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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 8

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_____________ M M '5MRNTOR1 AXMINSTER CARPETS. WILTON CARPETS. BRUSSELS CARPETS. BALMORAL CARPETS. TAPESTRY CAItPETS. UNION AND WOOL CARPETS. MAPLE LEAF WOOL CARPETS. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTA1NLS. FANCY ARAIA-N LACE!CURTÂÏIN-j fR1511 -POINT LACE-WURTAINS.- BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS., EMPIRE LACE CURTAINS. CLUNY LACE-,'CURTAINS. SWISS TAMBOUR LACE CURTA[NS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAIN'ý ECRU MADRAS CURTAINS. SASII CURTAINS. SASH CURTAIN MATERIALS. CHINA S1LKS. FRENCH CRETONNES. ART MUSLINS. VELVETS, PLUSIIES. TURl'KEY AND INDIA RUGS. LINOLEUMS. OILCLOTHS. CORK CARPETS. R. HARTE'S 'Y Ion Pis. ISTER & PENiDER, S16 King St. East, TORONTe SA Letter addressed to tliis House stating the ciass of goods required], receives imimediate reply, -with samples enclosed where practîcal and sucli priCes as a large bouse, buying in very large quantities,can quote. We also send suggestions for moasurernents, etc., that will enable oui' out-of-town patrons to order by mail, with the certainty that their order wilt. be tilledl to their perfect satisfaction. Thé Mail Ordier Department is one of the speciai features ot' our business, and receive rnost careful and ini- telligent attention., S. Among other notable features that dis tinguishes ToRoNTo'S INEW CARPET boUsE from any others,,is the vast variety of new patternls and designs i al grades and styles of Carpetings and Curtainings, iRugs, Mattinigs, Decorative Stuifs, etc., and in 'ail cases thie Quality is eminently the very best that is to be had at -the prices. A personal inspection of the many choice lines i the stock ot this bouse, wouid prove a most interesting niatter to out-of-town patrons who can make COCOA CARPETS. it conveunen t visit 'iorov's'u. -1jur, m SUMMR MTTIGS. indit ery pieasant and satisfaCtory whCý, CURTAIN FIXTURES, POLES. dealings with us are conduCted by letter. 14 and 16 King St. Ea< We eau supDply you an Iron Roof -wI will bé ab> cheapýa- -,"ood[en &'u1 The acilve pinciple cf the seversi leepta ot se tia ut the haaltby ainfainaunce of life, la presented in these ils, in the most bighly con.-etrated rm atanl.-lmnswhicbh ave timlate ret!at,)na with every fluid snd slIid of tIbe bAcy, but in far greater ieau rre haviieg to do with that subtle nergy ceistered lun the nervous system. The causes wbiebh undo us are extreme- fow, but tiie symiptoms. called diseases, nd which ard the resuits cf these causes, ro many. These symptoma are as arieus as the cotstitution, aud the iu. eired or accidentai teudency cf the dividuial affected. Buit what suatters he naine of thesoe ffects if we are able to ach sud conti ol the cause ? 0f ail causes of disease sud suffering, ie chief ia Faulty nutrition, aud this, (A becausa people do not est enwugb, ut rather because of the fallure of the gauis to properIy make use of 'what ia teni. This failure to set, again, in net te fruIt cf weakuess lu the organs of ýsiibt;)ion or purifloation, sncb as the ýomaich, iver, snd kidusys, as vias long iproper4; supposed. It la rather the b-tuce cf power in the nerve centres ,hiolh reguate these organs. Theuce has risen au eutiieyy uew treatmeut consist- gý (f restorative foods fer the nervous Thie Mloive forces controiling sud mov. .g ail1 the organs cf the body into heslthy tiouas are stored in the dolicate tissues, rceIs cf( the ganglia, or nerve centres. hese are compoEed cf the fluer,,the in- nitely sttenuated matter, akin te, the irit of the foods we parfake cf generally tter understood, when we say nerve cd, Pncb as the extroardinary Nervine usixtied contaied in Celery, the quin. ,sence of which entera into the composi- ýon of these Pilla. The discoiveries of the chemist'as well s the expi rience of the Physician, bave tablisieod the fact that healtby life la mpossible when certain elensents are bsent front the W]ood. Certain forma cf on bave specifie action ou the red cor- nu des, sudc a continued "ecourse" cf heir use increasea richuessansd purity cf ie blo(od. Iron is therefore preacribed a the recovery front acute diaeases,fevera, Ialaria, sud aIl forma cf -debility. Toue, igor, or elas!icity either of mind or body ýependa upon the Oxygenization cf the and sd varies-witb it because Oxygen si easeia,,l te every mental or -bodily uction. Oxygen laý the fuel, aud muet be ever, )reseiit lu abundance, to mun the mach- ses-y of the body at a uiniform apeed. Vhie gaaat airain bias occurred, and the tore la drawu upon toc rapidly, the iris- )ort.ance cf rebuildiug sund reatoring ,is The acbivemner. of abacltearimoniy )f esqeutial eleineits has beeu reached lu )r. Ilarte's Cefery Iron Pilia. We have -'Ppy coniination cf N2rvinie sey 0.t M C: (D cj -q. Water, Wind, and Storm iProof, also an absolute iu-- QLW~'J5 ?r, williarnaousud daugbter,iLSs <Cosdeu~d P cm iteNeye.> attie WiPdimsn, and -.U. a,d M.s. F. Mrs. Win. B2irrett sud Mise Addie \. Wiiliaruacu s'tended th(- ferrerai cf MoOu hvetwuiAth!e e Jaes 1Siason àcfBtlvduffwhch, Mr, Oral. Walter-, Oshavý-a, la home. '.uay dY Are free fs-eusales-nde sud ircitating FIioas-TïfE JAWS OP ETt Sm matte. Ooneutrted medicine ocly rprsing efeethave beau race' del frein Casr'a Littie Lices- PllW Yery emait; uthe use c f Mill«' Emnîsio f CGd Livîs- very easy te tsske; ne pain; ne gs-ip; uas0si lu the nyst despeuaaca"s sof cen- purgiug. Try ty.smtin ual ocher remoedie, bave Mr. sud Mra. Wm. Lonig Pîsvo gone on tldMle' mîinnai ixy ~~~~~~~~~~n motépoitt e kl ceth e a il sd eh Miss Lentbas been gnut tiMr. Tisssdbodmkssu a enue i Thomteus. ms-kd sce' s by7tise pli,,sscus luthe- There be scions -- insane Asyhuuu iteniarfeal Dieu, Thero ,, il tron le i yen ansd General iHospital lu ins ut do'Gvcrne thS~yspepti esynspteîns lY Mg ottIs501b.and 1, ten'i, Oct. 11o0d% Sas-apaspthea iseedicine yen Soe.atalD1 nord, Mjor Hlughes su ad 'Ms-. \7xn. Jouez cf Tise dath of Luc BeA, wife cf Dé-. i NeTtouviile wes-e lutalst week. John ibson, on May G6â, la dea-ply rs- MissFs-uTyr, T essuto, visites. gretted. Sisu wnîs 11 but a fe~v w. eka at Mm, T. NV. Ja2eso'eccently andi wes 24 yeas-s andi 10 meus, od. FATAL 1,RnSLT CFDE LAY. -Sik 1es.a;Si was1bouluin Carko aud bore aU ex- euriyfolilows î!)tise path oe, nOýel t espa:y araý,ter. Tuse <unes-aiSes-vices Dutbe rechies5 but prudently tAkan iont Toe -(dsy wre conduoted by Rev. Gzco. few donses cf Sett7i Emusie isnîeiat- Broawn. D.eeearsed hve a hiusbaud and, iy following exposer te Cold. It WHlitbs-ee eîlidreis te iors-as-WlCas. SaVC yen MAN y p Sa nd .yssd0aelea s * PREPARE FOR SUMMsEtISESE.-ifý uiights. yen have Cramýpa, if yen have Celle, if 11r. fisb. Poiiuton l a recoveringfs-cm yen have Thars-hea, us- if %ou have any hie eetileasuiS-mes- cinplaiu,-fud yena ûe more Mr. sud Ms-e. Chas.ý Doncaster-, sud tissu ii.ely te -utrcr in that way before daugbtera, B)wanv litâe, a'euded the tIe acf t es-ah ses a eer-bny a botte funesatof Ms-.John Gionm PnurDy:'PAi KiLïLiR, sud secure Mm. W.WV. TruIi;,veh, ln sdinEtautanýeous 4relief attes- eue ,os- twe clesuig up the C!uiatiai chus-h passou- udos". lu traing severa attacks cf age sud grojnudebeorome iogthre. ChoNier, ate Sch bowea satY tie PAI EST EPEU MA PC -Dear Sirs,-i eac KLLn .TWenty dropa cf s-. DaVis' higbiy reeommend agyars Pcoalwue ilmdiieai ensuu -e acbild cf] Baisaxu as tuse beat s-exdy evrr made for tje we)r5É case cf C jtc A tbottie f th eoughis auJlae Ian neyer withont it PAIN Kun=Ee eau bu bougbt at au! re- in my bouse. tîatscvPiLluEnt, Lame- cuae drugstoe.Puie 2%e, Big New Vill,QOat. 1BAStl. Ms-. James Linton, LakefIeîd, sund Mr. Tises. Beasein cf this tgwu hveexchang- ed placez for a few weeks. Irs. W&kta-r Prcoutv nsud Mrm.Suiih she have, been viitiug Ms-. Jeu. Prier, hve r,1tur.ied totheirho;me luiSandý KINcsc,2TMa'LY 15'-Ms-.L. Yott cf Wolfe Islandepposýita t1113 City, lias been1 cus-ed by Dd' Kidney Pille. 1It ls a we'l kuwîîfaci tthat M Yot as booï, a suffesfre yerafreio bcaceresult- iug renioserdkdys,)semucheo thIst if sui a standing poiin ae ouid tus-n round auddeeîy the P ain wci take3 bis hr' wy uaekn fhscs te Ms-. flues-y %ado, tise druggist cf iIi eity, freoin wtscmnhae purehaseId'th is lils ýha saidl: I ha b a a ufles-er fer yesra- foen pain a lu tIse baek asud kidnay diseaseQ H-ave s-s-i d Inret, 'ae-,ointmants1 sud dIses l-<iea fs-es dctc an~d ds-ngiss-, ut ocf these rmeie r beýped use lu tisa l,;esi. leariuig Dodd'Il t kdny p!ilîla rncis taike'ýod cf, gave theli ai trial, end as a remîut twe 'boxes cas-d me Tîsis cure ia ps-babhy uot as mlarvel- eus as mauy that bas reeently been ssade by Dodd's 3kid.ey pýilla, 1-ut il la cs-eating considiesabte t0aik su corment amiong Se nts uW p-igCoýatsfor, Ladiies su Cslde a ohn J. Ma sqou'aDry Geoa sd ewarysto-e. MLiserLawyes-s, Teadher,, nd Otiseýra wiuS cupto gcabut littie axercise, shoid s str' iteLiver Pilla for torp)id l'ver sd ionnea(0l lea adose. Týry theu. li"A ~anc F-<Iting a pefE iserve food as e, jas1iiîs.d delicate cb.ild, the d.'biIitatedt invailî, as by the aihilete lui trainîngfora lsacere- (Ilquirug super humlais efs-t, To sun up the -gunenta lu faveur cf Sthe adoption of thisasimplee ccomiie, sud t~commoni seuse trEatmient for the effects of ~ crewosryover-work sud the mistakea cf life, ste make thec fo]lowiug clairna for ~.CELERY lto()N PIILS 1 Tbey sre a neGrve restoring., b!ood, D ensicbiug, tissue building, vitai food, lu Sitss -imipleat sund ioat eonveuieu ,form. 2 Tbey mnay justly rauk as a uew dis- ü oves-y, comib;iinugtbe rucat esential Selemleuts cf nervous force. '~ 3 They isnpamt new streugnth, life, sud Shope wbeu al ýelse bave faxted. 4 Tbey maqke rich bealtby sud pure ) blood ,udimo, e aIt the tos'pid orgues te et 5 Theýir effees are se promptf, that a single trial is th is5 t Caifcrasgu. metin thecir favous-. C) They are aide te orgvnste aIl those wbo bave sîi-Aedagaîntut the hawaY cf Ileal tilbby ov ilr- v,- or exs 7Tbey a i'Iinet tempt thiose nadweak by al co r opiumii, for tbvy do net Cor.- tain either lu an-y forii, SThlý7 an [lhe "friend in thsieofn-à wesnature ;s tired, aiffd ail the s-gains are Esluggish. 1, They purify the 'blcod, clarify the akin, sud smnooth awsy the wriukles cof cam1e sud aeffering, 10 They combine iu a veat pooket borin Dil that is vahuLable in the word-reuowued miueral waters cf the Spn, Badon-Baden. Vichly, sud Cariabadl. Fmually :-They invite the cIiompetPiion cfiittos countes-feits, suad prepars. tiens ciaimiÀug te be "juat as gcd"te as-erst admnission cf their ,tim pon coufidleuce. Our- friends wvill co.-fer5, favor by uotifyiog uzs cf auly nttept te sulbatitute asuy ether 1preyparatiesa ah.ii thio s la sked for. Celery Iron Pilla are dc Iond t uîeet the few causeswhs -eult 'ls diflereuDt personaîý, under variedc cireuxustasî3ces lun sncbl symptoijus as spithy, d, apOudeucy, auxiety,las*cf will Ipower,lo2s cf marsy, dimue ss cf vision, bysteria, sud ail fermal of dimiiisýled nerve power asBsffecting the mmid .-l'ausea, vomnitiug, weak atomacb, lo.athlug et food, biliounneas, heýadachenuli, conýstipationi, dys5- )ppia, lheart-bunuasd ahi forma cf torpid aiction cf the organs cf nutriti n indicat- in'- lack ÇÀ touel or vIies-1:u the system:n Sheeleasetsreatesensa, ighitmare, stinlslpeevtotrdfli, sud thie whole train cf, conditions varying lui differeut pesou. iduey troubles, baat-filue, ud&Il tha iiinos-symptoma presenOIted a differeut stages cf thase diese.Nervous dehihity, sud gene'ral debility. The ieapt informeýd person eaut See at a gialja that ail these dîseases arc, symoitonsa csf sImOatilsingle cauis-,uervous prostration, te wbicb Caïles-y Iron Pilla are aapte froxu tIlir vu-y rnature ïas s niesve fccdý. rDr. Hartuý's Cerley roiiPilla are p)ut up iluia neat met'alie csethus perfectly protectinqth sfrom ,dampuT)resa or othir causes of dtriote.These cases aise perfectly adapt Chein te be carried on the , Mm person s0 that, reguflarity of taking is iu- sured noe matter what thte occupation. Directioua,.--These pilla have their beRt effect if taken imnediatoly after tueais, as they are then. dieêoived, and paes into theo intestiness, are absorbed, anDe carried inito tho circultiortprom-ptly. For chlid- ren retirinR soon after thei eveang meal, a sirgle pil every night ,vill soon correct ail causes of snxiety in the woret cases of emaciation and malnutrition. We advise persistent,, steady use of these pilla in 'doses of one pili after oach meai for aduits in prefereuce to large doses irregulariy, which is au irritlationai use of such a medicine, It requires enly timue and gentie aid to rebuild the nervous Pystem. Especia]ly to any aubjeet of s truly re- markablo cure, we deaire to say that, we shall be obliged if the saute is promptly reported to us with permission to publish for the sake of other sufferers. Sold by all D)rtiggist,and dealers or by mail, Price *50 efs., six boxes l'or $2*0 THE CELE KY PILL CO-) Toronto, Ont. Eow to get a"Sunlig-ht" picture. Send 25 'Sünlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearlng the werds "Why Does a Wornan Look Old Sponer Than a Man") to LEVER Bitos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Torouto, snd you will receive by post % pretty picture, free from advertising and weil worth framing. This is au easy wsy te decorate yourhome. The soap in the beat lu the market, sud it will ouly coat le. postage to oend in the wrappers, if y&u leave the ends open. Write Sour addresa oarefulIy. Best value in BlFck, Green sud Japsu Teas, ocfees, etc. Qtiality unequalled. PETER MURDnOCHagelit. St. Vitua dance, hysteris, e a certain forin of asthsma,are th of nervous prostration. Theo tisat can provnp tly ineet such cf nerve power1 is eue contai <Jlery Ircu Pilla, ageuicies supply the nerve centres. Drug2ista sud dealers, or n 50 ets., six for $2.50. Tbe Co., Torouito. Ont Ripans Tabules bAnish pýt N G-oods -FO-RSP N& No Store in town contains a nicer, newer or more fashionable stock~ of goods than that which wve are showing tbis season, Our sales oi Dress Goods already bas been remarkable. We also cali attention to our New Spring Coats fof' Ladies and Chidren. We have received our importations of Parasols-a-,il new nice an styli sh. See our new PrintQ, new Delaines, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces,4 Our Glove and Hloisery department is as usual riglit in the fy WAe import otir Rose and Gloves and get thie best goods pýrocurD' the lowest pries. We are certain you ean save monev by Li)> Gloves and Rlose at Our Store. Our customeûrs can get the fashion sheets foen'ý" ing f'or themr. We want to kr 44OclOL .' the newest. posted along fa8hIon0I< 1~~Oi.vll tenut goods which are alývays JOHN J. MASON 2 8?EOIALPURCHASES, BOOTS AND SHIOES. A select portion of the whiolesale Bankrupt Stock oF ER. 1Smardon êo Co. bouglIit on the $. -IAT -S. A lot of samples, perfectly new goods endý in gocorüIcndition, FeIt fur and straws, you can save muoney in these goods- ORDE-PREIDCLOTHIING. W(, have taken more orders this sea-son than eve(r before (L'7,Soma iuonths) lWemhaveLh, No,31 cuÉtterand the largest ofgod yti ifyôu. m'a-) a ew su'I't. MIens' and Boys' Suits. Ready to wear. Our stock in thjese Go ods is the best we have yet shown and our superiority more Imarkedl than ever; we have avked our suits very close this season. THE GLUTHINC HOUSE. T. GEO. MAASON, * SONG-EmSON Have just receiveci a fine assortment oxf Bath an-d 3uggy Sponges ail sizes. Be ,sure you get one. SPEOTAGIES AND EYEQLASSES We carry a large stock ofl' the best lines of spectacles and seli them at reasonable prices. Our spex areIgivr- ing splendid 'satisfeaction. For comnfort, durabiiity and cheapnesss wve have -the 'best. Before you leave for California, British Col- umbia2 àManitoba anid other points, cal! at ooer store f'or tickets and information. F . P-,ticket- office: J. HICINBOA & 801. HOU-SE PITX I arn prepired to (eeute alil rders for bouse painiting, grainigl sing, paper- hgigand dc 'in ithe nwlst ap. provýed style- and at oerteters. Wall PprGlasz, putty an lixe Paints ii i l ? adeaways for sAle. Shop opposite Young- & (Jo'g flrst-clau£ gÏocery sre, ýKing St., BOwanvlille.: Ord ers rnay bc also l-f t at Young & O, o¶gs or at irny res!dence, Queen iSt. 12-3rn THOS. KIR~BY. Glasses ground to fit any sight, com. plicafed cases a specialty atd no charga for, consultation or testing by T. -N. Rickard, watchmaker, joweler and onti-> c ian, Variety Hall. - -ç1 FREE! You can get thie fa-lhion shoeti each rnonth-by calingii at ouir store. We present these to the public in onirdahet they Masy the Tetter aprcie üopr r»v fashionable goodo. John 'J. Marion.

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