I ________________________________ I In n iiit~' fnnv~~nnn readiii. A couse CnnvAA Y nii. 1 -I 111ect, A-ct ,veo o Bovfavile fort - MOST 'U S ('i L IMEETIa<týS OF TvEE Y, taining the dolec P. ýS. C. E. I OMNII EIO-an'd trusterai of tl !ST CH!U1RHI. eusly cerricd. 'T vention n'es led //î'~#/The second annuel convention of the who la an ener'gel //,, ,Young ýPeoples' Societres of Christian of Christ in thia // -Endeavon cf Durham and Northumjber- T'ire followiuig i lend countres n'as held in the Metliodist were in tteniden churcli cf this tewn on Wednesday and COLniOiN.-Li Thursdey last., Althongli the weatler on Gould, Etff Goul, thre first day was ver-y disagreeeble largo __ ___ numbers of very enthusiastie Young people BALxEBORo.- n'ere prescrnt et the meetings and judging PriBnFl from the nature of thie prograin they willPotr lie mucli botter fitted te do their duty in OioNO.-J. A. lifting up fallen miankind te lis intended ville, W. E. Thoin aphere by tliis gthering. Wed.eesday L. E. Truil, Mini _iT JE 13y afternoon the regeler program was enter- Miss Eý Odoîl,1 F O R ID od n on with Miss L. E. Payne,' cf Col- Thoruton, Mrs.1 borne, President, in the chair, a position Beer, Miss Clar __ nhicli ale admirably filled eat ail meetings Devey. et which silo presided. 1ev. R. D. POaR ions'- Fraser, M. A,, Bownanville, conducted Skitcli, J. A. Car Y u O & I'0O the devotional exorcises after n'hicl tlie J. Jackson, J. E -ioinaingand other committeos n'ere A. Follard, Geo apo.o.Mn. X.11 Ptci ort W. H. Skitch, K.iI.gS bth 69 K i g t Hope, Recretary, wliolias been e veny Crothers, Thos', zaalous worker lu assisting te niche tis L. Byron Ramý BOWlýMANVILLE. convention e ýsuccesa, gave bis report Gertrude Hawkir vihicli was very satisfactory; end in the OtNTON.--Freý S treasurer's absence gave the inencial Ilattie Milliganl, ele i'stateuient also. Botir nererecerved. lu- tenestiug reports were received fromn the Cnur.M - BOWMANVILLE, M1AY 21, 1893. societies lu the counties. Telegraphie WELCOME.-XX greetings wene received from the 1893 Zre.-A. M.' cominittee cf the International Conven- R. Peake, Multe, WEST DURHAM LIBERAL tion te be held lun Monîreal in July. NEn'TO-NVILIE.- ASSOCIATION. On Weduesday evenling the uuited Lockliart, Surie choira cf the Methodist, Presbyterian, hart, Jered Woo( A regemler annuel meeting of the Liber- Disciple and Cengregationai churches, Gray. ais cf West Durliam is convened for Set- under the leadership of Mr. H. J. Kuiglît,, SouTrItM ONACI lnrday tlie 3rd day cf June uext.. The gave an interesting song service; after ELIArxEsT1VILu place cf meeting will lie as usuel et the whîci. Rev. E. B. Bernes, cf tlie Discipie Tmln Ben'envilechurcli, conducted tire devetionlexorc Tmbiy- Town Hall, lu the town of Bwa ole s. The report cf the îîominatiug cein- ENNISKILLEN.- anDtl. the tîmae tn'o o'clock iu the afternooui. rittee n'as presonted n'îmiug tlie follow- Houck,J. C. Mil The principal business 'will lie electron cf iirg officens for tire enseiug yea:- bort Ormliston,E, clflcers and appcinting delegates te rattend Presideutf Dr. G. W. Gould, Coiborne; HAîIPTON.'Et the rent Liberel Convention t e ie led Vice-Presidents, Mts. (Rev.) D. S.Ho,,A ,F.T'lln Enniskilien; Mn. B. Oliver, Fort Hope; Pescoe, Annie Ci et Ottmae on tlie 2lst day cf Jurre next. Mn. L. Upton Rennalîs, Welcome,, Secte- LONG SAUa.- Tuaiug a most important mntten ln tary, Mnr. Chas. Bailey, Coîborue; Assist- Reynolds. the interes3t cf Liberalisin, e large meeting ant Secretery, Miss E. Gould, Coîberne; SALE.-Carriý la desired. By order, Treasurer, Ii iss F. Hornibrook, Bowman- L. Bragg. ville. ABRM eutr, ocetry Miss Pityne,ou behlaf cf the Methodiat, BoEHESDA-Gou West Durham Refori Association. Preabytenian end Baptiat societies cf Col- soEBl o Bowvmanvîlle, May 17, 1893. bonne, invited the convention to hold Bty _____________________their uext meeting lu thet teýie, which Peîxt', HOPE FOR OUR TOWN. invition wes on motion accepted. HA-ZDON.-Rel Thre newy-êlected presrdent Dr. Gouid TynoNE.PR. Cen rr,_eaders et home and an'ay from assunîed his position, and fittiugly ad- COURTICE.-Li tewn will lie gretified te learu tliat the dressed tire conivention, thanking theur Courtice, L. T. C Bill te consolidate the debt cf thre tewa for the houer conferred ou him. ToitoNTO. 1., of Boniman.ville n'es introdeced by Mn. An excellent addrescf welcome n'es wANILE Loc-liahr! intire Heuse lu Coreeniittee cf delivened by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, cf Bon'- Bwaaî tho ýVhoIe on on a nd passed the manville, end it n'as rosponded te liy Dr. Jelliffe, W. S.1 Comimittee. H-ou. . Gibson advocstect J. C. Mitchell. cf Enurakillen. Rev, . . Joh Joblin, E. the bonus clIause whIich Mn. D. Burke A. Tenubull, LL.B., cf Toronto, gave a Cirmie, Marron à Simlpsonl, tw ic licitor, Mayor Loscomnbe splendid addr-ess on the word "Trusting,", Viola Gilfillan, 0 and etixor citizenis n'ire'a(edon ieoGv- as coteined in tire pledge, and earnestly ot .S c erumiett we wveeks agoaslete( t have lu- unged oaci mimer te mono devoted JT. L. Alexander aýertedl, and this clause aise pesed th service3. Toicc~K conmitt2e. We mlaynv ierfr, Tire following esooton ntempeteince, reaseniably hope tiret oct effots te re-es- .movedl by 1) . S. Illuck, cf Eninisý- THE LAT] tablish a fuirnituire factory o- ,' lel, sud secondce I by Rev. RP .J) ireGp,~ iepJosfiil ThIl raser, s mtsO a uaroy u rtzn actin O. tlu asistin fisadetedby a sanin v tli tir uienice: Fnidlay menning t' in t1ins mttel rt le'meet ih -Thlat, n'lieteas the liqueir traffle is the aud %wontthy ton'rn tlie grateful aqpproval cf ail ( ,, iznsceus cof Se mllccl evil, and whaneas thesnladuep wlio 0have the tn"snelfanee lieut Provincial Patlamueut intenda giing ,,the n'ard freiin heeni ,, o f Ontanie al plebis3cite (1u the pro- bouSp.4tr A T ISu sr iD TOREY F A -PjII1 q hibitionou t'ire impl-ortation, mnfctrward'leiir na and sale cf initoxicanits; therefore lei 1! e- Euglaud. ieM JUnder the appropriatoeadi o f " salved tiat this Counties' Union cf «Y. P. 1848, te Elizabe Wernjling te the Coverument" the .Mil cf S. C. E. pledge itseif te essist in relling -up daugiter cf tire. as large e mjenity as possible for pro- Hie was engaged iý Meuylelvlst puulies the follewing letton hibitien." nesa for hinseîf frein " Disgusted Fermer," who de- On Thcrsdcy imerning et 6.30 'clock leigli, but his fa odates that hoe is and aln'ays lias beon a a sunrise prayen meeting wes lild, led by gratod tei Cana, Cescative, but tirt t the next election 1ev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., cf Ben'man- Whitby, wrote e hie aud bis sens shah voeoasd n'onk ville, whlchn'es attended by about 100 deceased whe ai pensonis. asce8u a Sgîn,-1 c.pse ytheomanilonht 1vessrs. : Mr. J. L. Alexander, president cftire 'Canada. They sue y te Mil hatMesrs.Benmauville local union, occflpied the tiret 'eil-knen'î Feston suid Bonell bave beeni meeting the chair et the foreucon session sud 1ev. D., lattded at Pert! manuactuons nd iportra l secet . Houcli ccndccted devotienal services. 15.Ama conclave. ýNon', sir, as a feriner sud con- The 11ev. E. H-. Koyl, M. A., B. ID., Co- n'ont te wcrk f( Fuimer, 1 proteat agatint this hole and bourg, gave a very ahle and eests ad- Placeof busineý cornier bsns.if everytliinLai straiglit dresa ou "Look Up sud Lif t Up," after w55 thonl knowl] and aoebadnhyoxid the ptress? 'liicb Mn. G. A. GoultI, M. D., cf Col- neatr the Lick 1, 1,ot us iiouew iat the pemperedl classaret borne, cleverly pointed eut the "Real ing thero six mei asigfer. The Paý' trons rocerved scant Object cf C. E . Socities," sud watued ville sud Ihrned ý ;eounitesy et (Otta, ut tliey asal only fait ail agains! thbt noulid seem tire bject. foýremaîr ci f hris jay. 1ar. a Conservative sud always Ris address was very toeching, sud evety- ing iiu ha emiplo, land n'e agaitthe prnsnt gohlver etons in tlie large, audience n'as deeply im-for im-self lu th at th ox! eleciýtte. Wsen ar tie cfpressed by tis Young man's addness. non' occcpied ai at tjclux e!ctiuý e ae trQ of1 1ev. J. K. Smith, cf Port Hope, gave a Morris, but thei claa egaltrn.Thre manufacturera have very fitting sud lielpful addness on "How Coll&cott frein vv ise est of the govrnument, sud eau Ged propanes us for His Work. " A papor ye,,,. At thiee evidecntly get anythinig tliey ask for, while on missionsny wonk n'as contributed by meved te ha pi wee may stanve and pincli, psy duty on, Miss Ray, cf Pont Hope. 11ev. Frances contiucitig tire ceai il, tn'inec, implemeuts, sud every- E. Davis, a coiored lady, whlre l going a, may almes! leie thling, else te build cp an aristocnacy. Wea nisorytAfcagveahrtd-in. By indus are grcwiug poorrovery year. ell,sit, doan cîsutuhdteauinetrt~ coulpeteuco t] oct secret mleetilng nill lie a!tire balloît en motion e clection was talion r, ne- hlm te have neti box.if wo are united we cen go! evon sultiug lu $13.10 iîeiîrg added te lien fm-,as c f life but with tiregentry there. suces. "Our Dety te the Associate place cf busineE Thuing Tr alfo tMoere n ~e brs" n'as uiceiy deait with lu e paponae i firuh ficence in et behaîf, ~read by Miss Mabel Tait, cf Bewmanville, Ls ue i ours etc., .ýed-'e-vA yfa_..by emu nted u byrible La Grippe ton'n papota, excepting THiE STATESMAN, Tire eveniug imee-ting n'es prosided oX'Ot stteemed by have nover conteiued san'erd editorieily by Dr. Gould, the reid nsd after aged iicten' et desigued te ielp tire few business menr devetienal exor ises led 11ev. T. W. Jol- m-urpatiry cf oi sud pivate citizens mie liave bougi! the lfe 1v .M PilpM . fSt. old Furnitune Factony property mitirtire Pacl's Methodiat ciutcir,Tononto, addres s- vien' of s-curnog tire establshment there- 'ed tire convention ou "Personai Werk," Ail îhads o on cf a non' îudlustry for tire ton'n. aîrd Mn. W. H. Frost gave another bible Bewmauv'l!e. E JOHN PERCY. are getvsri51 nctedly passed te ha tru-i -t failtire. Deceesed n'aS 18,22 lu the pa r iai of in- xOkleamptoi, Dyn vas msrrîed, Sept. 26, mtht S. Weles, ee5t late, Thos. Wùeles, Esqi. in tlio blaclimithiinlimi- ru tire pariai cf li-mer- ather-in-lsw hsviuig aii dea sud settledlru E'sat encecraging lettons te tire jsedecided te try toearve ce for himsefif sud mife lun cnrossed thie Atiantie lui r1 amip, Tire ose, sud Darhiug'tou oln May 16, ilîntuediately Mnli. Poey fon Daniel \Wnight whcse ass iras situeted on n'la! r as the Tn'oe11ed R1d Eomestead. AfLet on ml- unths lie came te onurn with Mn. Jacoli Neada as blacliamitl sirop, conitinui- y until hie begani businecssj mle f ail ef 1853 lu tiesirep md cmuied by Mn. James en Lon'ned by Mn. -Janres whlin lie hesed it fur five expiration of ha baese lie reont place cf business, ne until iri demis(). 1! scid tic! ire died inlie,«r- [try and ecoulomiy lie hiadi ira! woeldhdivo nahe ired frein tic active1pur ilie proferned te lie in iris ass perforyniug sliilebor ed te do. eo n'as attaclied 'by Ttle teýr- afrnemn inci lýie ver fcully 'o net wirolly iucaptýacitted an Thnrsday the liti ina! of beiug unelli and mcdi- mmediatoly procuredi, but effort put forth te reatere resîti lie graduahiy gnon nidsy rmerning lest, ii rhas mife, daugirter's sud iexpectedly asYr suddeîrhY >a struggle te Irhis eternal ced n'es a uriewinio f thre I for cpwardas of 30 years g Refonnier. IHo baves e irters sud four sens. I( ho oldeat businessmouieni notieai services (onlSiinday' iby Eider J. Gil'antm, ~ o f tire faily. Loving rparg number cf flert 3ses srud boc4cets, lu testi esteoin. As pet toques! eof tire paîl-beanera more ii Seldom hlis as mcicli 1hîrgbP oun seen il, Bemanih Id nesidentaof Ltiesrrcd minei te pay thirir 1e o(ct te tiroir feilon' couuý,trY- I. Deceased nw'ýassmail o Lter, s tioru isd Coli nese, -ra,:Lagenlerous sup-j Lch eu an caitizen hLighly aLil miolnon' mut1. Thl id family hanve tis deepesa unLi cîtizena il thi o o ofKasme r1.Wthr .9' a t ecratüion meeting f ollew- t1liks te tlie citizens off tlieir lkindulessn ntr. gaes is o rthe çhoïr' fieus cleh asnanm 'ho s-igof the con- 1by Mr. .no.Joblin, 'c wcrk er for t1le cus town. [Id, David I.L rtn Fannie eorini, Ererie lkey, Addio Filkey, R. J.ý . MUcKeen, TJ. M. Semer- inpsou,Nellie RliIuef erd, anie Linten, MissGisn Miss L Tamiblyn, Miss ['ravelle, Miss Trull,Mis oe, Miss Moment, Mabecl -F. M. WilsonS.H iron, M. Srtirhs K. Smich, Robt. Deyell, i M. Leehy, Jamie Ry Maude Ellis, W.J. J. Jack son, Fred Clark, il, Esther ll;iusma.niii ins. Dd C. Philp, Il. lgn ,B. T. Peters. as Ada Roberts. V. U. Runnalîs. XVaiker, CarrneDoe,. )n J. Welch :-Alex. Leslie,Joi -Lockhart, Willie Lock- dë, Lotije Woeod, Maiggie HAN. -Lofflo Lermner. J'.-J. R. Snmithi, W.-F. -D. S. Houck, Ms. tell, Maud Hayes,A- Ormiston, M arie Rges ýnice Roachi, 1 Lrua Sait - A B. Crydornmn, ~l rydenuen, J. .li. -Meaud Tlicinpsont, Lrzzie oe Grigg, Jane Symoile, F. iorgie Colo, Jennie Hiud1- uch, -Rose Berry, M. G. -Ella Elford, M Osb ruie. endol Snell. MJeCuilocli. ilian A unis, Emliiy A. I'ourtic ý, W. B. Couice .,W . Frost,A. M. Phillips. .-R. D. Fr-aser, T". W. Pritchard, Geo. Purkis, . F reolanld, Mar-garet AlIeni,Fanny H loruiibro k,' >leR1. 0 Od-'Air myArm- tow, J,. H. Alexander, [.Elliott. PU]? EL TY VEaETÂBLL t -Dr)i. Picrce's Pleasant Pellets. 1 Tliey're a compeund of nefiued sud concentrated botanical extracts. These tiny, sugar-coated Péllets - the smialiost and tlie oasîest te take -absolutely and permianentiy cure- Constipation, Indigesýtion, Sick aud Bilious I-cadachos, Dizziuess, Bih- ionts Attacks, -and ail denangements I of the liver, stomnacli, and boweis., Thcy cure pnnnnlbe2causeî they act naurll. ley doi't1 -~hock and woakeu the systemn, like1 tire hitge, 0old-fashiouied pilla. And1 ibey're more effective. Que0ittie Folle"t fonr (,laatv - tiree for a cathiartie. Tliey're the ebclaest pilla yen can buy, for they'ne quatranteed te give satisfaction, or your moncy is s-e- tulrned. You pay ouly for thec good you get. For a perfect and permanent cure. of Catarrni, take Dr. Sage's CatarniJ RenedIy. Its propnietors effet $500 reward fer an incurable case. Tire bi place te biiy neliabie Seeds is fnom P. Murdoch a!tishe old stand. A Yard cf PFanairs ; slud o ew romn- uin Beoüli for 2,5c. comýbines boacty sud big value. Seud for thoîn -Ltampa 3talion HoLD 11- ne THE ,Lîcmi.-Tie minuwho tella yen Coufidentiaily just wbat wilLcune ynur cold ii preàcni bing Kemp'a Belsai tins yen. Fr the prepanntion of tua tre- manlialil medicine for ceughsisa sud couds ne expense la spaned toecomibinie ouly the boa! sund pureEt hinrediento. Hold a bottle cf Km Balsein te tire ligirt sud beiý tiroughi; i; notice tie re inglt, 1la loek, thon compare mith otirer remedies. Large bottlesa!tail dnuggiste 50e sud $1. BOWMIA6mvILEI-ICH SOHOOL. ENTRÂNCE ERÂSaINÂTIOX, Junie 28th, 929th & 3Otb, Bi ginuling s! 8:45 a. n. oaciday. N.B.-VWniting and Dnaving liboks mua! l,,- Lauded te the pneiding examiner on mornin, cf 28,hr. PRiNtAu-Y begý.ins July 4tb. suad July 4'1b. PS NIR EINi ud Hoson SdreARsIPJuly l3th. MATIaîCULATION ) M. M. FENIWICK, B.A., PRINcIPAL. 50,00 1h3. wtîol wanted et the fle mpten Woc'len Mlills fer n'hich tire ligies! cash pnice 3imI1lia paid. Fermera only have tiroir eye a lsf open, îlioy are afnaid te buy cf tire middle mou but tliey ruai te thei with tiroir n'ooh. Be sensible and hning ycun wool wvireeil iate lie menu- factuned-yec milIl ied it te your advsut- age. Always a geel etbck cf 2oods on iand-j us! 'ira!tirhe fermons want, hinci. iii lie exciran ged for wonh. Witi thaulia for pas! faveors, I romain vont o bedient servant, D. TAYLOR, 21 3m. IHAMPTON. 0ipans Tabules cure scefala. The Travelling Dairyl District Meeting. Tlisr a nue r (,zgf t ireMtoit iluciin BowmeuatviLe dîitrict wes hed M01ondaY andl esdeyis at et amipton, Kevý T. W. Joif- hairmian, preeidînu.i IRev. A. J. Snike, C. A1damsansd iC. R. S -iug were cl( on probatieiu, thre two e st nàïernd beig recominnded to go te COllege3 with fu aid froma the educa. !iona lled. Rev. D). F. Gee, cf New- ei,, raving died during the year, Rev. G.Bresin was ruqueshd te prepere an obiutuary to ho preseiited aetthe conforec ce. Reov, G. B)roýwn, Orouo, was oected te Ilie stationingý conmittoe, and Rev. C. Watoh, and Dr. Till(ey te thre Epwcnth League conntc.Sovïral cf tlie cl ('lis report enceuzre-,ig ilcreaes o f 111:Yansd niey for the different fundé!, total couexicalfund8 contributed being $4,M38 02. 'h-3re are Il MinîsterS in the distýrict whio are pïàid an average Falary of 7,t1lie larme4 bsing $1,200 Tlie ne- m-ovals ,Adedatha havre been heavy 50 the net inicrease ii exly 83,the total member- Fliin is 3*266. In view of thre probable re- movel c! f tlie ciairman frein the district) a, vory kindly worded resolution was carric by a standing vote expressi ve cf the appreciain cf the meeting cf thre geniial and brotherly conduct cf chairman Jýotlîff4 duri' g li,. three years admni.stra- tin TLPe ilancîialdistrict rneetina will 1 re lield a l iisýkîllln in Septecaber and hoau. îîe.t.ug next year at Orono. A irl ian' paper on the Worid'a Fait, wittee tiby io w,11l kîowi; architeet Mr. Hlery Van liront, and eutitled "The Columienl Exposition and Ameiican Civ. illiz tioni," is a fit openîug far tlie ATLAN- TIC MO-)NTHLY for the mm)nth cf May. It is an admnirable papar. fo0Y., W- i< 1New Building ]Yrm. Mn. Alfred Gnlley sud Mr. F. G. HJumber have formed a partnership sud wiii carry on business as contractons, buildens sud generai carpenteo. Bti are tbonouglily skilled sud practical ,vrkmeu, iraving an intimate knewledge f al the details of tiroir business sud i endoaver te give complote satiafac- i-nl in al morli entrcsted te thein. They are prepaned te undertake auy nom svork or ropairng in the carpentny lino, give estimatos. sud irire necessany enu supply mateniala. Conespondeuce may bo addnessed te Gulley & Humber, Cou- tractersansd Budets, Bemmanville, or, they msy lie seen personally. Mn. Gnlley lives on Centre St. sud Mn. Hum- ben, cor. Queen sud Ontario Sta. PILES! PILES!u ITOHIING PILES. FSYMPTiOens-MoiStune; intense itciug and stiuging; mes! et niglit; n'orEe by' scnatcliing. If allon'ed te continue trim- ors fonm, wicir f ton lleed sud ulcerate, becoming vony sors. SWÂ&YNE'S OINT-- MENT stous8 the itching sud bleedlng, heals ulceration, sud ilu moat cases removes the turs,. At dnuggists, or by mail, for 50 cents,. Dr. Swayne & Scu, Philadel- pia. West 1 D'o you want Lace- Curtains ? (170 TO TE We s End House. Do you want llemp Carpets? GO TO TIE Wv.est EridCI1-Ho us e, End House. Do you want a Io ve]ly white QuLiiiT GO TO THE VVest Endi House. Do you waat good value for your money? GO TO THE \'Vest Enci fouse, T"Lhe Dry Goods and Grocery HouE of Bowmanville. JOHETN MOMURTR21 you want Floor OU Cloth ? GO TO THE Frorntire Gueipli Agricultuel Ci11oee will exliibit Dalry utensils, anake butter, ýtest milk, and deliver lectures on tie management cf milk and creain, the f eed- ing of cows, cliurning, working and pack- itig cf butter, etc., ai ilie following places:- Bowrnanville ...Weduesday, May 31. Soi'na........... Tlursday, June 1. Enfield..............Friday, I 2. Blackstock ...........Monday, ic 5. (Jisarea (School) ...Tuesday, c 6. Deitt's .......... Wednesda5, 7. EnniskilIen ......... Thursday, 8. Tyrone............... Friday, il 9. Orono.............. Monday, 1 12. Newcastle ........... Tuesday, 13. Newtonville .. Wednesday, 14. Kendal ............ Thursday, 11 15. Meetings begin at 2 p. m. You and your family are cordially in- vited to attend. The ladies especially are urged te lie present at Iliese meetings. Corne and brng samples of the milk given by yeur cows-say two cupsful each; a cupful cf the evenings's rnilk and the [same amount of the morninQt"s milk added thereto. These samples wilI be tested te flnd eut thre quantity cf butter 'fat iu them, aud the resuîts given pri- vately te yeu. In this way yeu can learu whether your cews are wortli keeping or not. ,Me-Come and see the Bebcock Tester in epenatien, and liave its workinga ex- plained te yen. Mak a -speciai effort te corne. You wîll get hints on butter-.making that will be worth'veny much te you. "For Years9," Saya CARRIE 1. 6tCKWLL,0f1 field, N,.11., "1 waS anfiicted NVw01ith l extrermely severe pain in the loWer part of the chest, Illiefeling as asif a ton weihtn's laid on1 a spot the sizc o! ny hand. ,Dur- ng the attarks, tuec pesiainwolild I stand iii drops onl Z iny face, a11d i twas j agouy forle to S effort even1 to whis.. Zsuddenily, at an Ileuir of the (1a1y or nilt, lasting Item thlirty inuýltes 'f liai a dýay, leaving as suddly'; but, for several days after, I %as qie pros- trated and sore. Sometimes Ille attaeck5'i -were almost daily, then Iess frequenýt. After about four years of this sufferlng, 1 was taken dow n withi bilions typh old foyer, and. wlien I began to rocover, 1 had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the irst 0f Ihe fcoer; m'y 77annther 1garso Ile Ayer's I'ills, nlly doctor recommend('l(inIg thern as being better than anythiinglire couid prepare. I eontinuied talki119thýsc FUis, and so great n'as the beeft erived that during nearly thirty years I have liad but one attacir of my formier trouble, 'wLi(cl yielded readily to thre saine rmd AYER5S PILLS Prepared byDtr. J. C. A yer F, Co., Lowell, Mass, Every Dosen Effective New Butcher FDïim. Mr. (4eo. Joli and àMr. Robt, Rowe have bought the uld establishied raeat busines3 frorm Mr. W. R. R. Cawker who lias for ernany years carried on a sc- cessful butcliering buzineuss here. Mr. Joli lias a thorough acquaintance with the meat trade and the hiagli chracter of the Town hlall Meat Headquarters will lie fully snstained. The new proprietora will give careful and prompt attenition to ail orders and are determnined to give rat- isfaction te ail custorners. Cash wiIl be paid for bides, slieepskins, tallow, poul- try, eggo, etc. Higliest price3 for good calves and larnbs. Citizens are requested te give J oli & Rowe, the new firmr, a trial. How to get a' Sunlight" pictu ra. Send 25 "Sunlighit" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearinz the wcrds 'Wliy Dees a Wornan Look Old Sooner Thau a Man") to LEvER Bntos., Ltd, 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you wvll receive by posît v pretty picture, free frern advertlsing and1 well worth framing. Tliis is ani easy way te decorate your home. The soap is lhe bestin the ma-irket, and it will only cost le. postage to s.end in thse wrapper , if you baýve flie ends oup- Write your addre8s carefulfly.