PUBLIC SOHIOOL GRANTS., The Schaol Grants for thbe last haif of 1892 have been apportiooed to the rural Sehool'a of thia Inapectorate, as below. They are in the banda of the treasurers of the municipalities and will be paid by them to the vespective School Sections on the or der of the trustees. The naine and addresa of the teachera in each section for 1893, are aiso given. DÀBtINGTON. M M OaoNO. (Condensed from the .Neivs.) Mr. Joe. Hall, cf Oshawa, is home. Mr. John Manning, Bo-nianville, waB in town lat week. If. rheumatiam bas sezed your joint@, an.d other remedies failed, try Dr. Bois- ler's Golden Pilla ; 2 boxes insure a cure. Mise R. A. Giffo!d is viiting her nep hew, Mr. B. Oaracadden, New Park. Misa Emma Farrow, Manvers, has bean visiting lier sister, Mrs. Edward TOWN COUNCIL. Summary of proceedingas Monday nfght. Prcsen t: Maj or Loscombe, Reeve Prower, Councillors Galbraith, Cornisb, MoMtir- try, Vanstone, Jefe-ry, Spry, Davis, Me. Kay. An additional e5 was allowed for dam- age to Gto. Edger's bouse by water. The shop licence By-law was read a third time, igned and saled. ileport of auditors was raoei.vLd and re- BEFORE sjTOCK-TA1K w" MIT WVE WJSH TO GLEAR OUT seve rai uines. - i ~-~rnrnrflm CtpCt 1 "eý i 1 =77=