-IAGRICULTURAL. (CUT PLUG.) (PL UG.) iiNo other brand of TobccQbas evez en=- j oyed suc.h an immense %ale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cnt Plug andi PIug Tobacco. CJdcsýt CU77iY&JM6aco aC-a Cnt Bing, J'de. j lb Bing, lOC, * i Plug, 20c,. THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 S.bll pr annu lu a1.nc, 3otne1wlé3e $15). Susrpi alaepýY bat teSt tls. o i f Publication. Advert!3in,, rates unies3 by c )a ract, 10 centi par line, noisp3rie ).first lues-t On, and 5 cents ps-r lne ecd subsecvu-ss Intu keetion. Locale, 10 censtepsr ine. M. A. JAMES, Publishe STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. talîal aisl ap, 0,0n.est, $5(10 i) This Bank je preparod to do Legiti- mate Bankin iii al its branches. Farmer's notes discounted; I)eposits received and Interest paid on acounts of and up,ýards ini savirgs Banki Departinent. ïhýid su Collections made in Europe Unsted ~anesd canada, ONTARIO BANK roit'nnes to do a Gencrai ]lanking Business 13owrnanvill -A gency. DEI>OSITS rrtecAsved In Seringa lBank Department sud on caiandtnrterest alowed atocurrent rates Ne notice of wthdrawai uoceeeary. Ail deisosjîs PaYable on dexosnd, EXCHANGE ~ ns tam! soldasud Drafts issued! non Iuropo tfllted States and Canada, also Gold,Silverand UaitedStats aGreen backe bounht and eoid, COLLECTIO~NS Pr imptiy made et curreut ra tes ispon all part cf Great Brittain. the Utlied States ana 5-be h)o ninion oflCanada. Telegrapli TraîLsfers Made for large or sinai t uasrs on ail part or Canada. This is especially edvautgeous to Perfors living in Maniloba or the Northxx ca, it usakos thse fondsa\atailable et once et the place of payrnecot., Other particulars ccli et thse bank. E L. FOBTI', (;FO. MCGiL Accountant. aagr VYTEjI.IRARY SURGlEUh. 1 ORONO, -ONT. offie. -Peas Offiue Blook. Cella by toiegrâpis or teleplione receive lm Ë Meiate attention. Messrs. -lONEï &McMURTRY have Surchased the County of Durhsam for thse est Wire Fonce in this Country. It isf %tronz' easiiy hendied and ornemientr.l.j It wilI not lie injured by snow, heat, coidt or wixds. It will tu r ores, Cattie,i iheep, Hozs, Dogesud Poultry. It ce at ~twork, without barbe, and will not in- -r srtock in ny way. It ta mucistrong- oran more durable than any barb fena- kng, being cioseey woven. Pence put up and FPansd Townahip riQghts ýýur sale., Appiy et CENTRAL LivE- uR, Bo-rivuvlie, WV. P. BIC H, <Yrke P. 0., he.ving bought Olarke Towahip, prepared to1 dutug fonce. An adventurerwho hal drjfted loto Led-1 ville, awoke one morning iithout fond or mnuey.fI-e went eut and shotaedeer,wieh ci in its dying agonies kicked up the dirt and1 disclosed signa of gole>. Tise poor maun staked out a claim, and opened on1e of tic mst profitable mines ever worked in Lcead-i ville. progress of Boots in tlie SOI1-. Tise physicel s5te of tise soiaru the cet- ure efthtie plamt are net tise ocly conife-ra- tilos wisichi nfluce tise direction feken by rocis lu ties oil. It is a wcll kcsown tact tisaitisese organe direct tisenuseives tcwarfs lise fcrrilizhng elemessis, when thase, owiug ta tiseir imsoiuhiiry ceummt travel towards tise roots by meaus et tise iater iu the soil. Witbont estering luro an expianation utf ties tculîy oethtie roots, we rnay say ihet t piays an importent part lu tise nutrition et tise plecnt. Mucis of the teriizing inateriel in tise soil is ot.en utise fors ot isoluble particles, and it is oniy liy au excepfionaly favorable chance tisai it cornes ien contact wcti thse ots, if tisc s lter did ni,some- wisai intultively, as i were, go in searcis ileereot. Darwin lias conî1iredftise root to a burrowmng aîs; te eaimole which avoie o pussesasife obstacles -heu seir- ig for its food. W/heu ties oil le pour eanf ie pisysccal pruperties are not opposef te tise cvcopmenr of tise root, tfsese bave e fendecscy -ta ssuk to great- deptbs to seet for tise nourishmet ihicli rhey feul te finil ic heppen layers. Tisus 'se otten cee pieute baving a vigGoua vegetithe lu seie ivicis are eimiost barren of nutritive mateniale, liocause tise roote bave bo6niable te siok dowu and seekt he ieower layons tise nouniebrocut tise supefilciai soil cculdunot 8uppiy. Striking instances uft tiis casli c accu in foreet growtis andise lu tise vine. Jr is nef uncenscion to flnd roots efthtIe latter which are 40 te 60 feit in icugili. Deep tillage and subsolling hy meliowing tise soii,enaisle tisc reeta te penetrete muci feeper and commequently te bring to tise surface fisc fertilizing sîatriels wisicls arc situateflu tise feptise et ie soul. is only in a sufficieniiy permeable afd aesated suS. soils tliat tise roors caà ilis deveiop tiseir systein. W/heu we bave te deal idirl imper- meebie sulisois or compact cleys and bard rock, fisc deveiopnsemt of tise neots, 50 fan as depth is concerned, ra amested, acf tboy preaf over tise impermeable layer, just as they would over tise boîtons et a vase. But in tîsis case tise conditions et nutrtion ar-e less fevenrabie sud ithe Plante bave a tend- eucy'te fie eariy ; lucerne, for instence, fies as soon as its reets reacis a layer et soil wisicb- astesis ibeir feveiopment, tflic lengtb ut lite lu tisis plant liing proportiou-1 ai toise. feptis of tise subsoil, quite as mrach as te tise fer tiiy oethtie soul. A.New Tbeory of Manuring. Up te this tise ihe metisdof et eeding plants resta tea e great extent ors the aw et Liebig-ubat we musti give te tise sou tise toof s of wieh isit contains tise minimum qulijties. Tisene is ne feulit tisat tis doctrine is far troins xpleiuissg ailtise tacts observef in tisese latter tises, and ive are olgef te faîl back ripou various auxiliirv isypothese.e, Prom cornerons expenensente it haseivu ntisai plants de cot eleorl in ua unuforrn mas-oer any food tismugisont tise periof et gnowtis, and tisatinlu iis respectf plants fiffer oee tues enotiser. Thimne cereais absorl tise greater part eftiheer1 nitregenous nuiniment betore tise formationi of tise ear, thet isein a very liief cumoborý et weeks, and are afterwens content ivitis a veny amaîl ration. Meuy orson plants, brwver, elisorli uniformly, amsf duriug al tise sommer, quantities cf toodf'Proportioneal te tise organec useiter prof ucef. Rathenai-t ly we egit tison te give te tise finrta. veryt coluble manure, te tise orliens a useoure1 whicis enly furnishes assimilabletod gra. fually as i decorrsposes. Prom ubese lat- fer farcmyard roanure ile more advautageoust then more soluble fertilizers. 1Lis not eut.s ficieout, riseretere, taeoniy gjvc e tiste soj tic substances necesery Io tic deveiop. meut of tise pleut, but te give tisern tt tise rigisi moment. Moreever it is ceces-a sary ta know ins wîat sauner tise plant de. mande food ; ilu tererwords, wlie s extent ofthtie work et assimilation, becarîse we know tisai certain plante are contenît witb a ligh a nuuing, wbile otisens oulya arrive, et complote developrnent lu a ic i soul. Suels are sainse o et idees iateiy put i fonwarf by Bers' Lielisciser. 1 ss uio bas collectef a large cumber of tacts galber- r cd trolui fifforeur workson tise conpsitiont of cultivatef plants et deffereni stages et growth, and le lias constnuctef f iagranss,h wbicb show very luaany tisai taeoaci plant corresponds a coirtain course et absorption. lu wouid lie fcsinaisie tisai neseanclies in tii direction ho camief eut ho great cuin- ber, emîd croate the toilsuderlous of e goodfi tbeory et marui uni versahy applicable te prectice. If s le dan tlartishe plant whihd femacîds a largo quentcty osf nirnogen dur- inig e short perlof et ils growtb, and wisici absorbs phospisoric acif unltonnsly duningP iteý existence, will nequire treatisoont dit- feront te chtisiwhicis ae sisouildgive to e pleut wisici s heriseitrogen littie bliyI litile, acd wbicisrequires ta i gvnuet groat increase lu tIse ration et phisphlinc Our Agicuitural Resources. a (Profesor Macoun, in Kingston News.) a Tise egg proî'uced 10n Canada, is fan more nutrithous than tis ecgg prof uceri a hunfred nmiles te tise soutb. 'eViy? For the saine reasou that enr aninsi are fatter than tboe ofe lower latitudes. Tise ftreniug oet au animsal depeufs ou tise temperature et tise air, as focs tise quantity et ts bain orr wool, Somne weeîlser preguosthcaters ne. l ccuîly predistedea mild iinrter because wilf anisais were coi providef witis e ieavy1 covorneg. Tisey were putring tise effecr lietore tisecause. Mild weatimer prof uces aa lilit covering, and severe weaiiser a beavy ene. As wiih tise bain or wooi, se with tise tar. In Canada fat je a cousequence et the f clinsate, acf in tise iigseraithudes it is l tbuckest. Toueor twelve years ago the notiont prevailef tiser we ceuif net faýten cartlin lu tise Nortliweet, but would bave ta e oud tises souris before tisey ivoulf lefi t tel],9 liecause et our au.steme clinsare and the ieck1 of proper grass. In point et tact, ive have r tise besi clunsare acfdive have tise Seat grass.q Iu tire Norrisweertishe seeson les ssort tisera tise grass et the prairies is ciekef betore tc runs te seef, and is fnief wiris ail tise nu-P friment in tise hiade. Osn sucis food and in8 a climete favorable 'crise production ef fet, ie, it any wouder that, catile arc oasiiys brougisiteaperfection.t Fruits and Honey. r CanasSe i' poculhariy qualifled te prof neci tise lest etf evenyrhing. Canadien epples s were tormerly sen t 10 Boston eandrisere t siippef te Engleof as Amnerhcan. Now theise lest appies tisai reecli Loisdonu cere frcess tise Annapolis veiley andf'tise conseshore oetr Lakse Oterie. Tise hast apio-growing i country in tise United States is Michsigan-s ou tise-sane boit as Ontenio--in tact,fier t State asone dan prof nde eppies equaliingp ours. Catitornia appies and peans, risougie large, are soit andf poon suri davor. Tisane le no negion in tise world ietter adapredfton frutgnowing tisen Ontario. Claiiedienispucy is uncurpased. lientise bee-king, Ms-. Joues, wcnt te S-ys-ha hnseancis et certainb queen-bees, lie discovered tisai the fi nes honev known in thse Orient ivas produce, about 8,000 feet rip Mouint Lebanon, whier, thse climate ie pre'-isely sirnilar to tisat c Canada. lIn England às es knowil tiat ný European honey eau, compere witb tha froein Canada and sone, parts of Vermont Tihe faîne of Canadjan ciseese le of cours, world widle, aud tise Amrsicans are tryins to palmn off tiseir cheese as our,'. We mons guerd our credit. I amn sonîething of ai oinithologist, an d 1 tell you there isn't duck or a goose that dopsint corne noitl 'into Canada, te breed, ansd ev(erv. ducir am goose andswen end nine-ientss of the gaim birde are Canadian, but we can't keep thcm Tisey fly Soith in thse Fail, boit thei are al! Canadien, cvery one. It is iu Cen adi rliey get the food that makesthern fa and strong and hardy. lit 1876, ou accoui of the grassisoppe piague, Manitoba was aetsually obliged t.ý imnport seed wiseat, and irü wes brougb t f ron Minnesota. Tisat was thse ieginniug of wlia ois to-day kuown as h\îsoalard wheat Tihe Mininesota wlieat was si mîscl improvet by its transfer nortis that 00W it is in specie request souris of tise bus. Tise millers of Si Paul imsport i t to mix-with tiseir own grain grind it into foeur, and siiip the flour teofis old country as the produt of donsestis wbeat--tie growth, of course, of Dakota Our bai ley, everybody kissws, is tise best ii America, and it is made se bv our clîrnate And the territory ivitisin tise Domninics evaileble for beriey-grcwing is almost un limited. Fourteesi years ego 1 ainounce( that west of Wiîsîsiîpeg there wcre 200,000, 00 acres of lansd suitable for wheet-growing Tisat staternent bas nover been provor: wroug. I arn now prepered tii say tisati o tise nortisero margin of tisai boit, ilirre ait 100,000,000 acres of land suitalile for th( growtis of barley. Fveryone knows this liarley wil i îýn'0il a muci s sorter tiErn tisan wiset-in frorn 90 to 120 days. Tii renders evaileble a vest tract of ai-able lanè beyond tise wiseai blt. Thus it, will lie cec tisai as to tise produ-,ctloi of grain tise re sources of tise country are alrnost endless. In Decernier a meeting of tihe Arnericar Geologicai Association iseld in Ottawa, et wisich Prof. Mages, of Wasisington, foruser iy of Iowa, admitted tiser Canada owood tiîree-fourtss of tise 1wieat lande ef tise Amerîcan continent. Is ih any wotsdes tiset they want fte nnex us ? In 18745 1 was le tise vicinity of Lake Athsabasca, and fosîîed tise fiuest wiseet 1 evor saw. Ih was e re- muekable discovery to me ; and tiset sucli wvieat was produced tliere ssa, scien- truce faci of sucb importance tisai 1 decided to bring specirns of tise wiseat in tise ear away witi me ; se 1 brought a large qLiaîstity of c ars' to Ottawa just as 1 isad taken ihem from the sheaves in thse field, At Ottawa, ou My returu, I1omct a number of gentlemen, and arnong tisen the Americais consul, Consul TaLylor-'Saskacscwan Taylor.',Four yeers lie li e lco prpaciing te the Amereceus in St. P'aul tisaicou tise Saskatchsewan were thec finest wlicsi fields upon tise earts. 1He said te me. 'have yoen wieat frons the north ?V I self. 'I bave.' 1 got it ont and sliowed it te lHm, and thec ears were lirneder tisen tise lise of1my uisunsi. Now,' h isdl, 'I ans geiug to tell you, a singuier tising. Prom whatevcr cause, wiseat as it epproacises its noitsereliri ecomes more productive. Tise wlole power apparently ie rurned into tise production of sced." îHe iook one of mny ears of wiscet and held if nip. flore et Kingston, if you. taire au ear of wiscat, yon wili lindlin tise fescicles an average of 21-2 grains eacis-sometimes 'two, secetîmes ilirce. If yen go to Manitoba you will flud sonectirnes tisree grains in tise fescicle, sesie- limes four, or an average of .3 1-2. But ai Edmonton tise average s 4 1-121Wisýat does sisat mean ? If you raise 20 busisels to tise acre isere, yoenceau raise 30 lu Manitoba, or 40 ai Edmonton, from tise sais umber of straws. Weli, ou tise cars I brougisi fron. Athsebasca tisere ivere somotimes five grains in tise fascicie, and uomerirnesi si r, makiug an average oh;,) 1-2! If'sas net dîflicuit to take an car ien y isauf and count 109 grains in tiset one car. As you go nortliwcst tise s'heat prodet increaesail a wonderful ratio. Tlie oats lu Athsabasca were preciseiy lie saine.' Sorne of thse cars'of oats ivere about 14 incises and tise stalks werc aimosi half an iuch tlick, Fi'ctitious Butter-M.akingr. Farmiers sosuetirnes. cxpect to manci frons scienîce lu tise wayofai-dingtlircsosen vocation, and so are tise more eaelly made dupes of by so-celled scientiste Iwio preicuf oe b tve made great diacoverses. As con.- parativeiy few farmers are scientiflceliy sducated uisey hiave no mneaus of refutiug slaloms wich are put fortis in ibis wvay, uicass 'iheir own good commonsense enables siseru to do so. Wliile it is Wolf toelie open te conviction upon any- matier looking toward an t provemneut over our preseut metso di "or to aci acco:npiiismnu f greaeier reu.tiw elionîli e careful not te eccept tee readiiy anytilg whicli our sober judguscnt cannor endorse. Tissuggestion la called ouit uow 1l',iy learuing tisis very good f armers ard deirymn.uare lncired te piutfelthin utise wideiy advertieed Australias Butter Cons- pound. At leesitb tey are inclined to put, somne mnîy ie a test of tise conipouud'e remarkaisie virtues, Thsis compound, wbicli s calied " Black Pepsin," pnrports te beer 'rac tices arc, Strawberries. Go of sou, deep plougliing, tisurough is cu urc and libe-ai feeding usake tise siraw- serry plant augh and grow fat ;tbey arc great -great- gran dfarher. Trensip-llow cýyeselie by it?1 Gient-Ho tfougiet for ir. Trnp-Take off yeur jacket. Same efthtie Souths Ans ercan iriSes eaî tolacco ca ntoteasal piece. tvery thisrsty et truitiug tisa ibtt don 't 1ke cl biser; simpiy I stand tisere speecisless" 'e crying waîer, ivaier, and if wlll pay to give 'f it botliem lu sorne way if you are etter ris 0> uosi and largost bernies, Weil-rotted stable manure js a good fertilizer, bust fine grotînd boue and wood asies are better. Eac] lespring je tise beet tinse to plant intise nortis cm estates, bot it snay Lie(losse most atm Itnontî ofthtie year tisaitishe grouuid la tree n ironi frost; narrofu rows, tliree feet apert a wiil geve mosre anîl better fruit tliin tisick hly nsatted rows or solid isdde. Mamiy meke tise misteke cf aliowing too msauy runoors to taire roui, overcrowding neyer pays. Y Carelea;s planitleg cf rei resumts lu a stuant- 1 d growtb ut pleurs eariy in tise season riet t jr h impossible to remssdy later. Iu assy but a stiffciay soi], if itlias licen properiy preper- cf, a man crsuwliur- zaioug on bis isends and kuces ceu, witis 'me isemd, scoop oui a bole tisrec or four incises dteep, aind. w utiste fin- ir gers of the otiser iseuf, epread ou5tishe root, co f tise plant, place lu position, and tapidly n cover it witis cets witi butis bands; tsemi, as ,tle maltes aejunsp forward for tise nexi plant, -brnug uearly tise wliole weight cf bis bsody ddown on bis isacds, close up aliove tbe-aewly il set plant, and it je weli plan ted. Horse Notes. c -le is a bad groom tisai c'plovs lise coiss ! rougb]y and tise irisis laziiy, IlTiselio-se itlias steaf y worir eacis fay % is liesibelle tb stand baed work. nNeyer tan etter eaihorse ju tise pastume. *If lie does not like f0 lie canglit coax him Iwitis e little grain but neyer deccive 1dmn - vtis au enspty fiis. A Afoaltfron parents of picaseut disposi- tion ie usuaiiy usore tractable to break amnd lieudie tisan wliere tise encestors were noted efor unplea..aunt disposition. tSomne lorsesemn, wbcn goiug te tise pas. eturc, wlictissr iey wisli to catch a isorse or n ot, elweys carry a tif- bit-en car of.dorm, e isendtul of oabs, au eppie or e carnet, a ciîuuk et sugar or sait, * Tise bneaking of ea Youmng horse is cern. paratiu'eiy easy if we change tise word i reak "l te 'lteacis," and begin te teacis tas soou as tise puspil is <ld essougis teunuder- stand, wlirci wiii lie a vcry short urne efier * iirth. Go is tiste average farni stable and you 4enter au abode of terrer conîf tise borses 1give lsd'- opinion of i. Hure you stand in an etmsospisere ciserged witls noxious gases fron tise de-onsposis ion of uiseir cxcrcia. Here tise germe et disease swsrmInlu my. riads secking for e chance to muitipiy euhl fariher wlthjn tihe bofy of tise horse ecer. vatef by diseasee Doni't tbjnk because bis uame e is og tisai fiii les essentiel to hie weifare. fBernember that prodncing pork for predi la flot nscrely a gaeneof chance, but stri-,tly a business., Ciover ie the liesi crep tisai a mamc cari taise, acd to hdle Ieieegs on a fers, witb profit, ye' s sbeld heave penty of clever. One misiake tise New End auffrîser is making to-day la tea cases oni ef every fif- teen is tisailie lias ce profuceing,-'ou lunlij peu. The pig thattils rcady ai ight months ls01 Yi e ds more profit io risc groiver cvery urne than do ibhose kept le e grenier age and a beavier weigist. Make fiiemifs witi tise sows, s0 tisai yen cami go jute tie peu ataiisy tue wiliout dieinrbiug risemu; ibis je an importent item su pîg growing. Itaising hoge for market is uo t the pleas- enteet worir imaginable, uer je a pig peu the daintiest of pens te work wiih, isurthtie fermer wiso bas mae e is living liy Ibis kiuf et e peu fer a fow yeare peet, finde himejîsf fluenciahiy fer alîef ef4sie eiglibor wlio haies te werk with isoge neud ilga te sali grains. ,When Edison wa% You n g. "I was an oper?.to:- uintheu Memphsis office ivisen Thsomas A. Edison applief te the menager for a position," eahd A. G. Rock- feiler, e member of tise Ramsuuecce Club, St. Louis. II He came walicg loto tise office one neiorniug looking like a erntable isayseed. lHe wore a hickory shirt, a pair of boiternust par'fs t1cked jute the tope of boots a eize too large enf guileasoet liack. ing. 1 Where's tise boss ?l was bis query as ic gleucef round tise office. No oeere plief et ouce and lie repeated tise question, Tise manager asked wisat lic couif do forn hlm, anf tise future-great proceedef f0 sirike is for e job., Business was rusis- hng and thec office was two sounsshort; se elusnosi .any klud of a iighfning al1ing- et was weiceme. Hie was asigncd te e feet and a tussiliaf e of wiukc iveri tise rounds of ftheoensce, for flic1'jey >'waa sput ou tise St Louise wire, tise bardestiniutise otrice. IlAitishe end cffishe e was au operaier ivio wescisain lighting auf knewit. Edli- son lied bard iy got seetel betore Si. 'Louis reepondef and St Louis startef in on a long1 report, and ie Puspef it lu like e bouse afire, Edison tfirew hie ieg ever the arns e bis chair, leiaureiy fransfonnef a wed et spruce guns frous bis pockeitec hie monts, phcked up e peu, exarniued i criticaiiy, sud tertef in, about 200 words behluf. fHe did't stay tisero lonsg, tisougis. St. Louis ict eut anofiser iik of qapeef, -Asf'tIli a- CF32B1A~E' ~'O~ -ASTEL Ail kinéis of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEk.N SOREEN El) OAL a' w ays in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. ___MoOLELLAN,& 00.- Beaver Block, - - - Bowmanville Keeps always a large assort>ment of Bootsand Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Slippers, Trunks, etc. AlhStyles, Grades and Sizesand prices to suit all pookets. No better ýor cheaper place in, West Durham ta buy. -He defies competitiori. Oldest and largest ,store; best,'biggest and cheapest, st ock in Bowrnanville Purifythe Bl.od,correct ail Disorders sitho iLIVER, STOMAOH, KIIDNEYS AND BOWELS '!hey Invigorate and restore to health Debilitated constitutions, and are invaluable lu fl@ Comlaintoinaidentaiso Fensaiesof ail ages. For Children and thse aged they aro priceloe. leW an infallibis remedy on Bad Legs, Bad Breaas, 01Wounds, Bores ansd tlcors. 10 famouesfor Gout and Bheurmatiszn. For disorders of tihe Chest it bas n) equai FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, OOUGHS, OOLDS, 'GlaadlavSwiingealal Skus Disaes it bas norival; and for contracted andatift joint@ ît acta like #a oharmn. Manufactured only ut THaoms o Boaawax's Establishment. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (date 533, Oxford St.) LONDON, >&dare sold st le. 1J., 2s. 9d, Ils., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, ana may bê a of ail Medicine Vendors tbrougisout the World. ~M-eurbaermshould look Io the Label on Che Pot snd Bsx« <4k. addre"s I8 met eaa OzAs-45. Laimdloa. they are asursise Ieiam's Aotiv'ity. Tise ectivity lu Iodla oethtie Asjaman-i- Islam, or Society et Islam, appears frosn the publice taiernenfe of its oporatione te have exteufedftam beyonf tise establisliucg of schools on tise building efthtie coilege et Boni Bander. h lias examinef nuniorous questions bearing on tise weltere efthtîe cemmunity. If iwsemoouisef the pait o the piigrirnste s erines un Aralie, and colcecie funde ton tise epair cf tise Zîsheide CassaI, wisicii supplies tiseir neef s wije travelling -in ilie arif couîntry. Ih Sas raisef suhecripions te gîve aid te tise woundef and erpbams cuning fise wan be- f ween Turkey and Rusha. Near home tise vaccination efthtie Moisenmef an consnunity was prornoref ly ire agency, and tise ceusus of tise 200,000 Musesso anihsibteuts efthtie eity et Bonsbey,wisile, owing te tis ociciy's exeriions, e iibreny centainiisg a onsider- able numober et boots sunIlindustani, Ber- sien, and Arabie, as well as Englisis worts, lias been esieblishe fofr tise use et the pooner classes efthtie comnmaity. A Memeutous Question. Mies Sottieet-" Whset sakes yen look 1 se saf MnrXagg? I hare neticed tiser yen have lookef very gioomny of lare. " 1Wegg-'"W/eu, l'Il admmt tisai ibere is a subjecr tisai bas worrief me a greer f cal ton seme tise." Miss Sottieat-"lCouif I belp you lu any way V, Wag-"W/cIi, I do't kcew, I de't Mise Sottieaný-l But Mn. W/agg, yen migist tell mie what il is." Wagg-" Well', Miss Sofîbeei, i10e lils I cen'i for the lite otfeue sec, jf iseeven je snobs a beautifol place tisai no osse will want te leave 't, iviat lu the %urnîfwill we rîefd wiugs for.", A Brother'a Way. She-,No. I c auuef îarry yen. Ho- But you have sisewn me se mnuch regardi. IlYee, I respect you sery muoci ; I wîll lie asister teyon. iMors Icanner le." "But yen ivililiae a sisier to me?"' "Yes, glediy.'e "Tiscu ot baisgme cnystick and bat and isof my overcoat tes- ne--you mihb aise brushis j. Do not wean user Isorrif little apron acy usore. Be e rrry goof girl sud I nsay take you to tise rieater comne ciglir nexi week. flore is a kisqs for yen in "W/bmat doen easi? Ie ceat dm en a si 111J ans msereiy takieig up my part et lnotiie.t A Dundee Paper's .Enterprise. AUl fisc ewspaper entersis enet ou tSi. iscde ofthtie waror. 1'coland lias corne of it. Tise pntsprietome efthtie Dundee Weskly News liave decidef upoo tise hiemeet equhppiig an expefition et r -presenrai atsvc working mon anf seuficig tisernsro flic Weli-s Pair te give tisons an epportumity et inspecting acf ohserving tise maetods et work applief te hn rrespective iraf e in Amenica. Tise papensyss- -"Thase men wiii cross the Atlantic, and in tise course eftihoir taon in America, soc rihiege anmi qumimo lno t inga9 cisc trornsth ise msan's pohun tfiew, net troni fiscleisuref man's point et view ,but tron tise workitegrn's point et vier, frin thaf aspect iviicli wiil net eniy le et mosi înterest to tise waeearnissg classes un this aide of tise Atlantic, lui wbich will le et meet use btensa." Tise Duudee Weekly Neses wlll sietray tisa entire expense efthrie tour. The ruensbers of tis expedition will be selectecl by vote frein tise tacts cgi oic Terrible Experiences in a Tyipoon. Tise Contrai News staotsr tis te Japen., icoe mail bringe intelligensceofthtie i ernible experiesedes of tise Lritisis sSip Tisoisas McLennan. W/len tour daye ceýt frons Harnodate, Jepan, chie encouinteref c typheon. Tisehigisses keprtishe veceel'a dock up itiste rail filief witis water for 24 bours. Nearly overyrlsing mevalle ia wasief uverboard. Ticetonwarf-lbouse and forecestie blmkieaf maro steve iu, tise eugine-roons daissaged, and tiese earboard ifebeet ernessed aud wessef verboard.' Tise port quarter boat was steve lu, tiie port itou fnesh-warer tank burst, seven [stencisiona gave way, and tise mains nigglng scrowe parred. Nexi day thse iveenier soderaede, and repaire ivere comnsced. The cargo of ecipisur had te le jettitouî_ef te prevent fire. Teîtamentary Disposition. jPeter: " Now, my boy, Ive licoumeeting niý wil, and I've loftIa large property in trust for yen. I mereiy ast yen, have yen ecy suggestions te offen?' Sou : -"W/e, I den' knon-tisai I bave air, nulese tisai hem h! lponders) -question se, as tisg go nowadeys, wouidn'r iliu betier re lbave tise property to tise éther taller, and--es-ý-'pposnt se the trusste?' At a aliurch Door. lie--Tiere, now, isow very prorong I've lett tise prayer boke etborne. Sic-W/eli, dean, ocrer rnud, burt do tel Ime la rny bonnuet straigh t ? East EndtGrainIJenot ,e -~ de ' The uîîdersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durhamn lV for the liberai patronage 'extended to us durinfy the past season, ee also to remind them that -we are stillinii the market and t prepared to pay the 3HIGHEST MARKET PRICE AIL KINDS OF CODARSE GAN&SEE'D8 Id delivered at, our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port n- Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, [y NEW AND FREISH, tofCanadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait ini Bags. Rock Sait for caLt y and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barrels y which we are prepared to seli -.1