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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 5

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troulibe if Pleirry Davis, bl ept ;,! the bouse. A fc\v draps ýýnf this o1111 remedy in a little sweet. ëned witer or milk, brings prompt Ïellef ; Sold everywlere. fRave you- scen- the Newv BIG BOTTLE Old Price 25 Cents. Fitting, Spectacles In Difficit and Comuplicated Cases A Specialty STOTT & JURY'S. Being a graduate of two of the best Ophthal- ie Colleges on the con- tinent, Mr. Jury is in a position to guiarantea en- tire satisfaction. INo charge is made for con- sultation and spectacles are supplied at lowest pricýs. GOLO GOGO9S A SPECIALTY. GBAND TRUINK RAILWAY. DOWMANVILLE STATION. G01KG ]EAST 001KG WEET ...........8a 4 Mail..... 519a M Exri' *esa.10o29 ar Lim.Exprea 613 am1 zfixed. 3 12 pm Local. ....845a ,ioal 707 pm Mlxed.,....29 la LI", E. .., 0 27 Pm IMail ....26Pm' J Except Mondays i .WHEN YOU GO To MANITOB.A4 EUROPE, UN4TED STATES qi y place lu Canada eaUl at STOr SunTy's Drug Store for Tickets and Infor- otin regarding lowest rates and hast toutes. Bowm.&NviLLE, APIIIL 26, 1893. Local and Otherwîse. Blachkstock Spring Fair ta morrow,27'th Bo.wmanvjille Fair on Fr.iday this week. Mr. Norman Sinclair, Toronto, spent Srdyin town. .8il colors of prepareî Paint at R. (Worth'ai, Bowmarivilie. -New subscribers are coming in-THE TIESVAN is the people'a paper. Bowauville Oddfellows will attend the Methodist cliurch next Sanday on ,1 11.eigCrsin ndvo coe>- ti1on wiil be, held iu Bowmeuvlla ehurch, Xgoy 17 and 18. '£2ho will of the laie J. M. Ferris, exý M. P. P., of Campbeliford, shows that hia~ estate la valued at 897,000. Bn RTS.-A lot of travalera' Mampies very choice goodsansd at low peicez. T. Geo. Masou's Clothinz Store. Old Sol was eciipsed April 16 and the weathar aince then lias ecliisad any pre. vious period-alI four Besisons having been represented within a week, flurgiara have baen aperating at Pott Hlope, Peterboro, Millbro*k and Bethany. N~otice lias been sen.t ta Bcwmanville to koop an eye on ai suspicions visitors. Don't forget Kirby's new paint ehop. Bodoyia a , Yotla PM andM aget.lhh o etsa onJ ai eo' r fin e alnd e StnaRoren. -eys Pusr:e 2?iý"aaipe. dietZi Ah fu ina of oid Setales, Rsud, KEy Parc,, cth in owellar.adth Darlington Council teeots nexti Satu"- day at 1.30 p. m. l3arb and Anoealed Wîre at R. WVorth's hardware store, Bowmanville. Six hotels are necessary t,) turniali Oshawaites their grog, it seema. Mr. Fi. A. Massey, Toronto, has prom. ised $10,000 ta the new Mthodist Coll ego, British Columbia. Rev. T. W. Joîifeé will deliver a kspec- il series of s2ermons on The Prodigal Son. The Boy Leaving Hlome ia the aubjdecinaxti Sunday niglit. Mr. E. Là Fortt, the geulal accountant of the Ontario Bank liera,'was in Peter- bora recently assisting ta inspacti the brandi in that progressive town. P4essra. W. P. Prower, Reeve of Bow- manville, sud W. MeNali, Deputy Reeve of Hope, weia in Cempbellford April l3tli inspecting the bridge. -Fierald. Do yeu want a new sufiit or spring over- coat ? If you do, remember that Mssaon'a3 cutter la the boat, and staff of taillra the largeat and beat equipped in this section. Try thein. Mr. James Medlaud of thia town wha lias been residiuz at Corniwall waa pre- sented with a handsome photograpli album by the choir of Trinity churcli an leaviog thare Isat waak. The Toronto Empire ëays whuie Mrs. B. B. Cronyn waa viiting lier father, Dr. MoLaughlin, Bowmanville, lier hanese, 30 Avenue Raad, was entared, a suit, and other lothing, a gold watch and some jaweiry taken., The sevenili annual meeting of the Woman's Anxiliary ta Missions of the Toronto diocese was held last waek in the churai of Fialy Trinity, 'Toronto. There were prasant from Bowmanville Mrs. D. Burke Simpson, Mra. J. H. Reid, Missi Logan, Miss Fiolland. Mr. D. Buchanan, assistant editor of the Lilve Stock Jouraal, was guest cf Me. Samuel Allun, Providenci?, isat weak sud spoke very highiy of Mr Allaîî's fine bard of Short [orus. Fie also viitai Mr. W. C. Blackbnrn's flocks of Leiceat- or sheep and the liorse stables of Moiesa. R. Baiti> & C., Bowmauville. Fie wil likely visit ailier farmers lu the town- slips latar in the seasan. We se. by the Toronto Junction Daily Tribune that Mr. and Mrs. W. Fi. Ives ware guesta at t15. aunual bail and supper of tha C. P. R. angînears and hreman, at whi h 'utwarda vi '50 couplas al hand- 9ime and for the mast part fashiouably fatt-ed wera lu attendance" Mis%- vas vra etired in a rra cu enriet a on- broidue-ed wt rî nrosP. Mr. T. land were amoug the guests. The Campbellford Fieraid In referring ta the Oddfellows church parade on Sun- day April 9îh says: fLev. T. W. Joiliffe of Bowmanville oficiated and delivered a discours. puraiy in the interesti, of Oddfellowahip. Mr. Joiliffe la a ciaar, definita, eloqueut speaker and aithougli ho ranged ovar tha spaeofan a hour lu the delivary of lis diticourse, no ane graw tirad cf litaning. There was a large congregation prcsent. In the eveuiug Rav. Mr. Jalliffe preacliad an excellant sermon on heaaf of the educational lu- teresta of thea durci, and watt plaasad te again confronit a very large cangrega- tion. RF, UNITED By DEÂT-lu ýISeptember thera died lu thia city a voung mn named Edward Dawkins, who was lu the em- pioy of W. A. Murray & Ca. Fie lad Lben mars lad oly nine waeks hefore ils untimely demise, which occnrred rathar ksuddauly from an attack cf hemorrliage of the> longs. Fils young widow not in the hast o! health, rematued ln thýe City with friends while consulting diffrent'phyai- Ciaus es 1telier condition. She left for the home cf ber father, Mir. Wrn. Krr ira J3owmanvilla iu November sud lunDe- cember waa cooupell..d ta tuke te bar lied, cousumptiku, being thie cause Af 1er five meanthe' lingering, dvaili came taelier re- lief ]est Friday-Toronto GLi:3b. The Cobourg Worid pays tbis tribute te a würthy leala gentlemen favorably known te mauy STATESMAN roadera: The Spring Assizes for these nnited counties were opeued in thecocurti housMonday -Hou. Mr. Justice MeMahon preaiding. Mr. John A. Barron, Q. C., ex.-M. P., cf Lindsay, ta diaohargîng the rasponsibia duties o! Crown Counsat-. He lias many frieuid, in this town sud connty who are p1masad ta soec hm cccupyintz so honor- able a position mi the bar. The day. of has boyhaod were spent at Gore's Laudý ing ,halere pieaqant momories linger round thaecl-I rasidence cf bis late fathler Dr. Ls roi>, w hase name ut ravered by hudred3 cf promineut Canadianata -day. Mr. Ba-ron lîas keen and suceessful iaw- yer anjd lu the higli court of Parliament as mn-rmber for North Victoria hoe bas won honorable distinction. Tht ur o G.U.Turne 9ofG.1 1Thc Worid's Pair la the attraction for1 '93. llowever donoct lose sighit of the- fact thait T. N". Rickard la a watcimaker, jewoer asud aptïil an authat repairlng ila oï e o!f lus apecialties, therefore any work yen may giv. hlm ta do will be dons well.' We are crowl'ad with sto3k frain cellaIr te gîr rot. EisAon & Co. ChIldren Ory for Trout flshiug begia May lat. Mr. A. Co matock, Kendall, viasited lu town racently. Ex-Mayor Yonie liis beau coiflnaid ta the bouse nursing a cod. Mr. J. W. Banner, Apoley, lias beau spending a few daya at home. Math Proof Carpet Fait suad ail kinida cf Building Paper at R. Worth5a. Mr. Fiarry Brown, wife and chld of Toronto, speut Sunday at Mrs. J. Brown's. Our Mr. C. R. McCulloughi, now vof Hamilton, lias slraady won glory as s poet. Africau Choir in Town Hall to-niglit. This company bas won golden opinions in every place visited in Canada., The Allen Lins SS. Mougolian will ssii from Mentreal eu May48rd direct for Liverpool," carrying cabin passengers only. We are beîng told every ai.maat avery day t'iat aur Boys' Suits art away abead of ali competitora. Try T.- Gea. Masan's for ready-to-wear ciothîng. Mr., M. M. Fanwick, M. A., represent cd klowmanviile Camp at the aunual meeting cf the Grand Camp, Sous of Scotland, at Guelphi last weak. The many friandis of Mrs. Marshal Porter will b e glad ta learu that that lady is progressing nicely tawards reeov- ery from thoe ffects cf lier fail a month ago. The cald weather continues; mauy lad- ies trîed te rush tle season Sun day by appearing in summer apparai, but tiare was a haavy froaýt that nîglit. Fur coats, caps and mâita are stilîl lu wear. Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P, M., haq showni us a latter fromilite Post Office Depart- meut in which îl la aîated Ihat tle large naw postal card la for printing purposas, thea aId styla beîng usad silîl for ardinary carres pandouce. Our farmers oe anotier debtof grati- tu li tet the miterprise Gf Mr. Gse. Cook- hurn cf'Baltimore, who lias purcliased thie noted Cleveland bay stailioD, "Camn- p igner." This horde -vas imported frosu Englend bud la a good stock animal Wo rld. SOn every hand we heast tf humtliiug West Durhiam boys, The Cobourg World asys Mr, Sam. Clarke lias porcins cd thee aid house which istood on the cor ner cf King sud Bagot St3. asn the lot now owned by Mr. T. Gilîbard, who lias let th. contracî for tha craction o! a new reridence tiereon The Cliriatîso Guardîsu irsI week waa ane cf tie best issue s we have ever è eeu of this veteran religions weekly. ,The uew drcs of type recatly b-iuglit givas It a beautiful typegraphical apperance- sud the prassework bas alwaya beeu goi Some changes racendly anggested by TusE STATzsmAKN are beiog graduaily introdua- ed sud a reduction in prica would make its circulation boom as neyer before. It ahonld beas weekly visiter te every Mti- odiat home in the Dominion. ST. PAUL'S Y. P. S. C. E.-RMv Dawsfley, B. A., of Toronta Untvcrtit, sud for 12 years a mieiouary inIda ud China, will lecture lu St. Paul'c, dhurci nexti Mandsy avening, Miay li, on Easatern Mauners sud Cnstoms a en Missiouary work. The lecture wiii b. il- lustrated by a large collection cf articles of lothlcg. jewels, idole, curies brought by Mr. Doway front the east. Mr. Dowsley sud lis lecture' are very higlily spoken cf hy the Torouto pis.., Admis sian, silver collection at île daor; ta ha- glu at 8 o'ciock. The public are cordiaiiy invited. 1Thursday'd wîud sud rain storin was the worst sasteru sitorm in the memory of the oldeat Inhabitaut. Great damage waa donc. Thousaîtdi cf roda of fences al over the country were ieveled ta tic gronnd-old board feuces werc spïcially unfortuasta. Severai barna wera wholly et partiaUly unraafed, giant trees uproat cd sud iu msny respects damage was doue, In Bowznanvilie the enateru par- sp-at on front wal cf tbe Salvation Amy barracka wus blowu dowu, 1he bricksî falling outward an the sidewslk meking a tremoudous crashanud smash. Scores cf cellara were fiaoded and tle PresBly- tArian sud Methodiat chiurches were damn- aged by the rais> penatrating ilirougi tie roof sud windows. Th,) raîn-fali waa un- usually lesvy. John J. Ryso, reprepresentiug a Mont- real flem, ayathal ha racoivad the. great- est benatit from using Mombrays Kidncy sud Liver Cure, a! 1er using sevea rpea- parptions for Kidney sud Liver trouble, caueed by muci Railroad Travelling. Thae hoicest famiiy -grooeries at W. H. Oshornee. THE STATESMAN te uiew isubsctibttro balance of 1893 for 60e. Wal Paper aItost -muatIhobe sId s Dobson & Maynatd'a Big 20. -b1180.) els f praty 1llPa-- McCartliy sud ail other statesmanm need watcles. Sa do many people in Bow- tuanville. T. N. Rickard, Variety HUall, is the oee who eau supply yen et about lýiai! regular prices. W. Hf. Osbornaelias ia vary exellant stock c f inew famnily grocerias whicl ila slîgas cheap as Ithe chieaýpeat. Fieba doue n nico tradeaslready sud invites ls- pao ple te caîl sud gî i hm a triai ordar. Pltcher's Castorla; Notice ta Oddfellowo. f Members cf Florence Niglitingala iodge No 66, Bawmanville ara hereby uotified la mleet af the lodge room on Suuday, April 301 aI110 ar..ltemerci te lie Math adit enr h e hn Rev. Bec. T. W. Jolliffe, Grand Master, wiil preadli tie a1nnivaraýary serm)n. Evory member ta raqnuestad taelie presW. JO)SEIH JEFEX, D. GILERT, Noble Grand. Secretary. M1r. J. J. Staeey of Ingarsoli is lu town. Al ahades a! Kaisamine at R. Woth's, Bowmnanvilia, 1 Mr. T. H. Lcakliart, Toronto, -wbs lu tawn over Snnday. Mr. Albert Balimean lef t lest week for California ta seek bis fortune. Mliss Mande Wes, o! Oshawa, is lu town viiting Misa Allie Welali. Mrs. Chas. Keilli attanded tle funeral of a siter at Brantford receutly. Mn. sud Mr. C. A. MeLean and family ,are visiting relatives uer Brockville. Mr. Ailan Williams lias secured a gozod position lu a Belleville hardware store. Mr. J - T. Allen'. naw tailor shap la anai door west of the WFst End Hanse. Strawbeery plants, Ithe lied varietilex, for sala by G. D. Fletcher, Bowutanville. Miss F. Mackie o! Oàhawa bas been visitiug lier friecd, Mis Nellie Williams. An overcoat was stolon framthe hll rac i in Mr. W. Warder's house one nîgiht recently. Mr. sud Mra. B. Brittain of Marsall- taýwu, Iowa, cama ovar ta attetnd the funt- eral a! Mra. B's fatier. Mr. W. A. Caun as takan a situation iu tic large atholesala establisliment cf Jelinaton Broý., Cincinuati, Ohio. Messrs. John Meyuard, (jewailer) Geo. I. Btoxton sud Robî. Stanley ware in Cobourg lest week sctug on the jury, ai île Assise . Mr. Jas. Doun 's reaidauce near thie rilwa-,y track wes autared by burglara one night lest waek snd a watcli and some athaer articles Etolan. . aItsaresN.-THiE STATESMAN rffl3s la 1 ia hast place te gel your pedigree carda sutd route bills printed. Large.collection o! horse cutis ta select froin. Messes. Richard Fostar, Bowmanville, Weiington Foatar, Nawcastla, and J. Mahood, Certwrighit, were grand jurera a, Cobourg Assizes lest weEk. Sinos îlhe dam broke away et tlin alec- iric light works, the dynamos have been Mr. J. C. Vanatone's roller î rh s ho ligits are very goad. Mr. RobI. Walace, fathar cf Rev. W. GWefflace, M. A, B. D., 1he popular p-îetor Of Bloor St., Preebyterian churci, Torouto, dWI cz : Snd ay et 75 Hatbord St,, le ils 791i year. 'D.Pai lies raceived his new stock 'C! b'ý t, hos trinka, valisas, etc., sud e- ' spection, beiiaving lis bas ona et, l"Ie t3>stt oc yt shown li-era. Beavar We direct attention ta Me. Jaffcry'a§ neýw advt. 1Ha lisa fine Baiection a! dajlLa for suitingsansd h. ca'î lie boat for gond filoansd weii-made loîhiug. Give hlm a cail býtfore ordasing. Tho Farinera' Ad verste, April 15, las a gaod ota!f "Ottawa" witlh a latter presas article of Meas. RBailli & Ca's stud cf lackneya. This -i a capital numbar cf lis hoast of the farm jeurnalo. SCFaIeAL PuRcHAs.-Part o! Sinard- ani's whloesala baurkupt steak o! Boots sud Shoas bougit at s rate an the $ for a Iaw net cash piica. Se these godsaa Masou's. Mr. W. Jenninga is lu charge. The May Century will contain oeeof tle moal îtrîkingly iiinaîratad articles w4ich Iliat magazine lias ever priuted. Il ia a suaggestive paper liv Mes. Van Raahron hli e 0as the World'ki Faim taý the boat sdvantage. Thea weather lins beau so hackwsrd liat tls grass ru the atreala lbasnal prit ou, its greein dresa yat. No seeding cf! auy account fta beau doue by farinera'and gerden)era areacahing to eai ta wark, but afraid o! aching if they do yel., The funemals of tie laIe Jas. MoClelsu f rom the family residaonce, Concession St., and Johin addy, o! Toronto, tram the repidçenca a! lis sou, Me. F. A. Fieddy, Wellingto St, an Manday afternoon wfcre bath very largely eI.ended. Me. Haddy dîed cJ pîtuemünia. .. Dr. Tility atenedr hie motliom's fo 'ner- ai eit M1ýitchell lest weck. She waa strick- an- aý î1h paralybia sud'only livad a few diays afterwards flat hubband died lasi Jauluary from the sema cause. Bath lied livead beycud ilie allotttd spen cf life sud ln dealli wera s-ci long saparated. Sever-al itizeus will positively levc tojwu fi lb Council don't insi8t on having a bllUer style cf bills printed. The lest j Fand painted Japances Chinia aold ai a th ý ali Big 20 Dobson i&-,Ma.yuard. J uat arriving a 'fre3to-4u ply o! Fic-Id sud Garden Sed011udal' Lsad THE STAR 81111 SHINES o0 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths aud boys, were never excelled and prices neyer more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain to be' benefitted in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that we keep only reliable goods and they are sold at Iowest living protit. Our customers can depend on getting, well-made, good- fitting and stylishly eut clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Full lines of Ties, Collars, CuiTs, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etc, If you want a suit'!this Spring you will please us and. benefit yourself by looking through our maguificent stock at the "Star> two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmanville. JOS. JE'QFFnnRY. Microbe Kijiler Enriches the blood and gives tone and strenoth to the whole system Microbe -Killer Gix'es buoyancy of spirits, streogth andý heaiîh ta ail usera of it. Microbe Killer Dose this, bacause its main constituent la Oxygen, Nature'd reinedy. Microbe Killer Used in sickness la no experiment, crude druga and minerais are. Microbe Killer la the greateat tonc for tlred men and women ever pro luced. Microbe Killer Correcte ail bodily disorders ea3ily, if talken in time, ustd f re3lY. Microbe Killer, Purifies the bIood an~d tissues by driving out the livin-g germe. Microbe Ki ller Fias no equal ais a rheumatio speciflo ; cures guaranteed. For Sale at ail Druggisbs. Pricea $1 and $3, aocordiniz toasize. -Information free fron Hic ali Office,' 120 King street West, Toronto, Ont. WNM. RADAM MICROBE KILIER CO, UMITED4 ectg; Deaths, 5Se cents. cash iasert1en -but FICEC 0OP(JKARGE, when the fanerai cardo are Printe4 at tIig ôta ce HÀLPENY-111 FCWu1SmaV i ý1,APr il 1,*hA wife of Mr. J. Halpeny, cl a foxin. Gînsor-In Orono.,Apri 13, î; le wlfe of Mr. John Gîbson, of a daughter. QuiNNEY-ln Clarke, April 15, the wife of J. llarry Quinney, of a dmught3r. MARI D. Szymolun-MCLEOD-At the Mange, New- castie. byRev. W.F. Ai Ian, B. , 9flApril 5, George Seymour of Clarke, and Miss Bertha. second daughter of tMr. Wm. Mclýeod, of Orono. EÂSTWOOD-MCGIBBOeZS-APri1 19, at the prong.Oshawa. by Rev. C. W. Watch,Mr. Wb.. astwood anli Mrs. C. MeGjbbons, bath of Bowmanville. COURTIcE-PICKEL-At the reaidence of the bride'a mather, near Ebenezer, Darlinuton. by Rev. L. Phelp, April 19.Mr. G F. Court ion, and Mies Fannie. voungest datighter of the latq John Piokell, Esq. DIED. ALExÂNDE-In Kendall. April 18, Robert M. Alexamder, aged 20 yeare, RÂ-In Clarke, April 19, Thomas Rae, agedJ TILLaiY-At Mitchell. on Snnday, April 18l, Maria. relict of the iat.e James Tilley. aged 81 years, 1 month, 1 day. Mother off Mr. W. E. Tilley. M. A.. Ph. D.-, Bo wmao ville, BOTTERELL-In Walkerton, April 19, Annie beloved wife off John Ilottereil, aged 30 years. Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Dodds, to Bowmanville Cemetery laa& Satur. day. MOCLMLLAN-Th Bowmanv!lle, .A.Pril 2 Oth, Joseph MoCielILan, aged 73 yeard. HADDY-In Toronto, April 21, John Haddy. aged 61 years. lIfONHUNTEIR, BARISEROLCITRNOTARY Ont. Office over Davis' boto store King Sn. Accounts cnllee±ed, Eitates mann.g.p.. li3 THE JEWELLER has moved to Dob- son's book store, BI G 20. If you want anything fi the Jewell1ry Uine, youa wiIl fin d it there, because he carries the nicest in AGOOD SERVANT GIRL WANT- tw . H sas E yMas. JN'a. MAYN'*RD, Division si., Bowmnville.1-t prepared to do your GIRL WÂNI'ED ta dlo light housae a work sud help in confectfonary store in office. Bowmanvii a.16-2w work in a m n e J]1GGS.-Andalueian Eggs for sale by ..4W. II. DUs'rÂN, lBawmanville. at 8i.50, per 13. 1- Q PLNG BOARD FOR SALE, caver- kJ ad, nearly new and in gond condition. WiUl be oold cheap. .&pply te J. M. JoNmsS, Bowoeauvilla, or at the Maîhodial Parsonaga, Newcastle. 17-3w TTOUSE TO RENT-The frame resi- .LLdance. lateiy accu pied by Mrs. Richard TillIey, Scuoest-larire garden and orchard, APPIY te ROu3ERT SINCLAI or W. P. PRO wER, Bowmau'villa. 14-4w., TAMBS WANTED.-A>y number of -4Spring Lamba wanted for which the bighest price willha paid by HUME &WRxQuv the Pecple's Butchars, Bowmanville. week wanted for next four Months by Bowmanville. 5-tf S TOCK FOR SALE, -Tioro-bred large Yorkshire white Pigs bred front imported stock. Parties wishing ta obtain Young Sows or Boars for stock purpooses will do well te ap. ply at once, Terms reasonable. JOIIN STAINi ToN, En nskillen. 16-6w- ADBLL FOR SERVICE. imredYorkshire White Boar frmipre stc and one Dnrham Buill <Daiyma) wichu8aprovd tao haa god stock getter. Terms $1.ü0. you 'would1 like it done, Gall and see him in his neW store, He will be pleased to see you. Miss Shaw is clearing out ail Winter Stock of Hats, Wings, etc., at cost and ma.ùy tbings far Ùelow cost. A nice lot of new Vei1' ."Dairyman, is regairded as thea beal young ,s eci-e Bull avec bred a Rl eaW, viestock farm l28Jrsusre l sud bis dame Viola ta a ver, superioe milk aud buttrcaw Jo~ STISTN. Eniailia. gdoor saSi of P ,, Bowmanville 'Jinard'êLinim en i u crs (Garget lu COWu Miu1rd'm ihwtoL~ udec 7A

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