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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 7

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S9~ I 6S.W., TORONT05 1 . AllfFRSON, 31gr. for Caisati 7_Iïetriesty, as applied by Oewen Electrie Beit, le nowm recogmized as the greatest boon o .1 sufering Lumnan4tv. It is fast tkiE lxlceo rug'. in al uerNeus anti rheu fmbe.and wMl effect cules- in seer Iope/se cses whare eer y ot h kwn1 ba lu tis natd're dyatîi atuty sotig ýcurreuttt i. readi1 POSITIVELY CURES Riicumtism, Sexual Weahn SciatcitFeniain Conmpi Lumbago, RiuIey Diseas NerousDisttssLiver Compli Dys~sla, laine RBe.k, VariçcGele Urlnary Diee F1-1HL!EU PMlAT S "I a g ont1 for ai f eî years. i/f bas cur,ý,et merE iinet. Sa"Ine cfLoui' leading phyýsicians, niztg tis fac, re avsiling themeselvos, mÔipotent 0 Jntures forces. pRESTORE i1IANHOOD c'huled f peeple sufer froin a var! ner'0uS5diseses cb as Sommnai Wen !-otnc,)Lst Manîteoti, Weak '.-ac/ thattheold ode oftreatinent fail t Tieois als fnerve force o o cane/ bei-steedby medical treamei uny /tewh woulti try te accomplii býy any inefi1 drugs is practising a dan, for aichalatnisn.Propenly treated TIEEDISEASES OAU4 BE Cu Eietnciyasapplieti by the Owen F B it1,and Susp- ýensory, wil1 most assur( s 1 / steo/ knewn remediai agei wii sppywht 0- iackmg, namely, force-o 01 erImpart toile andi viger orgne ntiareseta hIealthy action tii OEWIARE OF IMITATI0NÇ% And the,("wor/fLàlets, cheap, se-calleti y 1,Ste atvertiseti by somo cencerns and r cirul h country. They are nier aieoywcrthuless as a curative pow fertfyprice. Wo Chall3enge theo World te sl Elecutria Boi1t 'nbre the curront is undL Crol cf ithie patient as com pleteiy as this Our Trade Mark is the portrait Owe-(n emnbossoti in golti upon evory Eý planemanufactureti by us. Wed o Catalogue--Ialed (Sealed) 1 THE OWVEA ELECTRIC BELT 4 i St. W.. Toronto. it wi ur e ectirely front di YoU A i t-u ff P 0 Frm LtU I 9T ro0u b li~ otFLhT rolimes_ Cure That Cough, ul-, 1 ilYOUr ,Lungs, ?tft Iesh On Your Bo reTetCon2SUMPtIOn. SMALL & LARýGE BOUTLES 50a. UiT S V'.PLEU-SMNT TO TAXE. -~Aîfelr aid'La sure yî ge the"' D. & L. Em "Bachoache the cea uens the AiN- f the - n Cy S arc in "Dola trouble. Dodd% dangerou Kidnei(y Pille glue ectedJ 175pr cent. In Rad. eof disuse is Dyspepsie firt arîedby £olai. diodrdAid- the mas neye.geraus, "Mgtas tuelI Brights1 try ta hause a Diabels jcealthy city IDropsy" lihptsewer- * "The ~agê sgood 1,diseasas hcceaJlh when the exist. cines re Dodd's ogge, teyrePille are SoIY.? mstu -c es itby mail Dr. n.A."miA &Ce. T=met, u Ct AileI f/dcev Tue/" mn iifd leiifr] rrI*",- otion-'0'-WARTR 9 'an R L1) ),OOO YOUN F.POLKL. ot&T the olti She ear calUt/ouslyladRO TH WOL.PTE Uf IN N WS -- an01,e pw ipo the troctrnk ANAL-NGR VGI. t hat monment I infIatt, i mylogav wecrora esigSelln Foorfeen ruinor pianots were diecover ' e s1.1ýet openii, my mou/fh and gavecveentt theot 1,, IeeKowN lte ae itnTsis uring lest mon/fb, bringing the total numn- TrueSior or /seiieeWOOd a area-slitting shriel, I ever cmast. IAmiog the plaes visiteti by the teain- ber of emalplane/fs known te 375. I1/fhink the aninsals bad nover bedscbthpBer a ing'I iniiBehring lThe tirummers 1aofthe Aostrian arîny hasýe Centutry Age. a yell-and I wil sey that, -desp)ito fre- 1traits, tbirty me off Part Clarenîce. anti been anînod w//fb the regulation rifle. This Jost flfty-sepven years ago I wae a yeung quent efforts, 1 bave nover sceteirfh hrso lsa br teeaead ,0 viai ibigmn tote nian no/f yet married, ivîgafhm t gvsgaohrcaryik /.Eiinfyaot *200 o/f the mos/f carious isiaistersi that amy. yfahron the bomesteafi, in western they were very much surpriset. rsjver vcere sceeu.The llanti or rock they A On/farie. Xeigh/ ors were few ; /ct f'ct, 1Bear drappelt th/e greuti as sutidely as'inbeabi/f is bu ala n-ilo witeaudalittle teuwpsaesan /ih sndh ,lt necly se plenty as werc wId anii'i'ls. Ltiolugltsea been sitot, andi ho/fb, tom- ore t/tan t/te/ft distance long, andti el the Itla Ps ficsnthI-vr edn Je/tony RailneareveiItve ds/ls Italienndot Officuonthesilvr wing Une eJhn aielvdtomlsing as/de, qnietiy ant iackly sý1Iîkuleot of nosaecvetwlesdni ieocwa ay of the King anti Qucen, berigp- fart/tr on wn the roati, anti aithoug/t I was sight. Tltey îdî't go far of, thenogh ; ali 1bhebbo),rôm anils mea/f tratsoIlt/e Kýingnanti Queeu. a farmer'sso leanieti of Uncle Johnny t/te test of t/ht/ night Iocsonlyead nthsntes/ side, losely ues/fliug TtFec/Soae lias t/trewn out the tlise carpper's, h-nlder's, anti milwr/ght's their growlisns, andi once or twiecabf gve /t lf, il ilage af cave tiweil- proposai, recently passeti by t/te iowem trade anti w-O wero aiways t in emnct glisupseq of t/tom sku/king about bhrougb ors One abod)ùe le ho/i/fover ant iminer t/tie Hanse, te tex pilos ton francs a year, anti Uncle Jobnuy and 1, for /fw-nty miles Ite roos. lher, antifte't/te r/gb/f and le! t, giviug la le uicc by half thetxo yis aounti. Tie pastecd i/f i seemeti so much igtheubin a t/range motley appearance, no/f mal-ing t five fr-ancs a year. J I/f We wre building a miii that fal t ea er 1 tlionglît tlte cloute miuet have boke ui lie the rees, ihbtt yhîi EoeorWltmtt o eerptcu S gooti site about filteen miles frein Iro, away, ansi I ta/ted my eyes te 4t/te,,ky,. lals hr renra-ae xcv/ei b/tio aBscc o i ittiî antiwinter carne on anti caug/tt us w/it the Sure enonig/ ftoes/ftrs wemo ont. Thlero i tfto the tide3s of cadi crmmlîng î-olcanîc the gh bthe Emprese Fredlerîcl ansd sevoral tejob unfinishet. were two whic/t seemetiaimas/f overbeaid. Irock, aii-În t he battom af eqch issomne of bhe Princes af/fl-e Prustian royal hanse jaineti Either Uncle Johnny or I matie i/f a point And how- foOt ! Ant ihon ver hrig/f. lOttinative grass, fcmmiug a bced on which wis/fbthe thanisants of rysi, noble anti not-I tietitago home every Satnrtiay af/ernoan anti Strange, 1/fthougb/f, oly those tua, se close tf0l00p. A/ftte taon/fb of the cave anti jsas/ eepersans w/tetiti Se.- îguestey ovor Santday. On file particalar Satur. Logetlter, ta uuusaually brilliint, I novriiu the ici/jrfereires are lighted, andt /tre A circuler direc/fing ail the govemners ai unal/o day thatI arn gong ta te/i yan af//f was hledparicualry noticeti jasfscutr olfbywamtesle l /ewn.Siscon/frai Rassie fa carry en/f Wl/fb/ofour niSgîT mytun.Tlie-ewas promise ef a big snew- fore. Thon I matie ont t/he on/fîmes a i te 1o~ ifferenIt kinte are aisea sospentiet eut-m-ihteIaprluksfotermoa hen aro branches af a tree, anti sew fte/f t -mol t epO/ff-esowat oti u !thJs tab tetmermiteryaset pm forth eo bvisstorîn close a/f baud, buI. fsh Jw tatertedoy e aa o r fýellt I/f was right af/fer dinner, about h o'clecko stars weme peeping on/ frIoi a tree,', / -imrthe hardly natives leave their t/te/r habitation bas jus/f been issueti by ant t svot/e Istuce utinto a narrow fretm the sky. h ale ativ in otitibouases matie o! pilet the Ruqsianci Minis/fer for t/te In/fetior. foot path, net over plain t any fume, t/t/f Tey were na/f t/frs. A w-iè,c/fwcschatmotei er eLt baud on the eoge o!f h otesc ay(emngrie lOtS lt Frough flicwootis, /nsteati of faking cronchet in iLote branches jas es/abwtorobiae in t/te uema nowrsoe the mnin roat. lu about au boumrfte snew for a poably fatallspricîg. Anti In l'ese s/frange people are nuehaly as turing the ptairiew-in teanisef ut-s/fos es, bgntcaeto-,anti in toit, /finy weli"enug/t jus/f howt/to croc/fore Icaketi. tr ; at iglOs as cnhobuday-hineprg ltte psoos tanoexreely uese- eunt, flakes-the kindatita/ means business, Iii I con/t tee ln imaginatfion how s/te w-es V wo. Moreover, they'are entirely con- hae-oe h tos eb xrmlue se, ell lest eog atuscue ptep/bgatht et dfor tte leap ;tow lber long fi astteiatiasii-îappy as peopleein any of t om //ermneurs anti My footpr/nbs as w-el ; bn/f I presseti laslî/ng hier bodiy, anti caationsly I1ako gf-aui/fies of Amer/ca. They have no The Abbess of t/te Convelt of t/he Tmîu//fy on, wising the sua weme na/f h/itan, go away, keeping my eyes fixeti up-an ftle twa ovumntio chief. enti no neeofetlaws. lu Madridi comoitteti suicde tomne'twa cuece bc/1Icoulti ho tare ai my bearings. glowng coals ai lime, thaf seemet ilf/s/fyel. Livnglufaîiuies canti se/f/ing fartfbevery weeks ega by t/trowci-g herseif fmom one ai Àmrc I stoppedtia/eu anti looketi arount, for low, thon et, green-al hrigh/,f, lct-b/n iilg dyin t1heir klliaka for t/te w-baie, seal, andt fte windows of the building te the floot a! heîbI knew i/f wonlti hono /frifling met/fer t mf.At aloih4t nftfwtb1we/îus,,, îtey retumo eac/ n/gb/ftalte/er t/to inner cour/f. S/to was 63yers a/, e csesases y t/tot/e'pb/. If mgtenteeaa iyjace-kife w/t/lti bcgh forpe tndecaAt obplolonfor. tinghettixtbretteiobn fraftd x/oîsionant cmplt/ooa scoim- nig/tinthewoods w-th wili aulne/ýas for fte cppmoach oI the becte, tipou my cýutigel. 1nfeow,-anti, t/te S/fate reiiwaî's aI Pmassia hoere t/te reg- campeniant, and t/fwas-bitter colt, No t/me wes fa hie lost. A/f any monmen1t 1 Otditi> elate, /towever, fte prestige ai Lower flouse o! t/te Pmuisian D/ef. I/f pro- o this Algtwet w/gbf //hcm s iyte c/aws o!fte-at p o erful, Elin ew-ylit/f/ ce /to a tive / s tieterminnot by t/t oaftes lho vidas borte conîstruction of aine new lines, t/taf affrnoon )n eccauint offte etoin, boas/f mîgb/flho bas/fenotin Suilde/tn/o, Wer.As hey cane/st of'.rkins anti con- ft opoina i uostdtciat wv/tn I rookoneti I shouit ha w-cl aloug on antite chances ttoen for mylilfe W-ouIiibo s t/fate t/o edf/, th of t/to /lantems,lbwilftoe parchaseofaIcens/temable rohliiîg stockf iety ofm i/enmlsîwrihmemi uf tsi/g/t. h entta/ftbey are no/f in t/t/s respect seoT/to necescry oxpentuturo so//afte ikuess, aIfte fores/f antion t/to main roat, luoe/c- Soon I bcd ta goti sizeti cbttik <20/f off mac/tunlike civilizeti people. Bu/ftte mta48,163,000 marks. kecet a alon fro I batl nover seen belote. I/ frithe /toontgel, andt tking 5ftaigt lif / af ii bmot ciothies tan - rop ete ebatsb Ltsitf/i/fe ncono /e(1eftn Lo cure - Avr olctwfthfose goi halls of T lt Ltv//fît dcii niore aub/iitilorc/the. 'henme peculcar. for/ticAver lrgehelo/turgh esysto ili iioeo!ttiteal/Hengresew-i/f/t/f/to ssteilofilqoortùc lquraf-f ut. anti pet/tape filty or s/xby foot oI trnnk ree froi t/te sfeugt/t eut ekili of my t/g/t/f cmi c,(ýity, bu/f i/cet is aIlI.hwbt/ /ec/f ICrsina -// ish this iimbs. t hati ev/tenîiy hen ILpnoateti by Luckily li/f hati beoti treinet. ILfÀta hà eeui know-n of t/te islanders 1 ha00loebitants, bas now oiy /fwen/fy-1 genos /tq w/d nt llon r. I/fs buo an Wel/, s/r, t/t/fpiece o! woot had eet off 1 tlî/tema. Foir agmoabm'y yeems elfter t/to rua/fs bolaiti up a/fttoebut/f about six fot, t/t eont o! mV cotgel w-ltcjelakafe l'/aors bcd beeni go/cg fa Be/rn sevon ccfe-restaotan/fs, s/tops, %ce., rabaiiing ick-or omethig Sacrazie stliquùr :St ock/tam, wit/t 260,000 in/tabi- RED t/te be/gb/ fo!a men frein te grounti, w/tb W/ftegotIlîk oe/ia //o ithettogroeat Me e "rel nw-S=Iupttfnfbs13to/ lcs;Gttuag Eleeriewasunihabted-Itw-tb 106, 000,4-has 40. 'edly do tree bat lotget /n flling cupportei t/to top betw-een t/te eyes as t/te spraug towaý ri e, we-,s ike a heacon /n f/nthe soc, e-ut about i/f n/f /ha/fa/ atjs/f about î/he terne eda e/fou. cauciîg lber te afen, insteead foJ I ot Y !heti, n,n i-s ta hieseen ar iteart except t/te T/to presentCzar ai Russie mev/yod t/t/s nvo It matie me cettain I w-es ou/ f o!My way, a/mas/f et îny fot, w-t/t cbort/ie Y2,1oiilani rr0 n Itt -vsanift -/ilcisa /eyam nac/o/fpro/t/b/t/an ageinst t/ee/fr/- t t'e anti tarkness w-et fatfapproacbig f/fer-i rll off iota t/te saow. S/fil yeipiug, iMs. vw-Ii/t fol. _/lysctancn/seu alemnces in fthe Rus/eu language a blee feîv micntes in iookcng eraunniobr toie Wic/ oftrthrein ni/nptsoke e-centingtomtht/to aftom site of lte tuing ot ua esimn us aI bject by w/t/c/ I coulti taka mny hearings, away. A/f a saie tit-ac/tse turneti ta c/1ff. actors aire /n dire povet.-y. T/to decree w-as I tete ea/. n ai en a fs inoe I look bn/ft idti a/ven/fure hack. A/uin -tmd nittm /esct-unexpfect andti /ty w-are unprovideti. Blectrla w-es back a/fttoesaine place, e-mîtI knew Seoi af/for t/t/sstars.-t/te ted t/fer eetfw-ra icot, They saitîtoey andt /cir egains/f forty deys of onforcet iielnoss. Per- Tedtilet thon I bat lost my way and was walk/ng shone brightly ouf, andth/e moon t/ta/fc' n ove eat/ters biat beau fhere ciwerys andt t/t/ omno aa/o agae ieen/ n -ri ilaeround in a circle. belote lied loakati segoodte fmenOaIs i/ftct /fI't e knew- nce oftomwoî,tîogt/ he atterferet iw-t/t. 'or ani îclimboti op an/fte fllen/free anti pacedtht/t/fngt. Before/long t/to uoon pseftoeri t/a/ft/tmeiasone.,T/t/s w-cc oniy a T/to Vcennese te-uer w-ha bas amneta ;hw an hcck anti bort/ ti/s eut/mo bang/ft, sîainluf stars tinîmeti, and tiSnntay momiîtg's lire/f'l', en yeers ago. Since ftoen t/te w/te/rs uotaniefy y travelling ail ovar Euroe as ler Con- my eyes fa catch a gimpsa aI tomes 1fcomiiam gray tiaylig/tt appecrei. ,T/te w-oives Ibat b vo kept ap oeye an/f for t/tam, bar t/loyluggago /n c cpecialiy canstructoi box lbat liof.Driantimamk. If wat usoese. Throagh Il-sacectedtietit cries, anti miasoant bat b [)eau ike1tif/togenerous natives w-ha showet mate bis bis liuauelecceuttie gaf/ein at fllandawIcoit o/SeaI letfros ftm own fa/f the/f bi eco". ~ay gaodt ta/ts. lashion et Copoebeagen. oteigdsan ligsow1ou nthr fi hmfra es ilfw I(,-.H adtfravelot tiscrnu any/fing fta/f gave a clew- tae y l/myysî onbanof /of0 n a/i t/te w-uy Iroîn C/tris/f/an/c. Thora w-st ~re wheroabouts. I once mare strucle boitly startet for home, havîng faken muy beige New Points About Africa- sBomne iffi.cuity an h/s arrivai a/f bis destina- oSont, making /fracks for w-/t/fI lopeti wouit f Ie oobc b long ouit/Jofsieow-aytte notet flou er tenow/uig to bis baving no ticket, anti 00, el-s aine, ant inbuw/t/fI thouglc/ w-as f/te BeaneeI au nfotdossY egairevoutnailyhoe w-es compel/et to puy fte or- opposite directon frein fbt las/f faken. sf m i g l rio s y al ng, m y feet alimon ls r s os/e for t e ecent ac îr u / bt e/f t/ Alas1 Inanoterbal hieur t/t/fhge testitute ai sensation, no/f oleiir.g abuit e1opjar opinion antite tex/f bocks arc/ta/ft Amyesuic e bfat enfre n(avs Aies I lu enot/ter Mach, e-nxoute reac/thomeeorettron t tlu//fi - reaentto nany o!t/temostfprom- Asuctc/hbhenonitlGlv- ol tiln re gfa//ond p eor m, trey aied cega/nï,l /oomi 1 alieto te otiup o frbefonreex, ndawe menyofi Ir ferocious wiiibeosts, be/fweeu use ant igit, are yenuV' reachetcu onlciii Fr apb, h /eustteftteGotablout tow-n is pros/ton/f. T/tome w-c ioe-a home,entithorawas a driîbing snowttonmloerpt e e/yo erhr -i srfsnt i Iegorpisw/ aem beeing lin e,00 nmgts a/ w-/tct six ia/fn- n~~ ~~~ wra au/ f ter îs-f/he nt uybeftms kevs/f pIlin, noni it cr oeret w-t/tsn.hbr -i ia-rw atew/// hhh etI laid neo l,' i1 'e f - ý it/olirsi te lkili hinoiseif. The formeiai atI heen valkîiuglu tterigb/fticroctiontplc. tf/imn/f/spi/s u vly. /e sg'reman/f iare tt/tt o a Lieni osinIg sel et fot eutitants belte t/o cherfai Iaze beti happenateû!t/tatistartet ot, '1w-a! a h0,e soow--c/ati bout mloîi /ts la tto er /emne otam o/apti Tt tuIche'skiebnanirîg lmy par/f a-te mc/tust p iitaleh/itf/ty o//tm- lisbae utpoiorlOfveyiu iO .-tîgtiol- nt Agolo I climbil upan t/ta/ rreetbranle sl// / es/ tw a ctas r ip-ex Iolagiaud au bate ' tiii- - 1521 w/fr i t A snr '!S - - -'o/ti tef/teyw-v.uYmwatt,"si/os. >/taelep a a ca'e e'te few 1'I /// uw/ic/t fc -bsboiis4 i 3-gLifr -'0t/fin/.- <--ii- - -e o c 1e t.ufmrsamonme/es -tatno- d dc/oitbt es' t ngt odacastunfva ri /e itua a xoettm o aè r aby rs ut/ery seoa, nt ttaf /t ng//fnis/ h M fo/plit ie /t(1owwec taotra/o o sut/fneroks1Ttete o fto, itto wltleoriî prt Siet/ w- wce befre t/at thya nti th tumtle back.We( il e t t/t orbaisic t-te /ey1 r anby. o alt o-mate ft s/fate- ae-f ens. pi pasdLtant in/f w-reso/f leufsooaghif Iba/fupftai /enrstinw hw-ttt/fmn-b/afttaaaan lneaea nA mc n/ftneodso /t rnTat r nhù i no/fho alre. te/f w-horulthaeccie soinya fwatiteLýtawytrm f/a/fta,/loiga t rfoDl i -o ahao-evryin_/atoni/gw/i ent/ou/i il 2 armet me ont alto have top/f w-/id boas/fs prlohe a te ay il n/g/t closenytrct-rinetinse'e v estmfti rnt/crie.-i ae/t -i by ovs nialoawapn//olwaesen apt tt on,1taaac,/awvr e ytooaett L icTam/fatIn/t 11ta. I-theiaufmyle hackolie ater t -ca B3he ht/me aooeach boetile a!bo- Inal tp eosit soufta t ta s W/ton t/to Cqt'terieo w-e fir icorpore/ Thas yoiy w epon ofth afe omachse. "Tt/s lnlie, my im w as ls/f A tmt I eTGt a et Mu/e-nani/lmy re as imerl a/f w-t/t Rtes/ n 73.30,0 Int-ta a/ f I îongt/f asI bit 1 i myhan, "~ feitn tseig/themyfaeho/faninylgsbaot It/a /L o abn aTmogeat !ti oueineîg -e eTrihbr/o proe/t/anfiln/af ot w eto/fen entes ti a ba! wey a dtt ene tc moe Fi er ga' /f /tac b ee rs/ifa b eoIan ancias oelu tte cr ls oltte /eiandarttare i ho crri inveyo tpee/fbd." I/f/le tag/tt I't roebl y t/tom bot/t, sfImettt aie mGraunoresitbas on /e- nt-eriration whcotue8'2,0Tam/fin T/tadneItodag/tiro!te Ia c/f heeuti t/tint, Iw-osal n/i/f long clo pmngbGti oSCi/fle- T/onaaarrt ue e/forre erpasotfiier ta e unl leey /o rtn/f e /iwanx/o tmeyanuashovye/taftinaewecprbysrabemg ar e- longtripte Liressioanc ohere/ar, iigof/ti cneqe pnt To passsgeabitah -anti o! t/na olfsaIofdaaae abaulw570 fot erlow- eu /t aremnehet ttarsit, lesli -w o, ynet m avo w-tlarge ja n p f / t a/f tev ea h d h m d (s-o l le ie r Mrye ront weut of e/f a hs/focoie tta/ Wy ictin' t/ete andivesan ti becrnd tanti Sac levy ait it-nycian178/om. Rit/tan/faft e a I, m/og/tpt/aas Iho I usein mahat-t-/taut wut c/ ath lighpeut/ueCt adme i Mr, R1 l etw lfo abas. e? c otis pta ulhin spemi eetet Irns t/t enscm/ Ttlf sa estion neeyr rzrVlIe u er ntl a -m.mle lo i ee-n t taiaea, moe naO A ftu.t/t coeon/ge rai re elting hainew proouianilsanipr ottctf stoandsluemes. s/a//ceTrany aOn lie/tf w-/t/tlge bears or)1l l'ri 'liila in mrieraslisoie hees. __igaton______,CO ar horril fectttu/ i oraa eth.Ic W// fb respect ta largeIres/tlaleo ha ai hu Ithogi fa tte fgue atrhow-sind nAe Eoeetf heçiied.etrie. lcpasg o yo nioseit usi b b tatime-n hywrepet os eogO " gosb/a/pr/ e secod w NntbAme- ATeribl Cofesion t/tet ms/f el o e as n ta vr m , I Ttm s e ynteppy peuroffneof t/tees. o mvlyie, Cte Vi/faren, is san570 e b lwN igt e atr meibet t eR s w-oleselasf.Iout/fsthoutfeo are my parhy aidnAre-h w/ti Sle av atneuie /a ooSproi -e eing n tme onritioeyn.Htetotyha sre! w-/toantttd -s oftu anem'ttaBnNatmafbsof 1e'Vrd' at si -houîr,00 bsa miles T/orrnatin benwat ase n ial esv/epti /front on t Mi ican eains/f.canti ut/s t icn/eu/fin aaoag ati bauIuigir friAar s. Nycoziii neaslooth aemefmoe taista-geîn.yCou mîîy teuaeseeby t/tomcoul moýt/on. A coara/ Voly pe ac mc/ Rr a/ft is a msin I weei/fnipom-pefu asyan wr/ o Le-te" V/c/for/c ti c I T ranatFnne ewe- te-ko meeuua1-res. enoab yauu tei/i, ha/f f ne prt/culr Ati, î /u .pto lpre,on entiootiex/ al rye- J16rtteRe.A.MyF T/te fyelen te te ftgute meti t/tse bs/f Aqon e, holo /sfmer nti sw- 1:,,,otI Vehfieoft/t i eDondt e ,t/o-teepic/fnnr/enc- ! irevheEic sio. peuloa pice o any Lt -asmaîst frîn yf bArdai Pie mop/tof t/a/f /te, houiicldopress ont/to lactori/t ar/f/t, Lie-kovl Chorclmaiauytipoteon t/me Id/m/tedrupoît i/fh-tiiere fa pot /eSetHdi /esa/a cascih/ te-lcult o od D.Fotnyltt niies4 orsaI inadmusttt . e i omnsyanmt bepey/tngatn eu/fonOgirlIarlonMoooe Si-n-/f/ta l Mm, Rtiwa'seoibings-t fesio w ,-/ttol'yii, t/fsb ie- Ilmotio. Atiar avly w-heu Smstofwalerirwneraniesei tostal' o/ al//u dvaea ufa ataifrflem ierOfi . Fe isuer, (tr /a boiawt t /to wie hsmîa w ati /taf ny aoyes at rat-enies/n tenmiefremn itt pf.A e, htti,ýd-gtrnt out/elflc rof taet, Pîif/aiycic et u es t-H o - ae-tftop ysicenh ual/y hcn acmcocmoi ta t/te tcrlth nd h/ttiftheeifa seke at rooe/f osseof maîypciy Stetee. ae/ ot by aenetiMe, Felt iie te-seilînesfe cikentyt omybet/n uont/a rOOno/tgoft/toloeai, tono enr~tti!i W'e arte eo/et ss e "Maocc,"' ,na/x bafoet/t- Ietefmeteota Therunt. seruk eme he f/t.,,ýq-elerscaestonistemUlîl and Toeto Mieaca ntVally tick iadSoeîlîr Zenroer ty e-/fth i/f e/ f laheei buiefor t/o pet oupaofsiy. It vas rwcng colt catihe bearoreft/theuptianti at Iei h/u IýI tderap o iahiqe -u fthGeiea, w-bichea hoyromovtetre it/te gre, an i 1 -eamnt attef/ e at /o u.bbsa- adtt at unmon e-plare ts a wi h or/ten/fthe jasf prapr/ tirplaef/e am// w/a IL n.tie I w-dare oul s h Ai tqieat n oa/ a t/to pene t dou. icf teislatah-a!N__Fane-or/t-Mssatpp Vllyr ac/yde svandlo- raah/tutia w-reeou/tf/aI/atnaaotyt~cm bt/ ntactt/-pwr e--hawiuy eof- I-Iem e or t/te N ewEata nn/gnuth futbmtaft o a wgooly ac af0rtate t/o rua/tanh ev-cso ndt/t/s lsnhcý;i aeou neotwtl/e /t era/tft erhinieanti gre fhui ot/mes, faedrio It-pause tunonpsosly, naekw-ouit h nardago n bi ow cousi.cudlelnd r otn ntec hearly ov ongm i/f't pihat onteatye o botgs comeietfarfuse. T/te ýu-The Bdný!. eflt of haut. Mm. Fionwhih e iu emte aa/f/tom a/fb - - urert ramota elw-t/taiser he oel wi can/ o- i/n -s£1,000; huiatIhn, un oubent, à(a t-. --s'of--amid eo i E sta, a. -h Iw.fore T/ey cecuaean slsiwvly, boar fashiou, stop- lre1 ofi -a/lf ae-iteeif.Aer /tnty n tafaiflee a /t md Ssorlpepo aEtbenG.,wh pung aery bw- ti hie-c beauf/lois/avew-aultcas/fsevorl thoue-ut apoa arcesoI t/te /bolw-/ilmalte ah t e aachiev faine as naoti i Kinehncern /t aacui n/fbatiocaioaly ontsbu"f'vosw as.! /ot e lau//t/rpesritthiear wi/IlearncSavociety s /t Sc ofyn j s/fauting uton tte/m beun he pac baw-erlosba vau t. Tos K eias 1 - e tt /tc ls at ira i a t/to f o t nec lematt ne v ictaas Tt OOeet T/emiuescam t it hm e. Fnai ets/ n /er -ee t/o btto e t 'il i utau lttt eiad m sfan- le(-or h aifm titomars. e Wn/f i//ty e uic/osa/fat/ta tr a gF/met 00 w-ansbI e 0Et-! iicfa ftcf/om//tta poumf /erqumt breut tashmw/temoe budI up 01, tl",jrCht dren lit fordPt he bCsoradMs 5 irier b etlni on te Disease reoti îfiuttormdy. QiL AND HYPOPHOSP.1ïHITES 0F LIME AND SODA, wilI restore a Iost appetite, Iost flesh, and check wasting dîseases, especial- Iv in chiidren, with wonderful rapidity. Coughs andi co!ds are easily klled by a 1 few doses of this rernarkalile remedy. PALATABLE AS MILK. B~e/oeiget hke genuine, put zej in saZrnoncoZored Frepased oaiy by Scott & Dewce. BelleVille, AliMERS When you s'-e an Advertisemcnt like this DONT BEUEVZ IT but if yen reqîlire anything in Groceries, Staple Dry, Goode, Patent Medicines, Tinware, Garden Seeds, etc., cill at SOLINA STORE where you, will flnd a firàt-clarl s eortinent 'which bas been bouglit for cash, conBequently 1 arn pre- pared to seli at close prices ana Mo1-t BaCli- fiee quality. American and Canadian oil always in stock. Please give me a cail and you wil be welcome whether you boy. or flot. N. B. Ellioct's Relier Flour kept. J. T. WILLIAM-S DiL3sVt ýthe tfce t; la ' l' civ c~b e u tc il, te myos ' auti.~tl nedical iook e-vrpcbilihe,, ~~ pabID ega-alfîoacilîi vn5 n ~ ~ ~ " ais n Ilad :- 12rasfefiy, Iiaeçy e trlt, De-lpet U aeucr heBuhni 5 3hoa istndn. Mrrige oe> kts.w.o~1evîhfr.dT"ia' t "ae b idccsntfNvDsc- ,ta ro r nfIs ,o1 ,i 51'. 11F13« )eerI $ F Y IRrgclE r-ont ' 1r'iERET1à- HIST rY div ba vo tl o10prjCýe rC- 1j 510, D For1888it yaenrs I as trouLe iýt, ai- air and keTh MY fldotors 0l-1u esil oon rhreuttifo con myfton th ryangtohe1itu ruout , iin act, intmentsdpuis a bîo twieici netls ithnobneit pal9 18. i eam sobadtha I ad o F.C.Sndrearee rggs Iiars, ,t u rs ntcriis at. n ofhoý eIse- oter -, nderf ul ursal.b, ntnd th ý1- ter t.e .if lad ita the li et'A O, riù,-

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