~YOU G OL S. au incessant firing ef pistol-shects ail atrond c --But tLe hardy boys, te wbern;a night ou W e kLOST ON THE liOOR. the openî meer was ne new tbîng,only iuh " cd aitLe rage cf the term (from .iwhîchi A -R - SOR.tLey were pratty well protected 'cy tie T TRESOt.thick ling and tLe ever arching baniik, ;-,!('ceci C h ild ren 1 set te work te dispose et the foed NwiL L'hîeu The sbadows cf a celd, binaIt, stormy 'which their day's round Lad lnckilly sui)- parti willderve ti egthand winter evenuuig cf tLe true English sort piiefi them. The jam tarte, in whiclu Sem nal weecoming dowss upen îLe lis and meurs warmath stili lingered, were specially relia h- cf pr acquire robust health cf Yorkshire, when izwe boys-tLe taller of Cd, and Tom, with lie mentit nl ef gingpr. tives whom carnieci on hies aluulder a saml lag, Lread, declared it te Le Il main fine s n on een by prsverngus ofthgrai which seemed te hae weli hhlled-camnelacauld neeght." ernir 6; prsvein us othgrat scnambliug inte the dleepening darnessanp But thengh our berces wereci w el eend bLeuc oeeof tLe steepest nîdges, as if in haste te ed agaînat tLe temrpeat, tbey Lad ne pro. ruaa get home. tectien Irour the frost, and as the igh,ýt abîsc Food M dicineAndi weil miglt tLey Le se, for they had were it grew se bitterly coici that h sý eeîned grei F Od ediifO ad a long aund Lard day's work, and were te Ireeze tiLe very blood in their velus, au ten both bL-egiuning te feel very tireci. Sînce tLe reekiesa lads begmu te see the full parul him, early eacniug tbey Lad bean u ot "Thomas-of iLeir position. With t'uem, as witl, tIe meci S ~ J I~ing," as tLe couritryf.olk in ihose parts eau81 sufferers in tLe Black HIole ef Calcutta, it pois( it; for it is a local custom for the Yorkshire was now merely a question of whethertbey tanti village.lads te go trom boiuse te boeuse on couid keap alive titi, meruiug. aud )~A TI .Id~I\i Si. Thomas's day (20th Decernbsr), sînging By ibis time, Lowever, tLe weary boys, have E M U L 4,É,1 OI carois and collecîing "Idoles," whicb nsnally spens with fatigue and nnîbed with cold, carie take tLe fort cf read, ginger-cake, aud wara in ne case te make auy f resh effort for oee cheese, with perbaps a faw pennies, as wiib ihaîr own safety. Ail that ihey could de ibis "CrSN asof soibstitites. tLe Russian peasants ce Christmas ave, was te apreaci the ncw empty canvas ,Lag von Ge'nnce pr"n red b y Scot & owne, On ibis occasion cur two yeung Leroas over as mueh oft hir bodies as it would 0e-eu 5ei00 i. bysi1dr00. h. ad mîade a mueh larger circuit iban uiuai, a, and tilen, nestliug close togather fer undE Sio aS ~in erder te visit îwo cr ibrea cuttyitig farm- warmth, tbey fellie a Leavy sleep. that ____________________________ liebuses ai a censidanabia distance trot thaîr Tbe dawn cf îLe ahortealt day un the year cond cwn village ; andi they wene well newarded, Lad net yet struggied tbnougb tLe Liackness ply for, te thein great jei they ecivad a wbeîî Toux awoke. Ha feund bimself se and, ai mucb langer dole izban tLey Lad aven Lad Le- stiff sud numb that Le ccnid Landly stand, tisau foe, which comprised hallsa dozeu jaîsa taris andtforseimeomente was f uliy occupel i n aed bot Irontthe oves,. But althîs took up a wanming i bal-Irezen bioed by staspirg POhIS gooci demi et tima, and wheu tLe boys isteest sud fiapping i arma. Tisen Le ofS RIOYA.L MAIL STEAMSHIPS. turnnd their Lacks upon tLe lest and most caileci te is cousin, but there was ne an- mini Proposed Siiltnge. Subi act te change, 35ý3 distant lieuse, afiternnuad aiready waned swen. date ____________________________ ie eveniug, and evcuîng was fat deepen- "Dicit" Le sbeuted,Lnut puen DicIt ne- is pa liverPocil, Ieuîslndery, Qsebac, andS ing ie nîght. piieci oly witii a taint grean. bcea liontreal Xai Service, '«Aa say, DicIt, it Le ceemin' on dank," Hes was alive, bowve-that was soe- ualc _____________________________ aid Tom, the eider et the twe, te Lis cou- tbiuig ; but wbat was te Le done h Dick was Lad From Fontm Fron - sin Diok. Il We'd Lbest goe cep t' iii te evidontly failing fast, sud wouid diaeff beip pron Liverpool. Staam chips. Motreas. Quac t' wagonway anver the top ; that bot gainesi wena net speediy obtauned. But Low te cfsu 4 Mlay ...PARI-IAN.-20 May..21M1ay [tLe est] way whoam. ebtain it? Tom fait that Le couici net il May ...CIRCASSIAN.. 27 May.. -.28 May a Dickqurerofamietagneei lf, n i8 May ...NUMIDIAN..3 lune .., 1 lune Dk ged, and tLe twe lads set cffai alaqureetameteavLiltsd 25 May . TDiNAN Io10June'..IltJune theur est speaci up the ridge, Tem, as the there was uitile hope et anycue passinig that 1 Jun3 ... AOGLI 17. June ... stronger, taking tha bag, wbich tili then loueiy place mi se untimeiy an heur: di q8 lune... PaIt ISIAN ...24 lune. .25Jue tbey Lad carried Ly turns. But jîxat as tLe peor lad wms strauuîeg his ii 15Jn. . .'LAUIIEN ri >îN..l jiy.. Oua by eue as the eight feul, tLe village weiiry eyes ihrougb h loi slnt des- iad 22 lune . UMIIAN... 8 juIy ... 9SJuly '9 Jute ...SAit INIAN ..la July ....i16 July lads straggled LacIt trcm their quasi ; Lut permiion, lue caught tLe tinkla of a amallhl b 8 JutY .... 'MONG 'LT AN. .,2 Juiy .... Tom and Uick were net with tisent. bell eniy a uitile xvay beyoud ien, sud bise m ' July..PAUEN IAN.29 Ju. .. 0Ji Just at ifrai, Lewever, ne eue, net aveu practîsadc ar deteataîl that it was net aorh Î7 Juiy .. . NUMîiI&N... 22 ug...13 Âug their own parents, feuta ai l inhclned te Le sbaep bell, but oeeof those the uortbern or Il Steamers are diap)atcbed f ront Monîreal at auxieusa about tLe nissiug boys. One or tcaînstars are went te lasien te the Lariesa Le cliylisizi on thse day cf sailing, and sail froin two efthîe comnades lad- Leard them talIt ot their herses, The wagon rcad tiat they tLh Qiebec aiS asn-. SunS'hî si. of going te visit somes eftihe more distanti Lad sougbi in vain, thon, muai lia juat vi nitammerd stu. a- wi.i net stop at Quebec, fartse, sud it waa takan fer grautaci that aboya îLe spot wbere they Lad s peut'hoLeigo lisme hi o Loulendeny. hey Lad dons se, and aven when nighi nighi, sud ibis muai Leacr aiga e t RTSO PASG. caine sud bronglut ne igu efthiem, tLe i. . lei, RATS F ASSGE tmiy mereiy coucludeci ibat they Lad beau Frantic ai the though t flesîng ibis 1a i v By S S, Pariitu. s$6a, 075 and $90,se, "put up" in-oeeof these fart-bouses ton hope, our Lere gathareci ail bis streugib,'gn $110, $135 aud $165 ne une, Extra cliabe cýtise night in iLs bospitable oid uorth-couu- sud sent forth a yeti. worthy et a Comanche cd ter twe se sousSins50 te 57) $100 singe.$Là5 iry fashien, sud wonid cotne bote îLe tirai Indise. d reiurnu Extra c.as cabinF for iliraeaperaduestiguetmrin.Hlom"aeil sasevie wib (r, ens 50te se57) $80 îingIe, $150 retnirn. cliet onn.Hul "sote iasevie l - eo hy 'sardiia a sd Circaeàiau- $5$6 and $70. But wben uuaming came, snd atiîl thora grufsud surly as it was, seemad te our .iho $105, $110. $130 riiinra. was uething te Le seen er beard of tLe lest peor Teom, the sweatest seund Le Lad aýven Bs oth r etSameri-$30 and $6.105 su ad lads, the village folkt Legan te Le alarmeci beard. ie ruade toward iii, sud gaaping .5110 rt ure. S ecnd cahin Oniward, $30 and $35;vrepaid in earnesî, muid ail whe ceuld Le spareci for eut the eue word 'lDick 1" talfaintingPinto $3; riturn lisket3, $65; chistiren peecween 1 and theo work set off iu a Ledy, witb tLe faihens îLe sîreng armae! a Lnly caninr, whe was l meis Lat lare; infants outward frea-pre- o! tLe twc beys ai their Lead, te Il eat" on i way te Resedale Pi fer a lof c Vaez iîh. M. A. JAMES. Agent,, the npiaud meors for sente trace ot thet. ceai, rea Coiýnvle The yenng castausys waru iraceci front As seoir as Tom Lsd regaiued is eses ers boeuse te boeuse easily euougb as fan as a bis aux iety about Dick tuirnad, sud Le ne- heal far. caiied Stenmy Hall, tLe 1ai place ai uewed wiîhboLtter succesa is form)er ai- sutf InT TU 31 E PAIN ING, whsclu îhey 1usd called ; Lui here the search tempt te tell wbst blod become of bis couîsin, net was brongbi te a suciden stop. Ne eue in describing se accurataly the spot in ',scb nt I n prcpared toe xecute li orders for the boeuse Lad asuy idea whicb way tLe boys Le had laIt i that a messengarwas iteonea te lieuse lintîing;, gral*llp«g, giszsug, paper- Ladgene aI ton leviug it, dteIaîs et t ff with the news te thue searob pa rt, t ,et Lteauxîcuasjeekers (lied wîtbiu rbem as wbichli ad by tiîis tinte reached tLe foot1,et laugiug andi deconating uin the mr, liîey straineci ibain eyes over tLe wild wasîe tLe ricige ibat Lad sheitered cur berees sd prerci sylessud i r~ederte trus ofet are bis, bleak inoora, sud /atlules On lsoarîng wt Tour 1usd toii, tLehe- wh Wall Papera, Glas,' Putty sud Mixed awampa, whicb lay cuîstreicbed arcuud ors went righi up the 1ý g(à wiih m ie heii P'aiu>s in ail abades l.iays for sole, tireur on every ide,snd thoughiof îLe long,I speed tijat ibcy Cor-'1 d, ùsheuihug wit'n Iree 5h"~en~nit, s ug &(os rt cold, sicnsny nighi thaitis o t il I al their migbr,î .Bton)c i '1e~~' .,.isi Lave iluenut in Jssta;iiw r-was in tet s~'se i 'Ile, nse'rlb n s ,îbalr wbtovas. ý passeî i nuLedge c o er - ...Lc ieug& o' rsnobfer, uhpiiy, tihrev;wsa oly Lollow i h -,'e or ai my rtike.ce, Qaeen St. tee, good reason'. ing or Learing any Cui.,, .n 12-m. HOS KI B . Wlien tisa beys lefi Stermy Hall, they e i at the a keeu.ad abehni loe -L 12 Sm TIFIOS. KIRB~Y~. ad gene Liskly up the teep sud slippenyacdonuiîLbeowsdaleiuty ridge aboya tirera, uever deubiing thai tbey aagerly, xEuvE ,,BEANizare & new di. weuld seoir flindthemseives en tLe w'aTgnoLnet ' e igasLsba CO.very tisaicare tise worst cases ot tmack ihat rau aleng tLe *brcw oethîehilii pleockedcp w i' ans, sud ye'Ill lnd t ',lsd NeroI l ebiliiy, Loi Vigor aanddL Lat oie ttl isycm ih oudon it ton a guinea. " BE NS F itig ahed; estere tise aAilleîael rosillowew tiiitonceamte the >spot, anid veAI S ahss bfutbodyiror mmd causaS in lbail et iheir own village. But fortune as Altheresrestfl aucugeitsth cyees etyeuior.TWli rem eai- agaunt t. Tired as they weratere, sueeogi thay feuud, he'ples scoeycrs tise mosi obsini rcases when ail eusse cumbareci wiih a pretty bemvy Lag te Leci saud ail bnt dead, the lest 1)cIk, wlîo, Leoing W hSÂSxT avefailedaveute scilieve. 2Zold bydmug- ibis uphili ' unablr e ad lppry he te stand, was carsieci home in tri- w gis a si per packag-e, or six foc $5. or sent by mail ouniugi Inwe u lipr reSiuliof pire greund aas terribiy exhausiing, andi every Ilmph. InuthLendut, oweven, strange tce Write for pamsphlet. Soddin- new sud iben îbev caune te a brosci boIt> ay, ucihhr le uer is cousin seerneci teLe rowmauvilie Ly STOTT & JURY. cf matieci gerse asnc brackesa, whcl wiîîu- any tLe werse Ion ibis tansriblescivetura. Creei ihougb it waa, was tili ne trifiing oh- _[David Kerr in Harpen'a Young People, I'~e~w- I1aior S .op tadle te beys et thein geansuize. N% w T il r S op Ere long they wore bal way up ibe lope ATE HIS DAUGIITE '.t The ur dersigned who isabeau Carrytng on i fdre t t Leanorcf the e Liabov ne tisednuAn inllan Canibâl of (Inebec Ate of Uts ILe taileing business in conactien witli fddfonteceto h ilaoetei Mcn's Dry Godal Store fer a numbeno! yesrs sud tLe oid black gioom cicsed round iheur, EilhIsaBody to Kecus Iltkuselr bia commenceS buiess for bintueif ai Lia like tLe creaping shmdcw cf deaib, while Front PerilLnt:g. rosidenee Kinsg St,wesi. wbsre lie is pnepred tLe dreary suesu of the rising wind foretoici A Qnobec despaicb amys t-Au ndrian et te inake gen t'anS beys' antis iastrbailed thes 1latasiýî ftnes, sud nt iowet priceumt a."cthe le wiebut tee, pisiniy the comiug aito.teMaagitieume Jcsdjk wish te order suite, lhe wiii carrysa full ]tiouiof Ansic that rayless lackness aven a tan, nesidhng in Ste. Margîserite, on îLie orfb amples inal tlis ne west p-itterua. Give hins who knexv tLe greuîîd by lîcari migbi wehi sshsre Lelow liera, kîlle iebuswîfe ac a! aL, have Leen ai s bass te find iei way; sud tLe daughier sud aie a1 gooci portion otfLeý lai- J. T11. A. TILn '-TN boys, whc Lad beau iberconly two or îbrae tan. 1'ahisaaleTalertintes L eoeain thair whoie lite, sor founi Sente traveiers passing Ly the Iii,-ian itiisa ss'susiie. Tan ithetselves walisng quite at raudernt(bav- wsga oebnnhe eledîegr e BowLrnvill, No. 1, 892.ing neither meen uer star te guide thîem), mnaies cof su Indian girlsa littie way eff t rot T j ~and cousiS bardly tel, as they stumbleci the cabii.- I lovar recta andStones, or fell sprawling ie o The body bLeatraces e! straugultien, I Iymwning rifts, wluef ber thay ware gouug up tLe face was black sud coîîgesied, tLe ayes 1 I I laitl or dewn. To sdd te theju troubles a L.ulged ont eftiheir seekets, sud in quine aweep efthîe wsnd (whicb was fait ising te oeff, sud parts e! the Loues anS intestines s perfect gaie) chiuled ibent te tLe very uere a idcibare. St one- vet s tey lredy.were fret ce- Tie Indian, wen quesionec, alewed er antsplshig trouh te mrsh ho-ihai lis wîfe sud daughiar Laï d of e îewa. Is Io unger sud îisery sud tisati le panio ýc lo! as o-w on b.a ad For semae time tbey stnnggied blindly ou tLe flash frem.ttise Lidv o e liteî le~'r-s"~ 01 thîe cther tLe iideous ,ýhoughît which had frein which Le unes dying hitselt. The a J.4s.~~ IJU SIS. Q nîen.up îe ame ensut u îe mnci ettravaiers, however, suapecteci aonietbng W! a l mert ck"l'nupth ibn'e mmel'nt eplîe do far.ftpai- us n te deiugLei+1s-S - -TLey wera noue tee seon, fan bhardly bad very velussisous rsiiway ticket theatctemns they taken their places wben thse stent te Le su o essary an evil et traesa. sburt in all itistfry, tLe wind Lowedc anci I hoe you'Ill ied everytbiug comf nt- ~ ~f - ILLS abiakeci, sudtîeLe hevy huilais of t nain cane al," saic tise portèr. IlI'm atraici it's s 5 (fill1ammernsg upon tLe scattereci Lewidara, or uitile chliy iu bore." - bhisseci amici tLe aitisereci ternusnd dry "No danger about me," 'uas tLe answar. Ar aLs. CRIi'nîCAL PERIîODs sAieCHANGEr Or eathen, sud in tLe utier darnucstbe Il iben I get tineci of nediug nty naiiremc MFn , -a. ct.. t Yuai Ci5 nap)piue cf îLe deaci twigs broean off sud 1ticket I eaui wrap myseit up in t sud ge te Lent, srit oes, sOnt- h eteraWU hseaway Ly tLe turions biasaiwaa like> sleep." LOI. Tr5nto Ont-Children Cry for Pitche r'2 ;Casto ria. ABEOUT SIUAXBlPOISON. f "v the .11Iliosi% or Natives of lilla Ase Aulhteted by Poisonoue s sakes, he destruction ef life in India Ly poi .s- )s snake Lites is numbcred well np jute Sthensands every year. Thjs is due tly te the vast number of venomous Les in the country, andi aise te the iack protection which the ciothas of the na- es fail to afford. Varions efforts have m-made Ly the local arnd Eugiish gev. neunts te extcruîinate the pesta, Lut tche uties offered fer the heads of poisonous ies fail te reduce them te auy appreci- lexteet, The death rate continues Lt, and When a native is ence bit- inoue of his frienda attempt te Lelp nas they have ne faith in auy leru methods ef eoonteracting the ion. Recently, however, medical at- ziin Las Leesi directeci to this subjeet, dconsiderable study and experiment e been made te ascertain the value oi 7ain remedies tor snake.Lites. Probabiy eof the most promisiug discoveïies in ýline is the so-called freatment ef Baron aMuller. His treatmeut us simple ough.* It is the injection of strychnine der the siZin close te the nerve centers it have been affected Ly tLe poison. Ac- ring to this theory the suake poison situ- 7suspends the action of certain nerves, dees niet permanentiy destroy the body sues. Strychnine stimnlatas.theEe nerves, d acts as an antagonistie agent te tLe !on efthe suake. Ten te twanty miinia strychnine are iujectad every fil teen intes until slighit muscular spasms are tected aund this is the sigu that danger passad, andi larger doses of tihe poison cau administared, e a greatnumberoetact- cases of seake poisouiug in lndlia le Las dramarkable sueceas, and tLe reinady mises te nentralize the dangerous action snake poison in every couintry. fi-fe Insurance.- [owever desirable a good physical con- .en together wiîb a gool famiiv recerd xy Use in an insurance sense, nnless yen d te that a weIl-balanced minci and good ,ts yen do net Lave a first cas risk. No matter Low perfect the family Listory how sound the physical condition, unles ian las good habits Lie will net pr-ove te a good i rsk. On tLe otber baud suppose eapplicauit is net iii tLe enjoyment ef vorona healtb, Lut has a geood family nec- dif that man is ef temperate habits, is ,giilty of mauy exeesses of any kind, if î s disposed te take care of Lus LealtL aud e his systein a chance te recupanate tressa y lest encrgy from overwenk or any ae- lentai exposure, or errer in diet, that e, as a mile, is a better risir than, the man re-ankale vigor but inclined te dissipa- nu True Phllanthropy. Te THE EnITieR -Pleaso îuferM y0iur mêlers Ibat 1 wiil mail fiee te ail suifer- sthe meaus by avhich 1 was restored te mIîh ,and inwî.y vig îr after years ef ffering frorn Nervons Wemkness. I was 'bed and swindled Ly the quacks until nearly lest faitb in m8nkin1, but thanks heaven, 1 ar nuow well, vigoreus and eeng. 1 bave netbing te sdil and ne hente toe xtert money frem. auyone hotis-ever, but being desireus te malte s certain cnre known te ai], I will Bond ee and conzidential to anyone full par ulars cf just how I wa5s cnrcd. Addres3 iL, atamrpe MR-.. VEDWA rreML2,-,riN, (Teacher), Nothing is poiîticýaIy iý,ntîat is me raiý rwroug. Whie flaby was siek, we gave hier (hstenia. Wben slao was a Child, îLe cried for Castori.. Wl Lau she Leraine Miss, she clu*ug tc Castoria. When siO Lad Uidrer, îLse gave tiessi Castoena. PURE POWD0E iE Dj OU Resdyforu'e -in nyqu nc'y. Forinaking 8o-', ues. A cuen e ~o s os soid by AI ~ . eUgRL ARMERS bhen you spis an Advertise'nfiut like this DON'T BELIEVE IT ut if yen require anything in Groceries, tapie Dry GoodE, Patent Medvirîns, Finwalre, Garden Seeds. etc., c%11i at 'OLISA STORE where yen wil find a irat-claEs a asrtmut which b~as been 3nught for cash, consequently I arnpre- sred te sali at cloe prices jmd net sacii ke quabity. Acarican and Cmiadian oïl ndways ir. dock. Please give me a Cdl and yen wii :e welcome whether yen bîuy or not. ýN. B. Ellioct's Roller Flour kept. J. T. WI1L L 1A-MS TIHE LAKF ROUTE TO Tiff WORLD'S FAI& VItA PICTURESQUE INACKINAC. Avoid the heat anci dust by traveling on1 the Floating Palaces Of the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have juat been buIit fer this Upper Lakte route, cestiug $300,000 each, and are guarauteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the LaItes; speed 20 miles per heur, rubuiung time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago 1eSs tha'n 50 hours. Four trips per weekc betwecn Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinnc, Petea- leey aud Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August double daily service 'w ii Le main. tained, giving a dayiiglst ride acress Lakte Erie. Daily service between Cleveland and PutinBay. First-class stateroem accommodatiens and menu, and exceed- ingly lew Round Trip Rates. The pala- tial equipment, the luxury of the appoint- ruents makes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus- trated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., Detrcit & Cieveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit, Miels. IF YOD ARE HUM OOWN Il Wi11 Makro YoIIEat. WiI1 Tono Your Nervos. WiII make You Strong, Wfi11 Make Yoll Foe1 Like Yourself Agaîn. FOR CIIRONIC COUGII IT IS ALI'IOST SPECIFIC. In ail Pulmnonary Diseases with emnaci-a tien, as well as w ith .spitting cf blocd, thý effects of this reinedy are very niarked. SOC. AND $1.00 PER Bo-r LE. "F auRe YoU"'ET TEO Rer (Confession. Mrs. Newd-I think you'rB a stingY- old thing torefuse me this money.. Newed-hy, before we we< you were always telling me net mnoney ou Yeu. Mrs. Newed-I trid you soethbecausV Iknew you woeid do it just the same. Sad is the eveniug of life when faith hax lit no lamps. Incorporated 1887, witii Cashi Capital of $50,000 4 c lu] la 1101 lia ti i ii Ne lu nis 1 th; foi Et Bc NI fo ni Ai BE t" na A Iîedical Worlr tisai Talls the Causas,- lesqcnibes tise Bfacts, Points tise Rcunedy. Scientificaliy the most v.luabîr, arisically L meut Leauiut medical book ever publstcd; iiî pages, every page Lsarîng ahalf.toe illustration- -intcuis. bubjects tresseS: Nervous Debility, Itnpotency,~ Steriity, Developmnent,- ricoce1a, 'TheaHuasand, Thosa Intendiaug Marniage, etc. Evrry man ste res d know theCGrand'3'ruths, I tLe Minelarts, tLe 055 Secretsiand New 53scov- cric of Mcdliii Science us uppled ce Mar-Sed 5Lifc, s-lie would sioe rfor pmt follies and: p nuid future ptfll., shosld write for ibis 5 -W0")LRFIFUL LuTILE B500K.- It will Lc ires fier, ceder seal, while the editien -sS Address the publisbers, -ERIE, MEDICAL CO., fao1Y, '" Bestuaidi T ~'1~Aateur, 8Y tise Ar-I IMT~Pfond'GE tnd ~ îîI sa, oo -~ ~ ereciic witb a y subscrip- tion for Oly ceusplete '-. , itoîs anadc Embrcidery, Wood Carving, China Faint- îig, lledeling, Oul, Water auîd Misses-ai Celer Paintinsg, andc every bu auih of Honte Decera- tien. No home is ceniplete w ithout ibis beautifuiiy illusinuteci guide. Es-eryoea avb sencis $4 direct te our1 office for eue yeos-'e subscniption i u-l get F 'ree, ais I>remtîaaui, a copy cf Our caquisitîsa-wafer-mlor tec-siniilo -' I'l e I ¶'rystiaug PIacCN" sire 2îx-22 incitas-I 'uvtirs as net os- eeîî soic fer lestien i $10>, andîl i-bliLniakes ae most Leautîf ni gift for cr15 occason. Sanîpie nopy et to he aguzuî7e, aifh 3 Colored 2icltssres, senît f idr20C Cuasogasle F~ree. XH1E ART INTERCHANGE CO., 9 D..ilsoes St., Ný. Y. AND APPLIANCE C0. .9 KING ST. W.5 TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATTEIRSON, mgr. for Caniada. Iectuiicity, a, s pplied by thse Owen Electrie Beit, ,,le remegnîzed as ftegroafesi beon effered snffen- -.um it is fasst talzing the smo cfdrugs Se ailnnsessu leumnatie peei Oisi nler ery cîLr ikeosyn ueana s .ale ." .i at es rr ed ,. sud Ly is Laoy, soetlsiiîg cumreut that is readlly folt, POSITIVELY CURES theumsattsm, Sexusîl Weusksesm. usattea, Feuilalecompsilaits anerat Debility, lui j)otené, uuîs1bago, Siîduey Bisases, urvous OI1seases, Liv'. o Ceplaini, gaspepsiu, Iunsek înucoisete, tlinary DtsI ss RH EU MATISM ic is a eii kucavu famet fbat medimai science as utterly failed te afford relief te rbeuuîaftt ses. We venure tLe asserioenitat aitheugli cctnicity hls euiy beau in use as a rniediai ïeut fer a few yeaîss, St Las cured meore cases REîumatism.t ilifl al other means cent- ied. Soeeof cur leadîug pLh simians, receg- cing fLic tact, are avatii ng tbemseives ef thîs tsit peteut of nature's foncs, TO RESTORE MVANHOOD Thousands of people suiffer front a variety cf eryeus diseuses, sudsl as Seminai Weaknesa, zipeteucy. Lost Maniseed, Weak 13aek, etc._ attse old modes eftfreaimeut failte cure. 'here is a loss ef norve force or powver fbatb aunet bce restoes-eSby medicai ireaimeut, anS sy decier avio aveuld try te acccmpiisb tis îauy kinS cf dnîsgs is praofising a dangeneus rm. of cbanlatauism. noerely treated ~ TIIESE DISEASES CAM BE CURED leotricify as applied. by the Owen Elecinie it sud ýuspensory, avili usosiassurediy do o. hti lthfe only kuowu remedial agent tiai ji suppiy wavia is laeking. nameiy, nenve orce on power, impani fouie and viger te tise 'gans anS arouse f0 beaithy action tise whele srvous is item. BEWARE 0F IMITATIONS ýnS tLe avorihless, mlueap, so-cailcd Electrie 3es adveî'tised by seme ceucerus und paddied ,hrcugb îLe country. TLey arceleectnic in iaue ouly, avertbless as a curative powver, anud sas ai tnpce w. Challengce .tisa Woid- te show au ,lectrie Boit whiere tLe curnent Ss under con.- 'eti of tLe patienti as compietel3,:as ibis. Our Trude Mtaris Sefle portrt o f Dr. )wen embossed iu gelSipn,even -11,hanSa tppliance sranufactured by us- THE OWN LECTRIC BL e 49Kinc t . Crno CAVEATS, Y. TRAOE MARKS, DESGPATENS,etI DESYIGPATS, t. For tuf ormatS on and free Handboek write te >SLNN & CC.. MI BROADWAY, NEw vonK. Oîcissî bureaul for securiug pateDt ntsluAmenima. Es-r! canent 55kme ut by us us brougisi Lfoe tihe polsise byea notice giveincaree0f change in tise las est crcuaio f eny as ctentifle papas in tise world. Soilendidin iuustre aue. No inteligeut tan shenid be without t. Weakiy, 83.00 & year t $150 six mentis. Andreus MUNN & CO.. PçB 'usugnss 361_Bîeadway, Nitew York Cty. 8 ýHAVE YOU-_ "Bac kac he, the seavengers means the hid- of the system. neye are in "De/a y (s trouble, Dodd's dngerous. Neg- Kidney Pills glue lccted Jidney prompt relief" troubles resu it " 75 per cent in Bad Blood, first caused byI Complaint, and disordered Aid- the most dan- e neye. gerous of ail, "MRight as we/I Brights Disease, try to have a Diabete.s and healthy city Oropsy. " without sewer- "Th eaov age, as good diseases ca nnot hea/th when the exist where hidneys are Dodd's Kidney c/o gged, they are Pi//s are ued, Sold by al eeaiers or sent bymaii onreceipt of price So cents. per box or six for$. . Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write lbr bock called Ki ncy Tal1k. CEESACURES DYSEPSA5SPRING BAD BLOODEý Wron acion f te ~E DIC IN ED -spepsia, Constipation, stoi etino t I IN',Biliiesness are causes of Jsoahand digetivei ~ oohrrmd x organs causes Dyspepsia Norîser se poerfcieau- mBad Blood. Good ]ilood and hi dred diseases, effet on the cutire osx tem as Bcrdock cannot Le made by any snch as Sonr Stom),ac,W.terbraslb, IHeart-! 1 o05 Bitters~. 3t Pcritics, cleans. ,tOflus one snffering fron tiese compiaints. The, burn, Dizzinest, Constipation, an:,Ïegieu.esuits of Bad Blood. are 1 8101< HEADACHE, t lA!INSFRINGTIME Lost Âppetite, ail-gene, feeling at pÀ varions disorders rnay attack the liver. B OILSPIMPLES, BLOTCHEe Ï aP i' Te strong food takeu dnîîug winter ox er- 1Eruptions, Sores, Skin Diseases, Scrofuix, of stomach and distress aftor cattng. TO loads the systcm, clogs the bowels and be dyspeptic is te Lc miserable, Lopeles<, produces Lliousueis, constipation, sick etc. Burdock Bioca Bitters reaily cuires, ianguid and depressed in body and mi. headache, boils, pmls a ioii a lodtigaa vry vestige of 1it> dîseases, etc. No case, however, is se obstinate or eesere Bnrdock Blood Bitters unleeks sil the fromn a commen pimpie te the worst that B. B. B. cannot cnre or relieve it. clogged avenues of the systetu, csrries off Serofulous sore. It le the kinlfMia cures. Dyppia bct two alfoihuos c mprtis aSece Ir. H. Mi. Lockwood, of Lindsay, Ont. was inmiser fromthe above named diseases, whbje et the Lad 53 bouls iu one year but was cie y botie ofB..i3 ctieiyfred ~ fomnt. samee urne giving ]eaith and strenigite cu -red by B. B. B. Miss L. A. IticZN, Hamilton, Ont hCe cutire sl stema. 'B.BB. B5 CureàÇ Bad Blo.od.