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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 6

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- ij a ~J liC 5W gPlL *~ç~\k~$t0br (Ct I VVOONV MERIT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN' ESTABLISHED 1854 Si .per annum lenadance, efberwi3ee$1.5). ousritionsalways payable aeths oM33cete publication. AdvertisIng rates nisse by cien ract, 10 cents per lins, uonuparle )-frst insart on, and 5 cents por lins each subsoqt in- tertion. Locale, 10 cents per lins. M. A. JAMES, Plishe STANDAURD BANK 0F CANADA. Caxitalpald up, 81,0O,00.Ufst, $51) 1 This 'Bank ie preparedl to do Legiti- mate Bankioug iu ail its branches. Farmers ntes discouted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accoUntE of $5 and upwarde in Saving-s Bau] Depertinent. DIZAFTS Isuced end Collections. made In Eureç A GR CULT RAL, morefood and btttcare, aThie one aim aiyanwo a teeor01t, cw AGRICULTUR TU ý1to incre1.ase podciny nmere enlarge- ansd makes Iis own bu ýtt(er can atiord to be 1nent (of area. The o1-th er Seeka by improv wvithoat aSeýpa1rator. J Â4Vantages of the Jer1eSeV8. e methods to makze anu inreaseir yield The Jersey is pre-eminentIy the f amilY per acre. The formier mtdis nmore cow. She le used as the symbol of ail that fr equently ao ted te later, sullyi Ovror inl ;uLtte is best for this purpose. Brought to this gives the mo-t profitabl1e re trs.Dryoseieteiagatdaabu T ini competitio with thebLest of otherred5 neglected than smell o- es. Onhiaccounit of -onsider aniinmportautpat rtnfoe progra.mme. she has fought lier way against ail precon- this neglect an inerease in thequtte The fact is oüne weaýk Ipoitf dairy butter cived notions of the proper formn of the land often feus ftu give nybig 'ap- t htitle work-d to iuch., As the but- dairy cow as viewed from the staudpoint of proaching a pioportionaite increaCe in tbh ter mlilk lias not heeni washed ont while the the beef breed S, against the idea, of -the ad- quetity of the crop. On theý other baud-, bu1ltterwa in a granuler state, it must be vocates of the genleral-purpose cow-yeq, igh sauring and imrvdCulture aoro el rushedl out witb a ladie. After bas fougbt- them ail and couquered ail. almost invariabiy give a large auld un< tbinscone-s tbe salting with accompanyiug Brought here as'tIfè pet of the rich man mediate increase in tbe yield . woriad bvmanv ho:-,e-ives the but- she bas become the poor man's best friend Two acres which are haiymn 8t e eaanrewjorkedafr a few bours aul to-day the most value forh mny and thorougbly cultitvatedofe give a reet. 0f course tbis continuued biarsh tireat-A the most oapacity for earning money, eau agrageaeyedadaeame ur etcno epbtmk b rde b~ htioe i te Jeitêy.' to runaa mucbgreiter profit han11r(- aly, a mo1st undesirable quality. d The milk je good tbkst-qng- lias a body tu acres of equally good lïand, which i s only' it, snoto spek. Tbere is a satisfaction iu- moderately fertilized and esparliogly c1uleb taking off atbick layr of cream and noting vated. Then, too, tbe quaity o f th e p roII 1 -?raotical Pointers. bow small tbe quitity of milk tbat bias nets of a ricb and well cultivated field is furnisbed if. One ef the most valuable superior f0 tbat of poor and neglect ed 1lanIl The cow tbaf stops chewinLý tbe cnd and characteristies of Jersey milk le tbe readi- and the man who feeds bis crops ibýerall'y rntb up hier ears when being milked eau- nese and complefenese with1ývhich if fbrows and cultivafes tbem tborougbly cebave pricks depended lapon tu give ail of bier o "piscsm but to.suppose tbet tbe rosult- the pleasurs of seuding to markst sonie I:milk. ing thi-lookmg si-ml e rally less thin that will selI rsadily end that -wiJll Generally hiens undlerstand the sitfing and valuabî than tbat from other breede shows gve satisfaction te tbe purchasers. htbn business inucb better than you dn a leck of knowled ge. Mitk containing much The principle above stated applies to and tbe less they are interfered witb during crem aise confains mucb of ail the other the production of grass, grain, fruits, veg- tlie procese of incubation the better. sîsments of milk. Bof b analysîs ascd experi. etables-in feet, to pretfy much everythling -Your bogs, says Prof. D. Kent of Iowa,, ence show thet Jersey skim-milk bias usuel- -that is grnwn on the farta. The effcieibouldl bave a tou.d proof,. duet proof, -rat- ly front 10 f0 10.5 per cent. of solide wbile rsrnedy for tbe evils of emeil crope je f0 l be proof, and stink proof floor, on, wbcch to uther breede witb le-s ricb milk seldom found. not lu planting or eowing miore lanid eat andl sleep. Then you bave largely slim.. sxceed 9.5, and wben the fat je beiow three tban bas boen previously used lu this ma- ias the cause of tbroat and lung dis- per cent., as oftsn coecurs in the Leet breede, ner, but in spplying agrqatty Ô,cses the skim niilk, tbough appcaring to the eye manure tu the saine area and giving mnoir The minister'e boy enu not preacb the to have more value, really contains only thorough cultîvaf ion tu the growing plante. lwycr 's cen not argue before the jury the 7.5 to 8 per cent, solide. There je no better doctor's zen not prescribe for flie sick ;tbe drink during the heat of summer than ed for's cen not Wvrite leaders.liefamr Jersey skîm-milk drawn fresb froin the LutyBeiis o enwr ieb iewt is fathr cold dep sttig. he Jrse isan asy Vermin are the greafeet fees of poultry, and sare euel onore wlfh hlm., keeper, a ligbt feeder when comparcd with and a thornugh fumigation will do the fo '-Tilere le nothinig more pathetic than the the produet she yielde, mild-tempered, heuse good. Be sure the fowle are ail sht t mecklimu, shirinking waye of an s.gsd bandeome, a surs breeder and breeding vcry out until the smoking ce ever and( thelbouse person whio, bvn given the oid home into truc to bier type. Above ail, she le hardy. well ventilated. yongcr hn subsides into somes ouf-of- Not bard ln the sense of bcbng able to AfedbxprpyaraedpreteteaycnrofVasiapnsorfad rough ik on tbe jilsides in winter, like the losseed bolloerlVhs feebi broetseV f aking rublor s f en une r a, and Id Highland cattie of Scotland, but good-con- ossadalw h ebe-ist e fnýIicLul rbigi hýwy n stltutioned, able f0 bold bier owu month their dute space. It should alwaye be used giglonfthetb grave witb a pififul, dep- alter month and year after ycar. The Jer- wbere fowls need daily and systematie recating air, as if constantly apolngizing - ses le peculiarly capable of enduring the 'eding. for Stayîng so long. 1 confinement of the barn withouf injury. Put P feaspoonful of suiphur in the nuf If i pay yen to go fhrougb your orch- My feamily cow, of course, is a Jersey, and as soon as liens or furksys are set, saye Vths ard searcbieg for the egge of the euf cat- ber history lest year le a case ln point. She, PoutyWol. - ba of the fowls erpiller. They bave deposited in rings stood in tbhemr the wboie 365 days, net causes the fumes of the suiprblto', pen]etrate JAroVudtwiý,ge about an eighfb of an inch in even se much as let ouf for an aîrung into every part of their bodies; e,-ery buse je diametier. WVe know a, boy wbo, compet- the barnyard. Every milking was wei&pb- kilEed, and as ail nits are biatcbed wýýitliu ing ,fu prizes offered by a village impreve. ed, and she was tested severel fimes during feu days, wbeu the mother leaves th,ý e sr, ment seciety, bas withiu a monfb collecfcd the year. Shedocseont give ricb nilk for witb bier brood, she is perf ectly f ree froýnt ', 70 rings of eggs ; the rings average f uliy e Jersey, but made the remarkable yieid cf nits or lice. 100 eggs seacb, soe hlias put an sud to the over nine thousand pounde of milk. Mosf Feeding bons wbenfhcy do-nef ned f'ond ýarcer o t a set 370,000 caterpillars. r of this mlk wae ueed as wbole miilk,, but is very prevalent. As soon as they -,rc Other beys have doue nearly as well. butter-tests wers maie et frequent intervals overfed tbey take oen fat reedily, ithe rent If is as important for our agriculture1 - duriog the year and indicated thet, if ail being thet tbey of ton dis fromt vert igo, and organizations. experiment stationsaud hs miik had been used for butter, she alun become subjecfte liver diseuse8ces-boer.. af griculture, fu consftantly direct wnld bave produced 462 pounde ef butter cilly fatty degeneration. The 1edn their efforts towerdes the promotion of bigb 0during the ysar. 11cr feed was hs situ- siould be se as te keep the hene et wàpk Ideas as te what our live st6ck of aIl kinds pleet, dry grain and dry bey-eight scrafching;- if a few grains of whveet or cc6ru-,shiotld ho, as if is te endeavor fu experi- -pounde of grain daily and what bey she are buried lun the ground or luIltter Vl,,,y 1mnent w-ith iethode of feeding the animais, couldet. Was she net a profitable invest- will industriously work for them;-1lu suml- ard (te crope whicb Vhcy consume. 111gb ýsmentb Grain $28.00, bey $38.00, total $66.- mer fesd lese conccntraied fond ; the lbons uaityl live stock brougbf into our 00, witb easanurial valus of the food more muet nef be fsd for fat, yet tbe egg atsý2i maurkefs, aud on our fearme, is desirable and then enougb te pay for the laber, wbile hs must bc providsd. pnrofitable. k butter velue of ths miik et fthe low pries of To get rid of veruin give Vhs pultry Ws believe hs ture e sconsing when 25 cents e pouod would amouint te $115.00, houes a thnorotigh eceaniing eut and ewsep- jmost, of hs stable manurs ueed will be anet gain of $4900. But as a fact this was iug. Then apply boilung b ot atr e'or, pile4ilu beape and ifs carbonaýseous e- lu en aCity, and the produet was used and walls, ceilinige, os, 11-t bxe Wlslh cb et e d te a fine mold before if le Ssld largely as milk, se that the reel eccounb should herovaleroostîing-p,;Ies,dos, appied .e undersigned desire to thank thýe farrners CIWet' Dtîha for the liberal patronage extended to us during, the ýpast season, also to remind them that we are stili in, the market andt prepared to) pay the IIGIEST MARKj!ET PRICR IKINOS OF COR SED [livered at our storehonsï,ecor. King aund Gog street'ss,, or at Port Darlingtoni. We have also on hand a lar-ge, stocýk, NEW lAN DFRESH )f Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rosk Sait for caitý and horses, and Fresli Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which. we are prepared' tok sel CEIELA~E' Z~'OE~ Ail kindsof Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL iways in stock. We, invite inspection and gularantees sati-sfacti;on, E Manufectured uni4 et THomÂs RHnaanwÂv'8 ýÀB5ALISHMSINT, Spurcisasers shouid look le tise Label on thse Boxes sud YPots. If tise adareFs je noV 533, Oxford Street, Londonu, they are pusu BOLB GREEN NOUBS MEN York, " as seeDn as ho knows thaf-,tVhs ne ost, offioe autherities are 1"on te bimr. " SOM onR THE VTTlM5.; t oeo h let ers received e-aybytho f.~~~~~~~~2 C. ~nW~i~ec.ii7i uWi -- ~ ~.s- -~s-usr ria~ as. o~-s-,î~ -.... --,~su~ e- o-uou-.n 0-A-SI-3E-

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