1, HIQer mAs' WY, Becauo SUNLIGHT SOAl' le p,,erfectlypure, a na ýu 3oaa0u naIuri- oas Clemirals ta injura cther yor clothes or yauir blauds. reatet rare ie ar inluitu muaufacttureansd i ta by tho -public tIsa iiLjbas teLargeet SaIlea n Soap iu thea World. How csyontest thià? If you hae nveT tted SU-NLIG(:HT BOAP, qask tbose who ,useo il wbe y aur clotes will ho webed ln fat-ls laiu wIthLse a b mi , Gracier (Ganfes t. nd wil 1lj hn witer thanilthey have over býeauIsae when yeuuî sLc1ordiary eoap. Tîat' t te hast w ay totec. *11ride tIse mttes-? First wi by enqiing whal.th-Is expaiemca te a! those who al1racadyv ueo h. comnd ) tri alwa it. /1yôursei' Tonare nt - ctýtaetIs op; y allir ask la: Dont Ieatry ~> h tIse uext wshtcg daýy. TUE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABISHIED 1851 $1 par awuur in advance. otherwise $1.51. 8ubscriptions al wey ipayable at the cli 5c-)Ê Publcaton.Advrtiin~rate3 unieÏs by c a ract, 10 centu par lineo . nepirie t fîret insarfi on, aund 5 cents p3r ino, eachi subseqqioat la- îe tio. Locale, 10 cents par line. M. A. JAMES, Puiblishe STANDARD F B-ANK 0F CANADA. - tmltalpala MD, S1.eoO0.1tOest, *53 ý0) Tiiis Banký is preparod to do Legiti- m~ate Banikincg in ail its branches. Farmner" '- ntes diecouted; IDepositis received and l nterefst paid on acceunts of $5 and upwards in Savîng-s Bank DepartmenIt. Ieudard Collectioue ns mde in Eu-ope tlated3t~eeand Canada6. W. J. JONE>SRAD di o s jtlag serai ]iaukiug Business CJOLLECTIONS Pr împty made ai carrant rates ugan ail part cf Gr6at Bnt tain, tise United Etattes ana the Do ninhon o fCanada, Telegraph Transfers Mcofor lange or emahi anms on ail part cf Cua-Tiiseisesp6eially advaiutigeoee lta Iuor o, ivngin Maniioba an thse Nortisxvest, Iit nkes tisa funds- availabtu ci once et te poc f payymont. Otbor perticuauu eal aitise banlz. .E'. 1. FOICITT, GEO. MCGîiLL, Accoutaut.Manager. V. DIOKEY tLAçRlY SURUEUh. RONO, - ON.. t Officie Blook. ,eràpn or tetephose receive im Mesmre. HONEY & MeMURTRY have p urharied the County cfDurham for the uet Wire Fo'nce fn bliff c£eunt-ry. lb is i rong,, easly handied and ornamentaL. t wiiI sot be inJured by nehast, cld or wnds. lb will turru Harses-, attia, Sheop, Roa, Doge and Pc-ultry. lb le a Cet work wthout barbe, sud wil sot in- jure stook in amy way. IlbIre muoh treng- or and more durable thurn any barb feue- hng, bing ooeloy weven. Fence put np and Farm and Township sjghta for sale. Apply at CENTEÂL LivE. , -P>Gwmuanviibe. ~P. RICtI, Clarke P. 0., having bought Clarke Tows-hip, le prepsred to put up tos. POWDER THECOOKSBPEST FIN L.ARGEST SALE IN GANIADA IL ~ TO cf toto de ftsl:-4ug--------bs -bner. Slie just teiucies it, rest -- - ghtht Qaîlck S ailan lectrie bciG tiiera tbriled Is vou- rofiJbe ais bue to1 e? Christ S1it bacis itc ber siattered inenvossu ii0 basnfeeil sy fateic ha shriukEin vains and exhîansted antenheswm-us uetinsof demeýsticity, aýs l is aes and panting lungesud withered muscles, attswdda laCuHaihvtde thta isealuis, ieauiful liealtis, Gol-givon and- housekeepor's predicament, uswha.n caîpiebe heaitis. Thîe 12 yeers' niarcis bans msied forth at h tisa rek)en home ,ýcffr of pain sud psng and sufferng over Mary snd Methe sud Lzru.Mon suspension-bridge cf nenva and Ibreugis are sietimas asham)ed te -e.Thr i tunnel cf'boee Sstantly haited. are mou w-h if the tesTrs stant will con-ai Christ recognizes somebow biset meg- ceai thiem. Tisey ti it Se amalyta i netic sud isealthifuhinfluenie thirugis lie dry. They idc net som nta nudansrtauil medium cf tise-bine fiuge of is gar- ilesnîuliness and evldence olf a great ti meat lîad sud oui. He turne aud-lcoks bhat.t,1Iam afraid cf a an iis ýl es W upon tisat excited crowd, aud tanties net kuowliserte dry. TiseCbrist cf tise bhien iiti tise interregatory cf my LetxI:taxi was net asissuned ta cny ever bul- h "Wbio oucbed me?" The Insolent crowd matn misfo tune. Look ai tisai d(eep i; lke '1 iu substance raplied: "loir do e -o ci? cf tears opened by bise1w-c wonde of tua!Oe You gel mbt a cnowd like tisis ard You evaugehist : -Jesus \vstiV', behlda miuet expect lo be jostled. You asis us a Christ on bise cnhy day eh Hiie aly u question You kueirw-e canuot anser." triumph msrcising on Jeruzsalesî, tise >i BaitIsae rosocte and ejuveuated woeuan giitternug domies oblierted by tIsebl d i canie un n huinlufront of Christ aud iug nain of teans in His e 0e nudonil sj fold cf bise touchi, sud told, of bise restera- check; for w heu He behehd tis diîy Ho"11 lli lion, aud Jeeslissaid: 'eg thby -ept aven l, (O nisuof ib nany triais, Sor faitS bath lmcdo îe wil. elGo woa e u henbinwyd e pesce." Se M1arlk givuas ne l 1a draatiza- nttodieuîî n fitlou of he Gse. i.wliIadctriObsy sm n, "hrstdon'f th Chîn,,isl! a1v1ryne f Car hneslecane I2for- mei. dîhtis ýloe)kiiugthie othe h mey halh bise faînïiiy pscil.îay. Chibas tire vasi affame cl'f ile e Notice tisai fluera je ne addition cf iselp kingciomto teoois sfier. iMes tisa ile ta others -uvthoat substrection cf power arine sni ,, te oven2throw, and tiere are'ex from cuneelves. Tise context says tisaias se nny vwcnso cases of troule issu e soon as this momen w-as isaahed Jasas 1s1-un eH doesn't caro abouitsu, sd Iis,, fait tisat vitue or strengfhbildgene eout face is tmmcd tise othen ) ey" lle of Hlm. No addcitictî cf help to oIhons hacis w as turued te thiýis inva1idof tua f withtot substradtiotu cf strngth ironi text, Ho ivwas on lis way Io)affecta ourselves. Did younenver gel tirad for cure wliichî was faineunsudmi poplarsd la otsere? 'Have yen nover isked your ide nescuudiag. Bit-hlie cuîex Iav,\ a hesitis for othiers? EHave yen noever "He turnied lita about." e ifH a e p reachîed c sermon, on delivered tan ex- fscine:tte anertît Ho tarned (1ta u i hentatlon, or off ered s burniîng prayer, southu; if He ivas faing te lie eaux Ho ý sud thon feif ftuervard tisai strenigtis turiîed te tise w-tst. Wtîa t1 murad Hlm a had gone cul cf you? Tisen yen have about? Tise BiblesassUoc- s nor nover lmltated Christ. isbadcw cf tunning. VHe ridas ou lu ie I Are yoît curions te luci iw otisaI gar- chariot timougi ise teml tes. HoI! mient of Christ ehontd have w-îoughut suci nmarchies on, crusbiî dpos stogilit cane for luis suppliant lnvahid? 1 snp- tbey wenatlie cîackîiug ldors u ahit poeat afChrist iras surcisrgad w-thbrbool's i ainksud tossiug tlhnouee an vitclity. Ye n uw- hiat diseases taay ba i tluer sîde of lia i wthcat c stpîg 1ee eouveyed frein city te city by garmouts, lock whii way tisey fal, Fron aoven-. as in case cf epidamic, and 50 i suppose ln-hstiug le everlasting. "He turnetis Hlm ehi thatgarelit iiay b suchared ithabout." H1e whem ail thie allicd arios bealtis. 1 supposaefliet hritbd suci et lieu cannot stcp a îiLunt r iventan r physicallmagnetism tiait lbpereaed ail lacish, by lise wan, sicis, nrehs inger 1 n Hie robe d'oia fù_-tli:isehat tiread on isle of(uJi asufforntg turae danchnt P borercf hi bie rlge. Bult in adi- Ois w-at cemfort thoera is iii ii Uh- dit ion ta uala thora n'-as al divine bhînlîil, I ject for peeple w-li ar cailenrveus. tisane was a mrOln oouy ht f icours t a misalpîed ierdliisab wes an eitttherapouticýs, irilhiont case, but I use lu lu the ordîuar-y palr- tisis tirelva eas invaleld tvend inetlhave lance. After twelve years o(f snrfein1g, beau iustai1y rpstored. ch, whist nrvons depi essieuehe muet P Nar, -if omnipotence canuot îîelp bave baid. Ycualsl ktnew tisai a ge others iritisout denletion îw e - deal cf medicine tekeni if il dees, not c ure RII ever expoct fo ibstise world w itiseut leaves tisa systosa axiausted, sud iu tlisa self-sacrifice? A man w-ho givos te Bible lu se mauy -uords she "blad sfer i senie Christian object until hae feele it, ed miauiy tiso f many phyýsicien, sud hoU a man wbo ia bis occupation or pr-,iras ncthitîg .btter, butrahi ; ne, m fession overwarks bisaIrha may irorso.", She wee as nervous as nienv ons di educato bis chlldren, a man mise on coald Ila. Slîe knew- abPlout insomrnie s;b Snnday nigist goes homne, aîl his nervous sud about tue,,aiful app1rebensian iof energy wruag ont by activa service lui someîhtng gangbto heppan, cn an cisurcis, or Sabisati s chooh, or ciîy eae- inntability about ittie thisge tailns geizatien, bas imitated Christ, sud tisa healtis w-uid net have perturbed hane. 1 stranglis as gonecnt cf im. ýA nîctier marrant yen if w-se net s straiglisiîr inl wba robs eses of af laap in hehaif cf a sh~e gcve te tisa garmient of Christ, hu l a la, sici-cradla, a irife w-ho 1baqse up Ieoa- jtronîbling forearni,ad airn unenta1in ta fnlly undar domeslic niforttetis huemja fbiabadsd£ uie il u 11ay07encourage lber husbland i iseco- inger wàii -ise ised lt1wisiiii-S e bat against disasteýr, irýomen wle 5tOnv-ard wi3-snb;Il(eainîed. Sid i ualPt hard sevîug-sud carneet prayer su g ofuch ts githeue w-haroaiseex.- ic çounbel. w-tseix givoni u ýd 'uaauiy ye pccdt-tuh l wish Linen to be 'White Snow, R. I r sdevoted te reiarfing hlirfamrily for c G H I S 3IAGNETISM. i amd usefulnass and Heeven. and wbe is ________nothing tei show for St buit premnatuire gray hatjrs and a profusion of dep ACTS LIKE AN ELECTRIC SHOCK IN wrjnkle s, 15 like Christ, and strengît1' l as GIVING UFE AND HEALTH. goueut of lier. Tisat streigt or vir- tua may have gene eut threugi a gr Ta1,nage'e Sermion on tise Sck ivomanI meut shehba made fer the home, tisat strenglis may bhave gene ottsegstlie Wlio Touriseiltise- Lord', Garment- sk oïkitfrthbaeotdttu, "lDassgiter, Tsy Faith Miatis iNade Thee Oint strenglis may go eut tbroiugh the mande hung up in soea dosai aýfter yenu Whot01-G" ti Poe,"ý are dead. Sa a crippied child seateer BReoKLyx, May 21.-Rev., Dr. 'Tai- mioruing ou lier fathers frentil stop se; mage to-day chose for biis tex Ê the subjectt hat vhen tise ksud Christian teeclier cf bis discourse, tise inquiry addressed î3y passed- by ,ta, sehool she nigit tako the 'Seviaur te tisese who surrounded tholî bler drpafng e ersSie si(lb Him, wvhen, thi ualid, wemau having hog lepaeinrsSe al t toucied His garmnent, Iîe asked, "W ho eped lier pain se mucli and maeier ?"chdMeV Mark 5, 31. pbappy ail tise day. Aye, have we boin Tosîehed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n lual our dwelliugsga-etcfted- Agreat crowd of excited people eibow- gret fte(c ingeacli other tbis w'ey and tisat, and parted, a teucis cf wbich tisrills usý Christ in thse nidst cf tise cormotion. threugh andl threugis, tise life cf those Thevwer onthewayto ec iniresorewio are gene thriliing tbrougi tise life te cotuple iealth a dying persdn. Soea ioewo tyBtmakyu h tisouglit 11e could affect cure, others tisai principle I evolve f rom Ibtis subjact. No H1e could net. At any rate, il vould be addition of healtti te otisers unless tisere an interestin- axperimant. A very sick ha a subiraction cf sirenigli from cur- wcman cf îwaive y ears' invalidistu te tan seive3. 1He feit tisat streugtis itd gene ea ut cf Hlm. tise ciowd. Soe say bier naine a Ma tisa, others say it was Ve#*ýnica. I dc Notice ase in this subjeet a Crs net kncw w-bat bier naine was - but this sensitive teoi uman toucis. We tas1ik is certain, shelisad trîed alstyles cf cure. about God on a vast scale se ainucisw Every sheif cf lier hsumble borne bad hardly appreciate bis accessibiiity. God mnedicines on il. Slie had epoeutay nmitded uIeit ra ther t isan Ccdi cf tise doctuta of that ftie wlien medi- t e inte iai; bt alier lauytx cal science wes more rude and roufgh inte u î* sm1 uthrbi r sud ignorant than w- a cn imagine in wve have a God arrested by a ;ufferiu3g thi lie, henth wod pysii- touch. Whau Su tise sisam trial cf GChrist or surgeon stands for poent sud they struck Hlm on tise chseek we can educated skili, Professer Lightfoct realize bew tisaI cheek tiaz-Ied with pih. gvs a list cf whatlise supposes Whea under tise eccurging tise rod Imay bava beau tise retuedies se had ap- struck tise sisonîders and buck cf Clirist, plied. I1 suppose slie had beau biistered we enu realîze how 11e must Lave wr-tis- frcm b 1ead te foot, 1and lhad tried the ed under tise lacera tieus. But haro there coîpe e, ale d ail kinds cf as- is a sick and uerveless fluger t1iat 'jusit4 tr.et brs edseha.benmu-tanches the ilong threadcs cf thie binie eaiaedd adcnt sud iacera ýted tfringte cf HI m(, udl Ileeke srcnud1 untiil1f. te bier was a plague.-Bsides asys: ictoucbied M that, tisa Bible jdi ltsier Cdocto rs' W_\e ltaik abouitisenlsitive pQope,i but bills bad ruanp lifrigbtfllyadss dChitwsts mai-stinificaticu cf ail Cen- paid iacney for medpicinecýs and for surgi- siti-veness. Tish gie sstocf tise cal attendac a and for 1bygieiicapr-smletfugrc sma iesliymie tus until lber pursýe vas as e xisa ust ed as eal tise nerves cf l is b an sd 1isear1 n hier bodv. baud and feet vibrato. lî i o t - Wbei, peor wcmau, are yen ding ln Christ, net a phlegmatie Christ, nei, t a thet jostiiag crowd? Btter go home preoccupied Christ, net a Liard Christ and te bed and nurse your dîserders. net an iron-cesed Chrst, but an exquis!te Na! Waand wasted and feint she ly sensitive Christ that uîy text unvails. stands thora, lber face distorted wjth suf- Ail tise tisings tisai toucis us louch Hlmi, feriug, and lever and anon biting ber lip il by the anad cf pi'ayer we make tbec wiIh sente acute pain, aud 8obbîîîgunatil ctitecting lino between hlm and olur- lier tears feul frein the hcliow eye upon selves ceuiptete. Mai-k yen, this invaid1 the faded drese ; oly able te stand bie- of thie texi miight hava waiked Irui cause the crcwd is se close, ho ber pnsb- tiiet crcwd all day and crîed abuti er lag liar this way an(, ihet. Stâiid back! auneiged ne relief wouid bave coma1i1( Wby de yen cro-wd I hat peor body? if shte lied uat fou ched hlmii. Weul Have yen no cansideratica fer a dying your prayer yen lay your baud(o wcmau? But just aI that tinie1the crowd Christ, yen toncis ail thse sympathiesc parts aud tise nvalid cernes aimost np au ardent and glowiug anîd rasponsive te Christ; but shisebehiud Hjm suad Hie 1nature. <iîumeu oye dees net, take bier iu. She Yeu knew that Sa teiegrepisy tisera are bas lîeerd se mucis about Hie kiaduese twe entrants cf eiectricity. Se wiseu ta the sick, and she doas feal so wretcb- yen put eut your baend cf prayar te ed, sse thinke if'sise cenonly j nt tenci Christ tiiere ar-e twc currets-a curreut Hini ouce it wjl de lier geod. - Sue ill cf serrcw rolling np from your isoart te' nftotlonch isHuaou tise sacred head, for C hrist, aud e current cf commiiseretion tisat migih ha irrevarent. She wili nal rolliug from thie heart cf Christ te Yen. beac(h Hlm o (n the band, fer thiet milît Twvo curroats, COh, wisy dîoio go won- seem teefmiir.Sseeys Iwl igabou't tlîjs sud oudchring about lhiuk, tois lm e, n fHie ea-oten tliet? Wýhy deyn net(-11oucis ms tike top cf lt, or ou tiho t (i f tue -Are yen sick?',1I d, o nt tlnkyenare, inîin fab)rj, bu)Lt ou tisaborder, tise bue n"r worse (off tisu Iis îvaliid cflise' bordier, tisa lo1reedaeof tfisefringe cf text. ae e adslngsrgce tisat isSue border; tor ;e o ne arin dc etik iat1,bsbeumoetis lu tsaI I dnt biakHa ihl urtme, . t ilv yo a laý u case oe tleos have hbeard 50 miUcisaothm.BsdsSe was Ib3 tis ocf wbich iny ext ias tia tisat 1 eau tadIbsne loniger. Twelve ,diaguo,ýss!asd Fogus~ -'h, e I ne-,nfcSF.in- bt- N-an mnnn-'r-s,-tn-nin so-i nnv t1noosewn gul scet mnidae a 3lty MassAct ad is Corresponditnuuy I1,ssasliated. 1ir uhe Behring Ses argument tise farged documeantesnbmîtted lu support cf tise ciaifs of ise Uuuîed Statos are tisorue in tise siUý ùf t1iseAmerican caunsel. As ahIlraa do ,c ~Id aoma Sae)aveýry braDclis f tisa case iats ijils o or - les ireciness te tisa n ~sfrtnpA prdutiasaîdcas for a ro- ou] re tub il~ e Ispu te %iitis Canadaairaýsa tisa Deparumetit ccused ~tese papers ta, ,tslatedf, sud cdiscaveed, la tise intense cinscn hi, ot tise officiais ,ait-thaliy amphy snstained tise n e te xclsive ighte. Il sppeared tiserntisat tise tussiarns hsd lime again aseertedsle Juriadictian in te waters, aud iseht ureat Brttsiu, uglis noir denying tisa Aniaican peai- isad noverz uttared eue word of proiest -tisa saile position iras takou by tise luias no doubt because tise5 isd papans in thier possession tisaItise -igosdîpiomats-sa resdiliy gneed ta liseir di on tise supposed Ruassi se11 acqieed je by tisa Britis Gav- ont net until thte terme of tise raf- ato arbitraticu had beau fixed iras app arely coalaisîve docarnenusry ucbruiuto tisa nat.ice cf tiseEnglisis inte.Mn. Fee.ýter, the ox-Secreuary cf e5 iris, it mv li ha ramembared, diecussed tîroityqestioir itis ur Mr. FostLen moteago, tison hadl charge af!tisa z.iaticne w' v(ýeassipdtaEngisuddtisat Pritjýih 1lanid 5 cLe thrcw 'up)iller Be lI 1illnapptiiy tiseFoniga Office, sxed co'pies c i te very papera 1f1roll i11u. noîigishýoure sa1d lqnoted. A hriA inauien îaisis ie the lthat by mietrnslatone sd Inteniinesiions Amenicean viow '.vhich lisd nover beeau oed, by Rsse sd lbeea t- oited ha t ccunury. Wrheu tisa t iras iescovered isera waa rnothiag ,or tlisa tale Dparîmoant ta do but Jihdnawilus aîueis evideuce. Iu Sist ac, hoireùve(r, it wias left wuts îioyau ail ; sud lu is for this ras- ist the coue or the Unitedi States rjîug10imre e ie riitrators wuth viawi tIseaspeciai sud extra- any power oug'.i te ha canceded ho dureten )Ilfor isa iprotection cf suai hile. o, UiYited S tates, cmung tise ay pub. _, iriso hold tise national hanaur as cf en impoýrtance tisan an international iuph, i e f orgeries ara the occasion for g eposofaIindignation. 1h le de- 5 ti o wdeplorable tisat a greal nation d hlave heen lad ta reoti ta sncb mess- , it Is a viair te establuahiag a dlaim, ver ju2t thai d'uni sigiihabc.011- y p i le aunuced htisItise fraud iras iedpîltise AmncanGevenfimeni, mii as upon tise Br ),;b5 dishanest eycve. Tieexptiacion jenotimprais- for no,, douieIsa Dperîmneul afState it- tise menioc f ils Rlussiau translater, s flou beun repne ,weoro, tisai tise c-rter oc, tise fnud 'as been punisboed e baitld haothenrjue ýtissu hy dismis- le unfortunlale sud damagiug occurrence cd to s ren eir,,Ai efthe charge tisai once e tlie Amicaus, in a dispute af mo- lta Canada , advanî,ed their caim h y a us>et expedienit, namehy, tise suppras- uI documentsry teetimcnly. lu ibis mice the homidat-y line betireen Canada iha State ùcf Maiene iras lu indispute. The s5hiien uis that ianarrsngiuîg c setthe-, Dýaiiel Websýtor isehd laie au oid sudd rI ant mapiicis acisn1owi edgad as ha. gta and a langer strclisoftuf brri- bIa ia ecu1red byvtise Ashisunton ~iatoae su tia aterw'arde, in isa LtE cf tise Unjted State, -Mn. We te uegd tise map sud lbossted af tlise impee oi' 4'hïcb ieba hadbeau guiity. Tis is id sbcry, suid it je tac late nen' tacr ~WbienI seai i erveus woman, cer- te tisetbeLord JlPsus Christ, I say saise ,szking tlise wyfeýr.-il nervous people, brcspeepie!( do net gai ninci symîpa- il.If a man breaks bis arm every- b;ody 15ssowrry, sud tisey aik about il al np Lnd dow-u tisaeet If a womnau hile au oye pt eut h y accident, thay -a Tbiat's s dradai tiîing.," Ilielyoy leaskiug abouit ber ceuvales- eoUîce. 1Bu1t wlît a erson le eufferiug Uli(ler tis iie utof -iîici 1 am,,aow sPçekýing, thay say : "O11, Ltat's uebh- ia-, sise's a tIle 1nrv.ou1s, that's l ," ptittingc slilit iupon this mst ageuizinig Now, 1 I hva a new prescription to gîva vou. I de not asis you to discard Isuman îniedicameutý. Ibieel i. Wien tise sligIster tiirsg, occurs iu tise w-ay cf sick- insta my hîe lusebcld, w-e aiways ra fer isa do'ctor, I do uct want tc desj'ise mdiu.If you cenet sleep nignts do netdsps bronîlde of potassiumî. If yen ave nrvous perexysm do net de-spise mj'orinjie. If y ou w-solt te sitretgtihen np ye ýur systemn do not despise qumii ne as a tonic. Use aîl right andipoe medicines3. But, I waut yen te biring yonr insomnie, ani brin1g yonr irriiabiiity, and hring al ytrýztr wause,iiid witli them tenuch Chylest. Toui Ilituneot oniyocutisehem -)f Els garnts but tencli Hini on tisa shonîdeur we H carnies aur burden, teuýc! isHim on tise iead wbere ho re- mambers ;ail mir sorrows, teucis Hum on them heuirt, tis centre cf bis symethies. Ohi yes, Paul wae igist wisen lie said: "We\bava ne a Higis Priest who canai ha toncbad." 1 preacfi a Christ se near yen cahencl fiim-ionch hism wîtis your gusît sud gel pardon-toucli hlmn witlî your troubles snIgai comfoni-teuich hlm witis your bokidage sud ge',l maInission. Yen baaeani a mciit aise Ilsocf au elactrie ciiný, A nman cea wifisoea aud teke one end ocfise cel Thon misnandred persons takung '(101(lcf tisat ciila wý-lil lloeiser feel tise elctnrio power. i'()u hav sen tsaIexpnimat.We,Ch11rist witho.eaweunded ,Lîand takies lîold of ethn c ie electnic chain cf lave, sud tvitli tise atier wouuded hand- talissiold cf tisa oisorn ed cf tisaelecînie cliabicf loe, and ail enrthly sud engalle, beirgs may ley hoid cf thaI cli ansd arcnnd Ud iarouud lu sublime -) i aven- iastiag c rcui s the IbnilI of virestial aud- ce1estiaS sand bretisery sud saiutly sud ceouhic and sarapiiasd ancli- atgii nd divine syuîipatihy. Se that if-t uîamiug Christ ebould swaep bis isand over Iis audwmience suad say, "Who toi1clhd tue Y'tisera euld be hundrede dthus od f voicas respendiug:- "Il c :ELrn~A2P E-r-,O n a~sII Ail kinds of Luisher, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENED) COAL a'ways in stock., We invite inspection and guarante-3 satisfaction, MoCLE'LLAN & GO rect thse wrong if wrong was realiy done mâtêkâ IMal a But it je of hietarical intereet to rerail the fact that Mr. Webster feund a defender a fewv years ,ago in thepersan of an emýinenit Dealing wit'h the Maïua bomunday% irAND 110W 'TO ATTAIN Ftaucis péoint je hacte present Hie as detemiued upon hy Lord %hhburton and e A meiedcaWrk that T Mr. We,(bster le a compromise. lb accords te tiIe; UnitadStaes eesthaeth Aueri cane claimed and to Greaf Britsi le01tha tNe Britih clamed. As t4H iows~ çetfcl knowlcg' isoa cmr ~ a c atf ,sasn and as theadispulta wa8setîleri Py ti5 tian su net by abtaio tise strict latter of tisa treaties guverLn@i ~tiseissue, tise map, whichi ldieated the axtexit i tise Britisis daim, was not requsred in evid-snce altisongi laten au il may have beau usef nI, seeiug that lb etailisied tisai Gi est Bn- tala claimed mare tisan ehe receîved in par. suadiag tise United States Sussabe ta actiopt tise agreemnut tisat had beau reached. Tis casa, hairever, le not analagous tota ta uw peènding su Paris,.liera represeutatives cf tise tira natians wera bargaining for a peace- f i settlement cf a differeuca tisa ias sot ta ha dterminç,d by evidence, by interna- tional law, or aven by a proviens Iraaty, for tisa terme cf tise earlier instruments were vague sud conradictory. At Parie, on tiseochier baud, tisa judgment tisaI je looked for le ta ha based upon lair sud fact. Unscrupulous meunusay poseibly regard tise manipulation sud dietortion cf facots as a rather smart procodure; but il would beaa tubai upon tise Auterlesu people ta suppose that tisey, as s, body, entertatu auy snob loir opinion- of national boueur sud lut aruatian- ai dnity. The Slave Trade lc aEat Ârica- The Central Nw correspondentlu Ma- dagasce ir rites t-Tiseslae rade betireen impatuis by tisa withdlrawai cf tise Britisis croisera frein Malagasy waters. No Frenchs crasser bas for a long trne pasî isean sentis cf Hejaraga, ta tise sautisiard of irnici tise slave le conducted, se that bise slave traders whis are mostly Arche flying tisa Frencis flag ou their disais, carry ou Iheir horrible busi- ness witis impu lt-y. Tise dhaws are' lavant- ably overcrcwded, as may ba jndged fram tisa faet tisat receutly wran oeeof tise craft capsized ahi Mairiterano, tisa chief Arais contre sauts af Hajaraga, no lewer tissu 120 Maltas slaves were drawued. This terrible disaster bas deephy moved tise Ma- hagasies sud tise Europeaun esîdents in tise country, sud everywisere au earuest hope is exprcssed tisaI iwill induces er iMjesty's Goverri suent agaisi to permit Britishs cru isers te patral tise waters of Madagascar. Tisa Frencis cre appcreatly dlisinclined ta inter- fera actively agaLina t1lise slave traders for. f aar of givinig olfenice thie Ar.ba, whis exorcise greet influence aven tise SskaIem. TUE LÂKIi ROUTE TO TH13 WORLD'S f-AiJl VIIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid th e hast sud dust by traveling' ou bise Fleat ing Palaces of bise Detrait & Cleveland Shecm Navigation Company., Two uew steel passenger steamers hava just beau built for this Uppar Lake roula, costiug $300.000 ecan sd are gnsrautaed to e hie grandeet, hargest, safest sud fashest steamaesounbisa Lakas; apeod 20 miles par heur, runuiug ima hetireen Cleveand, Toledo sud Chicago hae ssua 50 haurs. Fouir trips e pr week batieen Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Msckiuac, Petos, key sud Chicago. Daily trips etwieen Detroit and Cleveland; during Juiy sud ýAuguet double daily service wil ha main- taiued, giving a dayligist rida acrass Lake Erie. Daily service betwaan Cleveland aud Put-in-Bay. Firet-ciasa tahraamn accommoatcions sud menu, sud excead- ingly Iow Round Trip Pales. Tise pals- 1t!al equipmenb, tha luxury cf tise appoint- monts makas traveling on thasa steamers fisononghly aujoyablo- Send for ilins- trcted pamphlet. Addreee A. A.Schauiitz, CG. P., A., Detreit & Cievaeland Stcýa Nav. - Varîcocele, The Husband, - Thosee utendlung Marriage, etc.E -Every mn iwho cudknwthe Grand lTruth s,: Ethe Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and N Thscov cisof iiedical Scienea pplied LoM.rred Eav"id who would nea atone for past folies and:. aodfuture pitfalls, ,hould wrete for thie- EWONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK. - t will be sent free, linder seal, while thse ediin: lests., Addreýss the publishers,- -ERIE MEDIC-AL CO., Buffalo, N.Y,ÎE :Fe Umaia § iIR riRD v ELEVEN1 BURNED TC) DEATH. Eut Off i a tusuber Camp ly Foreet lFires A Cadillac, Mici.,1 depateis saye -:Ter- rible foreet fires are raging ail araund bore. The saw miii af Edward Margeridge, four miles soutisofflharo, wae burned yesterday maruing. Tise lumter camp of Louis Sand, near Lake City was burned Friday nigtis amd four men' were burned tae deatis,Egh oth)ere, are mîsseing. Tise horses were aIl burnied aud tihe cm ie Lttally destroyed. A farm h1-ouee near Tusini was dieetroyed and the fr~,hie tf au to chisidrec lest theirli ves. - ELEME V EI WRtE BurNE1D. A Detroit despatch says :-A seilfrein Cadillac, Mich., gives fuller partieuilars cf the burning ta death of 1l men at Sn' lunîber camp yesterday. The men were assei'bled at dinner and thse, forest fire which wae buruing ail around antireiy eut off' ecape. Wheu thse men reali7ing their danger, rushed eut cf the building in which they badl beau sitting, tàs moke se blinded thema tisaI liey became bewjldered. They ran hithor and thither unable to find a meane of escape and their heorses stampeded, adding ta their confusion.« Elght cf the mon jumped juta a weIl to escape the flamee aud îiserc djed cf suffaca.- tion. Tisair bodies were broughr t teh surface l'o-day. Otheors cf ise men ruesed ta t'le woads, and soma of -them thus eecaped, but tise bodies cf vwa cf tisem were afterwar-is founal burned ta a criep.11 Oue ma, Edgar Sullivan, reached Lake City terribiy hurned and djed tisera in fearý fui agony. Tise bodies cf the mou have heen taken ta Lake City, wisere, they await huril. ,vicet of them were etrangere haro and tise bodjeswili hocsiipped te frieude wheu, known. True Philanthropy. To THE EDITOR -Pleasle inform youir readers îh tat 1 wili mai fie6 e talal s uifer- e,,s the ineaus' by which 1 wae resered ta healtis and massly vigor after years cof suiring from Narvous WeakneFr. 1I was, robbed andeswindied by the quacke3 until I nearly lort faith in maakiud, but thýanikw ta hostaun, 1I annow well, vigareu2 aud &suaoig. I have nathing tetallsanisd ne echemue ta axtort money fram aîyca.On wisoire_ ever, but beiug desir.auis ta make ilîle certain cocra kuawn te ail,1 will tour! freo and canildeutei ltcanayone full - par. ticlars cf just hew I1iras curad, Addlrcm Mal. ED)WARD MÀAvRn, (To2achar), Eas -4t End rain Depot The undersigned desire to thank the farmers. of ~West- Dîrharxi for the liberal patronage extended to us during, the past season, alse te emndthým, that we are stili in the market and prepared te pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE A[L LKFiNSMD 80 F CO1A RSE UGR AIN8& E ED deiivered at our storebouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlingten. We have aise on band a large stock, NEW- AND FRESH,, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bag, Ro3k Sait for ca'4 ay h o-es, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared te sel -TflE F OIGED DOCUMENTS. ie i .1 Soa9