ty -/ TEM* :*1~OPER ÂNNnm. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY JtRW3T: THE WORLD ÂPTERWARDS. à[. À JAMES EDIToR AiN PUI)T OR, NEW SRIESBOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, APRIL 26, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NumBERicp pnhlInu ~OHNTO CRYDERMAN AN IMMES NEW&,ELEGANTo2 Goàd: foUr. 8PRIN ANOf SM mMâER They take particular pleasure in asking their friends, and the pub- lie to inspeet their uew goods, as they feel confident it is -the finest stock~ ever shown by them or by anv 0.ther house in Bowmanville. i.B.---A11 GROCERS' Due-bis taken as Cash for goods when purchased. COUCH, JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN. YOU CANNOT FAIL to be pleased with the new stock of Boots and Shoes just arrîved at, JOH.N HELLYÂR'S.> Rfev. James P. Stone cf Lower Cabot, Vt., fornieriy of Dalton, N. IL , A Faithful Pastor Is held lu high esteem hy b is people, and bis opinion upon temporal as well as spiritual matters is velued greatly. Tise following is fromi a clergyman long influ*entia1lu New Engiand, new spending well eained rest lu Cabot, Vt.: "C. 1. Iloed & Ce., Iowell, 3Mass. : "We have used Ilood's Sarsaparilla lu oui family for many years peet, wltlu gresit bru. eût. Ve bave, wiitis confidence, recoin- manda- i t te othere for tiîeir varionis aili- maente auiot,1li ut iviimhave cetifteil tu great 'benefi t y ils use. Wa cen Nonestly and Cheerfully îecemmend il as the best llood pusifer we have aver tried. WeT have used etliere, but none wlitha ba)neficial affects cf IHod's. Aise, 'ie deeni Hood's Pillesud olive Oint- nient isvialable. Mie. stene es aluni cannet do without thani." 11EV. J. 1. Svoex. Better thi-an CI Mr. Cee. T. Ciapp, of Easteadale, Mlass., esys: "I ara 82 ye-uns cf age, sud fer 3o years have suffarcd wittlî unnin soesoone of ny legs. A fe yaars ugo I1 dtwe tees arnpntated. physiclanq sayjng I weý;slsucer- ing froni gangrena and had bult A SotTimne 'AGLive Eight menthe a ge asaaigiisougil me-, i begnu aîgHcdsSrsprla. 'xThie whoie loîar part cf pmy l icg andfoot wasia ruining 1so)r, but i i;L ba mosi coiplataiy iseaieri auud 1 i etutlîfully say that 1imarnin bitterhaalîhthan I have eufo in yeru Ihaeta'>ken n ootfiar iedîcinaand It le b)etter tlian gold." " Ichcerfuslly verify thse abeve etatemenit oetMr. Cla-pp, ,wluom I 1have kneown 30 years." . .11w ARnD, Druggist, itasteudala, Mass. HOO'S PILLS are pureiy vegelabie. d Vegetable 11eaeprN e pared te mneet a legiti. M riood 's mate3 demanId for a mild, 2 efficient andi reliable famuiy piiysic, They ares purely veg-etable, containing 110 oeil Calomel, mcrcury, or ni neral sub *fl*4 stance cf any kind. Hlood s ils ail 1 net 111)01 the stomach, liver, and alimentaryA canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation. NIausca, lliliousness, Hecadache, Indigestion, G Sour Stomach, Distress.alter Eating, Jaundice. gi A coli may be broken up and a everprevented fil by pronîptly taking Hooa's Pis, au Hood's Pis J Are prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecarles, tl Lowclii, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. SoUdby t ail druggists or sent by mail on recelpt of prîceý We.. ask you to eall, inspeet andj AUCTION SALE eccompare if you choose."' We leave the resuit with you and are confident that it will be to our mutual satisfaction, because, goods well bought are haif sold. There fore after inspection, the re-1 maining haif wilI be easily accomplished. Au. A 1. assortment o'f Trunks and Valises always in stock King Street, Bowmanville, March 28th, 1893. BOe'uUN SA L L'SMARBLE ANDI GRANITE WORKS, -Bo WMAN-VTLLE, ONT. (Establisihed 18,57,) Finisied Granite Monuments in stock from $12,5 to$0. llANDSOME DESIGNiS ANDBFST MÂTERIÂLS. RED PETERHIEAD AND GRAY RTJFBISLAW SCOTCH1 RERED1)AND PUR PLE SWE DE". ....... .ANrf BLV Y"l PEARVL AN-ýD EMEPRAL'DPEL.....UtiJ .~INIS IÂPi3ULEMOUET in stock from $45 to$20 'N ALL THE BEST INDS OV M.ARBLE AND LATEST DESIGýNS. jw-Beflore plaeing your orderl, CMJL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE WUýP iA T OU E BU-iYING. 7--y E R. BOUJNSALL, Proprietor. SSALE.- A firet ases arin 3or 115 ,acres sailusled inthis bWV istby lst con, lots 15 sud ,eue, about i- nmles frein 055e. les frinWhtnby asud 6J rodeý cuýes.. Larigeroc;my buildings. Lt, plenîy et fruit,1sou cta eue ef tlise bei gai an nuc. sobileon tones3. Abot 7neaces lu pas.tUre sud tretis easiy. Finet plowingdoa iculars apply ta A. AlxNîeà O R PENT.-For terni ef yeare, "Gien T Dius-"300acres, 2 miles froin WiltSýY- god buildIngs sud Boe. AdirablWo r s to-Ci or dalry. Chance for goeiug oxtensi-ety jute Tcronte mnili businesýs or tock raisia- for eàmenîcan mark(3- Men wliscapta-l ,eniy Aeed apply, J. H. Dow, Wislbv, 32 t.f- Miýe'înardI's Liniment cures Ditemper. OP VÂLUABLE STORE PROPERTIES IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE. Under and byVvirlue et tise pcWer Of sale in a certain nmorturie rinPter sud John Murdoch te the Van 'ors. wbicih wsll be pro. duced et lima of sale, and lou defeuit hein g made la peyment ofthtie moeys themaby sacuer- ed. tisera will bus eff.'red fer sain bu- Public Auctien, by Lai-i A. W. TOLsc, suctolier. at the Banneit Heuse in tisa Town ef Bewman- villa, on SATURDAY, tise 6hi day et MAY,- 1893 et 12 o'cloock, neon, tisa fllowing Property, namaly: Baing coumosed ef parts of lots nuraber 8 sud 99 iu Block N in tisa said toien cf Bow- menu-lue bnited aud houndail as foliow3. cemmencing en King SI meet ai tisa N os west engin of said lot aumber8. Liea aleng tise Sentis ide etfIKing street le tise lad harelefere ddeadit e eue MoArlisur. than Soulis perellal te the Easern Soundery of seid lot number 8 te lie Scùutis oundary oetttisa sea, then elong tis-, Souis bcundary te tisa Saih- West engin "f lise Ese, tisen Nerths ai nug tise Wast o e' r f tLc sainete thse place etf Segiuaing. --commence )fZon tisa Northi bouudtry et juubar 199 et e uYinr, Elven fcnt tron tise , nr oa sbrick ste iuee pon lot 1(9, tihen Stis ucrelia '.!th îLLsWetenbOUndary ef lot number 99, tisirtu- Su-a tant, tlisen1 Wast 1 parallal witb tise Norths Soundary ct seýId lot aumber 99 le tise West boundary oethlie sa ie. ýbrisn lon thiaMWestl Sonndry te tise-Nons. Wnuýt engineLlssid Lv, l then aieag Lise Nerti SOGundeîly cf 1isesanaete the place et belu,- iag. toeahisr ýiuIhtise iglisi erweysrtsts rer cffl-s 8. P sud 1Ain Bl ------fersai te Te-mperc'ace strunt,. Unron tisa propuIrty is siite a elrgsou! i brick tisre-u-tury building s3uitable for stores suLd effice, ec, re' -'esbick wareb-ouîn suitd stale in l1 ise rear. pb reperty le on1tise Main Sirt sud, :) e ise bcst ml1eanilenposi- itou i t tseTewnl, e w(11etbl hdGreCnrY, buinresss l ertoer beau carhoei on upon lise pren'Ite3(A cwisii -jilhared l aptaI! for dIry gos ot n ias lruuaor TEicus.-l0 per i;c ul f salensd ifor ti balnctr urwýiihaiterl nii ii ba Vendjon' siSu ictor8, T menue. JuaI13 -biO'i'y "if ".pril, 83 63 'S ath 10WSpniug ýCoats for iLadies -'d ChildrpEi et Johni J. MIson't, Dry GoodeýA audCIJ oW elr y Storù!e.j lftecent visiters. -Mr. Jamnes Elliott anïti wife aud Miss Trenouth, Bewmau- ViýOfle; r. Vickery, Oehawa ...Mrs. Liddy and son Roy have been quite ill, buit are cenveleecing .... .The infant son of MNr. Frank Parr bas aise beau vary sckbut is better. .. Mro. T. G. Ston. bomse Îl stili vary week. There le lit tle ChIRnge ln the conditioun of Mrs. Hurley. Mri. S. Asýhton le impreving. Mr. J. 'cnMiss Kecrsleke and Mr. Walter Cryderman are somewhati ndispoae. Vzry littie change in the condition of 'Mrn. H. Elllett . ... Owing te sickuess in the family 11ev. James Liddy conld net take his work Suinday. Mr. F. L. Elie very acceptablycoccupied the pulpit lu the lnornlin, Rev. D. S. Houck, Euniskillen, preacbed e very able and profitable ser- muon in the evening. A Ccuie FOR Couts.-Thiere is ne remedy that ma<kes3 as large a percentage of efetcrsas Br. Wood'. Norway Plue Syrup. Iu nearly every case of ci u.gbs. cold, asthmar, bronchitis, boires. nos-, crouip, etc., its curative effjete are prompt and lastmng 801LINA. &i., W. ArAbt( n's family are recovering front their recent attack of diphtherîa and M,, Leumiman is aise improving... Miskn Della Werry is home after vieitiîîg friends lu Bowmanile .... .There wiIl bc, an anniveresary at Eldad1 as udual last Sun- day aud Morday luMsy . ... Mr. Win. Vie,-,bas gonje t fil a sgituationt in Woed- stock.. . . MieF. W ir aDow plyîng on the northera lakes .... The sterm on Thuîreday did censidereble damage te fonces, barný,, e c. and blew dewn a loi of vatinable timber .. .. The debate on Fr1. day iiight et the Division, Resolvedthat the sreformed drunkard deserves more cradit thu the mian that neyer tonched liquo'r, was decided in favor of the affirm- ati ve, Mr. M. W. Pascoeeecting as captain. .... Owing te the backward weather very little seedfing bas been doue. Dir Butl.er's Golden Pis have eerned a greatti el utetion wherever emnployed. As a sýierve toiec-isud bîoed bîi'lder they are nîrivelkýd. Thay increame the appe- tite asgmta a ealthy parfouniauace of aIi Isefundéjons of the brtdy. thor- tke ne i lu. cate Dr. .er. nde hiere la-t week. ... . Leut se Bo mavie Isa cceed- ee p7e lu the Army haýro ... tf Mt. Carswelld .tiuwill etertainuseuit ilu armonjy oui Tbur.sda.y eveuiug ýom lbore attoudedfth e Muori 'the late Rlicis. Cerrutisers lun 'iurcb, lPickeringç, on Suniday. tertumeut 1b; theseocialI cýf the E. L. of Ebaniezer was e, males lest ,Tuasdlay-recita- aige, an assayý . s dialogu le,gle3es cge. epieSugar was dis- a pleasanit social limeo was a-. vo'ta et hakeby th2elies, ued lu siuging bBle t otis d27 ..The iu'mnt imoort IE W HA YENV. ENFIELD-. New. Ilaven had a wedding lest week- Miss I. MeKCinnon, Orilhia, Mr. R. Mr. A. Manning aud Miss M. Burgets. Code and Miss 1. Reynolds, Oshawa... Se Courtice for another wedding. Con- Mrs. R. Camppbell ia quile ilI with imnflaîn. gratulations. mution cf the mange.. .. Mr., Terran ce Me- Dvss.Epsi, CURED. -Gnlmn - Douneil and fansily have rneved te Arthur. was troubled with dyspepsia for about Aý day or se before their departure their four Vears. 1 ncticed n advertisement iieigbbore tek ruosession etf their home, of Burdocn,'look ittrs 0 1 s art-I and sho-w bighly thev werae staamed hv useitsu sonf-ouùnil th at the re wesa notbing te equal it. It took just three bottles toeffeif~t a perf ect cure in my case. RoBv. J. REID, Wîngham, Ont. .1NSTIO CH, CL ARKE. Mr. G. Waunau atteuded the spring .. ze a (UhUUr, Wjju Mi . ..lle Mary Cvatham is sick . ... Mr. W. Foster wbo had la grippe is eut again. . . . Mr. S. B. Debeon bas groatly improved bis pre- mises by re-sbingling bia bhen and repsir- ing bis bouse... .Mr. T. W. Underwoed la farmiLv ou a large acais, working hie faim liereaend lis fermer homneeteed north of Kend ai.. .G. L. Waddeli haa purcbased a amuulL grazing farn tromn h*s bru ther, Mr. Wni. Waddeil. A PLzAsiNuoSz.is Etofheaith and strength reueuu ed snd oetPsoeaud conifort follows the ume of Syrup of Figs, as it acte in bermeeny with n-dtu--i toeffectually cleense the systeun whusu costivQ or bili us For saesiii75c. bottleq by iL. lcslino. druggias. Among te~str:M, Kiveil, Mis Mo-ynes, Herupton; MNits Bryant, Mr. Vickery, Oibawa; Mr. and' Mrs. Reeson, Mr. J. Ras son, tColumbus.... Wot k will wilI begin imuiadiataly on the repa3ire on Methodist churchu .... Nearly every bouse in this vicia ity tooklz a plau; if ul supply of water the day of thse great etorm TburFday lest sud 'Ae-.ars. Jîîo. S aintoii aud D. Brunt had bernes unroofed by iha wind... A geod wolen hbouse blanket yallew lu celor suir1 ound wiîh rad ws lest betwean Mr 1. L Br a' ud ttiie village on Wedr.e3dsy Tho tîider wi!l ha suitisbly rewardeod if hac wili bave the, lest article et Dîr. Mitcbrsl's ... tmesrs. W. J. sud Je.W. Viii ne ftnmrl et o thie, village bave purcha'ed e fine Per'ch':- .... . W let~b f Ghawe5' an aunll~~t srmnosi te a gýod congregatýionisola ep0C'XISuuday nijt. A Brockvilla Druggist's Case, BROCKVILLS, April 24th.--Tse pepular impression, h thet dectors sud drnggists seldemu take their own miedicie. This les )r semae timo wss aýeuacted te try Lassa. Lie uuw e~usmxlel 1Mr. G. F. Courtine of cosletl uen eyn orsod ýswortby,"' yeungest lson eut lha ssid thaýt as a mru'e ho haýd veýry Esq., Benmauville, and Ilittie feith lu patent nuiedicin(s, but tisat yen ugest daugliter cf tise frhcr 1wsre narritA . bBoi ekache, etc , ha dose net k1, ,now et auy uni two et the mi(,eethlu emedy thislagiving suS gcd reault3 's lu tisa digtrie', sTise as Doddl's Kiduey Pilla. rme et5 oclok.Shoert- ie tise mausy relatives a,d FJARM FENCE O F ONTARIO. rienda ýmigbt biave beau the Base Lins. Express- Te o MESOF DU1,tutAsieN OsvÂaîo.0 bed turrie 11w, L. Phioli tir hed(cked uc1 is i8 ul Wn lave te dayîiuups-cted sema ba, hdge Cceasionu eriedou tise tance 1iu tisa vicianity ut Nagea Flîs îing vady nak ay rreatedoduucthe sy (À duet ieOtari') Tisa brdide w3ae ati u_ tled'ge ud VraFeucd Com1pauy1 Ate e, unmmd itfis ilk 'f raeing Ilusf(ii uss ware atifiedthir1 beaiaga lrgeboquet etod lea crrecqt o, a and theu t inakes )ik ficsb occasfioned _îby apraclicîahl,ýansd drau1 trni fence. ha bhour,iooked Ae pi;turs W0 couSidar th al ternant1ts mdo y tise e r omwre bis uuiuai company ilu their circule sdth1ui il sud withil a medesýt their agente ý( nul l taelea5t eyar-1ratwu 1e, Loed excaedirgly sad we cen safely ec 'nudtlisir ays-1 nipo3ad and i atural as auv tam te ise conFidterati n u f thi,-oerequn. sbride çVeeattiunded hy ùing feaces-. Bowmrivile, ud M. Gerge . Mowherry, "eevaetFE Set )rot ber et the bies- iity Oiawa P. .: sdâ tise rýd 1uu d'ilty c f Georýge WVaiI, Oshei;; he plece ef houer dire-utly WI. Tordiff, Enniekilien; bridai party, set 0ou aU Jas. HIyIld, Oehawa; .etaand etherei, lupae M. Adamse, Oshawa; 1 5 v. codngt onsanguint Aliok Smiti, Enfield; lnMisC. Littiejohus]Win. McLaugiini, TYtonre. îeh's ed -ng jercs. iara FelsaOt.,MLercis 14, 1893 id the usuelcnraue ail parooek et tise very DoflI the xnetI( 1Eyruiof Figs i1 m ian cm: iîeay -"e trce.- flfitlj{ IDfln if ii . i i evoufl o xi-mmGCLUU . L1*i,ý1 U '-U Ui-- rl ý 1t- Ilsveîedy lzesùa, bots ot body sud brain, ,rrormîifly for aily one w-ho w-iShLe2 2iy byi with-ý nuti.tion for tise nerve centres i lu tyi. Manufa ctuxcd 0111y by t'I-l - who tise meeýt cfrntrtd eni ase eupplied r -unp's lu Cele-ry Lon PPle, Dm ant sd ~LFfNAfIG SYRUP col, purc, dealers, or mail, Pue 50 cIe., six for', RNVSOOt sud $25.The Celer>' PJihiCo., TorontLilIL,~. NWYRNT f :1 Ot._________ -- -- --- 1-- - - - 20 per cent disouut wili ha a'l'wed on IMPias Tabules hanish pain. - Il- purcisases. lio & Co. IJUUUI1 y preeenting to them a', add -ers anla asil. ver service.. . Rev. C. W. Wvaeh, of Oshawa, preacbed a-ti cdecationýA1sermon here te an attentive congregation on Sun-. day... . A lively contest ' in the Division 'between the brothera and si.sterg. The Sons entertaininent in June. Particulara later. Don't fergeî the na me of the great lung medicine, the only medicitic that eau show a clear record of its efficacyfiom the moutss of the patients who hove 'used it-&dce Magjnus. NEWCASTLE. Oi Tuesday evening of last week a court of Independ.tnt Order et Forestere waà or-,niýzed by inspecter Wae and Mr. R. Johnston, of Torerito. The officers are:-O D, Rev A Cers el; CR, 11ev W F Allan; V C' R, Il GibFon; F 8, H Wright; R i8, U RPowlaud;, Treaà, J Pool; P 0 R, L B. Dividaon; Phye, A Farn- combe, M D... ..The otoirm on Thnrsday lest did conaiderable damage in this sec- tion, unroofing barns for Mr. J. Hol1mes and Mr. DeLong .... 11ev. N. Adams wae absent at Ceiberne hsit wei.k attendinq cont'erence exaininations..., Mr. J. Pope has removed frein tha barbor te bis'hense adjoining the Methcdiat church. . .. Mr. Fisher Las removed te, the store formerly ocoupied by McClung & Bell and the MislsWil8on te Fisher'a old stand. ban xITTo Tvue LIOHT.-ThS iman whe tell.i yen corifidentially just what will cure y..-ur cold ii preacrtbing Kenip's Balsans this year. 1In the prepauati ni * f this re- markable inedicinie for co)u 4he aqd colèda ne expensee spiired tfo coinue only the best and purei t m, re.del P. Hld a botilo ofKenîp's B us)în o he light and leok thro igt ; no mtice the -brigbt, clear loofr, thý n c(nparo with ioffhî r remedies, Large boteat wai druggists SOc and $1, The er6 îdf'trda avdn fences inpa cIr fr ba4 W110 are if re If bY bu1d'n1X,1î ngblown ove " nr fedare Jne KiveIl, sr., à1oses . b as ui A .1. Ste p!es. Mr. Chýp P,.-ale,,, -Ncw P, rk, 1had ibis 'o ý ,;d . .. .MJissets-Ai'a Tru!l and Jenni C o mi rhave rý c verïd from aan et. tec', of ih ..x..o.. 1ir. \Wm. ons ie lai,Î ip th 'yipeianlthe face.. Coiuc,11 r Jru . D tvy 1lest a. bne drilngr pon;,st w, v-e broken by a k-*ck-. . mr. sud Mlri. Geu Satepes spent Sunday lesàt ai Luru ý T ei o, Fzànk -,ho hec been atni~ schltith,,,eedri the iitr seuvo re'ulined wl-h, thein.... Mr. Beacoîu t ÏLudeaiý,y Lai be, n visitirig hieý si&ter, Gu.C,!iîî Stap1eq. .... Me4lesre. simlp.sen ïai1 L ds !l .,f t)rono very ably c0n-diocted -sar% ce he ra Smnd;,y rig betiiassietfing his oncle withi work on the feýrm. of lâte. .'._. Mrs. .. aruetb, Oroue, Spent Ilt week et her sne ~ .J FREE, 1 You cen get 111e3fashi:on neet eacule mouth 1by caliing et env sr )r. We present ILee to the pubic in orýder that they ïn.>.y>tue better epprecie unr ne- fashionlable goods. John J Mxn