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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1893, p. 8

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.sm Wue now occupy the FINEST CARPET STOT IN ONTARIO, and are showing large and complc lines in :- AXMINSTER CARPETS, WIILTON CARPE TSI, BRUSSELS CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Qilciothe, Linoleums, Rugs, WTindow Shades, etc. We display'in COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS! every variety, from the most inexpensive curtain'to the most elegant styles in :--- Nottingham Lace Curtains, Embroidered Mustin Curtains, Brïissels Lace Curtains, Irish Point Lace Curtains, Swiss Tambour Lace Curtains, Cluny Lace Curtains, Fancyý Arabian Lace- Curtains, Ecru Madras Curtains, Empire Lace Curtains, Sash CLrtains, and Sash Curtain Material in Camplete Assortments. Ail carpets eut and, made on the premises by our own wvorkmen, under our own supervision. FOSTER&PEtDERo 14 and'16 King St. E., Toronto.! FREE TRIP TO CHICAGO. A Timely Provision againstthe SepeuteW-0--L.)-SF-A- P.andChoiera Epidemie. usa tha lttera to spaîl ai many words a iIn caîlirtg attention to the "Actua Ch-i- yDu can by usiu-g the latt ersaua many ara Syrtip,"' the objeet of the S.-. ed tuas as aiyou wisb!, ither backwards or icine Coýnipauy ila(0o sopply 1toapbi frrwaês~ ~t .~t se esanie ltter ýr1 mcy wicb ta aqulal iiixwe o h mnaling ancy oua wrd More tias tani, u ot apparsin Words aim" nedicalinm's presripiýon in arresltirg appers n Par."the disease and reruoving iba aus as If isa aid SEvENTY-FIVE aniail Eugi1isb wll, and f0 p'aca in the banda ( f the rord ear, ha spalied corectly fromt the people sucb a prepamation as cari ha safeîy tanl lattera cotained in "W orlcts Faim. ,anaptloyed by theni while the dose as giv- Example:--Wad, waif, s3oar, idol,etc If' an shahl contain a fulil portion cf the you are good aà t word1-naking you can raruady, properiy graduated for the infant oecure a FR1EE trip f0 the WVorld'a Fair as well as the aduit ; thus lassaning the anud returri, as The Scoft Seed Company necrasity ofc abing in a pbys&cian except sill pay &Il expeuosas,isne.udiug R. R. f ara, in the mostavere easies cf Asiatie Chot- hlaills, admissattu to the Columbian ea. Thi.q, we faee cert-ain, we have ac- Exposition, ai d $50) in cash fer incidentai coinplished ini the "Acme.Cho'ama Syrup" expausas, te the firgtf ptrson able to make whih ia cosnposed cf those mLd:cînrs SEvEilîF words fri the lattera coutain4-d whieh ara kpown by tihe profession te ha lu 'World's Faimý," as ahove. They wiil the mosit otcnt and reiiab!e. The doses alRa give a FRElýý TRIP te the Worid's an tores cribed ara fuîl doses for each class Fair aud returu with- $25.00 for incident- of -patients. WeVe blieva this niedicine ai expense3,s, te the frt person aanding ill rave t-, thea peopta hundreds of t boua- 5i-xTry words a aboya. Thaywil Iro anda, perbapa rilivns of dollars of doc- give a FREE TRIP te the Worid's Fatimr'sbills and do i a work effectually. If sud rtuîrn (without cash for incidentai was thorougzhly te,3ted in tahoiera epi exa te)f the rst, person reuding demie cf 1853 and proved itEeif of inea- :FTY-VIVE li Olds. timable valua in holding in chseck the To the brst parson seudingrîrrTY iorda ni<,sf sevares yrupforrs until aid of the wili be givan $0 Qinl cash towards pay. physician could ha seeur8d. It la the ing axpensea te the W"ol's Faim ; f0 the 0o11Y saf e biogte cary wth you duing firat asonding FOUTY wor!ds %il ha givan the fruit seasen ,anid the bot weathr iu $ý25.00 ii cassh towards psying expanseasusmmer and eLpeially durng the expet te the Woria'a Fai, toe ecch cf the firaf ed choiera sea2on. FvEparsona sending TxIRTaY-FIVE words wll ha givenl $10 00 in caFih, sud toe eech Glassqes ground te fit auy ight, coin- of fI fir ;1t 1 ssg uEY plies ed cases a sp ca1ty aud rie charge haieu$ 9jcah for consultation or testiug hy T. N. ppepri vi tI warded te the Riekard, watchimakier, joweler and opti- .uue ,ntt. uavraOIliist cian, Variety Ual1, o)f wcrds (unumbaýrad ) aud enclose tha ~ssposqtpaid w ith ýtan thirçe cent staiupa for a 1,rge padhacc ut- Ch' ice Eiýgisb co)ttageG, e FIoer Seada. This omiato incladas the lateat "înd muot popular English flowems of end- leu-s varieties (ani as will be coutainad il, tbie eaborate exhi*bit of English flewers at tisew Wor's Pi. Tais Foids air" conteaf vill ha carefully sud ceeusientiously ccuducted aolely fer the purpore of lut rcducing our business. You wiIl receive tbe BIGGEST value in flo-wer seeds aver offered, sud ifý you alre able teiniake a gocd liat cf words sud auiswer pronptîy yen, wiil baya a irsf lasaq opprtuity te Recura a free tripr from home te Chicago and rature. We are spendiug a large. ameunt of money fo aiart or trada this reason, sud want your trial et-da. You wiii ha more flisu gratifled -with tbte rasuit. Seud te- day, and drs THE SCOTT SEED COMPAN2-Y, Torouito,, C.anada. AN OPEN LETTER. ýSalvator Magns Maicina Company, B3rockývilla, Ont.: DEnS!p ,-Theme was a gentleman in 'heý stora on Satunday, wbo was apaaking ab)out MaNLgie Pila Ltion vemy favorably. Ha ha pL es for for ty yeara, sud ha is al rigîf aînce u-sung the Magie Pila Lotion. Rtis adldresa la Robert Grahami, Middle Road, Raleigh, Chatham,, aud a testimon- ial fren i hm wouid ha perfecfly reliabla sud lweuid do msach good for your Lotion whiclihnla lreadty an excellent reputation iun this etion cf 'tha couutry. Ycjura fiy, E. A. PILKIE-& CO., Cenrai Drug Store, Chathami, Ouf. CLAIRKE UNION. Mise Ida Souch bas recovered from lier sevi-'s ilinesa. . . .Mr. John Sandercock .ýr engaged Mr. Jùcph Woliner ... Mi% Samuel Hlicks i8 enaaed with Mr. Fier mean Davià.... .Mi.s EveL3'n Johns'to;n hssi gone t3 West TorontoJoncionto laaruii dressmnakiug,.,...M,. John Allun, jr., bas refiuEed the atiiiof $200 for is birioam Wood ... . Mr. Fieîbart Pointen hai heen very iii; he iii recoverin... Mr. ilani. mond Arch bas contracttd to put a mica roof on Mr. Thomuas Quiunw's dtv-,eI!ing. NEVEU NEGLEOT A CoLD -13r. Austin Ffit t Bays ina the Forum :It is probable ttiat a perLon with an inherited tendency to consumption would never develop tbe disease if ha could be prctected against infection with lte ttbercle bclu. il, the ligbt of modern dis-coveriee coiisurnp tion cin ro lovgeýr be rogarded as ain in* curatle di. ie. Tri o exagperaIion. to z-ay that Kemp's Baiaam, wben taken in tume, has saved many from ccýnsumpq- tion. At all d:uggists' 50c and $1I. Tait & Co ai t3 stili at the o]l at-nd (o-p- posite the Mairkrýt ua) and are turu- injg out betterpotsta ever at dppu- tam pire. Ezi!argecmeiots ruade from any cpy ro any s&ze and aro uarntedfot to f4d,,. (atilai1d se- t'enabout that pioture you wantt en!arged. ri,(y will give you satiafactior. Worst Siglit Ever Seen. Legs, H-ands5, Amins, IEody on,; $olldï Deeps Running Sore. TYRONE. Began s '.ap; Cuticurs !n Two Wcceka The stoîru on Thursday last damagad Great Improvernont Follovioü old fences sud out buildituÀs eoosidemabtýy by a Complote CuIre. Fat-mers are lryinu to posh silr- irok bt tei çrgr~a t u~ yt ey My ehil bega n lelbc re whcn two menthe ol1-, work ut tIÀr M oz rdiuer bga% e en -Eczema on lis face and beaS. it rapiily slow. . .. Miss OCra .U'rdne a be pread ovec al l is body. Every one Lh0ia visitîng New Pýý1 Kfred..,M. John hlm saiS le was the eo:et sght they e-er îaw. Dolacott LatraÀing the S. S. cbildmau in l iunn ,,th, e o for the annivamsamy..... Ouacf our . ."mae;me ada, n citizana came into) a mordesf lÉife fortune thon lho woubdstC rcaentiy. CnrtltosCalrcouS lo t dreFà Ihlm Staniey'a tbougbts wara ve ideifty hauon, a!~oneformon2t!e. lIt; ontýobjeýcta fîusincaffle, pofatoes o uttle legs, hanSe, anSý nu othar ~ armî-aerejusteeeî pork buyiug oa Monday âsat. Pleaased te deep runlug sore: ha seV do well frind.... Miss Maggie vos sore ait ocam, lut Stapias was guest of Miss Carnie Scott the liii g, anS recently. . .. Mm. Jno. Ryan is ituprov- f adeat Iseecactsýu ,ing lowy .... Miea Bertba Brauton has iu the flel, anS swerc beau visitirng hem parants bat-... .The rwoeu s tlat hedidnetilook like achlid. tse fiose-lea'in feershos lttl siusthe worst sores I have ever sein of tle knS. W heure ieanig foyr shos î be sig a aonusine the CUTICUISA REanUIES, WanS lu i cf abatiuLY. weeks we could sec a great improvaeut-it, lsud uow heisc ompieteiy cureS.IlIts skiu hemot, Thay imale oeefeel as tlîougbh fa wasandhie.and ho eems entit-eywel Haeos 0 thakful.Portait iclosd. 1 ould 1 t iI wurth living. Tale naef Carter'a Little averyoue whoîas a sufferiug baby about CUTeICUnA Liver ,Pilla af fer eating ; if wsll relýieve Mus. FREl) BAIIRETI, dy-pepsis, aid digestion, give toue sud Winfield. Inglani County, MielI. viger te the systelu. C tc r eov The naw BineS andS kin Purifier, î4uta-inalv, andý HfT~'~CUTICURA, tle great Skin Cure, aiv nSîcuý ÏïOUSE Pl AIN IN G. SeAr, an exquisite 5kin Beautifier, e-t roaliy, lu- tantiy reieve anS speediiy cure every diseaud humer of the sin, scalp, anS blonS, wlth lois of I ami preparad tue xecute alal orders for baie, from infaucy te age, freinpimpleitoerfua bouse [ain'ting, gaiiug, glsziug, papar- haugiug sud deeoratiug lu the moat op- provefi styles sud at nioderatoe ternis. Wall Papars, Glass, Ptotty and NMixad Paints in al shadea always for sale. Shop opposite Youug & Co's firsf ciass gmecemy a ora, King St., Bowmanville. Orders niay healase leftL at Young & C's or af niy msdance, Q îeen St. THO S. KIRBY. Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICCUA 75c,; sýr 350e'; RESOLVENT,51ShPrepared by the P>TTien Dl.UG AND CHEJaICAL CORPORATION, BostonMsi. go- il1Hw to Cure 5kinLiseases," 64 pagv-es, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniale, mailed fie Skinand Scalp puýrified"aI',, tiie CAYS yuTicunA So. . -belutuly pure3. RHEUMATIO PAINS In one mninute the Cuiticura Anti- atic, lnp, kidney, chest, nS moscular pama and weakuesses. 211(:e, Sc <)ROMV. <ondens3ed firom the Xewus.) r. 0. 1%. CGamsby, Bowmnanvilie, waa wu Sunlday week. mi'ý. Rvcb. fi has hecn viaitîing ber Mml. Afrad li, Oýbawa. ýPET NlNV od CURTAINSW L m ACE To get relief froni indigestion, bilions. neýs, cnîpro or torpid liver witbout distuirbinig the atomacb or purging tbe howaia, takýe a few dases of Carter's Little Uiver Puis, they wili please you. Mrs. Hamry Flooper ban 'beau visiting ber sistar, Mrs. Geo. J olI, Bowmanville. Mis. Winter bas gone to Osbawa for a few mnonths. MJiss Ida Garry bas bad inflammation of tbe3 lungs. DOîe'T WAIT FOR TIE SIen Room.- The exparievce of pbysicians and the public proves that taking Scott's Emulsi3n produces an immadiate increase in flash : it is therefore of the btghest value in WVasting Diseases and Consumption. Wardeu W. P. Prower of Bowmanville, vas in tosrn Tuesday week. Mr. Tho@. Doncaster Apent a few days with friands in Grafton lat weak. Ricn, RED BLooD as; naturally resuits from takin2 llood'a Sarsaparilla as par- sonal cleanlinesa results froms free use of 8oap and water. This great purifier thorougbly expels scrof nia, sait rbeum, and ail otber imopurities and builds up every organ of the body. Now is the timne f0 taka if. Tlh bgbaat praire bas been won by Hood's Pilla for their easy, yet efficient action. Sold by ail druggiste. Price 25c. Mitss Jane Linton has bean visitiug friands in Guelph. Mr. Thos. Fielding, flowmanville, waa in town last week. OPEN As DÂY.-Tt la girento avery phVsic,,an,the formula of Seott's Erulsion being no secret ; but no succespf ut imita- tion bai ever beau (ffered t.,. be public. Only years of expariene and study can produca tha hast. Dr. G. H. 06rveth, Toronto, was in town last week. Mm. Harbert Il bas Becured a eitua- tion in a confectionery store in Hamilton. Mr. asnd Mr@. Samuel Wood of Hope, visited tbair non, Mr. Jas. Wood, recent- ]y. For those wbo are sufferinq fmomn Piles tbare is nothing equat to "Magic Pîle Lo- tion" for promptnass of action, certainty of cure, cleanliness, comfort aud simplie- ifty of applie tlion. 50o par bottia at al] druggists. Mr, H. A. Wertmni, who bas beau spAnding a coupla of weaks in town, has raturnad tb Ottawa. Mr. David Stevans, uioulder, bas re- turne hd omeafroru Rochester. A DISTRESSING SITUATION.-Wbat a dradfui tbiug if is to wake lip in tbe middle of the night suiffrinz front choIera -the nearest doctor a mile away aud uo ona t0 send for bur. Imagine a more distrc.sring doeatie situation, if yon eau; sud yct casas of flua k-ind are vary commn n.Thae troubla, however, would never bava bacome serions if thaeraan of the bouse badl a bottia of PEBRY DAVIS' PAIx Kîixat band, for it h a remedy that neyer fails to cure ebolera, crampe, diarrbea, or dysentary. Ail druggi8tg kaep if. 2.5e. for large New size. Mr. C, J. Hugbson sbowed bis bard sonie coach Stallion, SirRogerTicbborne, at Port Perry Fair fait weak. Mr. A. Tamblyn bas beau very iii with inflammation of the l1unga. Mr. F. W. Williamson bas moved înt thie residance vacated by Mr. James Me- Cormackr. 0AN You TsriNe ?-Oau you tbink of a, worsa dieease than dysppsria, if pluugea its vicfim in gleom and despondencv, makes hîm a burden to bimneif sud otba'a and causes constuipation and bad blooC. Yet Bumdock Blood Bittera cures dys. papsia or indigestion, aud bas, doue so in thousands of casas. Mr. Win. Chapple who brua been vary il] for soma finie pastt Ï4aVe to bc out. St. Saviour's Chureb la bD ha extensive- ly rapairad this entamer. iMaster Lisle Tuckr'r. eidest son of Mr. A. A. Tueker, wbo fell in a vat of bot water at tbe tauuary on Saturday week and racaived vary rayera injurias, is im- proving,. WILL KILL CONSUMPTION.-The, Nor. wegiau cod is destined to kili cousump. tion. If bas always beau known that ifs oïl, wban propariy prapared, contains al the potar- elemants for rabuiîding waat. ing£ fissues in tia butuan body. Tha dliffilty bas beln to conserve tbe anar- giesz of the oil in its rallning, andi this bas euiy been aacomr>,lishad by the usanufite- t urera of "Miflleî' Emu!sion of CoA Lîver Ou: ." Ail who suifer with long troublee, aud of courra all ho are threateued witb cenumpion saould, take it. lu big hote,0.and $1.00,at ail Drug Stores!. Mir. John Aluin was vtry ace-fiat 'Éle racant rriuity Madicai Exaniiostion, Mm.Jon ol a- le eai à. SPONGï-Eà rS. Have just received a fine assortment of Bath and 23uggy Sponges ai sizes. Be sui e you SPECTACLES AND EV ECLASSES. 'We carry, a large stock of the best lines of spectacles and seil them at reasonable prices. Our spex ar'e giv- ing splendid satisfaction. For comnfort, durability and cheapnesss we have the best. Before you leave for California, British Cpl- umbia, Manitoba and other points, cali at our store for tickets and information. 0. P. R. t-icIcei office: J. 'CINBOTHAN & SON. eN T! e )TSI h1as one of the best, the latest and largest stock of Rats, bought d'i retfrom thebest, manufacturies, dAirect from England and New York. ?r-ices as low as the low- est--from 50c up. For Men and Boy's soft or hard and in ail colors and shapes. C all and examine prices and goods. In Gents furnishings a large aw' well sole cted stock always ô 11-- hand. YHighest prices paid for RawpUirs I f ou bave auy trouble with yeur That timad, isnguid feeling sud ul wat ch, dlocks, or jewellary, wbicb ne beadaclua us vary di agroeasle. Taetw d1oubt yeu will bave, caîl ou the aId mai, cf Carter'a Little Livar Pilla baforýe mtir. aiae -Mayusrd the Jewaller. ing, sud yen wiIl flud relief., They neyer fait to de gooçd. "Clear Havana Cigars" Our Clasriug Sale will hagin on the "'La Cd7a and "La Flora." ls lS th cf Apr)l. Ellison & Co. uPon biaving thase brauda. Rp Tbls. -P R SALE OR. RENT.-House sind - iacres for sala on te ent. situafe on Scugoz streat north. The at-amises cacislt of s good house wlth aemey ceuvenienea, drivug shed, stable, etc. Tas garden contaas a lot ut the ehoiceat fruit of ail variatias. Immseditge poss3ession eaubegir-an. For particulara aliply te W. FisuaLEma sHBowmanviua Ont 49,, flipans Tabules cure acrofula, 5 N'To Store in town contains a nicer, newer or more fa>ionable stock 01 goodsý thali that which we are showing this ,eason, Our sales of Dress Goods already bas been remarkable. We also eall attention to our New Spring Coatýs for Ladies and Children. We have received our importations; of Parasols-ail new nice and stylish. See Our new Print,, new Delaines, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, etc Our Glove and Hoisery department is as usual, right in the fronL~ We import otir Hose and Gloves and get the best goods procurable nt the Iowest prices. We are certain youa can save monev bybu Gloves and Ilose at our store. Our customers can get the fashion sheets for each, month free by ask. ing for them. We want to keep the public posted along fashionable uines as they will then the better appreciate our goods which are alwayg, the newest. JOHN J. MASON. 2 SPECIALPURO}{v-ASES."ý& BOTSAND SHO1YE S. A select portion of the wholesale Bankrupt Stock OF R. Smiardon &Co, bought on the $-. --f IrIA Tr][ A lot of samnples, perfectly new goods and in good condition. FeIt fur and straws, you can save money in the*" goods ORDERED GLOTHJNG. We have taken more orders this season than ever, before (for same months). We have the No. 1 cutter and the largest o f goods. Try us if you want a new suit. Mens' and-Boys" Suits. Ready to wear. Our stock in these Goodi is the best wa have yet shown and our superiority more marked than evor; we have marked our suits very close this season. THE OLOTHING HOUSE. T. GEO. MASON,

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