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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 2

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- .,roeqr Millioniv of Wvonen use it for ail puriposes Lasnndcry and anlfnlit a Labiort foe: purity, nos" for cleaning and awntenngnor preaerving thse clothea and banda fronin- jury, nor for ail-round general 'Use., IIEFUSE CI'EAP MITATIONS th-augli life by the rougih stages «)i ecuglis, celits and censcsp- tien, ho cas eless cf ycunsolf dsrug tise demup, colis weather ai DOGN'Tus fer that nasty cougli of yeurs. But if yeu'd liik o t live te a. green eus age lunIealth, ands eensequeutly iu happint as, use .AIIen's iLung alsam as a praventivo ands cure of ail 'Iiroaut ani Luug diseases, -PRICES - WE IE ~PIIOGRESSIVE AGE WE KAim to Improve! ANI) NOT DETERIORATE Our iNew Branit, tise Gable Ex:ýtra wiil bh o funitet be gxoeptieuially flue1 anis we respetlly suggest tisa sînekers give ibis bnanl a trial, triss eue statement wll ho f ully verifi as te quality. S. DA VIS & SO-NS. etJ I ciltiresymptoriniing, usrAitaD h asCemint. 00'f pan aratebi tn Corti1vauast9 D ci oSur Souei rladce, indîgesUTIan.Pa Aseic igt, Zntancley Fseling, Bac se ifebray s Kiulnoy sud Zimr ur HOUSEHOLDG "Oh 1 motion, 1I nt my bonnet tiecl!t c " My bat ha- lest a cînring t" 'Muest tbe Bothî Baintsc herse P' "Ls ie xor pitty cing V' "Psy n7il pou nieous chieken pieir t'leoetoiy"hibl tnpate t" "beenias aitm ugly roui, manima; i toeci lieu the gaie!t "O!niother ', Mcme's caning lu, Wtiih -Mcli, and Bers, end Fred; Cen we have otecue and cake ta-night, And s'ni tise tboyto ted l" "Deýan motisen, mey 1 wen pour-siewll ilue goiug ferl a drive,, If Lheley sicelci propose, mametia May I est hue lu as lime t" "O! mother, tend ibose rhildrea cnt,t '[bey ouste such te ifal dbn! lys gett np seroncesceang, As fat as ,W'bar i- mSn ' And cent yo hean in ;mini htisicap O! strcug tee fer amp heci; And mlv e fec ltghi coilts ouidte ce Yen kuosv I baie cati troci." O! maiber. usothr, shonici poceawa Ose lttebor the cre '[lai dry lit day, oas cf ton car> For tht dean hnecl pu an r, t seotus the w'hctte cf lits rmut stop. Bicis incier-toc et Ir sping-, A fi-ce, semot fauctetu; aud it loui1s Tise cansmansYrdo p ninge. Renewing 01fOlChirs, ilote is an ll set etfcune-seatof chairs very ach tise warse fer sear cuit oteat l cnnametal te tise mcm. lise canes are1 eplit cuit broken, cuit tisecamtcrt of thse1 chair is alte oree. h nuil haritly pay ta take thr ot a caiint-maket te have tbem reseatoit ; hesides, tbey eau bc mry uicely feue ai bouse. Teke soute traug pioces et isagging or burlaps, out inepioces te fit tise chair sud iang encugin te wrap about tise raunnis tisai usually boidthtie canes or spluts. Tisceait a itcrning-ueefle with double tmine cuit COW tient an stroug, taroing e hem on tise epper eue as it is sew- ei ta place. WVien uecrly fiuief staff wilh F.xeelsicr. shavings or flue bey, et thoy eau ho oushieneit wits layent aici od bhoilhts, euofit and cut astef receibet. Spneait an smacibly suit coer witb somo prtty car-j pot or soleu goits. Caver tise eitge wiib giînp te match tise castuion, cui tatck dewn loely nis silmer or gald-heaitei oeils. Tise gimp cuit ucîls cao ho tise turuirure itealers, \Vieo tisechairs are itnand utremarnisheOitthey nlho e on oitt ho heudsittuet cuitmore cocufors chie tisant TIr ITTE CHesAIRs.j Is ticene a moi-y hemely littie roking- j chair lu tise hanse, bandai f owu frem M aster Tom ta Miss I lossy? If se, 1 eaut assure yats she itoos net tii pratty. But i eau ho madeose witb moi-y utile troublo. Take a pieciof counse scudpaper cuand uis iutil tise noof is sueceti and dlean Tison pint i a rici cream cler cuit make a nice coshicu, ta fitishe seat, hlloit nitis feathers an carton isatiig. Caver ibis wth sence saf s baby hîne geodaitscutrie ai ,chissite w is hpink ibhenor c ed. New maIes a litIle roll cassiin far a beai-resi soit ccor wiitiste samoe. Draw eacendci rap rig'lisly cuit finish cffwitis piuk cord cuit tassels, nisicis sheulit alsa heif it te tise ohair-hack. lu tish ithn Tihe si breait hoardt is e plain -piene cf-i .ccîth isnisa hale ini tatebang np by- Tise itugis wîll nen stick to ibis, aui le cloansef lhy shmply cipiug coff. CAO NEO Prin .,n- Cleantise part- ridges cuitspîthi em lu twc. Place ispos I lu a peu, tise ortside upperutesi, cuibief Basse sith melteit butter. Tish- inde eu hbe koe it er mn tise v2n 'er oau :tep eft tie siave, cevereit nitisa a nitpei, if latýieniu hescafrernoon aud tis,ý erenis FARts tBANAA ta a atiish cf wirois "BaH Hoaltis" tolls :Fer one quart c -lo i mis taise fourtachesponrfuis cf farina,afcoi io a itouble houler oue heur. A,,,!tw teblospeactuls cf sucear, atnd sen it isi sligbîly cooer], pour h emoer tisin suesoe heana, Serve witlsaut itressng, eîtber warm an colt. Tisase nise are fond et s cice, poncent bit of green salainlu inton, are cdc ite ou tery Young mnstnni. Taise a tsallan ciger bx et pet, acld ilit nitis cart is n i c ýlne dlean seuil on top, cuit sawsCame muttari t seef quire tniikly an ih ;meiston tise wisai cuit put is lu a warrn place.' lu two et ibrea itays tise seoits nul have griaot aund lu c few fcys more tise seediicgs w-ili ho big eougi te eut and oas. Beineen sowiug andt oating sia clihoton fays,atid eue eau keop uras nany successions as desi rct. teismuýnrCis.-Roisb ali cporani cf but- ton in a pounit cuitaahait f etuant;noixiJn hait a paucit cf brawn sagar rellieftree teoin lumps. Aiti a rahlespeanf ai cf pawiteroit gingcr,a toaspeenful. cf punitreit cinuamn cuit a teaspacetiul cf pondereit .lames. Mix veii, cuit stir lu a pint cf New Oniocus or W/est initia molasses, ci thtie grateit pooel cf a lange leman. Aiti a suecli esauu cf hakiug seita iissaiveditnluteplit sato r. Sur moi-y isard nis a amacien 'paon, cit cff eougi seif toit fiantte mako itstiff eougis ta tallenut. Rall mery tim, apit oui witis e jagging itou inoastnips oeeilciswd adftour incis sling. Baise lmi terate oen. Tisese nul keop initcfaitely lu adi-y place. A SUecrîrora FOR MACLE SmRrr. Ptt icg maple synup for eus lîctt-cakos misoon tise store was toc oreloe toari-iesh eut neoit et sisart notice, we preparei tbtisefta- low -îcg substitute, nisicis was uiauinooaiy olecreit te a higis position lu theo bil eiffare. A pounit ot hrawc sugar n'asiisevin l tise loast naier passible. hcreiy entougis ta isoop tise suger troue stickrug fastet tis-e petocl iluof euetle, Il iras thon ixiefl oe mnunte, romomoit fi-cn tise fi-,> ane i inta a syrup cap, tisree drapscfxtaie manille adfed,aud hbelit! ncosr, beyuaor maplo syrnp ceuit excel eut " lucoat si1rap tics nisis" manille. OmoTrsusSsboanCAXtE.-MIIacotise orusiet o a tull plut et flour, cue cuit one hal toc sp ootuis belcîug pcwdor, isaif c teespeontiui saiit if t cuitmix nis n tatbepefo- huiler, acu icls taeuake eaitugi josi suiff oengis te rail. Halve it, cuit reloan, ta fit a dteep tic; spnead a liLte butter amver tise top ; tison rail tise enset hait, cund ley amer tise firsr cuit. baise. Wbiie haiegîn, propare tise fellcw'iug: Drain tieliqc tram aquert cf cysters; place iis iqo svsuisoee cuit ane-iscf plots cf mille hcn e sancopen, brng ta a bail, tison eadda ii - jickening, a sablespoontul et butter,,nis Ihave iest ndhearit tebatei ta muehin r, and as soan as it hailsls p tilruglil Y, teatmischlity oor girls otoningpuprblic spi' h' tiecake iomeuts apant, ;pane 'v haU cys- 11e, placinp heslvsbof ore tise public ntes dsruenat he i once be(1Lote tise a Plerical orIie pesiýn. Fa' liSoeveery j ie$Oci,ý nst eertns oat, ), Ül etiser seejeetot )isy cf attention, h is oen Dru-ssis CocL.sre ARCrES. T fan dehatoDLCIU1V Tise abjectien is raiset I' tisai int eemhug secret et socecots xiiibs easi at iu cenieci nitb tise n'ont lungeneral, nis bail te tise igis ticises, e ise ý, l-icpIl oui the protection effordei t tem lu their cf tune requiret te bring tnmtebspin esmu bornes, tisey learn toc mucis cf lite as h it epents au tise qnality cf tise sugar uef is, cui thius desrroy thiait 'rsthntp sinepli- Fittean minutes et hart baiiup nibl usnaily iry, tisati idescribable chenu." h1uil ait- ha suflicheur, Six ichlespaanfuls cf butter, jmit tisai as oee ecomos hoter acqualutei t tree ounusfs tliphi brewsmuagar, ente cnup xiîistise n'o nduJils trnsactions, ih must cf mirî, oee cake ,cifBakr't cisecelata bllon', ss in tise case of tise lapifiat, nisile hi-oison icta smcil picces, oeecuta n a-al hoe ubes oct beliove ilîci evcny tone tisai teespoentnla cf vacilla fievoriug ro be adeit - liniens is s f aratiesa flAmand, itoos ho vae e tr taking frou e stome. A bal cup et c teal fiamouiteuy tise lesbecause cf ibhs ci-sam.may ha rset berisaîf tise amanun ai, o isnawlodgeY Ais, ehlieme tisai a noble hunier. h$il nutil tiicis airring cous'L tuty mtnioit, ceedacateit noînan bses noan"af i airer use bailiug Seins. Flevar-, pon-ita tissoquliries tisa(lot gave, acuýit intnefoitbattereit pans,eundwisen cool checis his ca she tsacit use fer tise aphuiiung efthtaisbanpkicie inito squares. Il proeriy itod bniphtest retape ai manini, SurI Rasotise caramels sisooli break apart lise iapie nisenlber imeo es te exentbr eeri uae. sevay oetcareanos isearnditbame, tse is--- btter filtet ta caple nltis base admersisies Why Beat Eggs? tht inlcemle ie everyau's lfe, soit ccc binco tise introductiont haklinpopenfer, it sympaibize more roaitily nitis etiers tisais if bias nover been nI"oesary te iset cg.Lot cime hait rtained hon ciilitioc's siînplicty your intenhls ho goat, eut atetrabu cui thuoebiofthtiitre n'odntinentnly tise butter andit te a cci-cern, ait f'tise hippie-' 'anitis sal my spart ai pl.n'ssnie, - - il, e ut c ad ittatfleur, se-hi il sarit "aidIse beoanes 'bakic -ponter, and speof tise eceg e hein b ler nomanly maitesty ;" s 'nibîaense a ieop l hrub tisai h1n-, .pbaiicliyitemur. Becansa ly baatiup tise cake aseanisale ; thonifyr sise eaunaiS; e ceeun isisnt bsiùp ta dora umatonual n'as gccd, ,ycun cakeý,cemaîter ibin s sie neulit bengive an target anaeu- 1wisat ius namne is, nit ha geet alto,(acî i courteans'action tenantd ber'! Ne ! but im u raeyupnswtsweI.di, tise cause, forctsen e i v 'axe teat cf butter, cuit lice nis par, CUr on - -e orthr n uituispote le cake xilcome out nisale, ina mitat ban' stm na lefys tiser aturpolsacnd te- ricishimay ho. Beaino ee u ssFupeAo ceivas dofonence troue eveu tise lanesi et laSer iaudof downcby coonsormative nemo manisinit. As tise oye is tise niniten'of tise siico tise ciys nisen cakes wnte "ihý iistaet" sol, o is Cacc-cuant charsctrtstctnpa unu- nitis saloratus, curmna-or ce at- eL acgs feu'ahby epon ber face ; riee scalitcontarus ace. Furtisrorrre, ilucli cakeýs naite fec memo, tisai, sithant prosvocationcualit xitis butter, syhicis are te have el, itît ii hrng blusies cf indignation t t .ceecutfvn aseircfoo gue, A yaunp girl et gacit uit fermiip, n'eu ebocoaete, caciineai, park-cake ianudcois oecated aneunfneJ., iaiup hbeen trainef i saeunceýr.Te - elelà tram ocriesi cildisaei Sp caeful bauds, i aisumoate nitis ne sbetteuiseg, or te nîiis complotesliser educatucu munseisool cuit coure w ibt ie h jo rflvrý gs bac t he cume itedwin o oa as epauge golf, eut enearocakes3, cuit iseel, fresu, cipistan " uoedy," Aftira e danuns. Lot us bave moecaffonce lu time sise fits papa's purse ho uat as neleut heiing-pase-en. Ihbave trasîcit it, la t filet as it selleId Se, acuithiat u-ieemplaun- tisee mauypors cititbs)alfale 1e ingjy be ant maison ans eitephl tioeselvos coonforts tisai thieuproconcoilit nay oct ho itouhei thosa nb/ipgs niicis bave baconce Eyota's Pretty Lamnpigiters- nocassitiies ta baer. Tison thero arc tno Theayelncgnounofe Eyota, Minu, are patisa opon te liet. tciing cre ef tiso sineor lamps eit ta Slisbb sho conineue ta neceiva mecus bom twn. Escis lcmp bas heen asga te a tise indulgent aiser cuit requimother te yeuop lady, niso keeps ih filei nuilo, near lber oeesos cnt bonnet nsil Mss. igisîs n ai itusis, cnt gens ot cf hait1tac Gnunty nedrs mhy tihe eaiiol Muss laie in tise cernicp te exîilguis it at Us 's eaier cen ho sncb a firigist, cr, Ihacm tenuIbis arraugemeut bas beon ibrauisi sory ta scy, lunseer dsperatien on tram 5a cbout Ly en enti-liquen crosafe, Tise secte cf dnty la ber paeneta, accepteamawnmean antot tise saloans af Eyeic closot, n us .riepe, nhue tse is uai sure tirtaindcuthtisa iqacr ceeu sei l ut iit'makoaýn itarugis ine tse eanuts,iscuer acui lae, jictaoet iilrouce te them. but tboy bsi Is tiai yaucg ladty euy tireiess nable ho- stee tiseîownnlsestod ithiCimmoieni casaeaseflis hersait fer and ocoupies a rc gîccue every nipisi, ont this nenit ho t1ise munoertime posimaon? cuit by mrewnnphuran casa if the saloon license mouay, wici, eaturo:reeoro oleseiy, ernate diitingaris na sf a teo iitup es iivatef tise roci fu e iountertei? Wilb shettron tise townu reaary. 1Tieroupan tire ,lat maoas . gof, eveu c botter xmufo, by nrmeu saidthîisy -neif i s stý ,Ïir tise k1(Ntexmig 'tise nanotis et money cuit reaizîong stineet impt iseesmssi t1theYar tise diff-ýicoîhs bo iusheni t eocorantor tilog i se oibtisai Fycta ihjaeeigtr nifilo ncing homce ainlxnry bar lhon? placeshy nipi nn' tian amer Sbei. Wili tse ho asteekiossa uinsuyrnig tisai Tisayaung mno f Eycta must feo-llae biiedarling et a bonnet, oniy f iteon tome nitiscatersiel uestemary "Ilps" acfn dollars?"'ni"ulteepe," Sut thse petty lamplipiters3 Th ise re as cama nisen nornen asanulit ouphi soone t ian atone fer tise basa aitise he omuenbhup mare rîrsu c pretty brt naît- cuber exiilarants. Ouna wub t tinistia ing ta ha put in a gilitoi cape aud manly a 'au>- yaung man nisa nas tecit sure tisaiSe3 uselasornemnent, bshe basthie power ta e b at eateari nenojaeitau ocat"lane rsef ul eut ornemental as nei. Tise firsai chuefltter cf it neubi ho niblinp ta faregg ac et nomen siroulc ho te cutivate, as fan as ton' bears oru me an Ibrea fingers et lies in siseir paner, tise taients (lad bas givon taugle-feat tee tihenfwlteting pleesair ocf tisemn, nion tisai is accemplisei, if îhey eoinp an Tyrta Selle shiic up a Iaîop poat tecl tisaitbey eau lipiten cibers' buttons Sy cuit scratch a matcoautise sala af iber- ' oarniug tisir ownu rucuy, in part etrn'ioly, pire skini. tise experionce nil net isnm tiseu. Tise stndard oetxmaoniy puniry nul certciuly Maripaifs eau ise oseitas, e garuisis in isovon bc loeenetbynaork. y fr soupa, eut they lbock ery pnetty. Childen ry orPitcher's Castorh5-ý SFE-OIALLY FOR LADIES. Fakcîs 'ansd lanntes, ShBort andii Seet, fer1 Frnkiruico liadors. Picas noeeluveosoit as Dresiton. Tileit lady rsopisoopors are ou lhiseh- Aricnwomon decarans thoir muifs ntisviolets. L ady jaurnalissare ual te hoc llawed niu ýSiirtsarai-ogeîtiug nidot an it mtr, Tis lek mineus. Gay eolorng is ta ho ac caractoristicocf tise cemning fasiions. Queen Elizabeth n'es renawned fan tise 1 teauty cf lber lace. Mesi younn.g Fr'ench ladies e tangisr fouciug as a reetier cf course. Ton years cge fibe iemanit tar blacks crae n'as moiebat it ien 15: 0f tise 363,000 teaciss lu tise Unitedt Sîtots, omet 1240, 000 are wcmen. Warr.en wore firet adueittoit as stridents ai tise University et Lodon ho 1878. A oelehrated mîl liueny establiisment rs reoetei totaalready have amer 20,000 crino- lines or stock. FtockleC may ho sctely troatoit iy taci- îng eci one nis a usoistenitedrystel etf commun nitre, 'Tie itise Oriental rcisy is taot 10intiseI saufs cuit rivent et Ceyleccuit tise men- sains of PeguancuitAve, Iu Initiana c Bill bas beon intreducei tet tise Legisîcinro ta ptoeut tise importation cuit sale et crinolinmes. Siîris are geîring ta mciuminaus tisai it us sait neman wiîl have ta taise te tise crino- line lu s9hoot iefenco.î Flcstony rs neot lave, cor yoi friendsbip, non pet, agaiD, admiration; itis a oty hait imitaion of cli tisnoe. Therè are a coreocf eme n uNoir Mark wiscse collections cf lace mary- in maiue frear $20,000 te $50,000. .Siren irais'ibis year are wsmauitnl tilenrismccship--rbey are sisci and sscitein lual! cembinctieus et color. A pro siy fatral tan is maclecf, ivy-leef- garaums, tise ceuter heing bellew ed eut anit fîlei unis grass acui iy laves,* ho a case cf ecracise, tur a drap et milk as hat as cao ha bano iaotise ean, cnd camer_ it qnickiy wiha piece ai cotten neel. Tise finit lady ta attain tiseitegree utf "Master" cf Arts in Englanit nas Miss t _Mary Daswes. she accaîplisliedtniis lu, 1884. Theo reiga et tisroe-clirtcer leugtb clcekst is amer, lunlise sprncg uatiig but poIernes recciig a trifle belon tise naisi, null ho Cocu. 1adeoPoils likes te hSea br bai itrosset hy a noan. bshe bas emplayef tise same isairittosser nison in Loufen fer tise pasi aloven yecrs.c A Manchsester booso bas ciroady laid inu c stacis of steels sufficieni fer 10,000 crino- linos lu anticipasion of a suitien rush if tise tasiin be establissoi. Tise norli s iucroasrugly tependout ou inioliectual wcrk, cunatucen are mucroas- iagly depenitent an thisait an xerius ta teenre thisei maintenance, Pnincess Victoria Kamîcani, daugisser et' tise Quesu ci Hawahi, is nen et tchad lui Naribapiausiire. ibas- dovelapot a1 poencisut 'fan slang Engliss phrases. A deliciaras break fast cake is mcdo nis îtwccupluls cf milk, ina caiptuls cf fleur, acuit ina ell-beaieu eggs, te ho bais-j adit ruscaliapeit tsises ai- patty-paus. n John Collier, tise neli.kunu nantisi, says :-" My opinion is tisai femnale trots nulunevor bhowhclly salrsfacoayrantil wcm- on hae"realiseit tisaitbey bave ce weists." Tise mat striising tihg cant a bweisi itinuar is uts prefaco, nisicis is au axaggorc- tien oethue Feenchs system et han-t 'u-e cuit actetincet cansists cf a dazon or mare itisises. Tise art of fenclng n'as tisa itligisi cf aur taretisers, acuit i la eieg extonsively tanebi te ladies. hi itces oct require strélipti, eunuilbh otrud a graceful cuit iseclthy anmnsement fer yeaung girls. A nen' tashien aaneng ladies in Germauy la b bhave vmsiting cerfs et iran, teu-ly carits ueakhg ngely eue-tonus cf anislu insticis- nets. Vise naines are ougrcmod ilttors et ails et o d ai tise blcksurface. Tise greai ouomy cf urarniage is uctits ir- reoacile character, but tise iecroasiug lux- rary cuit idionetssefthtie pi-osent day permait. hcg cli classes, cuit mcking su miany peoplo ignore tise iutiet cf hocc otmettia lite., TisebSai-t SiinLeagna lias toi-ris ebjocbn tainfoce ladies te aaopr a itress mare ratico- al tisan tise presenit style ber ant-af-doar near. 'Tise chiot cule is tisaitishe siîri ho net lots tisan 5 incises off tise granacli round. An, idea opmvodhl y aninigenous noman, nisose itainty tci a-tete set lest bath is stuers, xvffite îtis e Ina hereaveit ceps toeosier nisîr a hcn' cf fancy rihhon, and caonetIrheurta tiseservice ah osef suit an- usef matchies. liiseovery cf RamanCoains- An interosiing itisce"y (tiseDvn/y Nsins Roman cottespodeut tells us.)- bas- hoon A Cougo Mystery Bolveis, Tise mysterieus Lake Lantiji Sas boon mvurrtef et lest, cuit c curions cuit importent quosioncf Airiccu geagreplsy is tborehy setîleit. Laise Laudji bas figuret on thtie muaps for a oumben cf yeans, tisngis nobef y seemet o' seain tisai it raally exisiet. Tise lake lies elaidftise gresp ai explarors aI- mosl as soccoaalully as tise Nortis Pale. It bas bocu tise goal cf tomerai oxpeitihna, all etfniicis teilef ta resehis i. 11t. Alexantder Delcammune, nisa bas pîo abhly 'ýrs.ellot fui-tiser cuitseen uai-e luls (ega BE*sin, tisc auy ether mhte men,ires flumrlly stac t)irtise shoerea ai tise laise, and doent' uîctef tisatit is cnet-t'-e la magary efthi-e Ai:ah'iniegiieýir obr the euly preet no hait et tise ise's existence n' e icicinur of Ai-ahtratons. Accent- îmsg ta thisen reports, th-e laIte pisycit a meat irripai tant part ha Coupe byfragrapsy. They taid it smas tise gatsesuicp gronitof all tire Cocga's besit streams cuitatitise Conoaprapor bhîps u cy niere tisose ranit- et wateut issueit frem tise lake, Tiseero'-pbic repart cf Dolcemuno's drscev ery ha morny briof, but pivosthtie essen- tiel tacts. Doleennene feilaneit tise ra- koga Rimer, tiseanai aioftise groat lake, T'teýganvike. far te tie se a, tlilho fouet is, waters pocig ipsa haSe Lenfil. Ho bounî aise tisaitisae LuaichaancuitLîspola, Scf streanes cf tise Ceupa, nicis gather rap tireswaters cf tise sauuheast pertcf tise basýin, flowen'mtiste souri s aitecf Lake Lent- ji, and tisai tise tSmonage emorges frontî tise nartis sidaeofthtie haSe. Tise rn.a sur- priinp satemeut in bils repart ltisi liste Luisuga River is tise main antery cf tise Cenga. hi bcd net heen suppasei thtisitise - T.aanyi a sin xvag the chiot centributan ithe tisupper n'aietetoftise procirimer. Expioers Irasve een vory isa in tise ýocoîbi-si part cf tise (Jaugebasin nithins jthie past îwa yoaro. Le idaninol. Delecue- mnei, Srcins,aitdBia bave lot expeititions stress it luvaions directions, eut have te- vealet mcny tacts cauccrniug tise sydreg- îspby cf tise rogico. They have baunitta thoso nppisrn'aient cf tise Congu are luepet- et hy many f aIls cuit tapit s, aeuthtiimat cf risem are stllaii strecues. htie dauhi- fnl if nlsey n us oet hs emate maînable te nemigcatîmen Suicide cf Tiszee Balisiers. Susicides in tise Genîsan Army are stuli mery froquent. Froue- Cobleuz comersithe intelligence tisai e"fenortha botiree salihrs Ihave cemuaittdsuicide w itii e hirea iays. Ant au nlloryuuarr, airer ernosi i*uit t'envie- jtion, trst menlurof off a chipe bridge siet tise R-bine citn' as itrouedu. Thie noxt fday ceethon solfier hauget iissif shiie nter militer y ci-rosi,acui te sifollasmin-' oveeiug a voitette shetiseof nsilo asmaut-, img bis tria' in tise Civil Hanse et Doten- thon. Wisn Bavatp neck ve, gae' er Ct'orette W'heu tht cvi achUbdsha assidfoi (amti-,. W htIeîs sic hecause Miss, cie elnng t se tirie, Wtes 1alid Ctîiiteu, sic gave riieni Castoris. taste liira othr3,,- tg, ig ba tt'Il 5Oc. and $1.OO. Pilie Headaýcheccd renvaitoicthsIc- dlent te nabilions statec h yte' nba Iizzsne"-, !Naîisoau1-cisce itjsec e oaîîng, Pain in the bide ci X il hu ss reuiraeble scces% ieht sascis i-si Ileadache, pt Camtis Lrrrca LivERaPie.u aeeoqualhy ralcablo n Constipation, cult'1È ccid ptoveutrngthisaennoylng ,coiptawint, wil thoy iecorrect ail itiserders cf io P mei smuate the lis or and regulatetiebwl licou if tbey enily curcd Achs ti y wonld h tmbc-, bo s etha w lic suffer f rom tiiS dsrsi~cmis but f crtunaeoy tliseir goodnes Cs oi onýd bore, cind tinue Icînice try tisue wi Cd tiseolittie pille valuab ch omie ru %",-,ueny!watna tiîey- vi ntbw i lg ede Mwit lion u lim B3ut ,afioraisillid is tlieuecf se anyc- ives tiblstl i et w maeeegrecs boast. Ont pluscr jwhiie others etc not. CaucnTrts'LrTT-LE L IZ Lme ficsrir vey til':l and cery e-s tta teeOeeet iotpillenaIe a dcse. Thsy are stictiy veo-,, i-!c(Id not gripe cet purge, but bk thoi 0ie uncl ý,lion pi-'ase alwvîo use theni. ilu cis ut 2il ceuse, lie for $1. Polit evcrywstlise, et sent hy rmailý CARTL ME1INE 00., 118w 7Yu. Il ot se Remarkable. Il Haw did titis bapp'n 1' ased the soi-- geon, as lie deessed tise wutd lilstheoiseek cuit applief c scoriig poultice ta tise dam- "Got hît witb a Stone,"',teplief tise Pa- tien t. Who setisresst 'i" "My--my wvife,' wes ibe relacteut au- Swer- II 11cm-ifs tire first ttruc I oet knobwa 1wouccu te bit enytiiing sise imefi et," mat- terad tiesa urgeetn. "she was tbteowiug et tise nergiheors' bouis," sxplciuod the sufleren, "11 was he- ird her. jThe sabre is au Oriental weapen. It was iurrcdueed ie othe IFrench ccvalry lu 1710. stamaci ana it'go-Wis'IC-I , aSe 'C.crc,'tses e o rgaus causes Dvs( 'pouocio o cot!a Bad ucaGu Ilc it n isai , isea5u5, coc0u , encire srysien, sosokaîu lSmd ja 1, Ou-sger piemanl,Wcftrtbrasl, î laeBittons,-I_,; n. ; CetUru onst'rgnctiw co'îa s u n un,PVizi ness, Consisptien, iteutbfl I IC 5/ HEADAOI-Ïa IV -PuG ~ r~l fBiBc ¶ oe ppette, cii-gene feeling P l vronircoso- t'e "e 0 & .Pl'P,~ ,tf of horael an ditrss fte eaiu-7, fses thîe sse-ni, osg Li, trbow itSrý,5c 'ai JIs -o-ttt' is sots mrises atte, cup' ,l oouces.q c-ses,.csipn i-a etc.Buridck- fleciBittee caP- !,sgtiîl aC lptessedine body and erina liac' ace, toit0s iepý'es, si c c Ain tan blice,dâximlgv scor-sg c i 'w cs, os' ensc.heer st ' i--ses RritBn's netcra t bonu e aî'ommou n pc te ieworsi- iliet B. B. B, eseuci orne orrnci'eme if h cPr evo f thon ystom , rýes f rrs'îuCae. 1' is the is tht5afures. e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u( ne emeezfoe vppssi'xe i oi aascc uru.toni -ntUL7 lcwnoe , o! tsdscy, Ont.,, î wasin miery fomîle cpsilcutew ucuecidiseses. whiesîo 'the Zt3 o ls nsin ont(, a but was euiirely j.B..cures Dysp3epse BBBBetprnTnl . B ursBd Bloo d. 'f ~- ,e~<' i.,- -- -n -~ w-- ~- ae' -uni- i s r iii gise hmedisie relisefciii Entes. e &Cura, Sali t et liltug Piaos, Betaerbaro' Meodcine Co.,, Bieta. qPETERBORO', ONT. PHIYS1I0S OF THE 0OMAN. f Expes'lusents o!rOieRelavnie o! Munae ge Aster tain lIseolreceiien and speore Fer seven years pask& ýPinc ibto \Ïonaco, has scttt oeriertr 1185, l 18,ad1837 hý cdasre p~i geiet pon she cuirrentscftlptn Atlauti, ijr hi,, sailing yacht irond e lu the first yoar ho ieaucced 160 ficat' e inters ais aloi) a lino about 170ý miles long near theAcrs Thoeecloats were weoden ecasks, ocpp"r globe-s, and glbsq botties, al weiglîted so as ta pros cnt asOipart.ciftheir « bulk onîerging froue tire w te a-id et atchusig j tshe wviod. OfPure i1.nrxegkn CdLir Tbis eteperimerit bcing faisly stucessMul, bis werk ncxt year was on a larger soslie. Oïl and 143 poplîoapliites-, 11e lanchedl 510 ficats clccg a lice in tboj Alantic 510nmiles long. 1lrsuîst exténided txviSTRENGTIIEN WEAK LUNOS'ýý,, opeetns er lu18/,wbc h lanced STOP THE COUGU, ANOCE- i 931 floats cf tbiio lass eoverod wisb cap- pet aiong tIhe linoe ýxtondio3g froue the WASTING DISEASES. A rmrai Azote' tte oGrand Banks ci Nosîfound ilesb preciocer and t s almosi as Paît- lentl EŽecb flaet centaes a document I aas MINik,. Be sure ta get tisegeun printof i 10 ino leeguages, reque"'stmgiiu ay ptli nslo-ooe rpe eue wbo bound ancetfthe Iuastadliver j ptn usic-ooc rpes ittt iearest maritirce auîhos1iý'ties witb Prepaed euly ty Scott & llowue, Believille, Piace and date cf flnding it.j Oi these floats, latnnbed fatacrras tno Nat tAlantic, *227 were returued ta the ~Q 7T .1 rS n Prince. Tiity-seven eitîhemn.wcre wasbed N w ' îo h0 up oni the sheres cf the Azotes, sixan011 Madoe, twenty-ene on the CJanaries, tbroe TIsendersrgued wio lias ceeu earryiug on Tthe tailoeing bus-netsslu counectien witli ou Ioelcnd, twonty-twe aun o-1rwcy, -Lvason'sDryGooid'btore for a umberefyears twouty-nine on the BritisIs ies, thiîty-sîx lias cerumencecl business for hîmiself ai lis on Franco, feurteen an Spain, seven ou re'.idence, King Si.,wesi, whsre lie is prepsed. Africa, twouty-tbreeono the W/est indics, to a ae gents', and boys* antis su ail tue latesi and ouron he Brmuas.styles, and ai lewest peices, Fer iliose wlio cnd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ws foronseBemdawsbn rder salise, lie vili carry a-fulll hue of Tbo goneral resuitothc Iis warlr seems ta ampes ru ait tIse inewes patis. Giive l sho tie ' uitle to the southwest cf the a ccl. Azotes le a grecs vortex in tne ecean. Whbon J. F1T .A L tise fate enter tisis region tisey roemain asinbeTlo thero for moutho. Thbe Prince fein d, that FsinboTle the circulation cf tfte curreuts is more omuil, sv ,82 active ou tis e st hait circleoaf the vertex than ou tire casterri hait circl, ad this is expiained hy the eorebinied action cf t-e'i traitewrnds, equalorîsl entrent aund Gulf Stream. à Tise velecities wisicis were most aceurate- ly determinod were thase furnishof isy4I flicts recovered an tbioaly popnlared csts bocause tisey were quite certain thore te lie soan prokeit up. Thse mecu veloeity for thse regian comprised bietween'the Azor-s,-Ire- landt, and Narway was founuf te ho aboutTU ffflC r T DiN 3.97 nautical miles in twenty-faur heurs. F -r F~~5III~5 Beîweeu the Azotes, Franco, Portugal, and 'asFrSLE2~ SWO rire Canaries itwes 5.1l, natheial miles mn twenty-fcnr hauts. Tise current frein tise AKY U O Acataies ta tise West Indies, tise Baisamas, ~ G S sud Bermiuda ettained 10.11 nautical miles in twouty-fenr hauts.,:.

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