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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 7

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-Y l know'edge or the naturel laws wbiclh govern the operitions of dige3ttr i audc nu trition, and by a 0csrefail application oý thse fln" oP-ed1rtie3 or well-sslected (Jeans, Mc. 113pe erovided Our breakfas3t tables with a dsiaeyflivored beveraze which miy sive us mauY h e.vy dactori' b11i3. It is by the iadiclous use of such articles of diot thst a constitution may b3 gracluely built up until strOnz anough teo resist every tendqncy te disease. ,llundred3 or subtie maladies ar3 ftoatli garound usready In attack wleraver therZe, j a weak point. We May' escape nIans' aFa Utal shaft by keepiur ourseives well fortii3,t itb pure bio,,t aad a properîs nourish d cae"'ivil Setrîs'-' Gazette."1 Made simpis' wiib boiing water ormislk .1*l1JoOlv ln packets. by trocers. labelled thu J.IXHEr~tpif& C.., Boieeopatlsle Chatte Jsts, London. Engiaudi, wED:-ESDAY APRIL 26, 1893 lIE. J. C. MITCHELL., MEIMIER 0F COLLEGE 0F PRjysICIÂN Ae1dc Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. IDffre and Residence. Enniskillen. 74, B A BRISTRPt SOLICITOR, &o. MOrRIS E3510K. urstairs, King Street. Bowman- ville. Sollitor for the Ontari Bank k livaîe Blneve loaneà at the lowe3t ratess S. C. fINKING L TCENSED AUCT ION EE R FOR the County of Durham. sales -attended te on sherteet notice and lowest rates. Afidres turnes P. 0. 6 Il C'ÎICE IN THE WEST DURHAM .JNaews Block, w'ere h'imsecf or assistant ail te Soundi froue, 8a.m. toP9 p.m. Night catis et issidence,dureccîy opposite Drili Slhed. Cauls t eleg-reph Or telephone will recalve prompt EttCftiOii171.yrp A. C WANINAN i.S "~FFrI C E-11I1GGI NBO0TIIAM'S " BLOCK, Bowmanville. Night cails ans. wered from 00e door south of Dr. Boyle's. Al cails byleg raphior tolephone will:ecee prompt attention,.lI L. A, W. TOLlE. AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real .t Estate Agent, flowmanville. Ontario- talsateuded in any part of Province. A. A. P6NT9 A ROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. ions prepared for every lass of building. Sperli attaention g en bo heating by steam sud lot waîer. and te sanitary arrangements. Odice; Corrna Block, Whiîby 43 -ly à. PEATE l, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. L.M. BRIMACOMB E DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Il[,,igginbothami & Son's IDrug St'ore, (down stairs), Gents' Clothing Cleanedi, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired by Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, Goods warranted te ha as no onue w I know th-em from uew when doue. Corner King aud Ontario Streats, Bowmanvilla DENTI STR1Y. C. HARNDEN, L, D. S. tiraduata o te Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons. Ontario. ù1FFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITAI5IZED AIR. Oar on o cite ikixvledge as to cook- J t ery-what to do, as -l- ras what nol to do. Thud s Swe have learned to use rUthe iuost pure and per- jçI Sfect and poptilar- cook- Sing matertial for ail frying and shor-tening purposes . o Sis the natura1 outeomne 2 1 of t e age, a di t tech es -- us pwtfoause'lard, but ratht ? er the new hoteiu, S which is 1fer dît!_ ,ani more digesiibie titan any 1 0 0lard cari be. o0oto 0 The successofCt- f lene lias called ont worth- 0 _1ï7mu-ss imitations under -- iý ~ frthese! Asle youar e r ~ GrocerforCovroN, Sandbesur et-atyclugetit. CI Manie culs'by WeIiis-l11gton eund An Ssg, HEALTIL Crinoline and Health. The present allempt te iuîrodclue the crinoline fashicu of dress for woman has beau cousidered f rom nanly every stand- point exceptiug that of healîli, aud pnssibly the VOltaries of fashion do uot cousider tbis side cf the subject wortby of attention. This bas generaliy been the way with near- ly cvery cîber change in modern dress for womeu. The healthfulness of et bas simply been ignored until ganeral alarmi about ocu daugbters' bealtb bas been raisad ; but aveu tben many cling to tbe fashion despite al warniugs. The fact that medical socie tics bave constautly coudemned the use of the corsets witb sliff boues in them bas not had au appreciable in1lu2uce iu relegating them ite thae bscurity te wbicb tbey by rigbls be- long. Oua academfiy of medicine bas mest issued anothar manifesto against the use of stiff-bonad corsets, and iliustratiug thair appeal witb waruing aceounts of several seciaty womeu who bave been actually leili- cd by tco tigbt iaciug. These exampies, bowev er, caunot bcexepectcd to frigbtau the multitudes until lbey become se ruimer- eus as to makre the percentege cf sufferars tbraatauingly large. But tbe greateseail wbich. tha corset does te te undermine tbe general biealtb of Dnue-teutbs of 'Ceose wear- ing tbremr se tbat diseuses eau readiiy enter their systems sund develop rapidly. The avecrage health. and strangtb of wemeu are lees than of man, aud tbe corset bas net a littIe te do svîth the question. Io the Crinoline Injurions ? The hoopskirts of cor graudmotbers wera ne, euly unsigbtly objecte te belsold, but cwing te thoir great weigbt tbay were cf tan inJurions as aur artLicle of'drees. Wbheu tbey first came jute vogue tbey were made cf baavy steel salue, and their waigbt added te th at of the dress material caused a baavy drag upon the waiet. BU subsequautly lbey were insproved se that Ibeir weigbl was grcatly raducad. But aven at their best tbey iucreased the weiglst aud pressura around tihe wajst. They canet be support- cd weIl trom the shouldere, and te preveut tben from faliug cut cf position a tigbt baud is requiued around the waiet. TLis lad te bauds, wbiels becama se fashionable that the wasp-waist of a womau was considered the ideal cf perfection. The crinoline of is ne ituprovemaut upon tise cld bocop skirîs se far as tbe bealthfulnaess cf the article of wear je concerned. The crinoline matarial le baavy snd stiff, and il sets eut freibath waiet lîke a ballocu. Besides mek- ing the xvigbt fromr the, waist extra, tbe wida expause cf malerlal offers a large tar- g'-l for the wjnol whjcb '-au mnake it a bur- dan -for eue te travel tbrough or streets ou wiudy days. Tbe chance cf catcbing cold is mssch gucaler with the crinoline titan wi tb any ciber fashicu that lias been in vogue fou maoy years. The Anti-Obesisy Diet. A medîcri efficer cf tbe Freuch arnsy cornes ont wilh an obeeity cure tbat may ha clàsimed as the latest fad iu this direc- tion, but i le smply wbat mauy progres- sive physiciens bave advecatad beretofore, It le the simple prescription cf limiliug the diet te very few articles at eue meai. The excessive fat dces net coma se mucb from the quautity cf food that we est as from the quality, and more especially the mix- ture wijch we consume. Our iu oderu way of living le to add te tisa nuber cf our courses, and every oua weaïdte the regula. tien dinuer tbaeusure evident it le that wa ara euce ursging obeeity. The savage limitad, te tbe diet cf ouly a few plain articles cf food rarely became axceeejvely fat, al- theugli bis life was of tan eue of jdieuees and is7iuees. Tbe prescrit fad le te bava ouly eue dieli for ecdimil, sud cf Ibis the par- son eau est as much or littie as hae pleases. lHe may bacomeas gormaudizer if ba doas net touci more tbau this oua disb, and yet hae wiIl net becorpe obese. The ljmit pla cd upon the diat le simply oue cf variety, and net of quanîity. The samne holds truc cf liquide. Oua liquid can be taken witb the meal, but net twe, It is batter net to taka any, but mest people couid net become se abstemicus as tis. A diffarent kind cf dleb eau ba arranged foeab meal, but ne more than eune ,fot breakfast, dinerer sud suppar, inclnding ueaturslly bread, 1Aniticipatinz Disease. The author of the 1 Autorat of the Break- fast Table " bas sptly seid that the proper lime te treat tomes diseases je a buudrad years before the bsrtb of the patient. Thiis tusy be uised te, illustrate tbe neccssily semas- limes cf anticipatiug diseasce in the bumeau syetem. We sic se aruaugcd that mauy dis- cases arc lu a latent coudition feurnauny usonîbe, awaiting semae favorable conditions te dcvciop lbam. Thus tuherculosis le ii coNws lorng bafoue thera le auy outward mani- festation of it; but by the Koch trealmeut we eau discover the diseasa se caris' lu its stage Chat it eau ha completeiy ceaked. Oua of tbe great neceseities cf our times iu ciliceslesleoleave a regular anumal or saîni- aunual examin atien cf ail jus people, If tuis could ha douaeue-I sîaf the preseut cpi- demies would bc beaded off and destroyed. A eempi"ta record cf thia state cf the patientesxvould ha aise cf greal ialp, and vital statistice would ha greatiy helped tberehy. Mauy dissasses exiet wltboutte patient baving the sligbtasl knrowiedga cf theus, butan examinatien would reveal their "But wlîat would you do if My Ps came ini- Oh, wbat wouid yen do?7" eaid sbe. 'Wby, if the light weuaeout," said. ber lovat bold,N "Your papa couldn'tsece."N SBut suppose my pa sbould strike a match, Than wbat would you do ?'" said sic. 1 'Well, in sncb a dase as tisaI," said be, IId drop s ou quick sud flac," ATLANTIC STEAMEIRS. Slow Tlsay Wercesa Inthse 01d1lIys. Tbe racent accidens tbsema cof lie big 3Alantic steamers bring prominently to mind tic greal changes liaI bava takan place lu ocat traval un tic paet tiîiruy or fouuy ycars. %Vbila to-day ut is bardly su eaggcrauiou b e ay liaI oua is quita as safa on an Atlantiieliuer ns ou dry land, tbc sain e assertion eouid net ha put fouward re- garding thiaIlgood old days " wiîici ara se lionoued lu eeuig and sltory. Sailing vessais idid net malte a vary safa voyaeawhilc tiey Iwarc cf tea moat uucomfou-tehla mens of locomoetion, svbila perisps the fluet sueamn- sbips wills liair big side paddias sud slow saiigqualilues sieue etlrmnchs cf su im- puoemaut ovar tic fansous saiiug clippers tisutffty years ago bad, ibings allîchir own svay upon the Atlantic biglsway. Thara waua ne six days pasages in tisa old timès, arouud 1860, an average passage cf 40 (laye ont sud 23 days home le Liverpool baiug someting teo hos of. Stili, tisera were sonna ramaukabis' fast clippers, sud tise dif- farent peekel companne sbsowad juel se, mucb rivairy lu mskiug recouds asdo tie eteamsbip companies cf to-day. Oua clip- par, tIl Dreadnought," bacaunaecelciraîadl su 1858 by baving muade tic passage freim Newv York le Li-verpool in fourlacu days, sud frein New York to Quecustowu en nine, days seuenlae bours. AfLerwards il wssi s, good advauuisemeiîî for s vessai te say sie was huilt after tic lisses cf the " Dread- nought. " Tisa first stuanspt to propel vas- sale by staam is' the Spausiards le bave beau made in Barceicua hy a paddie wheel vassel, as fau back s 1543, but the fluet steamer werliy cf ieiug so-ealied- wes tint piaced isy John FilacuoIhe Delaware, et ,Piladaiplîla, 1787. TFis primitive cuaf t was propelied by a systain cf psddiee or cars workiug vertically, and was lia foraumnîsr cf TIIE 5?ALATIAL i ESSELn. uow plying ou lia great rivets of tic Unit- ed Siltas. Fie fluet acuialampt et Atlantic eleam navigation was msade hy Colonel John Steveus, cf New York, in 1819. Tie hoat wss cailad lise "Savanuah" sud wns built as au oudiuauy sailiug vesse],, but sfterwsrde fltted witls angines sud bolers, sud staamad frein the eily cf Sav- aunai on tic 125tb of May, 1819. Fia naxt vassal te cross the Atlantic was s Canadisîs steamer uiamad thc "Royal William," built et TI.rea Rivets in 1831. Tie " Royal William," was 16 feet long, 44 feal buoad. sud 17îe feet deep, cf 363 toue hurden, Sic salcd for London troun Quaeae on Augnet 5ub, 1833, and madeas passage cf oser forty days. Anotiar " Royal WVilliam' was bult aI Liverpool lu 1838 and wae lie fluet real passangarstesuser ho cross tia Atlantie. Passage on heu cecI $140 iucludiug winaes and stores. Tiese ,bonIs wcra actuelly emallar than a peweuful Englisi tugiesu cf to-day. Quite auexteussive passýeigar trade wae geiug ou by 1854, sud it mas' haseau by uawspapeu sdveuîisameuts tien tint pas sagas te Halifax sud Boston cst £25 aud le New Youk £30. Doge wcre cbaugcd £5 caci, ibut surgeons wec evidantly lu de- 'mand, for somne lhuadvaulised frea eshins feu surgeose. Tint stesvauds teck tips in tbose dsys likaivise le ecen by seme cf tise notices, whicb ssy, "lSlawaud's fac £1,'" otiers iucludiuc stawaud'a fea lu lic pas- sage mouay. Fraigbt cest suywbeue fromn £4 te £6, sud paseugers' baggage wsi surictly llsniued, Tic Canadien Sîam Navigation Company rau twice a mouu1h te! Quabec sud Monîreal lu 18.54, suid pa-ae if mouay te Quehea was tweuty gujces Fb sufferingsecfticheimmigrants on tlie eippaýr sbips must have beau ceusiderabla, tbrcuigh overerowdiug, inattention, etc., feu lia mou tality rate was ver.y large. A New York rppr cf Octoier 185,q, gîves a table cf tia arrivai cf 22 amiguanu vessaIs aI lihaI port fooin Saptember 9 te Ocloher 21 cf tint yeau, sud eut cf 7701 emeguants eauried, ne lest tisu 363 dicd on lie passage cul. To- day a -laatb le n very rare occurrence. Seanmsbips to-daysiow s gusat change fuom lie eomparalivaly primitive days auoîsud 1854. Most people bavea ngood ides of lie varions changes liaI bave takan place in tise building and ruuuisg cf e modern staam- siip, but uct se mnny are se uveli awnre cf lie anormous expeusa iîeeurucd ou sa single passage. A big Atlantic liuer svili carry about 322 isude in ali departusseuts, ansd hava a wagc bill of £1730. Wheiau al ex- panses sue cens idared il le caiculated litaI lie sum cf £16,000 i etrqseued le be realiz- ed peu trip bafoue ausy profit eau ha couuîad upon. Ona of tiese honte contsumeas tiere iundued tous of coal peu day. Some intau- esting facis regauding tia devalopmcnl of lieý Allantcleta'usiip passeugar uraffie arc te ha found lu s book entitlad " Tic Atlan- tic Ferry," from tise peu cf Arthsur J. Mn- ginesis, naresemicu cf lise Institution cf Naval Aucîltacîs. Tit hooks givas s iistcry of lic Alantieic es, biograpisof men who have beau premincut lu tic tuade, records of passages aud a vast amnount et gýeal in- formantion. Saîlors' Br av'ery. Upwauds cf 70 passeugers on board tise steamer Rualiue duew csp an sddress be- tweeu Teneniffe sud thte Cape cf Goed Hope fou puesaulatien te Captsin Bona,the offi- ans, sud crcw cf tise sbip. Il tellssuts s few wcuds tic sîory cf a pauied of triai, suxialy, sud danger in whici Ibes abale nsvigatcus diepiayad unfiagiîeg zeal ausd devoticu te duts'. Fîra wss die'îo% ercd lu-tisa vesel ou, A Gond Fit. Jollinn-"Spaking of Fimribeuly, isi wife would hae onaiderad baudeome if i. wasn't for heu freekies, wouidu't siteI" Folluinan-" Iudeed sic wouidIlsud that'm wby be cailleheu iis1 'uttle trut'I Jolliman-" Wiere's lie fitcess of tint, Follimau-"lWiere? Why isn't slie si I'speekied ieauîy?2' A FIGHT TO THE BEATU. Vie Hiunter and the SiIver Tip- lus Titeir Deuils Slnge mass anta Baer r Went over lime (C1117 etet e -Be Ilsecii l lees. Tha naturel home cf lie Amaricenlabeau le le enstaun slope cf lia Roesky Men- tainsnmoug lic focîhilis eacing dosan into -Moutiane ssea'-tic Yellostsone r, suin- ah Park, ansd close te the nouhiaru boundaus' cf Wy'oming.liereaee bchofound. ucarly avery speces cf lia animal on the North Ameuican Continenst excapt the polar ou sawile beau. Fia tiauce grizzly, wiici mskcs hiehme near lie perpatuai snosv lina ; lie dangerons siis'ar tup, salicli sauli cat a mnaIe5s quick ns wiuk; the ugiy-naluued- black, lia ravaîsons buown, sud lie isîge cîsseainon beau tint inisaius tise pleins sud e;ouhees cf tie cettie ranges, fessting ripon Co ws, calvesand ftlsteaus nîl thase eue to ha found ilunuuimilcd, numbeus, ln wiuter and. sunmar alike, in Montana, Noutiaun Wyoiuig, sud nmossg the Big Horn Moue- lainem. Iii ticeisaaviiy himbeued country sur- uouudung lia Black Hilhs of Dakota coma cf lia fleuceet sud meet daugereus cf lie epecies are oftlen countared. Fbe period cf gestation smong ahi mcm- bars cf lie beau famils' le about aigit mauýnlis. At 2 yeans cf aeatua feusal- iiuuily produces eue aI a bîntb breediug aveuys' econsd ya. Tbe second buaediug bringe feuIls twc, sud sahen cf matura aga the 1111cris tiuee, sud lu axeeptioinal cags fo-ur. Wieu hemlihe cubse ue y amal, a :re botlusbliud, sud uenuly uskad. Il lakas tons saeka tor tisa fur te coma ont stueug, aI wvichi peuiod lie eyeesîaso arec full opan. ,The young arc usuaily irougit fortb iii le meuth'cf rFchnuary, sud lu aswieuthe wealhil suam andi mihd, the dasu laces tise dan ou cava lu seauci cf food. Ou tisase fousgiug tripe lie dam plaCese ou orcus on ieru ack, saiera lias' Imngd neella iu, he long tlsiek fur. \Vhbau old aucugi lia cuis;namile by lber sida un loak cul fer tiemelves. TE sOTecEacANDOF R tYOUt. Il is cutions e e c ticmolicu beau saien puessed. by -the hunIer or wien danger tireateus. lu suai n case gsna keape tise lit- lia once shw'ays lu frout, silding theinsaiti ber ewu iuiky body, sud saben suddculy stsnulcd, ou set upou sie sends them te a trac sud laies beusaîf off te a, distance, eltiar le hae lu botter fonm te look aftar thoma or te liuow muter sud doge off lia trail, Au aucumous beau sas kilcd on Spenisi Creai nenu Bozeman leel fahi. This memien cf lie b)rulu famihy s as axcaadiugly fat, turniug tice scales at 1,600 pounde. fia kilhad afew 1dogesud unainscd s couple cf men bafoua bu ws veî-posaared. sud elsin. Tic silver thp i8 by fer tha flerceat, ugliast sud meel pesa. erful cf thaespacies, bcipig n cross betwcau Ile grizzly sud tic clunamon, coin iii ail! tic uglineessud aggressiveuess cf lic former witb lie strnguî sand ability cf lie latter. Hie furu le beanliful in seasen, nséaci stusud le iandoussely adcuncd saiti silvery wite tipesaisile al aise is et a polîeied ebony ina, reuderiug et indced eue of lie flnest native f urs lu ticesaicle Noutisaast. On lia chier lsand tisa grizzîy'e fur 18 coare sud gray, matis'of lic suraude baing antira- is'y gruizzlad Ibeugisout Ibair entira langli. Fie fienceuce nd iuestilily oet tese anu- mai-,s le msukiud are s'euy well kuowu lu D olMontana, sud Wyoming, Soon aftrhe Black His goid excitemeut was at ,Ie ba,,it-iig ig a o hers sabo came te thiet ii aufeoscamp sas a buge Scanui- cavisu wiob wae a perfect giaut lu strengli sdplii. Togetiar saiti n psrty et gold- h Iesfrom Daadwood, ha iad stautad cff te, prosýpe'-t the couuny te tic north niad west nesu liaehuaad waters cf Big Box Eider Creai in Montansa. FThe baud nuuuheued Isacîve hardy nd ax- pèuieuced prospacteus, amoug svhom, ns ne- msarked, ws the big Swede, sabo stcod. nearîy 6 feet 10 lu hies seekinge, lbey sveue ciimbîng a steep meunhein, ail ou foot, sicu ntise Scsudinas'îau irneed ou aiesd sailhi is rifle te sec if ha could net stir up s dean or au ahi fou suppar. Owing te the 1difficuity of lieasceut lie ochars follosaad ou, hehiîîd siosaiy, sud afler asvihe fournd thamelves saind4iug round 'the adga of a elaeep pracipice macs' huudred. feal hoce the jaggad rocks beneati. A TERRIBLE nExxs TIet S(cOTE. As lia cheveu minent iad about sltaiued he summît, ou aI leaet saiere the naruosa patisay broadeued ou opened mbt a sort cf claring, lias' sasa just aiead of tbam a emali groeaof brusi, tronc ihici prcceededl tie mosl asaful growliugs and ieautrcudiug Cce imaginable. The busias sacra shakiug sud- swayiug about as if two terrifie mon- stars wcuafighting te lie deati. Tic .,parts' iuuuied fouwaud aud.svbeu sitb. in nientt lwe iuudred yards cf lic spot uvere ouifled te ses liait cemuade sud an enor- mnoue tuyau tp beau, tient musI bavaesaeigi. cd sixîcan or sesanuteen lsurdrad penndes erg(afreinthe tiet cugaged lu deadiy -omisalt. Tise man was covered saitis bhood tuoisis leead le bis feal, ansI lia beau waq un about tisa sama condition, lu lice bande cf tic formeru as eainuge iuuting inife, sfracing saili crimeon gora, wbîci lthe posaarf niman wsvnspluugiug ns oflen ns ha cculd mine tisabody' et bis auamy. Tie-silvan tip avideutîled thbe hst cf lia figil so far, and bc sas gaiug lie bat- ter of il ail tisa tinte, for lue fongit tise Sean- diuaveau back stop by tep, dloser sud doser le lia dangauotng precipice, nosa culs's fasa yards nway. Flic ele vancompanione e the Almaîjt a fiaI. Sie s I sasa somaebody Ibis meuuing for saiom you haves grat admniration." Ha : "You did, eh? I eue"syou mustisha h.oeed lu the mirror." ~'ir C -Pitcher's Castoria5- I 1ýEGLEOTEin CflILDFSEN. Au êtsserVl- rWouusaîsTells Sani e Truitlas Forcibis'. "I was cratiy iutercsl-d tbe oder day," reaakcd a'u ohsarving womaii, xvinis vary fond of nnvestigatiug ahl of th'e w bys and wbarcforcescf life,says the« ýinore 7 H<foid, 41 le notieig tie ca" a s n. -nîtionI iastowed ou youung animale s -eraI whose bouse I was visitiug.t weue ilts sud calces sud latibs, yeo.g asnimale cf aIl sorts, poultry and fancy fowls, acb of whicli iad its owui spacial inclosura, ils alloîtad hotus of attention, sud its careful- iy prcparad food. Evary tlsing thal eould lu sus' way assiet in iringing Ibese lutIle ceatures te a puoer developent was gise auwitbout slint. Indecd, tie policy cf tha owuau was a somewhat axperimeestal eue, intendcd te preduce nscw sud imp'-oc- cd resuits, if, passible, sud tisat witbeut couulsig liahe cIs. -We spant tie cutire meuniug axanm- ing,, disenssing aud admiriug, as wcll as questieuing, wlietier tuis, liaI or tisa etier matbod unigit ha lu auy way umprovedl sîpen. As sua ucluruad le tbe bouse Ilîrongi the raj yard thare wcra tiee or four litte eues playing wili crooked sticks, old acrape cf ireken china sud pieces cf glass. A few at-ones, a cracked aîad hatteradd611oî, sud a ueaimed sud, disflguued hobby-bouse made up tiha amusemnentîs providcd for thase lîttlaeues. I epoka te eueneof lham, aud lie littie faellow, rau eaud bld bahiud hie laugar steter. Ouaeof lie emal!er cidran ,wss reanning arouud witb oua ankia se haunt Ibat bie walkedl almeet ou tie sida cf i foiot ;uaarly ail tise utIle bande weue rough aud cbappedl two cf the cbulduen bad cx- tuemely bad teeti, and cena was tryiug le pull a loose toolb wili a string,, noua- of them weuc suitabiydressed, sud nIll sowed marks of most decided nagicct,- ."Ilwae onuraliar ton frieudly terme wstb the fatosily'ce cniticisa Iha management of tichildrau but I couldn't belpi woudaring how muci more valuable pigs sud ebsekaus wcue tban tise litîle hueman being tisaI bail f allen juto tit uucougeulal situation. Tiera wasut't au animal ou tbe place tint wae se nagleclcd as were Ibosa beys sud girls, sud lie fermer would net bave loler- ated suci spacimans of Ibeir kiud ilu lis fermyard. Naturaliy tbcywera brigit aud net ill-leekiug ciduan, but iack o? propar attention sud tlsouglîîleseuaess bad almeet spoilcd 'hem. Years of training would ha reqniruite bries5 tbcsa littla -minds aul bodies into anyiug lika symimelry. "I co -uld but Wonîder wbatlsar lu raally was Worth wie te train'ciidreu or wiatiî- au Ibis part of lie business of life ws ne- glcuad nmareiy beesuse tiare seemed te haý nie ready cash lil î. "ýWbe a ets e auliaI cildreu are cf quite as muci accourt as pigesud lambe, aud naad, just as careful lookiug afîcu, lia prospects for ceming generahieuswjll ha infiuiuely bettar than tbay now sa." Tile Mysteries of Suicide. A Counecticut manu tenk poison sud pro caeded te mae wriltten uotes cf h,-sesa tiens. SeHasasaved from ideathinuthea nick cf tim 'e-,Hie uretiodicel rosuocu of prepsu- ing for deati sud hie devotion te science prove liat hie enca an of ab-ilily, wbolisad ic rigbt le sacrifice a lifa wîli wiicbhaliemigit do gond. Il is possible le imagine condi- ticns runder whicb a logical mmnd could dis- ovcu some1 juetilicaIicn fer suicide,.But il len8 lia iepeople wlsem diseese is ereducad te lit ve cf abject heiplessuese, mental sud' pbiysieal ,bat asa iuie lake tiair ewo ]ives. Tbe vigorelus, beaelthy' pcsplc, wbose a 'mbitions arc lefty sud ïwbese energias' are greet, seam mesu susceptible te tia tempua. tien of self destruction, Tihe iuteusiîy cf ,an enargatic nature makes the sîep from disappoinîmaut te despair the more easiiy takee. Theorie.ts ara inleresîîug wheu tleey argue lthaI people wbo ara ready te leava lia world siould ha allowad tb do se, but as a mauler of fset tise iaws wbicb interfere *ith attempîs lu Ibis direction as a rule rach people whosa %pirilts racuperale Mlmosî as rapidiy as thay drop, sud wbo live te won. der bow liiey eould aveu hava couîemplstedl sucb a sîep. .Deathe flrom Joy, Friglit, aud Grief, We rend lu Livy Ibat wlsn auennibal bad vaîîquisbad lie Romiane luibte battie cf Canne wo wesn eeing Ibair scius, whomn they bad supposad dead, raluru ln good baaltb, died îsnmedietely fuom ex3-es- sive jey. A Freuciman wio hmd by chance pass'ed ovar e ueurow plank lyiug acroes a deep gorge in the dauk cri viewiug tisa spot the naxt day fell dowu dead whiie coîstemplat- ing tie dangers of tise pravieus nighît. Monlagua relatas the case of a German nobiaman wbc dned cf excessive grief ou discoveriugthat bis sou badlbeau hilied lu baIlle. "Ha stood," sys Monuagua, "like a stock, w iti bis cyces fxed on tisa corps-, tli the vaiemaey cf bis sourew bsviug, ovarwbelmed his vitai spirite, hae tank stene 1 daad outhe greund." A gentleman haviug ealieus e ulet rau asvay sud buoke is wife's ueek was told hy n n cighioting siquir tisaI-lie wjshed(l to pur Clisse it fou bis wife'to ride upen. 'II eau- n ol spare st, " said tie ouher ; "for I mev maury again." PnURýES, TV DS, EST. Conlauns rno lu- Ammui Csue gpiss _.a-, oruns' Injuriant, . GICLLET, 'Toroneto, Omit. fl ONEST IIELP FOR MEN I5Ay NO MORE MONEY TO §UACKS. Asafferer frein Errors of Youth, Nervous Debilitý aud Lest Vigocr cas ressored toeissalt iiiS suris a rensarkable manoar, afner ail aise isad failed. thast ee wiil scad tise aeans afIcre FREE Se ail feliow eut- fereus. Addrcss, with sîsmp, ma. EbwaRo MARTruN, (-ECHRcui) BOX 143, iDETROIT. eIîCH. B edyfcrs:a yy--iy. SFor nsalelg S0ep, 5o.fterning Wate;r, orss~adaodadî Uses. Acauequaia,-jl. aL4atalteda. Sod y AH , 2. a.d Dc.rrtst. FO R CHILDR E - AN INFALLIBLE REMEÀDY 1 Surarsadas ail other preparaticus for the eure of Ilental Debility, Nervesss Prostratione Eess of Nlanhool, Paraly sis, Locaisotes' AtaxLss, Paieful 31enstruatsen, Seppressss s ad Irs-egulîîri-. ties, LaucrrehuS, Disordard of Sternaeh, Los ef Ap- petite, Dizzinecs, etc. These Pille pasesa ion purga. tive preperties, uer snything hurtful te thee meet delsaeas3stemn. They are tha rasultof yaarsoi cars- lui study aud ana0',sas, and used svith great succes lu the privaIste atice ofan amincux physicien. Thav set pniniarsly an thse neuve centres, braasing: tihe Vital Farce, pranscting Assimsilat'ion, Elirich- iisg M lse i, thus preventing aud-curi-sgelisease, For sale by Drnggists, 50c. epr box, or sent posil- Vaid fer if0e,, or ô boxes $2.50. Drs. Butle es'dcline Ceas, EroCUlviIe, ont. COOPEWS LUCHTNING CORN Ci ' E Ctures liard andl Sot I'orn,.; 0uiy Ibrae applications re q uired. COOPERtS BUNION C URE Cures Bunious, Warîs and Moles, Swoilen Glands, Tbick Neck sud 5khm Diseeses of a speacial character, Thmesermediesara perfect- ly painla8s ' Dou'ebhadeceivcd- Ask f t Cjgp er's sud raka n olisar. 15 aad 25 cents. AI druvRiSts, Dir. Butier Miedicine Co, Brerkv,lle, 011. "The Ladies' Journal tOrTOROINTO. A large 36-page Illu strated Fasl-j ion Montlily, will be sen r to any address Only eue dollar andi fi? teOan 0.U cents for thse two papere. $11 Cali sud sece nsample ceps' of "The Ladies' Journal" il te a plublication tint eil! interest every wemnan lu the tend. Tho regnîa ubseriplIon prices o? -TIse Ladies' journsal " and tisepaucue s $2 par- ycar. You gat tise two for end iyour moues' aud afdrese I-e luis ofice. Nine persons cnut ef ten wili look et tis abaovS letter sud tisink tisait touS is e nmbuer of dots weuld be vesy eas. Stili tisaunaee unpar ativeiy tew wlso eau do it uerecliy. Il requites ne t ouly peusevr sce but a cat eead sud s steady cys,' witiî jus5 enceighi ngcauity le devise a pieu tlit wilîleprevenis uistakes sud complications. Il yau' doabltIhi$ irs'it and s2c feu yourseit. If yen sic-' cecd il cillébe weuth yenu s, hile le consider lise 1011 lewiug oclint:- Ta tise firsi ulen pausons seediug ln tise correct' n'sumsac ewillacivearh A CRISP, CLEAN t TEN DaLLAI BANE NOTE. To tise teài peusees sending ile is' idde correet ensweus usem evill V-lC A IV DOLLAR EILL, white laetisaI lait tan persons hec iug - crrect enuwers ive givqi,' ecti o.oolI GOLhS. 'ý,SiuId ne peseen hsae tic corecat ueniberulise praicaîscii ledietrlbiee ,ni sug tisese choe us,,ers pSuS usi nearrh ig-.i ln addition taris day;e CIigi A G'alDIf3B DIAMOND RIl ia ýthe perîuso hos eteltterWi tise final epeucd Sisal day, wshatiser lie anîxeru ig couretr u not. Eseis Ctfltittnt Olsenclose 3ç cents in silvet. su i*iaS ie -el lins1 1 a for euene ut litee gensi %e peets, whiich con-, tain s ait -pocnd cf-eu be"ttYOUNG IIYSON',1 BLACK, JiPA-Mcou M IXED TEA, as deiucd'1 Iu oudersngý kindi- , caie seiicé kind you use sud il wiil ha sceS c iii ail chsarges prepsld, te youu ad-ý dresa. Reninuséar senpa fto-rIte tasassis'. Th&n puesents aesgivena ay ainlu ader te iuîduce ucw1 custauseuc te test eus teas. Tisis tea s n uaraaiaSe to ha a iseter article lisan tisaI yeunouw get Iceii yeugrocuertisesme price. Mre are analeldtei mnak tiinnsprcdented oferu beçause WE AI,5. LARGESSIM PORTERS ANID SAVE Thsr MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS, wiici se aive tla aur customers. XV tiik tliat a triali will con,, visita sou, sud 1maI if sou once buy tuons -use-ouý willi continua se de se. This eur reasous faut makingîhiseffer. AI TO OUR RELIAIB IL.- ITY saeuotifi refer s'eu te suslz' eie batik or consmri cai Wnecy lu this ity.OelVE SHAVE BEEN DiO GSUS NiESS XIN TIO FOR- THE PA$>T FIVE YEARS sud halve s'aI5 ta Sund 2adissateafied teustoinC. Il reste culs'3s, cts te test us and r te acet tIse sauie limae. Dei Go aI ontýce esud alliis astise cpatun't f pei 1 !, kiIbis ofSer is gie . A -dtes _HE CA 1 ADIAN TEA CM,,27 FRONT ST, BAS'r51 T0RONTO, ONT.

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