lias domonm<ra tar its jWonder fui power cf ILLINC EX-EPJ;L andi INFERNAL PAlM,. No Wonder tMen tat if la found on, The Surgeon'S Sheif 'Thec Motlher's Cuphoard TIhe Traveler's Valise, The Sldier's Knapsa;k The Sailor's Chest The (Cowboy's Saddle ~ The F armer's Stable Th e Pioneer's Cabi-n -The Sportsnafl's Grip, The Cyclist's Bundle ASK FOR THE NEW "BIG 25c BDOTTLE-,' 1 beg to inform my customers and the pu~blie ini geneial that I have oold out my stock of Spectacles, EyeglaBses and Optie. e goode te Stoit & Jury the druggists. Thi% firna has enjoyed the wall merlied ocýnfdeýnce of the publie in this vicinity for many yearsansd iu dimposing of this branch of my business to them 1 do It wth the greatest pleasure, knowing that no porion betweeu Toronto ana Montreal Lu capable of giving greater satisfaction to thbose troubled with defective vision than 31r Jury of the above fiim as he han rusde a special study of the eye for many 51eara and bas during the last three years teken eonrses of lectures and graduated frotin the three Largest opticial collages in Amezica. JOHIN MAYNARD, the Jeweller. Tie aboUve stock added to oura, whIch '14 elready very large givesiÉas a far larg- 11.- li'ne of these goods than we v ith te Çatry. To reduce stock therefere we are aeering opeeial Induéemento. S&eo our, -gta yariety of Gold Gooda. STOTT &a JURY, DRUGGISTS sud OPTICIÂN, Zi'. B.-We have also a lot of B. bauran- a goodi bought direct from the firm wWhch we are offering nt 50c. on the dul- Ia.r as we have far better value in other ý.)WMANVILLE, MAY 3,183 LQocaI end OtIherwise. ýýPike shootera are liuetling now-a-daya, Miss Allie Woel lias gene te Charlotte, J. & Beston, grocer, Oshaw a, hansas- sezîed to FL McCaw. AU color e of prepan'd Paint at R. Wt'th'd, Bowmanville. b&xs, A. Binglian of Chathana lia been oIj. a visWIt telir oid home liere. lir. ýnd Mrs. W. Kent cf Durhsam lave been ataying hiere for a few daya. Rav. T. W. Jolliffé attended a meeting 'f the Board cf Regents of BeL'eville Col- I«e yesterday. eeocatle'o rate cf taxation this yeor will lie sbut 18 mille on the dollar. Lut year ht Was 19 mills. Ro3v. Tes. Phlp cf Cartwright preach- ed in Jeru4alena, Palfestine, a few Sun- êaya ago, while touring i the Holy Land. South Onbcrik, Diatrkct Council Royal Tbmplare at Otha*ia lest week endorzed the Mlarter Bill now before the Ontario Lagialature. lIros. G. B. Maynard, W. H. Osborne, Hl. akerville and J. AllUn accomrpanied grand Master Jolliffia to Pontypol te as- uit in etarting the new 1. 0. O. F. lodge. Don't forget Kirby's new paint sliop. Dzq'p hu and soe him. Caîl and uee the cheap snd pretty Wal Papers at Kirby's before buying. The higbest price paid for all kinds of farna produce by W. H. Osborne. - lylieh bats for gents at John'J. Mos- ~p»Dry Gooda and Jewelry Store. Pure Indian Tene imported direct, at 1' <Aecl's old stand. PiTRra MURIDOCH, The fineat1 Yioiin Strings, Rosin, Keys, Br1dgeo, etc., in town at Maynsrd the Jowellers A splendid lot of Embroideries just in at the West End bouse. The pricea for thoe gooda,3 re low. Nyw HATs.-Â lot of travelers' eamples very choice gooda aud at loir pricesn. T. Geo. Mason'a Clothing Store,. Dr. Butler'a Golden Pilla are the mont 2scientific medicinal blood purifi er and nerve tonic yet offred the public. Give hem a trial and lie convinced. Keep trackof the minutes. The very bQst wsy to do se la te buy a good reli. haf regular pricea from' T.- N. Rýickard, ble altham ,'oelr Eagnd watich sano 5by Tait & Co are stili ai the old stand (op- posite the Mankft Square) sud arc turu- ing eut bettor photos than ever ai popu- Ian- pziceo. Enlangemznta made froinaany copy 10 auy &ze sud are guarrautoed net to fade. Cal sud see iem about ihat pictune you waut eubrged. Tiey wilI givo you satisfaction. MsdsLînment îwlev~ eurîbe Mr. Jesse Farwell cf Detroit was lu towm ai week. To kill fiali by the use of firearma is atrictly forbidden. Mrs. R. Peste sud son Cyrus viited Toronto frienda recently. There ia an advauce in pork sud pnices are expected to go higlier yet. Camplielîford sud Brookliiuwlhl hold Queeu'a Birthday demonstrations. 1 Mrs. W. Broad cof Haydon was guesi cf Mrs. W. H. Bauliury over Sunday. i Mr. F. Fleuny bas leased the north res- idence cf Lonne Villa snd moved ie ILi Mrs. Geo. Gralier and two chldren of Z Chicagn wene visitiug hon parente, Mr. sud9 Mrz. W. L. Keys. W. W. Warriner, Port Ferry, was neanly smothered with gos ai the Royal Ilote], Toronto, aset week. Mr.Sam.Hoskin la fitting the old Prim- itive cturcli into a fouuciry, sud expeets te have it runntng lu two weeks. At the Cobourg Aseizes Wednesdsy Johin Phullipa wa3 fouud guilty of assault- lug Francis W. Field sud fiued $200. Trnity churcb lias a fluie, cornet, clar- iouet sud basa viol, in additiion to the or- gan iu iheir choir snd reuder pretly good music. Juo. Campbell (Jumbo) who waq te have lectured bore lut week but could nit get an audience, lias since aasatgued for the benefit cf bis crediions. Mayor Kendry cf Peterboro sued Mr. J. R. Stration, publisher cf tbe Examin- er, for libel fer publîshing a letter criti cisng bis public action. Verdict for Stnatton. A nom time-table gces iiito efl'ect ou the G. T. R., May 14 on aczouni cf the spec- isi World's Fuir train which wi louve Boston daily en route te Chicaigo, vis Moniresi, pasing Bownanville avery ev- enlng about 6 o'clock, making the mun betweeu Miontreal sud Toronto lu efght heurs. A BnRrvÂrN STLL. -Mn. B. Brittain fonmenly cf Brittain Bres., Bowmanville, at one lime among the larguai packens lu Canada, wu s bie yesierday. Ho la new au extensive packer lu Marsabîwn, Iowa. Homasys iu the States ihey do net look for a largo summer rua. Ho bas been in the Statis11lyeas, but euh la an ont sud eut Canadian sud hopea te end bis days here.-Terouto Empire. The concert given by the Africian Choir in thie tomu hall Weduesday evon- ing was very interesiiug sud eutertslning. Escli person was dressed lu native cos- tume sud presented s very weind appear- suce. Their aingiug wBmamcli appreci- ated, especioîly tbe pieo28S ung lu Eng- lisb. 4"Oh bush theo mny baby" "Child- rau Acieep," "The Lond'a Pissytr" sud "Send the IÀghi" more very swoot sud pathetie. The Kaffir Songe were made mach more Interesting by thé explana- tiens cf the econes liy Mr. Vert, tbe directer. It wasss pity mQre of our ciii- zone did net avail thenaselves of t.he priv- ilego of lieuring these singera. Florence Nightingale Lodgeocf Odd Fellomo oui oyed themselvea Friday night sud iuvited îai a host cf frienda te partie. ipate wiîh hoIniml ceebraiing th.e 741h annivoraary of the Orden. The At Home was au unprecedented àuecesa lu every seuae. Bro. Jas, Jeffery, N"le Grand, happily penformed the duties cf presid- lug aud a capital program given cf music liy the orchestra lead by Bro. A. Brown, roadinge Miss Allie Weloh, Bro. 0. Smnith, Mifs Mabel T'ait,. solos by 11111e Imez Mason sud Miss Glever, cornet duet liy Mesisan. Meaih and Brown, larioot solo liy Master T. Brown, sud nil ongan and ont ohsnp duaît by Mesars. C. Jsfftry pnd Fraaek Pethîck. Grand Master, Rev. T. W. Joliffo, dellvered a t-eu minute addrea inu exaltation cf the Order. Duriug the intermission the guetta more served willi bananes, or- augea, raiins, clieolates, enosansd other clicice tweeta ad libitem. On Sunday Bowmanvilie (>ddfeliows mnrched t) the Methodizt clinrel under command of Bro. E. L. Welcli aud listen- ed te one of the lie se'-uous yet deliver- ed lu Ibis ehurcli te any Orden liy Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Grand Msaler cf Ontario. The choir sang speolal asitheme under the.leadenship cf Mn, H. J. Kulght. Ou reteuing to the Lndgenoom slict speech. os more niade by.Bmo. John Grant cf Te- route, R. Allen, J. Jeffery snd othens, aad a vote of tha.uks mas unauimoualy se- cordd te Rov. Bro. Jolliffe for lis very apprepniate discourse. The choicent family groeenies et W. H.ý Osbornea». Tin.STATESMÂN tOeeW msubacribens balance of 1893 for 60c. WalFaper ai cost -must be sold s Doliscoi & Maynard'a Big 20. About 800 relis cf pnetty Wall Paipern te lie sold from 4c. upwards ai Kirby's. 1cm net cash pnic@. See ibeeogood-a ut mason's. Mn. W. Jenuitgo la lu charge. The Worid's Fair la blie attraction for '9l owever do net loseý sight cf ilie feet tho&t T. N. Riokard la a watchmaker, jomoier anud opti'ci,%n sud thai ropairing la, eue cf bis speci1sltstherefore any mork yen may giv. hlm to do iiliebcdoue wmou. Pltoher's casterla. Oheap Excursïon to Toronto. The Ladies' Aid Sociey, of the Methe- diat Churcli, Port Hope, have arnanged for a cheap excrsiou to Toroato sud returu, by local train Thunsdsy, May il Train iraves Newcastle, 8:35, returu fore, $120, Bowmanville, 8:45, $1,15, Osaa, 9:05, $1.00. This will lie a splendid eppertunity for oeryoue te visit Tornto. Asfr for excursion tickets atithe above stations. Amîple flrst-clase araccommo)da- tien will lie furnished by the G. T.R-lw. Mr. C. A. Jelinston lias been ili with pueumoula. Al ahades cf Kalso mine at R. Wortl's, Bowmanville. Entrance examiuat.bns'io High Sebools June 28, 29, 30. Misàses Annie sud May Nicholam areî hene fromn Toronto.1i Mna. T. B. Brentou cf Trenton ià via.g iting Mrs. J. bellyar. >Methodisi District meeting wiiilie beld ai Hampton May 15, 16. Mr. Bnownlow cf Toontuo liu been gueEt ai Mn. S. J. Hoskiffs. Port 'Hope bas lot the ceuiraet for street wtering et $2,20 per day. Mn. John A. Banron, Q. C., Lindsay, may aummen mith bis family lu Cobourg. Strawlierry plants, the beit varieieu, for sale liy G. D. Fletchier, Bowmanville. Mn. sud Mra. J. Buriev more bore ibis week viiting Mr. Goo. Mosea mlio mas very il]. The Bialey tearr saila for Englsud June 24 ou the SS. Sarnia-no 45th Bot, mou ibis year. James Hougli, aged 89, father cf Dr. H. bougli, founder cf Ilie Cobourg Wonld, le dead, Mr. Neil MePherson, M. A., cf Bow- manville wou the Rankin prize cf $55 for apologetice ai Qneen's University. Mns. Go«. Cenniali bas returued from Oaaca mhere theelias been mnnsiug ber meiher ilirongli bon serions ilîness. Mrs. Wood ir' uew convalescent. Dreeeamskiug doueeut the homnso f the citizens cf Bowmanville. Price 60 cents tt day. Miss Ho;ruibroýok, Fine Cottage, Liberty St... Southi. 12.4w. Al bous§ekeepera, Iu view cf ilie iireat- oued vIsit cf choiera sud amalîpox sbould at once clean up asud put their promises iu a proper saniiary condition. Guncvoor F. Lowemy mhc manried MissesKte Armour, eldest daugbten of Chef Just4ce Aumour, Cobourg, died: in Nom York recently cf apopîexy. The ismrilton papens of Saturday con- lained a lisi cf bome iweuiv gradualea ef the Hamilton Business Collego who have, accepted offite positions mithin a few meeka This apeaka volumes for the col- loge. Mrs. J. M. Hern sud famlly have gene te Hamilton teone aide. On Thnraday ev- ening l"ai Mn.. Hemn was presented wih au Oxford Teachons' Bible by the Ladies' Aid of Tritty eburcli cf which she mas a member. R.ev. A. Dcwaley'a lecture lu St. Paul's churcl M ouday eveuiug mas vemy enter- tiiin« sud instructive. A large ofleet- ion o cfenoBitles sud beoutiful apecimens of work frour the Eat more exhibited snd viewed liy the deligbted audience. The Epworih Loagne meeting Monday night mas led liy Rev. T. W. Jelliffaa sud Miss Ida Gould. Af ter tlie monthly con- secration service Mise Higliet, M. A., gave a veny ably prepaned sud profitable papen on the tepie "My Cholce 1 wbatiIs it ?" Tbere mas an addreasaou the -am topie by the paster. Piauso solos mo given by Mima Nortboote sud Miss Tileoy. HWihSchool Notee. The notuar emni-mnouthly moobluR cf the Liienary Seclety leok p;lace ai Wed. uesday afberu ou, the nom Fresideni sud Seereiary taking their Pl"ces ithout liesibation or faiutiug. There beiug no other important business the programmne maes ai once Ixoce.dod witb. Tue rotin- ing Preaident, Me. C. E. Brown, gave a short speech wmbich ho claaifisd i tb ree parte, liât, millinguesa te speak, 2ed, pautes, 3rd, having aemethIngý to eay sud sa3i»g 14. Strange te seay lie saemed te foet about the at part sud made up bis speech cf au exara quantity cf bthe firsi sud second, pstIcularly the second. No denit lie felt ont cf place among the audience, The rest of Ithe programme mas s felloma : Vocal Se, Miss Ethel TreNilcck ; Instrumental Duet, Misses Nonthoole sud Tiley ; R.eading, Mn. A. N. Mitchell ; Chorus, Higli Sebeel Glee Club ; ReadingMr. W. H. Moutgomery; Recitatiom, Mr. Edward Wordon. The whole audi.n.e mas surprised sud delight- ed ýai Mr. Wodens lrillisut, stroke ef elocution. Hie rendening of "Illacklaya"' wass given illi excellent expression sund ho won the good oplincf ail bis btanera. Ai ihe close of te prograna short speeches (or addraas emre givon liy the efficors r&eenîly eleated for the preQent terni A R emedy. Fr%-pored 8pecially for the exp*c-.ed in- vasion cf A.iatlc ChoIera. Afier baviug beau tborougbly i-osied sud is virtue sud pemer pnoved la uow beiu.g placed in the banda cf ithe druggists. Aek for "1A orne THE STARSTILI SHINESIÔ o0 W ýTSTOcI--. 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Snitings of ail kinds, for men, youths and boys, were neyer excelledl and prices neyer vwore moderate. Lawn Mowers. 1 thsuk my cuistomers for past favora and solicit your patronage for the future. In doing 50 I cau give numerous Lbau- monils froua our citizens in the satisfac- tion I have given them in sharpening aud repairing their Mowers. Se with theae nta 1 aak most re3pectfully for a cou- tinuence cf patronage. Mowers called for snd returued with dispaicli. WV. H. WILLIAMS, West End Smith, King St. New Butcher Firm. Mr. Geo. Jol sud Mr. Relit. Itowe have bought the old esiabliahed meat business f rom Mn. W. R. R. Cawker who lias for se mauy years carried on a Suc- cesaful butchering business heve, Mr. Joli lias a thorough acquaintauce with the meat trade and the higli character cf the Town Hall Meat leadquartons will lie f ully sustained. The new propieto ra will give careful and prompt attention te ail orders and are determîned to give sat- isfaction to ail customera. Cash will lie paid for bides, sheepakins, tallow, poul- try, eggs, etc. Highest price for good calvea and lambs. Cutizens are requeeted te give J oli & Rowe, the Ilew finm, a trial. New Building D'irm. Mr. Alfred Gulley aud Mr. F. G. Humber have formed a patnersbip and wifl carry on business as cont ractera, buildersansd general carpenterm. Betli are thoroughiy skilied snd practical workmen, having an intimato knowledge cf aIl the detuas f their busine@ssand will ondeavor to give complete satisfac- tion in ail work entrusted te tliem. They are prepaned te undertake any new work or repairing in the capentry hue, give estimates, and where necessa'-y eau supply matorials. Cernespendeuce ruay lie addressed to Gulley & Humber, Con- tractons and Builders, Bowmanviile, or they may lie seen personsîly. Mr. Gulley lives on Centre St. sud Mr. Hum- bier, cor. Queen sud Ontario Sts. 11lOW TO <CURELX USKIN IlSEASES" Slmply apply '*SWÂvNE'S OliTME14T."> No internai medicine required. Cures tetten, eczoma, iteli, ail eruptions on the face, 'hand", nose, etc., ieaving the akin dlean, white sud liealthy. Its great heal- ing sud curative powers are peisaessed by ne other remedy. Ask your druggist for SWAYIRE8 OINTMR-NT. Gonds nover se low as now at the Bist 20. Dobson & Mayxiand. Mcoth Proof Carpet Fou sand ail kinda of Building Paper ai R. Worth'e. W. H. Osborne invites ail ladies te test bis teas. Delicioua flavona. Caland sels the cheap Wal Paper from 5c. up at T. Shenin & Co's. Juat arriving a freali supply of Field and Garden Seedas t Murdoch'is uld cttnd. Mn. H. Canlias taken over the Fire sud Accident business herotofore cîrried on by Mr. R. Virtue and wiU bhave au office in Wortli's hardware store. The West End bouse bave a spleudid asserinient of bemp Carpeta, doubleanad single width, te match whlch mneans the sa-viug cf a lot cf werk. Set tem. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS' Grrected by J,. nLrtryt every Tuenday PLOUB, e10Ibo .........$1i 0te 82 30 WHEÂz-, F ali, Vbush ... 000 0 67 si Russtian, st....000 ,0 65 Il Fife, ,.. 0 00 ,0 70 H GOone, i .. 0 , 057 j, Colorado ,...0 00,,0 62 Rys, "....... 000 ,0 50 ai.. ............ 0 0 O 30 BARLEY, IVbush, Ne. 1.... O0Q00,,0O42 ai , i2x.. 0 00,,0 37 2,... 0 00,,0 30 3. .. 000 0 25 aTwo-rowed 0 30 ,0 O30 Buckwheat IP bush,.......O0 00 0 O42 PliAs, Biackeyo, lP bush... 0 68 0 70 i Mummy a 0 . 03 QO 0 O60 Smali, i O0 0 O 55 a'Bine, 'a .. O50 fi O 80 BuTTER, best table, P II. .. 0 14 a,015, CH1ICKEN, ZP lb .......... 0, O 10 Bees, P lez ............. 000,,0 11 POTÂroZ8, P bush .......O 00 0 O45 HÂY r n.......... 600,,7 00 LAKE ONTARIO STEAMNBOAT CO,'Y STEAMER NORH IN Notices or Mirths,25 cents; Muariageig, 50 cents, Deaths. Se cents, eaehiR nsertion -but FICtES OE <JARGE, whni the fanerai cards are PIsnnted ai thls .111ce N A O BI1RTMS. Monnxs-Iu Tyrono,Aprili30, Vie, ,vlfp fMr. B -îr--1Trv- James Morris, cf .a acu.THE JEW .fLLtb MARRIED. HIILLMÂNV-JÀCweoN-On April 26, ai the ra îmo e i to D b sldeuce cf the bride.a another, by th e tv.C a mo e t D b W. Watch, Mn. 8. T. Hilîman sud Miss E. J. Jackson, boti of Oshawra. DAvis-LINToN-At ilhe rosideuce Of ,the 's b o st r bride, seuili of Ornu, hi 11ev. J. A. MeReen OIsb i store B. A.. asisted by Rev. A. R. Liut.on, M. A., B. D. !Cooksvi lie. brother cf the bride.ou Wed- uesday, A&,I, 26h, Mr. Herman Davis, of Clarke Union, aud Misa Frances Charlotte, G 2 . f vo youugest dauaghter of the lote James E, L:nion, B G 2 . I ail of Clarke township. DIE D.watavhn » a&ed 60 yoars. LvsuDi<-In Winnipeçr, April 23. Joseph Hl. Lynden, aged20 yeara, 8 nm outha, frIll o BowmmavIlle. fm nyfthe tJewellry une, BaucE-In Bommanville, Sunday, April 80,of pneoigh,.. e, r.11-1 William Bruce, fermerly or Cari- CHAPPLE-In Clarke, April 201h, William yo u wrill find it Chapplo. agsd 74 yaons, 3 monihs. Kzs-In Bowmaavllie.May 2,0f pneumnoniath ea h Ida Bethiide,eniv sud beieved dauguier cf.. er , b cause h B. Kout,of Nemcastle. Fumerul Thur8ay ut 2 p. m. carries the nicest in LINCOLN SSSNTE5I, ARRISTER,SOLCITOR, NO'AaY -B Public. Couveyancer. etc., Bowmmuvi Hie,tole is a o Ont. Office over Davis' Qooùt store King St v. H s a s Accounts Ceiiccted, Estotes maivagell. 17-3mn A OD SERVANT GIRL WA-NT preparec t'O do your ai., Bowmauville. ltIf -VGx'S-An-luiaaigsfumale <w-ývork in a m anner par 13. 16-3 W (IAIRL WANTED for gouerel bouse you would like it ý*wemk Iu amall family. Appiy Io M. A JlAMES, STATESMÂit Office, Bemmiauvilie. 154 d n- al nd e TOME WANTED-At once for a girl HL. baby about 10 mouiha eld. Staie charge per meek. .&ppiy by letton addrossled "MOTH- ER, Bemmanvillo P. 0. 18-2w h m i i e lP.RING BOARD FOR SALE, cover enearly new and in geod condition. store., 1lie w if be lBommauville, or ai the Mothodist Parsenagel, Nemcastle. 17- 3mw pleased to sep you. ~YL~h~1 F%.J.L.LL4D CALVES 1WANTED.-Teu Caivesa alW n~ week manted for nazi four monihahsyi *Ci. HUME & WRIGHT', the Peopie's Buiehera, i larîng ou iW ne Bowmauvillo. 5-tf STOCK FOR SALE. --Tboro-bred large Stock of Hats,. Wings, lYorkshire white Piga fred front lmportod stock. Parties misbiug te obtain Young Somaet or Boums for stock purposes mîlI doe mou to ap- etc, at cost -and many7 piy at once. Tonnas mosouable. JOHN STAIN. TON,, Enniakillen. 16-6w. thinLgs far below cost., B OAR AND BULL FOR SERVICE. o --One Iimpmoved Yorkshire Whtite Boum A nïce lot o new Veîl- from importea stock sud one Dunhant Bull (Daryman) Ahich nus pnovod le b3 a good s re ivd - sitock galin. er 881s.oings,ue rcied "Diryman, la rogs)rdsd as the beat, Young Bu. ovenbred Lai Roseioudvaie stock fanm Nctdosoat c .Q omnil and hie dame viola Lia svomi su prornmiik and bntterr 00W. JONSANet ni~" 1~ -.,'~ p p 1 -MMMM==- Two reasons why you are certain to .be benefitted in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing, store are that we keep only reliable goods-and they are sold at 1owest livinig profit. Our customers eau depend on getting, well-made, good- fitting and stylishly cut clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Fulllines of Ties, Collars, Cufrs, Braces, Handkerchiefs, etc, If you want a suitztthis Spring you will please us and benefit yourself by lookig through our magnificent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the iPost Office, Bowmanville. JOS. JuFFE'RY. Microbe Killer Enriches the blood and gives tone and strength te the whole system Microbe Killer Gives buoyancy of spirits, streugth and health t o ail usera of it. Microbe Killer Dose this, because its main constituent is Oxygen, Nature's remedy. Microbe Killer UIsed in sickness is no experiment, crude drugs and mineraIs are. Microbe Killer la the greateBt tonie for tired men and women ever pro-duced.' Microbe Killer Correctealal bodily disordersi ea8ily, if taken in time, used freely. Microbe Killer Purifies the bloodand tissues by driving out the living germa. Microbe Killer Hlam no equal s a rheumatia speciflc ; cures guaranteed. For Sale by Higginbot>hamn & Son, 1 AGENTS FOR BOWMANYILLE. Pricea 1 and $3, socording tb rLizcý. W M. R A DAM MICROB E 9KILLER Cg, LIMiTEO5