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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 4

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The New ý"Wonderful Oats." It pays to SOW good seed. It will pay to s0W these Qats. They are Ileavy Yielders, Strong Growers, Early Ripeners, Weigh 42 lbs. to bushe«l For sale by 69 King St, BOWMÂNVILLE. flowmÂNviLLE, APRIL 26, 1893. Gladstone's Home Rule Bill has passed îts second readinig-majority-43. We feel sure our citizens will be most thanidul for the practical suggestion con- tained in Mr. Brown's letter. If the9 Ontario Government will only give us IV permissionu te put our banda in our 0w: peeckets and spond our own mouey, th chair factory wiil soon ho a substaatia reality. __________ If Spriag does not soon establiahhbe claim on this part cf cur mundane spbere the crop outlook will ho as bieak as tbi Past fortnig-ht's weather. Especially il Manitoba if the wboat is net sowxî earlj the froat la apt te play havoc with iL be fore iL ripens f uily. XVe beg te present our compliments and iili thauk Olé Proba for an immediate change cf weatb. er for-thit Dominion. If the rate cf increase îr. population ix Darlington townsbip, as shewn by Assesse oýr Brown's retorus, is the averago for thE Dominion, t kanocks the cousus 'calcula- tien1.s of net inicrease tbrengh imumigration into sraithierouas. -Birtbas, 97: deaths, 40; ilicrease, 757. Darlington is îlot considor- ed a very pjrolific seil for this Y*rticular 1-adUýtr-y, th r overty and chiildren are usuaily cc-existant, anud there is no poverty iii Dartlington. Mr. Geo. Haines, Plc aitae tol& usit hoe were a yeuug mat i ho wuid net hesitate te go inito tho fouidry huai. nioas iii Bowrnanville. With sncb a wide agriculturai district arouud the town, tIuerc us a splendid prospect for a succoas- fi IIIbusiness beiug buiit up, by akilîful aad ~... IOSmanagement supnprt-+r by reasoniable capital. This opinion is coni- curr04A in by many other persenas who have read or' article on the subjct in luet ee's issue. Wu. Cii' raviaga about or public or private doinga cencera us very littie but when. to get a slap at us3 ho draws hbis iaa3h over the shouxiders of sncb w eli- -known and worthy citizeas as Messra. D. Burkýo Simupson, C. M. Cawker, W. B. Couclu and others wbe are associatod with us in trying to promote the common in- teresta of this towa, ho is net burtiug auybody but bimseof. Te cases aucb ro- spoctedl citizens as "gabby incompetenta" Ia simiply te bring ridicule on bis own coLu)d uct. For once, try te ho a true man ,sud asist yonr follios citizena in dciug sornething for Bow manvlle. The lSth of the present unonth was the coniteinais] anniversary cf the establish- mont of the tirst newspaper la Canada. The Canadim. Press association marked te cent by the publication cf a fac sixu- ie Of thiz paper, wbich was named The Tfpper Canada Gazette or Amnerican Or- acie, te pablilher heing Louis Roy. 'Ple dual tiLle is explained by the dusl mission cf the paper, wbicb s-as net onIy te hc nofficiai record cf te proclama- tions, etc., cf te goverument, but alce te ho a general nes-spaper as s-eh. Some Limes te paper got ont under difficunties, as., is evidenc.d by the f act that in 1801 for a period cf six weeks iL s-as puhlished osa ine wrapping paper, the stock cf -hite paper having givon eut and iL being impossible Le procure a fresit supply be- fore te openiiag cf navigation. DARLINGTON A.BSBSSMENT. Rtecapitulation cf Darlington assoas- ment for the year 1893:- Nurnber of portons assessed, 1463; To- taïl vaineot relideat and non-resideut laýilds, $2,557,630; average rate per acre, $37.43; personsi prcperty, $2,100; total amssasent rosi sud persenal, $2,559,730; total population, 4,440; number cf cattie, 6,277; numibor cf sheep, 4,214; number of bogs, 2,174; aumber cf horses, 2,957; c,,'be e dogs, 438; bitches, 14; acres cf orchards sud gardon, 1,183; Faîl wheat, 390k,; steini boilers,9; maie persons be- tweea 21 and 60 years, 1,006; childrea botw-ean 5 and 16 years, 998; chiidren Le- tweea 7 su ad 13, 694; cildren ovor 16 and unider 21, 337: birtbasînco hast assesa- mo nt, 97; deatîrs since lat assessment, 40. 1. L. Buuowee, assoasor. Hligh SchIOGl Notes. D. B3urkxe Simion, Esiq., HonorEry President of tho High School Foot Ball club, very generougly donated $10 te the funda of that happy band of kiokere. Tihe first rmeeting of the Saltatorix Society waî held in third forni, Friday at 4 p. in. This Society is composed 0f twolve cf "les plus belles demoiselles" of the great B. H. S. As the Saltatorix is a secret seciety eac-h of the mnembers have chosen a namne ether than her own by which orily is she te be known in f u- ture meetings. The foliewiuig are the officera for the terni: Hon. Pres3ident,-- Miss Cummings; President,-Madge; Vice. Pres,---A gatlha and Trinket; Secret- ary,-Tùt; Treas,-Aurelia; Pianist,- Marguerite; Correspendent,-Sanjanu; Social Committee,-Aradne, Vera, Bon- nie and Budge. The Boys' Glee Club have formesi theniselves into aso seFoy havung for its object the vocal exercice snd improve- ment of iLs niembers. At the initial meeting on Friday at the followitig ofi- ,,ers were elected: Manager-J. H. Elli- ott; Muxsic Director-0. E. Brown; iîa- ist sud Accoînpanst-G. Emery and J. H. Elliott; Sec Treas.-A. N. Miiei chou; Exocutive Committee-A. C. WiýliaMis and L. B. Williams. The Fervices of thi, talented cempany cf high claés vocaliats may ho secured for concerts, etc., by ccmmunicating e ith the secretary. Charges reaionablo. Thie Executive Cemmittoe are at present activaly eu- gaged iu inventin< a'n original college 6 yel' for the Sceel. A îneetiniz ef the Thryxepitomil 'Soci- ety was held Mn Thursday st undor great d ,fficultios owing te the violent storni then prevailing. However, the membaes are t trcn1g in pars ,ver»,nce' ad patience as may ho jud.ged by the pars. veriug sud patient manner in which somes cf them carasd for sud cultivated their dlowny mioustaiches (?), and the gathering was an immenas aucces. L was decîded that the Society have an su- nusl reunion te be held in tbis town at tho finit cf each year Lu that the mein- bars mikht have an opportuuity of seeing each other aud rnotieg the progreas cf the hair on the@ir several npuer lips. The of- ficers olected for the piesent year are as followa: lion. Pres.-F. W. Werry; Pres. -0. E. Brown; Vice Pros.-A. L. Mc- vlurbry; Sacy.-M. W. Pààgcoe; Trocs- it. Il. Stea.y; Marshall-W. A. White; Tonsoiia, Artist-F. C. Trehilcock. WVhy was a person sppointed et the last and rmeut important office who bas ever had, te ail appearances, any ex- perience in raising, i azing or razering abirsuie i!rcrth aveu un hie own phys. ionny? We would advise the other members t,) lay in s stock of ceud plaster r calomel b fore they all-'w this novice t the lîther aliuigina art te oporate on ffem, aLo tr, have tubeir lives insured. TAVERN L10ENSES a On Satuirday Messrs. R. Windatt, John Hughes and Henry Middietcni, License Commrissionours for WeatL Duharî, met in -te couicsl Charuber wliwni the follosing r applicationi for liquor lîcenses were Sgurutcd, the rnames cf te bendsmen hein1 ,alse givex:- Bow auvîleR.Beuuiett & Sons; .sureties, W. P. Prcwer, W. G. G lever. John Darcb; sureties, J. B. Martyni, J. Lyle. W. R. Goodwin; suretie8, W. Winter, -H. Hosketb. Darlington-Mrg. W. Beer, Ilamptcu; ancoies, Thos. EllioLL, Wm. Martin. Jue. MoYse, Tyrone, wine sud beer oniy; suretios, John Jol], S. M. Clemmua. Jas. Gallaghier, Burketon; sureties, W. Gos-an, Sain. Robbins. Cartwrigt-P. H&uIt, Blackstock; sure- ies, Jas. Parr, Teas. Whitfieid. Geo. Corfleld, Blackstock; W. A-L Fish., W. Moore. Thos. Swain, Ciesarea; suretios, James Parr, Anson Taylor. Grauted subj oct te promises bing put lu prcper erder. Clarke-W. Pope, Orono; suretios, Jas. Hsîlett., Ed. Pinder. 1Jas, Bell, Orouco, soreties; Jae. Wad- deIl, Jos. Simpaon. Graut ed subject Le promises being put in proper order. 1P. Bluno, Kendall; sorotios, Jno. Les-- rey, R. J. Ios-rey. Mrs. M. E.'McCheatney, Newtouville; sureties, W. Oveas, son., Major John Hughes. Nos-castle-Geo. A. Jaccba; suretie8, Daniel Allun, R. Varcoe. Chris. Gleudenning; sureties, W. Grose, Chris. Anderson. Mrs. R. Benînett, Port New-castle, heer sud s-une; sureties, Franki Gibson, Albert J. Dos-en. A petition from R1. Duuett & Sons sud a number cf u-tepayera asking for privul- ege Le keop betels open lu Bowmanvllle LIII il p. un. s-as neot grantedl. The pétition sayis,"botels", but "bars" s-as ne dcubt meant. Board adjourno1d to meet May 2, Town 'Coun2cil. Speciai meeting cf thux Town Couneil Frlday iigt- ail members presmut. Mr. D. Burke' Simipson, tes-a solicitor, ad- 'dressed the Ucune;l on the renunt cf hie mission te te Privato Bi-ils Committeo cf the Ontario Legisiature on Thuraday, af ter, which iL s-si decided to seud te whole Council sud Messrs. W. F. Allen, Dr. McLaugblin, D. Burkie Simpson, John MctJIeUan, W. Carn, M A. Javncs, W. R. Clim-e and Jas. Gelt te Toronto next Thucsday to press on tho Goveru- ment the necesity cf apecW a lelaaion te enable Bowxuanville te aid local jadi trios te the extent cf $20,000. SPRING FAIR Friday, April 28 l Ite date cf the Spring Staîhion asid Baul how in BDes-. mauville. A2reeabîy te the wish cf os-ners cf Iight herses, the directors bave dividod the claises-readeter sud carniage heing abos-n reparately. Tac prizes will ho givea ia cacb ciase. Men's Clothing sud Tweeds till ho cleared ont at auy sacrifice. Ellisan & Co. MECHIANIOS' INSTITUI The annual meeting of Bowmaxr Mechainica' Intitute wi be;hed ii Roadîug Room ou Hionday, Mlay iý 8p. nm. for election of efies ce reporte, etc. JOHN KEACHIE, Salvation Army Notes. Capt. McAmmond, late lu charge ber of the Army work, bas been promnoted tc the rank cf Eudign sud geeýs iWcareoi the Bracebridge District, Muskoka;, Capt. Mark Ayre ha is e býee pro- motod te the same rank aud goý-s n charge cf the Simce District, Wesýïterî Ontario, Ensigu Myles late of Woodstock is in charge of the Corps boresud is assistec by Capt. Burrows. New Building b'irm. Mr. Alfred Gulley sud Mr. F. G. Humber bave formed a partuersbip sud will carry on bu-siness as con'ractors-, buildersansd goueraI carp,ýuter-. Bot! are thorougbiy skiiod atnd practical workmen,'baviog an intimate knowledge cf ail the dtais cf their businepss md will endeavor to give complote satiîac- tienin lil work entrustsd te theni. Tboy are prepared te undertake auy new work or repairiug iu the ea.-poetry lino, give estîmatos, sud where necessary can supply materials. Corrospoudeuce may be addressed te Gulley & Humber, Cou- tractersansd Buildors, B )wmanvii-~, or they may be accru pt&rs naily. Mr. (*ulley ]ives on Centre St.'sud Mr. Hom- ber, cor. Queeeu and Ontario Sta. New Butcher lî'irm. Mr. (lTeo. Joli snd Mr. Robt Eowe have bought îhB 1d os:abîishe'I nioat business from b1r. W. Ji. R Cawker who bas for en mny yeara csrrmi-d on a suic ce8sfut butcbering liusines4 hore. NIr. Joli bas a th-r,.ugh scquiuttauco wiï.hi the meat trade sud the high character cf the Town Hall Moeat [loadqusrtera wiil be fully astaiued. The new proprietora will gîve careful and prompt attention to ail orders sud are d.torîined to gîvo sat- isfaction to aIl custoxuers. Caïh wiii be paid for bides, abseepskins3, tallow, pooil- try, egge, etc. llighest pruce for goed caîves and lamba. Coizens are reqused te give Joli & Rowe, the c ew 11cmr, s triai., Gonds never se low as now at the fi2 20. Dobacu & Maynard. W. H. Osborne invites ail ladies to test bis teas. Delîcions fiavors. Scribblers, 2 for 5c.-200 pages at Big 20 Dobson & Maynard. Extra reductions on the pries of order- id Clothingy. Elliâon & Co. Profits or ne profits we are bund te Bell. E180son ,- Compare the old aud new pricca und see the differeuce. Ellbson & Ce, This la a apeciai sale for sà special pur- pose, and gooda wiil be sold regardîcas cf Fo1UeNDGVILT.-Dol»son & Msyuatd1ý, Big 20, have been fouud guhty of Boumin Wma Japers cheapeýr than any other bouse lu town. Dressruxaldung done at tho homes cf 0)e iîtizena cf Bewmauville. Price 60 conitB #day. Miss Hornibrook, Pinie Cottage, Liberty St., South. 12-4w. For colda in the head, tbroat or cheat, get Magnus Expectorant, sud don't shlow them teput you off withuanyether. L-trge bottles 25 cents, ai ail drnggl.ste. Mir. H. Cana bas taken over the Firz and Accidçont business heretofoie c4rried oni by Mr. R. Virtue sud will have ani office lu Worth'a hardware store. TÂ RED RivzER. -The red river of 11fe is he other riv*ra lb .omgt*ies ecomes impure, but unlike other rivera ioualy neede Burdock Blood Bitters to erfeMIly vurify it sud irmove aIl iLs dis- troxu s common phaple to the worat serofuions acre. L892, "The Oream of the H-avana Grop. " "L% Cadena" aud "Lai Flora" brauda o! Âgars are undcubtedly aupeior, in qomlity wd cousiderabiy îewer la price than auy :rand imported. Prej udiced smiokeo iii net admit tiiste be the cas.o. The *nniaaeur knows it. S. Davis & Swns, nomtrêsl. ci 1% ti b ai ci em b 1 ai br wi Cc m ÂA LL CAITmCAL PrrEMS AND CHANGE 0 F LIrE. Soid byaiLruggies,o !by imail price rio ContE, ix boxes, $2.00. 2ize Celery ipil CQ.. T.routo, Ot "NECHBRSCIVE VOUR BOYS A CHANCE". Linco)ln's words mighb s-el] ho supple mcnted by the addition of "and the girls toc". The bet chance haua Xcourse cf sitndy lu practicai aubjectea atheb liamil. ton Business Colloge and Shortband In- stîtute. 34, 35, 38 aud 40 James st. 60uth, HamMlon, Ont., Spence~ & McCullou2gh, pniscipasa. Write tor the annunal an- nnnêei -it ieb aill ho sent free Lo any arsi 7~R'S SEEBANNA Ser1803 invaluabie to evecyP1ne yýCOlege School, Port iiLp, "vas1 byfr oïl Moluday to arnlounit of The Glo'be is asking for a vot e or pleL- isite oil the liquor question anid prints a formi cf ballot. Ail temperance pol andl temperance societies should circulato theu ballot ii n eir sections and lojdg e- rooun and sendw theiit into the Globe Dobson± and M aynard h~ave office as early a-s possible. May leii b u h u the in-ess o h !lmightîof Weboughthouttthe businessiof the the resýuit. in favor of Proibýitîin S,,e e P aily and Weekîly Globe for particulrs. Big 20 a ta rate - n t e ' n ,I are in a position to give the pub- lic great bargains. Ir,1W i ae We have one ofithe finest --tocks ever brought to town. 'W4 are selling it at first cost; Japanese Cups and Saucers, Plates, J Vases, Rose Jars, Jardenires, &c., actually at cost. Books, I Albums, Bibles, &c.; a full lune of School Books, Siates, JScribhlers, Pencil, Pens, etc., Cali and, see how cheap we ean seli you goods. ifSOMETHIN09 TO BEMEMBER, DOBSON & MAYNARD. îfyou're a weak or ailing, woman: BIG 20, B w avle -that there's only one meèdicine so B W avIe sure to help you that it eau bc guaranteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription. In' building Ê Up overworked, feeble, delicate wo- v Nl men, or in any Ilfemnale complaint"N D U or weakness, if it ever fails to bene- baek. It's au invigorating, restera- tiv.e tonie, a soothing and strength- ening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for wonan's ills and ail- ments. It regulates and prometes ail the proper funetions, imaproves aches and pains, brings, refresbing sleep, and restores health and strength. One Car b adof bUCTAR In ail the chronie weaknesses and dlisorders that affliet vornen, it is giuaranteed to benefit or cure, or bou ght before the very the money is refundcd. Nothing else canlelb as cheap. With this, you pay only for the stro ng advance. Sold in good you get.1 barrel lots very oheap- for HO'w to>get a"Sunlig-ht" picture. Sed25 "Sunilight" Soap wrappers cs (wrspper heariulz the w, rds " Vs hy Dosa sh a Woruan Lok 0 d S>i ner Than a -Man") ta LEVER Bitos, Ltd., 43 Scott St,, 'Toronto, and you will receive by po3t a pretxy picture, f e tront adveriising aud R em em ber Sugar is stili weil worth framing. This is N easy way t) deuorste yoiir honte. The soap very firrn ancd Iikely, to get is !ho best tri th.j market, aud it will wrapý-r3,if Vou le,%ve thd3 ends oven. highYjjer. We 1a11 mtqicales for cash. El ;isen To ct the re-miarking of lstock, 'yj,. m~u rir 'u oh store will be closed on Friday l4th ~ Urij .'d ~ U AJ of Apýril Elli.iun &Co. Just in, three (P3) distinct lines of Cashmere Hose for Children,. Misses and Ladies. Also Cotton Rose in great variety, Seo our job Uine for women at two pairfor 25c. Highest price paid for al kinds of produce. JOHN MoMURTRY, If yeu wish a real ly gool and reliable Wateh cail and sec those Waltham and EMgin Wmtcbes being sold away down iu price and fuily guaantedby Tý N. RICHARD, Watch maker, Jes-eller sud Opticiau, Variety RIs].j Mrsq. Doucester taltes pleasumre in un- fermiug tbe publie that next, Saýurdasy ahe wiIl have ber Spriag sud Sommer Mili a- ery open for inspection, ever3hedy lnivited to corne. Trimmed sund untx-lm., med goods. Flos-ers, Feat.hers, Veiling Ribbons, Lace, e te. Hate ce!ored aud resbaped la &Il bbe latest styles. Orciers talion for bbc Robinson Corset, London, S;ALE Dry Goods and Clothing. On Saturday. the 15th of April, we wilI begin a Clearing Sale of Dry Goods and Clothing. Our chief objeeb le to get money quickly. Urged on by this imperative reason, we wiil not folow the rule of any previous sale but simply imake prices'te suit the times. Positively our Cleariing Sale Prices will Le the'lowest ever seen here. Our Sprîng and summer stock is now full in each department. The remarkably low prices will be a bar against giving credit while the sale last. Due bills will Le taken same as cash. We ask the general public to cali and examine the clearing priceýét .N. B. To enable us to finish remarking stock, etc., the store wili Of cloeed on Friday the l4th April. BowmaiLville, April 10, '93. †V U)ngaoetooa.L . A FRiuND IN NEED.-A friend hno uood CAUSE AND EFrzcT.-Coughs sud colds lis secuced by everyoue s-ho keepQ a bottle are thc cause, if neglected, cf ceusump- IVrs. DONCASTER, o Hagyard's Yellos- 011 at ha- d for ose ion.' IL la thereforo ranchbebtter bo cure against accidental oprains, bruisa, cota, tbem at once by the use cf Ilagyard.s Bowmanviile, bhums, scaîds, or any inflaamntory pain, Pectoral Esîania, the sto, bure adç re- sncb as rlseuniatiai?, qninsy, acre titroat, hiable remedy for ail diseasos cf tho3 Mîuaru% Ln-eut ewaz DiAtheria. etc. tbrcaut ani lungs. 1 %

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