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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 5

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O uU THE i BTL QUA mT iTY OF OLi SIZE. Old Popular 25c. Priée. 8o pecial epectacle Notice. For the convenience of customiema lu hs coutrVy andnd uorder Vo domonustrate he auperiority of our glassesi over the ch eap trazh being soid aV extortionate prices by taLh pedlars, we have declded Vo psy knouVhly visite o hs folio wiug places maiJjng our firat viit as f lows : 2>eWcastle at Fa.nnîb Bros., June 7 Oarno at L. A. GTampby'a, 8 BIackstook at Sbaw & McClnng's 14 Enniskfilen et F. Rogers' "15 We hold lst clase diploneas fron the THREE MOST NOTED OPTICAL COLLEGES lu Amerlos sud have aIl the Momt modern scientihec tests for properly adjuating spectacles sud we guarantos 'prfect satisfaction iu the rmoit complicae- ed rles. Having mnade a apecialty of theo sýtudy of t eesys for many yeara sud Ieavng had the baueft of full courses of lactares iu hs above collages we are, quite wiIiiug Vo refuend tha maouoy in any cime 'Where wo feu Vto giva outire aatisfac- itoun. Thoseo who hava bought spectacles 4ýi. sýateg.en'i nd pedlara sund given STOTTI & JURY, D-RUGGISTS andc OPTICIANý BOWIM&ÂNVILLEý, MiX 17, 1893. Local and Otherwîse. Mr. J. H. Kennier, Stratford, wasaln town lest week. Mm. W, 'Y. Brittalo, Toronto, niai toc friands iu town lest week. Mr. John Hliggiubotban, Milton, bai been vlslting bis ld frienda lu own. LateesV ityles of pictume mouildlng cheai zib Dobson and !4aynamd's "Big 2U'" TM. W. A. Parka, B. A, Assaylug Eui gineer, Sud bury, bias beau epending a fess *Su2eigrove sud ,Mr. bM. 'W. the Cnbourg World Puhiish- y haývedisie partnership. sa wil hoe cas ied ou by Mn. ,Stacey, frnu y -of Bow ader of tVhs Folreeters' J13dad 1,vas presonted with a wel. sud a vote of thanka for hie 'ement of the baud by the thttown before leeviug for The editor, of a weostern j àppr speaka te hL- deinqulent bcibr as followm: Tiha wînd bloýwcetb, hs far-ereowthi, tVhs Ziibmerrbhan oweth, sud hs Lord knoweth we ara in need of our due-,. So co'ne a ouiii rs wa go guanun', were not fun- iii', this thing of d3unnin' gives nis ever- larsting hInea. Don't forget3u Kirhýy'e- new paint sbop. Drop in sud nae bini. Bsrb and Auueled Wireaet R. Woth's hardware tone, Bowmeunvills. The higbest pzice paed for sîl kinds of ferai poduce by W. Hî. 0Oshorne. Styiish bats for gouta at John J. Mas- ol'a Dry Goodes fýd Jewolny Store. Puma Indian T,ýestea' ddirect, et Mumdoch'a old sf&kl TaEaMURDOONjll 'Y'en t. A splendid l( of!Eboioisjuat lu ëý hs West End Houies. Tho prices for %4eBe goids are low. NEW IHATS-A lot c f travaiera' nampiessvery choies goode sud elt lb pricea. T. Gýes. Maso's Ciothin- Store. ]D. Butler's Golden Pill arsmo hs moat scientilc nmedicizrai blood purifier sud Iore O onic yet 0ooedthe puiblic ive them L a I an sd ho couiviueed. Koý-ep Vack if Vhs minutes. The vory beet way tVo do so la Vo hny 9egood reli- ahîs Wsltham on Elgin watcha bou liaîf ragular priera froua T. Ný. IRichLard, wstchmaker, Je3Weliem sud optian 'MiuarWa Liniment cures Dendruif. Qaeen Victoria wili be--74- next Wed- Miss MlýcTav'ish has aice awrlnugover the front of her millinery store. AIjor sami. Hughes, editor of the Lindsay WVardor, gave us a calJ 'iday. Lovoly English wool Carpeta j nt open- ed out at Couch, Johnston & Crydemmïan's3. Strawberry plants, the bost varieties, for sale by G. D. Fletcher, Bowmanville. Rev. Dr. Willoughby of Guelh Pept a few days at the Methodist parsouago lest week. Don't forget that the "Big 20" is still giving bargains in Atuerican andCanad. tan Wall Paper. Messrs. Will. L. Spmy and Gus. Boun- sali are attending the British American Commercial College, Toroun. Mr. W. S. Ellîs, principal, of Cobourg Collegiate Instituts, has been appointed principal of Kingston Collegiato masti- tute. Mr. H. Oïten, the young man who made the West Durham News a newsy aud respectable paper while ho was the local editor, ln now lesse and editor of the Grâvenhurst Banner which shows ev- ideu>ce of careful sud onergetic editing. The many freinds of MiessE. Bradsen, formerly public sohool teacher, at Shaws, Orono and Starkville, will regret to hear that ber brother George was killed at Calgary a few days ago by a pile of ail- way ies falling on hini. Miss Bradon is teaching at Brussels. ,1 Wo note that Mr. H. C. Brittain, Strathmoy, has secured a con tract hrough the Hlon. G. W. Rosa for making 66 gold, silver and bronze medals for Toronto University, the Normai and Model scoool which -rneans work for 2 mon for about 6 weeks. The engraviug ta doue in M4r. BriVain'as ho p where ho employa four wokmen. Flor some years past a few of our snb- acribers iu thia district have been in- duced to place their -ordors for othor, papere with other publithera, because they could ilave a few, conta. Racently, several instances havsi corne Vo our know- led2e whoeeh papers ordemed have nev- er been patd for by he publishers who ook he ordema, and in some cases he ordera woes neyer forwarded et ail, and hs subacribers have demauded their mioney and ecived it, too, aftem îhreat- ouing Vo expose the delinquents. 1 is alwaýys beat o deal with rosponisibie mou, oen n hon orderiug newspapers. The enitertaiument givon by theMission Baud iri ths e thodisi lecture room Fni- dlay evting was very Buccesaful. The president, Miss Bunner, Miesa Lottie Brimacombe and Misa Annie Cryderman, deserve cred it for raining hs littîs ones. The program consisted of a series of questions OuI missionamy work whlch waa answered by the Band; recitations by Miss Janie GU, Frànkia Jewell, Mary Brimacombe Pud Flo. Mason; duet, Laah Hutchison and Stella Maxcn; dialogues, Maggie Allen and Edua Kinz, and .Nuby Muir, A. Hloskin, Suisie Aluin, LEua Mc- Lean, and Anniie Barrett, E. King, Fll. Mfason, B. -Jones8; club swinging, Ethiel King; 8Ong, Lena (Raddy; InstrumenItal5 Stella Mason; singig by the Band. Rev. Frances E. Davis, Toronto, gave a short mcddrbsm piediug for the missiunary QUEJF-EN'S BITHtDAY-. Thero will ha a crowd ait Ennai on MV'ay 24t-nextWoudsya Methodis will givo a grand tea andE tortainiieut. They alwaye troat visit( handsomnely snd ail who eau go shot arrange) to spond the aftemuoon in t " Village on tho hill.," See par iculars c orrespoudeuce aud buils. Mlis M. J. Anot, Zion, ws gucst Misa Cotton lest wookl. Ail colors of prepamedl Paint at Worth'eq, Bowmianville. Largo assortment of fireworks for 24 of May at the Big 20. Excelsior Ceuncil R. T. of T. Pwi11 tend service iii the Me-thodiat church Snnday May 928. Mr. J. P. Berry, who is attendi Albert College, Belleville, is local edit of the collage, "Times." Mr. W. J. McMurtry and Mr.1 O'Hlara, Toronto, stteuded the funeral he laVe William W'illismison home. Myr. Alpha Pinch and family havei moved.home fmom Cleveland, Ohio, ei aettled in what was St, nde menans We welcome hem bsck Vo Bowmanvll:l Th rom'ains of our formier highlyc te emed citizen, William Williamisc ware bought hore for internent asat Fi day. Sevorai of bis old acquaitanceso tondod the funeral, Mr. L. Julow, our owu gardenor ai horticulturist, bas bonght the lateet ai hest machine for sprayiug,, fruit troes ai is propared Vo do sprayinig on scientil principles for &Hl who may require 1 Home Circle No. 3 wlll' meet uext Fi day ut 8 p.m. in the Sons of Englar HRall Every nuember is inivited Vo presen -a good prograni will ho preser ed. Yours in C. IH. U., Hy. C. Tii Secret amy. We omitted Vo mention baforo Vl return of Mr. Wm Rànkin froni Soi laud where lhe has epent hs win Vr abt I old home in Dumbartovshire. Hae bac pleaseant return voyage on the Mongoli, and looka as tho' the Scottsh winti agreed %vell with hini Ho ii agaii charge of Mn. Tod's bakary. Rev. Frances E. Davis, nho basn bet for soms years in this country recoivit an education sud wbo la uowi going baE Vo hem owu peoplo in Africa as a christh missionsmy, preached e very thoughîfi sermon iu the Mathodiet chnurch Sune morning fron ths womds, "For nme1 live is Crit" Miss DaVis ibas succesc ed in reising encugh Money to pay hI passage ont -Vo Sierra Leone and is ui daaàvoring Vo gather euough Vo build church et thst station. Dr. John- HotikinC, TorontVo, hï one of hs finebt couservatorie8 lu t Dominion, therfore wo are noV surprise to ses lu hs Chicago correspondanceq Thte Mail thet Ontario's display of trop cal plants, many of which ara froin Dt -uloskin' cllciitands a good chanc for hs gold Medal. 'Noticeable aemoï the large collection is a Kentia Balmer ana froua hs conservatory cf Dr. HIoýski the finegt specimen lun its cLase, by a loi way, ou tho gronds," saya th~e letter. - - Il- ý1 ---1- - ---robe tuesa nie wafýgîven ona do)llar re Hocod's Sarsapanilla bas doua tom theni, ward. JarkAi'ru refuaed Vo psy a ewarx couclusiv,2ly prasve the fact-H3ODS sud Finley retainied the robe. But aftei F.Sarsapanilla C URE S. Jackson had claimad the robe, Finie3 H ood'8 Pillesot especially upo-n the advartlsed if, lu tha3 Orono News. Or I;ver, onsîug jr fron torpidity Ve Its Saturday Finley appeared before Mlagiet:- naturai duties, cure constipation sud ate Haines on e charge of 'uulawýfuliy asalt diestinasd with intent Vo defraud, appropriateè The choiceat famly grocenies et W. Hl. hs robe Vo bis own use." On being asani. Osborne@. ed that it was ai cieam case of larceuy ii Tusn STÂTESMAN Vo uow subacribers the eyes cf hs court, Finley sgreed Vc balance of 1893 for 60c. psy the costa incured sud give np thi Abcut 800 ols of pntly Wall Pa pers robe. Jackson agresd Vo this propositi« n Vo ho sold freint 4c. ads at Kimby'e.- and the action was tayed. A person whc npwemafinds any article is noV antitled Vo a rmt Dr. BuVier'a Golden Pilla are hs boa werd for retuniug iV Vo iVs owner, and d remedy for improvivg the compiaxion, e- hd Mr. Finlay been ass suxioub Vo obseýve nuoving black heads, pimples, etc. he Golden Rulis&as lie wes Vo malea ;8 Lace Curteins in ail qnaities-now sud- dollar out of Jackson heà would neV bane eiegaut design-aud no better vaine auy- plâced himasilf in this jnpleasarnt aud pwheme. Conch, Johoston & Crydermman. unenviabla predicament. But we beliove The pleasauteit, ohcapeat', niceet ?,ud ho erred Vrongh igrnorAnce of the law, noaýt effectuaI conigh mixture in hs suid noV fro-n au)y intention Vo defraud. market Vo day iz "Mýagiuns Expectorantb". BE Wài,_ýED-DoU'V ho a fool)1; iow W. H. Oshborne bas won ra ao what you want sud refuse Vo ho imposed witb Vh ie dies eluce they hâve tested bis upon by grmedy doalers wbeu tbey àtý fine fisvored V3asa. No fluer tees aven tenept Vo palm koff sorc producing sbt came Vo Bowmauvillc surd they arecheap. tutbs for Putuamï's Paiu}essC imu ExVract- WVe are hvsu a loývt-y asrment Of or, ibo oniy safe, sure, suid peiniless cona Paras le bong-ht direct fron Vthsmnau- cure. PUtulan'd Corn Extractor ia the facturtrija sud every -Parasl impoted bou--t, hssaftst, sud only painlesa corn this icaosu. Couch, Jobutstoni & Cryder- remedy. Sold by alI deae in miedicine. mail. LLdîis, calsud ses Counor s ImprQon 3 It a woe-denful the chesap Weffl Papers,1 ed Wssbor sud Royal Dominion Wring- 3sîso Wiudew Shadem, Eniamel , Mixed en,-Vhs habst muade-at W. Il. OeborneoB Painte, Glass audKaone at T. Sherin uew grocery. & Co's., the old stanïd, one door eoa of XýVe show hs finest stock of Uion- Reid's shos store. wooi Tapestry -n s Iu msaýis carpeta hieh j If you are Vïined tkinug the l'arge old. by any b.ouse lun West Denhiam. COocb 3faahioned gipiug pilla, ry Carten' LittieJoueru&Cryderm-anl. Liver Pilleansd take sorne confort. A We are beiug told evory alneost every mon ca' staad overything. Oua pilI a day that our Boys' Suite arti away shea dose. Tny theon. of al competitons. Try T. Geo. Mason's McCartbhy snd ail thor etateemian ueed for meadCy-o-wear clothiug. watcbez, So do mally people ilu Bow- Do yen want a new suit or spring ovoer manville. T. N. Rickamd, Vaiety Rall, coat i If you. do, renamber that Mason', is he oua who eau eupply yon at about cutter la the beat, sud staff cf tailons the haif regniar pices. iargoat sudbhast eqnipped iu this section. To Cure Kidney Complaint, you muest Try thenu. treat he Liver. M embraye Kidney sud SPECIAL PURConÂsE.-PaV of Smnard- Liver Cure acte direct ou he Kidneys, on's wholesala baukmurtpt stock of Bouts comblued with a treatment for hs Liver. sud Shoes bought at.a rate ou hs 8 for a Try it, oe bottie %will couvince you. low net cash pries. Seos these goode at W. H. Osborne bais a very excelieunt Mason'a. Mn. W. Jenning,3i8 in charge. stock of usw famnily groceries which ho la Do you want s suit that will ha surs tej selliug as cheap as Vhsi chespeat. Ho hasssuit you, then i ave your order at Conch, douesa nice trade3 alr eady sud invites hs Johustýon & C ,Îs'mmàa'. They do tht people o o il su.d giva hlmi a trial order. largoa3t audi beer oridered-cuothing tradle Tait & Co are aili at hs old tand (op- in this counity. Try thon for oua suit posiÂte the Market Squame) sudq are fur,- raud you wil go back for the next. îng ont Lbtter photos than ever at popu- Fox xau Cat-enimn- lar p1). Enlargeenuta nade front any h1ad a saevons coid, for whicb I ook Dr. capy te any size sud -areguarnntoed not Wood's Norway Pins Syrup. 1,0 diV au Vo fade. Ca!. sud ses thona about thiat excellant emedy, giving prompt relief pictume you want eniarged. Tbey will sud lpleasant Vto ake. J. PAYNTIEt, give youstifco. Huntsvills, Ont. A1 P T CRE-Getlnon Hv UaA GÂI (ýANST CtEÀ.Ks hs ing enffered1 ovor two years with constipa- blood pure, hs stonacb lun good working Vion, sud the doctore noV hsaving helped order, sud ithe outine systenfres frouaq mue, 1 co)ncluded Vto tr'y B. B. B., sud ba. mombid effets natter hy using Burslock fore I used uaebottie 1 was cured. ICau l o00jBit ers,whiceh cleansios, strengthens aIa ecommieud iV for icklhe.aacho,. sud toues Vhsicwhelo Systani. Cho!era ETHEL D. H£iNE.s, Lskeview, Ont. canuot attack hs healthy. pression o ofdne adjownn meetinig of the officiai the Methiodie3t church ojn mon- t hs resoluti,. on was unsummous- Noved by M. A. James seconded by C. anstone thaV this officiai board ýces oIn reco)rd ite bearty appreciation he labore of our esteemed Bro. Rev. W. Jolliffe who'bas se acceptably and ,ceesfnliy filled the position of pastor he Methodiat cburch, Bowmanville, the past hree- years, the2 vaînable sem- es rondemed Vo hs church by his gifted 1 esýtimatble îwife, sud a's' 10 ýexpress * approbation of the conluct aud in- ncs for good of their family dnring ir sojounuamnong us, and hereby con- 7 to thorn our sincerest wiehes for their ure wolfare and p)roeperity. 'ho opinion wss alao expreused tbat if vere possible ',( retain Mr.' Joliiife as tom for a fourth yeam, the coagrega- il wouid gladly accept him Out Thi.e Out knd pin àit hs crown of yonr bat, you forgat thte namn of the great lnng :îedy for consumption aud l;;iL disee (dator .anl. New Butcher F4irm. Ir. Geo. Joli sud Mn. Robt. Rowe s8 bouglit the old eetablished meat messý fron Mm, W. R. R, Cawkem who Sfor so niany yeame oarried ou a suc- sfui butcheing business ler(e. Mr. h as A t]honnigh scquaintance with tusat trade aud the hig-h character of Town hall Met Eeadqnamtems will fuily sustaiued. The new propriotora 1 give caref i nisd prompt attenition to ordersansu are determined Vo give st- etion Vo ali eustomers. Cah will ho 1 for bideps, eepkins, alow, ponl. 1eggs, etc. Hliglheet prico for good 'as sud 1Iambe. Ciiizeus are reqnested ive Joli & Rowe, Vhs new finii. a triai. OUltISTS, Whei ber on pleaàsume bent or loess, should take en e tvery ftnp a le of Syrup of Fige, as it acta mioat santly and effectnslyiyionthes kîdneyé, r and bowels, prevanimogfeere,head- es auid other fora of sickuesi. For iun cbote by ail leading duggsts. j utevceat cf ail womnanL-ind eeverything le dropping, wpt bier intemeet you iI:1 finid n deiightf ni dry goods shopping. W well heo weov as hs tear drops fal, bat hier walk will coat hlmu dear, ths STATESMÂN ashereadsansd iV telle where hem needs, ay ho supplied withont trouble or fear OU CAN Gar immediate relief if yen ouly g et a boulbe of Memabrays Kid- aud Liver Cure. Why suifer with ýk Ache, .l.dizeation, Pain betweeu shouldors, Cons -ipasioin, Sick Hlead- , etc., when You can gat relief by ns- thid valuiable mnedicine ? Procure a fl witbont delby. 14-w Bii ng 1"rm. r. -Alfred Culïey and Mr. F. Cy. - ~illed and -practicll rkrenhangan itimaïnteoknojwled(Ie all the details of their 'bus-ineps and Il eudcavor to give comple tsfa - Il in Pail work centrusteýd Vo them. iy are prepared io undertak.e any njew rkor ropairing il, ihe carpentiry lfne, Vo ostimates, arld where necessýary can 3ppy nuateriais. Corresponden-ce' may addreesaed Vo Galley & Humnber, Con. %tors and' Builderi, liowmanville, or y inay be seani personaiiy. Mr. lley lîves ou Centre S-, and Mr. Hum- , cor. Quean and Onî'aario Sts. 110W-% TO CTRLE ALL SICK IS~lEASES"1 iMl,)Y apply "SWAYNE'S OINTMENTx" ) internai medicina liequired. Cures er, eczeima, itcb, ail eruptions on the *, hanldi, nose, etc., loavilâg the akin ýar, white and healthy. It3 great heal- and curative power2 are possessed by other remedy. Ask, your dlruggiat, for FCHING AND SCALY in Disease 9 ymfirs. Doctors and 31edicinles Usoless. CuKred by Cuiticura ,for$.7 lm My utv ' ta fr 11 nu y exIpenic'c rOver fine years with 'q Sreadful skie 41sease. Whee 1 firet fi,Ât - itther appareSa fe- brece 11)anSit eio opreadieig stewiI1ty i rL-c cd the ie sea0o My hack, hetweenu my shoeldeýrs. A few S Cys 'aller the spots tuirneSd gray, anS begani îiho.Sm1al soas soeld feu loff, so il CuntinESic , praegatt over my 1 y.ItrieS al! the pai"- eunt meictees 1 colS dthinàk -ef, or get bolS cf. I e16O ceueddoctore. Ys they wouid cure mae ie c bet they aIwayvs talleS. Then I gave il king there wae ne cura for me. Seo n ge, I noticeS yonr advertisenenet ie More ing Globe; thoeught I weuld iry iA REsxizs, col lhîekieg ilwould do jod, belte my surprise, thrce boxes of One eakeOOf CUTICULRA SOÂP, and thrêe J J. .0.21 Paul, ms ashington, s, the ra S.nCue e CUTICURA cqiieSkil fleautifieri,cxteriually, te. i lev ne peedity cure evcrQy dieamice th ke calp, cdhox,~ihl"', of i leiaLny t Ccfrrn liopetu LecrofuLa. SOLVET, $LOPreprcd yithe POTZLI; ow 10CueSkePiesc, 6 ags ES bakhared, rag, hap d n ,y sie cureS by ýCL r,unASei' WJEAK, pANFUL KDES Witbther wary Sut, diig, ifelese> atlgoe sesatuerelieved Inlil e3 minute L'ythie Outicuzra Anti-Paina Plastcr. TLe fir-t aed eilcesae THE STAR TIL o 0f ý Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds anid Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths r and -boys, were nover excelleci and prices neyer more moderato. Two reasons why you are certain to be benefltted in. trading at the oldreliable Gents' furnishing Istore are that we keep only reliable- goods 'and they are sold at lowest livig profit. Our customers can depend on,,getting, weIl-made, good- fitting and stylishly cnt clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Fulllines of Ties,-Collars, Cuifs, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etc. If you want a suitHithis Spring you will please us and benefit yourself by looking through our m-agnrificenit stock at the ",Star" two doors east of the Post Oiffice, Bowmanville. JO0%S. JlnE'F R "eY. Microbe Jiller Enrichea the blood and gives tone and nrtrength to the whoie sys-tem- Microbe Killer Gives bnoyancy of spirits, strengcth and hecalth Vo ail 1usrs of it. Microbe Kilier Doca this, becanse its main constituent is Oxygen, Ntnre'a rerrrdy. ~Microbe Killer Used in sicknoss ia no experimecnt, crude drugs -and im;inerais are. Microbe KHier Je the greatest tonio for tired mien and wmnîetver prod uced. Microbe Killer Corrects ail bodily disorders en-sily, if taken bi tiine, used f reely. Microbe Killer Purifies the bioodand tissues 'DY driving ont the living gre Microbe Killer Has no equal as a. rheumaticaspecific ; cures guaranteed. For, Sale by Higginbotham & Son, AGEN.TS FQ~ OR N I,~ Pries ?1 an~d e3, according o ize. WM. RADA M MICROBEý KILIER 0O., LimiTlEO5 Mothi Proof Carpet Feit and ail kinds of BuLilding, Paper nt R. Wýorth's. Juat arriving a fresh izuppjjJy-of Field and Garden Seedsa t MWch's old et, nd.1 Mr. Hi Cann has taken over the Fire~ and Accident business hberetofore csrried on by Mr. R. Virtuea and wvill have a-n. oflice in Wrth's hardware store. ýT4 West End( Honse have a E D1endid assortref CtnW)IS ai.") 1 oubie anx single widthi, Vo natch which means thie saigof a lot of work. See theni. Netîces of Birthâ,25 cents; Siarriages. 0 cents; ïbeatbs, 50evcnts4, eaeh insertio1à -but F5EE 01F ChARIGE. w-heu h funeral C'ard8 are urinted at this cilIce AN Ross-n adimad C.,Arl2.Dne Ross aen85Ylrsjmad o., rl 23.of Davidl Fisher. Esq., Bowmanville. WILLTAmsoN-Tn Toronto, May il, William Wllhiamson, aged 72 years. QILBERT-In Darlington, May il, Jane Gîl. bart beloved wife of WilliamGlber t, sr., aged 82 years. 1 .&LEXANDEn-At the residence nt his sister. Mrs. W. D. Axline, Tifiu. Ohio, May 3. REich. MoPherson Alexander. aged 24 yoars, fcn su mption, forombrly a resident o outce. WRIGHT-In Clarke,' May 3, Mrs. AIbert Wright, aged 23 y ea rs. 0noEN-In Newcastle, MaY 4, Mr$", Jacob Odgen, aged 58 years. GIBSOir-In Orono. May (,, Lucy Batten. Wife of John Gibson. aged 241 year. 10 mnontho. OnanarN-At ls residence. 6u Callendar St.,'Toronto, May 11, Thos. G. Ormisiton. aged 32 years. oor organie heart disease, sorn ce W. Ormiston, near Enfield. LINCOLS IRUNTTER, A3 ARRISTE R, SOLICI TOR, -NOTA RY .>Puiblic. Convayancer, etc, Bowm suviilo, Ont.' Office oven, Davis' noot store King Sti Accouints colecteS, Estat-s nmaniageS. 17-3et A60OD SERVANT GIRL WANT- El) hy Mis. JýNO. MlyýNAIRoD Dvision et., Bowmaniviloe. if G(7jIRL 'WANTED-for genýerell ho:se w.kl win j q1mal taolil}-. App-ly 'o M.A. 3ÂAiES, STATESIAN Ü, 11ce. Bcw'manville. B oyWANTED Vo work eit the Car- renitry. App)ily 1 I SLTRcontracter aud builder, Court ce.2 0-1w. 1?0fFOU-ND-A iady's 3bttton iboot; .Ffouind on hs middle oad imet tnorth of B3owmauVllo. The oûWu11alieauave same by applyiug et T riE ST-ATEOMAN office, 2-11 t 13? LANKÇET LUST-On Satuirdaiy last J1P between Orono and Bowmanville, a horse blanket. The findor wilI conter a favor hi' leaVing it at S. J. IIAILL'S, Bwavi.19-tf. TOME WANTED-.At once for a girl A.Lbaby about 10 months cold. State chiarge per week. Apply by letter addreesejd «3OTHI- E."BowmanvMlle P, 0. 18-2w T AMB-S WANTED.-Any num-ber of ÀJ Spring Lamb3 çvanted fori, eïh the highesL prie will b3 paîd bhy HUMa WaiGE the Pople's Butchers, iBowmlanville. CI ALVES WANTED).-Ten Caives a 'Jweek wantod for next four mIontha bh- HJE& Wutw. hie PopE's Btchers, Bowm-anville. 5-tE cjTOCK FOR SALE. --Thoro-bred large 8i Yorkshire whito IPige bred from ilmported stock. Parties, vÉshing 10o btainyoung 13ows or Boarsi for stock purposes will do -el, o p ply at once. Terms reasonablIe. Jo.nI STA1I. TON, Eý,nutkîIlll.1-6 ]BOQAR AND BULL FOR SERVICE. -IFOnfimproved Yorkshiro WIie Boar froin m rei stock and one Du1rlani Bull <Dairman> hic hs proved to be ca good !S iryan' i eardsd, as the lest young Bull ever bred ai Roolaadvalo stock tauri and his dame Viola Ile a verysuperior m11ILa and butter cow. oNÂqo. Enniakiilen. If you wish a really good and reliable Wateh cail and seýe those3 Walthiam and Egin Watclhes being sold away down in price and fulfly guaranteed by T. N. RIOKARD, 1 Watch maker, Jeweller and OptIciair, Variety Hall. ILLINERI. Mrs, Doncaster lias nýowx on haud a large stock ot Spring and 8um- Mer millhinery whicl we take pie asure in showiing to the public we keep constantly on hiand a good supply oi trimmed and un- trimmeci.goods. Please gi-ve us a Hats re-shaped. and coloreci. Iffrs. DONCASTER, k Il -

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