FOSTER AND PENDER TORONTO'S NEW CARIPET H-IUSE FOSTER ANI) PENDER LE-ACE Both pleasure and profit mnay beocombined this week in a visit to Toronto's Great Carpet Ilouse at 14 and 16 King St. East. SPECIAL DISPLAYS of Lace Curtains, and Choice Siik Decorative Stuifs for draperies, etce. SPECIAL DISPLAYS of New Colorings and Designs in Axmninster, Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets; our ]atest importations from Kidderininster just opened. SPECIAL DISPLAYS ofQ Union and Wooi Carpets of the Iatest patterns, iueluding the standard " Maple Leaf " make. SPECIAL DISPLAYS of c Turkey and Ilicia Rigs, Cocoa Mats, China and Japanese Mattings. SPECIAL DISPIJAYS of Linoleums anmd English Oil-cloths, in ail widths up to -24 feet in any ]engtb.Q SPECIAL DJISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT.o On ali Winclow Shades for the remainder of the sea-,son. MAILt ORUERS CAREFULLY ATTEbIDEI) TO. IL P EN 0 R TORONTO'S NEW CARPET HOUSE, F005 14 & 16 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 0 0o o o0 0 0o o o o0 o0 o o 0o o0 We can suppIy you an Iron Roof whichi will be as oheap asz Wooden Shiiigles. Water, Wî-ind and Storm Proof, aiso an a protection from Fire and Lightning. 3,bsolute District Notes'. Comamandantt Herbert Boi)th and wifel Mr. Ihos. Clark of Cobourg is Iying 1 rere guesis uf Mr. O. C. Field, M P. v,,ry iii ai Mr. Cdvin .Ltpp's near Grnft- Henry Hart, who lived near Fleet- 1P., duri-îg their say in Cobourg. I olu. wood, Manvers, was kicked by a colt laat Rev. E. F. Torrence, pastor 'of St. By a vote cf 12 to 9, Belleville City week and di*ed from the effects-.%ged 50. al'sPresbyterian church, Poterboro, cou- cil huei decided to reduce the Palaries Robt Pearsail, Consecon, was fined $10 h,, recovered from his severe iliness. of ail City offilcers by 15 per et-nt. adatsfrusn aneld otg "I don't feel like Eting breakfast this FATAL RESULT or r.y Scns DtaFmp. U r-i8-Fryar norning " Thjs ia a commoci remqrk and eanerally follows ici th-t path of neg]e-ct. was~~~~ ~~~ truÎdBt eausad ~ . proof positive that the Kiueys andlDoiit bs rockiesa but prudecitly take win terould scrclh ear ca, and last iver are out of order, aud nature cais'few doses of Scott'e Emuls8ion imméediate. aping Hagyd sard'cel w Ou t'On oui fur relitf. A bottie kf Membrays ly foitow iug exposura to cold. It will ed my hearing, and 1 now hear as well as ine n ivrCr wl oneetesve you miny painful d-sys and sleeples: anyne Mvs.TUTLEOOKWDmOUhcause of ai this troubl). Try it. ights. anyne.Mus TTTL COKWeYOL1h, Mr,,. oBueec, wh, sp-nt thevpt Thte World's Far is the attractIon for Rev. S. H. Eastman, Oshawa, basiteatNw cnul ndTro ;,500w '93. Uowever âo net lose sight of the moved to the residence formry oc- occupyiug ber Coilksge street re2idence, faci tht T. . Rickard is a watchmaker cuped y M. W. Jwel, Smeo St Cûotig. Miia Buck i) vislti'M' ffiends jeweler and optician scid that repiairing i sontb. at Lindsay. one of his specialties, therefore a.ny wùrlý For the tirai time in sevn y(-ar% Oêlia The action of Carter'% Little Liver Pilla you may give hlmr to do wiIl be done wAll wa was last week vîited by a cireus an.d ta pli tant mild and natural. They gerit- the people need be in no hurry for aije h. ]y tintuiste the Liver, an.d regulate tht3 er. bowels, but do not purge. Th-y a a sure1 Why don't you try Carters Lîtî.e Liver te please. Ty îh m. Pilla? They are a posjitive cure for aick ' Mr. A. B. Lefrssy, ac mutant Of the e headache aud ail the il1e proetcicel by di, Port f-lopo bracich of ths BîiK-of Toron- ordered liver. Only oue pili a doýýe. to, was inariied ai Milib o' k recontly te,1 Mes Wm S'ith(n Atnw ThomlŽ- Mita Wood, dauglîter of 'dr. A. Wood, NTAIE-OIEVRS I. sun cf Eufield) whiolias se SucccEsfu'1Y bîaker, of tisat village.NUR IEýOC;RV ES NP condiucted the Raglan hotei ires wedded Laiias' Spring Jackets and Capes seil Sciatica, gent, rheumiatism ;the recently to Mr. Angle of Western O tar- n off at and under coati rica at Couch, syriptoms Indicate lack cf tone, impurE t.port Hp aideii 'i rtndr ontn&-Cyena'.blood, causé d bv broken down inervý Hop laadvr.iici fo teder Joustn &C~yermu's . centres. The effceti cf a sîng!e bon c for rebuildioýg the tewn hall. eeyIoPilina!Bh "t 3 To FT T TE FCTSRegýiringmarkabie. No remedy as ever so prompt,) Hgoed's Sarsaprilia, ask tlhe people wlo I know MIiNARD'S LINILMENT wl ly given relief. take ihis medicîp e, or read the testimîon- cure diphiheria. Dugsaaddaes rmi. Pi ils ofien publishe.-t in tis paper. They Franch Village. j0L21 D. BOUJTILIER. 50 citss d eror $2,50. he-ley P c wlll rtýailr ooine 1thioo 1sJkuow MINARD'S LINIMENT will C., Toronto. Ont- Sarapaill psses!Ees unequaled met-j', cure croup. and tat HOD'S CURES. Hood' Pills cure constipation by rester- cape Island. J. F. CucýiNGHÂII. Cail and see the cheap and pretty Wal ing thq peristaltic action of the alimen- I know M1NARD'S LINIMENT ie Papera at Kirby'si before buying. tary canal. They are the béat family the besi remedy Qu earth. cathartic. Norway. Me. JosErin A. SNoW. Ripans Tabules banish pain,. Ix4ý oon l Se o ,nos- prinp Coats for Ladi. sud hileenai John J. Masen'd Dr Gooaauad Jeweiry Store. hW, Hl. Osborne bas won great fav, with the( ladies sînce îhoy bave tosted h -fins flavored teas. No fluor tbas ev( came te Bowmanvilio ail tbey aie ebesl A WINOONSIN SENSATION. Trutb lasiraugor thon fiction, aud the prcof lies in the following occurrence. Mis. B. HeGidge, of Kiug's 'Bridge, AVis- cousin, was bfflicted witb heari trouble te such an extent ubai the least exorcise cansed palpitation,, ateuded by cutting pains îisrougb the sanit of ber bock, canaîng bier te feel se faint that she would teàrly faloves. Sbe bad great weakness ,À tbe spins and pain between the should- ers, and a bnrning feeling in ber loft inng. She also bad bearing down pains s0 prevaleni ai that perlod known as tho change of life. Hier Bloap was broken aud and resulsse owiîag te severe pain in the spine. She had read iu the Brockvlle Recorder ef the curative preperties of Dr. Bntler's Golden Pilla, sud sent for iwo boxes on lSîb March. On the 7tb Apeil abe wites:- Your pilis are helping me. I fecl strocigsr thaci vheu n1 commenced ibeir use asud I think by the use of your puis 1 will yet enjoy a reasonable dogres ef bealtb, altheugh 1 bave been gîven up by somes of our boat physicians, but 1 tbank Ced tuai since nsing twe boxes of your pilla-i amn trnly feeling botter than 1 have for ysars, and my husband and neighbora are surprised at the change that bias taken place in me. Pléee send me fire dollars worth as soon as possible." The above la ouly one of the many bnndreds ef testimonisîs receivedl by the Dr. Butler Med. Ce. since ibeir Golden Pilla were placed bofore the public. Wby sbould tbe tortured sufferer delay giviug Golden Pilla a trial. Be net se conservative as te pin veur faith to eue rernedy only. he besi of them are at tenu szometimes. They do net reach the seat ef disease. If alosherâ have failed yen for sncb, ilîs as nerveus prostration, rheumaiism, palpitation, of the heart, shortness of breath, asthme, nervona beadache, neuralgia, paralysife, locomotor ataxia aud ail forma of temale weakneso, suppressions, irregularities sud the mauy ills that attend womnen ai change of lite, hbeLin ai once the use et Dr. Butler'a Golden Pilla aud obtain relief. Guaran- tt ed a specifie for rheumnatiénm sud free from auy catbartic. No other remedy p asesses sncb magical properties. Price 50o per box or six boxes for $2. 50. Al druggists or by mail from the Dr. Butler Medicine Ce., Brecabville, Ont. (Cendensed -front the Newes.) Mr. sud Mrs John Davy, Wlcklow, vlsited ai Mes. Jas. Reed's lasi week. Mr. sud Mes. John Foster sud danghi- er, Port hlope, speut Sunday week with ber mother, Mret. Kicklaud. When yen feel aIl tired ont sud broken np izenerally, yen need a good ioula. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tbe boat. Try t Mes. F. W. Wi!liamsou bias been Sp. pointed organisi et the lorEsbyteria chnrch choir. Mr. John Martin la recuverinig fîeî bis recerit illness. BEST EvEa MADE -Desr SrIcar higbly recomimeud Hagyard's Pectoral Balsami as tiseboast remedy ever made for coughs sudi coilds. 1 am neyer witbiont it iu mly bouse!. iIARIYPAMLoe ville, Oat. r. WOs, ao i bs 1wuhl flammation cf the lnng. Moasca. O. A. Gamqby, C. G. Arun strong sud XVni. Jlackson take part in ui entetalumeisi ai Little Britain ou May 24tib. Soîîz FooxîsH PEOPLE sllow a congoh te inn until it gets beyoud the re acb of medicine. Thêsy ofien say, "Oh it wiil wear away, ' but in mosi cases it wears thoîn aîvay. Could they be indnced te try the succesatul medicîne csiled Kemp's Ba]samn, which isasold on a positive guer. autee te cure, they woLld immediately see the excellent effeat atter taking tbe firsi dose. Price 50c. and $1.00. At al] druggisis." Mr. A. L. Rundle, D. W. P., et Har. mnony, accompaciicd by Mr. Arthui Rundie, et Mt. Cacswel], paid au officia] viit to Orono Division S. of T, No. 79, on Wednesday evoniîîg, May lOîh. Me. George Walkey, Port Hope, a voeoracieo tbe order, was aise preseni. PREPARE FeU SummElI DisEAsus.-li yen haTe crampa, if yen have colie, if yoi: have diarrLsoea,or if yen have any somm-ei complaint,- sud yen are more.than likel: te sufer in thati way baere the soft icral season la over,-buy a bottle of PERIt DAvis' PAIN KILLER sud secure instan tacisons relief af 1er eue or iwe doues, lu treating severe attacka of Choiera baibe the beweis with the PAIN KILLEPI gTweuty drops ef Mr. Davis' wouderfu medictue will cure a child of the worsi case oi colic. A bottle ef PAIN KILLEI c au be bougbt ai atîy reputable drug-store ýs Prico 25c., big niew bottle, At the regular annual meeting of Oeo SPONGEUX Have just received a fine assortment of Bath and .3uggy Sponges ail sizes. Be sure you get one. SPEGTAGLýS AND EYECLASSES We carry a large stock of the b, 't lines of spectacles and sell them îI' reasonable prices. Our spex are giv. ing splendid- satisfaction. For co\ý'n1frt durability and cheapnesss we hiav,1e the best. Before you leave for California, Britîsh 01- umbia, Manitoba. and other points, call at oiUr store for ti1 kets and information. 0.?P. R. ticket~ office: J. HIGCIBOHN St il Il W., H. Osborne invites aill ladies te test his teas. Dolicions fiayors. Caland ses the cheap Wall Paper from 5-_ up ai T. Sherin & Co's. Moth Proof Carpet Felt and al linda of Building Papor ai R. Worth's. Jusi areiving a fresh supply of Field aud Gardeon Seeds ai Mnrdoch's old zt nd. The1'numerouos testimonials received place Dr.1 Butler's Golden Pulls in the formost rank of reiable remedial agents. Try tbem. Mr. 1H. Caun bas takeu ever the Fiee and Accident business beretofoie orried on by Mr. PR. Virtue and wili have an office lu Werth's hardware store. The West End Hocie bave a splendid assortment of Hemp Carpets, double and single widtb, te match wbich nieans tise saving of a lot of worlr. See tbem. Iu ail cases, wbere a milid but effective aperient la needed, Ayer'a Pis are the, boa-t. They improve the appetite, restore healthy action, pro-motes digestion, and regnlate every funictkun. Ne pilila in groater demaud, or more bighly recem- mended by the profession. The World's Fair number of Ths- Youth's Comparalon of Boston, s, i^ in every way a magnificent issue, a wer- thy contribution te the Columabian year. ht gives a fulil description of ibe differ- eut depariments and shows how te see tbe Fair escli day. les illustrations are superb. It la certainly without a riv- al among the Wcrld's Fair issues. New subtcribers at $U.5 for a year's aubscrip- tion wlll obtain a copy while tbe edition ats. 700,000 copies bave been printed. Send ten cents for a copy. Out Thi OÔut And pin hir inbe croweî of yonr bat, lest you forget thti naine of the great lung remsdy for con5umption and IGn.7 disease "sSavator Magnits." Ripans Tabules. ITCHINU ANO BDURNN Sores AU Over lier Bod,' I Sufferinig Endless. Doctor Use;ess. <Jurood ln 4: Veeks by Cuticura. Tour mont valuable CUTICURA RMRES aae, doue xny littie girl so mues gond that I feel like 11112Cg ibis for tihe beuefit of those who, are trouitlect .i s kiai deaseo. She was troubled wita itcbing. buruiug Bores. When 1 ,< gstook ber to thte doctor the fOral lime, bc caled it thse Italien itch, aud ,nid hoe would cure heriiitwi weeks. When tie two weeks were up, lbu Cfllcd ~ ---. it ecema, aud Éu tisat A;FI time abe ýva8 worse thai gj1 before. lHe doctoredliber i for lhrec months, aud she -%as so bad usat weodld 11) netknow whalt t do. Hie did flot do ber aruy (goo'd. SaW thse sdver. tisomeut of CuTacul'A liREEDIs ilatise pnper, aud I said ta my wife, "I aut going to try thcm." Mind what 1 say, sse, th!. ewitb aores tisaI ire bad tu soak iber c1oý, Saesthemn off. 11db I the»o was no eud to it- S]mO Lad it ll U ver ber body, back, legs, arma, lu be. tweeu ber fingers. Se didnuot ave itou ber bead. But after takiug YOUr CUTURrclt REMEDIES for twa weelas thse itei stopped, aud ln four ireeks il3e sore8 were ail gons. Il enclose ber portrait. 1 arn maore than Pleased witb your CarrscueÂà REariEDiES, aD tbey speedily cured my daugister, aud if auybody asks me about your rernedies, I1ivili uphold tileni wherever 1 go. CIIARLES M. GRONEL, î Coushobiockeu, Moutgomery Couuty, l'a, Why Suifer One Moment i lrom torturing sud disfIguriug sisin d!, WUa Single aplctof thse CUTICURÂIE1- xDiE wil, n te geatmajority of cases, sifordl burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, sud blotchy s1iin scalp sud blood diseases, ivitis loss of bair, aud point to a speedy, permauent, sud economical cure. Sold eveïywbere. Prion' CutrcA&, 75a.; SOÀP, 85C.; RES0LTVENT, $1.50. Prepared by tise IT- TER Dl>UCcÂD CHEMIGAL CQW0roraý î10c;, Boston, 'How te, Cure Skmn Digeases,,"6- ragea, 50 illustrations, and testimnonials, tlalled frec. B Sida5k and Scalp purified and be-autif1ed lUby CuTicua Soar. Absolutely pure. ~PAINS AND WE.AKNE88ES 0f fernales lnstantly relleved by tisat new, ele at, and Infallable.Antidote ta Pain, Inflammation, aud Weaknesia, lbu Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. -FORSUN- No Store in town contains a nicer, ne wer or more fashionable stock of goods than that which Nve are sbowing this season. Our sales of Dress Goods already bas been remarliable. We also cali attention to our New Spring Coats for Ladies and Children. We have received our importations of Parasols-ail new nice an.d styli sh. See our new Printu1, new Delaines, Muslins, Embroideries, 'Laces, et Our Glove and Hoisery department is as usual riglit in the front. We import oar Hose and Gloves and get thie best goods procurable at the lowest prices. We are certain you can save monev by G]oves and ilose at our store. Our customers can get the fashion sheet;ý for each month f re ÎL, ing for themn. We want to, keep the public posted along fashion.a Unmes as they wiil trtp better appreciate our goods which are alway; JOHRN 'J. MASON 2 S PEOI" A LPUTTROHe-ut vA SES BOOqî'-T S 1AND SII0QE'"jS. A select portion of the wholesaie Bankrupt Stock or R. Sinardon &Co. bought on the S3. A lot of samples, perfectly new goods and in good condition. Feit fur and straws, youý can save money i these goods, ORDERED GLOTUING. 1 We have taken more orders this seas-on than ever before (for salue months). We have the No. 1 cutter and the largest of goods., Try ïvs if you want a new suit. Mens' and Boys' Suits. Ready to woar, Our stock in these Goods is the best we have yet shown and Our superiority more marked than ever; we have maî-ked our suits very Sclose this season. THE GLOTHINC HOUSE. T. GEO. MASON,