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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 6

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-N-~ -_ ~-~--- ~ Ihlcorreuali il ý'r wiii ab Capital of $50,OO8 AND APPLIAN Co. 4 f ST. W'5,-: 1IT, 9DOT G. C. MATTE RSON, Mgr. ifor Canada. BlIectrlcity, ns epplied by tJue Oweix Electrie Beit, la nir recognlrad as tise grentct hoon ofrorec. t0 antaaing humauity, jr îis aking jhie place of druga in ail nervounaand nieumalic troubles, sud v iii affect cures ln saamingly hopalass Casae s lure every ther knuwn ma2nne bas fatled. le Ns nature"s remady, ansi bv its ÉteadY, suthtug fourrent hat N rend ily 'fait, S PCSITIVELY CURES Iftheunàalîsnl Se xual Waauksess, Seiatiea, Feinale coniplatnts Ganea-at Dalilty, Impotaney, Lvisaago. Ktduey fliseasas, ~Nrvnus Disaess,Liive conmaîant,ý Dysperisti, Laine Baek, Varicocate, < Urinary Diseasas, RHEUMATISM Tt is aLwatt kuown tact ibat medical science bas nttarly faied te affurd relief lu rîseumatie esseas. Wa ventura the assertion har althouub BiectrieirY bas ouiy beau su use as a remedial agent for's tcw Years, itebas eured mure cases of tthaumatism tsau allah uir mucus coin- isinad.Sume ut our leading t)bsis eicus,-recogF- iltziug tibs tact, are availing theniseivas outLChs muosC ptaut of natures forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousanda of peoplaesfan ram a variety uof peansous diseases, suris as Saminal Weukuess, ImPOtaoav, Lest lManhioud, Meak 7icek, ai-c, tisai-he nid modes of trentmeut lailter cura ~Thera la a bs of nerva force or power hat asunotbr sturad lsy medîcat treatmani-, aud ny doctor wlsu wguid iry ru accomptish this by sny kiud ut drssgs ta practtsiug a daugerous fonm t harlatanisani. Froperiy treatadq 1,TlESE DISEASES CAM BE CURED PIelcircity, as appliad by tise Owen Eliectij Boit snd Suspansory, wyil mose assurediy do so. It s tihe untg known remadial agent Clint will enpply what ta lachtng, namoty, nes-va force or puwer, impart tousansd vigos- tu hu orgaus and arousa ru hicalthy actionutise wisole siarvous s3 stem.1 DEWARE OF IMITATIONS And i-hie wrthiess, ceaap, su-callad Eleetrvi Belta adverttsed hy coise concerns aud pcddi5d througis ihacounutry. Thay ara ciactnic ins naie ouuty, worthless as a curative powar, aud W ,Chlen ge ftha World i-o show an Electrie flit wlsara lise urreurt isundor con- trl ut the pattant as coocpletaly as this., Oui' T 'ade Mark is the portrait ut Dr. Owen embossed lu gold upon every filand ap1anca mauufacturud by us. Send for Cataoue--Iafled (Seaied) Free. THE OWIEIII LECTRIO BULT GO0 49 Kinq- St.W, Toronto. Mention hia paper. INI ~.R VE NEICVE MIANÇS ara a nair dis,- VaMv.rY tiat aura the wes-t ciscs ei Nervous Debiity Los Vigs. and Fa"xif Mauiihod ed restshie caises etiay o-udcausait ,sy ear-iva, rtsa- or rex. sasss e yetlm TL1 lasiedy ai- cratiysres tise niiO. atau-01 csasW!ieual otimr lis-~ r ave fallait ven toeIeva, aid ty drug' pk's' r .si~ussû n AGRICULTURAL Porltry Manure. As Co tisa cara nf pouutry manure I have yet i-offidau inupruvameni-onu kaapîg i in harcela, ai thiaig cousidarefi, andi I bave 20 i-o 50 iarrata oi ir par year, says W. P. Lag- gatitChie CGountry GCentleiani. My poultry-houses are oh-an cleaasad, se ibe mnauure ducs ne becomae very humpy, bcng put seasuoce jato hurrahs hat stand righr ont doors but walh covarafi, so ebat n wet caîs gar lu. As soon as ceansed the florý is libaralhy coveraf i -tl influ sifted coal asiles or the duat, hay-saed, etc., hat iiceismulaCe on bau fluors, lu hay-shoots, mnangersansd he iko ona Ian. Thia pre- vaiisaany du8tstickiug Co tba fluor, ilaa gond absorbent anud igbt i-o handie, No lear neafi ehadc]as te the aead lu Che ltter spronriuig, as the rnanure is juat damp enoogis to causa thasui-oe sweli, sud on ha- sng pue lu barraIs le very suon rotas li- ha sprîng tise litter eau hardiy ha distuuguish- ed Irons the manuira. Rnad dust ansd land piaster ara excellent, but thaîr weight la an grear, if used in the qusutitias I lilca ouse, Chai- it wouid maka i-be labor mueh mure expansive sud i-leaproduet nbtter. Wbeu wamtcd lu tIsa spriug, Cie whola lot la pled ogther and avamuhy .campeued ai throuoh ; hia puivenise aIl thse lumips bowas-er bard, as i is haIt fon a day sud tisan thorougiuly turuai. I b ave triefi tbneahîiug and grindsug, but lka dampan- ing i-eb hst, as i- li-bte most ihorougb sud aasieai-. WCham a lietîr dsmp, it is lu bat- i-ar conditionu e go is-o tise ground, asud in baitanr condition for the vouing plant Co gai- ai, eapeciaily ilsa dry spaîl comaes jus ,tan pianiig. aine ofEslte Ensilage la a vahuahia fond Ion varions reasous« lat. For i-be nuitive lamants iC con- talns. 2d. It is a succulentlfouoi. 3d. Ail eseele rahishit usore than auy orbar Iodler -growu un teafarm, sud by actual axperimenti le as beau founfi i-atj anythig i-heanasimal devsir greediy pro.1 duces better reaults tisan the sama amnuni- nI faadiug vatlua lad su a shape tisai-Chie aninsaldues flot like. 4th. le la aasihy masticatefi and digest. ed, aund ehis chaînant lu a dairy laad le of great importance. No Iaed producas gond rasulîs in te dairy wiich us mnit- assiiy nsaticai-ed sud digest ed. Ose hay isalan a cbeap fofdaer, andi il a busîsal of peasaara aownu io he sera le wiih make le stili bei-tan. It neais i-o haeCue %Sj soun as beada of grain appear. -[Rohhin C. Smith, Pittsford, Ve, l'oltry Raiig a Buisineso. Poultry raisiug la a business sud unles le lacouductefi upon business principlas t wilni- pas, well. Wlsenaver we flud a nease, cean sud orderiy eieken bouse, wbane faedbinsansd troughs, wster vasaela, dust boxes sud othar nacasssry arrane- niants ara fouud, cotibutiugtio ti-bebaaitb of i-be fowls sud i-ha convaniauce of i-le sitendant, ir wihh ha pratty certain hat if thare is sny mnmey lu raisinug lowls hia sort nI an establihmenrat wili ha api- to succaad, arnd i- certaints, bas s great advaui-age os-ar bazard aitendance sud poonhly 'equippad poulCry buildings sud yards, says i-ha Po- try Haah. But there ta sanse suad rsason in aýil ihiniga, sud thnaa uîe as: apn;'L lu Chik; hat wa wish Co eslatt.ttVron i-n If -e outlay for buildings su-d accesannias; , a ciagonally, like a miter joint so as to latei1le dgsrest ou the edges of the s.ati>ousýxry su iecas and thereby avoid danger of sag- ging the hinges, aud pra vent the bOaýrds frous becoming une yen wheu tIe box is oen The twiue iN laid in groes euL 't inte varions piecas St proper distances, as seein Fig. 1. Tyiug a fleece iu this box is acconm- plished as foliows. The fleece is placed oum FIaï. 2. wnonT-nBox CLOSED. the open box ieugthwisa, aboru ide domn. 'l ha woul as nexe pushed aboue as close to- geeber as le graw on te h bap, sud the legs sud haly -fleece are lapped u-ver. Now nu),;e sida of the box is raiaed, Chus'folding un)e sida nI the fleece fromonue end to i-haeorber, i-be other side nf the box la raised immini.i aeely sItar, with a lika resUit.. The fleecac at Chia stage la r'slhad np from nuecnd tl1o the canter, and the movahie and leaf la raxisad; toen kcapleil place whlse the othar end as being roliad sud the ast movabla end 1,eaf raisefi hus formiug a square. Altar eiai the enfla nf ehe strnmgsare drawu tighiy, ovar Chealsready compact fleaca sud field. Finally, the kao u thi-e tstionary' eud place la prassefi, releasing ahi i-ha boaida of the box, whicb flu upen, laaving on 1ehe ceuter place a beaatifuily packad, squaire A Convenient Poultty Honse. A bouse that la admirably suiCed ion ol try sud is constmucted hotu witblh sd uithout for usalunleas as wall as 1euy FIG. iL PUJtSPFJiTIVE iIEW OP -uas 'IOtiSE. altbougb eatireiy Ire hum iaboratiois, 7s shown lu the accoinpaii3 iug illustration, benca ita adaptation tu the neada ni a fan. ai sud lancier aika. The building (riigA ) as 20Ox14 fear, twahve feet high, lu front sud six feat iii the rear, The howar aida faes the soutb, thsere heing s glass saabCwhv leat long ro admit pieîsry nI ligist. Thec rouf is eoveraed witb rarradf lt rouf papsir, the aides, ends essd fluor baiug built ni mutcbed sidiug. Under the boube is a Cbi-ýea foot spaca well providefi with dust. The munt la twasty feat long exteudig from onue anad nItisahous to tise other abown iu Fig. 2. It is six sud,. une-hidI feat Ironi the gross.axd i rea eatw beang bulle., ke a iadder andi piace aàt tise no-"as end ol t hebuilding. Und e : Chia roustis phaced tism huard, bU-isg siaIat- cd auffiienly Co causa tha droppinlga i roil dowu luto a box at theaLuottoni. lu A LIUOL ~D1NTY~IIlACL. fDr. Williaum' Pink Pilla are a perfeo, ýA LICOLNCOUNT XIRALbl-ood builder and nerve restorar, cnring such diseases as rheumatismi, neuralgis, TitoTerrble xpepartial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. The errble Exprience Of a Wel-to-do I Vitus' dance, nervous hecadache, naervons Farmer. prostration and the tirad feeling ,thiere. - - from, tire afier affects Of la grippa, hlu. Nr' Ezra lies rUft srersTsa nllIAguy- enza and severe <olds, disases depanding ToidbYa Pllylicta'a mat Onty flentiaOnhumon(ra inIithelodsncb as serofula, csuid End HlS nrn~-lo e croieypase.PnkPsgiea crsrd U t leasse Fein Pain -ny an sd are a peýcifil orosthe troubles peoulilar "batOisr Solil Reiefit by lýiS Ex to the female systemi, and lin thecase Of men tseii-ae.thay efleet a radical cure in ah cases aLrising Grimsby Independenit. from mental worry, over- work or exeesses Hnw often we.hear the expression Il ills Of any nature., are green f ar afar " as a termni o disparag- These Pills are manufactu red by the Dr. meut, Su it may ha with many of our IVilliams' Medicine Company, Brockviile, readars wnien they hear of sny thîng ceur- Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y, and ara sold ing at a distance from home bordering or, Only in boxes bearing tire filrms' tradd mark the wonderful, Thev inay place littie eon- sud wrapper, , t 50 ets. a- bcx or six -boxas fidence in it, sud aven if they do balieve it, for $250. Bear in mid that Dr. Wjlliams' ailow the maiter to pass f romnChair mincis Pink Pilla ara eyer sold iii bulk, or by the wieh out iaaving any parmanient impression. dozen or bunidredý, nor in any form excapt Not su withi Local affaira. Wban anythiung in packages bearing the coumpany's tra-le startling occurs in our ridst, affucting mark sud auydealer who offers subsitutes people whom we ail knuw well, every oua la in any other form la etryiug to dafraud ynu interesteaJ sud ahl are auxinus sud aven sud should be avoided. eager for the most minute detaila. For Dr. Williiam,' Piuk Piilg m nay be had of anme montha past there bava beau publish- ail druggisea or direct by mail frosu Dr. ed lu Che colunins of tise Independent Williams' Me icine Company from citber from tme to time, accourits Ofi rraakable address. Thù price at wbich these pilla cures smade hy hat now justly famons are sold makes a'couirse of teatmunt dom-. snadiine-Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale paratively ineiperisive as compared wltb People. Posaibly aenme of our readers have othser raede rmdcltetet looked upun tomýe nf these accounts as de- Ide rmdcltetat scribing cures higbly improbable if nt im- FAITIIFUL TO JJEATfl. possible. And yee Chia abould net becthe case, for they are al vouchsed for by re- Asu issitan Stan' lVhtell lias coïa Itoir spectable uewspapers, who could havaen rom Raînote Timem., ohject in stating other than tise factae, and The Baujaras cccasionally keep dogs, sud Iwho would be'discradited by thasr own it was, wa believe, a- Banjara dog whicb readers ware tbey to do su. Howavr, see- gave rise to tIse Bathgalert legend of India, iug is bliîeving, sud Mr. Ezra -Marritt, of Tisa stnry cornes froin at lease hall a dunen South rms7 stands forth to-day as liv- diflereut parts ofluidia, the substance being ing Lastaesony ta the wouderfui curative ideutical, aithough The localities differ. puwars of this nut at ail over-estimatafi Thas is how ît uas: nmedicie-Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. Hav- "Once lipon a tuai a pour mani owed a iîig heard that a muse ramarkable cure had large suri of money to a Baulys, sud as hae beau affacted lu the case nf Mr. Merritt,tbe couild psy nothing the Baulys came te seize editor nf the Indepesîdant, with that dasire bis property, but hae fouud that alilaisad posssed by most ncwsaper main fut vern was s dog. 1 Wel ' said the Banilya, 'snice fy ing things cuming undar their notice, you bava uuthiug eaNa I wîll taka the dog; rasoivefi ru investigara the case sud aatîsfy ha wili iîelp to wateh my bouse.' Su the Jhimsîf as to the trutb, of thesatoi-y. Some por usan tuok a tendr farewali of his unr- daya agu hae drova over te Smnithville, sud footad friand with many injunicesons te at once callad upoîs Mr. D. _W. Eastmans, serve bis new master faitlîfully sud neyer drnggist, a straightlnrvîard business inuatempt to inn home. home time after the whose word la as geod as, b'is bond with dug gut te bis uew home thiaves broke into ail who know hlmi. Mr. Eastmnan stated tise boueaud took ail te~y could flud.' Tue that ha knew of the case of Mr. Mrritt, dog harked as ioudly as hae ccsld, yet the and cousidered it s musC ramarkabie une. Baulyasnoured un peacafsslly, sud an, seeîug Mr. Palmer Merrtt hadI coma to hlm une the tîsieves disappearîug with the buuty, ha day aud asked hlm if hie couid giva hlm foliowed thamn sud saw tlîem biding their anything thai. woid belp liii brother, Ezra treasure lu holeg dug in the dry befi nf nais. Mrritt, %vho was suffariug uuto'd agoniylHa timan rau home and neyer atopped bark. with pains lu al bis joints, lis back sud ing until bis mastai woke up. Tua Baulys bis bead. Mr. Merriet stated-Ctt bis was almoat frantic with grief onu dicoveriug brother bad tried everytbing, and eould bis tussud was about 'to wreak bis van-. fiud uothiîîg te helpi hini sud that the goance on the dog, but, attractad by bis doctors eonld ýgive, hlm -nu casa. 0Oua stranga balsavior, hae datetnsiued to watcb doctor lromr the United States bail toid Isim himu instead. The dog se once lad tise way positiveiy that thera was nu halp for, hlm, te dia naia aîsd began scratcimg at the hola. sud that death only coulsi set hlm free f roînsud very soonu the stolan weaait was again 1 bis agorn-- Mr Merriti- furtiser toid Mr. lu possesion of i te iawl ul nwn er. The Ban- Easdusiaktbat hias brother wished tu try Dr. lya's deiigbt on recovering bis prnpanty wa.s W Villiams' Pink Pillsansd asked hins if hae ýo great hat lie wrote ou a papar 'Your thncsgbe it would ba any use, Mr. Eastman dog lias pald your debt,' sud, fsstanîug it te sdvisad him to try thaîn, as wonderlul cures bis dugs cllar, hae bad huas raturu te lis hafi beau workad by thair use. Mr. Mrritt nid master, and the laithîni dng, fulil of joy, acted on lus advice sud coutinuad the use trotted ou as bard as lie could go. Hia nid nf Pink Pilla uni-il lia isa ow a, weli man master, as it l-sppcuad, just about Chia tima sud souud as aver. bagan te long for a sigbt nf bis dog and Tise editor then drovc ovar, te sec Mr . datermined te gu sud set- how ha vwas geetiug anrit, udfound that gentlema hn u ba alwyo is -uor e asaw sud hearty, looing o, vpr bis uait il, iný bis th dog ruuniîsg toward hum. Ha ýdrew bis fsarii -ard. Mn.iEnra Marri ttL 18 a weli-t- aworýd sud'waitad bis appmoaeh, sud as the do ~ ~ ~~, :am-.,nug wohe farms about e1 dog, wtha whi-uprnIf o, -- n rward Lumbago, Bac .kac he0 Headache, Prost Bites, 8prainse Bruises,_Burns. Etc0 Slid lsy Druggists and Dealers aven rwlhes3 UF bnt a boittle. Directions ine Il Languages. TuE CHIARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Sfla ss, M Oa~d~nDsp&t: 9rotc Q . Have you tried the- CIGAR? L Iecaoise6d S1ÂN PARU.,Brands c M Lrng-,o" "K,,ioker "GCab le" Univers.illy acknowledged to ha suparior in every respect to any othe- brands in the market. Always reliable, as lias beeu fully demuunstrated by the millions that are sold anrn ally and the increasiug demsund for them, notwith- standing an increased co- ,<ý-.,, 'Il " m i ý ý - , M - , ý MM- .- 1 - - 1- - 1 1 ý 1 1 1, ý -,- 11- 1- 1- -1- - - -, - - - - , - - r

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