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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1893, p. 8

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SALEM. Rýeport S. S. No. 9 Darllngton: Sr. 4- Susie Hutehinson, Arthur Welsh, Carrne chinson, Lottie Wilkins, Effie Rutledge; Jr. 3-Mabel Collscott, Ethel Wilkins, Etta Webb; Sr. 2-Norah Wgnnacott, Addie Ruîlcdge. Ida Wilkins; Jr. 2- :limniy Wight, Frank Wonnacott, Olive Parsons; Sr. 1-Ed Darch, Austin Hill, Bd Woolner; Jr. 1-'Nesley Werry, Fred MHoney, Cecil collactt; Regulanîty -S Hlutchînson, W -sM -Collaott, -E 'Wilkins, Ni Symnons, N Wonnacott, A Rutledge, 1 Wilkins, E andi O Collacott; Punctality-A Welsh, A Rutietige; Con- duct-A Walsh; Average atteudance, 35 E. M. Fielding, teacher.' LuizG DisEÂs&s are slow in their de- velopment and progrüm ansd no remedy exias or aven will exist, that will stop and cure them at once. Salvator Magnus will gîve yen more satisfaction in one mnth than tsny other lung remnedy can give yen In a year. But it miust bave a faim trial te do any good at aU._____ TYRONE. Revivaler-vices are stili in propresai this weele. Misses Ida and Maggie Hodgson visit- ed their sister Mrs. G. W. McLsughlin, Oïha waà; on1abbath. Staples, the cattie buyer, shipped a fine carloati of cattie and hegs from Bow- masnville te Toronto this week. Sevenal ef our young people teted the -fanioff -toboggan -side e-tEnn-iskllesi-an- Saturdsy and proneunce it "quite tee Utterly beyond." Miss M. E. llodge, Toronto; Rev..W Kenner, Master Fred. Kenuer, Prince Albert; Mr. B. F. Gardiner, Cobeurg, are among the week's visiters. The new S. A. offiaer, Capt. Jones, an- riveti last week. Possessing good musi. cal abilîties and of plessant address the mew-rCaptain has thum, far- gaîned a veny - attentive heaing. 1M. John Clwill hafi purchased and taken possession ef the house and grounuds forinerly owned by Mr. S. HntchinL's. Mr. and Mrs. Colwill are welcome cti- zens cf our littie tewn. Mrs.- W. Short, Bowmanville, bas been very iii with iuittmmatîen ef the iunü:s at lier father's Mr. R. Brantons but at present lsalighlly improving. MrB. R. Brautoît is lowly eganiag health. Dangers of the Season. The snddeni changes in weather in the latter part ef the winter andi early spen g are a source et coldesud cough.1 hi neaffrn is a pimticularly darugerous eue for porson% wih weak lungs or ef delicate Con stution. -A stiglit-colti-is -likely -te beceme a s erionee, andi the ceugli that follows la the ene grcat came ofe the marty deaths frorn cunsumptien Iu the ealy spring. Neyer neglet a cld or cough. Keep a reliable rernedy on hand snd check the first cou2h, that may lcaï1 fo Cou- aumptien. As sach a emedy the medi- cine called Kemp'a Balsom is strengly roconumeudet. Fer every fomm of thnoat or. lunL, sr',-er. ir.s.Iinz the la arinna (Condensed from the Nes.) Mns. F. L. Andrus has beau visitiîîgiu Lindsay. M. Johin Cooper andi daughtem Nellie have returnad hume. The Misses Nawsonu are visitlng Mr. Robi. Poster. Mvr. W. H. Rysu, Coldwater, visiteti Mrs. Millir a sat waek. Yen hardly realize that it it niedicine, whau takIng- Carter's Littîn Livexr-Iillw ; they are very amaîll ; ùo bati sfecis; ahl troubles frein torpiti liver are relieveti by their use. Mr- sud Mrs, Edwarti Cowan ef Mani. toba are visiting Mr. Joseph Henry. Mrs. John Spencer, Bowmanville, sud Miss MoCabe, Port Hope, visited ai M. Wm. Thompso's Isat week. Net eue in twenty are frnee frein soea 'little ailmant caused by inaction of tbe liver. Use Carter's Little Livor Pilla. The resuit will be a pleasaut surprise. They give positive relief. Mr. Major aud Mr. Wand, Whitevala, were guestiataiMn. Davidi McCullough's recently. Mm. Colin McMilîsu dieti receutly at hem home in Barrie. ----U V.rOXi ANV--e -ogroat- b ealer) the new nemedy for conumption bias won s grand record in three yeans. Try it, For ale in al tmg stores. JEMMY MeSmiEr- raNsas--I ye gets sa g9Vodti sloke ef piles, don't Ret that Magie Pile Lotion, if ye- de,- it'll thop thiua se quir, yiz'll have ne time at aîl te enjoy the disalse. -Mn. sud Mrs. Sam. Henry, Darlington, aud Miss Mary Heny, Bowmanville, visiteti ai Mr. R. Stutt's ecently. Mrs. . Barkwell, Port Hope, visiteti ai Mr. Wm. Thorupso's necently. Yep, Pain in Pack, ConstIpatirn, Sick -h-edache,-et,, _ara £nred by using Mem- bray's Kidney sud Liver Cure ; eolt by aIl dealers. Tny it, Messns. Thos. sud E. P. Dancatar have retumneti from St. Thomas. Mris. Graham, Dundalk, is visiting Mr. Wm, Conueil. Mr. T. Sonierville bas neturned tram St. PauI'd, Minnesota. 141.aaaNo MISTÀs-g-Make ne mstake when bnying a remedy for dyspepsia, headache, constipation or bad blood, be s-ure te get the- kind that cures, Burdock Blood Bitteo. "It la an excellent remedy for beîdache."-C. Blackett Robinson, Pub. Canada Presbytenian. SM. anti Mr. J. I. Stutt sd fismuliy ef Woxeter cecently visiteti Mr. Ealph Suit. -- M. -Robt. -roms, Dunbarton, h-s been- visiting bis uncle Mr. Thos. Hooper. - SALVATOR MAGNUS requirea frein six te tan days te get s hlid in the systeru atter wbldb its progrers la steady. t aq effet. ed mole cures in three years ilîsu alet hers lung emeties have doue in tweîety. M. O. A. Gamsby recently purchaset the celebroteti ibcrougyhbrcd mare "Jessie 1HEu coagb, croup sud cosumptien in firai IDm. W. W. Diokey ha& sold his husi- stages, it probably bas ne equal anywbere. nasa te Chas.- Jose et Belleville sud iu- Get s bottle 10 day. ~tenda taking Up business in New Y ork. h - ~~ ~ NN --- ~ ~ --NIS Tal TimE. -Iu ibis the seasonc Prize for riteretofcoaghs, colds, asthmna, broLohit*ia anti - ?rizs fr X ritrs. other tbmoat anti lung complaintP, ihis well te ha ptovidati with a boite et Dr. The publiahers f ut de NÀIOA A- AWoods Norway Fine Syrup which effect- BiNE havea aquireti the M'AOCAZIN COF ually cures ail such diiseasat , si that AMERICAN B ISTOit andi theïn two leading very promptly aud pleasantly. Price 25ï hiatorical jmna!e nuil ho combinoti anti anti 50a. Soit by ail druggits, issueti as "ne journal, Tho iýu-tqQ ftheA handao..,, Liraiôffern n uthe dosigu pçler Of th 9 two jI-urneil, OF ZIe ÊÂÏEi ICA~HSTRroa(uow in ils 29tb vol. eof au archor, with the wcr6 s "Our Pagt-v umebasecrataineti. The uew MAGA. or" lnscribad thereon, iras laid on the urne)OF basbeRAn HS YWl e 1caukt onîaining tha remains et Rex'. D. dacet tmom $500, its uform rate for F. Gea by the membaers et the Meihodisi over tourteau yemsr, te $4.00 par annunu. churcb anti Epwothi League of Orono. t wiul ha eLlarged, fi nly fllastratati and BReONcaîTIS Cunaix.- Gentlemen,- 1I evary effort made te preseut Ametican suffened tour or fi ve yt ams froru bronchitise -Uis-tomy lu -its- niost -hîiterestlrg--andi - -and -a sev rsshaecirgcough,--anti coldf tnactive shape., The ilistorical Priz e ga nothing te tdo me aniy gooti. A friand1 Comp4tiion annouuced iu the NATIoNAL toid me te get Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsam s MÂAGziNr., wil hocouinueti iu tbe newant id ansewith go td msulis. Tw e pexiodical. Theotol!owing cash prizes, boutles curati me anti I hardly know what1 aggregafing $2,000, are offereti te ho cern- a colt is nen, AavmaUr, ByRNEt, Guelph.1 pteti for by new or oIt writcrs. Mr. A. W. Caveih ;jot bis leoti baud1 IsT CLASS-Hlistorical Serial Nova- badly laceateti anti one et hts fingers Prize, $800.. badly crushati white putting a bal on a 2ND cLAss-Uhstforical Arzice-Thrao pullfy in bis own milii t Ltakarti. Prizes, $200, $100 $75. . J. BRADLnz a ys : -"I can tellyen 3ito cLAss-llistonical Short Story- someîiiing about thai Magie Pila Lotion," Two Prizog, $150, $75.I had a sharp atiack et Piles about three 41ffcLÂss-?iior Barons-Tire Prizes, inonths ago which complately laid me eut; el150, $75. I get a botile et thimadicine, ane atter Sm CLAsr-LegOIid sud Tradition- using about one-third ef t il Iorketi il up Tire Prizes, $1CO, $50. anti set i away : I nas weli anti have bat GTIIcr.ASS-fluStoly foi Yoang People -ne igr ineie." (Signed) -Tiro Prizels. $75, $50. CHARLES J. BRADLEY, 7mII Cl.Ass-Ballad anti Sonnet-Two 5 Concession Wolfccd, Ont. Prizes, $50 ecdi The A. O. (J. W. At Home on Fab. lgi Auy 'vrier cau compete in eich oetbtese was a grand succea% sud the attendance classes if ha degimep. White il is axpected wa ag.iogth itnuse that a couRidarable numbar et gooti manu-wslae.Aog hedaiuset wii filb ecmepnzes? hs members present were F. W. Unitt, scripts Gilfi ascrepietoe0rand Ovarseer et the Grand Lodge, Jes. available wili ha accepteti for publication AlcClellaad, D. D., M. W., anti Mr. W. iu the Magazine. Teoua, M. W.,,sud Massîs. Keîth, Pear- Circulars explaining juil whatis la . nt- son anti Pattinson ef Bomanvilie letigo. et in aach claes, wth the ules govamnug The chair was tâken by M. W., John the comptitien, nl ha mailati te ay Dvy n peddporn ed penson sending sa tamp te MAGAZ[NE Daey, sd a fsplendi prgraioasmnt- OF AMERLOAbINHLSTORY, 132 Nasi- Seong. si tseehs useat san St., New York Ciabbed with TiiE STATESMAN, both Thosa pilla were fommulatet hy a moat for $425. distiaguioheti practicionen, atter jeans et _____________trial anti tuty. They are recommentet as oeeoftthe most çotent, anti dIcotual A vcmy wealthy gentleman -in New preparaîlena for the cure of nerve anti York who is weli kuown as a plîllan- blooti disease.: They are offeredt t the ibropial anti sîauuch temperancea atvocate, public ai a pice that makes a course et enab;les us te mako every onaet of ur treatment inexpensive. Nover solti in sabacribers a preseutoetan axquiita 011 balk; always iu packages wnapped iu trade Piclure,3t1 luchesi loag,aniiiioti'A YARD mark. No other emedy pessasses sauch 0F PANSIES," paluteti by a noteti magical propertias. Price 50 cents per artiat anti prenouncati by Cempetent box, or six boxes fer $2. 50. They can hoe tiitics te ha a supeior werk et art. This hati ab ail druggists, or by mail frein Dr. gentleman assuras us that th! - ,Butler Medicine C., Brockvilio, Ont. tien le in every respect equal te tie ori- mnal wich cot $30000. A-,companyîag this charmiug pictume are full directions D o nu ern odbuei for framing at inIflO at a ceaI et a few Bewmauvilla ? Calilou M. A. JAMES. cets hu fomig h eautif ni onamant - for your parier or s supcrb pressai. 1892, "The Cream of the Havanal Enclose 5c. lu ilver or 6c. lu stamps Orop." to psy for packing, mailiug anti postage. "L-i Cadeus" anti "La Fiera" branda et Seud your as'ubscnîpion Ibis week aud yen aili receive eueetfihese beaatitnl anti cigare are uutioabtedly supeli;r in qaality valuabie Workset Art by retaru mai, anti coniderably loirar in pnico than any Yen wiii ha tieligited i wth il. 'Sheulti branti imporleti- Prejudîcet i moltama fru iand an extra pictiaro for a paticular null net admit ibis to e te he case. The yrendsn 1wensiivror1hcn coanis8ear knowsB it. S. Davis & Sous,, btamps. 1ai etel ITCHINGANO SCALY S kia Disease 9 Yviîrs. Doctors and Medicines Useless. Cured bY Caticura. for $4.75. 1 fee lit la rny duty te tel o y ep erie5ew ,Itl ou CercunA RE3ManIPS. 1 have boon itîoubiod 1e,)rever ine ear= WiLàha drociful s& la dse. Whbon 1firco I.-it t, thore .appeared a i w srùal r dspots on my braset, and it kopt C'a 8preadir-g slowly. It start- ed te saine on my back, Sbet-wýoen tn shouiders. A fcw days ater te spots tiirnoti gray, and began ci ~i oei-g. ttmail scales txould fa1li ff, Po it continutti spreadiag il oxor aMy 'body. 1itr!edaill the pat- ent mineiie 1could tink of, or get hold of. 1 aise S co suited dotors, Xos, they -veuld cure me ln a ,5.1 tiaz t tï,Othey riways taiied. VTein 1 gavefi e ,îi'kn h're sas an Cure for me. Souo iue onths ago, ý noticed pour adv rtisotaent in ti' ' Tacoma 2on0pGlobe; thougit 1 w ould thp teCUTICURA ItsitEDtES , ni tbiting if would do much good, but ta0 my surprise, thrce boxes ef (JTICURIA, oellealle OfL CUTICUPA Sovo', and three i tl 2,3Of niUTICURA RESOLVEIOT oured toc entireiy. m, !5,îj now as white and pure as ihat of a chld. Fpnd îny photograpit. I have many frienlds ta Uliîtgn, 1 1., d S. Paul, Mien. Ulcg' JOH-N E. PEARtSON, P. 0. Box 1062, Whafcom, Washingten. Cuticura Resolvent nIi ew Blood anti 5km Purifier, iniornally, and î'tJICItIAttc roaf5kmCure, aniurcR COAI', t c equisit Skn B au ilr xter alY, n- uunl eiv nd pee y cure.evory isoe and- humor oYf thc esclp, anuiblond, with.-Il of tal, fr.eininAne o ofon 1inpestsrfia. Soiti erywhere. Price, CUTICURA, 75.; OP 3xIZESOLVENT, $1.0prepared by ttc POTTER. DI11eG ANCallXIAL CORORATIONf, Boston. 1e- How to Cure Skia Diâeas3es," 64 pages, 50 ilustrations, 100 testitaonials, Imaîleti froc. P 1r PLES, blaekhsads, roti, rough, chappei, enti ciiy sUna cureti by CUTIcuitx Sexr. %WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS, With their weary, drill, sching, lifeless., ah -gonie senstion, rellevedin uode nainute by te Cutieura Anti-Pain Piaster. lTe firsi and only instanta- ncoua pain-kiling a rengtheIaing plater. 35 cents. B EFORE SI OCKJ. 1R6 Ai'i KIBB Y. Mrs. Jas. Walsh has eturneti fronu vis. iting friands in Ashburn. bis, T. ilenciarsen and Wm. Patterson, recently. Miss Ida Lent, Jcddo, Mich.. formerly of Newtonville, is visiticg relatives here. ]Rev. Chas. Adams et Victoria Univer- sity who bas, been appointed te fill the vaoancy caupeti by the desth etf11ev. D. F._Geepreacbel h e re- aSun-day af ternoon aud muade a vory favorable impression. HIAIDSOME FEATTRumuS.-SeMetiMes un- sightly blotches,pimples or sallow opaque skîn,destroyes the attractivetess etf hand-. seme feaiturep., Iu ail such cases Scott's Emulsion will bud up the system snd impant freshnese sud besuty. .8OL11JYA. Mr. Jas. Randie is visiting friands ini Lindsay. Mrs. John Reynolds ia we are pleaseti tohear censiderably bitter. Mr. J. Saunders of Bowmanviile occu- pied the pulpit at Zion Sundsy night. Revival meetings are being continueti at Zion; meetings attendeti with gooti re- suîta. Visitons: Mrs. E. Ashton, Toronto, -Miss E-l ahutoHvo;Mr. and Mre. VanDyke ot Tauntozi. Two aleighloa-la fren, this section an- joyeti a pleasant drive andi bâti a tiret. 0i555 tinie at Mr. Geo. Ï£. llogarta O f -Whithy,niFrid" niaht-last.--Tlwy-xe-- taueti home fer bceakfs't. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Spry celebrated their wooden vwedding on Thursday. Their many friendes were present and apeut a plessant time togather, iu the ev- euie g they amuseti themsel vos with a hep. Solina Division visiteti their brothers andi sistars at Ilarmony Tbursday night sud hati a mo3t, enjoyable time.. The chair-was ably filleti by Bro. -S. J. WVill- iaums and an excellent pregrain wss pro. ulucod. The lsrmony sistora disheti ap the cakes sud coffee in excellent ehape and al netumned home p'eased with the greetingr they receivedti ront their friands at .IEarmoruy. They will go theme again 1 L4TE ARRiVLs.-'Andrew, are yen going te the village ?*" "Yea, wifa," £ben 'on't forget te bring me a bottle et that Kemp's Balsiainfer Coogha andi Coltis, the medicine that, cured Aunt Mary's cougli atter she hlieolishly ]et il ru aloug until she had about given up ever tting rid ef il. Remember KemD's Baissam Andrew, and take n,) other. Yen can gAi it af, any of tha rlrtig atcres%" NFJW(L4STLE. -Viitera; Miss J. Ormisten, Columbtis_; Mrs. Floyd, Cobourg. Mm, M. Brent, of the S-andard Bank Picton, is laid up atbis fathei'a with an injureti ankie. Dr. F. Gib!'o.. sud his bromber Ww. re- tumnetifreon Denver, Col., oa Fmiday. The Dr. is very ill. On the sick liat, Mm. A. 3. Vaninges, Mr. Geo. JacobP, Mri, W. F. Allan, Mca, 'R. Clarke, Mr. Tambl yu. On Friday inomuing the fanieraI ef the late Bey. A. Deuinmond took place. Service was beld inluth) Presbyterian chuich et whicb the deceisd had b3en pasýor for many rears. Among those presant anti whe assistet inluthe service wera evay. J. Abrahu, Whitby; S. H. Eastman, 0Oahawa; R. D, Frpser, Bow. manville; J. A. McKeen, Oron; A. Leslie, IP. T. C.îurîire, Newtonvilleansd W. F. Allan, Newcast!e. After service the reasa vre interced tiiBowman- ville cemetely. The funersl service ef the late Bey. D. F. (I-e was held on Wedaesday morniug la the Mo hodist church, cenducted by the Rex'. T. W. Jolliffe, Chairman et the District, Bowmanrville, andi Rcv. E. Rob- emts, Presidextt the Bay et Quinte Con- ference. The f elwncergyqg4n we preeut, sevemal cf whouî took part in tle semvo:-Reva. C. W. W atch, W. J. Jol- liffc, Oàhawa, R. T. Cetitice, A. Leslie, Newtonvitie; J. Bncehs.usn. Norwood; R, D. Fr-aser, Bgwmanxrii'e; R. McCulloch; W. F. Ailait, Nsewcastle, aud severai otheca. Afi er a very inîpreasive service the remains were takcen to Markham for interment. 25 Men's Overcoats at $5; they were $8. Boys' Pea -Jackets at less than cost, V/e have very heavy orders placed for Spring, and will sacrifice any Winter goods that may be left in stock, to make room-, Will make a good Tweed Suit for $12. WilI -make---a---gcod Wors-ted -U it -for $6 Expeet to receive shortly 100 pieces New Clothing ]Yaterials. For Bargains this month eal nt T. GEJO. --MA8ONB-S CIOTHING----OUSE, OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK, BOWMANVILLIC. CLARKE UMION. Murs .'Jas Mrflnala ban orysi4pelas. Our achool bouse bas beau undergoiug repaira. , Mn. Jas. Sinitb bas solti bis faxai te Mr. Gwt. Stavens, Salem. Mr. H. J. Souch bas returueti freona pleasant visit te Canton. Miss Alvins Panker bas roturnut fromn visiting Bowmanville friands. Miss R. ferry visiteti ai Mn. Jas. GII- flla's, Bowmsuvifle, lasat weok. -Mesur$. -S. HRynlsuadt-H l Pter were hero buyiug porkera lasi week. Meissns. Wm, sud John Allin viited their ainale Mm. Samuel Allin, lake shore, recently. To ha frea frein sick heatacee, bilieus- neas, constipation, etc., use Carter's, Litile Luver Pill@. Stictly vegetabla. They geutly stimulate the liven anti free the stomiach freom bile. H-4 MPTON. Mns. Whlmwott visitel at Cobeurg last week- Mr. Thos. Ward in able te be aroanti agaïn. Mi ss Trick, CobourLy, is visitiug triants bore. Mrs. Samuel Ashton bas beau sick for nome lime. Mr. T. B. Hoidge hasa beau viitiug in Toronto for a tew tisys. INTERESTINC ANN AL EVENTU At this season of the year we commence to clear out the balance of' our winter goods at greatly reduced pricc8. It is our rule neyer to carry our goods ovtir1 rom one season to an- other. Thus each seacon finds us with an alrnost entirely new stock, embracing ail the novelties that each season produces. We wilI. mention few of the lines we ai e s. Ilîing at îedaced prices Fur -Caps-, Ladies- Fur--Muifs,-- Storm-collars and Capes; Robes, ScLalettes, Winter Dress Goods, L-tdie,.' Coats and Mýin les; Heavy Underwear Cloth Ladie,,' andi Gents. ee *We wish aise to mention that as our traile titis seaýon lias been most unusually large, we have a large quantity of r tuants tlian usual which we have marked at very low prices and pui um;t to dîspuse of during the next few weeks. This -is no catch trade advertisement. Ouir cuistomers have provedI from year to ycar that the bargains we ofilr can à&ways be found when called for. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED- ThT e 'KJ.V% I DB't' GOODS and JEWELIZY flOUSE, Bowmanville. Miss G. M. Brown returnet home 0311 WA frein Whitby Moutiay. Miss Frankie Damill la seonetary eft he Mra. C. C. Mernili bas been coutined DemulI Residential Academy, Toronto. te, the bouse with bronchitis. Mlis Alice Garnow, ton seome yGars as- 11e. JmesLidy l coducingrevvalsistant in tbe post office, beaves shortly services ai Zion with gpodresu lis. fr oono Mm.Wih Matir, ifeant an, hvaConant are making a trip through ibe ratomneti te their home ai North Bav. Na Enlti taeaimyvst healh, nd as ot ad arhae fr lu eWashigton before reurning. h t h, atib s n t ae e a e fe e e T he 34 h fatt. a d ask ati the C o n nil lime. for a. $100 grant te pîay once s week dur- The root et Mr. J. D. Tîaleven'a stable'ing tea summner. Mayor Cowan sait hie coliapsati lait week witlî the weight oft would rather psy money pet te hear the snow, but hoe bas g0t it lie OPosition baud than lisian te lb ai the present time. agalo. Wbea the baud ivas efficient it was very Miss Wiekeit, Toronoe; Mmi. J. Mc- cbacy et ils musîc, anti banco was un, Gregor, Oshaira; Mr. sud Mcs. E. Cole, popalar wiib the people. Genmva ; bave beau guosis ai Mr. J. Y. Tit PUBLIc are cautionet againat Cole'. n iîations et tie Pain-Killer, antiteb Immense excitmont nas causeti haro suspicions et persounaîvho reconnue-ti- Monday hy a vicions bull which breke othe, article as "Jusi as Goot ;" Msny lüoe as îl wss beiag lad le Bowmanville. et thase îhay maka a littla e ilor profit Sevemal pensons who considerat thora- upea, bat whici, hava ne quaities in salves plucky wema gladt t give the brute commun wth the Pain Kil:er. 250. the right etfîvay. Bottle, Newr large size. C. C. RîcHAlÂns & Co. T-ua CAýNAD)iAN ORniEi t fFoRESTEItS iS Gent,-Ihav nat yen MNA D'Sa Fratarnal l3erevolant Society, iucompor- LINtIMENTanemy smuyor a NAmb'er inlu1879 anti egiemet uder the lu- LIIM N yer o ains casas et sioriiasa antisarauce Corporations Act, 1892 ot Ontario. or eartiorlarly u saveon sicket adThe objectsetfthe snciaty ara te turish mor - .clrl naseeeatako aita members with Sick sud Funeral Banc- grippe which I coutracieti lait wtîîtem, fi3 anti an Insurance et ena or twe anti I firmly bahieva that it wasthîe means, îh.n-bnd dollars. The pavuients for et aaving my l 1ite. 0.1 îGE he bexetitti range trom about ene dol-j yJe, C. I..AGU, an te nue dollar anti fil ty cents par month Sydny, ~, ~according te the age eftihe members aud tla ameuntoftiheinaursuica carried. The, membanahip la composei et mon ouly, anti when admitteti they muai ha betwai-n the sgt s et eighteeu anti forty-flve. The T )RENT.-For termi et years, "Gion preseni number et members is over 16000 FI~.Dhu 300 acres. 2 miles frein Whtby- aut the society has s cash surplus on geeti sud sncloi. Admirable eor stock haut et ever $214,00, $50,00etf wbicb or dsicy. Chansce fer goiag exteaaively ie Toroute milit business or stock raiaiug for is in Dominion et Canada bonds, anti the american manker. Mon with capital ealy balance is livesteti lu the boit mouotamy Aoed app1v. J. 1-. Dow. Whîtbv. 32tf, institutions et the Dominion. In addition - te ibis, the local courts hsva about haIt a 1F!OR SALE OR RENT.-Heouse sud milion etf dollars in tbeir treasurias tom lacres for sale or te rani, stuais on the paymeuit oetihe Sick anti Funeral Scnigog streat nortb. The vremises consl t fBonefias. The fligi Secmsiary et tho a goti bons wich every convenience, tiine re sbhed. stable, etc. Ina gardon coutainea aloi t re s MrI. Ttomas WhitaetfBrantordi, the ohoiceat fruit ef ail variaties. Immiediars att lb ir expected that a Court eft tua poýsaeosieoau hagiven. Fornartiienlana appiy rsu te W. F'YsHLEiGH. Bowmauviile oui agîtf popular u pureiy Canadian Society wl shorilv ha organuzet bore. 52-3mn ARM FOR SALE.- A G6m ai as tari PECULIAR ADvER.rîsiNc. -Ad vetiiaing F of 125 ases or 145 sces siiaated in the a patent medicininu te peculiar way mn towusip ef East Whitby loi con, loti 15 anti which teporeo A1'epsBla 16 on 1iba Base Lina, about li miles frein Osta. teprpiortKmpaBlm -aa station. 2 miles front Wbltby aad 60 roda for coughg anti coida dos, la indeeti won- troibe soolsonse. Laire roomy building.,dort ni. Be authorizda altruggista to main bama 95x36 ft. pleuiy of fruit, soil cray - tose avie caîl for il a samleboitle loam, .1atogeiher oue o et best grain mmri îe ap on tbe Lakte Store. No til18 or atones. 8bout Free, that they may iry it bîfore purchas 10 acres ot wood. 75 acres ia pasinre aunaît ig. The large bottes are 50ocsud $1. seedeti. Termes easy. Fiai plewing doueug Foe, fanther paniculans apply te A. AioNIs \Ve certainly ativise a trial. Il may save 1 05b55. 7-tf. yen frein coasumption. Maybe yen think this fa a new business, sendiag ont babies on application; Il bas beau doue befome, bLowes'e, but uevem bave those, fumnisheti beau se near the original sample as. tais oe. Everyone nili cxcia, I Wel Ji tbai's the swectest baby 1 avec saw 1"1 Ibis lîttia black-and-wbite engravinif eau olveý which we propose te, senti te Yeu, tranSpm'- tatien paiti. lThe ittie darliug rests against a piliew, and ls in the aet of drawing off fta pink sook, the mate of which bas been pulled' off and flung aside with a trintophant 000. The flesit tinta are perfect, and thce eyes rollow, yen, no mattcr where yen standThecxqui- site reproductions eft tiis greatest painting of Ida Waugh (the meat celebrateti of modern painters ef baby 11f ci are te be given te ihose wbe subscribe te Demerest's Family Maga- zic for 1893. The reproductions cannet ha, told treom the original, whîch cost $4001, andi are the same size î17x22inehes). The baby ta lit e size, and abse'utely litelike. We bave aise in preparatien, te present te our sub-. scruters during "1893, ether great piefures by suchartistsasPerey Meran,Maud Humiphrey, Louis Deschamps, and otters et worlti-wide rcnown. laite enly twe examples et wbat wetiiddaring the past ycsr, "A Yard ef Pan-1 sies,"1 andtIl"A White flouse Orchid 1' b the' wife et President Harrison, anti yen w IlSeo wtat our promises mnean. Those whe subseribe for Demorest's Eamlly Magazine for 1893 will 1Pessess a gaiiery et ex- cinisite works et art et great value, besides a Magazine that cannet ho equaieti by any in tte world for is beautiful illustrations anti subject matter, that will keep everynne at. cd on ail lthe topbeî ot the day, anti alrotheý fads and different items of nierest about thel housetold, tasides furnishing interestingi reading matter, boft grave anti gay, for The wbole famlly; anti while Demorestis la Bot a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages aie i fe'-t, anti we give pou, free of ens, ail ttc ý I terns yen wisi te ue during lthe year, anti In any hize yen choose. Send in your sub- seription at once, onlp $2, and yen will really get oer $2 lav inc.Address the publisher, W. Jningaii Demorest, 15 East luit St- New Yorkc. If yen arn unacquainteti witt the ilagazmne, senti 10 cents for a apecimen Copy. 5 , ýFPARUS FREE O,e e Mt, v I1Cr C ime, OCe Pack P;s- ccrtCOel',,k Fliît i t t o Oas Pack Helàte the ight Onte Pack Ourn ;juitholds two, Oee Famvie book funll ( o.ieîsail EREE, ifyon Fenti Oc. sileýr te usuc A W. KI NNFIY, B. C. s, Y 0 dUTH, N. 0, e-,---- ~ W E WISH TO OLEAR OUT, several lunes. 40S ---uits ---for-- Boysfrom 5 to 10 years, $1,25 to $1.50. These are goods that were sold from $2 to $2,75, nAm A WA 1

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