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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1893, p. 5

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M: prîcea. aieck cf cessouable geode, Wt- r ' onfrein advertisiug sund ell woth l frsring, bt-es sud other poi-soneus insecte. Tnes evd i h-6do ac ot 0cr readece abould net fait te roake e ing eut ail odd linos, remuants, sud aIl Tis is an eas'y way te decorate your îbing eau hoast il as s gargle iu eankered Tue highest or a .y tE nd 3r ui t noces arly ,.feelto e- Ti. note cf wirât Couc,,.lchuaton & Crydler- loavy wîter eeodsaiet reduced prices that berne. -Tire oap ie tle bet flu tht- mat- mentir, soee ipe, putried soret- iroat, aceepted. A nc o fle eJ man have te aay on the irt page of ibis are bound te affect salte. Wt- are stock ket and it wili only ceai le. p)ostage te dyphtheria,quirry,eýc. It grve3 immedi- For conditions anl tirtirer particirlars apply papor. As tris firi do net bebive in taking sud are goiug te crake shis a great send in tht- wrappere, if Ven lt-ave tht- ste relief un catarrl by suiffing a few te the- uodt-signed ou tht- Promises, carryiug ever geoode, ut- have ne doubi bargain ment h t alleouccuatomers. Jao nocts pen. Write jeur addreuscareýfulIy- drops up tire noatrils two or îbree limes 7- -.A.GM8 om .0. n sjutr ei d, but that great hamgaiîrs wiilbeh given te J. Masen.________________________ all who favor tireur wiiir a eal. Minrd'. Linimentt ou danc'rta', Ripans Tabules banish pain. a day. Try it. Minsrd'a Liniment cures buras, eic. eext doo. eai of P. O', Fimavle Children Ory for Pitcher's Castoria, Oàhaiva ligh School bas 133 pupils. Did you find a Satchelî Seo ad. SPECIAL TO u D ïLVE A NT W TD Pickering College lias 85 students be.Jc.PwlWibysaesogt Subscribers wii note particularly that ___ ~For Tne Dominion Grange Mut iF iîc cioeaides day pupils. salary of $100. THE STATESMANa ia centinued ta res pons- 1a cÂsce odiatChurh on nnda. Oshws îat wek. oible subscribers until otherwise ordered, rs odiat Church o Sunday. Oshaa, last week.and that notice is always required if it ii TO ~*>B o h owsiso aliXo n lre Oshawa Gouncil paid$278.43 for print. Bargains in books and statiouery at paper sha i cigontinue TeSompanyei whîps et Dard gion alCarge. rn n 783 ta o ueecr lf ::am j: ens = 20" at the expirationi of the timý3 paid for. xour Watches, Clocks, Jewelr suientO nuac ntaetwsis Adynamo is tu bc placed ie Oahawa Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tod, of Oshawa, WVe pitrsrie this plan tri deference t,) the e but tboroughly energetio. reliabie. iligh ol -oeetiytepuis? setSna in town. wishes of the msjorityf u subseribers, dSetalsi at T. . Rickai d's promfPt men ueed alply. vsamr aifcoyt a nd eca cledrssR. J. 1Owenger.d Mr. Jas. Wilson, reeve, of Manvers, bas Mr. and Mrs. A. Wait of Coiborne i to w!iom it i 1or 0atifa0oy h n Adto T.i. OYE, 45Mange, hs eind-rpryqualification deficient. ited at Mr. T. Kirby's recently. discontinue ie every case at expiration Watchm aker, Jewel er a nd Oprtician, - or JESSE TRULU Prosident, Tero are fifty-tbree Sandays in 1893- Mr. J. H. Kirby who is laid ûp with an unless renewed We have ne agents. o3'Bewminvile. a kindof leap year fer the contribution attack of peursy lai lproving. Ail orders muet bc sant te M. A. JAmEs, Yariety Hall. Simply because no M -EséN Office, Bewmanville, Ont. tf. Executors' Auction NaIe o1» Mike MeConneli, wholes ale liquor de il- egriuta eeeuetW nr UO ______~ re in atheiPybrcown 'n . V.iltiable Fariiis rToronto, has made an asgignmrent and Arcluei hePbcSho.Thera ie a letter at THEr STATESMAN oOn Dec. 31 lest, Oshawa basl unpaid office frein Applegate, Mch, for Mr. Il. Province can you buy these goods bsvr ov iblte.taxes $681 u9ad liabilities $861,108.45. Perkins who former]y' resided there Near Brooklf n Station. Townshipore Whitby, A horse stolen from ao. Berry, Wel. $698W.49 ePrneAbrt a 'cheaper than 1 can seil them. You Cont>' of Onarie; Parcel 1-North haelf and 0haisbeo e erdfrein amarn RvW enr rneAbrwsWhere is lbu îNorth M5acres ef South hait et Loi 26, 6.;b Con. corn, a recverd ~ leii towu Friday and gave THE STATESMAN î hi by ; good soi] and buidlng%, stsbling for uxrdetw shinelr] yh Any a-curtag4finst M.Dabson cf may buy rubbish but flot goous of Z0 catt,. 10 horses ; Wino Mill Pump. 1 acre 1Vr ca cmandMs h8 e u iiy0 a rl h oeoesosaewr Big 2 0" should lbe reudered at once, as voung erchard; verv desirab e rpt Mr. n r.To.Tdadfml f A uetemr vrbeaaewr ho wili le ave town sbortly. lini reuder- Parcel 2-South part of Lot 26 , on ,hît- j p ~Uxbridge have been visiting ait his father's h ee lpeswl ese nsîpr n i eut u uic eeat first quality. I have proved to o Vantai Sale ai Wnodruff's Hôtel, 1zc~ v~ Vo rMr. Chas. Tedau d with cther friends in pavements. sd , ask prompt pa'ymneut.msefadm yinyumdsth Elricîssonplctone Messrs. .FakObradW . Perlions troubied with imperfeot vision atclronplitono Mr. A. J. Veale of t!îe firin et 0. S. Kuight attended the Poultry Show in iher by rlýht or by day sheni!d cal ou following assertions . That Il can J. R. MATHEWSON, Batford, Quesen St. West, Tar)uto, la Port Hope Monday. T. N. Rickard sud have a full examina- TOSBrookln, or vipitîug tho parental firoide, Pio3peat Toehv entityoedah0nte md fteree. H bas a weîî do your repairing in every way JOHN TOMON HlCrwih.-4,- Box 82, Whitby escl towshippaysils sseaor ~ the cengregation of Metcaif St. Mothodist seiected srtock of apEctacles and catiftyustsfeoy Is fit you wt EARS Rach twnshippays ts maseur -100,churcha, Oshawa, sinco last June. perfoctly and li mcderato prices. aifcoy Al it ouwh sud collecter $120. Whitechurcoh ay J. J. Oosgrove, of the customq depart- A social oeoiugr wil bc given on Mon- setce f n n a.BAIRKER & SIPE NCE'S $10sd 15 sdUbrdetonhpment, Toronto, lias been diîmissed for day Feb. 20 in St. Paul'as shooal room, su ad $95 reapectivoly. signing bis naine te E. A. McDenaid's an.lundier the auspices cf the Christian En. Eye sight te3ted free. S HRAD yenextonIanfst.deavnr Society. Ail cerdiaiiy invited. Spoon or Ferk, eue which will nover Mr.* James MeDougali, of To rente, Admission voluntary; collection at the T. NS. RI :KA.RD. THOEoerpR A GRADUÂTES At4- change cler sund at about ha If regular brteffluosRoisdDsîM er. To commence at eight oa'cleck. A T iObITU O NSSTE TOGo ~ ~VSpricns cali aud inspeet T. N. Ric kat rd's ro ess ot n ai e coc rgaiwl cfribdadre A 11II N ISF OGO taastock.d' Dougal of tbis town, Who superintended coc rgs ilb nnso u ~-TaON IN JtLL DE- POSITIONS. Send theï building of tihe town bridge, waïa liat freahinents oerved during the evenlnig. Mties 0of Rirths, 25 cents; Marriagefs. 56 PARTMEBNTS. D fur Circular. The Guide asairstior of these week elected Civil Egne for the -but FRLEE 0V C51&IWE, wheu thse two cui n aps rt oe ad gîneerfYok.Ho W Aesessors Are Paid. facrimri r aiti tte ÊIe B UTS I N E S S ai El r town lias te baiîd nD uiipNta t D o o. erwtc u w og Cobourg'sr assesser gets $150. P. R*R. yosI Bwavle E .toSOHOOL, TORONTO. muiia ui-withnuî beiug leeked after. There are ENLsIBamrvlePo.8th ig.Bwavl(,Newcastle sud Oro- parts of a watch which natad te b. ailed Randalsud Mr. Smith, Port H1opa e'efe S. H. Reynolds, ef s daugheer.wPrns, 214&1RigtreWst nowl aesm t e a o ay firat, Mr. adaenta el as aey other piece et fora salary ils Francis Dring. of s son. I .--. Auie.machinery. T .Richard i-s the oe u ssssrswhose aaareaa h ecn uies olg fTrno -.a.concert wili bo given neler the aus- who clin do it right for you. 50 . Burden fe sseseing Bew- DIED. 5-3m________________ B'qpicea of the Wiling Workers ou Tuesday TeGada fla ekaysta avl i!gl$0 os-ER-le Clarke. Feb. 6. Viola Burk. be- The__________of lbs21,eik riayMtientwho PLtlh is er'20s vd î fMr. Wrightsou Poster, 1aged 36 BU NES D GAIN roofS.John's Cu ,t omnebdhebnes al rzn anwO.T yaue .Y.Fb .SamrueJ. ai S 'clock. Admission 10 acte. A 900d beoe danger of lcBi them n ampu- >'se 'sC lu n eungest son et Walter Oke. Base Lino, Fittino~~~~~~~~~~arigtn prgamaîlb unso fv~lsdlio. Tty leig b ged 27 years and 6 muilleYOUNG MEN and WO MEN, on whonx inTtt rugametal b usi. ill bfvo-l n tto. h are seuh very sere sud. it MoolE-At Gleubaoe.Min, Jan. 23, 1893, of devoives the noceselity of mahing thaer own im-tumetalmusi. wli c n me nths before their complote We have Le ag nis;alal sîîbciitionsunueumonia, Geergins, third datizhter et Mr. wsy in the world, wisely equip theinselves Spectacles Mr. Jas. Beilli attended the anilaise 15 rosterect Mr. Dyke's mac>' frionda muet bce trnt or paid t, M. A. James. Bj T. Moore, fermeri>' ef Brooklij, Ont,i meetingi4 of the Clydeadalo Herse Assoc- in Buwmanvillo will ho glad tae hear of Dent delay reuowieg for 1893. haves hGFer 9. yA. ainOt. a. 9 ev sbeat proaf ession. srciceabisinthr In D ifi'clil and itiien in Torento lent week fat which Mr. his recoery. us ranchi trouble when subscript,«ons are James DeGeer in hie 83clh year, tereseri>' se education ls essential te succeils in tea Kt. Beith, M. P., sud Mr. Gaeo, Cockburu n .--psid the firsi of theo ea"lipiecen)al Meihodist minlater ie Darlington commercial world, and as ne oe e uh O omplicatedi Cases of Baltimore were elected directors. Mlr. High Sehool Notes. TH E STATESMAN is $1.00 OnlIY When aud Whty adt eotieteifuneo ui Bot wsale eete ircero tepaid fri d c.We o ea tbar>', roe et fEdwin E. Annal e.-d 50 years. wnass, se a herougli training in commer- A S 1e ±altE aekney Herse Association. The Lîterary Society met as usuel on the tiret of the year $1,50 is chargeai. MCCARTY-At Newcastle. Feb. 3 Wmn. Mc- cisl aubjecta je of prinme importance ta the Editor Jama who in an oafficer of the Wednesday F'&e. 8. As tihe president, W. J. S.-Yes. We will accapt $1.25 Curi t a D i s.awa, e 26 Flenrceuli n eerM.Teaorsyfe EiGrand Ledge of tbe Ancieut Order cf Mr. 0. E. Biown, was ou for the debate for THE STATESNYAN for 1893, the New BouîLngtd-uherobamesb. 5, Flrnceday truciien pursued in a business cellege ia Unied Werkmon went 'ýo Toronto on Mr. Arthur McMurtry, the vice--president, Premium Book sud the 'Yard et Pansie.' 16yungstduheo ae G nlna pre-eminently practicl sund useful. -If Modyte atterid a meeting of ihoCfEx. ,, cal!cite the chair, which pesition hlie$ as U SÂE MAN MCuLLoc-At Entild, ou Feb, 5. William yen are interesied in practical education ST TT & JU YS eMeuda$yay orTH T E MAN Onîulocli, aged 75 yas. adaepsesdo h miino ecutive of that Order now in session. Mr. filed in a mont maeorf'ul mariner- The for 1893, our New Pi-emin nBook sud DRummoNDAt Neawc tstleFeb. 6,the Hov.sudag re peessinod cf te abiipfon ul pr Being a graduate of W. H. Banbiiry lbaves te day te attend filuet number cn the programme was a the Weekly Glob, r a er dollir A. A. Drnmmoend. agd 73 yoars. . .G.mkigporaiibuwi'frfila. two of the best Ophthal- the Grand Lndge aq represontativeocf charminz chorue bearinig the singu!ar tubl paper. GEE--Iu Newcastle. Fab, 5, Rer. D . aticulars te SPENCER &McCULLOUGH, Bowmauville Ledge No, 99. cf "Dioabi Dee," iu which the matrîmon- Yeeamaesm ditnfrrd aged 53 yesrs. Principals, HAAITLTON BUSINESS CoLFEi, mie Colleges on the con- A bachelor's bail was given ai Whitby îal arrangements cf tirai young lady woe o rstank ykesmditnfradf TATE-At Ctearg. F eb. 5, James Tate, age d HAMILTON, Ontario tinent, Mr. Jury is in a recentby whon among the guosta were expetiatod lupon, by twelve b,3autifulyî) yeus n k n 52 tirns iis year by S1 yeard.___________________ position to guarafltea en- ,Miss Allen sud Mr. Chas, Blair, Mr. E damais, ail oe ot similar enggomonti snig i rbe nTAEMN tire satisfaction. No Crozier, Mr. R. D. Fairbairn, Mr. J. J. The folIowing compose Mise Arrnotr's New Webster's internationaliDîcttongry BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. charge is madie for Con- Kaes issAlenMH an M ia.D.Gl-nel ognidGrl'Choral Club: the ltest diti,regular price $12.50. Weil trce s .icutg vw us OVD Mrs. O. Winan, Newcatle ; The Misses Coemian, E.leanor, Tait, Johuston, Hill, or miniter. ouP10Io.....1160t823 aresuplie atlowst Moore, Brookiri ; Mr. W. S. Ormiton, NortF'cete, Trebilcock sud Waîbridge. Our oxquisito Oil Pitre-"A Yard of FLU, 00ie..... 6 e 23 prices. Toronto Their number was of course encoreed. Pausies" is a gema ihat every Wateau sud WHEAT, a i us . 00 0u O66 GOLD GOQOS A SPECIALTY. 0WV recoive your paper regularly and The second number was a recitation by girl ivants wke-î ahi st-es it. Pay your F uin, 'Il . O 0 0 O75 g th benfit he hme nws.We Miss Bertha Oâbarno entitled "Tu tire subacription AT ONCE and Goc. extra andFi, i. . O0eO0 _____________________aehaving a long teady winter, sud Sweet Bye sud Bye, snd the third a pî,iianoseure a copy. la Cooro i ....O0 00 0 6O583 GR NDTR NKRALW Y. lately pretty cebd wiih the mercury rue tsolo, a low sweet ' Crzidle song, by Mise Sabscribers who promisied te psy tî&r .RYz, '. .. 0ola O5 BOWMÂNVILLE STATION. heiow z3ro snd somnetimes teet feet it. The principal feature cf the progrwmmeý reminded tiret tire money is needed. We M A 04 Business la a litile Blow just note but, was the debate, subjeet. Wbether Wel. have over 8t010 .o psy betwe3an Feb. liBtBLY, Vbsh,2N... O0O 0 Oe 2 Y NA37 001NO EAST GOING WEST prospects are good for opring trade. A. lington or Napeleen wa% tho greater gen- sud Sili. Every dollar heips. la 2.... 0 00 il O 30 Mail. 4 r Mail .5..à19 aum B. MOLEOn, Brandon, Man. oral; Mesters. Colemnan, Steacy sud Trebil- Most aube.-ribers who caîl et tire office la , I 3. _ 0 00 ai O 25 Eres 129 ai* Lim.Exyrose 6513 arn cock for Wligo n ess lit eewsb itoscre u e a l To-oe 0a 0 T E J W L E ixed ....312 p'n, jLocal . ...845a m The Mthodisi cburch bas net contain. E"liot andBrow sudr esc er ail1. ee uerplosodrorNw , ,Torwe 0, 0T E J W L E racù .....77 pm Mile .... 2q Puro ilitsdBom e hFenbeea.PremijuinBook aud tire Yard cf PatisieS Buckwheat P buste........O0 0 il O42 7nl x... 027 Pm mal .. .... i p muc a brger or more attentive audience on The leaders were aibowed ton minutes sud fr2e xr.Alsbcî~arni ESBaky uh. 8cO7 *Except MendeYs a Sabbatb ovening for a long tiene than fr25c ecfa. lbe ethersa todiivezsin whieir te state6 ai0 7 _____________________________thie eue that heard wih e mueir siisfac- their views. Before beginniug Mr. Coloab-il ud e t henteoYnnt Mmy ~ .. 3 6 tien the Rev. J. Liddy's sermon Sunday man, evîdeutiy cunsidering tieat lho was ko hei.l>'Suxall, fi 0 00 fi,0 55 as imoved to Dob- WHE YO GO TC)nigt fom he ord ofPau : hisin adiBlne, s'.0 O50 le 0 75 W H N Y U G O ngtfontr od fPu:Ti among Wild Texas Rangers, produced hise. BRITISH COLUMBIA,faliulaynsuwotycaucet- pistol sud placed il ou île table before "0T BRAOE V~I) uiR best table, V '1.. 15 8 a~~so e MANITOBA. EUROPEte btCrstJascm i he in. Are al our debaters going te the neh ytm atrCIKN ~...... ~ ~ ~ ±. UNITED STATES worbd te save %lmnera. There were Far Wet ? For Io ! tbey ail foliowed suit. 'Zqîf le "La G ripp ~"e, os, Vl dos .............O0 00 ai O 20 oauy place In Canada oeil a STOTT & sevorai prescrit frein Maple Grave and The speeches wr eygoed, to b, y 11 aspeuoij evrPOTAToza, ' bush ........O0 00 fiO 0O If yo Jusitr's Drug Store for Tickets sud Infor- Ebenezer, Mr. Liddy's fermer circuit Sieacy sud Eoletkîan delserviug special an~ ~.pduofleers, -HÏY, P ton .............. 6 00 ai 7 0B G 2 . I o mation regarding lbest rates sudboast where lho is very popular. mentien, Weil meritinp tire applauso îheytnnd o te dsa-____________________ routes. As we anticipated lesit week, Rov. received. Beforo ceming te a decision e;tin auedisp-FAB WANTED.-Any number ef1 wgj-nf- çnrthirIa' ,n Harvey Strike of Tyrone was greeied- by Principal Fenwick expreasedl lu a few dd1- lSpring Lambà wanted toc which the &.JA&AA .L alarge audience in the Bewmauville words hie pleased disappointairnt in tire nedfls and highest price will la paid b>' HUME & Wîuou T z1w »taWg= U Meihodiat churcir Sunday uîorniug and talent for oraiery displayed, hitherie astrengtb, and te tue Peeplo's Butchers, hoe gave bis very appreciative audience a somewhat latent, sud ho foretold a brîl- restore health and c ALVES- WANTED.-Ten Caives a the iewellry ine, mosi appropriste sermon on tire words liant future for the sehool pupils. Thre vigor 'when yoU ,, week rvautod for nexi four menths by BOWMÂNVILLZ, FEB. 15, 1893. "Prepare te meet tly God," conaidering teacirere decided tire debate airowiug feel "mrn- down HumE & Wnxoîrr, the Peeple's Butchers, _______________________that revival services are ini progress. favoritelan, perhaps, te tire MoIrer and d up, th ewmanviUoll fs-ut There was scarccly a person in the vasi Ceuutry. _________best tusg inthe Byou. willricfind ito Local and Otherwise. audience Wiro was net mored tte bars a arng un D the T0 BE opswhsale,a rdoB ricHsre no eintre.m,'Il ables , In r1n o rclb he rd qse h - som~~~~~~~~~~~~~e time during the service. If tbis is THE ADvEuTISING cf Booad's Sareapar- wrd~Dco u a sn e larsl i.ocpe > h there, ~ c u e n Nd . .Rikrcsad nanothor a taic sampie cf ibis yenng mniser'e ibis is aiwayis within the burds of reasoni -- ------- Golden liste Maria.CGl, Reid. King St. R., BewrnanviIIe. cobumn. preaching,it is ne wondec le insa 0popular because il in truansdi îasfbMdbcai Wllintcnet.Bewmanviloe. te7-6w i. Mc. . Rsecf Mxic, W5 gns f wthtie peeple on tire Tyrono circuit. substauiiatedl by endersemeuts which iu ery. It promotes ahl the bodily c r e h ie ti Mr. Jas. Deyman cver Si.dsy. - Don't wasie tino, monoy, sha l wth -re lia mir- orhn' i odbeaepe - f-,act on,-r u rfies and et- 1 .1 n 1?t-FOR--AyLrailA -Sh-it ,Miss Ethie Knigirt lis:& ing ber ister iryine overy new medicine yzau may sec Fragnrifmlycîete hatfu cin uiissu n i-bnll,6 reneld. mauex>'cedlentth whito Mrs. S. Stanley, et Gutirie, Ont. advertisied in the papors. IfthIku cause cf Foeuatyaeraiommd cahood'Pils cn- aricesthephair, and tinv igeate VÂANN ESry r,. Sa ins.nia. 5-4wow . He i a s Mrs..John James, sont., O5hawa, was yeur trouble is in Veur bbeed, liver, f_________________Pile______________an____graeSVAxES, nSolna 51w guet ai Lerne Villasa fow days lest weok. stomacb, er kidneys, take Ayer's Ssrsap- 40 Boy's suits 1ae Mason's tits menti ai the entire system.ATHL LS. Bewe r Mc onLyewsc oetdseSuiaille et ence, sud bo sure of a cure. $1.50. For tire most stubborn Scrofulous, JCEL LOSed to vn rs U Ward (Jonuciler lest Tneaday. TievceTakre ne other. Cali sud set- my uew Jewebbecy store at i 5k or Scalp Diseases, DyspepSîs, Nowioeviile ce Saiurday Feb. 4, sciait hand Liued ubbrs i aso's Oci. ie i, 20. Maynard tho Jewelle-r. - unss n idrt imn S atcheI, black, coentnng .saunie articles et 1

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