IllcOpurafh ~ wià Cashi Capital Of $50,000 AND APPLIANCE C0. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT, G. 0. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Uilectrieity as sspplied by the Owenll1ectric Belt, Is noiw recognlzed as tise gneatest buon off ured to suffcning humauity. Tt Is fast takiug tisa Place ut drugs la ail nervoos and rlieumatie troubles, and witl affect curas lu suumlngly hopaluss cases where every othar kuowu muans bas fallad. Tt la nature a rumcdy, sud by ias steady, soothing ýüurrunt that ls ruadily fuit, c POSITIVELY CURES ]Rbonncatlsu, Soxual Waakness, leatia, Femr.le Coitiplaints Gona-111ral DebUlity, 1Iîpoloney, îLumbago, Kldney Diseasus, Wfurvosss 01soases, Lîver Coiriplaint, flyspepsa, Lasne Bauk, 'Varleooeo, Urinary Diseuses. RH EU MATISM It la a well known tact thal madical science basutlurly failud tea sford relief in euniatie cases. Wue ventureathe assertion that aîthougli Elertricity bas only becu lu use as a rumedial agent for a fcw yaars, l has cured mure casas of ilhuumstismn tban aîl othur meaus com- bined. Some uf aur luading physielsus, rucog- nlziug this faut, ara availiug themauelves oft Ibis most potent of natssru's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Tbousands ot peupla suifer from a variuty uf nurvons diseasas, suds as Seminal Weaknass, tmpotuucy Lost Mauhood, Wuak Ijsck, etc., tbat the, Yid modes of treatmunî feu ta cure TIsera la a Iuss ut nerve, force or power thal aant be resturud by medicel tresîmunt, aud snydoctor who would try lu accomplish Ibis by any klnd ut -drugs larctising a danguroos Tortu ut charlyatautsin. 1'ruoperly- trested - a'I druggists or direct by mail f rom the Dr. A NORWOOIJ IXIRÂCLE. Williama' Medicine Conpauy from eitber address. The pnieu at which tbese pills are -- sdld makes a course of tresîmunt uompara- Hoaith Razaiued After Sevan- Doctors tively inexpensive as eomparud wîtb ther had Fai!ed. remadies or medical treatmenl.1 The liemark1auble Experleisce orf Mr. John SPRIN7 SvILF.. Sster Knsox -Two ianers' Sleep ail the - 1ciiefit Bearlved faroln Six weehs' M'aa' Tbirsty Tourist-"l Isn't filtv cents watbar staep for a lemonade?" Montanar cal Treatnieflt-ltcscILC FronsSuffering Branut" t caine asier ithe Doctora lad FrosioisIlC d Bwen an' utte up.Naw l W'y, yoo lais ase ~Strueckile-" I am beginusng to tbink Norwood Registar. une's ancestors are important." Miss Me- The readars of The Ragistar will remem Beau-A' Yes, thuy coma o nder the bead, ber baving read in tbis par during the important if tru." early part ofliast yaar of the very serions Creditor-"1 The consciences of those two ilîness of Mr,.,John Sîster Knoux, who lives bbsnkrupts appear to bucary lsell."1 on lot'-?0, in the 3rd concession of Asphodal Assine-" WVell, don't yon expect alastic- tuwnahip. '[bey will remembur bow in ity i suospenders?", j an uary, 1892, M'\,r. Knox was tricen down Frind-"' Coing to try for a prizu essayî witb la grippe, how from a man of 185 this terni, Sav yar h' Medical Studet-i pounds hie faîl avvay in flash in a lew short (loweriug bis voice)- "'Sic Yus. Got a weukautil bie was s mare akaluton of bis man hunting a subj sct for meualresdy. ' formier self, wiging ouby 12') Pound$s ; "Danois, yo'ua gentleman sudsa subolar; bow ha was rackud witb tbu mot uxruciat- i wis ere you rominate ?" " Begorra, ing'paiis ; bow bue longed for duatb to ruliuce and voo guussud it thbu first toimu ; Ibis is bim of bis suffring; bow bue cousulted j -t;hr oi n t. dictornler and f ar, and how tbuy failed to itwueIroi u t. successfully disgnose his cale, lu fat lhey Miss Harl-"Whieb do you thinikis usu- coufessed thuir ignorance of bis maladysud sl the sillier, the bride or the groom.h said bue could not rucovur. But su innch for Mr. Oldatc-"1 The groom, ut course. the profession. Mr. Knox is alive to-day.Tbtsowebpentousgrm. Ha bas racoverud bis woutud vigor sud That Cupid's ways are careul weigbs 180 poonds, snd bis mnany friands la latent aI s glauce, in iNorwoud look upon hîm, in wondur. 0f For onu ey er sues bis picluru course Mr. Kucx is quustioued on uvery Witb pstcuîus ou bis pants. baud about bis recuvury, as 10 Mrs. Dix-"Tbe law doasn't trut a womn- whal magie influence bue owesbis mceasse au fairly." Mtrs.1 Hicks-" In wbst re- in flsh, aud bis answer to eaeb inter- specl h' Mrs. Dix-" Shu is reognized as rogation is "Dr. Williams' Pink Pis a man's btter hall, but if bue bappuns to dia did il;' sud lbu is neyer ton busy tu it cota bier down te a third," extol the muits of this now world lamons 1'Look bure," said the applicanit's friand, remuedy. Tbis is whal bu said to a reporter, " F'm aîraid you are too eager. The office of hu orwod egiturthaothr ay sbould seuk the man, you kuow. ~ "That's wban asked about bis illnussud bis wuudur- fnlCur :"I illtui yn al bout it, In ail rigbt. But 1'. flot slflsb enougb to du- Ju ury, 192I bsdtel ya ipea bcb p rive the office of a liltlu judicions stear- prevaleirta a t ietlstte b i" Tbis is my youngust boy, Mr. Cynicus," pains in the calves of my legs. 1 was dnsw- said tbunovulist, lTbuy say buis veryliku in g lumber at the time and t]iougbt il was me,' "Dues bue go to 8choolh" l'Yom. causud by sittîug ou tbe load snd allow*ngHa eau "e's vuiery nubiu syuu,"ie aaid my legs to bang down. I consulted a Write." "ru s quit ranhl, o asytu can't doclor in the malter, wbo tbld mu itWs r yiu rbe-uniatiîsm.- e-treateL-ni-e, butidid jmu T-ou-f 1a--io-rs-te Ëf tfissao nu good and I kupt gettingworsa daily.Tsughanir'tu nealsasaon 6-It auemeth inneaonIstu luar --A auunes e -,smneeas SU!qllO&Y IN .REGENI"S PARK. (lBY <4orge S. Matthiews.) Regent's Park is ta Hyde Park as ginger. bread ta pound-cake, as beer to port wine. Taon0e, people resort on Sundays to sec the long procession of tthobse whose na;mes fill the gossip columus ot the Il eociety jour. never described. Nobody goes there to see the buroine of the lastIl" sensation." Never- theless, to the student of strange aspects of our commun yet sa uncommon life, Regent's Park is a tbonsand times the more interest- ing. It is wbere the raal London d-ecently1 amuses itsulf with cbnm, sweetheart, wit e,j and childrcs. There the great arrmy ofl warking-gîrls muets its Il young man," esuli1 in raimant as costly as purse can boy, sud aIl feeling themselves as superlor ta the 'Arry and 'Arriet horseplàying on 'Amp- slesd 'E.ath as the Vsuity Fairites of Hydeu Park are counted superior tu them. This bright Sundsy the broad walks aie1 crowdd-that is, near Gloucaster Gate, wbere we enter. Green spaces stretch awsy tfar, il almost seems'into the misty vague of the widu country. Just beyond that silvery vuil we msy imagine noble moun- tains risc, bright rivers glusm, and the ses, hounds a remote horizon. We may imagine it if we will, for no visible tbing hatties witi suscb romancilg, no absoluta fsct sticks its grim face thraogh that silvery hazu tu say, IlI arn une more of Lonsdon streets, omnibusus, cabs, boildings-one of the same absolute facts that surgu loto GIloucester Gate."> Tbose green spaces show scarce a sign ut boman lite. Tisey are apparuntly untrodden as the steppes sud waterless deserts, None of thuse Londoners care for silence and soli. tude. Tbey wish to be in the îbick of their, kind, to see each otber's faces, bear each other's voices, note each other's clothes and show their own, to be a part of the world that pulses and speaks, that tells ils umpti- ness and it, fuliness, and dues not "lyesru," sud knows uo onspeakable dreams. Even, loyers, we notice, prefer to bill and co where space must bu won fr-ni Ilprams " sud other Sunday-afturuoon outurs. Even boncymoooners enjoy Ibeir full or wsuing planaI away lrom aioging birds and the smail of apringing grass. WVanderig-witb lise-crowd,-we- galber wîtb others aparl from the ever-msrching touches upon loruigu sud classie tongues. Ha is a in uwbo acbiaved notoriety lstaly by gettiug himsulf arrested as s mondicantt. Thea magitralta decided thal the law could nr lunch bîm for sanding bis wife about lu collect oppers in bis cap, beauase bue daim- ud lu bu s l lcturar " by profession, giving tise public an aqoivalant for its dola. Anotiier croup is snîcb an offense againat daceney that we at once b.ave capselous ideas cf the Euglish "liberty" that purmsa it. Ti e'lumsy bout wv asrs a flaxen wig over ail arlificially reddenud face. But, buffoun thougîslbu seeka be aaem, lbu is netthIe rus- tic clown lbu pratauds tlu bu. Ha daims lu be an ignorant countryman altacbed lu Bul- falo Biil's show sud only just broughî lu a kssowladge of the Christian religion l!NYn heaanily hope ulobody wiil contributeaslisa'- penny to belp hlm er sncb a lalse wit- To aur personal suives tiba rsot-ntarusl- ing groupa ware those drswn logether by woman and by Amaericans' The Auscricana, tu speak of Ilium firat, wera vary Western American of appearancu sud accent, sud dacidedly Anierican lis appearanca, arun tbough probsbly avcry unexwas Englialis hum sud taken ta Amanica lu ehildbuod. ibat tiîey are now veny Amarican noue could doubt who huard aunsa of tiem prondly as- sert that the Stale tbuy cama from was big enough ta boid al Englsnd sud "Il ap uvar the udgca a big lot." Wbiie une of Ibas2 men prcached, a dozen others disurihuted tracta. They wara as dayont, earnest, sud s3incara as any lutise Park. According lu thuir ligbts, wu waru couvincad tbey weru as sincere Clîitias. Thuy preaced Christ, sud isone other, the Bible sud nu other baok. Faith aîsd haptism waa tliîir subjeet. Not a word waa named of any doctrine or principle that makes Ibese honuat sud usnn- est men daspiaad sud rajeeted ofallah ducat- ad people. Yul aven tlsey had thair antsg- onistie graup, sud .iosu by a mari, fanr below tham in characler, baing dîssoluta Iboogli uducatud, baranguad violentiy 'agiusl IlAinenican Mormons." Later lu the day, in anothar part of the Park, wu huard this samne ma»n invaigbing againatthie iypocrsiy af tbe Establisbad C anbsd namiug Amarican Mormanas as examples uf tru Chriatian bonesty ! The womuu speakers in -the Park were few. Oua of theus was s bloated rauu ignurant-as--a catamunt, bu-gifad wib- royde eloquence that draw a crod about Ne uraIgia Ccatia Lumbagoýv Baý %ckahe, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frott Bites, Sprains, Bruises, B urne, Etc. sold b Drugelats aud Dealers uvery'wheme Fifty Cents abottle. Directions un TUE CHA LESA VgELEuC., atmrm 4 @danDpot: Toronto, ont~