hangg and decoratîng la the most ap- proved tye and at moderate terms. WaiI Papersas, Patty and Mixed Painis in atil khades always for s,,Ie. Shpopposite Young & Co's first ciass grocýery s or.e, King St., Bowmae.ville. Oreraay be alsa Ieft at Young & Oo'n oatmy -estdence, Queen St. 1-THOS. KIRBY. Minard's Liatment cure% tandruff> I know MINARD'S LINIMENT wil cure diphtberia. French 'Village. Jom- D . BOUTILIEB. I know MINARD'S Lr«-IiMENT wil cure croup. Cape Island. J. F. CuNNaHsAr, I know MJNARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy or esrtlu. Norway, M, JOSEpI A. S.Nýow. SoAP, 350.; lIESOLVEINT, $l.5.Prepared by tIO PoTTvan DuTreAD CHEMICAL CouR., Boston. 9-"HIow, to Cure Skin lisease," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and testimoniale, niailed free. DIPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and Pl m oily Iskin cured by CuTicunr Su' 110W MY DcK te ADHES! B ack Ache, Ridn7yPis and Weak. ness, SorenessLns, Stratus, aud Pain rlee aoumnieb the <utlcura kAnIti-Plain lasea Minard'a Liiniment curen Burns, etc. Kumbness of the limbs, dinîness of sight, fading xemory, absence of vigorl and youthf ni fee&ing. Any of thcse con, ditions demaad the oxygenizing agencies etored in Colery Iron Pisewbich enrich and purify the blond, restorirg tihe nerve force. Drnggists and dealers, or mail. Price 50 ets., six for $2.50. The Celery Pili Co., Toronto, Ont. Ripans TIabiU>p. Highest priées paid for Raw Furs If Tou have any trouble with your -OpR SALE OR RENT.-flousa ane watch, dlocks, or jewellery, whieh no -8- j acres for sale or to rent, situateo = doubt you wiii have, cail on tAie oid reli- s uo tretnrb h rmssontte Rond bhouse with every convenlenoe, dirivilng able Maynard the Jeweller. shed,tble, etc. Thie garden conteas a lot of ________________________________the choiJeo. fruit of ail variette-s. lImmedie.te 'Clear p~ýOsln canbe given. For vriuasappy 10erHavana Cigars" towFSHEG.iwmne Ont 19-*U "Li. CadGnxa" and "La Flors." Inais___________________ upan having thode brande. Pîiag Tabules cuiera ua