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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1893, p. 1

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s-' :-I1.60 Pua ÂsurîrM. OUR TOWN ÂAND OOUNTY ÂF TERWÂRDS. A. ÂJAMES EDITOR AN> PoRîvE SERIEBI p 0e rom This Da te OHNSTON & cCRYDERMAN uuuuII. 111 sdi âr$e balance ofi thirSprîng, .lke ts. aU O-ape& t and under costi ýOUNSALL'S MARBRE AND GRANITE WORKS,1 BOWiMi-AN1>VIL, ONT.0 Z (Established 1837.) F"inlished Granite Monumnents in stock from $S12.5 to $500. 11ANDSOME DESIGNG AND BEST MÂTERIAL-3. D PETERHIEA.D AND GRAY R.UBISLAW SCOTCH' )SE, IRED iND PURPLE SWEDE ... ...........S GRANITE ,3E PEARL ýN_ EMERALD PEARL...........J FIIsIE MBBEMONUMENTS- in stock fromn $45 to $200. IN AÂLL THE!_ý BEST KINDS 0 F MARBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS. rBfre placin g yu reCALAD EXAMINE MY STOCK, d SEE WIIAT Y-OU AIRE BTJYING. 7-ly E. R. BOUJNSALIL, Proprietor. ,SPONO7-LJS BON lave just ,1recei.veci a fine assortment of. ýath and 3uggy Sponges ail sizes. Be ue you get one. SPEOTAGLES AND EYECLASSES We carry at large stock of the best .ýes of L:spectacles and sel, aasonable prices. Our spex are giv- âg splendid satisfaction. FEor comfort, urability and cheapnesss we have the Before -.ou leave for Califoria, British Col- mbia, Manitoba. and other points, eall at our boefor tickets and information. C. P. R. ticket J. HFICGINÏBDTHAN & soli. [LE. -A fimat closeF3fomin 115 Acres situated in the tby lai <l'on, lo)ts 15 sud aboit 1 jmiles trous Osha- mm \V hitby an cS 60 roda Largercooiy buildn. pluyor fruit, soil dlay othbsigrain farina No b;ileor stGiisa. About p, piasture ?sud Sm h Frtplcewiug doe. ara pls t .Ân5 itreaders are invited toe enS us items of local news sud tbemeby asiet in makiug1 t'lis paper iuteresting, GuAn AGANSTCROLERA. -Keep the blood pure, the3 stomnach iii gond workiug order, sud the eiithre ayptemInres fin me;rbid cffete mtter by '-Sing B 'dock Bbiod Bittera, whioh cisoieaé, trengten eud toues th)e uhois systein. ChoIera cauriot attack thwe hgefsy. B OWMÂN VILLE, MAY 21, 1893?, VOLUME XXXIX. NumBEP. 2 -:0:- Insist upon havïng this- Brand. Refuse ail substitütes as be- ing as good. Thnoe you wîll'be safe. Visitors: Mr. J. B. Reynod, Toron-~ to ; Mies Martha Gallagher and Mr. 0:. Patterson, ]3urketon ; Mr., L. Jenkins, Purpie B il; Mr. IR. Suaith and Mios Jessie Powell, Port I'erry.. .. Mr. A. McOulloch bas quinsy ...Travelling dairy bere Friday next. KELsEY-Why would you believe a müinister's word aooDer than any other W ILTsïE-I-ýel ause he iassUpposed to preach the truih 50ateit he ruthBu why do you aak the qiiestion ? Well be- cause the te'v. A. L. Snider,pasto ue ûir Methodist Churcb, Leamiiigton, so>ys "I have been cured of the most painf ut and distressing case of piles of long stand- ing by MAGic PILE LOTION," and recoin- mend it te ail thus afflicted. Best value ini Blaeck, Green and Japan Tesas, Coffees, etc. Quality unequaýlled. PETER MuRDoÇH, ment. Oefcer A. H. .Brafeiitî ot the Fail River PoliCe Ta highly gratrnied wiih Hood' araarga Hie was baeliy run down, liad ne pptie wliat lie dici eat caused distress and lie fi tis'edanilfiaie. Afe11ttesetH,' q Sarsaparilia effeted a mnarvellous hng.Le Tisedistrese in tie stemnach i 13 enti7ely en, CeI ho tcslike a ncw mn, snd san eàt1sY- ed !tig ili OR-time rcli. For ail etwhi(s ra ho th 11sAn e ordriil;r(-coin- Is vry iportnt tat durlnlg the muthaet ]arcia April UMayi theblood îsliouiid li0 tliorouglsly purifieS and tie syse igven C strngth to Witlibtind i e io bli 9n efot a of tise claugig seaoFr tli>s purposo soi HedsSarsapai'illapeeaipeuaret and it L hO e-.t8MO-lie2isse Tlic e1telleiig, jiut PC ~. ~. 1005 Ce., purity.iiigpo r. i broen utver' adly5Ràtokhl td h 1b gd te wlk rvi VO logeLhrludne trtriod asa arlaid lbefo-re I ha taen n o f tile the jmprovýemen.t SO 1s13reStla 1 contlnned uiltil 1Il ia taen tlireele1"t- f îles, an amn now botter t1liau I hav75 e lis ha years. Thse Jlamnaiioli as- ail leit My log snd it ls entirely hoaieci. I bave haS h such benelit frenm Hood'a Sarsaparilla that 1 conclnded te write thia volautarY st,%te- met." F. J. TEM.PLE, lthdgewsy, Mii. , HOO' PILLSe acaaiYPrOInPty anld effl. clantiy ou thelilve-. sud boelas. Uest diuncrpili. S Ipared e met a egiti- ËD d s imaie demain,ýicfor a nild, emlent anci abi- taily pisysic. Theý,y arc stanice et any kind. Ieoe ille st upon t1iseîtmeh ianali111ntai,,, cana, ad cre iverConphuntConstipation, ~h ylbroenup and a feerpri et Ho00-d 0PUIS n Ar, peco edb C Ï. 1Iluod ; co, Aohcrie,,c 1Lowstl, Ms.PlrIen,2 cets per bx edby 1- ail ~ ~ ~ o pmglt rsn yuato eep tpis bas gone to Toronto obt. Hlinton to fo!lowr as of Temperance bad Frhdsy nicht. . .. Joe e cow with mnik fever foot bail was played 8tudenits qnd farinera. threc goals ahead. DoNE ?---Wben the iwith- impurity, the ,sud the stomach out ýa the case in spring rnedy sD efficacions as ,ers to remove every er and restore peifect ,ASTL S. Rer. C, Adama con- 'vies for ciidren ýhu bicb was bandsomnely- casioný. ...Kate, the1 er of -Mr. a-id Mrs. on Weduesday and lead en Fridy .... and Mrs. Dr. Famn- friends in -Western Mr. aud Mis. T. Ige ; the Misses Kirk. s Coutie, and Mrs. M<iss Davidmon, Î3ood- 'and, Kinst ou ; Mr. *Witby. le Pille bave esmned whemever emiployed. d blood builder tbey îey hurease the appe- beailtby perforwance of thse body. A thor- p%ration, they neyer if directions are failla- Nothing barmful in The moat delicate ýhtted. Aakz for Dr. Ia and take6 no other. fPTO.N. and faîuily bave re- ah Columibia.. .-.Mr. ,a JUiversity, is vis- ige . ... Mr. Ba3lmer is eumatisi...-. Mr. O. 'a, preacbedl bersou J. Clârk's bouse took, t umtion woulu ass cculd he infec1en itb the tul tîý,e li, htcmdem diF to ea htKemp'a Ba in tir,;_oâ sved mi çn. At a il.druggisti from eensump- Oc sud $1. 1 FilRLBilY.t Oni'-dyour League inembers with sr hespenDt Capleasanmt evening at sgad u il apeak 'Fighiy of the wel- use fcor thenim sud eport s crowd- 1hou,.e. Raev. Gesi, Brown, or hon- ,ay neideu3t, oceupied the ch tir. As e Pi ýgroinwasa ateperauiceý n- ,th le v'1t ý1l intemperancù ucre fîalliy aowu irth iii csays by Misss C. Shaw sund J. sr2sqlý, a re-ading, by C. J. Thomuiiton) nd'ti 1,4ia y Misýses L. Brown, B. 1. Eiliott snd E. RiCkaby;1 SIt girls a couple of kijudergarten1 ,nrs:4aoter Arthur su-d Misa Gertie Iliod t iLed; Mr. S. J. Courtice gsve rea ýi, g;Mmi. Chapinan, Mro. J. L. )OEi, Miss Riclkaby, Measmas. S. J. ýourt-, ev. C. Adains sud J. L. Pow- xýn, *li Miss~ Ethel Pwr at the orgcan san ý-pie olsoge. v. C., Adarna 1 tho audience ,vîth several soxaga, he4 Lý-1 wo of whichi caused cousFiderd l 1e ug1-t ' Mm;.Chappminsu ave a coup.e of 0cal ýpa ls mbileMiýssEthel Powers c ou- ibul i ouinstrumetiwrL1selection sud aseteRicksby wieldedl the bow in siir olo. At the close et the pro- mar' oste of thauile swas tendered tbe bfaii -w ad Ibe "Sowasansd Reapers" f Kii ý, sanl ter shnging a suitgble iyma t, 1,e Leslcard friendas erved e- rehw ýti ttq ail preent.. .. Rev. Gsi'. brown Ied a Bspecal acramental1 service îere e S.a1bbth wlhen be preached a vemy pcicai sermon su ad baptised two hjld4_r tand au adut.... .Pewers & Car- veih w. t go te Euigland as they wisely ýo1d catîle te Jas. Eahins, Port Hcp ; Visitera2: Il. H. Powems, Gard- enf t S. M. Billings'; Mr. Thcis. Sa-'Mr. Robet Martin ofNet- v 11 1e: Eliiot t, Kendall; sud Claeuce rfully efficient, five doses lu a )e eu th e person se valuable, in a day evenlng ws quite asëuccesa iacil ly, sud very en3joyable. - - . The E. L. ai- nhýverLsamy vas celebrateid in the Ebenezer cýhapter hasFt week. The president sp)oke s few m, ninutese,, Atbe engin sud ,objec- of the seciety and gave some initeres3tinàg statiatica. Mr. S. EverÊ,m readi a paper ou "The Relation of the League to the work of thei S. S." Mr, P. E.Obou spolie on "The Relation of the Leseneu- toi the womk of the pastor." Misa E. Court- e read a paper oun"heDuiy nf the League to ita Associaxte Memnbers sud the Duty of the Associate Mem-bers te the League." Dueta wems given by Miss Miie 6Eversun sud bMissF, ioGibson, Misýs, s,-ud Mmr. L. T. Courtice, Mme. A. Raudie and Miss Ruodile and a solo b-/MsaAuniaq. Rev. LPheip Bpok!e for a momient on th,,,eianIi-sary text. WhI-eu you feel ail timed out and biokeni up geurislly, yoiu need a guod tonhoc. Elood's Sarsaparilla ha the beat, Try it. Rev. C. sud Mms. Fish, Toronto; Miss Davey, Brookliu; Mm. E. suid Misa Kellie Pollirdi, Orono ; lweme guesia of Dr. Mitchil Isat week.... Mr.aud Mme. John-. sten atid Mm. sud Mns. Wmight sund child of To: ente weme guesta at the parsouage ev;er the 24.... .Mine Chapinan, Kirby,l viaited Mmi. 1H. J. Werry asat week. -... Hliday vreitors: Mm. sud M.M.' A. Jamnes, Misa E. E. ilsycraft,M, D. E Coates, B. A , Towu; Mr. sud 1Mms. O.j Hiezzlewelod, Oshawa ; Mrs. E. Virnîns, Raglan; Mms. J. S. Bond sud daughter, Toronto; Mrs. R. -Vinne aud famhily, Bowmsnvilse, speut Sabbath here pro- parstomy te going te Manitoba .... .Mr. W . Jouessansd Mm. W. Dale, Bowman- ville. wers bers ou Suuday....The B. H. S. Foot-bail teamn par' ook nf erlments at the cburcb auniverssry bers ou their way home frein Norwood. . . The progmaus fu;iehed by abs achoîas of the Meth- odist Suday Seheol after the auccesaful tes, wass ighiy spoken of. The singing wüs good. Mr. Hezllewocd, O'sbawa, deiivered an enthusiiastie patrictie addmssa ou "Our Coutry," sund Rev, J. Liddy of fisuiptonj, a short i;ddmesion "Watcbe" wbicb greaýly iuterested tle achool. Net p (-ed f te% andc social about$0.. At, Epworth 1Ltague ousbimcratien nmecting Friday eveuing, s good paper ou "Re- ligion ir, the hm"was esS bhy Mm. .A. MIcCeary sudne a very imp)reîaive p)aper ou 'Consecratiors" îy MiEss Maie Rogersq. The Leaguie bas, dons good bers thi3 season.--.. Davotional meetings ater the wsekly prayer meeting will be held duniiig tbe stinimer .. Rev. D. S. Hlouck, sud Mr. TJ,,. Stainton are sttendlng Confereuce at Oshawa. More casosa of ick headache, b*iliu nessa,constipation, eau ha cureà i lu loes timai, witb lems imediclse, PanS for lEs5i mono!,, by usiïng Canýer's ?Little L'iver Pilla, thon by any other miean2.i anett a patenýt mediciine. He humor- ous,ý'y admùis that soins of themn wouldi dûemunp festoalconduot for him t,- t J i te pi!; -and to be cured by tbem --whiv tht s ihe gio seat brueh of pro- feaýsional etiquettie. Bu cured h3 hou been, and hb.i3anow peciigthe.In o h--t.tenta. Mol(derïiphysicians admit th'M-ýhîbease2s uc1h ai drepsy, diabetes, briet'sdissie neralisrheuumatism5. f~~Ja eskesspand kindied blood troublesi are cue bythe deraujged action of the kdeyand tihlat the2e diseases are 011]Y to ha mmCud by ail acon', that acta directiy on the seeat oif disorder, This la vwhy iDudd's kîdney pilla! haveý proved a cer,ýtain cure to all who have tried tihein. Gla3sse ground t, fit any siubt, cern- plica' ed cases a spt U:,a!ty aL (d no charge for co)nsultationx or testing by T. N, Rticlhard, w at cIl naker, as la dOpti- cian, Variet HlaIl Both the raethod and. results whCen' Syrup C- Figs is taken; it is pleasaný sud, refreshing to the taste, and actla gently yet promptly on the Kidneyg; Liver sud ]3oels, cleanses the sys. teDm efectuall[y,- dispels colds, head.-ý aches audfevers sud cures habiti]à constipation. Syrup of Figs is theý ùifly remedy of its kind ever o cluced, pleasin)g to the taete an& ac-, ceptable to the stomach, Prompt i its, action and ,truly beneficial lin ite effeets, prepaired on11y £rom the Most-' ]iealthy aud agrceable substances, it3ý to al andbae mlade it the ý osE popular r,-eedy Lkowu. ,ýyrup of F igs i fr sale iu 75à bo)ttieýs by -tll leading druggistg. .Âny îlaldugs who xuay no& hav,,e iu on biaud wil procure iÎt promptly for any eue who wis1ie$ to) iry it. IMaUîaue d ûonly by vthoQ v UVORNi Fir, SYRUP C4 117 ri 9 01 COL UMBUiS TYRONE. Mrs. Wm. Guy bas bean iii with in- Rev. R. and Mrs. McCulloch attended flammation ... . Mr, R. Spencoel of"q- 'a wedding in Toronto asat week, .... Tthe te spent'Sunday witb brli ter mrs. S. S. anniversary beld beme on Sabbath, Savage. ...Thos. Adamns, of Kingaton, and 24th May sa weli attended snd the v iaitel his many frienda her ....1 proceeda aatisfactory. . .. Messrs. John Mr. Armour, te-acher, spent 24tb with hij Mutton, Tyrone, and Carlos Willianms, friends at Canipheliford. . . . r. John Acton, have gorte te Englsnd fer their James bas sent his son Edgar t, Toronto health .. . .The gaine of f oot-baIl between Hospital for cure. Rbeumatisrn, from the Sauit and Tyrone teama was wont by wbich he has been a great aufferer for Tyrone,, score 2 to,0, on the 24tb. The montha, has settled in the corda of his match betweeu Tyrone and Betbesda neck. achools was wDn by the former.... Mr. T RESULTS or NEGLECT. -A silight Robt. llodgson is recovering very slowly TIrE from bhis recent f al. Mns. Samuel Chan- attack of cramps may bring on diarrhea,no saoveyM whicb is lu many cases followed by lu-noisaevryi. flammathon of the stoinacb sudn a dozen WE SiiouDLîiOieE H.UND;rRED YEiRs other dangerous complaints,' any oue of We are century animnais and have a par. wbich if negiected wilI cause deatb, Ail fect rigbt to live eut that psriod if we cari. such disorders are dangerous in bot Many doesan. Consumption bias been weat ber, snd should in their infancV, be kiliing off the flower of our youth tbrough treated with the bent known remedy. the centuries, but it will do so no more. The merita bf PEnnY DAvis' PAIN KiLLFit Why ? Bocause "Miiier's Emuision of are so well known that it la recoguized Cod LiverOi, wherever used, cures ail over the world a3 the s>tandard speciflc consumption and the coughs and lung for crampo, cbolera morbus, choiera, troubles wch ve isu e t it. It wil ha diarrhea, and lyentery. Ail drugpista like suicid te) dia of consumption, in ssii thePAâIN KILLER, suddirections go futuire if "Mille,'s Emvission of Cod Liver witb each bottle. Only 25a. for large OiU" ha within reach. In big botties 50c. siz a and $1.00, at ail Drug St)res. A PLEGROVRB. OSRA WA. Farinera have finisbed seeding. ... r. John Trr>-, an oid rAsident ot Oôh swa, Jobn Curtis' teain rau away with a sesùd died Suii.dsiy uîrnhng ini a fit. drilllIset week &rd hidiy rscked the e C.W Wahprfc me machine .... A m-est deliverer standing maRre C. W. atcherfotrma more too long at a door retumning found bits mariagtes t i h ehrOh horse and cart alinost submerged in the mnses creek. The bridgo was hiRh, the water The bouse and contents of James deep, the joke was huLie, but the damage Cinnuainon,,Colinia St., wore badIly raimag- sinaîl. . .. Mm Jacob Stevens bas leat a ed by fire Thîîrday uight. fire foal... . .Mr. S. C. Rundie bas raised At the r(quoest of County Clerk, Fare- bis barn and is putting in a atone founda- well, Oibaw>,, will hereatter charge ?1 tien .. .. Farmers celebrated the 24th for ail cindîdites for eîîtrance to the seeding. Quite a number torsk their holi-bigh achool. day 26th and attended the district Divis- Ebenezer W. Aylesworth, who married ion atHarmony.. . .Mr. Herb. . Foley, Miss C. L. Tucker at HampDton 34 years Toronto University, in home for tho vaca- ago, died euddeu'ly po Thrmsday cr par- tien ..,.. Visitors:-MUia4 Florence Gib .on, aly ais, aged GO. Jsaa isL Us imtn r The Leeches viisited Lindsay on tbe I. and Misa Souc, Clarke Union; Misses 24th, sud plsayed the first league match Jarvis, Crumb aud aoucb, town. for 1893. The 4aiiîe wa3 given to Oàh- A MEMýBER of the Ontario Board of awa, 15 te 10 Healtbsasys : -1 haive prescribed Scott's The Port Hope Guni Clolb vîiied the EmBulsien in Cansuimption and even whien 0.shawa Gun C'ub on the '24,h, and bad a the diLestivc powers were weak 1-it 1bas8friendîy mnatch whïch i e.ui ted3 in a been folIowed by good res'la.'Il. R tory for the O.hawa Chah by 27 g1- Yeomban;' A. B., M. D) - - - Phys;irinHEa.

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