FWOR SALE BY 69 King St, BOVMANVILLE. BOWMMÀ VILLE, MAY 31, 1893. WEST DURHAM LIBERA. ASýSOCIATIOQN. A regular anin aeeting of the Liber- aIs cf West Durham is' convened for Sat~ urday the- 3rd day _cf Junie next. The Place of meeting will -be as usuai at th Town Hall, in the tcwn cf Bowmanviile, and the time two o'ciock in the afternoou. The principal business will be election cf officers and appointing delegates to attend t.he great Liberal Convention to be hekd at Ottawa on the 2lst day cf June next. This being a most important matter in the înterest of Liberalism, a large meeting SB desired. By &rder, ABRAm YOUNiE, Secretary West Durhams Reform Asscciation. Bcwmnianviîll, May 17, 1893. Libierals cf West Durham should at. tendl at the Town Hall, Fownanville, iiext Saturday at 2I p. Ie. '- Saturday the third session cf thE 1îiamenitcf 0Otarie c oie te an ený ceedingly busY terin. Sil 'Id his fcllow-,ers have wel' 'tation as gocdlegis sýiatuIrec o rse~a ~dtat thi towu cf Port Hp haeavioe sepýaration of thieseVUnite Cutiswaý ag ,l na divisio'n. What will bc Port Hcpeo's next moinve te seclre th( Mr. Meredith nd àail his Opsto a-rtillery have utterlv failed ini establisiz ing a,,ny charges of mial-administration c: corruption against the Mowat Gcven mientduring the past session, and nov the hustling Toronto Worid bas los patience with Meredith and wants him t do s.mething desperate te dispiace -Si Oliver. On its own presonl)tive evi dence it rnakes thle prbrnier eut a verý wiekecd statesman and fàshions, in imag 1ination, t1ri weapcns cf defeat for Moe dith to use te briug, about the changes devo)utly wishied for by the World. Th, wveaposss are ail titi swords, however, an Sýir Oliver slIeepis at night as peacefullya eTer. LIBERAL CONVENTION~. F'or the ceixiig Liberal copveition ecac riding, is entitled te send five officiai del gates, in addition te the Liberal meiibe or the Liberal canididate at the last ID miinieni election. But thiere is ne occasioi for restricting, the niumiber of alternat deleMttes, as they will al be euitied t attend the convention. Tl'le follewing provisions ba:ve bee inade in regard te railway rates :-Del gates, of'ficiai or alternate, and aial ladiE accopanyng hemi, will he enitied te return ticket free on coemplying with th foillowinig regulIations :At the railwa ofcere the tickeýàtot Otbawa is pu chased I illiI be nceussary for éach pei soni te secuire frem tLhe railway agent t "standIardI certificte,'" and te take itt C*ttawa and p)resenit it te theù secretary( ffhe convention, who will thereupon e c dorsýe sucb certificte se as toe entitle ti hiolder thereof (on presentatien cf sue e ndorsed "-standailcertificate" te t]. Ottawa raiiway agenît) to a return tick( f ree. The tickets iili be goed- for thrE daspreceding the 2th cf June, and f( thiree days after the close cf the convei tien, Sandays net included. At Ottawa arrangemients ùave beE macle fer special and very mnoderate rati atthi arfs eel.Delegates wiahir information or desirîng to secure accn medat.ion in advance can do sei by ce] inunicating witb Mr., H. A. Bate, hono ary secretary cf the Ottawa Reforinas ciation.' TiHE LATE THEOS. WELDON TIr TAEMA' oldeat subscriber dead--one of or inoat prompt psying at appreciatîve resders-Mr. TIses. Weido cf Litîlewood, Middlesex C., se irellia favorsbly known lu West Djurhamu. M Weidou eigrated rou itIse Ceunty Tyrone, Ireland, te tIse Tcwnship cf IDo iiuigton, sud se'tled on let 13 lui tIse 4 concei-ssioni, ui132,asd îesidled tIsera f nearly 19 yea-rs, uid then mellved te t towniship (Àf Westm"inster, on aceount tIse iekuiesa cif ta son. Ha l bas visit this district aliiost avery year sud wh iasat here ha spoke c f isiug te cross t AtIauitie te isit blis native countlry. cf Blackstcck ........... Moday, 5. morning 1. faIt aIl woru eut aud tuait r ýar- Cruastrea (Sý:bol)... Teday, , 6. appetite. Buot M arubppy te aay abfer tal for E.iklc... ..... Thursday, Il ave taken thr2e boxeag,can slýep as we ha Tyront', ............... Fddy, 9 as ever, suit enrvous suid camawuk cf Croo........... .. Mieday, ,12., aywihut ,nIigtirad. As bloc cd ( Naircastie . ..ý....... Tuesay, , 13 builder aud narve tonic tbey are thio be ani Neortonvile.... Wdneday_, 14 I ever ttiitd." hae Kendal.,...........Tursday, o15. AU il aadesOf KalsemÉine at 11. -Worth Darlington Oouricil. METHODIISI' UNFERE1±NCB'a Tow HLL Hniton My 7,89. TirE TENTH ANNU"ïAL SESSION 0F TI The ce)unctil mjet pursuiant te adjourn- orQ u 1 vaEC, N-.1'FE lr cE vlT0 î\ 1E T 1PN ment, members ail present, minutes cf SniMoE Sr. CnuE'cil,OSA , iast meeting rcad and confirmied. 11 'S WIE' K. Seme accountýs were presentedl and laid on the table. AS 1manty STATESýMAN reaýders will s1VL il A petitien was presentedl frem W'm. themselveý I haopfrunt terid Reynolds and Il others praying fer a domo cf the Conference meinetings atidh c;hange in the location of the roadclf lot 4 awa, we give the floigprog!r±i in the 9th coui. Rcferred te Mr. _Brent The Stationing C m itts et on IIi and the Reeve. day, May 2, at 3p. ru. From S. cf T. te be allowed te) erect a The Miiteriail Sa i euts Wedq4cý platicrmi in the town hall. a MyU a 1L. '1 From iMr. Levi Morris te be alwdte aMy3, t1 .r enclose'a portion cf the rosd aîîowauce Conference prayer meeiog ou Thtirs bctween lots 22 aud 23 in the lotIs con. day, June 1, ait 9 a. mi. frein the south end te the C. P. R. The a arnal Conferenco e te p ts i Moved by Mr. Polock, seceuded by Thursday at 10 e. ru. Mr. Courtice, that the requcst cf Mr. C0NFEREECE ANNIvEESAIEIEY. Levi Morris te have the use cf tIse read allowance on tIse lth con. betwecu lots Wcdnesday evening, May 3l1-Ed1nca. 22 and 23 be granted oun payment tional anivisiry-Revs J. 1:') -t,ý. D.1, of oe dolara yex dringtheChaucelier Bârwash, S. T. 1)D, and W. pîcasore cf tIse council. Carried. P. Dier, A~L A., B. Se. It wss ordercd that the north quarter Thursday evening, Jue 1Misý'inay of lot 26 in the 2 con. be transferred from anniverary-Revs. E. 1. Balgluy. Bt.I., rý ad beat No* 34 te beat 39. L. ID., W. J. Crotherý, rM. A , lnd IL Mr. W. b. Law applied te havc a por- C. MeMullon, E-q. tion cf the 4 con. road aliowance opened. Friday evening. -, eiosr': Referred te Messrs. Courtice and Pollock.' Revs. R. DLuie, Pro)f. Aý. il. P'eý . M. IThe roads sud' streets comîittec cf A., Lb. D , and the Pre,ideut Bowmanviile appiied te tIse council te Saturday aftcriino,3-Thocil appoint a commrittee te act with them lu Union LcueRv J. Thomu, 1. A, the iînprevemieut cf the boundary roads. Subject, "The L3iok cf iUsggai the ,iPr~o- TIse Reeve sud Mr. Pole -,k were appoint- pret.", cd. Saturday evcoinL, 3Earg istic ar Mr. Johni Baisem coînplnined cof en- vice-Rev. J. WV. Tottenr. croschments on the roadl on lot,,33 in theo odv5E..FCE 3 con. Ref erred te Mr. Courtice te ex- Mns,5E .c ..Auvra~ amine and notify parties te remove their Rev9., J. P. Wiso, BA. , J. J. Ra'i î Mnd febices from Said road. C. P. Holten, Esq. Ou motion the Reeve ývas instructed te The evening mies leg-s ill commneo grant rders on the Treasurer for the. fol- at S p.,ru. The lectu re of the T_1 heological lowingû,sums :-Jasmes Pve 3rmadlscrapers, Union will ha, givun at 3 p. ru The $16.50; Micbean & Mvasen.3 road'scrsp- snniveréiary meetings willI bcfield ýin the ers,:26.40; R. Woodley lumber, $12.15; Simace St. Churcb. ThIs eetings upen M. A. James printing, $17.35; Samuiel Tuesday sud Saturdi-y wî1I)llh bld lne 1be Decker Hospital fees, 810.00.. Medcalf St. Church. Indigents-Janet Wilson, Gay,Brsnton SIBBATII DAY SERVI C ES sud Ceurtice, $5 each; Benj. Wilson, Cenference love-festst, 9.30-R ev. i Couch, Malle; sud Lewis, $4 each; Lane, 'S Clarke. Oduto s'mî,10 - Stapies, Wilcox, Emma Stacey, Jane iiev A. Sutherlanîd, ID. ID , te be flpv 1 Stcecy sudDeeker, $3 each; Sproul.sud ed by tic ordinatnut ,ervict,, conoductei 1 Camupbell, $2 each; Gay extra fer cleth- by tIse President cf tIse coinference. Con 4ing $1. ference Sabhath Sebool Auiniveisar3,, 3 a The Court of Ri-vision met sud coufirru- P. r.-Revs.ID. O Cros&ey, W. PL. thb scset o] eapei aigYoung aud W Johnson, Eq. 7 p. iii - beau made witbin thse tirue allowecd by 11ev. T. M. Camupbell, te ha followed by law. the Sacraruent cf the bord's Sapper, te On motion the councuil adjeurncd te be couducted by the presidant. Saturllay 25 1th Jnne se10Oa m. MdafSre hrbl:,Oi.i. IR. WINDATT, T. C. MdafSre brh1:0s . __________ __________ 1ev. J.J. Rice. Sabhath school msig ~LINA.3 p. m., RIeva. N. H11, (Iý. 11, Ètiley aud A gcedly number froru cur Divisioni at- W . Carke, Eeq. 7 p. nm., 11ev.C. tended District IDvision ai llarruouy on Iarser a hrh1 Friday... .Visi!.er: Miss Lulu Reynoldî, Pebtra hrh1 . ru., Wv Soarbore; J. B. Reynolds, Tcoento; Wm. E. H. Koyle, M. A., B. ID. ; 7 p, u Reynolds, Valrn'is; M.dý Kathleen Eh- 11_ ev. S. J. ýSh.rcy.ý e tt, Mrt. Fred. llorsey suid Misses Etta Baptist church -10:30 a.nin., R11ev T, ansd Sophiý a Jaes, Bowmianviile; Mr. J. Edmisepn, B. A., B. 1.;7 p. in., P'-ý ýr aud àMri. S. Bray, Eufiad ... . The anrtiv- A Wilson, M. A, I1 eraary cf tlIse Eidad Sabbath Sohool waB Cedat IDile 1)cl-: .ru,1. beid on Suniday and Mouiday. Ver,,,y Sp' C. Hlirain Fus-es. propriate aermo'-ia were prcached by 11ev. eons psoalauc- Lr. C. N. Watch cf O-hawa sud thse pastor, R11rev. . W Sswcop; 7 p.ru., Ri., 1 11e, J Lidytelarge and appreciative Scun.grcgations,. 'TIe siuiging bvrthe asohool .M am. Y. ! C. A. Gospel service-a' 4n is ïature of tlirae c Bion, Mr. Bensoît Cryderman esrvng SentIsDarlington-1U00 3tJ ma. V Legreat credir for training tIse acholars se T Brown ; 7 p. W., 11ev. J.H.ke ewell in sncli a shlort tirue. The recits. PAE P-1E SIVCS tiens werts cf a character, both lu sle- AYRPASSEvc. tien sud reuLditîcui, aeldeum surpaêsed. 6:45 te 7:45 a. ru. n1 Misï -Nancy Williams had charge cf tiis Wednesday-Rýev. 1. B. Rleai, t- part of t.he work sud imeat efflcetly did Thuraday-11ev. J. E. Mss )r tIse sebolars perforin tIsi respective Friday-Rov. E. A. Toukin. i- patte, tbereby reLctinga credit te their T .MKe w tutor. Short speeches were muade hy Sturday-Rev.T.S ,IKo t 1ev. ID. S., boucksud Dr. Mitchell ef Monday-Rev. G. WV. Marvin, I'Iý B. to Enuiski-ýlen, Mr. W. WVerry, Supi-rin- ------ Mý ir tendent, 11ev. J. Liddy, aind Editor 4- Jaiii"- who was' ahonored by being chesen A TIMELY GIFT. y chbrmsu. Mr. James A. Werry, secret- 4-ary, gave a dettaled sud encoraging re- The Courtenay, B. C., :News of Mayy 1> o-port cf tIse numerical snd fluancîi affaira contains a long report cf a presontation o sud werk cf these cheol. Arung those cf a geild wtch sud very ceruplidîentary ae who recited uLicaly ware b&la Argue, address te 11ev. Alex. Fraser (fortmîetry of i, Louis VauNest, Minvie Baker, Edidy Orcue) froin whicb we tako great plea2-are a Werry, Mabel Argue (Queen of Msy), lu re-publiahiug this cxEcrpt: barman sud Fraik ie 'Vice, Chas. Short- About five years aga 11ev. A. Fraser ridge, Hilda Westlakë, Harold Willams, caine te this district, sud lu addition rtc Gso. «Ce)e,o' Nota Werry, TIses. Shýort- bis duâties in Ceurox Valey Iooked aftei ridge sud others whose namre!i we de net tIse spiritual wlfare cf the peopls~e fLin. h knew. Thesa e ais as uaual very gool ion. blis werk required courage opêur. aud well served. Proceeds about $65 sce and self sacrifice -cf n,) slight d egre e- HRifs abots at Union f roin a very maîl i be ®r A DYSPEPTIC'S MESSAGE. ginning tesautacd recenitly lutIse forritl o )n REXf a separate Presbyteian soiety r-cquir n REARRABL& REsuairS OBTINYD Fitom ing the services of a resideuit ministerý :0 HS USE 0F A Waaa KNOWN REMEDY. This wAnt was sopplied s fewv weeks ag( A proininent customs officiai testifies. boh ssgmnt cf tlIse liRv. J. A ili to folowin l' iggins te ti piacQ, wbo la s uaceaaMfnl nILE mntIa-o-e';glTter oarrying on the werk se well boguii. 1 e- Bhe0( îsNON.,22 Ma~Ly, 1893. W" faIt by M.FasrsUnionfad es Dr. Bîiler ?dc iîcine 0Ctibat his separatiemi frorui theru as a patoi sa GLNTLEMEN,-It Riv.ait mutnaIs plea after so long a periood cf ardueus îýtvmci te sure te ieatify te the great beneflt, 1 .e- should bit muarked by Psea uitùtblereco, y cor-ad freinthse use c f your Golden Pi iti ierapacaino sa o tr- and hope ethers, siriarly efected, will and worinh ; wacc riiiily tLey pr'ocur r-profit by my experience., A hhcrt timnaed u rane ets aeec n n-~~ ~~ an.ds.e.în g-s irtauedm ted ad cf te bckeilotl>reseutad ot t i For~ ever V case cf Catarrh -which, aud your coughusayend lu oe thin serons.It's pretty suire te, if your blood is por. Thatý is just the tm sud ondition that invites Censumptioný. The secds are sown aud it bas fastened, its hcld upon yen, before younlcnow that it is nieir. It von't de te trifle and delay, w1en the remedy is at baud. Ev- el" disorder that can ha reached throug111 htre blood yields te Dr. PIeýrcc 's Golden Medical Discovery.1 Foir Severe Coughs, Bronchial, Tirroat suid Luugy Diseases, Asthma, setof ula ini ever y f orm, sud aven tise scrofulous affection of the luugs tbat's caleud Conlslmptioün l ahits carliier stages, it lsa apsiieand corapletc cure. It is theonory blood - cleanser, sirenigtb - resterer, nnd flesi- builder IL efetve that it eau be ýýguarcin- tee J. if it does't benefit or cure, Ma avery case, ,youJhave your môn?; back. Ail medieluie deaiers have At. they caiiot cure, thie proprieýtors cf New Building bi'ïri. Dr. Sag-e's Catarh imey>ge te psy $50 iluCash, YoLI're Ct'tad Mit. Alfred Gulley sud Mr F. G. i ld, sothig, lasf and lbomber have fcrmed a partuarahip sud by ld itsh 7 ceni,. A wilt carry on business as contractera, haah~ n'"~.rlC5,et eU'O Pîd. budera aud general carpeuteres. BotIs ara thorooghly skilled sud' practical workruen, Isaving au intimate knowladge With the Art Intercharîge for June iv'e! f ail tIse details of tIsit busineEsssud puis,1ehedl s meaot dc-ligtif-i l'îtle prit ein ,iA en deavor te giva compiete satisfac- celer of lPmuk Rosas, by thse e.-, ' wter ti qi lu ail work eutrustad te theru. celer ari ist, Patil de Le.gapre. A --" d Thcey are prepared te undertake any new colcred suP3pplerwni", cf great - t m'- work or repsiriug lu tIse carpentry lina, '.worketrs, shows Sprays of Dais ' - - give estimates, sud where neceeasry eau oral colormng. A pre"'y ii-11-1u~,.i suppiy miaterials. Correspeudeuce ruay "At IseBooalde la ibrd tK'elIs addressed te Guiley & bomber, Cen- ruj uit. Tise very ably edited HonteID tractersansd Biilders, Bowmanville, or -orati.uildUpartmenît has s cbaýrrîitg draw- tbey- may ha seau personally. Mit. iug, of a b, 0d r> mui. s pmety 'Iark, s beau Gulley ]ives ou Centre S t. sud Mr. Hum- tifutily dî aigmmcduxerier for- a huoi*q,,and ber, cor. Qusen sud Ontarie Sta. SULggesit ns if-r Uwiew drki.p-m> Fer___________ tIse rust tht r, ,e exquisie des glis for doyleýr, . plL, se-i eus, initiailatter, P'ILES 1 PILES!1 ITCHING PILES. &,, The Ju t muommîbr with: its [brea SYsîrrears-M.oisture; intense itchinig beautiimul p.i-îred qiipplemin(' ts. ceais, sud atinging; moat at uigbt;, worse by emly 35;- cents. Vov Lsis by aiil i-,sdaia- scratcbiug. If allowed te 'continua turu- et ~ ors forru, iricIs ofteu bleed sud ulcerate, SrR-1o(LV Eroa.-Ieadvarssng becomiug very se. SwirYNE's OINiT- rf joo' , asprtaapel ets MENT atotIDSthse itchiug sud blaediug, Iseais jober, comimoin si o f thinking people, ulceration, sud lunrucat casas relnieas tIse bec tus it la truce-a nod it l ays f 11ly toraý. At druggiats, or by mai],l for subaautat' byi ulosrueImns wIscIs lu 50 cents. Dr. Swa.yua & Sciu, PIsi]sel- tIse tiiancial w.orld a'voald hLeacacepted phia. wjibout saurun'sIesitation. TIsry telI__________________ tIse tory-HOOD'S CURES. Ro,d's illa ciure livr i la, jatîndice, bilmouise.es, sier Isheadache, ceustipatiojn. W TIsa June Arcna isa a inoll ituiant- 0 I t as r b b l y t I s e) l a r g ea,ý t r a t a z n e MW 6t v revîaw, colitaiîing 161 pagea. rin thse leýad.ing papers_ in tbia niotable anii versary issuie are: Iupeauity suld Gamins, hi' Arthur McDouald; TIse Libersi Churcbtes anid Scepticisru, bh i 1v. Mat-IID o 7OU w ant La ion ID. Shutter, ID. D ; Arsenic versus - ChoIera, by R. B. basIs MPI., la iu teraesting suad timeli'; W ,cn age-earn- GO TO THE, ars la thIeWest, by.Hlen Campbils; 1,3 lain, Pastatsd Préeeut, by Prof. F. W Sauders, oeeof thsu moalt scbeîarly ralig- ions essasys (f recemrt tirues.' Mdrs. Fran-es . ces E. Russeli, chairmain cf thse Dresa ICommittea cif the National Counicil, con- j tributes a papes ou Freedom luinDresi yAltogetber this ii s rucat notable issue cf 'r -cviTT rat D if tbis progressive ravie w, sud ne readers cf D o .y "" w LJ.H e e magazines rbeald pisa it h'. 150c. a niumber; $5a year. Arena Pub. Ce., GO TO THE ~Bosten, Mass. "Canada as a D.umiping Ground." If IHavana manufacturera cf aigars e.wers te bear tIe favorable criticiarus cf esoieaof tIsaconueisgeura regarding tIse Strasb thtIsaIl sold lu Ibis country of tIsais rmanufacture they wouild "chuakie" te r*tbemusaîras at tIse goed fortune tIsaI they h ad fouad su El Dorade lu Canada. !y Il li a well knzown sud undisputed fact, and wimoesknouts it bettes than thse blavana manufacturer bimsef, uIsat Can- orada ta tIse dumpfing grouud for tIse poor- e est qnualty cf cigars ruade lu Cuba. - TIse loek cf lbevýi!lrment sud surprise 'k ounIs uth ca f_ tIse parties froru rwhom 005 buver purchaaed tobacco for o. us "L4 Ca.dens" suad '"La Fiera cigars - would have aflerded s r ire subject for a ._ "Whst are yoil goiug te do miIIs that, le tobacco ? t, "Hlow are yen gcing te obta*-In priceî te protitabli' wirk it ' 'gWhy!' OAly thIse iabpeeat cigars aire 1ol0lCa n ada l" Thase sund sirilar expressions wara a%, ruade b'Y tIsasellera rA TIsarse c'asi cf tobacco that la used o. lu tIse branda we bave mnentioued, if s, miauufaatnred inte aigara luin lavana, y- would bring doubla tIsa price hase tIsaI la ýt- obtsiuied by os. hi Onrt numerens medals obtained lu cern- 'a petitîcu) witb tIse uvorld at Paris, 1867,ý X_ Cauteunial, 1876,, etc., fuily demonstrate_ ,u tbat we are nma-ters cf eus business. r Dou't bh bubugged; if you wsut s superior articûle at s fais prie, lusist upen ,r bvingeus branda. S. Davis & Sous, onMýontre dl, largast sud bigheEt grade cigar . manufactured lu tIse Dominion. 3es Hotu IT vo TIFE LriGu.-Tbe rua wbo tello yen confidanitially joat wbst will cure your cold la prsscribing Kemp's Balsam this year. 1'i tIsa preparatien cf this re- îuarkable madicine for cenghsansd coîda ne expanse la spareci te comibine culy tIse hast sud putet inigredientsý. old s botie cf Ksrup's Balsaru te tIse ligbt sud [ooccir hruugh h- ; notice tIse briglIs, clear i-ook, tIssu comitparir ith ther remiedesa. Large bottles aI al druggists Oc0u d $1. West West. money? GO TO THE, West End, House Bave Yem seen tW. -Iethodi8t Magaz. mne for June ? Mrs. Judge Carmnan, cf Cornwall, desaribes in a charmiing mian- uier ilhe Easter Suinday cf Dr. W"Iitbrow's1 psrt'y in Nsazsrcth anYd their adventures in limbing Mount Tabor, withi beantif ni engravings. The most handisomnely illus- trateda aticle laeuon 11Reumanis, by "Carmnen Sylva" the acLempliished Quaen Elizabeth cf that ceuntry. A portrait and iife-sltctch cf Mira. Catherine Booth, the mother cf the Saivation Army, by 11ev. Dr. Barrass. :Ne other Canadian periedicai bas reached haif Its age. Now is a god time te subacribe. The thirty- eighth volume wili open with a spaciai]y patrietic numnber eontaining a five-page poem on Canada by Rev. Dr. Carman. Price 82 a year; 81 for six monthg; 20 cents per number. 11ev. Wni. Briggs, Publisher, Toronto. End Bou îy tIsa 'AVER 'Cheërry p( New. Butcher lU'W*m. Mir. (4eo. Joli and Mr. Robt. Rfowe have boghit the -old eîbibdmeat busin(.aý from MIr. WV. R. R. Cawker wbe bas fer se many yearscrid on a sue- cesafol utchering îbusinetss here. Mir. Jol has a ihrr.)ugh acquaintance withi the meat trade and the higli chsracter of tht, Town Hall Meaýit W aýc1uai7ters wil be fully sustaincd. Thie nev proprietors will give zAreful ard prýomIpt aiention tot ail orders and are d1.derîuined te give sat- isfaction te aill usterýners. Caqh wi1 he -paid fer bides, sheepskins, tallow, poul- try, eggg, etc. Ilighcest pr.ice for good caives and iambs. Onizens are re.queatedI te give Joli& Rowý,e, tlse rew firro, a trial. How to geta"'Sunixght" pictura. Send 25 Sulgh"Soap ,vrappëra (wrapper heari' ,the wrds "Why Deet a Woman Loek (J d SoonierlThan a 'Man") te LEVER Baos , Lt-d., 4*3 Scott St,, Toronto, and sou wful receive, by poit e pretty pîcture. free from advertising and~ well worth framing. This im an easy iway te decorate your homne. The soap )is the heat lu theimarket, iand it 'ail r nly cost le. postage te eýend in fbo wrappers, if yen leave !he 01411d Wie your addre, -~ k tee Curtains ? End Hou .mp Carpets ? End Hou D yeu want F1,,r Oil Cloth GO TO TIE Do you want a love] y white- Qu- GO TO THE W..est End H-ou Do you want good value)'for The Dry Goods and Grocery Hoi of Bowmanville., JOH-N MoMU:I Mrs. fC. . 'WooLDnInOF Texas, sa-ved the- lite of b ttse of .&yers'sCherry 1 On !muy eiidren hr ý. t agaten5i hv nr ni TIse New Englaud Magazine for Jue opens with au iuteret'ing psper deaiing [witIs tIshe nsud tiruas cf "TIse Boston Tes Psrty." Price Collier gives thse bis- tory of "The Old Meeting bouse iu bang- Isar, Mas,," tIse flret church organized lu Amaties. Katharine Lee Bates ceutri- butes a long poeer on "TIse Futrai cf Phillipa Brooks."' Charlotte Forten Griruke, gires s plessant chapter cf ber personaltecolîactionsof tIse poetWbittier" Thaîs is an luatalment cf Benjamin Peu- Isallow ' Shillsbsr's autobiography, "Ex. perience duriog m'iuy Yeare." harles Frederick Danforth wtltes a papar ou "'Trout fishing lu New Englandl," RiaIs. Burton bas ema pretty liues, "Freru s City Wiuidow." EdîltI Mary Nerris, tIse pe)et sud torywritar, condluotss départ- ruent of Housebold ýScience sud Art, cf intereA totelady readers. 1 1 ALaetin4s begin at M p. m. 15owmanville. < 1