(CUT PLUG11) No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en= joye d sueli an immense -ale and popslarity i Ihe same period as this brand of Cut Plug and' Pltog Tobacco. Oldest Gut Tobacco manufae. turers în Canada. MONYPRLnAZ. Ct FI'ig, 10c. j lb Ping, 10c. lb ing. 20C. THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 $1 par annum lin advance, otherwise .L5). ýubécriVtions always payable at theo nfa iii a Publication, Advertisin4 rates unleas by oeu rant, 10 cents per lino, noaparie )frst insert on, and à cents p3r lune each subsequaat le- Feton. Locals, 10 cents par lino. M. A. JAMES, Publishe STANDARD BANKTÀ" OF CANADA. aPf ta] pald ni), 01,00O,OOOfet, fflO This Bank îs preparod to do Legiti- mvate Bauking, in ail its branches. 1Fa1rmer's notes discounted ; Deposiýts re>ceived and Interesat paid on accounts UÏ $5 and uypwards in Sevings Bank Departmnent. B U %-FT 8 Jssued and Collections made In Europe UJnited Otateo, and Canada. W. J. JTOffES.ý jiestdoa Genral Bankùng Business 1vmenVilie A gency. DEPOSITS Rec 'çred In Seviagg Bank Dpepartenent and on ca land interest allowed a cujrrei ratesý No notic0e owithdrawal nacessary Al deposite pay3able on demand, EXCIÂNGTE E Ught and sold and Drafta issued upon Euxopo Unted States and Landa,also Goid,gilverand Uenl*edSta.ss Greenbacksbouzht and aold. COLLECTIONS, P'r imptly madie t curreut rates upon ail part cf Grîeat Britaln. the JUited States anna ie Do rdnion of Canada, Telegrapli Traitsfeis Made for large or small sumei on aili part of Canada, This is esp'ecially advaîîîàgeous 4tg per.sor. living in Maniloba or the Norihves t, it makes the funds available at once ut thie Place 0fpayaient. Otlhoer particulars cali et the bank. E. L. FORTT, UEO. McGILL, ,Acuoontant. Manager. (JRUNO, - 117. Offico-Posb Offiýe Bok Cella by tlegr ph or telephone reueive im ie liate atentuon. !Misrsq. IONE % & McMUITR have thcls~lîe Counîy iof Durisau ifon îhe les WroFocein tfilsCountry. Ihisl et ,n,îîsil haudýllf sdorucmaisl. hi wIiloun, le injure, y snomm, heat, colfi or winds. i wiil turc Honsesi, Catie, Shecep, Hogus, Dogasul.d Prnlimy. h lisaa net woý;,rk without barba, and i wlini in- jure stock lu any way. htistamuoh stmong or anf moro durabsle than eny Iamb encl- uîs, '-ciug coser wnven. Areput up andi Frm and Township xnýighsfr sale. Apply et CENTRAL LIvE- W.P. RICH1, Carke P. 0., heving b îh Clrnko Towahip, prepared 10 _LB sner! Man. Aneso-our cousin lues gone in buiesIbcar. 11mw s its business cumu- Bmow- -!e livea higI, roulta a fine bouse, bi Piide re being wett educetefi, le _giv,,ea tlo leponn, but sumcîow or othor le usev et pays cas, ýh fou anything. YOU.NG FOLKS. A Miapelled Tait. A itebo ad "Motber, dean, May 1 go oi Lton pli31? The son is brigRit, bhec hein cleer, Owe, mnthor, dont cay neigil" 'Go oto-m ym 'iin," the sniher snid, lise cst said. "T eko ewem 't,v Your guei-s kuow sied,. cwl painteci ueed, But do kuot iose your weigh." "Ah, know.' liecrciefi, and sought the sîmeet Wiis hart sew fult oi glc - TRie vîciher eclsanged -and snow afnd sicet, And reigu, feu sîeadty. Tiirew ;now(lr4*ts grete, ihrew tvatenY Pool. He edie with msite and mane- Scid lue, '"Th on czh 1 wood svaik by nie, 1 am not rt,'l plane. "I'd like to moît corne kiudly sole, i For isean gne iidanoersweeightl, And youder stium a ireaclerous whnie- iwo sine hasbhen usy gate. "A Pence of breti, Ahice lot stake, I'dehewveif I1evere homne, This crewei foie my hsarti vtll braire, Eyniove kuot thu'- to roam. "I'm weel, and pail, I've mnist uy uode,.1 But hem e adcmie camse pcst le and his sted were safely tmcd ilcck I wo hie home ai lest. -[ XprilSt. Nichotas. MY rîRST BUFFALO. DY E. J. CLAVE. W/Ion at île age of 19 1 was lbu hy Stan- loy in comnmand ni a Congo garnison, iii Lutotelon, fear eway in île eban of Af ica, the natives living lu tihe noigîborloofi ai once insîltuief ais clabonate exeminion ni usyselt and usy hetongings. At firai tley looked upon me as some supernet. ural being, aîud thought tiat 1 migit le a deceasefi savage neîsîrned agein te île ,world. TIe natives ni Central Ainica are veny superstitions, and emîy sîrengenosa Rn tîseir usuat daily life on sumounudinga is ttii- utefi et once te souns mvaîerinus unscen in- flicence. Iu every viblagýe iierc is e charm ûLoctnm, wiîo ta belteved Rn posseas extreor- dinary powers ; lie cen ceete or stop e reiu-sîorm; lie eau interprot dreama and predici île futuc, and a amati dug-nut cenne eau ride île rougleat wavea whon under lis protectton. The possession of vaînable charma la snupposed in enable île chern doctor to do tlese uvondeniol ilinga. Hua collectioiuniofsuakes' leada, binda' beaks andi claîva, fecibera, leoparda' ieilh sud elepheants' laina, combined wltl herba aud rmots, ni which lie alone knows île powemfui propenîlea, ia believed te onabte lim to protodi limself andi île villae"s egainsi accident, atekuecsaundi deatl.' Mdy dustty ncighbos amdvanced île tleory that h mighu lieone nifilese wondem wonk- ing individuala. Rifle, revolver, watel, compasa, etc., werc mystenios imrpieunents wlicb îbey lad nover accu before, andi personelly I waa cxceedingly o3d iand u n- bitteanyihing iîey lad evat enco-ecitered. I wes white, apotte a s'range ton-uen, and according toeilseir ideas ni attire, wnre sufficient cboîlsiug for a whote tuile. TIc rigifi investigation in my clarac- tenistîcsaendi capabiities hy île natives ne- e alefi te mo tise ecessiîy i isuy distingulal- ing mysefin tuseine way inorder te obtain tle regard f imny neiglubous by proes of îîy supcnioriuy nver îlem. I feuiletht my rifle presentef tle, lest means oni eemning a rap- utaion-its bond " ping" huteresiefi aud awed my dusky inienfis, andi I gave ibem mosi cxaggcraîed eccoucuba ni its deadby Ipowena, bnw with onuealoi I coulfi bing un bis kueca île higgest elephant ilet ever roemued île fomesi, nu with île samne snppby of nimmunhitous silence the plunngiug nf an iangry lîippopoiamus. As e inciter of faci, ai that time I knew vemylutile about tIc use of a rifle, and Ih was ignorant ni tîhe dangerson i bg geme buting. -hItook tt ifon grantefi ulat mny rifle wasacacurately aigli- cd, andi I ioclially imagînefi ilat I couid lit an enimal lu île heafi on heent, on cny othen part ni île body I deci 'ded iupou, andi tleu, without furthen trouble, I might have e bmoilefi steak ion uhe nexi mccl1 TIe jongles erounid my station were scarcd througbnuî witi iranka nt wiid animaIs, lange cid amal; I wlaa niton rude- IF wakened et night hy the shîiltbrumpet- iusg oiea bond ni etepiants trampinîg aebo'yt close te my lut, buffeimes andufi eueopes ledi jworn ont pails leadJing mous tle inianfi plains ton imdrinttîng places ou île nivâs- and trompa ni' île înge9i'niy Iippopoîcuci anoniefi and g'ru ntefi as they webbowed iu île sallows near IF ; a cunuiug bemperd wouuld of tan steal arconf my clearing, aiienty en- cuncling my but in the îope ni finding tbat my dog wasnot locked up, or tlat muy goea andfi owls wene uni securety hînused «* TIe natives, who are vory fond ni e mneat dici, suggested tIen. my dcadly ritle, whicl I boastefi an much about, mighu lie chanitaI- Iy enîployefi for île purpose of rcpleuisbing tlie village barder, and I hai ouce expressed my enxueîy to give tîen an evidence nfitls power wlen c fittihrg npponîuniîy pro entefi lu c few days' trne an exciîed villager ruehcd imm my camp sud gajsped nu h news blet a bug bufleho hait taken possess- ion of bis wife's plantaion anuithreatened to dccii "v -fl Icicri'pc. My dîky 'visiter impbored nme in go and i klIl e beaai. Ai-] tha inme 1 was nitacquainted. . tb thej lesty tempenate andi reveng.efut dispositionf ni su"l an animal, an, deapite my indiffer- under sud innunidahie conditions; loîvever, mny reputatin wasai atatte, an, wii un- steady chus, I poiniefi myweapome for aspot lehinfi thc sîmuider and fired. TIc report ni my rifle was enswered by a shoot ni de- lighi from île natives, as île buffato aiag- geref on e iew umoments, tien feu heaviiy to île igrounfi deafi. I was, comnmeudiug te congratuleeissyscîf on betung c firat-cleasà - abS when I noticefi ibat my bell lied enterefi the brute's braie, twn feet frote tas mark 1 had air.ed iet!1 This, however, vas a secret whicb I decided to keep to mnysoti. At the brute's death, my dusky- iriendo, who had witnessed the proceedings front the tree-tops, clafnbered bestily to the ground and very soon hadl cut off every ounce of fleali. After an hour's work there remained nothing ni the animal but a litine pile of bories and liorns, and a gond- humoreul procession of savages tramrped briskly hack to the village, smacking their tbick lips in anticipat 'ion of a banq uet ni buffaîn meat, stewed and toasted. The natives, who lied nover be.loro seen a wl-iî'- man handte a rifle, were ainazed at a single bullet kiliug such a tough beast as a buffato; flot knowing the truth nofîny fli cie hot, they attributed the huffato's death to my clever shontuug, and I at once touit an opportuuuîy to expla1n, as foreibly as My meegre Congo vecabulary et ths time would permit, that wbeu huntiug big games I soine- trnes fired at the hnad, et other times I put the bullet behind the shoulder, and occa- sionaily I aimcd et the groin. This stato ment would enebie me to eccount for any erratie shooting in future, as a bail would nf necessity hoc compelied to strike in the neighborhood of anme of the parts 1 euum- eratefi untesa 1 sbould miss the beast el- together. My killing of ibis buffalo was tn their minfis so ably accomplished that they decid- cd to record the event by bostnwing onuI4,e a native naine, Iu theregions of theUpper Congo the moat successîul buter is knowu as Makula, which meens "errows," and benceforîh I beceme knwn by that prnud titte, Soon alter kitling my firat buiffelo I eh- tained a more serviceable weapon, e long Martini Henry, a powerf ul rifle nf greet ec- curacy andi penetratin. I practiced par- eslstently with this tilt I became a gnod- marksmen. Sinco my firstexperience with big. game, I bave known meny a man gored to death bly witd beasts--and lied it not becu for my 1iucky bat shot, my flrst buffeto miglit possibly, have brouglit my African career tn an abrupt close. For six years 1 was knnwn tbrouglinut the regions of the Upper Congo as mattula, an envied name, which the savage cen only ern hy eti.ack ing on foot, with e spear blado, the elephant or buffalo. W/hile 1, witlî a rifle, stolo the reputetion by e chance shot. The Vîç,tims of 'Vanity. %Vhat la to be.said nf the sini ni folly (the mania is apparently not confined tri thc younig) oi the mother who put hier chuld inj- te corsets et six years nid, or of the young jlady who "enjnys thc feeling ni tight tac- ing so mucli," and nover lots bier waist ex- ceed 17 inches, or 15 if she bas nu break- fast? Wc arceflot surprisedl to heur that aIe cannot walk. Are there realty sncb foîtaIs relative.- as tle one who insisted on a younig woman reducing bier welst to 17 luches, sayiug. "No man will marry a girl unlcss aIe looks smart V' Thcae unfortun- ate vi eima nf fashion sleep in their corsets, and know no release niglit nr day frôm thc agony ni tiglit ligaments pressing graducally jon sof t and growing bories. The torture of the Chinese lady's crusbcd tucs and thediafigurementof thesavege who « heves off bier eyebrows, asaws off and btacks bier teetî inu-a miataluen search for beaut.y are mild discomiorta compared with tibis proiouged and 11e-long discipine. eun shonid lb3 proud to think how omue'I val(ue tieir admiration and teo wbat longtîa thiley ar e prepared to go endI be poone "sat"These young laies are aiù e ç%ith their courage ; îhey re-el lu th"ir self- sacrifice ; they are tbc pioneersaend the martyrs ni progroas. Of ubem il may trufly ie said. "Ontoniyo)ur nwu nottshilye be jndgei," for it ta tbey who have revcaled tire secrets of île prison bouse, tom tire veil fromn their sufleringa, and glorifled in the pain which, once conquerefi, bocounes doudcous. Reading the effusions ni tbese devoîces ni fabion, one is remindefi ni thc lucubrations ni some wild, fanatical. sect cf the East,who inflict injuries on tbemselves and mortiiy 1iboe dlsh, rejoicing lu pain as a meana to a future of inelienable joy. Wbat la the joy of a victim to tiglit laciiîg? The gratifica- tion of a conuemptible vauity, coupled witb the trcmbling hope ni obteining a busbend. Men muai indeed bo vatuable prizea if they are wortb an mucli miacry.before marriege, n to speak ofittre unluappineasscf ton icaused by tbem cifter marriaeowhon yoked lu an unsuitabie and nnsympatbetic union. Thme man wbo la ceptivated by the stender- fnessni bis wife's waist cen scarco ho a very I excemplary or high-minded member of secie- î.Sncb a uman woutd probably, citer a fyrortwo ni merriage, ceese to know bow crosir. lred, or cere wheîber bier waisî were large or smai. The Probable Attendancq at the World's Fair. Tbe average daîly aiten lance et the Cen- tenni-al was 62,333 ; the largest ettendanco ws 274,919; tire samalleat ut,720. Tire daily average eit Paris wves 130,000; the laîgest single day's admissions, 400,00)0. Whil6 the circuinsancesanad conditions surroundling the Columbian Exposition diffcî maicrialiy fromn those ni outherthCe Centeniniat or Paris exhibition, uhe divergence i8 ni great enongh tto affect a very clear coniclusýion fromn the figures giveii. Tho uinavoidable inference drewn 'rom cvery international fair is ibis: The autendeuce is very largely drawn from the population within s limited rains irom le sit ni be eposiion.TIki, îhe " gun" sonda up jets nf a-atei to, the height ni m'ore than 100 fest, ocih spoutin'g being foltowed and preeded by tond explo- sions. The " gun" is a perfecîly smiooth bote, about 10 luches mn diameter, and uts hisîory eau be traced to île first setîling ni îhe co'nutry. No ne seema to knw, how- erhow ih got îhe name of I' McS-win.eys AN EQUIN1E ABROI'AUT. tleisitelligellit Anaimal atI First Exiblted ËDrcldeml otjeetieuss t tng sîl,-ualan a lieleoiâ, Raut Now Ne je FerrectiýY et flo>Ine in tise Air. Ic e lateat novelty leundhod on the dicos- goioýg public ni Gcrmany is designaied on île programme oi the famons Coruy-AitIoff ecircu, as "Osmin Pasha, îhe great aud only equlu" aieronanit ni île nineteenth century." 1smanPaa, who tIns graciousty permita bimei týLo lie usefi as e drewiug card for île hipdoeand by a single eci et ecîs pe-omnecoins money for his owners, is a proud black staltion whose fine cead and ymnmeirieat proportiou-,s anggeai bat ho ia entu ilefi to thia exalîed positins above lia fet low-mmr~s.MucI progresa las been made inirecent yeers in tire art of taming and training unimals, and. île Gerunen exhibt- ela, especialiy are consiemîtby prepaning sur- prise for ileir patrons. The ferocinua lyene is mcde to wclk a rolling globe bey Herr Martinu ; île eleplîcut la advertiaed as a" hevy woiglt gymnai, and dues overy- Li1ing but mm s omerseta; and îhe celebrat- cdI lagemanu astounds lis specietora by ee ga linge' cage fillod witl cauîlxed lot ni wld bec' mu, of snerbing tigouus, moaring lins ud growling wotves ansd bears. Aiter omipoblingÏ mutuc.l lniendship le supet.riîends their romps and gaml-ola, miIce e lion ai-d tigen ride togeibser ouia vebocipede, foblowed IF a beau dancing a polluýa, end conctudea lis maneuvers by pre- seniting the noisinat peti-mell of rushing, iubisbowling, and screaming beasts îminiiable. Biut île trick horse les atxvaya puoved île groateat attraction ni île cirons and men'iagenie. Since inteligeisceisacpuerequiis- lue lu anmalmetîraining nobetter subjeci eu leý foud than île horse. Wiiîont instruc- tion lec les dispbayed supeuior aagacity lu mnauyi instances. Punies have been kuuown io gýoto the horsealner ni iheir own accord when tley nequired bis services ; hcrses bave prevented people froisi drowning by ibeir po-meeful teeth, and e Canadien borse wsiii the habit ni tuming the tep ni e water barrel and slintting it again ai tan having quencleul lia tirst. Thc plauners ni île equine acronautîca mi id luttle dufficulty ai firstinluimducing ube staltn, wlo wes very docile, un atep lu île- car of île balboon, and lu order to previent accidents two atout sureps conneci- e i lis bit wiiI leavy trou rings iasiened in thc aides ni île car. Afier luis firai aeriet t;;pj, bowever, le steeuusly objccted to bave terra firme, and it required several mnu0ýtlisni patient aud caref ni train ing ýbe- foreo Osmsan conifi perlonm luis feet grace- ilyv. An't even uow, ai ter many trials, ho cxliiits ec i ine e certain lack ni con- fidence. A horse la iusttucîivcly cautions, epc abl voidiîug manahes and ail suspi- clous gronnd. Wlien Osman receivea bia c madto stop inoîle balion convey- ance leýt acta hike a woman on tise poli nio tAke 'n g a calîle car-le seauts tn ho surs, thet îleîig dos nit fly away belore le la comiforîabby tnstald. Durin g tihe escen- sto,, lie belaves phlegnueticaiby andi stands pericîly stiti, nobwiîliatanding the manip- ulations oi lis lucepera bebow, who arc consiantly pmsling omi bie nopes atbacîed to the car, awiuging it violcntly bcck and foi 1, Bn tîat acreams of bernor oscape île lai, wlo feen ibat île poor beasi mey ,mm -,cAwii et any moment. Thc only syp omanifear tile bor-e evincea occun di!nppgiîle pynotocluicet finale. Frou tise miomýeniLt1iîle attendant approecboa witi lis 'ïanrngtondc wibls which le kindîca île fireworks h ticsaIlinbegins to stemp andi anni t lurmonsly, uiug tisis part ni île p1u a,,eli fiery eyes and pricked ocra dIeîî< te lus intereat, and wlen le ta finally reeîae bene is e suddea dali for tise staile, unýder îheunri)arinus applause ni 1le aipucdietive multitude. Lutbîsacoiineoilon it isaintcreating te ne- eau thse facititai when, lus 178.1, Josephi Jocrgolfier expernlueitefiwitl lis prîmi- tise ,,laoon et Versaillesaituhe preseuce ni île Court ni France a sîeep, e mooster, an,!i adnck weue pleced lu a auspendîng ca osutisai île firai eronauta wene tncee domea'ýtic ansimal$, The suddeuacent, hovýLeve'r, lad a had effeci on tle peaeeon île ïamiîly, the otlerwise mneoi shecp gning an fan as te lnae luis temper and kick île roosien, fracing hua night wing. IEDIA'S IITEINITE VARIETY. les-Society ands lieS eenery Ceîîîpiex assd - Varled te a Begree. Tbe grand ditflculty ni talkiug to an Eng- lishm'ian about India ta thet le cbways oruns a pictureofnitîe place lunluis mind. Ihmay le accun ate or inaccurate, but it 15 always a Hîuu e. thiiiuks ofit culer as a green del ta, on a series nf sunheked pleins, or a wîld' regîn with jungle and river and ferma att inutermixed, or a vat park streuchefi ont by nature for sportsmnen, andi sloping anmue. bow at uhe edge ioward higbly cultivatefi plin. neyer occurs to hine tlat as re- gad xternat aspect there ta nIndue thaitt îlec Peuinsula, se called, is as large as Eur)iope west-ni tiseVistula, and preaents as MenyI variatios ni cenery. East Anglia is ni un différent fim m talyas île northwest provinces mroisi Bouge], non are the Landes su unlýilue Noumeudy as île Punjab la unlike t ise lmttng districts cf Madras, l'homo is every ascene in Indie, freim tRucetemnel auow nf i île Himehayas, as much above Mont Blanic as Mont Blanc tsaebove Geneve, to îlehe swampa niofBongal, al l uied inl fiuit 1treos ; inom tle wonulerlul valleys ni the Vindbye, where boauty and fertiity "e.Tcidea ni anybody getting bnci wlÏ1 ioch leet as yen lave is absurd. You couldn't lelp bein-- ound sud ideutiflnd." t la estimnaied that île British cnet mines Mill 1ho oxhausted intaleustIen 600 to 800 hati Castoria is Dr. Samuelc Pitcher's prescription for Infants, and Ohildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless subtitute for Paregorîc, Drops, Sootbing Syrups, and Castor Oile It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thÎrty years' use by millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishises Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,' cures Diarrhoea and. Wiud Colle. Caetoria relie-ies teethinig troubles, cures constipation and flatuleucy. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving heaithy and natural sleep. Case toria is the Chfldren'8 Panacea-the Mlother's Friend, Castoria. et Castolniauenexcellent medicuno for chul- dren. ijtniloavae repcatedly toifi me tuf us jgond effeci upon thib chidren." 0c G . OScoon, Loweli, Masa. "Castora Rallie beau remedy for clilidren nf ,which 1I ne cquacted. 1I bec lb day le Pot fan distant whcn mothers will coniider tRie roal itercai ni thein chldren, and use Castoria in- stead nf the variomistsuick uosrmrs which are destroying their loved nues, by forcinig opium, morphine, soothimg aYnmup and nilier hbrtu agents down tlir thmoats, iluerchY -'Seuding Chem to promainro graves." Du. J. P. lINscHuxen, Conway, àr7 Castoria. « Castor! a 1Issuweiliadaptedinte hibdet hai IrecoMmen'l ipats uperior toauy prescription Imunutoenue." H. A. Aucune, IM. D., 111 Sm. Oxford St., Eceàiyn, l. Y. "our ptysîcîain tuhîe t - dren's depart- ment havea pokoncihighly cf thoir oxperi- enco lun their outaido pranilna ,- ith Castoia, and i'cî1ouglh woe nnly ý amug ur medicel supplies whais 1a7jFatas regmu an products, yet ue ni-oare flte *eleeiesthat île inenia nof Catoia bas wntxo WUtei10k witle Levor upon t." UNIsTED HesrfzE1 DusumNciAaa, Boston, luises ALLE14 0C. Sas-ra, Thse Cjetaui Company, '77 Murra~y Sfree-t, Nc Y<ek CiLt. FOR SALE Ly J. IlIGGINBOTIHAM SON, BOWMANVILLE. aùst End GanDep ot The> undersigned desire to thank the farrners of West Durhaai for the libeî-al patronage extended to us durino, the past season, also to remind them that wve are stili in the market and prepared to pay the H1-IGIE{EST MARKET PRICE FORý delivered at our stouic; ou King and :George sret).,o-AtPr Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rodk Sait for catt and hoîses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we' are prepared to sel a-EM -,~E:A- IF 0-A.SIL Ail kinds of Luinber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COALt always in stock, We invite inspection an~d guarantee satisfaction. Beaver B-look, - Bowmanvîlle Keeps always a large assortmnen-b of Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers , Slippers, Trunks, etc. AIl1 Styles,Grades and Sizes, and prices to suit ail pookets. No better or cheaper place ii West Durham to buy. H-e ciefies competition, Oldest and largest store;, best, biggest and cheapest stock inBowmanville. ~LTI~ ~'OR ~LL I Il - - - -~ ~t. Purify île Blond, correct ail Disordirs of th(,, ILIVER,,STOMAOH, KIDNEYS AND BOWJ,ýfELS *bey Invigorate and restore t10 blhDebilitated Constitutions, aargre invainaeif mntiie co..ligto incdentaito Femaaesf aillages. For Chtbdren and thieagod tley arc prî,3elesg, >aun iafallailo romedy o Bad Legs, Bad Breasto, Old Wounds, Sores antd UcmmraX ,' Amousefor Gîmut and Bbeunsatis. For disnruiers of the Oheat it las n) egna' FOCýR 8SORE THR0,'-ATSý BRONOIHITIS, COUGHS, COOLDSS 'amuulauweIlngm ai l SiaDie tesibas norival; andforcontracted îandaîlfTjoiCnte, it ace sli ke a ahanas, i f 'c '3 il *1 il c'a me i-f f 't me 't 'il b m1 mi i su ms-f fi i O -I - s mu Y 511 i il ilCis S fim 'i 'm'osa i4~ ) '4f5 il le ~l '-i il i ~4<t ij ,,i~l ~' u4t5Cd~ f -.1 e-smO i cd ,>J 1' miii as 4' usO "s mieqd ~ f -'u-'1 i e'3s'l 'f t'1 7 ,u'Lnsb see'is- 51 '--s if lue ~î ~c "c if- tue Mantsfaeiîsred only 'at TiimAs HOaeOWAY'S Estalishiment. t 78J EW OXFORD STREET (late 533,Ofodt)LNDN ýL&are sold at la. il., gas 9., ils., 22c., and 58e. cehelBox on Pot, ï adma bt:j u-' oc ilMdeuVedn regon lWrl.1 ý»FqrCbaserIBSlbQuilook teothe âLabiâl n lbPol,,d~U lA »o ad.dr«j. I.net o t ox,cdBt. Lodon, tbey ieumnS S' f