Mrs, . EDdlaît of Çhibby visited M ri. Jochu Truli. 17epc)rt of S. S. No. 3, Darlington, for JanDary. Sr. 41--L Hall, E Foley, C Laugmcaid, F Witlîeridge, 0 Frank, -A Br tton; Jr 4th- V VanCamp, W Ti l, L 1 ruli, E. Burgess; Sr 3rd-Ww o, S FrRuk,' E Foley, M Frank, Jr 3rd-E VanCamp, E. Ruadl,-,1-1 Wiîlieridgu., 1 Burnham; Sr 2nd-B VanCamp, M Sul liaE Sullivan, M Tru'1; Jr 2nd-L f rnE VanCamp, H Tspp, C Rundle; I P l-Gý Witlieridge, F Frank, R IClaike, S TroUl, S Rundie, L Guy, W CI lke; Pt 1-D Clarke,' M Tapp, N f Grfli, RTroU R aumpG Griffun. Araeattendance 33. N.S.fbD- [ L ,teacher. H1E WEAIiS A CoD Fisi.-A gentleman who "Vas given up 10 die witli coîauînp. tnhappenedti t receive a visit from a friend, who recornmend(d "Miller's Em. nilsion of Cod Liver Oil." .Althoughbv ugtte fail- lie bouglit a bottle, andi before Lie was through taking, found lie was gainizig fleai. fje continued taking the Einulsion until he regained nearly 01fty pýounda. fReis the heartiestuman in toTrn to day. To commemorate bis re atoration to lhealth lie las liati sbeautifut go1den co ed fialimanufacture]1, whicli li we-raa s chLaupon hie watcli clain. Tlist iii pretty groti testimony for "Mill- er'g EmoLsion of Cod Liver O." Every-t body ;S sounidiug its praises, 50c. and2 $,0 tDrug Stores.1 R ipaus Tabules cure nausea. uL t U iplin5e option nela a public ser- %ica in the churcli on Sunday evening. Very instructive and iutereeting papers weern ad baî-uS on the differeut phase3 of tic w .îk, iiiterrspersed witli appropri- -Jo mus c. 11ev. t. Ph..h-.y and'.Hym l'cc rae Ant: exlcipu eyadiHymo, tlv 1>rsieAnbe, rPpreChredig b ier'. Pr-sidenit, Mia ofpu; hoir sing Sirit AddMss o lism of enS llely Spirit by Misti E W ourdeîîo ongTh addre"SolbyMisse. A. iCourtîce o n WioRic"hSolo, ATheson Ctheby as ono tie RichadsAdress on tiesseporencf oth 2 G etral ok by Miss F.-oree Crtice, Letrs .frm ,S ;olouukeran rad by fri C. Tilo, ;Seaf sud Crottf by sMissC.tld eolins Scriss mottie ofresodiet..sud1r.a rs.byMss Milleeon son. - - - Mt).tsed frira. amf EvroR.wre esalleds t s the baNakio Mr. R Gls ws at hissou Jhn',aladiio anr G'î'its owas i svery rticlcotin anToubts c hiseoveSry are entetansti to-heDAYiloo mdsSarsaparla sads at tie head lu the and iceiwerl, admire lhusnao prsert oud evcoimpent by thas anagetawled-be cyotmeis. lias a larers coale ha Poteromedicie. Sncb n-tcolne ewnwtou Hood's Pilla cure constipation by re- storing the peristaltic action of the ai- meuîary canai. Thay are the lest Iamily cathartie. We tlîink our readers eaunot do better than read -the very interesting aunounce- ment made by Jno. J. Mason lu another columu. Mason las the namne of doing aIl that lie advertises. SALVATOR-M.ÀGNTJS (the great healer) the ne w remedy for donsuruption bas won a grand record lunbliree yeara. Try it. For sale lu ail drug stores. Z.iiîÙis Tabules bauiah pain._ vva metig a-re biuJ'ondct'e'd at Zion ... . A very pletsat evenig" a spent at M r. S.- J. W illiams, by $ on143 Hamptoni friands receutly. oeen cîspensei- by a preinent chemit sud dmuggist for years, sud hundreds of lis cetomers have freely tesificti to the beauiful eUL'cts andi wouderful dore of K:dney andi Liver c împlait. Ak your di-uggîst for lb. Solti by Stott & Jury, Bowmdnvjlle. TYPRONE. Miss Magie Meti, Toronto; Mis Heatrice Kenner, Prince Alliet; Mr. lIloward Kener, Delorine, Man; Mr. Wn,, McCarty, Lindsay; is Fauuy tileliyar, Bowusauville, are among the week's visitera-. . The valuable welt on Mis. Harri' Premiss was finished ne- paiing ou Monday. . .. M. Wm. Short has been erectîug a batik kitchen sud laugliter biose for Mr. R. Branton dur- ing the past week out of the romains of su olti ]and mark est of the S. A. Bar- racks,..- -Capt. Mosher sud Lieut. inteud farewelling on Salibabli....Mr. Skinuer, r, ii recoveing ....- Staples, tbe cattle loyer, shippeti a flue lot cf lambad caîtte froua Bowmauvllle to Tronto st week .... Mrs. Pckeli, Mordan, Man., was guest cf Mr. anti Mr. Bond necent- ly.... Mr. Wallace Stapeisasd bride (for. merly Mis Lizzie Dea, teadher) are now rou0foraby settled in their new home. We wish tle young cnpe ail happineas .... Mrs. T. Gardiner la visiting lier dauglitens, Mrs..1l, T. Weicli sud Mrs. R. A. Phiîp, Coboug. For that tired worn out feeling sud lack of ambition that e mauy wnmen complain f, try Dr. Bntler'ti GoldenPilla, they act Jike magie. One box a cure. 140 Boy's suits att Msson'a tbis menth at

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