GrAPTLFU L-COMF0RTIN , G r nýiEAKU'AS1-S1JPPErt. "By thooughkn,,owlledre et thentr. and nutrition, an 1 by a creal applicati01 i I ý e 'lnuprp3rtie! 4 welsletdC Nis. . 111 pps hemsprovijded our break fast table 5 with a dlicately flivorni beverase whioh mîy Sive usmsny hsavy dloatari' bille, It li by the = 3d iU3 seob charticies of diet that a çntttios m'yb3ri rtly buit up natil stronz enough to re3ia, evary tend8noy te disese, Handred3 of subtie Ialadies ara loti'Ig around us roidy Io a'îaok wherever flhere le a weak point. We maT escqpa rn. Fi fatal shaft by ke8ping otireelves watt fortifia 1 ,with pure blod aad FL prooarly nourished r'ame.- 'Civil Seviec Gas'f te." Made simply with bolin , water or mille sold ouly in packets. by Groce7rs. labi lied thul JAMWf"S§Erps .& Co. lussavpat l e chenuL liss. Lio 1w;îganI WEDNESDAY MAY 10, 1893 DR. J. C. RITCHEIA, MEM BER 0F COLLEGE 0F PRYSICTÂN lInd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. Offlece sd Residence. Enniskîllen. 74. lB BURKE sfllP8)N, 1 A BRISTE R SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS Pl S CR, uPstira, Ring Street. Bowtuan. tlu. 2oIbcIter for the Ontari Bauk * IvgtO NOMesys ane(d at thE l OW83t rates S. C. RUMNKIN LTCENSED AIJOT ION E ER FOR Tithe Cointy ef Durhsam. Sales -atteuded te on shortest notice and lowest rates. Âddres Cicas P. 0. ItO T. YOUTNG, V. S. O 'FFIjCE IN THE WEST DUJREUAI VNews Block., whece himself or assistant 'iil' ire found frein 8a.m, te 9 p.m. Nlght catis1 at reide ce. direet ]y opposite Drill Shed. Cals Iy telegraph or telephene wili receive porompt attention 171yr A. C. WANNAN V. S çFFI CE-IIIGGINBOTHAM'S 0 BILOCR, Bowmanville. Nsght catis ana- wered from ene deer aouth of Dr. Beyle's. All calla by telegraph or telephone Willsec eive prompt attention. i if L. A. W. TIULE. SUCTIOINEER, APPRAISER, Ruai Estate Agent, Bowmanville, Ontarie' Aisattended in any part of Province. A.A. PONT, AROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica- tiens prepared for every clags of building. Special attention given te heating by steam BErd hot lester. andb te saitary arrangements. Office: Gornie Block, Whtby 43-ly IR. PKEATE',, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J.M. BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. 11 OFFICE :-IRear of Messrs. lligginbothami & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), B OWMANVILLE Gents' .lothiing Cleuned, Dyed, Preosed and Rspsired by THOriS. PEATir, Dyer and Clothe8 Cleaner. loode warranted to be as ne oeawill know thu r rmnew whendone. Corner Ring and Ontario Streets, D'E NT I STiRY. C, HARNDIEN, L. D. S. Scaduais cf tlIsaRoyal CelegaetfDental Surgeons. Ontario. UFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. throngh lifa by tihe rougis stages of ceuglis, coldsansd censump-. tion, hi careleas of yourself dnriug the damp, cold weaiher and DON'T use ftlen's Lung Balsam for thsaï asty cougis oflyeturs, But if yeu'd lie to live tb a gruau old age in healtis, sud e,.iesquntlin Lu bppiness, use IIns Lung Balsam as s prq a n tid cure of al 25c, 50ou & $1.00 Per Botte., YOUNG FOLKS& Three Little Dolle- i bave ibreittle doue tun my Play-coec Annie, sud Fauny. andI May, Andt onu ie witty and onu le prutty, AndI une les aughty al day. And scornu people wcld't believe i, AndI otîesiswvuld thinl, it quee But tho tîird je my p et aud uuy daritug, Naughty, but duarurt dear. And over and oer1I Iss lhec, AndI ovur and os ai I say, I neyer ccld spaco the dolly, W'ho le et tan nanghty ail day. 1RÂUD'S REMINDER. Oh," exciaimed Mand impatiently, 'II ,wish mothur wouidn't l Wby cau'i s hu les. tilge alene ?' Oct et the windlow she bad caugbi sighi et bier motîser workhng Lu a flowec-be i whioh an intruding Smisseof etpriwhnkie wltb ts multitude et roting, progreasing cunners thceatened te ecoupy te the exclusion et the riglttul planîts. Il'Id scener luttihai old fiower-bed go than work eus. theru," tbeugbis Mand, I wonder if m's necuscamy for me te go sud belp bier ? 1 don't want te ena bit! Gar- dening se sncb a bothur," She turnad away tcem the window. "hI dons. buiave I will," chie conclnded. "I1 want te read that papar IUncle Franke sent, with ail iluose picturelunis et the fireworksa ai the soldiers ceunien. Tbera'a ever se rnnoh istoricai informsation Lu thai papur, tee, Onu h e know about the bi5tory et on's cety" And Maud setiled hersait ou the leunge and rend lbar paper. Oui ide su the warm sun ber mother worked. She bad hucriud tlsrough bier in- door iasks ln order te bave sisema imîe te spend Lu the garden, fer she bad been atraid that ithe avec advancing purivinkiu would roet eut sceeplanta ibat chu did Ûouiwani te looce. But ahe wass ilcd, sud the puni- winkie's intarîacino -eotiese seumed isku sbou-sicings, the kuots et whbch chu cold neyer gui rsd et. She puiîud sud boed, sud still more weuds and purhwinkle coufcouted lier. 1Tnse tired, " chu caid to hurseif. No wonder she waa tired. Shu hsd work- ed euougb. She bad burried down stairs bera six thai morniog te bu sure te guis breakfaat ceady toi bier son whe bad te catch the trsin te tse city. i wouild siever do for im te bu laie ai the store. Aîud as for Mand's doiug sncb a thlnk as runnhng down stairsansd igbting tbe lice, sud gui- tiug lber brothecaz coffue sud grabain gerne, sud eggs mueady, Maud's mothur would bave been astonbisbed if snob a uhiug had occurreï, Mand wss strong sud wli, but chu was net nîuch belp te humr moibur. And yul Maud accouîsted hersait a Christian. After seesng bier bey off, Mme. Crowell bad put Maud's breakfast wheru i weld bu warm when abe chesld cerne down. Hem mother wasbed dishe and heated sorne watur fer soîne flanneis that must be wash- ed, tee. Mie. lîroweli swups. sud duss.ed, and made beda, sud bursd tbmough the most oetihe usuel housuheld wock in erder that as rnmighis have urne that terenoon tor the extra ocidoor toi. Hec, boy was Lu tbe store day snd uvening, sud bad no e ei help about gadening. Neither couid Mm. Croweil afford te bure sosie onu uvery tirne iheru was somthing lu the garden thal ongh tote b doue. And Maud neyer suumaed te thinle chu could belp. Soe way, eves sincu chu carne home t had beun se. When shu bad been atuunding the auminary she ceuld net have doea rucb bîut.stîsdy,and biei meiber toiled bravely, eady te work bu- yond bier trungth if i1aud might have ar uducation. Bus. new that Mand bad gradu- atud and coma berne, wac chu ungratetul foc l the patient days eftotil bier mothus bad berne? ISha used to belp mue when chu was s littie girl," mummumed Mcc. Crowell te bier- suit as shu bced ais tbe puiwinklu. II Whbse chu wac a liiislu tbing, ch'd alwnys want te baud me the ciothus-pins wash-days, ' te hlp mamm ."' Mm. Ccowul's lips irurnbled. borne wsy, the rucehluetion et the urne when is bel buen baby Maud's higbeat ambition ts "bhelp mamma " overcama bier mother just new. A tuai doppaden the puiwinkiu. Mra. Crcwulbrsied ber eyes. is was noi the work, co mucli as it waa Maud's seemîog lack et a d appruci.rties of the work, thas. burt bier moîber. «"1Maud meansa ah right, " Mrs. Crowull thougbt 110w as she wocked, "She ces just as mnch foc mothur, 1 gus'ss, as cheu sced te, oly sbe doec't îhink. And I cau's. bus: tg say anyihing te bier. Oh ! is muet hi turne h weut sud get the potatoas ceady" And aba wunt in te attend to the work. That atternoon Maud went oct te mak' seml alinlIansd ou bac way chu met a wonï an, a friand, who had rcontîy licetlber metîsur, a vcry aged lady. Mlaud stopper te speale to e humfmend, sud ail theu wemas ceuid ialk et was ber becuavurnunt. She went ever again te Maud the siery et hec the old lady died. -"But, oh, I havun't any moiber au' more 1" uxlaimed the woman, ber face qniv- eing. Maud ieoked aitue gray-baired eroicise and airnet realizud s lttle et whats chufuit. I baven't any mther auy mure"r "mput- e d the grieved wornan, "I thougbi if I dis ail h cold te isake mot bur's lasi yuare coin- foriabie and haupy anmd didn'i les. ber do a everytisng, sud chu was setired at nigbt, aud yui h ceuildn's. sparatilme trom my les- cons te belp gui suppur, aud ah'd tl me te keepat my bookes, and ab'd wacb dishes, sud evQrything. bouse mothers wonid bave ibonghit they nuuded sue tee mucb aiborne te les. mu keep on going to the seminary, s. Second Acquaitanca: "Indeud, dus r "Pa.hws temeamosht smickbu 00w?" nd gme !h1trust bic injuries are nos. sncb as are gae., hkêasngahrt ick ii bisaud,n g iikely te terminatu ataliy." -gava . Ikes a tshr c aoe.bshad u Frat Acquaintance: Well, ne, I dont eaid:'5T'sjs asrckw - thnk s. illbu e srios a Ibt ;tha Mike, lookiog np a uitile surprisud, but swuspen empioyed wa s ccrcaly formidableawysray,«i "rtb u'i' enougb te do mucb uxecution. Yen seau, t eyjbIwc' uea ercce. " happeied lu ibis w y ; ha wasa truck wiih " tise ides ibat 1 waa geiug te marry hLm, i;Mc ,Glastopu's rate et speech avarages and 'mnofW Tbat's ail. 150 wocds per minute. GOhUct-rF-ei r e -Pthe' Co but mother wasn't that way. She hatd tee PUNKIN HOLLER LIFE. ' hiard a tirnu getting hier own education te tart me on mine. And how chu useed te Joee lggins liad Tee Muei te Itemesiber.A spend trno huaring my lussons wheu I wals Weii, wellI, 'a jiet a-saying te Tildy last utile aud wae't sireng enough te goý te night ai a body neyer knows wbat a-gem' school ail the urne? Soea mothers could't ï a-happun 'aol. Pore Joeu! pore Jeu! I Js bohurs a day te hear a chid recite, but S'he ',lise last tirne I sean hum. I teck my suwin' s did. And bucu I arn, ]ettina lher do ever-y' in' wuut ovar te stsy ail day'tb Alice Ann t tbiug now! What sert eftaCiscstia.n have -yen knew Jeu an' me'a secend cousine. fe 1 been? A person who didn't evun protes I_ haini ne îand te ge te felk's beuses au' a te bu a oburob-member migîsi bave buen lien go 'way an' commence talking abeut t bete."'em, specialiy 'bout a nuighbenr, but I jiat se The next rnorning Mca, Crûowell swokeca' belli but say 'at Jeu Higgins wae theui with a kiud cf indistinct feeling that she wra slave fur bis farniiy 'at 1 avec seen or n bad huard sainu one go eoftiy down stairs a 'ai avec auybody ceeu. I navers theru in fi wbiie befoce. But shie theugbi she muet 1,'îylife when Joa's thera 'at wasn't " Pa, a, have been mietakan. d o this," or Il Pa, de that." A-peu my in "lucs't e im fe Iary tobeup yet" odI de't seau hewhae put up with if as ef abe tbeught as chu burciediy made cesdy te long as bue did. I daclaru te goodness I ý go dlown tealber usunl wock. don't. Tbiîsks I many a tinie whan I'd bu it seemed te hecr shu waa tired te begin ovur thuce', thinke I : I"AliceuAnn Higgîus, fi with. She was alway s tired. There was youi'ru a killin' yeuc man by loches an' don'te ce much te ha donc. re'l'xu t an' neyer wiil re'lize it I reckon 0 But wluu she caacbud the kitchen,, she tiili b's dead an' gens." cc was haif sîsrsilud. Maud steod thur ra - el as l'e a aayinl', the last turne 'a re ing bot water into tha coffée-pot. There thiere paared terne ike the mnu adî'tbeeriP was a fire. The tolbia in the nexi roi, was in the bouse a minute tili tbuy bcd twenty g( set for the breakfast that was sirnosi cook, things fur hlm te de. I hadu't more asusi, ed. tuck rny things off tillliebuceusa lu a lookin di "Wby, Maud ! exciaimed bier mother. aiwful broku dewn an' ete' heart,1 tbeugbt, 01 P'r op eariy for once," returnufi Maud feir Joe wasn't ovariy atout rit hast. He quel.brigbtuned up a bit whun lbu sean me, an'o But it was net tili after two or tbcee daye aked jeat like bue allas doua bow l's a cern- e of nobhuiingtha Mc. rewil ealzudlu on, a' if Tildy an' the yeunigena wnz as c aibat happanied. Onu e irusng Nlaud teck 'ull as cemmen. Joe u z neyer miroi of a' the brorn and the csrpet-sweuper eut of lber talker, but a bedy ceuld aleus teil whethec s m sotber's banda, aud iuisted on doing the be's glad te seen car' er net, fur bue bad icb c day's sweuping ripatairs. kind wsys about hlm. Alice Ann wuz su C Mrs. Creweli went away b3' hersaif inte u icu atn dnaa'Ija en the parler, and liitenud te M anda atuns as thencud aenaiu' bîn' bow bu'agin' alt on- ]n the girl wunt up-stiirs. Hec methur'a eyes the grecery store,, wheu she boiers insuP filled witb icars. I Soer a s good te bave ',Pa, yeu'Ilibaf te go bacle up te the store tu. a belper. au' git me sonse sody, I'rn pium eout." "1Ail s. Oh," airnoat sobbed the mother te bier- cig-,ht, mna," sa s lh' a-pickin' up bis bat suit, "I knew Maud carud I do bciiev e 'thet a word wbuo thee set Billie a-read- she bas tbougbt, at iass. l" îus sorns sors. et a ced-banked beok an' P -- Mabheline a-curlin' bier bangs. Onu ern emp cou,-d ' gonle jist as easy as net but tbay fi How Pouto Went to churoh. neeoffered te move. Thinka 1, Il'ill bat ta lu leas langbingiy said in Uncle Jurry sia lsuedred dollars if yeu'a rny youngens dl ent waa peusdoglfoebuy,,uý'd net seut areund a' make a pack-horsu aiways followud the carcyslte .church, sud ceut o-' yonc Pari."l'MIltell yen rigbt now, fu lingered te ruturu borne withb is friands yenngans haint muoh te biansu, fur it'e jiat al after service. This was considered a rathar -a'in' rnostiy te the way tbey'ru iseun raisedw decoeus rai b tse dg, nd aeu a co bw tbey turn ont, but as l'e a gein' a say Jerry was known te crack sariid joku on J loe hadn't mor'n gel back til Alicu Ai on Ponto's ragiarity in 1"asaernbling birneuf it orenced airain. together" ouSunoday rnorni5. "Ps, ibis bure coffue-mili we't work But eue bright Sabbatb, wbun thé appie sud I cau't gui along tilli is fixed. I wisb trees were lu bioasorn, and the factory girls yeu'd sea wbat ails the purnp, tee, wbiie tr had dennud tisir new straw .bonnets% and yeul o're about t, fur I'rn obieged te draw tr ailthemer fotunte eyswur looking sa wstur haifth t'mre. You'Ii bav te gît me t spcuce Lu ibeir fresb spring suita that iwa a bueket ful 00w, fur Bille Can'it pack t a pluasure as wellias aduty te prusunt tîseu- witblent spillin' t ail oer evurys.bsug." P suives ai the quaint village cbuccb, Ponte An' if yo'll bilieve me, juat as Jeu carne fr ruselved te ba ne longer a doorkeepur sud in with s bucleet full shu spiltiea hum' tl accordingiy bue ahdlud np the aisie allter blis grav\,y on bier aria, an' if abu didnet pls.cbon gi mistroas and foliewed bier loto the puw. te .slmtur that I baint bers. Il Yaa, thats P Wbeu bue sbowed ne disposition te regard jisi the way," say she, as rnad as a horsiet, b, bier blut to go eut as'bu carne iu, the tirnid " thbis piaged oid Cook tove's unougb taele lady couciuded te lut hirn hae wberu bue was, agg ,a body's life ont, There bain'i anether gi bepiug againet.hope that bue would disturb wornsn in a buodrad 'd put up wihb it, netN neoue. Unclu Jerry owned two peas, and, Oeu,anIha't-e'teptu thls, Pone rigt, ncng oodbeavirbu I- rnuch longer inysaif, I km tell yeu." iewu tesprad hrneit u ouof hem 1its:"Why, ma," says Jeu, alookin' nerveus, desoaor was revurantial eoougbh for a "I'vu beau trylu' te get yen te bnyaun- l tima, but wben the irnrnsniaî seainsîres eiher'n fur Il don't kuew bow long." "l O, t eto the tariiy appusred at the dorof ethie yus, -' enyschu, "wu'vu got searnucb inoey N. * pa, ucored y ssuior ror i i nr~.te bny 'urn wLs.b, hai't we. Tbst's juat f< rpw o sbepitby etutsîneo d ia i - lkea man. Yen know vecy weil I tbougbt ce's bouse lu viele et the tact sha'e wasa, wu ii, t hL"s'the mrnuy tespare. Huru'a ui man et substance andi a clas-leal r' witiat Nlsfa ieru o.a an' u dues au sho Iran ePonte chaluenged the latter wjth a few g astsot'aa' .ercs coswhist, Seh tnotes ibat decided the wetby couplea te r- lu hie 1,110v wher e a toveis a-combes' tire te anouher seat. -He bad taken an eh'- 1tos îbi- setetrewe rstinste diliku te Sara's cheice, based, icedhaetig luourtoike 'e gOe, was iotud, on canine jualeusy, and ibis was ' u-,"eys che 5-comn' over te mu te tie his epportuuity te show is. Tire embaras- le a1ti.agtin logra er lhink yo're ait ilogra rment et the devoted pair was iucreascd by wcl lc un,"ay ,fei'ta or ibasigifcan glucs e te yungr fem jtie uIcould a-cried. Il O, ye3," sayst bers efthie cengregation; but iswsOea-dsn'brfc donikitae brief duratien, being effactuiaily rulieved by 'Iin,'sýranli eresasema timas a-loryio' t Pente imceif. r Whan the organ voinntary (aiofn etMn- loolek awful pietra wben tIse ld feller's jis. deissobn'csonge, witbout words) bagan, lha rampant inside ot'ern. aarase ou lis hind legs, plscud bis fuce-pawc O ea"eaaya w l aegwl ou the back of the puw, sud csstiug bis pose, enongh, but nobedy knewa how I werk an, entern esntfrthserecopantenalhwlS'save an' worry te kuep things up an' the s.laimustbavu cerne frein the lonostruecees bchlîdrun a-lookio' ducent."I I dîdn't Say tfbsdgsu.Alte aie fhamtr neibin', but l'e a doinLy asiete ' ibinkin,'t et is ogseu. il helapeset ismatreau' I '10~W JOeu WU. tee, Wu Set dOWn te lite, aIl isba tergetten peccadilles et bis youtb tise vry vagaries et bic puppybeed, pased'table then, an' ' ceurse Joeu ad te bold the , before bsm su feartul array. 'fbat lace bon- baby tili Alime Ano ponred ont tihe ceffea] net ot Abby'a chat lha cbookte pieces ; that a'b hukiafybubtawealvn melodeen cever that bucbewed up sud bjd usnauca-ti'adgtuphsitooi inth carrant huches ; that kittun 'hat halieos e more bread; wben Alice Ann pasced Skupt trsmbling in the top ot the pear-true the chieken chu give me au' lierseit a'athu 8al one mocning.-Xli.ycsee - ryoungesalltbegood piecessu' luftthe nuck Hie mistresai the first uttersoce ot hisian' back tur Jeu. I ceeu buhacdly tutcbudV conf essionj trova te di vert hie mid fremiit a' Idecnru ift wae't jieýtiat e' way1 the painful snbject by inviting hlm outint 'tb ever blesaud shing about the bouise. The( thesunhin an fre ar, ut et n -bchyouogens firsi, Alice Aun naxt, sud then, the sunchinutheudetrea'sair, butrnetuauamc would lbu budge tili hae made a cdean breast i k eutgos. ie a avimn'ssec t l er wn iauy et ofi, sud ruined Miss Ssmkin's bhauititul Ilketcrawoacu.atrbrh. rdren au' dotfur 'em,but I tbink bier man crierf ývolssntacy iu the procussa. bu first avec time. A-peu my word I don't Than, witls the assistancae o bis young b'liive Jeu Higgins' hsd a duceus. dud te master, just arrivue as. the dignity ot a cane hie hsck fur yearc. Ever centît shy ceuid su ad tail ceas., lia was lad eut ie s.theai8da, mk n caewn etu enu -but înstuad et turning toward the dccc 0f1 Mabeliue muas. bave thia an' that an' te- c gres, buermade for the pulpit, wbbch bLu g-echer, an' Alice Anu 'd a-moved beavin I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vsu hbahud n ut.wsheula' earth te a got 'ernfur bier. * I iold Tildy prE.cipis.ancy on the other ide. Befose any mauy a tirnei wuz a buruin' airamiish ~ ou bd tu paceca f mîsdte panthewsýys thinga wuz a gein' on tharu, an' that r uassideer for hii, around hae came Lto tse 11 wouldn't bu s'prised if Jeu Higgins'd loosu' duacen'a aisle sgain, sud by that tise bis h ie mind. An' I ceckon bue bas, pore ellyi y pursueca hsd crcssed bu front et the puwe te tuiler, er bue weuldn't a genle au' doue this. thile other ide. Ilsd a gcodnoctiote talk te AlîceAno Two orts.ree turîts like ibis fertbaiusod- lisat day au' Iwicb Ihad 00w; pore seul, est darne, the deacs'sa wife, and that senisi- 1 1 teai sorry tur leur, ai' I fuel aorry fer Jue, b.tive young man, the deacon's sou, in tise face tee,; h fuel corry fur alc'lemn. t. a congregatio ai once tistering and awu- ý That day l'e lucre Alice Antollered hlmi d truck, oontituted au exparieucu ta e tbu te door aur' told hini a wboeustring ' -rernbered foc a iftirre. d. Iw Je"sy "OhI-caylau_ ncw"-Id tho daacIl---'s-stiff su' ihinge tea o Nw Ja"sy uhcough ibis becamu ced-bot ai once, tihe huai buing cugulsted. by thue pead of pull- ing s.hroogb. ]Foc zernpering apringa italar pîoed excellent, sud the saine kicd eh tuceacu was uiiird foc heing rivets. Bayood this it bad the signai advauiague, oh portability sud euseoetmanipulation. TÂTER AS A DEADENER OF FAIlq kg an AnSeainettia il ta eleeare't Prufeil able te Cecanue or chIerefIorm. A dieccvery lu the demain et anesiestica sbuing a goud deal s.aiked about Luinadhcai mrclus ho Vienna, wicb, if lis bears the ryccae tuais whicb it is psoposed te apply uit, wili prove su inestimable boon te sut- curis , hsmauity. Naithar oethtIs wo xencies becetetore enmpioyed by surgeons - deaden or miniînhzu physical pain duchng ýeIus opuraiena, chioroomn d eccainu, i wisoliy fruefrom tangar. Gblorcforsu can ao bu administacud to pacsons sufferi4sg Fom heuart dicease, perty et blood, uic., isd cocaiue unjections under the skin hava more than once bsd uxcs.edingly deletecieus ,ffec ts. Tise new discovccy, whioh is craditad te Dr. K. L. Scbiuisch, detarmines tise faut Lhas ab2olute local imnity trom pain, Ben durinîs proiractud operies, cao bu obtaiued witboui rertiug te ganerai nar- nasis of the patient, se that a sulfurer May remamu perfeciiy conecioca ducing the ar-- utatien et bic baud or foot wstbeut undur- ciug the torture usually aesociaied wiih guch oeaations, or expoeiug hiniseli te angar of syncope ever prasent in the Dpmasing reem. i appears ihas. subcutana- Dus Injections et a solution et cals., and aven tf simple celd dmssiliud water, wîi preduce exactly the saine local anoestbutic affects as locainu. Tlue explanation et the phenomunon is simple. Local insensibility te Pain Le cace- ed lu the casa of cocaine by pîsrely chumical canges ; whiîe celd watuc acts meobsoicai- ly-by inuana et bigb pressure sud lew Lempematura. Uîdur ishe influence of bigb ressure sud snddeu iowecing oftetmpera- cruc the bIood sud iyrnpb are drivun trom the region opurated upen te places wbccu bu pressure ic lues. The tissue La thus de- rivad et bis suppiy et bieod and tumperamy aralysiseofthtIe nervea reultc. hti8 estabsad ou the anuecity et onueiofite rsis physiobans et Europe that the impor- tance efthtbm discevery is al the moe un- douhted sueiug ibas if, in a given case cod water sh'suîd tal te p'-oduce the neud fui degrue ot iucensibility, a weak, and Bbscluteiy barmlesc solution et cucaine weuid prove cuctainhy uffissaclous. -[Chicsago rimes. A Cloud of Monkeys Over Eim. T. Gasser, a ci',il engineer of Vienna, Aus ria, who for twe or tbrea vuara bas been tr'elling conetautly, is uow mn this coun try. Insu inlecviu w the othar day buie aid : "A mesi aingular s.hinig befail mu nurr paradera, Ceylon. I 1lsad gene with a rieud inte the great boisuical gaîdun thre. This Le probably the fluasi botanical gardan iu the woiid. Yen beucrnany cern- plinnI3 about onu or two othur gardens. nit J believu noue et thumn is se large or se enticaiy unique as ibis. Iu thue gruai garden, oddly enougb, ibere weru many xiid animale. As a cule, ihey are net ccp- eued te bue savaga, howuver. IlWeil, eue day Lt was extremneiy warm- eot, you mnay say, aven toc Ceyion. h ai sngih became tirud sud strutcbed myseit on tha gcound under corne India rubbac trues. My 'friand muantimu leftme, and, h gazud for a timeu sp s.rou gb tîeluaves eft ihe tres, catcing a glint once in awisile et the sun, tiii a relaxeci aod a lszy feeling ovurcarnu ne, sud J feul asleup. 1 muai have slept an hour, whun suddlenly J was awakunud by a lurnncanny feeling sud cpeuad rny eves. "IJ u--etmysurprise wben Ies v parois- ed upon rny faut, body andI eves.usr. bhouiders, a loi e ttle rnonkeys il abouts uie and beamhng down uipo aus r û' tha ireus wure rnonkuys et allesi .3 [t auemed te mu theru weru myriade et sbem. I wae trightaoed, toc h kmsw thse ssonkuya wucu wild, sud lu theiwiid atatu [ did nos. know whats. s rany efthern migbt de. IlI gave oe e g a twitch, bowevur, sud thun the other, and beunded te my Uti, thmowiug off al ihai were garnbeiling ever and about mu, ln a -second the menkeys vaniehed, and only pecring trom the tops et the tail bambeoand cubbcr imees cenid i see auy ai ahl. Even ilmesa did net cemain long. Jo a fuwmiosute tbey wueail goe. I was ranch alarmed, toc the appearancaeto se many et thurn waa unsîruly nnexpecied. SIt wae a week betore I gos. over my frighs. IluI appuara, bowuver, that the queur animais had muant ne barrn te me. The congrues had beau caliud, and ibuir exarnin- atien et me as I lay upon tisa ground was rnareiy oui cf curmoeity te divine wbai kind et an ebjeot Iwas. 1 suppose if Ihbadbeun addicied te intoxicants I maight have ru- ccived sncb a sbock frorn the cioud et mois- keys that 1I migbi never have recoveced froni it. I' As it was, I votad myscît in luck, and vowed neyer te go te eluep agamo Lai a wild tropical foeet, aven if is wy called a botani- cal garden." A Narrow Escape. Travaliece in the uucivilizud ragmeus et South Amacica have t-' face mnny peris front intense huai, pohseneua cupules sud savagem. M. Thonar, whe expiorud tise ilcomayo elta fer tha Argentine Govern- ment, esci esasieprieoce wbioh prompt- ud hlm toeatarna vsgiance in regard te soakea. He wae iyingiun tua harnmock ;thbe sergeaut of bis guard was aslecp unduc a trun close by. bSudduniy bu nes.iced an imn- manie serpent coiled arouud the segeaos.'s leg sud uxten ding uts head towaîd hie bare chest. Wbai sbouid bu do? To wske the 1 - ýý Un- PUREST9 STRONOEST, BESI. Continauo lui, AmonA.Lme, Phosphates, or any Injuri=bt O1NEST I-Wp FOR mEN PAY NO MORE MON EV TO QUACIIS. A sufferer front Errors of Youth, Nervous Pebility and Lost Vigor, was restored to healhhin such a remarkable manrcr, airer ai! cire had falid, that he will rend the means of cure FlREE to ail felnw sut- ferers. Address, with stansp, MR. EDWARO MARTIN, (rAcmra) BOX 143, DETROIT, MICH. SAFE BRISTOL'8 SIJG4-CO4TED 1 VEGETABLE J&Z PROMPT k& TuS APER A ND - "The Ladies' Journial OF T ()' . A'lrge3f~ ~A e ilntratel Pa,h ici WTo~3ilvs will i l setto $IOnly one dollar and tf4 tueni cents fer the two paliers. Call and sc a sampie cepy ef "The Ladies'- Journal,, It is a publication that will interest every woman in the land, Tho regullar subscription prie eft "Thie Ladies' .Semrll" and thîs paper je i$2 put year, You get the two for Send your rnonuy and address te this oflicc'. CH'ILDFiEN AN INFALLIBLE REMEDYI Supersedes AUl other preparsiione for the cure of Menvtal Debility, NerveýS P rostratien, Lesa iof Hlaood, Paralysie, Ioconetor Ataxss, Painlul Menstruation, Suppresteons and Irsegillart- îles, LeucorrlSoa, Dîsorders of Stoniach, Los eto Ap. petite, Dizzlness, etc. These Pilie possecîs nu purga- tive properties, nec ani tiing hurttul te tihe most delicatu systern. 'iheyare the resultof yearsnl cars- lui siudy and analysas, and used mith great suces in the private prartice eftran eninent physielan. They aot pimacily on the nerve centres, nreasing tIhe Vital Ferce, prenroeing Assimsila'tion, ]Eî,rich- gaîg tihe Beod,thus preventing and,ýu. rinigdiseases, For sale by Drnggists, 50c. per box, or sent pst. vaitI fer 500., or 6 boxes $2.50. Dr. Butler llledliss Co., Ilrocville, Ont. COOPER'S LICHTNINGCgCOm NRF J Cures iHaret ansortS g orna Orly three applications required. COOIPEWS BUNION CURE Cures Bunions Warts and Moles, SwoUer Glanda, Thicle kece sud 5kinDiseases of v speclal chacacter. These rernudies are perfect iy painless. Don't be deceived. Ask fin oaop er's aud take ne other. 15 and 25 cents. Ai drugliss Dr. Bailler lMedicie CoC, BreekvAiIC, Osa.