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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 6

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lurortd 87 vutl Csh Capi,)tal Of $50,OO', c\~~/3SN AND APPLIANCE CO,- 49 KING ST. W, TORONT09 ONT, aý C. PAIT ESON,731gr. for Canada. Eleetricity, as applied by thl Owen Electrie Ddlt, Is new recognized as tihe grcctest boon offe-eÉ! te suffering bnrncnity. h is fat rakng tl1c pl fee drugs in ail nerx eus and rbemaic Îrouhlebles, &ed wl I effeet cures ln seemingiy ~ pele S cases wbcre every other knewn means as fsed. il is natures rcmedy, and by itt steady, sootbing eurrent tirat is readiiy fait, POSITIVELY CURES c RheurnatIscfl, Sex'ual Werskness, Selatica, Fenale Çonplaints General Debility,1i.npotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases, Nervourr Dîseasal, Liver Complant, Dyspupisia%, Laisne Back, Varicocle, UrInary Diseases. RH EU MATISM «It is a weil knewn tat that niedicai science bias utteriy falea te cferd relief in rheumetie cases. We venturethe assertion that atheugh Blectricity lias cnly been ln use as a remedial aget fer a few years, it bas cured meore cases of Rhcumatism tiran ail other mneans cern- binaed. Sernee our leading physiciens, raceg- nizing this t act, are availing thernselves of ths most potent et natures feces. TO RESTORE IYANHOODý Tbcusands ef people sufer frem a varlety cf aervous dseuses, sucb as Seminai Weakness, Impoteucy, Lest iranheed, WVeak Jakýt, etc., tlsat thcý old modes of treatrnent failite cure There is'a lesef- nerve ferce or power th at cannot ha restered hy inedical treelment, cnd any decter who wDuld try te acccempiish thts by cny krnd of drus is practising a dangerous form of charletanismr. Preperly treeted THESE DISEASES CAM BE CURED Etectrîcity, as applied by thre Owen Electric Blat and Suspensery, 'rell meat cssurediy do se. It is tise eniy knewn rernadial agent thei will suppiy what la iackilng. ncmely, nerve force or power, lrnpart toue and vigor te the organe ced ereuse te beathy action the wbole nervouas s3ste..; BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cbjeap. so-caiiad Eleerric Blsts cdx ertised by terne concernsancd peýdd threugb tbe county. 1bcy are erectrie i carne enly, wordiuiess as e curative power, an'ë dear ae t aeypuce. We Challenge the 'World te show ai Potrie Eet wbere the curreet isuneder con. trol efthte patient as compietety as Ibis. Our Trade Mark is tbe portrait ef Dr Owen emhessed le gld npec evary Bell ac appliarce maeufccturcd hy ns. Send for Gaalogue--Kailed (Sealed) Free. THE 141OEN ELECTRIO BELT 00, 49 King St. W., Toronto. Y, PntiOnIbis et r. coarY that cure tihe worst casesa Nervons Deiility Leost Viser ai IBEANS Fading ,-omanhood; restoes tl bY eeer-work, or thc rors ore: cesses of youth. T;_ Reaiedy a 01utey cures the musai tes cases when al thg TC5ASSSLSTS ars faiied eento relieve. -Zold bydmi gists r-- er 0aekage, or e- 5cr St-en seultIb' mailc recailI o. jltce Write for pamphlet. Soi j-. Bowmanville by STOTT& JURY. YQU REALTII DU ý " IF YOD1 ARE UN DWN It WÎiI Mak ou iEât ïWiII Toueno Yolreru wi1 Idake ion i ïtoIq yHiIImake IYot Feel Like Yotrseif Again. drOR "IIRONTC ('OUGU 1IT 18 AL-MOST SPECiïIC. I ail'Pul-nonary Piscaser i-îeitatsc'se 'fir, ýs veaUsix 11w h apitige(f bkn0d' tise el- oe Ibis emedy are van5 mi aked. 3Or'.sANDs $1>00 PE9s 0oCt-LE ne 6'mt ou s-rn .. .rD. Desaribes i sfas -Icuts Alis R'r-ty l. il hm. s -uh th Mai ce iciDisco- cries 0 scm ky Tseîu wh , M' as f ol sxz and oi île t u e i i -uj foN r is Sit wtt tbe s ni r, eu'er seat. wtiethe educcusn ltsa Addrs h Llses d itPUPl,'. HEMALTH. Row Dinlitheria is Diffiissd- Thare are taw ecuntry towns, scys thie Sw Vork Indapendeel, xvhere thera cee- ioI ho sean e flcurishing cernant bush gnow- ug le the aarîh Ibal bas bec greduatly lposiled le Ihe claft et an catm or mapte ee, hy tire subsidence of the dusl ot the r; and wa have heard et e sizeable irapla aae, growing un the clef I wheurce the camnent cd feltan eut, between îwo stones et the ofecee a lotty church. Wouldil a even :cur le eeybody te imagina thal thasa zrwtbs are anylhîing othar than the raselt t a cernant saad cand an alîn saad, plenited in the respective tecalilles whera thay ara foumid? The final wcs prebably carriad by c ird, the second berne ce the wings of the wind, tli acu tound uts soit, cnd thance- snrtb procaaded te grcw. Soe seada seemi ce Lllow certain races. The commen plan- taie la se aura te ho feund je the wekaet ha Enrepeen peeplas, that the Indiens ccli it lthe white man's foeîstap ;'i aed il is urprising hew mcny lewns hava, grcwing sithin thair limita, soeafioeaing plant bhal waa once a gardan favorite, whichbalis bean displaed by a moeapeputar biossom, but which bas takan ils revenge by sewing isaif, fer ced wideta, lii bas comas te ho 'agarded as a wead, if net e nuisance; ccd tha uniformity le a greal anmhar cf places vith which ils preaee a ttnibuei te some spiestar "wbo want on a jeurnay ced bnouglil bcck the saed cf a fiewer that is row a ganeina plagne" la cormaendad te lia mylli chasars. Itle usnow perfaclly undarstocd that the a y,,tic, that l, the Il catching" diseases, 'ny roua by the growtu wllhîn cen 7ieis cf plants froni micu-oscopicai seada and that onaeto the meat hoeaul ways cf extirpating thasa diseasas is te destroy and prravant the diffusion et the saeds. Whan, in 1861, IN apolëen the iLittle raach- sd out 10 ood a naw empira sestauned by Ftrenchi bayoets le Mexico, bis army hcd le il mac whe ware suiffaning freni dipli- theria and who hreugbt the diseasa lite a ionnîny wbere it bcd neyer bessei or ireard cf befora. The avaneacent glories cf Maximilian soce tcdad, the remuent of tha Frencli soldiars want beck, leaving bahiud tbeni the ovil lagacy of this disease, which one efthe f oramost cf Maxican decîcr a tt- ly îestifiad, in the Amaricce Publie Heaith Association, ut s impossible te disledge ou cenquar, se vary unielelligarît ara the coni- -mon people, cnd se vary efficleel in laklng propar atapa for disinfactien. 0f ail tha diseasea prednced by thase le- finilesiaia bacilli, this la the mesis te lis drecdad, froni the esse willr wiaich it passai Lrom parson te parson, the great parcantagr et daîhsancd the formidable injuries il ettac teivas behîed in survivons. Neenly avary oeacn reaetiInstances c the relation et cna or twc raceet axpe ine le New York will panhaps tecd heuse bey arsancd aparîmant rentera te unquira a littl more cloealy Ibeai thay usnatiy do mietirt praviena histery et theatofi tIhaeternit ias who have bec the occupants cf lh buildings an which they purpose te locale In Novamber, 1891, Dr. Louis Fischer, diligent observer anud studant of bactenic logacal diseasea, wes caited te sas a chul1d living in an aparîmeel bouse, who lied ha, cen expose, apparently, but who certaiti bcd the disase. In Irying te Lathoni lb mytayethw Ibis c1ly and pracicusI: gudd chld bcd bae thus amitten, i wss iaaruîed thel ie the pravieus wintar cbild lied bcd diphîberie le this apartmeei Ibel ancîliar case occnrred within e foi daya on tha ficor aboyeancd noîhar en lb floom belcw ocebansma ide'cf the hal' whita on the othar aida il did net brea eut. Thera is net lecking avadenea hat i la camiad freni floor te floor by the sawas pipe ; but an the casa under coesidaratie the apertmact consistad cf a sitlicg reon c kitcheu and e bedrocm-llia kitchen h( lwaan the othier Iwo, and supplied with pump te serve frash watar acd a sink t catch ait soiad water. Undarnealli th: sink wcs a trap, whicb, whia a partial bai rien, unay ha reasoeabty supposad te ebsor flexions gasas coîring f nom tia sexvar. pinîr s howed te Dr. Fischer c trep tha hled graasy rmnd îbrea-qucnters cf an ime daep le il, tret xvaa, cf course, tormad h the precipitatîoc tmom the wcste-a-e streama thel are crrnslcntiy pasine îhroug il, 0f course, the kitchan is clwcys warn ced thua trap sadirnent bacomas a cuitei msediumn for eny germa thel may find lod1 ment ibera, cand the lied cf the stove xvi likeiy devslop theni, and in winter, wbs windows are closad, and lth rasîs air canri, gel et tbem, lhay wull ficd ont tha;ir viclir if perchanca Ihere la a cbrld or c pens( wbo bas the aligliteal abrasion of 'il Ilircat, or wbo ilaet the lime physicet batow par. Se Dr. Fischer makace t follewing îreci-s of the sitlucion i. A sudden deValopmetcf diphîher le a pravinusly- bealîhy child. 2. The existence cf a stanchsanising frc sawer gas un the sema neem wharein 0i patient .steapsancd lives, aspecialty r atenmy daya, ard co-axiaticg with pc ventilation. 3. The tact thel caesa f daphîhania ha, previcesly daveioped aI diferant limas the semae bouse on diffamant floors. Of courue, the sewer pipes raceiva al l t rinsinga froni bruahes, gerests, cuspidoi etc,, and equatiy ofcenrse un cinety-tl' cases ont cf a hendrad tbay bavaelied proper disinectioe-e.g., a child witb sept vic.i î.a annuaiiy for four yaars, once swea ing off tour cul cf five ueuuaaly robeu bilidran ; ced where, frocs eppeareuîtas t Idisinfaetiuîg corps" did thear work le xery aligbîang cnd p'efunetory mannar. Infeûtious Piacases. The nature ot the infectious disocar oblat of wbicb ai-a Asiallo choiera, yeill texan smallpox, diphtheria, scanlat ifax Sie-'eTliie is cean aful xv'ued. Arn J1 badly,_disllisveted?1' H-" 1Disheveilecl is nle erd nîfori yon loek positlvely diurputebie." Suc (andigucctly j-" We partaI theud etftisa bridge." Ha-"Pinsac euît1Ishall gel usad te ',ecr appearatice yiIrle tinsa ie gaI âcoe Y nu are lika vice, youne eose. Sisa-" lLike vice' ' t isat de youn ineen ? li ' lny, 'Seetee oft, fanilier xel wti etur ace, wea firel endure, tisai, pi tten emburace.- Sise- ý Oh, do yen? Hove deligÏý! l l"t A Ruasian la net lagaiiy cf cga UtL ettl ,sa 26 yaars oid, Children Cory 'o r e Thesa mec raprasectad tha varices massas measies, typhus ever, typhid Leverand others, are nol genaralty iundorýtûood hy those whe se much dread thein. While choiera and yetiow ever wheci the., break out in anl epidamic are the mesýt virlenýit and deadly for a time, they do col oi tbe ever- which stands et the haad etinifections dis- eases for iti, fatality. This diseasa la especietly fatal te childran, and isa ena eto the most difficuit te pravant froc spread- ing. 'This disease is carled around 1easily in clothes, food and air, and jts spreed le vary difficujI te stop. It will evan spread tramcerpues, and fron bnruel pae where the bodies have net bean properly interred. Nexi to this disease typhoid ever tands as thti' mest fatal, and as a mile halL af s rnny dia Lom Ibis annuaily as fnorn dpîrra Typheid is net so infections, but it -s very daadlyileits ateck. It s coi-milluicated nie thsoughlood and'drnikin5 uater. Scalet ever stands pratty close te ty- phoid ever in its ataity, and thair re-lative dsath'rate is about four te five. Li tiais disease as watl as diphthania, typhu,.s Laver, and sanli-pox, funerels in a church should neyer ha permitted, as this xiii frae, ently spread the diseasa rapidly. The WhoIioping couh ores naxt in ils deadlcesa, feitew. ad closaty by'measies, Smiaiipox is realiy a very rare disease ewing te preveution hy vaccination, Its relative deetl rate is ax- tnamly stmali companad wlth the other diseases. 0f tata consumplien has b een placed amocg infections diseasos8, and the daath rate froni this diseasa la one and a liait times ireater than trom ýdiphîheria, more Ghan Ilirea limes as greet as> typhoid, oer four tirnas as great as scalet ever, tan tumes as great as whoopieg ceegh, thir- teen lames as great as meestes, and thinty- five tumes as greel as smellpex, or niearty aqual te ail et the other diseasas combinad. The Beokward Ohld. Thare is many a mother whc Leats dis tumbed and anxiexis because haer chid aiethar exrhibits amati intarast in school or cas is unabte te shine among thea other cbitdren thare, or penhaps aven te keap pace with thani. 'î l tisarsntad by a horrid spectre of dunrship and backweardneas, ced eof her darting outstripnead sd eLt belind je aill thae ther strugglas et lita' as wait, says 1Herrial Prascott Spofford in tha P1hita(eai phia Inquinar. But douer lt ber be tee socea, disceer- aged. If hanr cbild bias ne aptitudle ot rtearning axactly what the others ara iaarc. *ing, panhaps thare is an aptitude ,feir se- thngase quite différent and a panrt.,,and of jual as much vlue. LatIlber sc*rtinýize and -discovar and hatp the child aleng accordinge ely in the waya ýwherP nature directs. r 0ur system et gradarl achoola is, iîdaad, 'lifting ail chitdran te a brecd tabtaliand ef tganarai information, but. howava--r axcel- lent ils mental discipline, il aliows ne apacie fer individuat grewth je individal ways. ci Every child la beîng rue lin tha siama mould; ýthara is ce place for idiosyncrasy or f or *devlopment upon original linas : and therE lan aven prasent danger of crystai,;izetion, 1 rbecoming fixed et e given peint, or- ceas- ung ail deveopment.* SIf her child hasa ereotd dilikeý for a. car tain thing, or a positive inability in t'he di- a rection cf anothar, tire mothar wou)ild bf wiser te meke an effcrIte b ave those studiaý set asideandcedtlhlm give hiniseiltot thos( ,l he doas lika, and where, if li a cn rnet pes ýy sibly dislinguish hfitsalt, lh a cn aet anyraes le expand whet pcwars hae has. Suraly if 1,; [Y stranghi aurd tua are -disipalad onthi t studias concrcing which ha ia oals a thara is ne sîrangth or tirna ef t forrýi ihos,à t, whara ha might do much. w It is probhable thel tha great îmciof th( le past devaloped îhrmsel ves as tirait teastai 1, and inclinations ladl; they did neaarn al. à< lhay ieercad heceuse semeone lsah'ad laarr t ad it, aven if cartaie branichas ware a- foe r-gene conclusion, and that which they di( cn _teare they tearnad bacausa thay fait theim a, pulpe and the naad. 0- Il s net the man who is, juat like evar, a othar man that helpa thea worid alenïg thý LO meat but the man whosa diffamat traininl la and grewth seakes him individuel andýî give r- him a-ceigai of vantaga that ha would mir rb if hae want stipping aieng juat lika evary or A aise. t Giva thae"backwevrd bey" b is chanu ,h than et that whkiculits hlm beat, and b )Y aura no hara can happani. ýh The Ceonvaîsation of Scrpents.- ri, re A writer li Macnilian's 'ciagazýine in th gcourse t an article siys t:-" As aý boy il had a great dread of anakasi, as ottiars ha en aed have. I was et a narvons% t iid ý(1tan il peamenit, and sakes wera. abundanârt aboî M, us, Sometimes they întrudad inte th n dwaiting-reoms, and et ail seasons a ne, se of suakas pXisted ln the lhi*c ld ff ly tiens ef the boue and undler the eld finei ie ing. In winler thay fhibarnaead tiser( tangled logether lei a cluistar, neo doubt ; an la in summirer nugts, wxhitatbey wen2 et hem coilea tt.thir asseor gtiding ghost-lik )m about thair sibterrneaýtn apartmeets. 'r would lia awaka and listan te tieni by th on heur. For serpents a enet ail se sute as v or îhink theni. Ataieh avants, this kind- beautiful and hairiasa ce-lunmbine anak( ,e about Ibrea test long, marked ail over wit in nky black on a ivid green ground-eç oniy eilled a souid whanilyinguniidisturl le ed in his dan. but savaral individueils woul s, hotd aý converSation togethai, i wh!ihseenar ve andesas, for Igan rerc lly feli siup a Jr nre dnishad. A hissing conçsensation, it is tre ic but notuanmeiuiatad,âcd wlth considerahl ,a- vriaty lil. c: along sibilation we-cld ha fo A DUY 0N A MAN-OF-WIR. 'What Lite is on the W arship. The Blake Siessdlrily Eqsupsel-.Msmflinz Paayrs-Servinait Out, Gr(>g-Snkiiag Tse-" Baste thaeISaar." A day ou the Blake, tle hast and biggeeh of Our Britiahs xisiters, scys a sriier le tise Ne York Sun, xves a red-laltem day lutise, luyvet ofthe visitera. The B!cka carnies 650 men, and la coin- plataiy equrpped, le figlting trini, seltbal tise newsî appiiiecf t ffaece d defance thet the Engluis irav\e ednpted. IMPOeRTANT TO TQIJVT'EEN'S NAVRE. Vîce-Adminac Sir Jeýhu Ommannay Hep- kins xves lakung bis meraiicg constitutional cne apcop-a tl, saeaman seitis grayish hair and short griczl ed beerd welîl gentîs blua syes, luta round, flghling beed ced square, slreeg jes-e-xang e long, looe ululer, stappad le at tise weiat, e pair et sheuider trapa, eachof ewxlidlborea a py- glas eda swordcrossed beneatli a crosen. Othars cf the comiandieg efficers weare doý ing the sauna Ibicg-xummpinix eercastiy up and dosenlise herd-wood deck as if thay ccld cet bava tiseir breakfasts enlasa they made five miles le hait an leur. Tiha fiag cf Great Bitele seeved aillahese, anid the Vice-Admiral's signal, tcokieg likeae pookal handkerebief, scapped fan atoll. A TASTY BREAXFAST. A neatly clcîhed stesecrds boy in blua came up on dae ced seid t-" Breakfast is neady sr," toecising bis cep; wereâl Sir John toucbed bis cap in return ced sald, '.tiscnk yen," as lae alwe ys does wisuan ey- îising la rapcrlad toho b. Doxve lethe Ad- rirei's dinicg rooni the breakfast table wse deccreted xitl e great mccy giasses aed vases cf floseers troni Vîrginia, isuga rosas, greal buncobascf lilacs, broad dishes et jas- samina, and sema ehiotmepe. Upon a pratty sarvicaetfbine china tle aîtrectuvaiy DreDared i aittic ,of a sntable Francs coock cf sailors ced marines aboardl the ahip. Ovar the cesk stocd two saiiers aed a pstty officen, the latter witb a sort oft bookkeaper's journal lu his, hand Onea sailor hatd a copper quart meesura. and the othharlc two amaller copper vessais, a gilcad a hait a gili, apparantly. As each seller in the 'lice celle k cut the number ot bis mess the bockkaeper cneounicedhow mucii that mess was le have-a quart and a pint, or e quart and a gill cnd a hait, oena pint, or whalever. The reason ftibla s that sciiormen ara doced cf thaîr rmm as a punnsbmenl, cnd ethars refuse the £!rog and lake înoney in- stead. The rurnilaeItapt a long wblla le the dock yards je open cah unîiliae gneat deal et the spirit bas passad off aed Il becomas rick and cxllow. iveai as it la sanvad te the salIons, with îwo parts watae e e cfý grog, ils oder scenîad thea ship dalicionsly fem halL ara boum et the sereink, lime. Each saitor's daily portion la a gi and a hait IT WAS SMtOINTuIME. For e whiie after the grog xvcs sarved Ihe ship's 'spitklns ware set about han decks. Spitkins are gcod-aizad boxas, cevered with sheals of pantonaîed brasa, and wenld ha catled apittoons le a botltorn shore. When thay eue put cut itlei "smoking lima." Than thae ficars stocke lu thaîr wardnocm, the mac amoke le the foracatte cnd on the pont sida cf tisa deck, and candies, ecasad egainst the wind, are hung about ton lrght- ing ppes ced cigare. li henor of Sir atr Raeigli ced the pandenabla vice ha îetroducad te Chiristendoni thara are tbrea spails cf smoking lime lne aacb day. Freni 8 o'cleck te 9 o'cteck iunue merniuig, fierm neen le haîf-pat 1 o'uiieck, ced troni 4 o'- dlock le the avening 1e bad lima, or algbt boums altogethar, any one a my moke ie certain flxad parts cf bar Majaaly's shipa. Under sudsi circeîs tances aven a Hloboken cigar lastes good, and smoking -bacoes- moea fta datighl than il lae'wbemaeona may indulge le il cllithe lime. BovISLt SKYvi RKlýtlt. w '1 ht were soiverl. Derng the lest smoking spa11, elbailf-past fit lieck oc dak agan 'the shining whbite fivae 'clock in the avaning, whan their day's bc Amarinai fleat was seanlioxwling down front werk wcs dona, tbe midshipmen cama np on P au long curv il bad hae mcking, acd Ithettse ponp for a seeson cf, boyisb skylerkinig. fi Blake was smoking e tri fla haaviiy 10 show Tbey armad îhemsetves wilhebs made hy thal she was raady te take the right cf the reling nup thair bcndkarcbiets and tying afi lies and kaap cp with the Phiiedeiphie piedseoftîwineaereend the middle of eaceto wlsan-bhlisbcuid lie alineast cfocea anctiien. kaap it le tha erni cf a lali, ced t ban they b Tisa band cf ighteec piacas et wood ced piayed "lBaste tlie Bar"-an anoiant Eeg- bras, in its be-fncgged ceaIe, was etmaady lisbaschnciboy gama, in the sport et wbioh drawai np acencd a cluster et iight irce îbay enlared willi the vii cof c Nelson ln e music Stands, ced as thé Amanicen Admnirai navet engagement. This la how the gmne la was about te ceme up the marinas ln their pi, ed :-Onsbo y slerta li as the bear, stertting rafi coats vere orderad np, rafles Pit a aîring eroend bis mniddleaend huisali in hand, te sainte hlm. ce cil fours on the dlecli. Thea boss end cfj tE onc coxsrthe tritnug s heid by anothar lad, who ha the'E IN COD OMPNY.keepar cf the beer, Botb bear ced keapar E As the Blaie'lernad lber se1raws cnd gel stand wthic e cheik merkad circle ce the xvali îîdar way the two ieadieg sbips cama dack, anid al lbh othar middias cluster aide by ide, Evary cfiacar ced middy 01r arcund ccd -wback et the beer. Tbey May the Blake who waa net on the bridge cama bat the ectertunele animal as cf teancad as upon the peop aed tuned andd ted the bard es tbey placa, i-nI if the keapar bita Phiiaeaphie, than 1,000 teet awcy, cndocea cf thasa tormentora that onea xohangas every mac cel boy et thani put bis rîglil places wiîlr thie ear. This mekes e gond band te the Bidaet bis cap ced stcod li that gama, ccd tise neatly lad, brigbt-Laoed nid- positioni, steîîraaquaiy, wbata the marines dies aed cadets made the most et il, with preaantad arme ho Admnirai Gliarardi ced bearly icugliter ced violant exercisa. 1 tise band piayad Il Hall- Coumbhia." On NNRADEFCTONS tire bridge the Vice-Admirai hîisaif tereed îiRAIPEFESO. and feced tbe Amnican ficgsbip ced stood Whec the Sunt aaek and the spanka et atIl" attention," wlth bis righit band, palm aîedîroaîy ile clitiesa quadrons fiecked tha opens, tencbing bis cep. No car Irumspat air witb îiny jets of liglit, the Admirat and wcs needad tb hear the streina cf IlGod bis staff drassad for diener as Ibey would' Save the Queae' froni the pocp ofthtie Piil bhava donc on shrore. The daînaer waa bad lhia. format arrangementinii courses, wasaepaiz TiseEngishen ed isaYankee neyer ieg tethlie naîset and setisfying et theani broke station frein Ibet eenly boum uinili ced wasa ecompanîad by lise performance1 nigit, but rodealaong ide by ideabe a dis- et hl ae dozen prstly airs by the band, lance cf 900 teesotuot the reeda, eut te sec wblch pieyed on the lower dack, near the and np the cat ci e distance et 20 miles Admirai's cuerna Cigars and a eoner- troni the cntinent. The band oethIe Blake salion, in wbacis the rcnk andt alt Coin- was kapl eut icn thawarm sueshineancd play- aie-c-be ek elî«flsas ad saveral places. dwatling long ced ardent. ctosed e day duriîsg uhicli the Blake bcd iy on that thriliing naval favorite,' I The rclaed or pitcbad 11111e more than if she bcd G irl I Laf t Bahind Ma." Bafore, the capes been catone tentreas on the land. and the seac war reacoed thers was a short Ie the moreing Admnirai Glierardi Signai- drill anti inspectian. The man who hled la cgoc moreing and e raqueat to kncw basn ainiating cama up li white seita, the bow Sir John Hopkins tound bis bealh. mec who weneaet ganarai werk wore black, Te Ibis petite nurssage ithe brave Briber cn ea mrrnes ce mre parade were in mad nasponded I"Very watl, 1 Ihanie yen." Thus and bina. anded twaaty-four pleasant boura aboard a Thea marinera 3ware drewn np le two lices upen the quartai- dack, xvith aît the crew net on xxdcli in a doublae libcyend thein.E Ait liad their caps inîbheir banda. T ha offleera sîecd about le front cf the men wilh blie headsancd arand a sor t acocrner wseca tittie huddls cf boyish midebipm enî, cao un- covared. Tise cheplaiu, a smeoth-taced1 yeneg men, wiso wsars an Oxford morIer board as his inuignie cf office, slood bae- poltad wltb bis prayar bock ope, close cp in front of the meni. Tise musical English'etftie rituel ot the national churcb teck on naw liaauly as il ,wa olearly spokan by ait the hroed mac besida the hugh cannncd the Lortresa- lika steel shatters ced the casematas oetata stage sting. And vary sîrange il was, inideed,' ta bear the hardy teiiews askieg God In dafeed hasem"le in lltheaesacuIts et o0cr ansînis." Se it was te bear Iheni eh- tan the prayer, " grant tisaI Ibis day xee feul lite no aie, neuthar rua inmb any kind cf danger." M ttt\tFICEIqT OCEAX PARADE. A capital view wes obîcined trena the AdmireFs celle or troni the piazza.tike wcik bcshlud il aronrd the sei-ciralsr n of the Blake. Jusl behhnd the Blake the only vieýw, ex. c aie t ia I et th e s e , sa " et th e p r cw c ed bridgeaed hnily einansentci masîs ccd spars et Han Majeslys cruiser Anstralia. Tia sg tt f hoth colu ns mle th e par e suggested mucli that waas interasîing. The Kaisanîn Auguste, for instance, callad le mmnd ltae pniia, ambition cnd activity cfI the ycueg German Emperor. PROLZeTIttS i testTIE xvuATHEtl. Frona lie stern ofethIe Blakeo nly the prose of the Australieas"lensigînt, bicokieg up ait xsho tsv in a straislhtrow isebind banr. Aboya the Ausîne"it's prow culi ha sen tire winulowed abuttars tisaI cloua le the bridge, au lnentin by Vi 'a.Admirat Hep- kins. AlhesaEegiah shipa tisas enclose tisa bridge,, ced tiraday sehen iloglisis cap- tains ced their aides musIt stand exposed te eleat and raie, as aven: our officere yst do,is pas1 cnd -goca Anlober et Sur John Hep. kues's inventions ceulcà alec bc seen oeuthe Australie,' and tisaI vas thea speed peceant. ,ybich biy its position isalwaac tise rail ansd tise forayard arcsi told ail tise otiier ehipa semaI numbar et revointiors bier seraws xvare nsaking. This lsanair addition te lise generci speed signais, whicis show "fult isaad ' or "slowe" or "Stuppad," as the case may ba. TireBlalte enniake 22 lenotsauan oni. Sîse bac 20,000 horsa-poxwer. JACte AND liteseitoC. At 1 2:30 o'clock gr og was sorved le tisa erese. Behînd a great ope'n, bus-lsotrdi cask, sehose* onctents scanteulfle whola lexver dack efthtîe sar uinip, stood a long ilujaetfsciions ctrrrying paile and (Il coi ans .jars, lewis anîd xhatae-er aIse xxcmld. serve te bold tisa mm tisaIsecs te ha doied nut as ut b esn distrihutad aine a rryat waete' ald io(n g haera. unoal notable ecece parada on the IN'orth 1 Amarican station sixrca Columbus intmodue. ed naval slips upon tiseaWaters. Tunfreîjuency of Baldnesu in Women. The amatl inoce t ofbaidessas ning wom.n ias compred with men bas givan nis ho imany interesting spacetetices, ced if Misa E. F. 'Aardrexvs, wiso lias maoantty wriltec ce the subjeot, lias addad but l1111e Ibal asnew te wisal bas aiready base cd- vanced in the xvey cf argurments ced opin- ions, ase s, et al avants, lakan a pracîlcat melbod et aacertcining thie relative amount et baldcss i inthe lwn sexes, le ssnding o0151as large number cf cirants ting bicaka te be filllad in by reoipiants. Froma the rateres recaivad it le LenfitisaI 1196maleas hetwean theag og f 10 ced 20, 8-lOtha par cent ahowad signa cf baidoars xvieraa cI 1374 (smalas et ltrekae, ouîly 7-10Oths par cent gave symp- loins et ut. lenîbter words, tbh- propor tien et li-ldnesa xvas 80 iii cie casaeto maies te 7- ini tise casaetofaceiiales.'Tise conclusin reached i-y Miss Ansdrews la that xvbite "romae" la avidently avclving lite a hald- baadad animal, Ilwoman" on the conlrary, and, perbaps, by a a law cf compensation, ha desîined te devatep le the other direc- tion, cnd produea ber croweing gicry ic sîlill greatar &aurdauce ced, et course, - takieg il fer granted that the Sstbelso instincts as regards tise tain sex do cet undergo a radical change ced laad hlm ta prefar bidbaded woma e ishesamne way that msey wome express e preferanca tomra bcld-lseaded man, hacause "uitlooks intellectual." MUiss Andrews surmnises Ihet tbe day May rnl hac very fer distant whee, lu thaecurse cf human avelution, a man Wllb c bain en tus iaad will bcas greal an anomely as c bearded weman, but as long as mac love heauty ced are xvon by personnel cherms, selong wuil ycen continus ho ca- jola i ut iosa bundant treses et hroxvn aed goid thal aencce oftisa dueL ornaniants cf tiseir sex. Bridai Wreats For Ail Nations- The Germnac bride ivears the iiiyrtla for ber brld iisratis, tbila the girl et the Black Forest adores berceif wit te fiower et lise bhawtborne. l irrance sud Eurgtanrd! and luinris United States thse orange. flosr is le vogue, wbile tira maiuiens et Italy and the Frnchsprovinces et Switzerland urss whiste roses. Pic ks, eaurnationîs, ced aed roses ara wcuuî hy Sparisis brides, n«Ltb tiaia ebradai wraîis lewound etflita SyrIen rua, on lira Ionien Islands lise grape vine, lu Bohemie, Cciintbia, antd the Kraie districts et rosanar, and un liesse et at; - ficiai fiowers, te wbucis rilihons are added, In Norwxay, Swedee, and Servie bridai coweu ara Made cf-ilver, in Bavarua ansd Silasia ot goid wire, glass heads, and lunsel; ameng the Fins, thae\Vands, and tise pes e nta et Alteriureg et paper, ced se Atseais of costly fiuigrea. Bridlai uraîhs ware in vogua eMncg the pager-s ced wsra mInre- ducad cmoeg Chrisi'ýs brides duning the fcurth century. vourÊk c eduacedo'tcon Of PureCod Liver Oil &Hy popliosphF tes ta increasc'your energy ansarffake good0 your account at the bank Of aeas'tk. IT CURES CONSUMPTION, SCROFUI,1 BRONCHITIS, 0011611, MC0Lu.' and ai forms offWasting Diseuses. Almosi as Patatable as Afilk. Be sure you get the genuine as tAler; are por irni- (cea;*ns. Pin, ared only by Scott & Bowne. BeI!lle Vhen yen see an Advertisement tike this DON'T BELIEVE ITý ut if you require anythisw in -Greceries, Stapie Dry Geeds, Patent Medicines, Tinware, Garden Seads, etc' , cill at SOLINA STORE whare you wilt find a frïet-clasa assortesent which bas, been bonght for cash, con8equently 1 amn pre- pared te Bell at cie e prices and not saci- fce quality.)" Aurerjcan and Canadian oil always in teck. Please give me a cali and you wil re welcome whether yen buy or net. N. B. Ellioct'a Relier Flour kept. J. T.WILLIAMS HAVE YOU "Sa cl-a c he the scavengers mens the lid- cf the ytm nays are in IlDelay la tro uble, Doddsa dangerous. Nag- Kidney Pilla glue lac ted kiinney prompt relief." troublesra I Il75 par cent, 1 n 0Bad l »!o od of diaaase is Dsa"e Livar first caused l'y Coinp/a1 i . , 'd diaordsrad id- the moat'ý- t[e- neya. ceg es caIl "Miglit as uwel Brighta Dîscus try te laeea DibtS t healthy city Dropsy."' without sewer- IlTh e actve age, as gocd diseuses cann,-ot heaath when tlue exist wheroC kidne y- are Dodd'a K idi,îa y clcgyarl, they are1 Pillsa cre aed."* Seint hy ail draiens tor set tbyrnail on recipt etof price Se cests, par boxcor Suic for S2. so, ZDr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write (on book caled idiwry Taik. Burdock Blood BitteraS lga cpuraly vegelabie compcrund, pessessiet13 P perfect ragulctieg powana ovea litisa organs-i ot the eystam, anîd conlrollieg tliair sce tiens. 1h an purifies tle hieod bt ail AIl blook huniers ced diseaess, troin a1,eCC11 mon pimplato tbeseorst ucrofulees sea cd aleecsing and purfyieg ifuesece ise sacrahions et thea ilver, kny ,howse cd skie, mnder il ueequaiied 4pa ucmucuisrnalil diseasea cf tise From nies t, isbottes slcre tos pi'nplcs, hlotoises, nettie r"shi, scunt, taller, enýj ii1l ina simple toura of ukiu disesýe, Fi-oi twolo fout battIes- xii] cuire uatriseum om eczemna, ainngles, erysipela, ulcars, cli scPsceai, runîeîcg soesalid all skie eruptiens., Il , notce-xhe tIsai sufierera froniShsii Aie neacny cîsecys eggravaladby inîterch ilohing, but tiseqickly subsides oalis reinovel oethte disease hy B.B.B. Pa'tsing en te gra ver yal pre 'aIent dliseases, fînchs a eau sàfulouS sxellings, hun-ors ced V, c hiate unudouhiafi peof tisaI frein is 1cr sic irte] ixsed inteuuîeily cî yoîer applitas liais (diiuted if tisa skie a i8 ekan l e1 tht att n.tec petits, xiii effeot c cure. Tise greft,mssofutB-B. B. la te redmiate tha livr - lidie ys, boweals aed blond,le orrc ecidlity autd se on" uaction cf thieeaci,ý acd te open Il e sluice ircys eftltsel itaa ýo a-,ey off alegged and inspurateià ced rre-- mite-ct 1a1 Lis-ar ceusipîiel, iioUsne, dap5 re headui-le, dropsy, rsuî ie nIacr sof etdisoase crioieg .iio diUrdre levar, kidnays, stenscia, bueseels ced hlc-, " WE dgisranelaeaery hottie of È B. b' Sisouid acty pacson ha dissallîflfi i lernsi ' thle [ýtt tle, ses xiii refend thcienay on appicetious personaliy onhy latter. Ve cll alto bha pidte uand teitiusueials, and in.- tormeation prnvig th e'± of B. D. B. lat Il,, aboyv a aieîd daaes napplication te T. M'iLBLRN & CO., Toronte, Ont.

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