CO'IIOLEE i Cleîldeliat. Stil peîiug Frank stooti np on the ,10 give them usp, anti pelias ecins migit lDon Lues Salazar, e young man neioig COVeaLthfl nd poplal ar. Try conotb,lisard eastid. The moneter sharkle hmnade convex on bbc outite anti concave to nue nf bbc best femilies of Mexico. -LIe healhfu an poula. Ty ovews sxvtnuing bacis anti forth. lb noves on thism e, tise conceviSy being equai to or oves arnetted,,anti bis coeetheint oves f orcet for an incsattbonkisis narrow ittie eyes groates tnthebbcconvexity, 50blt atraye ni to etumu b.liesparents.' A few tiays citer- Mcde ouly Dy freonthie naiset figure nfits5epostponeti Sup. siniiglistwoleitborpastmougbenichaog- ovarde Don Salazar anti e party ni frimutis N. X. rFAIReANK &ê- C01, Per- Franki shutideret an"d smiled ce hoe et in direction or ovoulti ho diepersoti in- roturnedt th le bouse tiieguset as handtse, V CltsJna.ýotiAun Stnocte, bbnnght boss'lho ooubti chocS bis ebarseip steat ni being concentratei, se ast10 noite anti a second ime aituctedthebcginl, woo y s ltply wading o t te hou, boat. the a tv ntges ni the convex fom iitb ovs ma mnedte10ler lover on the folo wiig Ohildren Cry for Pitcher's CastorIaïl GRA E~~LCOM OfTIG.YOUNG FOLKS. sion ni borror, fl scarcely bad hie Saion a BRIEF ANiD INTERESTfflG. stop down into the, ehallow watem on'tbe oblier sitie of the bank when an nid log ni --jh'îSee- rfwodcttinacurt mtoat u The German army will soon comprise 5,- L ? on eider sisterl ibrough the water towamti lsmm. II Alliga- (0,0)mn LI ý% e ,Wh!old t ho you! tors," gaspedtieor boy, as bis kuee A dicsuond for cutting glass lastseabout BREKEA £-UPPR.Who bit!onsotnr jactketl smnte toizether, andi quickly runiiing back ilirce monthe. 'By 8 tboroghknawledze et the nituire? Who tics up our shoe? ho stooti once more on the santi bank. But There are non esiban twenty.two weii- anti,' nuti.,o. anthebyoapcrcaiona&pizqa the Wo ieoyn ootbb caiy monster cameonu; as Frank edged known journais devotedtetospirituciem'anti thse fine pripertliso9 el-si Cte cia. Mc When you clinib a treel away the wbole long-brnwn length ni bide- ghost.lore. Fi, p3 Ist provideti sur braakea3t tables withi a Who bathes your buns, ous ceaies slowly ioliowed until it dtigged The Czar ni Russia je an accomýupieheti delicately IL svore-i hevera-re whih mi5y seve As kind as cean le? itseof compietely ont ni the watcr ant iliigtist,. epeaking seven) modern lauguages ne meany issavy durr'bis. It ib hy the wdldfraduQ h ad Judiclous use nt eu"h articles ofnitiet tha' a Who guideti your nar wadiiei frwad upn to snti constitution imay bc grv liy1,7buiît up until The first time You paddlecD5Frank hahaabd sufficient expérience in bederiss onans o h strong enough to resteS ercy tendancy teXWho lows ymur birds' eggs, lsnniting alligators witb Fb-ewater 5teîsnow TePailotaerfutamfrth dies. Huerd i utcmlaisaeE'on wbeu tbey're addlcdl hth oli epotn tswyo dyuseofnithe poor, suppiy eigbht ni ioat oaro'snd us ed o te mae s ahravelecol epou fisw nI r loti rou useck poit erescwoapevev Who sets yoor moths, lanti," but bbc tide wae rieing, anti thougli heateti water for onue alfpeojsy. a fatal sbaht by keeping ourselves watt iotiflsl Your butterfliestoo? st meaat oniy a différence ni two feet, ovîs kix group ni seven mounide, cnntainîiug rel- 'wtb ure biosti eo,d a Ipr.oarly notiish,'d Who monopuup thed5door that would eutmcrge the littie islani et ics ni groat antiquity, is reportedtet have toame3.' j,L j7 l rvccGae 'V WIson Yeuspili the glusel loest twelve ince-anti thon it woulis been counotinear Huron, md, Made sisopîr with boum n,'water or milk sold onlvlitî pack-cts. by Grocers. labn1lle thil Who matoe mou talfy? onily a question ni chark or alligator. Thomas A. Edison, wbo ebeeps but iew ,TA IS' V~&c.I1e~>5tiC dieu (I tel ou its fine!) Twicle the borny reptile dragget i teeli heurs himseli, says that the man ni the 11, IstseLsoo. EnIînisil, Who h'its your bock, after tbc naketi boy up anti town the littiefuren Unage orln irpo ad ihwsee o e i ftue ay do without seep eutirely. stri cani, ws oen 0W neîn- Accorsiing to opticiens, tbe eyesight bas 'Who takes out yossr eplincers, oing te gmow emaller, lcoue siou-iy affecteti in seime parts ni Ail inua minte? Once a great sweep of the arusoreti tai Who telle mousories,Lodnbthfue rsgfomhewd __________ ___________ Anti singe ike a linuet? almost toucheti bis body. If it hati truck pLont. yts ue ren mmbcwo him lho wonld bave sailedti troughthe air Tp avem ofteent. in f pini WDEDYM Y , 83 NostisSer! Ipityyou. and ldd-inbhe - oftbli paie t hsarynteifntignipans WED~EDA MA 3 193 Truly 1 do. ns haik. ~~ esn£150,00t) a yeem. DR.J.~,HIWEm,,A nd otoraise fu.An, boom passeti, anti Dow tise alligator No British Sovemeigo lias vetocti a Par- EMBR 0 COLEE 0 PHSICÂN- ILaura E. Richards. seemeti content to lic stili anti bollnw bis liamentcry Bill dorme- the peet 185 years EMBE OF OLLEE OFPHYSCIANvictimo witb hie wicked littiee ye;nr was Egý ptian bronze swords, matie B.C. 2200, LT-" anid sdee, ntar il ornr, 71.c.tIhe patience ni thé shark at cll exhausteti, wore from 2 to 3 foot long,, wsth double OlSe ant Reidece, naflsilon. 71.anti as the islenti grew emaller anti emaller etige. »B IRIKE SIHMPSf>5V FIIIEWATER'S SlîOT. blsay botb tirew nearer anti neaer. V ery few Scotch pcaeantry weam the kilt. T> ~IISFRSOLICITOR,, Ste. MOP RIS In vain bhc poor little Northernqr calleti Most ni bhorm are diressing aiter the manines PlT Oi 0K. nestirs, King Street. Bnwmosa- A t yo detr nllaRie.>frel.Teewsnoeinig.AsfEglspol. QileSolicitor for tise Ontari Bank Alire lse'uoreolmda fi~sr o epfothee as no oe in soigb. sli e nibpop. 9i uvate Iliesevf Inaned et tisa ow331; rates In te-o weeks aiter his arrivai imom tch oeifrthe wasalseklesthe imîse be thebbla- The German anti AustriaisAlpine Society North Frank Meson was as nsuch et bome 8a n h ern ts a is erecleti 419 taverne on the mount- S. C. HUNKING o uio ne niteS.Jb' ie goomi, but tiése etting sun blintiet bis cye aine, wbere stutients can board at reduceti onJptr ne ndteS. onsR te n iehodareti nt hope. Ho stoveti a foot ates. I ENSED AUCT ION E E R FOR as any boy in Soritb Floita. nearer the watchiog alligator, eway irom Tepéntva. ilhe fy-re Li the County of Durham.' Sales -attondeti lu feot, Frank anti hie motber liveti on the waiting sbark ; sesetrickieti town bis The priiesn ft her wli aefiity-tmee te on shortest notice and lowost rates. Addreee the river, for necr the shsore ni bhc lagoon, hcisk. Sniyiset itouullbyto (sumsrmcE P. 0. ii under the bail pairm troce, what bcd once S iml h ev cimntrtm 1893 came n on e Sunday, anti wihl go ont iteeT. YOUNG, V. S. booms a flat.botomed river steamer was eOsliehtl n y, yrar.Tespc na udy 4tFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM drewnu p, anti thîs was bis home, bts state- w ighse awnovti btongd.Tb acke e a Sngti tneliatey.l h %.J News Block. wieme bimseeh or assistant'ecnoms were occupieti by bbc citizmis ni tail dippeti into lime weter oi tihe océan, anti St. Gothard, whîich is 9 miles 25 yards. Tise vsiii be fcundfin 8a.m. toP9 p.m. Nigit ,11, Orangevilie, anti the nid steamer was by ogs nEnln steSvrwivi hs î - lb souchedthbbcwao s tîsore wae a ephasho oge c nluiisteSvmwibj et rcsidence,directlyopposite DrilShed. Cails long otits the beet bobel in ton. sod a scene ni wihti struggle. The undis- '41 miles. I Y teegrapli or téléphone wil ecive prompt But Franks wae mucli more lîtereetet in rmnLu Jorhngyfr i upe, I some parte nf Russia biése sow actu- attnton1 71yr a shcllow seiif soanneti ly an nid Seminole bcd seizeti opon tbc aligators tail. Tise aihyise preservet inl grecs straw, senti, anti A. C, WAN NA N V. S Indian, wbich cs'mmunicated witb the lnw, grecS scw-like teeth sunk tbmough tihe thicht manuire-covereti beaps, as a means nfirc- '~ FIC -HGGI BOT AM sasndy beach., The guestseni the floatîog arnocred bide, ant i wtisa baris like a dog rigating the landi turing the summer beats. %JBLOCK Bowmanville. Ngt calîs ans- hotel hati but to cali tboI"Olti Firewater " the eîîrageti reptile tumueti ant idt off jobo Twclve huotireti leds etca penny a niglit wered fremn nne dons sontis ni Dr. Bnyle'a. et any hour ni bbc day or night anti e mn- the wabor. each are offeredte to Lndou's homeless poor AhI oels isy seleg raph or télépione wll sec eive ment later the ewisb of bis patitle sould For severai minutes the breakers weme in a iew Salvation Army seeier, erecteti prompt abeention. 1il-tf hob heard anti the skiff coin s sooting ont dyod ted withb lloond. Nover for a moment oun5the batik ni bbc Tîsames, near Biack- I. A. 'W. TICLE, f rom a littie creos. titi the tonacions eharis release bis grip riars' Bridge. A UCTIOINEER, APPRAISER, Real Franks wae net long in diecovering that unsil witb a mizhlsy enutorbion tise agile Guttaperche wae first introdiscet into .ZEstale Agent, Bowmanvihle, Ontario* Firewater wee no baliser, but hoe also discov- alligator lient bies body double anti seizeti Europe fromn Malaga in 1842. The annuel kales aitendeti in any part of Province, ereti wlat older heatis bcd nt noticedti-îat the soit stomacb ni the shark ii hie immense coneumption 00w emounts te four umillion A.A. poNT, Firewaser was a goodi isener. He would jaws. Thon the strugglc began su anst,1 pounde, sud bise East Indien trocs wlsicb A RHITCT. Plas ati pecfic.sit mntelyifor boums heamîng Fransk bell bow andthbectwu etrange créatures ollet overseuppiy tis eimanti are tiiminishing ai, anl RHe epar laeerns n hutlingc. tbey hunteti monse in Sie Maine wootis, or cuti oves in tise océan, but nething diistinct aîcrîniing rate. A iosPrprdfreeylaso buidnhw peuple iu a colti climete lived. Some- conît Frank sec, through tise eburning î sawuiru hn h a nwsc Special attention given t e hating by steam tiawneflhn heaynwic Oice: owmeiBnd te Wbitaryaranemn.- times the nid Semnobe wouiti show bis ap- foani. electricai litoratturo is iocreaeing. Notsen Offie: orri i3-kWhity 1 -l preciationohy bakiog hie littie passeoger ont At lest ail was quiet. Tison a iîeevy may yeems ago an electrical iibrary ni ton - cos she sandy itige that divides Istilan bodiy croco to the surface, andthbbcangsy vluMan mrctalh valbelbrtm PEA ERiverfrbmithe oceamianti teacbing bim te bea thétsevictoriens alligator tumuet in lu u tembed thee ae ow eruse * rt fish for big geme. Fircwater selditim con- every direction in secmch nibs itii about 400 iles ni eloctrical bois. Gentlemen's ClothesMade te Order. descend tet spek. Once, whcn Franis Sutideuiy tise bwn brighb litthe oyesilit upon ae wmnptpthihirih aeked hlm te each bim bow te swim, the the trembling boy, who now 3tooti cnkle J-apnewo opuopbirbasib J.IIV I3I{iNLA.(INIBF nd Indian's oes ghlsteneti;without a word topiiwbs eayeiwtsbc nin-woten,ivory or tortoisesheli haimpins,abnut i . . _111M-JMB hoi ungirdieti bimseof anti sprang into the ebie to nove. There was e quicismovoment igbt inches is lengtb anti iully hall an snob DE1YTI~T. watem ni b lagoon. Franiswae soon in e andtie glsberiog cye antiugly snout ni in widtli. The pins are usually carveti, anti condtion to folhow, anti citer that the nid the sanrian s'semedtet fairly cleave bic are oison covereti witls pivotot figures. Indien andthbicyoung New Yoriser sportoti watjer. Frauis closeti hisecye anti feil for- bbc wrn heNatem deily ontil Frank bo- wri o i rmunglg eueilne.Thé Ciinese Empire anti tepeisences- togetohemin big eg rfse lngrMongolsa, Munchuria, Clijuese Torisestan, OFFICE :-IRear of Mlessrs. came aimeSt as expert as bis teacher. te support bis body. 'l'ierc wce a simgiong Kokanor, anti Tbibet-occupy an area, ni bomotimes they, eosseethébb bar, anti, an- sount in bLseaers- tben a rocs nf thuder tla 50000surmieoabt -1-fgibtam& Son's rU chorimu the skiff, swem out into the warmm plit bbch universo, a briglit flash filleti altlet5,000sqaenioraou ÂggnolaDrgwaer oftheoén;bt nbtmsteteone-the-ti ni Asie. The population iseiL- be Idi ocoan buet isDe' ue heteair, ant iehobecame unonoemu. mateti aS from 360,000,OGObo45,000,000. Store,(downstairs, oldIndienwonldkeep bs ,ieeing hiacis- Wbcn Frank next openet ibi.ý -3es Fire- Ts ntn i-n oIdeieessya Store, (dowli sraîrs), eyes straine^d- on the distance, eonstantiy wctem wac bentiiug oves hLm, r'fife mn cît. Técs flvn nIdafcessy turoing Shem su every direction, IlOugh V" sai thé nid Semiýnohe, aselie by yeam simultanoouely with the depreci. BOWMAN VILLE One day wbon an odor, ni weteî melon lifteti the limp anti leless boy into bis atinunioftbe cusrency. Every important sutitessly floatet on the breeze lie turneti skiff to waib wbile hoe removedt he ekin freim article ofni nueiptonu je considerebly tear- Gents, (lothing sîitly with e grunt anti etruck ont for the tic alligator,.rta wnyyc~gat os-epr shore. , lWhite boy mein' Iiijun uex' time," wvas'may weil grmsble when the price nifusilis Clene, Uet. Pesetiani RpareIliy Whsat is the mettes5"" ceket Fsank,but ail Fiewater ever saidteto is young frieud. ba, gone up 31 per cent., asndtbhabof beef 3' CleaedDye. Prsse an Repire by in lieu ni a sepiy Fîrewcter pointeti oves bis N\om se-uit lie expiain how lie happesedtet per cent. Even riec coste 6 per cent. more .M Tcshu stian Frank sew with a sbuddteibe on bandi juet et tise igbt moment. thenniofncd. - T Hl ù" S. P E A.Le i o asbarks liset far beiioc. Scie Frank bas nover forgobten tbe nd IndieniIviain'of resu .drops bans boticth Dyer andi Cîties Ciecuer. in tbc skiff, iearbokslnc for anti noov every yeem, wien spring epproacb.' conclusion thet sonse of thc large tieops one ill a W alinont the irs bme us their acquainteuco. os, a bigg çnnignsont ni emnînnibjon fintis musttlbo more os beis hollow, cs bbey feul Ocode wa'ranted tebhoas non uew 0lknw He warmsedthétse oung Nurtbcrne er 005te its way btebiien River blet makes a pair wben stsikiug te wes time whole surface in- tbom froeincw wion donc, go in swimming alonte, ospeccaliy upon tic' ni very blacki eyes eparisie mitb truce biute- closet withiîs the trop. Corner King and -tirsart Streets, océan ite ni the reef. manse delighi. Iu theliesement theBsnk ni Englanti Bowmanvslle Winter mergeti into early spring. As___________ is tic basrcke wlsereiss hialf a luniseti ,~-ire--~- tbe floating liotel becanse more anti more soltiiere are qîsertereti froin seven o'clock D EiN TISTibR Y crnwtet witb transiessi guets Fisewater Curions Examplei of Eir es. every eveoing until 8e-eu o'clock the noxt eut bis skiff were kept buey fimn momning Th..0meyRimt asclbcetsns soroîug for the protectionnioite Bank, e - te niglit. At irsFrank was diccoosoicte, curions ex nipies ni bbc way iu wbich ires1 The Dacimees ni Ediuburgh's occasionai but w'itb bbc assstance ni bbc nid Indien, nay lieEset, Iu on- instance, where couse long abseceimnuos Britains have licou e wbo bat a icw minutes toe pero mest bhome wse hc c enust ith mineral source oi soine woober to nsany people. By - snrie, ie outa erycreitalo at i il, bat been timown into a scie place,.an tIse eris niber Ruscicu marriage settie- his owo. Sometimnes lie evou prevailel inssect cawledt hrougb it,end thoncerryiug mont the Ducliess is bound te speot three upon lis mothor te go ont for a rnw, but somo pioces ni the oily iber ctîeking to hie monthe in ovemy year in St. Petersborg. umore ni ton lie spent tise day upon tbc ha- oymaibswyboagsjt Th Tosionysiceniisiot-et gnon clone. cotton libers wbiclisatiberedt i b caugît are albosicri in encoureging bue sucrease Onse warim spring aiternoon li fe mnt ire, ant ihe tioppcd, blszing to the fions, nil> Paciic cocet smon. Fifty thouisant hinmeeli tirifting itly Snwerti the ies. The setting tbc building ou -fise. Il, enother mlon an r uteilos usoeo C A N E ,L. D. S. sky was clear andt he water bemping, anti case, a quantiby ni wetto wcs saidtetohave rivons ni Oregon by the synsticate clone bis preceptom's ade-ice was forgotten. 11e been igniseti by bbc friction ni a boit sun- j ry er u steiiLsrosfm Graduate of StcéIRoyalCoilege oi Dental ancioret lis bDaS, trippet, eut presenthy ninlg close te, it. This, ioweves, nay hoee amy ycar ani e hSbde imsos tue omabe Surgeons, Ontario. wce paddhing anti spleehiag about in the cotsitierotidoubtft. i Teé friction ni a beltsaious oflyr eiebuti h prepectofevehy OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. delicinus waer. againse eoitcotton is by un moescn eputinoiefegit popctnab VIALZE ARA huntreti yards away a long lnw, sant nature to poduce great beat, auti e mucli1lieli sems ocourcgiog. _________ AIR.bcnk crocefomnshbc oales, lb wec bow more rational expianabion le telie ond in iA bottery on iimmîocies is lucing arrangssti titie andt a foot ns two ni thc dry senti bar bbc supposition Shat au ehetrie sparkss ' 'in Caimo. Tbe Ecyptien Goverrnmcnt have -. ay aboya bbc gentie broakers. Tnward et imom the blct, te some conucting sb- tiecideti to présent the six gm-cet Eumopecu Food-thus Frank mate bis wey, anti wile yebsac tmubbccsowthi gieti P woiblitise memmies ni tise Higb qultoe adistance f'om it hie focS touchetionu its way, as epamks ni irit'tional clec- Priets ni Ammnon, tousd tvso yeame ago su tis sciiov bttom ni the legoon. tricity cen easily do. Iu lacs, the eectricai Upper Egypt. These treasumes are teolio vgedol = Once ripon the saut banis au irrésistible effeets eccompeuying the rnning ni large tivitiet into six lots, anti trawu for by bise déeirime bosoim ont amnug the breaisers et belte are quite important, aedut ijeprobable PripsRentelin, bc Mueunnisnodon bbctohr site came .oestIse boy. Up te thet moretlaneunts irelis ebeen due to Sheni. Prs oe ebn enat s bbe vtry spot wbere hoie tooti ookiug upon Sparksceau lie takon by tise inger frmn es, bug tbe océan, tise oater ves tdeep; a plonge almnet eoy large boit in motion, antdove Tise real bail ni Gileati e is tiriesi juicc anti a swsmi Where was the barm? The bave knnwn a case where cs ingenious en- ni e low ssraib whîcb gnoses in Syrie. Is are ail iitintely ConneCte - nid Intiian'e ativice rang thonsgb bicbrasu, gineor, by fixinmg e motel comniieoar thie belit, le very -rainabie anti scarco, fox the amoumît pnraifctiClly lnlý-i butas forae moment ho hestateti with hissu eddin daiizof nu ihi2h ni ofbains ielded by oeebruli nover exceetis PUREý PUREST, sTReOEST, B=T, ReosOxfor ose iunetur qsuntity. Fer moakine Soa80 go, enln Wtec,à, reseao sn tretnîs ee.Arca eq u eutnle jiai moda. I isola b>- Alm 0,-cs U ad 1x-Ists. A BUS I UEE. vilorlas Ardlioue Buttps Entitie 1cr te 1'requent Vaicatios. The time was whon only a few kniew bow heavy is the load of work andi anxiety laid ripon the Queen. Now, bappily, the ontire English people are more or less conscions of 1it. We are nt quite cure, however, that it lias struck many people, as it ougut to strîke tixcm, that the burdlen becomes heavier year by year. For 11cr Majesty je neot oniy-Quecu of Great Britain and Ireland; sbe is also Empreessoi India. But lier official itlis by no means express the fuill extent of hier territory or the area ni lier cares and responsibilities. Every occupant nio the Foreign office (,ao tell how the bues- nets oi that department of state lias in- creascd in volume during the lacst lw years, andi bow it goos on increasing. That means augmentation ni labor and solsestrode to the Crowvn, wboe wearer, moreover hes bo joform her-clf ni a wcrld ni matters ont- side its juriscdictinIn the dedication te the Qucen wiritten by Tennysone the year aiter bis elevation te the laureete- ship, hie affirmed that the office belti by 11cr Majesty is Il nobler then arme, or power 'of brain, or birth." 'Ne may rest aseureti this' was no erpty or merely courtly assertion. It represeototi a sterling fact, 15 je the office ni auguet duty ; and when tihe duty is adequatcly pertormcd, it le unquestionably the higbiet conceivable. Il She wrought hier people lastio g gond, " wrnte the laureate forty-ne years ego. If those words were tritc thon, tbeir meaniog lias cince been yot more strikingly amplified. Dnrlug a roigo which in mero doration lias raroly ie ceur- passeti, and0 in g47eatnoss and majesty lbas neyer been equailld,rh c Queco bas sot,aiike to the highost and thc bumblest nifIFor tub- jeets, tbe example of what a life shoulti bo The moral tons of the nation bas been sen sibly raiseti by one ni whom it coulti b said, fnrty years ago, "11cr court was puro, hier lufe serone. " Theperfect serenity was interrupteti by the banti of death ; bot sor- rnw nnly mado sense ni duty -more acute and more perfeet The truc anti tender enlngy uttcrcd by Tennyson in 1851 bas been moriteti a hundrcdfold since it was writteo. To Be Taken With Sait. Artificiel limbs were ued lis Egypt 700 The Soutbs strawberry'csop will be vcry beavy. The Orloif diamonti is believete lie re- eponsible for sixty-six murtiers. Iu South Africa tbe Servant Girls' Union requires mistreeses to formesls reicreoces from their lest girl. Blocks cixty iet long wiiiho-at a break are iouod quste frequentiy in the onyx quarrios in Lnwer Caliiornia. A Texan lately advertised for a wîfe as follows: I Iwaset a gond, comelv woman, andi am williog te support the rîght party." The greateet waves known are s-aid to bo those off the Cape ni Gond IHope, wliere under the influence ni a northwest gale tbey wsll 'xomctines reacli a li iglit of forty foot. The ordinary ioldiog fan is saidte tohave been învonted in Japan in the sevcntb cen- tury by a native artiet, who dorivod the idea from the way in wbscb tise bat closes its wiogs. The scaborse is a wonderfully sbapeti animal., It bias the head ni a horse, the wings ni a bird andi the tail ni a sDak-. In cwimming it assumes a vertical position,and when wisbing to reet it attaches iteeli te a conveniont stalk ci scaweed by means ni ite tail. The lateet enake story runs as follows "Wbile a Wisconsiu man was lockiug the door nf bis store tIse otber osigbt trouble was bcd in tumoiog the key, anti on taking the lock apart thse following mornmng the ro- mains ni a enake wcro founti coilcd cp in- cide, wlsicb, interfereti with the boitý" 1One ni tbe lateet ideas for illumiuating towns je to suspend in ibte aiîr a large bal- boon shapeti like a torpedo and matie ni tibm aluminium, filled wits a soitablo quan- tity oi gas, anti having a mtating fan to keep it steatiy. The liglit cen lie derived either iroin c number ni are lampe attacheot te tise enîds or ides, or frein incandescent lampe, with wbicb the outside ni the bral- loon cao bie covereti. It was et a iatc qsarterly meeting ni Seveuth.Dey Baptiet churcîses lu Wisconsin, tbat two clergymens were te preet papiers ou tîse sanie day, and tise question ni prece. dence bavîig armeen, Mm. A. epmang te bis foot asnd sait Il I think Brother E. ouglit te have tise best place on the programme; lie s an obtier mas' tban I am, anti, besides, jeis fullnifbis subject. " Wben the audience renoembered that Brotber E. 's subject was Ithe Devii," a obeerful s.nibe eeemed te boum arouud. What Do You Resemble ? Pbysioguomiete tell us Ibat the buman face resembles tbat ofiseome animal. T.Isose wbo memenober the late Hlenry Bergb wll have oon imfflculty os roalling the equino profile and expression of bis face, It was remarkchle. George Eliot was anotber hlessed witb tie equino expression on bier niten likeucdtie10 hat ni a fine dog. ln Englanti anid Alerica, wbeme doge andi borses are more sîsouglit ni anti botter cared for tban lu other civilizeti cauntrios, vîe COOPER'S LICHTMINC COlN CRE Ctires Bardl andi Soft formes; Only tr1 applications req cireti. COOPER'S BUNION CUET L Cures Bunions, Warts anti M0148S nhe Ilauots, Tbick Neck anti Skia Diseesas of special cisracter Tise remetiies are poceS lypainles. Dou't ha te4eiveut.AehtnCo BTS ntitakean obies. 15 anti25 c.nta sAI rpite5S, Di'~~~~n-f 1 -rO Hdiin zd. 1 g O PURES T, S7,7:iG .S' EST7, cONAISN Alurn, Ammonia, -Lime ic, oplates, OR ANY INJUKIII1JS UBSTia]NCE E. W. G IL L ETT, CHICAGOi, ILL. MANUFACTURER OF MEE OELEBRATED ROYAL YEA9T C4Ioeý HO NEýS T HEU> FOMEN PAY PNO MOPE MONÉY Ta QUACKS. A suffci rotErc.r - hN ou eility and Lost V 'o .,-sord co. hheai i ch a ren-klo Le s, alel tse had railed. that te will -d tic")'s i of cure IRE su oail feiicw ouf- fesAdess, with uîatsp', ~SAFE. THE GREAT 13LOOD P UR 1 F, 1LE R CURES AU. Tahuts of theBloc4d.i "The Ladies' Jo1ui OF TORONTO. A large 36-page Illu Strated F~ ion Monthly, will be sent t.o any address F'OR I5Only one dollar and fiteen E01 1 t etq for the two papere. I. Call and sc a saiople copy of "The Ladies' Jourrnal" It te a publication tisat wtll interest every woman in tise land. The regular subseription prîce of "Tisa ILadtes' joarnal" andi this paper le $2 pr ycar, You get the two for ilenfi your muoney and atidres tO iis office. CHI LDREN ANIV NFALLIBELE REMEDYÎ Supersedes al cihes' preparationg for the cure o, Mental Debiiity, Nervoug Pro§tratit, sç,m s o ,Mssnleod, l?ar&l.ý ss, Leonsotos Staxi.i, Paief oRl Menstruation, §uppresslons andiIscuad tics, Leucorrhoea, risorders of Stonsaeh, Lobs of Ap- eite, Diecisess, etc. These Plis posseass vo purga. tie properties, nor 503 rhing hurtful to the rnost delicate system. Thevare theiresultýolyearsci care,- fl study and analys1s, and used wýlth great oucces in the privute Vractice of an excluent phlsian. They sot primardly on the nerve centre-, icosn the Vital Frorce, pr0osong Aessilstioessri'h' iiig the BIood, thupreventlug andzrsringleese. For sale by Druggists, 5Oc. per box, or seýnt poli. paid for 50c., or 6 boxes $1. 50. Br. Butlerce llite c o. Broch-vlîle, GOnt,