is another name f or Se R F ULA, andfyîElds Of Pure Noiregian Cod Liver 011 and Ilypophosphife.. IrnjpoverisIed and impure blood la al- ways effeeive1y seored to vigoros scon- dition by tlis woisderfsd semedy. Cures Cen ghs, CaUSa andZ altWaasfig Diseases. Almost as plateble as MiIk. Propared ouly liy FSutt & Bowaa, lBelleville. ROYAL MAIL STEAMBHIPS. Proposed Saiiings. Suibjeot b chtnge. 18913 liveIrpeel,1. Lnileisier'y, -quelie,, and Montreal Siai Service, Prom Fom Prom- Liverpool. Steam Fips. Montreal. Quebec. 4 May. .PARIrýIAN. 20 May.I2 May Il May.. CIRPASSIAN.*. 27 May... May lSMu .NUMDIÂN 3jn...28Juneo IJuns ..... 1O1NIjLAN..Ju . 8 JUDO..*PARISIAN ...24 Juzae.. 25June 15 June... L.A U RENr I AN.. 1 July.... $JUDO.NUMIDIAN ...8 July....9 July LI JUDO. .., SARDINIANI>..,..1lJely....16 JeIy 6 JUIY .. .. MONGflLIAN...22 Jt.. 13 JUIY ...PARI,11AN ...29 July ... .30 Jaly 20 July .... .LAURENTIAN. 5 Aug .. 27 July .NUMIDIAN ...12 Aux...3 Anti Steamers are disoatched f rom Montreai at dsylight on thse ds.y of salling, and sail from Qnebec et 9 a.m', Sundays. Steamers with a*will nfot stop at Quebee, Rimouwki or Londonderry. RATES 0F PASSAGE. fly S. S. Parisian, $60, $75 and $90, single, $110, $135 and $165, returu. Axrra elass cabine for tw 0 persous (rofins 50 te57) $1,00 ingle $185 return. Extra claqs cabinp for tbree persous 4rcoms 50 te 57) $80 single. $150,eturn. ly Sartinianand Croassilan-$55 ffland$70, $Y03 $110. $130 retura. B;' oth~r iteameri-$50 and $60 $100 and $110 return. ,Second cabisi-Outward, $30 and $35; prepald 35; returfi tickets, $5;, children 3eerween 1 and 12 years hall fare;taifnte, outward free-pre. raid $3. M.V A. JAMErS, Agent, Bowmanville. HOUSE PAINTING. k±OUSEHOLD. The Little ArMmhair Neb Ody sits lu tise utIle asn- :chi Il standinlae corner djito But a hite isaired mother gs.zing tisa-, And thinkins- oe hlm, SeeS tlsrougis Jîe dusit of tise long ago Tise blooni oflbei- boys sweet face, As he rocks se merrits' te and fro, Witisa au9e hta choerï tise p1a-~. Som)etime ýS 1iishlda e book1)00Zbis bh aud, So'nletim e pnjI ad s'te Tise tesso n iisrd fte 11ndel-stand, And tise dgures b Ila ird te1makel Soprend cflthis ,,,1eon, Aud she bears tise word se cf ton said, i Ni £car for ,cur ijttie oue.,> Tises' were wveuderfui days, tise dear sweet daîs, Wiseua ciild witis sunny hair Was bers te scold. te kis. and te praise, At liei- koe in tise ittte cisair. She lost hlmi bacK iu tise busy yeara, Wisen tise greal wet-ld caugist tise man, And lie strode away pasi bopeq sud feara To bis Place lu tise battles van. Butinow and thoeailuaewistful dream, Like s picture cut cf date. Sise secs a head witb a golden gleam lIent ovuir a peucit and siate. And se lives as-sm lise happy day, 'Thie daY ot ber yeng if e' psiug, Wben tise sinail es-mchair stcod. jutin, ubie Tise cen'tre of everytisins-. -[Margaret E. Saugstes-, lu Harper's. A Taik tii Molies-s. I tbink telling te cblîdron, mes-e baises, bise wondos-ful stcry cf perpetualion, bas been overdruwn ln many instances. Tise cbild cf less tsan tisree years, wiso is sup- posed te comprehiend isow bier new brother isappenod te bse present, may bave iseard tise stos-y, juiet as baer mylisical b rotisers and ais. lers are told tiingsinl imaginsation. A safe way ta te culivate commen sense. A Wise mnotiser note&-tise dawn cf understauding lun bier cbild, uccording witb lise ugo whes-e a knewlsdlge cf certain f-sts isecomes noces- sary, and is un unfailîng mentor lu lime cf need. Chilciren are muchiufluenced by surrond. ings, and semetimes tisey make tisem pro. codions beyond Ibeir years. To sncb, s heipiug baud musat conslantly beclîld out. Tise sulent child cf tan escapes observation in tise bist for information, Btin every case tisewaîchful motises, ifsebhoblest wibb common sense, will know tise ight1 metbod te pursos. A mother- may talk te hier beys as weli as bier girls, anîdbise need fer lier counsel is usoally greator with the sens. Sise cao eus- ily give îisem ail tise uecessary information and waru tbem cof ail tisat tisey sould avoid. My boy Chat, ncw taller tissu 1, and I am net dnmpy, comes te me as naburally with bis confidences, as doas suy uttle Gruce. Ho comas fron force of habit, fortn- him oves- oves-y ciildisis misfortune. I remembes- witis wiat'a boastache I kis- ed iny cbilds-en, and sent thon, or took tbem, for tiseis- fisst day ut acisool. Howi vividly I seaized,baî tises-o began tise fisat1 sevrance of bise strcng cord cf home inîflu- once ; tisaI lhes-eafîos- I must figist with tise world for my own. 1 am psepared te ezocube ales-des-s for- Don'ta for fluabands. lieuse painting, graiuing, glqzing, papes-~ and docrating lu thse moat ap- Don't s-oss-rvo al ous- suilen peuting eieî anfi ut moderato tes-ms, spelîs for Yens-7 owu fis-oido. Dist1ribute' seme cf yens- butetuinesa arenind tise otho- - Glana, Putiy sud Mixed laces,, wse-octsa- wel] uyen u tha de I sfor sdle. tie lsu fyou for sncb nochrisîlaulik 'eug&Co ss-at Icha cnd t -~sauvsii~,, eauli er lîcw 5130cî"'t bdrasies- e, 'dssILay hb 0 a'o1s-e0m1 e .ng & 0o's er bN cyou ee bas- booing pretties- thisu or~ ~ ~ > a-. reîeea aen b .usual. u 12-.-3m TIOS. KiIPIBY. And don't fosgt certlain litho ps-oises ___________________________and isolemo tos you mmadctler 10 ba Ir es il LM LI NEVE , r)N 8 'w knt'es in bise days cf yens- courtshsp anÎd za N are a ,eR di', thA maaraaaenewtai, covery tisaI cara thse wo,-as asfflea tseu-na ala- . Thy.are seist edjti, finished out off ail1 tise meat and chon ;às fine as possible ; add poppe, ,mace, c etc., aud a little m1e1is-,d utter, tigbtly in a jar and pous-a iýtle meltedib ý ter oves- the top. SCAILLOI'ED 1ONs. -Peel and boil a fw culons iu sait aud wates- till tender. . thse ossions tb pioces and put àa1layer in e botiom cf a bîtered dii, ftison a îayoir cf crackers and se ouontii l tise dis1his iil . Have a layer cf cracýkers ont too; ses oni well, fil]i1up)tise disis wvitilhlmilk, and jký aice br ownl. bran,, eue cuifl e ticusewLsite c ~etOe egg ; te' be wol ,ed, asdbrcwned inithe oven unitil cf a dark brown celer, stiis-4ug offtrn to prevent acerciig. LAYait CAKE.-Oue cýqu fcfp dte augar, balf ed cu pful cf 1but'ter, tse-oîts cupfui of mtlk, two cupfuls ocf fleuir, tihssea eggs, two teaspeonfuis cf bs)king poJ)wýer, fiavoring. Cream tise butter and sukgar, ad d the weil-beaten yolks cf eg, ,tise milk witstise flavorinig, tise flouIr jute l-Fich tise bakiuig powder isas been slfted, and les3t, tise stiffly beaten whites. 8Lir iightly. Thsis makes tbrea tisick layers. STEAMEDPFPtïeIxccG.-Twe eggs, one Clip- fo fuie seîr nslk, cue-baîf teasýpeouiful cf Soda, tisseo cups ef fleur, one c up cf fiu iiil likod; steainlwo bouts. Serve witb cteami and stîgar. I put ia raisins unleiss 1 bave fresis fruit. PeoOP MAN'S PUDDING. -Peel and sU1ce a layer cf appies in tise iottom cf a diss, t;,en a layer cf breadorumbs tbat have been seft. eued in water. Repeat Ibis until tise disis la full, sweeteîîiug tise apples eve3ry cim.ný Finish witb a layer et bread and doýt with bits cf butter. Fili up withi water ansd isako. Serve wbile warm w'itbt cream and sugar. A G0ee1)PLAIN PUDDING.-OIecnpýful cf sous- milk, a pincis cf sait, one.b-Iaifteaspoonc)ý- fui cf soda, oinoe upful ds-ied besiei cd green apples are good-and(lcornaieal to make a batler as tbick as for Joisnuiy ake. Steam bhalfau heur and est with swecenoed cscamn. 1 fiud a round cake tin wifh a cen ter tube au excellent dis iin which le sleampuddings. MoTus-ais BitsAD. -Piitf two quarstof flous- int a pan, and pour beiling Wates- ver il until nsariy ail tise flous-' is wet. Stir tise fleur wiie peus-iug ou tise water. Add oe plot cf cold water, and iseat wl.Let,,il stand until iukewarm, tben adeetpc potato yeast, butter lisemsze cf au agg -nd isaif a leaspoonful cf sodai, and fleur teýak a atiff dougis. Turu il out on tise nouldifig board aud work in more fleuir by siasising il withiSsharp kuifa. Siasis, addl flotir and kueadutil lte-dougis tl bfand smootl. You caunet geltocuemuci fleur imb lb. 1L "t ltsîand until înoruiug, tisen knesd u ,0 witiscut removing il from the p0-A fter breakfast, tîsrn il ent on tse boassian knead it for ben minutes, then -,ut t bk aud lot il rise as mucis as possýible '8îîbiout siuelliug like wine, aud muke it tt-vs When tise laves are iigist tisey 5s~dh put tîsto a bot oven wisicis la aile wedjb coo gradualiy util tise iread wdiii on.! Bread maude in Ibis mvay will keep fresfi a ilo lime.-1 A GoODSeAt Eas-ou-p'ýYpa1j cf scap eut flue, eue pouîsd i f sal d , bwo ounice a ccisof turpeoblue and büce t,îw and cue-baif gallons cf ram water . -o Try it lu a saucer. Whein ecolin)g orl one ounce cf ýoal ol, aud stiii halVi te apoonful of flne Sait, Frilis cf Issi Shrtsiouid!es-apsof lacý Gaioonis and ribisonsý are '. Dus-k binue cieviot wilhth a l .k is a gond cheice fer an iali' Ail noN skilrts us-e widebu ~~A1~T~I e.'lbm5iY, Lestà Vugen, onfngh und yuay se)ma day 0e -ilndctNn osa n evngse Lestl'eu-ats oat tsstacaeIienalote taai.siestes as tise prsosntfashicu -wi TaEATUE-NT.3 have fited aveu te relieve. Sld ty, drug. glats ai $1 par liinkage. or six fer 8e..or sent by mail ou Tisere is ncthing mûe- appetiziug ln A vas-y short cape cterlsem 0wip f W priemliet Sid spsinq sud sumniues-tisan a welmade aalad. with a suehed top Os- withla a Bewusauforlpamphlet.îr & Jus-y. I neod net be elaberate, invciviug a greut stylisb. Bonavllb TT &JR.amount cf tîmesils tgprepas-atien ; oflen aAlaoae-ieîss-ntlk Ne- T l- h~ Simple oeeproves quite u anptmg)ýr. ,ppt o lguted puif as-ý TEWORýLIYS POST tOFFýICE 3. Sene sstretla Statisttes froin Mati Souirces. filT 188 tisa Swedsish Post Office cars-led 117,Ga2, 7'5 lette-s, pestai cards, journals and pacitzages. Thse CiilnPost Office baudiod last yea- 17,0,00,000) lette-s atnd 24,000,000 pape-s. Tiýes-oas-ec06post eflices.. Trkoy basl1150 pest effiscos, but ne recrd are kcepî cf tise ameunit ef mlail isaled. Ties- were in 189!1 1192 peat offices lu Mexýice, xv hîis b1andied 150000lette-s, newspapers snd packages. railtn 1890cars-led 18,000,000 letter and 19,000,000 peekages cf ps-iuted malter Tises-e woro 2-733 post offices. Tise anual number of lettesa tIpuass Ibrougis tselà, l'smails is computed et V,00,090,000; cf uowspaps, 5.000,000,090. Tise aunual business cf bise Swiss Post Offi e omrises 110,000,000 lette-s and 74- 0000ppess.Tises-oas-e 1485 post offices anld 1675 lettes--boxes. lu 1890 tisa postal depas-Iment cf Nos-wsy baodled '27,248, 400 lotte-s ansd 24,552,300 poundi cffisooks. The postai truffe coflise Nethas-lauda duig1890 comps-ised 66,000,000 lette-a, r0,000,000 post cars-d, 90,01)0,000 nowa. papes-s and 4,000,000 mîsceilaneous pas-cals Tise Belgian post offices lu 1890 isandied 9r-,4841,49i pîlvato and 16,567,965 officiai leatte-s, 73,000,000 packagesuîof printed umaI- tes- and 94,000,('00 uewspapars. Iu 1889 tise Spunisis postai service baud- led 112,351,000 lots-ss, 1,141,000 pestai carda and 50,752,000 papesssd samples. Tises-e ar s-o 2880post offices. iu 1iS,'9 tise impetial Pt Office of Russia isandled18 ,81600 lette-s, 23,032,000 post carda, 12,530,000 regisîered packages and *31,742,000 sampies ofmes-csandise, ttly, lu 1890, isauiled 171,631,040 lettes and post crds, te wisicis wîre addod 39,- 07c-,'241 G4oves-nmenî dispaitces; and 170,- 149,,368 papes-s and periodicals. Tise total s-eceipts wero 45,420,386 lire, tise oxpenses 3925,.Tises-e wos-e 5511 post offices. lu 1890, Francs bad 6932 post offices, ho- sujies elgisty-eigist movabia offices and 58,- 464 lette- boxes, lu ail tises-o wes-e cas-s-ed 710, 6'00,000 ietterg, 22,0).0,00 segistes-ed lettes-s, 45,000,000 postal carda, 472,000,000 papes-s, 341000,060 samplos, 458,000,000 book packages and pamphlets. Tise money os-dos-s wero 756,500,000 trancs, audtisepos- taI telegrams numbes-ed 35,000,000., Tise wes-e in 1889 4650 ps f in l Ausîs-la and 42315 in-llquagary'. lu 1890 Austria h;&e 444,134,380 lettess _LULPggry, 168,801 ; tise former 68,985,020 jeus-nals and 60,198,560 samples. Tisa ex- penses of tise Austrian office fos- lie same yoar was-e 25,187,836 florins ; cf lise Hu. gurian, 9,297.000. Tiseroceipt oftise Ans- bs-an wes-e 29,530,836 ; cf tise Hunigas-lan, 12,268,000. Iu 1890 tisera wes-e in Canada 7913 pes- offices, wiih hiandl(d 94,000,600 lette-s, 19,000,000 carda, 10,000.000 papas-s un 16,. (00,000 bocks andi pas-cela. Newspapers, sont fs-cm bise office cf publication, as-e cas- s-led iree. Tiseir number la estimated ut 60,000,000. Canada bas a systemn of postal suvilnga baniks, -witb 112,ý23i depositors and Tfisgnnmrile f peaýt offleeainlutise United K-ingdo cizCotiai and Is-cland lu 182was 18,806 ; lies-owes-e 21,,S27 lette- boxs,11,88 mpoysand 1,05500,(00 p-ilads 1100 f0 book put-cois, 127- 000,000 aobwSapapess, auid 3,0, pack- ages, Tise m-Oleîî s-ess muuited inu à u 89, is Grmian IEmpire bd179,00 cf postal tlgaisofcswaa 17,4,54. Tise ut IIjý unb~c etsstrausportedas ,7, 000 marks. Tbe receipta woro, iii m trka, ' 253,941, 253 ;tise expendiitus-, 231,886,252. SThse United States-had in 1892 67,119 post offices,fcf wicb 31516 seere presideutial. The Sleu'gîba c f post routes was 447,591 mniles5; tise -Grvelune cf tise depas-Imeont Lwa- ~0904i Incrpoate I87~witi ash capital of $5 I. AND APPLIANOFI CO. 49 KING ST. W., TORONT05 ONT, G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Blectricity, as applied by the Owven Electrie Beit, Is now recognized as thse greatest beon offered W0 sulfering Isumanits'. t 15 fast takiug tlii place of drugs in ail nervous and rheumatic troubles, ïnud viLl cfeet cures in seeming1y hopeless cases where every other known umi. lias faifled. It is neture's remedy, aud by àt- steady, soothing (,urrent tisat la roadily, feit, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sexual Wozaknesçs, scetica, Peniale Conîplaînts General Debllxty, lu, otenes', Lunmbago, Ki nes' Diseases, Nes'vousî Diseases, LIver Cosnplait, Dyspepsia, Laine Back, Varicoele, Usinas y Dîseuses. RHEUMATISM Il is a woil kuown feet that medical science bas utteris' faileu te aford relief in rheunîatic cases. We venture thse assertiontisat altisougis Electricit.y bas only been in use as a remiedial- agent for a few years, it bias oore'd moi e cases f theumatism than ail other means corn- bined. Some of our leading physiciesreo niziug th-Is fact, are availing themselves 0f tsI0 inoat potent cf natures$ forces. TO RESTORE blANHQOD Tbousands cf people'sifrer frein a vartets' cf nervous diseases, sncb as Sem!Dai Weakness, limpoteecy, Lest Manhood, Weak Llack, etc., tbat tihe old modes of treatment failt to ure There isa bscf nerve force or powor tiat cannot be restored by mnedical treatment, and ýiny doctor who, wDuld try te accomplis b is lty any kind of drugs ta praetlslng a dangerous terni of cbarlatanism. Properly treated TRESE DISEASES CHN BE CURED Eloctricity, as applied by the Owen Etectric Boit and Snspensory, will most assuredis' do so. Il la tbe only known remedial agent tbat will supply sibat la lacklug, nRimels, nerve força or pcuwes, mpart toue sud vis-or fteh ors-ana aand arouse t e aithy action tbe wbole nervous system. HEWARE OF IMITATIONS And tise wortisless, cboap. so-oalled Eleetrie Beits advertised by tome concerna and peddled tisrougb the cofntry. Tisey are etectrie in namne onls', wortbless ns a curative power, Lnd dear at any price. We Challenge the World te show an Electrle Bell wisere tise curroît st lander con- trol of tise patient as coospleteis' as ibis. Ouar Tracte lMark is ftie portrailt of Dr. Oweon embossed lu goid upon evory Belt and spplianee manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue--Ëailed (Sealed) Free. THIE 0WEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., 49 King St. W., Torontc- bumt1on tisis paper. THE PEUPLE'S H~FGA ON-ýSENTR-y DUTY Scientiflo Anearican Agenoy i~er ~ 'Las- g est cirulation of unyssi( worS1d., Soiendsdly illusîrato niu iodld ha with,,î &il. v'eas-;* $15 six mostise. Addr ILISERS. 361 Broadway 'E YU BaockAouhJe -%.,e8 acavengera mneans the kid- of the system. n7eya are in "D eh lai3 trouble, Docdd'e dngerous, Neg- Kidney Pls giue lected A'idnegy prompt reli'ef." troubles resu/t "75 per cent. in Btad B/ood, of fdis"ase la Dysep iuver jfrst cansaed biy VPCp7nt, atnd disorderedAi- t he ,Wot dan- qneya.gare us of ail, cMight as el ritu iea try to have. a D)'iabetes and healthy city Orlopsy. without 8ewcr- "The, aboue age' asgood dsasacannot halith aiwhen the ev i it w here ,fiidn 0Y,9 are Doda" Kidneg coogged, they are Pi//s are used, " SoId thy ;:laieso-etls eil ou receipt i cf p«e 0cet.per box or sxfo- $2.p. Dr. L. A. Smei'ih & Co. ToronLto. Write 1cr book called Kiders' Ta"k WONDER 'IN E11 NL A Representative Farmer Speaks. MR. C. C. FHAU Thse felliewng remaifrbuisie1 e-typasir rEîs ~îjy~ 's--ar oy eavsuandpucnr oves- l a sI Pa.sss-nBs-s-. -Chocp fisse bwc pounda cf beaf Udioe upînd cf lean, fresis perk, fi#WIIPILLS Add eue ccp cracker crunîbs, oue beaton t- gg, sait, poppes-, sud sage if likod. Steau Ibree bousansd louveintise disis oves-- .rAs A., a--CAi PRIO Ds ACA SSijE OC igist. Thsis la nue esr-anyone carrying Lus-E.tSld I-y1al lirggisîs,cor by mnail p-ie 50 cold dinners, as well as fer home lunches. Ceciii, six bzvt.S'~, $ 'The Celes-y lil HM-IO iahml Co.. Torgnbe, Ont. -POTTED HM- hnth a snearly Fe soed ov-r, fastenoid Ibi eyes upon tise- mis-suleus ia in a ,aurpsised toue aaid; I'l)ood draciens, Ms-. Du know tise diffes-ence 'tweent tricycle." Tise halcycu days as- e s fore anDd tisaseven da'ys ufte day. Tise balcyou, eos- Kgfi, cd te ha bs-edinig aut1Ibis reason tise sea, for m;iis foi posad to ersycnsdat fait calm. :n't '001 e and a] yc b- An Amas-sean one.-nîraila a hnsou-fs-cm Isîlu-ýgbo tu ausiamls.'011 t~Lg isestinaý,tion,- tisecabby jumped decTwu and exciaim edl "Ammeramitis is- V "Yeu've drcpped aometiig, isave't yen ?" asked.tise Amnerican, as ho paid lise fare. 1' Oh, it's aIl rigist, sis," seplied tisa caby. l'Il1 pick it up wben I gel buck te Ris- inigben." ___________ It la sidt 0oeil $30,000 a yeas- ho keep St. Potersachus-ch ut Rome luns-opais-. Eeyeewbe seuils $ is-oct te eus- office 'Urs-e. yar's subac,;ý'rtien wiil get Fpree, as a IPreanias-in a copy cf eus- exquit-ito water - clor fu - sirnile - 11 The Tryznsg rlace,1' size 2ïx,22 incies- wiit-b as noeor boen seldfofr lesa tisen $10, aud 'uu'isi yli ues n meat- beautif ni gift for eny occasion. Sansipie copy of tise Magineus witis 3 colored Pîltiures, sent fus- 20C. Catislogsîe -re.1 'QiE ART INTERCHAGE CO., 9 Distrosscs St., N. Y aunlah ia senew s- estaues A M a nuy qoite moiIlealtakoU Ms Somo B. B.E perfect hats Tumuis-smm; 1Wleiuad,ut The steaffily io-esoal f L. thée ieogth cf time -cil s- beniefe e 0 people, andbtise tact isat 03 cuircs tc cus-red, attest ts terlin rint of h nus-acheff medicines,, th-,e poLe'afevori Lieed pusi-i~, boule and eutg, - mU us-e fully y correct ini