J J rR8-LoPliat A»yrusiOUR TOWN AND OOUNTY PIRST: TEWORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. Â JAMES EDnOR ÂNDR NEw SEriEs, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEUNESDÂY, MAY 3, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 18 PnhIpu JOHNSTO & CRYDERMAN ' UJUUIJI1 a re now showing AN IMMENSE Goods fo^r SPRINC AND. 8UMMIER They take particular' pleasure il - asking' their friends and the pub- lic to inspeet their new goods, as the-,feel confident it is the finest S+ 1~ ever shown by them or by auy other house in Bowmanville. N. B.---A1 GROCERS' Due-bîlis'taken as Cash for goods when purehased. COUCH, JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN. YOU CANNOT FAIL to be pleased with the new stock of Boots and Shoes just arrived at JOHN aiELLYAR'S.' WVe ask you to eall, i nspeet and 4ecomPare-ý if you choose." We leave the resuit with you and are confident that it will beto our mutual satisfaction, because, goods well bought are haif sold.' Therefore after inspection, the re- maining haif wiIl be easilly accomplished. Au A 1. assortment of Trunks and Valises always in stock, King Streat, Bewmanýviiio, Mardis 28th, 1893. BOUNSALI'SMARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, (Establiahed 1857.) Finished Granite Monuments in stock from $12-5 to $500. HANDSOME DESIGNO AND BEST MATERIALS. tFT1~ PETERREAD ÂND ;DGRAY IRUBISLAW SCOTCH - ROý-ir, RtED ANDi PURPLE SWEDE............... GRANITE BLU-1 PEARL AND EMERALD PEARL ........... FINISHIED MARBLE MONUMENTS in stock from $45 to $200. IN 4ILL THE BEST KINDS 0F MARBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS. e4ýBeforù Lscigyour order, CALL AND EXAMINE 31Y STOCK, and SEE Waý,'AT YOU ARE BUYING. 7-iy E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. çEALE. -A flrst ciase faim cri 1(5 acres sitnated -luesta Wisîîisy let con, lots I-) sud in, abut1*miles ifrons Osise. le fiouns Yisb y ud 60 Wrode oe.Large roomy buildingsý, d.planty of' fruit, soil day oie e t 'ise hat grin fiaim e No b0 ill or stenes. 'abou 'ïeuresfil ain nifeh sety, First plooiug duae hiuître appîs-. teA.'Ari 3-tf,, T o'RENT.-For termi of yaars, "(Dan Dishu 1"-30 acres, 2 miles froin Whtby- geood buildings and soli. Admirable rer stock or dairy, Obanca for going extansively into Toronto silk business or stock îaisiug for nwmarican mrarkai. Man wîtb, capital on1ly Aaad apply, J. H. Dow, Witbv. 32 if: Tisa plain titutis is goodi enough for flood's Saîsaparilla. No need of embeli. isjhment or sensation. Hood's Curas. AIJCTION SALE OF vAL'uABLE STORE PROPERTIES TOWN 0F BOWMANYILLE. Under sud by vIrtua 0,eh'ie P>,ver et sala lu a certain mrgsafroc. Per sud John Murdocis te tise Van eors, vwicis will Sapro- duced at lime oh' Salo, anS ou defanît bais g made ln paymeut of tise mcneys tberabv soeur. ed. lisais will be effnsd for sale bv Public Auction, by Levi A. W. Totg, auciousnfer, ai tisa BannatRouse in tise Town of Bewman- villa, ou SATURDAY, tise 6tis day oh MAY, 1893 aI 12 oclock, noon, tise fllowing Prepeniy, uamely.: Iheing cemoosed or pente of' lots number 8 and 99 lu Block N iu tba said town etf110w- manville butted and beuuded as fellows3 cemmencing on King Street et tise Noth- West angle -of s aid loi number 8. thonu along tise South sida of King street te tise Ia» esretotore dasded te eue MoArtisur. tissu entis parallel ti tise Eastern isoundary of said lot numbar 8 le lise Soutis ioundary o e ismlane, tissu aloug tise Sontis bouundiry te tisa Sasis- West angle o! tiese me, thoen Nonsh a.i-mg tise Weetý bonndany o! ina cama io tise place et begfingI- Aise oemmeuelngz on tise Nortis bonndary cf lot number 99 at a point Blaven fetfrt this corner of a brick sterchouse Irpen lot 110, tissu Sentis nanellel witb toce Western boundany foÊ lot numbar 99, tisirsfiva te feai,>isn 7est parallelwvus the Norths boundary et said lot number99tote saWest bosuday et tisa sama then alen;lftise West bout;dary te th.aNo. s West angle ofjsaid loi, tise aslong tiseNn boundary of lise sanse te tise place ofisgîu ing, togathriseustise igisi of vey acrose tisa, rear of lIws 8, 9 and 10 su BlcokI N, aforestd te Teaperaucea sîreet. Upon tisa pnoparty is saM te hoas large so"îi brick tisieea.tuiy buildingt suitabîs for storeý s and effices, êec., al;e a brick vareisouse and stable lu tise rear, Tisa rorety l8 ou tia Main Street aud li h, bet mercaýntile) posi- tion lu thea Town, a vali esftabliised Grýocery business bas baetotoeabee-n car nied ou ilpen tise promsises wisicis culd ha iaadily adapteS toi dry goodo, hbcot u ios ruuaor any simiilar busin esc. T£uas.-10 par cent. at tisan co' ae u e tise balance lerme viii ha iserai, su1,ii'b made knowu at time of s'. For futrtiaparticulairs epply te tsaau de t:an, or te 38055. B13-1R I1CI &FRNS_ Vendor's Sortos, Torcuto. Dae usdayr!Apil 183 1-3 - S0a tise nov spling CeaIe for Ladies sud Ciiltiren et John J. MsnaDry (Goodsa and Jevelry Store. 1 1 m Happy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejoice Because 1-ood's Sarsaparilla ]Rescued Their Chlld from Serofula. For Scrofuia, Sait Rheumn, and al other foui humnors in the bi ood of children or aduits, Hood's Sarsaparilia is an unequalied remedy. Read this: .Wc are so tliankful to flood's Sarsapa- rilLa for w~hat it cltd for our littie girl tliat we miake tis statement for tise bene.qt of other anxjous parents and Sufféring Children, Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair 'and plump and lîealthy. But Nwlien sise was two years old, sores broke out, behind lier ears and spread rapldly over ber head and forebead lown ta lier eyes, and lîsto ber neck. We consulted one ni thp bestphysicians in Brook- lyn, but nothing dld bier any geod. The doe- tors said h ivas caused by a scrotula bhumer iu the blood. lier lîead Ùecame One Comploete S ore offensive te the suseil and dreadful te look at. lier general healtil waiîed and sîse would lay lu a large chair ail day without any if e or en- ergy. Thiesores caused grent itchiing and buruing, so that at timies we liad te res train lier lianils topîreventscratching. ForS years Sho Sufféred FearfUlly wih t îis terrible bunser. Being urged to try Ilood's Srarla ve did se). We soon noticed tlîat sliliîad miore 11e and appetite. The medicie semned teudriveet more of the humeir for a shorttlime. but it soon began te subside, tise iiching and burning ceeaed, and hli a few mioiths lier bead becamoe entirely clearoftha sors. Sei epretye bas no evicleuce of tt, ' hîor, and ber skjn is clear a1'd 1cuîy. Sbue seenîs like aul en- di~y<iffererit child, in ielth and general appearauice, frirns w'at sbe was before taking I. W.FREDE<ICK 311 ieumre Ave., 1East 1few Yerk, itoo iy, l.. This T~~o a Is an Illustration of what fodsSraail is deing for tIsa sick and suffering ever y day, frem Maine te Califernia. lu the liiglît of thsea facts wlso can say tisai tlisa ork of an Immense concern like ours Is flot benefieent? HOOD'e PILLS curehiver 1l18, constipation, elllananas, 3 ounlee z theadache,, Indige4tion. Vegetable PlIs are p& pareil te meet a legiti- nond'smate demaud for a mlld, efficientinid reliable family plhysie. Tbey are pnrcly vegctable, contanmg n calomel, imercunry, or minerai sub- rP i 1 stance of any kind. Hood's Plls acti ipon the stomacis,Iliver, and alimentary üanal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, ~'ausca, Biliouness, Ileadaclie, Indigestion, Ar Stomicli, Distress after Eattng, Jaundice. ,:id may be broken ssp and a fever prevented 4 -iromptly taking Hoo's Pis. Hood's Plils Are prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Apotbecaries, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by ail druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. HAMPTON. Mi .Trenouth aud sou staît this wamkon ouncillor Courtice's naw brick~ hause. . .Mr. J. Jeblin, Bewmenville, preauIisd haie very accaptably Sunday morniuaýg. A very intercisting service weu collt uted in tisa evening by the Woman's Âuxfisry and the Children's Mission Baud . .. . fRv. James Liddy ba% beau quita sfck ; Mra. Iiddy and chIldren are lirprovïirg nicely..Mr. John Ston. houai, Chicgco, was home last week te sea hie niotheri svis every iii..-. .Mrs. J. Painton, Bowmanvile, bas be*u visiting bar parants her......Miss E. Movuies lisa secured a position lu Oshsawa. Bei sweat volce and si-ling face whll ha grratly miszed hr....u cheeea facbory start- ad oýparations ou Monday with a larger snpply than utual to staît with. Dr. Bntiar's Golden Pis have eerned agreat re putation wheiever -empioyed. As a.uierve tenie sud bloed huilder they are .iniivâlçd. Tbey increasa the appe- tite eud promlote a healtby peu formance of aIl thsa fonctionsý of the body. A thoî- ougisly scienrtific prepgration, they never fail te uffeet a cure if directions are faiLli. fnlly oalied out. Nothiug barmful ini their composition. The inost delicata itystew in vl ha benefiîted. Ask for Dri. Biitler's Golden Pilla snd btue no othai. Grand celebration of tise, Queeu Birtis. day lin thie village 6.. . .On Tuesd*y aven- ing lest, Poatypool Lodge, No. 295, 1. 0. 0. F , wadoly instituted by the'Grand Master, ilev. T . W. Jelliffe of Bowxsu. ville, Grand Sfjtretary J. P. King, To- ronto, Grand Sfenlor Wardan Blackaby cf Gaît, snd D. D. G. M. Stewart of Nor- weod. Tisera were aise prenreut membeis hmn Bownianvllle, Newcastle, Oshawa and other places, including tise magnifi- jex t av dlairuoatu perfect dagrea teaam f rom Pçterôt-ough Lodge, No. 111, fcrty strong. Tisis ter.m, - itl1 a fu outfit, ex enplfîi.tisah work of iniiiaîî.,iý,end of tha degrýes of friendship, love and truti un a suparbmnaimer, and covered thamselves with glory. Tha new lodga, starbs with twanty-ionsî menbeîsansd aighit additional applicatio-ns, 80 thatu its succeasq is assured. A ba-ilover Mr. W'illiamaou's 'astere bai beau band-3somely fitted up for meetings of týi lodgm end'it presants a coinforiabla snd nitatatractive ajppearance, for mucis of iviscistise ladies of lPontypool are t,) ho cradited. The ofHucera of thýe new lodge are: G-W. S, Dodd; V GD.Pd Ips; Rec. Secretary-Robt. Gîlict; Per.- Seertary-J. S. Shbarpeý; Treurer-T. H. illamsn;Warden-T. Hlill; Con- duc~a-W.C.Irvina; O G-H.S.Poiîts; I G-W. E. Morrow; R S N G-3. W. Howell; L S N G-W. Wilson: R 8 V L-R R. ElIlioti; L S V G-W. Fiack; Chapilain-Rev. T. S. M@KeQ; R 8 S- Wmt. Spafferd; L S S-H. Bircbi. A Brockvîlle Druggist's Case. B~SO1tWILEAprïl 24.-Tise popufler impression is thet dectors sud drngiýgist» saldom)rr take their owu mneicine. This is ne doubtu tiue, but wben e doctor takes ili icha gencierally calls in one ofhbis own profession, in wisosaE kill he bas every con'fidence, ci whene ýtdruggist is iu a simIilAr stuation, ha oft-n pute his feitis in '1h0 prepsarsijons 0,of ea tsr seistu whiîoh halekuows giva goo0(d resu!tie. Both tise doctors and dttgitsinsuch iss show,ý thair goocd sanse. .A) case iu point heppaned iu Ibis towui a short tOme ago. Mi.r F. M. Turner, the wel knowu and ppardrugist, sl'Jsoi, now vtravell'ing foi Parka, Daývis&C., sfer illong tlijima a a suferr rein ý,lcongýestion andi in6aînation cof tise kitieys. Ha triet a, retmany reunadC.ies,,buît without reulis3. HLs patras iolyever, spoka 50 highly ef Ded CIGK'deyPilI l tt ha XVas induceti ta tty thism tiHa nov states tisatha je coLietely cured, sud to yeur cerrespon- dan- lue ssîd that as a rule haeisad vary tIefaitsi in pate'nt mîdricinles, but that fole Ib ueoidue"y troubU-s, riseum. atis r7, boaie ech oas not know cf '3,1Y îemedy thsi sgiving sucisgotod SisE bIh R1 dleSolina, visired ber "Ï-j , M ).aSm iu eufounti. .. . Big bas bIl tmtch ieglv. s. uarried nmen -hs~May 24th-. Aheut fifty frein iere attidedtiseSos'cocet e armouy.. *.. ý, ise Patrons' clebration Mouday eengaI Mi. Carsveil loci talent pro. Vidati e veiy interesting progrim. lu re- vic-vîug th- y(ar'si work great s~tisfaction wveeI,uanifested et ýthe progre8s. Refrasis. eUtE were s;erved during tisa avening. . Cad a, Dala Division visited Mt. Cerawell WVetLuesday avenin-g. giviuig a goti pro- gra~Mt. ersseii ons i7llattend nt L, Pisalps iyl preac>s a Ltemparance Ï>eruon, ,. .Sonry te reccord Itise deatis let week cf Mr, Jas. Devitt.Iler free NEJWCASTLE. Tisa Bisisop of Toronto beld a confir- zmation service in St. George's churcis on Friday avanine. Tisera vers about 30 candidate... .Tise funeral ohftisa laie s Mr. John Mason whe died very suddeuly a teck place on Thurzday te Bowmsnvill,. % ... . The anniversary services of tise Lake àSisore Sabbath Scisool vere conducted by 3 Rev. W'. F. Allan, B. A., lest Sund&y.. . .Mr. W. T. Lockbsrt, M. P. P., speast Sunday with his fainiy. ... Mr. William Chappla of 3rd cnu. diad ahiter s few daya' *ilînas ansd vas burieti ou Tnasday... 3Messrs. D. Arnot sud T. Tamblyn ara serieuaiy ill. AsK YouiFuuxasus ABOUT IT.-YeUr distiessing cough cen ha cured. Wa kuow il bacanse Kemp's Balsamn within tise past faw yesrs bas cured so many coughe sud colds in ibis community. Its remankabla sale bhssbeau von antirely by rits gensiîna merit. Ask semai friand who bas uaed às what ho thinke cf Kemp's Baltam. There je ne medicine se pure, noria se effective. Lrga botties 50c, sud $ 1 etaldruggists.&Sampefree.-tf. FJNNIzKLLEN. Mrs. Bouck's uucle, .4r. T. Joustus sat Master Esion Jeisaln, Toron>to, ara Rusais at tha Parsousege...Mn. sud Mis. A. J. Lockhart, Miss Mahal Lock- hait, sud Mr. N. Northoete, B 1wman- villa, wera gueta of Dr. Mitchell lest sabbats. ...3 Messie. Perry Dob,.en sud Wmn. Joues vaere visiting et The Maplea tise semae day.. . Mi. Eig-r IHouck, Wai- ininster, Who is atteuding, tha lamons B. H., S. speni Saturday sud Sabbath wltis relatives he... .Mr. G. L. Stevens visited the ciiy last wesk .. ..Tha Meth- odisr cisurci will ha re-2hirîgled naxhu week-iise irst step in tisa renov4riou. Active praparatione Fra baing matie by tisa SabbathScShool foi thse 24 h of May annivenî'ry.... An excel'eiît ermon wua pieacbad by Ro1v. R. M. Phaleen, B. A., luI the Preeby'tirian churcil last Sabbatis. Out Thi3 Out And pin it in md iè erwn eh ycýur bat, lest yen forget tjisenmau the gîget lssng ramedy for conanumpt,,iîàu lfIdisease '~'1ao Magnitr." -KIR1B Y. Pontypool Epworth bLaguaticpaid ours a friandly vieil Friday avanîng sund presci. ed a vary lntarasting piogýràîn, Rev. MiZ. 12Mleea, îtiis- pstoi, acting ý as ch ai1e.j A hot tee and ccifee lunch filowad.. Mtsè Ethel Rickaby lbas retu rnEd frein. a visit te ber uncie, Mi. IL. ili Eowanviie... . Mina. hiehard Harris of Clarke je visitîng et Mr. John Chapman',3 ...Mr. Joe. Henry purcisatd îeceutly frein Cbapmnan brotisers ibrea vary fine isaavy d raught hersesaIse eo single driver f rom Mr. J Clemance. . .Mr. S. Powars & Sin lest a vary valuable milcisccw for which they refursad $40 a fAw veeks ba- f ore.... Mr'. Ed. Bîrcis. our enterpiising farmner, fowi fanclar and breader bas pur. cisssad Mr. Melvin Powers'fluserons colonies o3 hes1)fsnae ihum novW ... . .Mr. Vicant Peast has beau sont te Tente gnerai bospital .... On tise sick lisI are Mrs. Tises. ff enderaon, Mis. A. Thsornutan sud Mr. T. H. Po wirs-ail are improving. PiLES!1 PILES! ITCHING PILES. SymTomrs-Moistnre; intense itching sud etiugiug; most et nigisý; verse by scîatching. If allowed te c-untinua tum. ors foins, viicis of tan hleed sud ulcerati-, becoming very sera. SWÂvmiE'S OINT- MENT stous tise îtching sud bleed in z, ieais ulceration, sud in most caas remogvas the tumoirs. At druggiste, eý hy mail, fori 50 cents. Dr. sWayne & Sou, Pisiladel. pisia. TYR-ONIJ. Visiters dnrîug tise week: Messie, J. H. Ail1ir, Trinity iledidal Collage, Torron. te ; C. Williamas, A c'on,; B.FP. Gardiner, Cobou 'g. . . .Miss Emm i Wer bas beau fufforsnj2 fions e mld type of diphtisaia, uv are p'eased te hean sui t recover- ..... .Mr. Th s Curiis gel 'uaffly crus. f erl sgaost tis atli ity oDustf Mr, Gerge llerintes'sberesoa Wednesdav lasi, Fcsiiunatslyr e plank giviug way reieased Mr. Curtis from hbis critici position in lime te save hie life,an1 i. hs now . api ]y recevering t rom tis e svane bî7uises re- caivad anti e dislocated col' i boue.' Impiovements : SIrs. W. H. Hicks hav- iug s naw vira fiance ere-etîa lu front of lier resideucae ccupiad by Mr. D.* G. Walch, aise a sunsmar kitchen by Mr. Chas. Bell te tise rear of iis dwelig.... A bran uew Home Ruler arrivad aItisae homie et Mi. sud Mis. Jas. Mo1ýrris on SabbatS_...Spriqg, getntia Spring bas et les't greciou.sly ctduenedbpermit Motbe isarsti to don a paie dress of green. Qureimeeting servicas ara te ha hoatI Betisda oýn Sabbatis next. Busi- nase meeting n fd , t-am-pac. MOUNT VERNO~. No service hers next Sunday .. . .Mr. iand Mrs. J. J. Smith have been visiting friands at Whitby . .. . les. E Annie in visiting lier mother in Whitby. ... Mr. Farrell bas finished seediog-flrât on the line .... Masiter Bertram. Souch in, spen1. usîg a few days at borne before restsmiln his studios at Port Perry iligis Sohool. A PLEASING SENSE of health and strenuth îenewed and of ase and comfort foiiows tise use of Syrup of Figs, as ït aets in harmony with nature toeffectua!ly cleanse the eystem wben costive or bilionsa For sale sn 75a. bottles by iîielading druggists. .HA IYD ON. Report of S. S. No. 21, ildydon for April, Rl. SNELL, teacher.-C. Brima. combe 68, A MoLaughlin 68, E MIONeil, 67,Edgar Strutt 64,A Ash ton 64,N Strutt 63, E Washington 63, Gertie Half acre e2, Sidney Trewiru 62, R Aunger 60, M Tre- wia 59, Everett ,rtt 56., LMeLauthljn. 56, A Avery 56, S Aunger ù6,.PR Hudson 52, G Il ii ion 51, E Aphton 50. ,IKELsBY-WVhy w il i yi.u believe a mnuuster's word eiue 'han uny other mati s. 1 WiLrssuc-Because hie iesuppoeed to preach îhia mrkith und tell the truth ? But wby do y'iu aek tihe quiestion ? MWTI[ be- cause the Rt.v. A. L. Sniider,pasucr of the Motisodisi Church, Leamington. etys : 111 have ber, cured of thes muet painf ni and disgtresa8ig case of pile. of t-i ~t)nd- ing by MAGIC PILE LovxŽt,"1nirecom- uerd >it te ail thus Àfflict cîL MIT. CARS WBLL. RQport of Mt. Carswe'l Scho 'i for April. Naines of flint three in acli clas in eider ofmernt. Sr 4, BouriielRichards, Walter Armnour, Mina liîcick;Jr 4, Eva Couttice,Wilfred Cawkîîi; Sr 3, Mlay Mitchell, John Guynf., Fi i; is Ca vwker; Jr 3, Charlii Goyne, EdiiC , ihIdla Hiancock; Sr 2, Maud 11 'u cd'Fiank Armoa,,Glen CUawler;,Jr '3,Ver .Gayuie, ilomer Gayrse, Estella i >, Pt 2, Walter S-.aceyv, Jo.sephina MLchael, Frank liancoek;1>t 1, Russel Ga ,, Walter KMLhaul. Birdie Deat Uleîeýý )rcent- ai nsUt:lakea 189. oh aie' by Wat- e1' iày. Average attidnefr ni 45, T. FRâxa1iWRICTtu, taaJa00 To be f resa f io m sick hea iacho, b~iimis nae, cnsi ,tiî,,c. e 30cariar'd Little Li-, ar Pis 8trictiy vaetble. They ganl(,ty FrslaIte t!se liver snd fies the stomnach froui bila. ('LARKhE UNIONV. R -f2 Sohoil ior Aprilý. Naines in oor o r>it. Sr. 4, R,,)oat Allir),Silas qoc. ,r. 4; MayRoe Sani Hicks. Si ,Nurinan EIickt,B1el,[% s.Jr. 3. Liblîie Coli),)urne, Eva Brow, Bela vall, MîiltoLiSaiiu s, tirb r Bwn. Sr. 2,Miiiu tiHickîs, 1Barih L SaasiLuth- er Barrabali, Nornman Alhin, Ed38Brra- bail., Jr. 2, Katie Cî,le, Emmýia Morrin, John iMbrrs,Newton Clbro, innie Rowe, Lillie Herde;raon. Pirt 2, Manly Cole, Iva Keley, Edwin Ps , George Hicks, Wiille Hendersuin. Pairt 1, Frank Dr, vn, Lillie Rowe, LillieBowFau Cole, Lawrence Barrabaîl, Wîllia Morris, TILuLE lnuteacher. FREE! You cngai ust ie fashion sheat aach mronth by calling ai cur store. '%,V presenit ihpse te tisa public in order thlat they mpyÉtise botter appreciata oî>î new fashion -:Io g iode,. John J. Mason. The pleoasanteet, cheapest, nirest and most effectuai cougli mixture in the msarket te. day je <'Mýagnus Expectorant". Both the inethod and r , hezid Syrup of Fis is taken; it is p1easant and refresing to the taste, and acta gently yet pi7rxnptlyon! thelKidr-eye,' Liver and Bowvels, cleanses the syg. tom effectually, dispels colds, bead., aches and feverS and cures habituapi constipation. Syrup of Figsî is th* !nly remedly of its lindl evcrproa, cluced, pleasding tO the taste and ci,- ceptable to the sýtomach, prompt irî lits action andl truly beneficial in itý. effects, preparecionly from the m0sý biealthy and agreeable substances, it3 ,:6anyexýcellent qualifies com mendit to a il and bave made iît thrnosf, popular remedy kniow, ýbyrup.î of Figs is for sale" in 75(j bottles by. aU leading drîiggiîs+- Àuny reliablednuggist wlio rr' ia've it on haud will ,promply for any -'0y t Mnf