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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 8

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Fu AXMINSTER CARPETt4. WILTON CARPETS. BRUSSELS CARPETS. BALMORAL CARPETS. TAPESTRY CARPETS. USION AND WOOL CARPETS. MAPLE LEAF WOOL CARPETS. NOTTJNGE[AM LACE CURTAINS. FANCY ARABIAN LACE CURTAINS. IRISHl POINT LACE CURTAINS. BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS. EMPIRE LACE CURTAINS. CLUNY LACE CURTAINS. SWISS TAMBOUR LACE CURTAIINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CLRTAINS. ECRU MADRAS CURTAINS. SASII CURTAINS. SASII CURTAIN MATERJALS. CHINA SILKS. FRENCH CRETONNES. ART MUSLINS. -VELVETS, 15LUSHES. TURKEY AND INDIA RUGS. LINOLEUMS. OILCLOTIIS. CORK CAR PETS. COCOA CARPETS. SUMMER NMATTINOS. CURTAIN FIXTURES, POLES. This couibination inciodes th 1oteat tand mort popular Engiish flowers orf1.1d- less varieties (satne as wili he contained in the elaborato exhibit of Eng'ish flowers at tihe worid's Fa3r.) This W Fhis air" contest wjll be carefuily and cunscie.itiouslycmductedý soiely fur the purpo2o of intrcducing our bm.iness. You wiIl recoive the BiIt4GEST value in flowor seeds ever offered, and if you ar2 able te mako a gond list of words and auswer pronrptiy you wiil have a first clas opportuiy te secure a frea trip fromn home to Chicago and reture. W'e a-e sperding a large amourat of money t" s art, ur trade this Peason, and want yïour trial order. You willi ho more tha i grâtified with the resuit. Sena t. day, and addresa THE SCOTT SEED COMPANY, Toronto, Ctnada. I hn,>w MLINARD'S Lli\NMENT will cure diphtlieria. Fr-ýuch Village. JonEn D. BOUTILrER. I knovw MINARD'S LINIMEN;T wil cure croup. Caoe Island. J. F. CUNŽ, rNoHÂm. 1know 311NARD'S LINIMENT ie the bet remedy on earth. Norway, Me. JOSEPn1 A. SNow, .1 ALL CRVTIýCAL PERNOOS 1ANOIlC-ANGE O-1 LT.Soid( byallL,1ruggnr,,,or by m1ail plie 50 ce;nts, si.,;boxes, $2.50. ThLe Celety I'il ca., Toronto, On1t. JSTER & PENDER, St 16 King St. East,, TORONTO. A Letter addressed to this Iluse stating the class of goods requii'ed, receives immediate reply, with samples enclosed where prac tical and sncb prices as a large bouse, buying ini very large quantities,can quote. We also send sugestions for measurernents, e., that will enable our out-of-town patrons to order by mail, with the certainty that their order will be filled to their perfect satisfaction. The Mail Order Department is one of the special features of our business, and re.ceive most careful and in- telligent attention., Among otber lnotable features that dis tinguishes TORONTO's NEw CAJIPET bIousE fromi any otiiers, is the vast variety of new patterns and designs liail grades and styles of Carpetings and Curtaininigs, IRugs, Mattings, IDecorative Stuifs, etc., and ini al cases, the Quality is eminently the very best that is to be had at the prices. A personal inspection of the many choice lines 'in the stock ot this bouse, would prove 'a most interesting matter to out-of-town patrons who can make it convenient to visit Toronto. But many fnd it very pleasant and satisfactory whose dealings with us are conducted by letter., 14 and 16 King St. East, TORONTO. We can çýupply you a Iron Roof Which wilI be as cheap as Woodes Shingles. Water, Wind- and FREE TRIP TO CHICAGO.j Superate X-0-R-L-I)-S E-A-I-R and use the lot tors te speil as3nrrtt woris a, yu con by usipg tire botters as many > tirnes as ya mwîsi, either bacitwards ori forwards, but flot use tir e asarolotvor i making any onue w ndin,)ro tirera t'a- i,, eppears in "Wonlc'd Fair." t leSalU SEENTY-Fl"E u'na'I Englisir words eau ire spoloed corectly front tire ton letters contained bu "Wonkcta Fair." Examnple:-WeVd, wsif, anar, io, .If yen are good et word-.making you clin securo a FREE trip te thre World's Fair and returu, as Thre Scott Seed Cnmpany will psy ait expensee,including R. Wt fare, hotel brlls, admission ta tire Columban Expositian,aud $50 in cash for' incîdeutal exponses, ta tire firat pnrsou able to rn'tke SEVFNTY words frer tire letters ceetiined ini "World's Fair," as abovc. They wifl alsogive a ixREEi TRIP te the orllnd'e Fair and return witir $25.00 for incrdent- ai expenses. -to the flut persea aeudiug srx-ýTY wards as abeve. Threy'ill is ive e FREE TRIP te tirh orbds Fir, and returu (wthout cash for incidenta] expenses) to tire irot personr sending 7îrvYvîvVE words. Ta tire irtet porson sonding FiFTY- words&l will bo given $5000 iu cash tewards pay- "mg oxpenses ta tire World's Fair ; te thre flut 9sendinlg FORTY words wibl ha given $25.00 in ca)sh towards paying expensot ta tire World's Feir, toe ecoef tire fluet FIVE penos endi 'UTli[RTYFIVE WOuds will be givon .à$10, 00 ini cash, and toe eue/ of tire firet ton sudn TiRTY wouds wil ho (),n'$j00in ash OoIynue riz wii ir awa~lte tire same Inps'. Wit urnanlonlist cf wCrds (nuub'ee)sd nlsetr saootaid w"tih onlt i rreo centla'p f or a large pï),cAae Cf u ieni,- ,Ul h, Cojttage Gardon ,Flower Seeds. Stormn Proof, also an absolute Glasses groundi to fit any sight, corc- plicaed cases a spec7:alty arid no charge for (onsu1tatiî.n or testing by T. N. IRioiàrd, sratohnaker, joweler and opti- cran, Varie--.:, all, Irritatibility, indigo in, nausea, voin- iting, and a long train of similar affec- tilong are si)MsIny sywptora. (calied dis£aý,e),of an exh2,uation)i of nervo, supply. The roniody beat designed to correct the cause of- aIl such troubles ia the latest triurmph, csl'ed Colery Iro7 PiM. Druggista and dealers, or mail. Price »0 Cts., six f or $l2.50. The Ceiery Fi Co., Toronto. Ont HOUSE PAINTING. I arn prepsared to xecute ail orders for house painting, graining, glazing, paper- haDging and decorating iu the muet ap- proved styles3 and at moderato terms.- SWall Paporg, Glasq, Putty and ie Painta in al shades always foraie Shop oppoâite Young &C' first ciass grocery a lore, King St., Bomalville. Orders may ho sta lof t at Young &Co' or at my residence, Q ieen St. 1-mTIIOS. KRY ipis Tables baniish pain. Mr. Casty Mitchell is- engeged with the lowest prices, We are certain you eau save monev by buying 14fr. Honey ta manufacture chaese. Gloves and Hose at our store, Mr. Thos. Ilenry, Hoilyrood, ont. visited friends around Orono lest week. Our customers ean get the fashion sheets for each month free by ask-. M4r. Frank Batten, Toronto, yisited hie ing for thùm. We want to keep the publie posted along fashionable diter, Mrs J. Gibson, who bas been liues as they wilI then the better appreciate our goods which are alWay.s very il]. A TERPtiELE CASE OF SuFEERiNG,.-Tire the newest. dreadf ni suffmring cfe amen with Choiera Mo-hns wes peinfully illustrated in New JO}{H S[ J. M LA .SOJSIýýT York a few days ega, when an individuel fromn the rural districts wh3 lhed been filling himsolf with aIl sorts of good bot . udigestible things was struck down on 2 S i jlà.L .'J.t~ L.k~ ib Broadway and irad ta ire cerried jutoa 2 IA UC HS S botel, wirere twa doctors worked him for au --urbeoe ho was cut cf danger. A teaspr'onful or two of PFitR-Y DA&vis' PAiN KýILL-1It, and a flannel cloth saturated with B O T S .AN1D S H OE S. the tredicine and epplied ta hie stamacir, Aslc oto ftewoeaeBurp tc fR mr would have relieved hum almoat instant- Aslc oto ftewoeaeBnrp tc fR mro iy. Get 25c. New Big Bottle.& Co. nught on the $ M1r. D. T. Allun cf Orono Division wee oue cf a delogation 'who waited on Attor- ney General Mowat, in c,nnection with1 -T S thre Marter Bill.' A lot of sarnples, perfectly nerw goodos ad in good condition. Feit Mr. Wm. Thorriton, kr., cf Rirby was in town lest week. fur and straws, you save mouey in these gooda LoociHER.-Do you feel bine ana. --- T ' despondent? Do pains rack and tear away Q 31 DE Et.D L~OT H. I iN '. ait neuve and muscle, and have yen been disapponuted un fluidinL, a remedy tiret We have taken more orders this season than ever before (for saine wil oiford certaiu and speedy relief ? If so, go at once ta any drug store and bny montirs). We have the No. 1 cutter and the largest of goods. Try u3 a battie cf Polsors Nervitine. Poison'. Nérviline neveu faits ta relieve neuralgia, if you want a new suit. crsmnpo, headacirs, rireumnatianri, and ail T1)2 internat and ex'ernat pains. J. B. Car. Mens' andu o s ut. R a y t e r raidrnggist, Morrisburg, writes : "AItBo s tire parties 1 anppty epeak very favorable 'Our stock in these Goods -is the best tve have yet shown and o-air of Nerviline,aud always purchaso a second lt"Polaon'a Nervilîne is old inibottles superiority more marked than ever; we have marked our suits very et 25 cents-by aIl druguists and country coeti esn dealers everywheue. coeti esn Mr. Robert Besi irad iisbf t foot bad. ]ygirshedby a tone wihha ws try. H L T IN O E T. GEO. MIASONV ing t sin, faling n him THEGLOTHNG H USn* Mr. Bort. Bailagir bas purchased Sir Rloger Ticliborrre frein C. J. fingison. 8 jP - -. J~ A Lady Speakig.- Toronto Empire. MxWr, EDIT01t,--Will you eliaw me spece ini Your veluable paper to tell yonr msny la.dY rtadore tire velulabie discoveuy I have, made2. ( li. ed 1 known thia ton yearsa ga it woold have Faved my busbaud hundreds cf dollar s snd yselîf vears cf aufforiug. Since my boy wa3 ;bore, ton yeeus aga, I have been e great sufferer.from wonmb trouibles ; the bet physiciens in Canada aýnd tire United States were consutted,my husband sparing no exponse wirere we thonght tirere was any chance of a cure. Gettinz ne relief from thoir treatment I had givonnp hope. Lest winfer Icaught a cold, wirich settted in amy krdneys, sud heving seen Diidd'a Kidney Pille advertis- ed- fo r thus purpoee tried a box, sud strange ta say my womb trouble began ta dîisappoar. AImer teking four boxes I was eutiro en ccred cf tire aid complaint. I uow takeoeeof these puIs overy moýrning and feel lîke e young girl again. 1 have told many of amy lady frmonda rvio Woro strnilaniy sfllicted and tirey rmsod tlrn witir tiresarmegond resuits. I have nov-,erhiearJ of tire,ýe pilIiIenz renom- mevndeil for tint purpose sud for tins reason I write you that otirer euflering women may beriefit by amy experierne. Tit ii neediess te add tiret tire kidney trouble iras aIse disappeared. Thankimg you for your valuabte space and trustina that tis information may ho tire meaus4 of bringing irralti te mry homes as it iras to tiret cf TEN YEARs A SUpFFEitR. OBAWA. Oshrawa Proabytoriaus have decided te buitd a now cirurcir. Wm. Warren, tanner, iras amsgned for tire benefit cf creditous. Tire Cooper sirop sud dwellings ewued by Mu. Western ou Simncoo St,,' wero sol!d at auction, Mr. Robit. Rowe, being tire purchasar et $1,500. Ciras. Stone, son cf Wmn. Stone, I4ake- shore, uarrowiy escaped instant de-sur by f allrng f rom tire upper part cf tire don ick of the wiudmil on iris fatirer'a f 4rir. Tire body of Mrs. Saitir, widow o l ward Sinlth, wha forrnerly liv-d to. Tirornton'si corners, wae couveyed lu me Toronto ta Oshawa lest Wednedm o inte-rment. At a meeting cf creditors of J. S. Bos- ton, grocer, tire liabrlities were sirowu to be $5,000; stock $2,100, bock eccounts, $2,000. Mr. R. McCew la truetee and jwill seli tire stock. Tire esseasmont ral of tire toýwn of Osir- aWa for 1893 givos tire folloYwing totale: Rosi property ?1,028,095, ponsonal pro- porty $52,400, taxable incarne $21,600, total rosI and perm.uai pruperty ud tax- able incarne 81,102,095, population 4,068 numniber uf Cattle 20, ro 109, bouses b5,iirtirs, 68, deatirs 49. On Sabbatir afternoon, April 29, the Odd-feliows marcired 150 te 200ý strong te th-e Mfedcalf St. Metirodisit cirui Tire) procession was ireaded by tire Ciritian Woilkers' Band, Scores turned aw frein thre ciurcîr unabie 0'0 1ecoue1ov1 stnigroom. T'ire cIrchrwas teste- f ily ldecorated with bannera s2 ud foe Tire pastar cf tire cliucir, Bev. ]ro. C. W,. Wstcir, proachbed tire annuel sermion. e H-ave.7 just received a fine assortment of Bath and -3uggy Sponges ail sizes. Be sure you get one. SPEOTACLES AND ERECLASSES «We carry a large stock of the best Unes of spectacles and seil them at reasonable prices. Our spex are giv- ing splendid satisfaction. For comfort, durabiiity and cheapnesss we have -the best. Before you leave for California, British Col-' umbia, Manitoba and, other points, cati at ou~r store for tickets and information.,.O. P. Ru. tickeat office: J. ICINOTAN& HAT!O has one of the best, the latest andi Iargest stock of Rats, bought di- reet from the best manufacturies, direct from England and New York. Prices as low as the lowm est---from 50C Up. For Men and Boy's sott or hard and in ail colors and shapes. C ail and examne prices and goods.- In Gents fulrnishings a large and well selected 'stock always on hand. R-ighest prices paid for Raw ;ýTF-ïirs If Vou have any trouble withi your 1Ion SALE OR RENT.-ouSe and watc-h, docks, or jewelory, which no F l acres fer sale or to rent. 8ituate on doubt you wi11 have, cad on the oid reli- Scugog treet forth. The premisos cont3iet of a good bouse witheeycnelna rvn abe ayllard the Joweller. shed, stable, etc. iegro otisalt0 the choicest fruit nt al variettes. lmmoediatem pOsssion ean he givon. For p art uar ply. "OI&r avna igas" to . PSREIH.Bosnnvfl nt 49tf "Li Cadcra" and "La Flra-." Inam ___________________ ripon having theme brande. Bipans Tab ules cure âcrofula. f protectio'n from Fire and Lig,,htning. U)IiOMJ. (Condemrsed from the News.) Mr. Barry Haiiett, Bowmnanville, is visiting his brother. Mr. James Ualoett. Wi 1 poEitiveiy cure sick headache and pro3vent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pdls. This ie no taik, but truth. One pili a dose. See advortisement. Smel pill. Smail do,3e. Small price. Mur. John Gibson, cheesemaker, and ife, Perr3 to'1 , epent Sunday week at j vIr. J. G. Honey's. MNr. and :Mrs. W. Jewell, of Oshawa, F3peet a few days with friends here prior ta taki-ng thirirdeparture ta Bitavia, N. Y. -The Proof of thre Puiddinlg is in thre Ealting." Membraye î{idsmey and Liver Cure iras been -pronounced th best remnedy ever put in a boutle, f<,r the Cure rf ail symptomas indicating idney or Liver complaint. -FOR SPRTNG- No Store in town contains a nicer,' newer or more fasbionable stock of goods thau that wbich we are sbowing this season. Our sales of Dress Goods already lias been remarkable. We also cali attention to our New Spring Coats for Ladies and Children. We have received our importations of Parasols-ail new ï-ice and styliali. See our new Print,, new Delaines, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, etc Our Glove and Hoisery de partment is as usual right in the, front,. We import oar ilose and Gloves and get the best goods Procurablo at A :4 FOS TER& PEND£ R-' NA TSOIOI

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