4; Y hid fa?' di ne,% was the best 1 ever ate. Tbanks to COYI'OLENE, the si-ew and successful shortenhIg. ASK YOUIR GROCER FOR IT? Mý ado oii1y by ýýL K. FAIRBANX & CCL., Wzllington ard Ann Srrei i;, M ONYTRRA L, New Taîlo'r Shop The undersigned who has been. carrying on !he taiioring business in connection wlth MaSon'sý Dry Goods Store for a number of years ha, commenced business for him8eif at hie residence, King St.,west, where ha ls prepared to miale gents' and boys' sen Iil the latest styie,3, and at lowest prices, For those who ts to order suite, hae will carry a fulll une of aRmple leh ail the ne West patterns. GIve hlm a Cali. Fashionable Tailor l8o-wmanille Nov. 1, 1892, is the lateatü 1riumpllh in, phýrmlacy for the cure ci ai the syitneidctn îa~ANID LIvER Complai n. , If you are t roubled witli Hea1dachle, Indigestion1 i'ooa ArPEn TE, iW Mbr J K5dny Uand 13Ar K ur wîllgîveimmeiatereli f drgacr A cure, moda ail Du trs Yee loo edicine Co., LIMlted. PETEr-RBORO'y, ONT. CART E RJ2 UTTLE Pic Hadache and relleve ail the troubles !ne. den1t lu a bilions state of the systens, snchi as DiznsNausea. Drows1ness, Distreis after 1an , PIn the Side, &c. While their mnost ~remrkaba sccesa bas been shown iu curiug r HeadChCe, yt CA'RTER'S LITTLE LIVEa PiLX are qualv ~luale in Constipation, curins an! pre 1 annoying complaint, whi< thyal-' Il disorders of t he stomacit Ltiuat i.n ýr and regulate the bowelg ýje ji the oY cured Ache they would be almost pricelesse ta those rwho suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goednless dos fot end hee and those who once try them wfli find these littl' pilla valuahîslu in0 many waiys that theya7 wil fot ha willing to do without thern. t~tater ail sick head fatebAna0m an .M ve tha m er la er carr-y the marks of that seven days to, our graves. Eventuaily they were sighted by thie German steamer Guthel, and were vfIt miuch difficulty dragged from the cap- rize(d vess'sl1, and if,-eten toBremerbavan. Thie Maxican flint knives s'-ire made su shaurp thaat they coulai ha used'7or trimming ATRKYELLER'S EXPEIENUE. iug to keep uppemmosi, sud wbeu with bis suporior atreugth ha gui aboya me aud knelt -- upon my chesi I A Desperate Fight for Lire Batwaen Two THOCTfGT TE WOULD MOJkRit ER Men. as I lsy un thai aloi heîpless posture. But -iustidihagaapad oni, Il Vill youu -- Ichange cloîbas uow ?", sud wbilst bie waited ATraollo's terce Eneeisnfer W lhiiast for n'y answer I gui my fiai free and atruck UEaneit tolnvl in auais glish Firsrt hi-n upwards iider the chin, kuocking bis ('lafî Eallivay carrnage, taeth tugether with a click iko the snap of Herbri usshl ritng m th Phladl -a rifle trigger and nearly dislocatiug bis pbert1'Rssyls Itiad nten y ia csa neck, and thon I gave a beave up whicb phi Pies sas :I iedtaen y frs clsetbrow hlm off me, -and a moment later we ticket ai the London terminus ut une of the iwr ohuo u etaanadpud ngbi j oumurn ay tu ake, Ianod aout lungiug away as before. But I was beginuing nh emptyt mparie, Iîîoendg O wtborto bael thai I couud not continue the strug-1 au empy comand go to sîasp in te s, th 'gie nob longer, and that, exhanated as11 myseit lu raes dgo h epa so a a, i ould ha able te drag me te thea the train should bave starîed. I liad but i W55andfit i hog f nt h ie amaldifficlty in flndung what 1 s'sugbt, Mduoritch neatbe rongandtfout, bulin1 sud wall-timmd ibrality te the guard se- Mv oppont breaîbof d hard sud fna si but1 curea swbat I thon considared the addi-abwdnaiu fgvgiOuasde the train gave a violent joli that fluug us1 tionai privilaige uf beiug lucked lu. hit wasbutb h is b ukedoftecmai about six 'cluLk un a laie November aven- gis h ukia ftecmat uugwbeu w strte ;quie drkwii -mont ; the dlame off tbe lamp leapi up, tbeu frsineas lu e tear that; sedily cloudeaflickered a moument sud wcui oui. 'We con- the indosso the carag pe iîh huary dtiuued figbting lun a darkness as deep as th idw fthe asp i the th hor bat of thýe grave. Now ibat we woro bothj soisture.Th apite rouf o h coin- cumpletely in the dark I lti mysaîf moreE partint burued witis a amahi, clear fIsse. na qaiywt yat ,M J exalianged my bat off lateat setropolitan souean equ at wt1 my adntaui.M build for a solin drradapaarthat mI abouhdnfind mysaîft huid fr swarn fur apraied y fet 55tumbling backwards thruugb the open door.a the cuaiuiss uf the opposite seat, and lu ibis Ha hsd bissed oui, amid horrid blasphemues( posture drew a tout travelling blaukat' bis iutention of leaving me dead lu thatr about me sud cumpused mysoîf te aieep. I!tne presme hai mut bva fequjttydozd el, wbora sy body migbt lie undis-j off, for ihra Iguhefeqtrantlydeem d tucoverafi for weeks. Dead mon, lha aaid,a offforthe oarng f th trin seme t* told nu talas, and hae wasn'i goiug tu losec grow faint sud distant, 'luke tIhe subduad thealiberty hae had that uigbt regained. Butf sound uf surf heard alar. But my uap was letocI l hmrax isgpofy( of shrt duatio and wasbody, sud lha caliod to me te lot go. GladN SOON W5fE AWAIrE AGAi'r, off a mumant's raspîte, I raleased mny hoid1 of the fellow, tbougb standing on my guard gaziug out through a litile space wbicb I the meauwblle, wary off rubbed cdean upon the lrasted wuundow 5055E DESPETIATE TRLICII panes. Ou a auddan my eye was taiken by1t aomotiig sirring under the seat lu the upon bis part. Affiar a lttie, fluding that far corner off the carniage. I thought ai hali did now ranew the attack, 1 spuke andi firat i might ha a shsdow, caused ru oya veasked what hoe was doiug, ai tbe saine tiie by the oscillation off thse train. But, con- igroping about to iry sud Osai hum. I e-f tiuuing to watcb hi with a duli kiud off curi- celved nu anawer, uither did muy bauds uity, I waa extremaly stariled te parcaivo cume un contact with bis body. At that a san's bead thrust oui off the ohscurity. momen tthe train emengad frm the tunnel,a A pair off fierce-lookiug eyes glared oui sud the glos in wbîch the carniage hadc aisme for a musant and thon, while I sîilî been plunged by tise extinction of the lamp ast motionleas wiib surprise, s man scramb- gave place tu a klud ut laintuass ail ting inu led ont sud, getthug upon bis feai, stuod through the Windows, aufficient ta have re-g snrveying me. Ha was a burly-lookiug vealad the figure off theaminu ad hae atillIl faluw, wth a cuarsa, ugiy face, immenselyj beau lu the compartinont. I bad a box of f square shoulders sud close-croppefi hair. us atches un my pockct, and with a tresbliug He wore a buose,' clumsily.flîtiug suit off baud I pnlled if out sud struck a lîght. The, some gray satanaIl that luoked saspiclous- ' plae~ waa ampty. With a long slgh off, iy like s prison dresa. He was withoui a -relief sud tbaukffnesa, J sauk exhausted t cap, sud 1 noîiced thai bis jacket n'as tori.m into a seat tu wait uutl the train should t sudi bis face a good deal acarrad. I1gazed 'pull up ai the firat stopping-placa. -Half r ai bis uncouth apparition lu silence fur a au bour later we case te a staudatl lu tse c iitle wbiha, with au expression, I du nul station off s large tuwu. I suught oui thed doubt ut conidarable dismsy ; thon -I lu- gîard sud told huim wbai bad occurred. -Ho stîuctively looked around me fur sumeinai uone despatcheti a porten for the station muans off commnunication with the guard. master, sud wben that official arrhved the j The felluw sasv and uuderstood my geture,i two off thes heard my story, sud tua, it sud bis eyes swifftiy darted rounuithe car- aearched the cumpartinent thumoughiy. s niage wiîh a salavulent But nut a trace of the vîiain did they dis- I LEER OF SATISFACTION cuver. My owu: opiniunuila that, tskiug ad-y vantage off the blackuess, lho bad got oui as ho perceived that the cnmpartmeut, wss upon the footbuard, there to waii untîl iheg nut furnîlaed with the usual1 appliance for train shouhd slacken apaad aufficiently to c ilngg uvur"sadh, i e nable is to jump off witb ssfety sud i 11 Al rghtguvner, sad li, i dlmalte good bis escape. Be ibis as it may, 1a boanse, low voles. IlNo need to trouble neyer beard more off the matiar, althougb y yourself. -Yo suraly don't wauito hincon- the memory off tirat exponience lingers as a t venieuce the rosi off the passeugera by de- surt of nigbtmnlire off my raiîway travelling ; layingtise train ~ and wbeuever h now gai into a cospari- ilW«o are yuu, sud what do yeu want?", sent by unyseif I take very god care teu said 1, lowly clearng my hhînbs off the' firsi of ail peer undar the seats, sud mate s foîdsoff the mug whicb anvaloped se. sure that thora exista tbe useans offcdus- g 'IWho as I, a' what do 1Iwant V" ie e- municstiu g wiîb the guard. I peated. IlThat's axiug, ir, .i thi___________ -However, J ain'î a-guing te talyeu Who I t am, au' as for what I wsnt, yon'Il ba flnd. A Patient's Wild Leap.I in that ont before very long." Considerable oxcitemeut was crested atif Ismusuner sud the hooukaoff the inI mad in be unas. Jdgig fos isthe Toronto Gaucral bospital the othar dayd mapn ea uesed b ita ho meianby the axiraordinamy conduci off une ut the l mpeaac i Int ofssdîtr oeughsd haspatienta. A large sud very powerffuîin mly mac npito tegh n ,w frus Little York, wbo had beau admitîed quite uuarmued. Ha tumn ed'sud lai downi tIs frmeoffihewidowagans whcb a ou Saturday last, hafi been sufferiug frein.a a thefran f hrustiug bisainsoui rie iebafi attack nf deiriumiraniens, sud un that P hanodtebt foutng i hadrotkredtHa account hsd beon piaced is a private wardd uttored au tute dcursle atixHbissuitable for sucb as are in bis condition, ir utehspled nriu ihe cwrsduw wi veie-About noon ie became quite numanageable, d teet an puledop he wndo wih vhe-and duriug, tie tamprary absence off bisa meuce. keeper, witb appanently auparbussu "Let's il-y the door ai yuur end, gav'ner," srnth aae ewec rmterY said hae, coming alung the companinseut. Iiregh amngdt m hbu bi bastily ruse as hie approsched sud hacked jposition two ibrea-quantar linch bars acrosa h; awya step or twu wuslst hoe lowerad the the wuudown saqueezing thînugh the l awa laue oi t tmu hehaule Ispaggpins obtained, haie ook a flying ieap i wiudow sud lae uti un h adl.t hego ,a distauce off tbiriy loét ho. Ir This four provad ta ho unhockefi. Peupla low. Strauge to relate, hae wss net serions- t te wbom I bave told ibis siuny assureme 1-jrd n sen ehsfet i akdt thai ut uught nut ta have been tunîocked, as *l nuei u îigt i et owie the off-doors off s train are shways lochefi. intu the hospital sud up thrty stepa te an b I baieve ibis is an, but the faci remains. uppen flat. Ha asa secueransd plsced lu si Ho re l bi Ieai aal wtb n xoai bof. Afier ibis escapade lha appeared lu a 83 ai ion et satisfactionu uuchu mura suber moud. His inimuuity frosesrionus resulis is pnubabhy due to the f LRî5VIPIGTHSE DOOR UNFASTE'ýED, soffiness off the suil caused by the raIaial. u though the rush off wiud cneated by the Pf Ha bsdor be a muîdulgh Iaeyîuston sage off the train prevoutaf ith fruin swing- drukfrteiaiotugî ing upon. a Now, mus io," said iehagnuffiy, ussasun- Twenty-Seven Livge Lost. r iug me fronu hesd to foot with bus luttle daap-sct ayes as hae spoke, "'you've got to INews ouîy nesched Vieiîna ou Mondsy a change clothes with me, d'ye sec? îussi ighît off s terrible destructive sud calamitous17 hava thaîn legs off ynumrn." fine whicb broke oui early on uSnudsy moru-il "Yen wiil do nothiug nf tIse kin I,"îan-! iug, andi continued for sume houra, lu tha 1 swered, nesnhuiay though witb ny heant village off Kîcein Poculamu, wbicbh i sitnsted a' starting tubeat a trifle qniclter. nery opposite the market towu off Mar- f "Comae, nn," said ieh, "do'n alte sny baa-h, on the Danube, lu Lorver Anstris, Il fusa. V' besi chop qtiheîîy." The fine origiuaiad in a dwvelinig-bouse, et Ai that instant the locomotive gave s suad baffore amythiug could be doue to cope Il long, screamiug whiatle, sud the train wih tise fisses the whohe village bsd ho- ri plungdth s ruar ihu tunnela. comepractcshhy luvulveh. Th-slbouses weme st bar, ow, eclase th felow, th r t part constructefi off timber, i puttiug on a sosi nenscing air, sud lbau- and the resourcas off the itfla cousmuuiiya ing towands me witb bis fiais cleuchedi "if for dealing witb sncb s disasier were.vary fe yuu dun't do what I waut, thon ont yods go seagre. In ibesa circumatauces the fire tc t 4-1g-1tAi d-or. may be sald te bave hsd full play, sud when Of lasi I twmneti my foot about bis lag sud Ita. tbre bi ; h bal beviî, srhjiu1Jg1.1bdis Rats," murmured the sweet girlash heafi agaiuat the cushiuued seat, sud dwu agged hem ont, But s3h6e weut.h 1 cama witb is stilI clingiug tu bis àil-n biard, muacular ibroat, upon whîcb my gnip' Thare la a dlock lu Bmussels whicbh is neyerIc seemefi tu uaka scarcely sny iupeshn.jw0uud by hussu baude. Wind power We nllefi ahaut fora wbile, escb auZ-10vor doos îh, A WAREKWOIITH 1XIRACLE. The Hlappy Termination of Years of Sut'- fening- 31r. 8. Crolitter R[elats anmi Expt-rtenee ai Grelat Value teo oliers-tMeé was Becoisi Jilngt UmîuWhel;î Relief Canie-A i)rauigst Expresses lits Opinion. WarkworftfiJounal Not ln aga a representaive off the Journal wbile lu conversation witb Mm. N. Enupey, dmnýiggisi, dniftefi upon a topie which appeaýrs ho ho of genensi huiorasi net unly tu thiýý lýcskiîy, but ibrouzbout the coun- try, w melon ho the wouderfful curas threngh the use off Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla for Pale Peuple. Newsspar men are not posýessed ý,off sure cunhusity than othor peu- ple, but iy bave a feeling thai instinctive- ly leada thiem te investigation, simd in tIhe course off our conversation we sltafMr. Einpey wheiher lse îbougbt the sales off Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla are reslhy as harge as ciaimedfi on ihes. The answer wss that jufi1ging from bis oyn saies lie was well assur- ed thai Pink Pilla are the msa vainable, the muet reliable sud the msat succesafful proprie- tary miedicine axtani. In auswrrth the queni; as to wheiher thene wero any note-wortby cures mn ibis viciniiy, Mmr. Empey promphy meapoudoî, l, Yes ; many peuple have beau greailyhenefitefi by the use off Pink Pis, andi I ltnow off unie case in paticular worihy off sn reôemded. The casa ho which 1 me- f er"si.cuîînued Mm. Espey, 'lis that -)f Mr. Crouten,' brother off Rev. Darius Crouler, wbo seinus years ago mepreseniefi Est Northumberland lu the House off Cossons. Mn. Crouter iras euflernug brus nervous affection sud the atiar affects off la grippe. He bas net been able hoe do anytbing bon twu yesrs, was unable hoeset as hae could not bolfi a ltîifa or fork lu bis baîf panalyzefi bauds. Ho auffenefi greaiuy irons crampa in bis arma sud legs, andi baf a continuai feeling off colfineas. Oua day Mm. Crouter mafia enuiny coucerning Dm, Williams' Pink Pills, andi 1 adylsef i m to try them, aud the resultislathat hue Jýas eitirely me- coverafi hi bealtb,"e Having beard tissnmcb the Journal determinef ho interview Mn. Cranter, andi gai frein bis ouru lips the full particulars off bis ilineas and nesarksble macuvry. We founfi Mn. Cronter ai bis buse in the hast off healh, sud eujo3 iug an evening sinolt sI tar a day's toil un the wuods. Whbou iu- fomefiofuthe objeci offOur visit, Mm. Crou- ion said hoe wss glad te hear tastimuny to the wouderful valuaoff Dr. Williams' Pinîk Pilla as aremedial agency. "lThe original cause off my truble," saifi Mm. Crouler, "I date back a guod sany yaars. WN/heu I1xwas 19 yesrs old 1 dranit a glass uf coid waton wbeu uverbeatel1, whlcb provef is ot lu- judiciaus set ounîmy part. I %is siclt for thirteen menuthe and unabie tu work, andi since that tisa until receuhîy, 1 bave nover liafi irIai you coulfi cal[ a uroîl day. Turo years ago I hafi an atiack off la grippe wbich nearly cost use my hile. My legs andfi fot were cuntinuahly coifi sud crampefi, sud I caulfi gai hitihe orno slaep ai nigi. 1h ws impasible: for me ta ami wîth a kuife or fork sud i was feoed ta est with a spooîî, sud yeu can undarstanfi whai a burden life was te mua. Ona day 1 nead lu the Jounnîal off a nesankable cura by tise use off Dm. WiIl ias' Pinkt Pillsand 1 mafia up my slind ho give ihes s trial. I sent ho Mn. Emipey'a for a suppiy sud bafome the firai box waa entimeuy gens 1 colfinotice ihaitb tey -..Y1p ina, su Yù- 1 ssy ha sure I conhhnuafi ibein use. Wholi;n I hagan nsiug the Pinkt Pulls tbare wss snob cha numbuosa lu sy let thai I coufi ,ýn- t bal the flour whan h steppefi ou it. As >on l tue buse off the pilla ibis iîapearod; the feeling netumnefi te sy lims, ihec, ram-pa laIt se, 1 flhias hhongh ,îOw bloofl wera coursin~ibruugb my velus, 1 sud eau uow go f-o bof sud sleop soundly uli nigisi. 'Ihuave takan juat iwelva boxes off Pinkt Pilla sud I cousider ibes the cheapesi duetor-'abll 1 axer paid. WbenI gailup in t' e smniug lustaad off feeling tiref a-i depressafi, 1 feel thnmoughly refreshef. sud ail ibis wouderful change ha fdue to Dr. Williams' Pink Pmilla. Aiihongh I amn 74 years Qld I esmu go luto the woodsand do a mard fiay's cbuppiug witbu feeling the last bafi offecis. Ihbava nuw ga u cbcon- fidence in Dr. Williams' Piuk. Pulls, thai I untauf shorily bogiuuing iboir use again,' bhis tise as a spriug medicima, for 1 believe bhey have nu aqual for building up the eloofi andf' h sinon gly recumimenfi ibes tualh srfferers, on teany who wish to bortify the syatom againsi fiiaeaae. " Mm. Cranter bas hivaf inu iis vicinity for forty.five years, sud la weil-ltuown as au uprmgbt, honsorahle gentleman, whose sisto. mnus ec a ef nhly depenfiefiou in every particulau'. Dr. Williams' Pink Pislabon Pale Peupla ane a naever-bailiug bloufi builder sud narre -estuner, curng partial paralysis, locosoton utaxia, ýSi. Vitus' diance, mbcumatism, uou- ralgia,ý the af tan affecta off la grippe, in- fluenza andi savane cuIda, nervous headache, servons prostration and the tirefi feeling înisiug theref nom. Thes pilîs ares spacîfie - fon ailfuseases ariing brus bumars in the hlood, sncb as senoffula, chrunlo erysipelas, etc. Asas remady fan building snaw the bhool, amabliug tbe systes te successfuilly reshat fusase, Dm. Williamns' Pink Pilla standi f anlun adranca off any other remedy îuuwu te maflicai science. Pink Pilla ara a specifie; for tho troublas peculisnruteihe 'emahe systes, giviug s nosy, bhatby gbw oe pale or sallow camplexions. Iu the casa if mou thay affect a radlical curaehinsîllcasas îmising frus santal worny, overwork, or uxcassas off any nature.' h.uafi ite, sud haiug oven anxious, hafi the miaffo tune to fail into, the river. Ou bhis rogsiuing the shore bu mrai hutefi oui: " Ahi bats off, Jins; noue off ur diviuâg lu afier bsin." About iwice as much power ha requinefi te stop au express train as to atari une. SCIENCE CONFlIIMS THE DELUGE The Stm.ange New Story or the AncIen Flod-lt was Net the tirst, Neor Iast- Il ha uow nu longer a secr et, says Dei -Steiunfier Wa.iseu, tisai the Biblical tra -dition off ihe floodi bas aIse a kerneu off adieu A tiflo evideuce lu resi upon, sud prosenu inoîhing discordant fros the point of viaxu off the modemn meteuruiogiat. Iu the fins, place, we bave the bnoad diffusion off thi myib, not onlyin Euarope sud Asia, but slsî lu America, as walI asoug the Greeulsane off the North as smoing the Aizecesud Pao 'mruviana. Add to ibis that it is curreni amung the nagrues off the Soudan, th( Hottentots sud the peeple off Buruen, suui il la nu longer possible to regard ilai wbolly wiithon t boundaîlon in faci. Alexauder V. Humboldt ws mpnesaed wlth ibis vhew. Hosays in bis Americar diary: I caunot beave ibis flrst spur ol tIsa mountain chain off Encaramada witut thiuking off a matiar which waa fraquently 'brougbîtat notice dnniug oun stay lu thE 'tOrinoco sissmons. The natives off ibis cun- try sil presarve a tradition off the ' Great Watem,' wheu their bathens baf to haltetc thair oanuas ta escape the universal overflow, wheu the wavas off the sea wshed thE rocks ef tha Encaramada. This tradition isuot coufinefito ne peuple aloue, but,is awufely dhstrhbnted sud attesied by hie- lroglypbics high up the rocks, Ib ouea ski ya native, 1'Huw was it possible tu luscribE the hienoglyphica au bigh on the rock,' bE auswcns as il ha wera uarrsîiug a tact wbicls noue but s white man coulfi be igno- rant off, that 'ai the tisa of the Great Fluood thairfathars floatafi so hîgh in thaincanoas.'" s And wheu Humboldt chosed with the words IlThese ancieut traditions off tht rrace wlsicb we findufi dtrhbuted like frag- sauets of s wreck over the -ix ol surface ci jtha asrth, are of higb siguificauce"-we sup- plainent bis néark by sayhug that thay are 1off the bigheet siguificauce, eapecially when, as lu the prasaut casa, ibay su wnndarfuhly support the conclusionsoff recant soientiata, As regarda the scieniic aspect off the problesn, i bas hson bully damunsiratef ibat in the gray dswîs off sntiquiîy glaciers were mach sure extensive thîsu nrw. We hava the avidemices firai in griudhng traces fof the glacier hnits flow, andi secoudly, lu the glacial driffts, the so -called Il"mraines." Sncb evidauces of an ice age are off tnudl in localitias wbiose praseut climaio condi- tions precînda ail possibility ob glacier for. mation. Osse off the muai beautiful and maguiticent of ahI glaoier ruts was sean by the wriîar lu South America. Close tu Cuzco, the olfi chiaI ciîy of Paru, îuwers s luilI caliad Rodadero, wbuae sumusit la crowued with s ibreefolfi zigzag wailluf dimensions--tha remains of au ancien bforiresa. Opposite ibis wall, sud soparaiad from il by a smal vahley, the ira. cbytic rock off the suintain summit, strip- pad off ail humua, is laid bare over a cousidarable aras; sud wbile ils general surface bas been grounfi fewn smootb as glass, numareus paralal furrows score its surface frus the top downward. Tbasa are su prononcafi that the Cuzco Indies ansd fllowiug ibemntheSpaniards, expiain that lu the goofi olfi daya of the Incas, tise chiefs sud ibeir lailies sud their bollowers wara mn the habit off going to the summît andi smusiug thesselvea by coasig down the inclina, The simple people have very littie ides ifhlow sncb friction would ha necessary to the formation off ruts, but aý geohogisi off rtu' 'tmea,te pnoflcieucy ivonifirocognize bore att the tinst r Z1 -"'a thIf At ha u afr the grandoat spadiman ut gLasiai action lu the wurld ; sud altbuugb the proseut wriier was the firaitut draw attention ta the bact, hsconclusions hsave beau simply affaminafi hy latar cospeteut authonliles., Ho bouud es- pecislly under the surface of the rock, sud coufrmiug with ail its ffurrows, a tibm stratuin off asbestos, whicb couhd have ori- giuatad only by the matamonphuc insfluence off ica or waten. Il la evideut, tbeu, that Cuzco, ean oe- vation off 12, 000 foot sud situsied in lati- tude 13 0 suutb, where the limîîitoff pompai. ual suow la aboya 16,000 feai, muai have beau subjaci to widely f iffeent chimatic conditions ai the peroul ai wbicbh Uwas covered by massive glaciers. Ansd as the glacial perlod corresponds with the geulogi. cal diluvial periodinl which the preempits- tion off ramu nsu 11w wa5 excessive, there romains nu doubi that the glacial formation was the prnfuct of tbhs continuons precipi- tatlou. V4e lnow froiu observation off modemn glaciers thai a colfi sussor, wîtb excepiousi ralufaîl, la aiwsys followed by au extension offteilmagacier into the vslleys, while in wsrm, dry yeaîsil recedes. This afivance sud reirugresalon la now bounfitu ha perodical. 9'e kuow, ioo, fros huer- ganic, as weIl as fros orgaumc, nature that the diluvial period waa charactarizefi by s, very markad depression of temparature. ý le precisely ibis periudiciîy' off glacial ph nomens wbhch guides us sun ur mnvesti- gaionuoffihe subjeciunder cousiderahon. Biblical cbronology places the crostion ai 4,000 B. C. Noev, regsrdiug our Racrafi Scriptmnes frein the point of view ibat ihey are Oriental coopuohitions, sud accapting the IlCration" as tise overibrou uff the olIý sud the unhgiuatiom off îew conditions, lu- auguratefi, net by sufiden catastrophe, but by gnsdually upeasing climatic causes sncb as saerial inerase sud dacresses of pro. cipiation witb ail.usattendant couse- queucos, wo shonifi ste the Olfi Worhd tra.- dimiion of a daluga presaniinig itscîf lu quite s neur light. W/heu we refieci ami the cou- saqueucea uowadsys, of axceptiouaiiy havy mrain extenfiuge, ver omsuy a ffew boums, thora, tion, rescbing their climax suma 6,oeo ycars ago, overflowiug the howhsnds, broaltiug up ai the greai civîlizations of the day, aud Edriviug the sevemal races of man tu the eamneat accessible mauntaina. Duriug the maevaleuce of the flood, which exteudefi &ver perhaps 2,O000yeans, msnoof the olfi cultue walost butsome, ai leasi, v-as *preservedunder the less favorable coiiâaj of mounitain life ; and when ai lengft,1", I fioods subsidad, and the su warmed t4ý fertile valleys jinoile, men came down troins the mountainsanad built citles ard tilled r' the earth, and embarked on a naw caxer of progress. * And the iraditional flood is flot an iso- Slated but a periodical phenomenon. Thiere Vwere flooda bafore tise days of Noah, and ýt the conditions which brought about the del- e uges of the past will recur lu the future. 0 In the 2,ear 6400 A. D., on March 171 the 's aarth will again bie nearest the sun, e apor- *ation at the equator will attairs its maxi- tmui and the moistura be prac ipita'red ini e the temparate zones, witb consequeccs 1 which inaugurated the lasi Glacial Age anti 8the traditional deluge. MtaLretizing a Snake. f It happened tbat a few ut us were stand- ting iu a field near my uwn bouse, wheu wa ysaw a large black-anid-white anake gliding e along. It took refuge in a buncb off grass . aud weeds, about fifty yards away. " 1Dont kill hum, " said 1 ; 1"and 1 will Dshow you someihing younover saw before. 1l'Il mal-e Unit snake follow me into the b ouse witbont ever tonching him. lu fact, iof bis own accord, he'l1 go wherevar 1 go." 8 Tbey waited wbile I rau in aud burriedly . changod my dress, raappearing in a momeint i clad lu a navy-blue dressing gown reaching down to witbin an inch of the ground. Now Bit is necessary to mention tbat itwas a very tcalin day. The sua was shinîng overhead, .and flot a uloud waa in the sky. The field 1was covercd wlth very short grass, and I trusted to the fact thaitbere was nlot a mole- bole or a rat-hole lu the au tire acre, nor any othar place for tbe suake to bide iu, except that very buncb off weeds wbarc hae stili lay fclose. 1 approached bim, and took up my station about twenty yards frein wbere hae waa hîding. 1 stoud still as a statue, with my arms hangîng motiouiess by my sides, rand my face toward him. I then asked .them te go tothie buuicb of grass by the 3fartbar ida, aud ta cbase hlm out sa bai hali would malte bis exit on the aide nexito 3me. But bafora tbey came near, hie had -glided off, sud made diractly toward me. I 3was gazinig straight ai hlm as hae approached ime, and, wibhout turuing iny heail or tnov- m y arma, I began tu move goutly back ward. 1Stili lha followed. I turuad to the laI t; ha stili followed. Ha was isot anzry-ha did nut want ta attack me, for hae glided on very gently. If I moved to bis right, hae did su too ; if I went to bis laIt, hae did the saine. I allowed hlm ta core witbin a yard of Eme, sud then asked the others, but stili witb my eyes carafnilly un tihe snake, ta directrme lu my backward route, amne I 1 could not turri y head to direct mysoîf, as 1 bad ta keep facing hum. They sent me by a very wiuding route, but hie follow- cd every turn till I goltat the door. Wbeu flnaliy I sat down gantly on the step, ha glided in beneatb my drsssinz-gown, and coilod blmself un the tees off my shueg. iThay lifted the skirt off the dressiug-gown ta look at hlm, sud lhe was frightened, and abot paat me iîuto the donr, taking refuge among tha furniture. I picked him np, sud added hum ta my alres.dy large collec- tion of ive Fnales. Pour fellow 1 iehadied long ago, aud bis remains are in a bottle lu the musouin of Trinity Collage, Dublin. Now, ihay didn't driva hlmi toward me, for they bad reînained afar off, nearly as far from hlm as tbaey had beau at firsi. IlHow did yen do it?'" they inquired;, and 1,iluarswer (as n'as my right), a2ked ibain tuo xplaini, Oua be 1vedI I, so e od about me tu attract biins. Anihal o ughi I ' ruubhed on ny 1resiug-gown serre (drwg ou wicb hli iaâd I d L ur.On lbeiug ,,aýsstred that these guesses \wero wýrun-g, ft-y ireiismor- bered thai I bad kept my eye on bîm al! the tise and neyer once turued frein hlm. They asked if tbat was a necassary pari of it. I said, IlYes ; oiherwise 1 could not keap control uf hlm." Then ibey said, "It is mnaguetisin, or hypnotism. It la by the power off yuur eye that yuu did t. " Il No," I answered "it was notmy eyes that drew hlm. The attraction iras more genaral ; but yet if was naîither ffood, nor drink, nor odor of any kind. Ha was ai- tractad toward me very powerfully indecd, but the causa was neither, chamical nor cisc. tries1." Six words coutauib heanaswer ; six mure ibe explanation. Perbapa the readar can guasa thora. He wanted to bide beneatb me, as the sbadow, was tempting, and lha didu't know that I was a living tbiDg. The dressing-gown bld my moving feat. Like the alphabet or the telaphone, it la very simple wheu you do know i, but very mysterious wbeu yen dou't. IJhristy'a eeue A Scotcbwomnau was retrîrning by train fruin a market tuwn wbera she bad made a few purchas-es. Juat as the last bell rang, a fussy gentleman elegantly dressed, aud with a mao.înirid.thyself-loukiug facerusiefi into tisa compartuseut, fiuug bmlînaf hastily into a corner, pnlled out an evening p.sper, audproceadedto devour its contents. Harlly bad hae become s-sîad wheu the wossn timidly addrassed hlm "I'm vara saurry air, but-" II neyer listen to beggars,' fiercely in- termuptad the gentleman. "Il you anuuy me furihar l'Il report yuui." Christy's ayes flasbed, and then twunkied she said no more, and the chsolaric gentleman retired with iu augry lrowu belind bis PUREST, 8TRO-:nCEST, U8T ItaadyflOLs^,In any ?,,anlty. For mLuî:ug Suis ,iof ulz ais in-,bnSeig, and a hndned oth(4 tises. A aea quais 25p eundse Hal Soda. SoiS by Ail Ci-oce,-, Rad )-ag'mie*