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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1893, p. 5

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pas fmnrtc s lro- worder th n fhtýat it le found on ,The cSurgeon's Sheif 1-2hea Mother's Cupb0ai'd The 1raveler's Valise, The Solâieêr's Knapsak The Sailor's Cbest ,'L lit;Saddle rnrsStable The Pioneer's Cabifl 'The Sportsmlari's Grip, The Cyclist's Bundlt * ASK FOR THE NEW - "BIG e2,5 BOT T LE ' eQpecial Noi. ~pectacl1Zti F'or the cenivenieuce cf customers lu the country sud lu order te demenstrate the euperiority cf our glasses ever the cheap trash being sold et extortionate prices by 'ha pedlars, wo have dccided te psy imonthly visita te the folc sing pae ~n." ng r firt vigit as% f llows re~wastle at Facneonîh Bros., Jane 7 Orono at L. A. Gemaby's, if 8 BI&okclstooýk et Shaw & Mclug's " 14 Eilisklhlonat F. Rogers' if 15 We holdtd a l difflomas front the THRPEE MOST '-OTEjD OP TICAL COLLEGES ilu Americe and have ahi tho Wost modemn scienttihe testa for proporhy adjusting spectacles sud we gusrauteo jperfect satisfaction iithie most complicat- ed cases. Having made a kapeciaýlty cf ïhe altudy cf the oe Gfor many yearesud liaving bhad the 'benefit of fulcourses, of Ietrs lu the ebove colegea we are mir,îtos willinc-, te reîutnl the mency in ant- urrangement wsui etten. rse eri Jowest. Gold goodis a zpecialty. STOTT & JURY, DRUGGISTS and, OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RÂILWÂY. BOWMANVILLE S TATION. GOINQ EÀST GOING WEBT Mail ......8 19ni Mail ... 520a m E1x1res. 1 7amILim.È;ipress. .6 07 a m Ilxed. .24 proLocal.....8 39a im Local -... 707pmiMixed..... 229 am lipregs,... 95 p I Chicago Ex...4 12 pm L" Ex .-10 57 pm IMai..... 830p m ,VILLE, MAY 31, 1893. and Otherwise. A., Bunner spent the 24th at Mr. J. H Cryderman sud family apeut the24th et Hampto)n. *mr. R. Dumavs, Beï' la vitiug her ther, Mc. S.Arod MissaLeavons cf Pickeriu.g wss gusaqt Mlmsa Buinuor ounQeeus Brttiday. Rev. M. P. T3hllug, B. A . gave a tory t$l1ely lecture lu bis cburch ou Qneen'a tithday ou Quesu Victoria. I'eterboro OddfÀellows vîitsed Ponty- pool on May 24, initialled sud gate tht dogros te 17 candidates. Over 40 mom- bers now hehong te thia uew lodge. Our readema wvho L-now car esteeîed ftieud, Rot. S. 'Smlton, frîerly cf Clarke &aud j =fa, wll sympathize with him itluthe deat fbis wifo, as noted iu another columu. The editorlil staff cof the Toronto World was incrèased rceutfly hy the ad- dition cf a Good man sud the effeot la ai. ready apparent, foc on Fridey lest the Wcrld contained oua cf Dr. Telmage's lermeus complate. 1Don't forget Kirhy'a) new pintshop. *Drop iluasud see him. The new Fedoca IHat 'Senator" au iE na aisefull lino stiff lis. beteast tyles cof pictace mouading checai at Dobsen and Msynard's "Big 20." The higbestý price paid for alh hindi of fart produce hy W. H. Osborne. Styhlih bats for ýýentïj et John J. Mas- on's Dry,-),eoda sud Jew. ry Store. Pure Indiau Tea > - îorteid direct, ae mnrdoc's ohd I . fî PETER MURD'IOOHl agent, A slnddlot ofEbodeisjust in at th6 West End flouse. The prices fot theseoodls are ho1(w. Dr. Bathe'a ole Pilla are tbe mosd aientifie medilcinel bhooGd purifier a'nd ineive tonie yet offecred the public. Givc thmn a trial sud Le coutiuced.'% Liniment cures Danrdruff. iNIc. C. P. Blair spent the 24th et hii faher's at Gcùeenbark. Mr. .Jas. Eweart is home fMLatwa fter a yeer'a absence. Messra F. Hanson sud MI.'e'sh, Berl n rare heme' ovar Suncley. Edward T. Iloner, a Port Hueo grecer, died cf paralysie lest week. A new tume table came into force on the Grand Trunk or Suindey. By actuel" conut oeue sixtb of the shopa on Queeu St., Toronto, ara vacant. Mr. J. J, Patterson, Ttiunton, speuit Qneen's hlrthday with relatives lu town. Mr. W. S'. Sollitt, P'Ort Ferry, died suddenly lu Peterboro May 24, aged 731 The schooer "Vienne" went agreun d near Charlette hast waek sud was wreck- ed. 500 Men's sud Boys' Suite et Maaon'a. Yeu will ho wiae teases tbem hefore you buy clothlng. Mrs. Jne. S. Bond sud daughter cf Torouto have heen gucats Mc. Thomai Burden, town treasiurer. Charles Clerka, editor cf the Orange Son tinel, Toronto, died! on Thucsiday, agýd 44. His brother Richard died lu Novemnber lest. At the prayar meeting Tbucsday nigbt Rat. T. W. Jelliffe referred lu tory feel- ing terme te the dosth of Rat. David Savage cf Tilsonhurg. Messrs. J. H. Oliver sud W. C. Sand- erson, two clevar yenng mînistars, well hnown lu this district, will ha ordained et the Toronto conferouco thia yeacr. The many friands- of Rýt. H. S. Metthews in this town and district wilI regret te hear that the Methodàiat chncch et Aurora of whlch ha is pester, was dauîeged hy ithe cyclone lest Tnaesday te the extent cf $,0,so the doapatches Etate. Rote. O. R. Lamhly, M. A , ba cloed a tory saccesaf nI Ibrea years! pastomate et Wellington during which, Baya a roeo- lutien in Picton Gazette, aIl departmneuts cf church werk have heen sctivoly main- tained sud a $1000 debt ou tho parsonage ha. heen pmotided for. Aftar au hopelasa endeevor, Port I{ep? has sctually, lest hope of becoming the couinty tcwn and has decided te ce bud its town hall. What a eheeky act It wa fer that towu te expect te hecome the connty seat wheu it bas bien hy its owu deaire municipslly divorced for many yeara front tho eut M.A. James ia agent fer the fcllowieg popular steamahip linos-Allen, Allaen- State, Dominion, Amerîcan (forsnerly the lumen), Anchor, sud Hambucg Amecican Packet Ce. AIl information about rates sud sailinga cean ho hed on application ai the STÂTESMÂN office, Bowmauville, parsonelly'or hy letter. The Canadien Engincer is a nûe% mionthly cf 28 pagýes sud cever just t ate ed lu Toronto, deývoted te miuing anc ahi kind cf engineering trades. ita uai uessrews sunmery is tory intarostlug. Itcomparas tory faivcb!y with an3 [o! tbaoethor trade jeuruala. Pubilsheý et 62 Charch St. at $1 e yoar. The H1igb School foot balh teant plavec a praçstice match with.thie "Gls4iators' of Tymone on Friday i9tsh ma.a tht ville. - "- "'awbiàh endod ik fator cf ,ucùof 3 goaL te ], HIo - .xya wero rcyally enter taiued with cefreshmnents by the wacm hoagrttodisud generoue Blily Mooce et thi Cornac sýtore. Rot. H. S. Mstthewa cf Aurore, in for warding bhis subacription -te Tns STATES mAN (paying to Jaly 1894) says: '.lau glad te sce that THE STÂTES3dAN keepi ahreast cf tho tintes lu thia livo ago, sud notwithstr.ndinq yeara cf honered servicE is as active sud enorgetie as over. N. waekly paper bas ever c)mù th Pareonage thet la read wltb anytbinj likethe pîeaure efforded. hy your paper. TouRI'sTs, Whethar on pheasare haut o Ëbusiness, &hould tae on cvery trip hottle of Syrap cf F 'igo, as it acta mos plossantly and effdctnahly ou the hîdueyî 1, liter sud howeis, pcaventing fevers,head aches and stber forma of sicknes5. Fe sale in M5e.bettles hysîlleading druggiati The choicest fsmuly vrocerios at W. H Osborne's. Tiir STATESMÂAN to e Iw sucribei balance o! 1893, for 50,. Berh sud Aninea-led Wlroe t R. Worth' hardware store, Bowmianvihle. About 800 rella of pretty Wall Papor te ha seld froin 4c. upwards at Kirhy'a. Dr. Buther's Golden Pilla are tlie ho .c6rnady for improvivg the cemplexion, m( movilig black heeids, pimples, etc. f Lace Cuctaiùs lu ail qaalities-new an eIeýant daigns-and ne botter velue an3 whare. Coach, Johnsteun & Crydermar The pleasauteEt, cheapeat, uicest an n A RuOMPTCREGete u-H irng sujfiaced ever two yeara with consitip tion, and tho ed)cters net having belpi me, I conicluded te try B. B. BI., and L fera1Tased uîoe bottie I we. cured. I1e: aIe ecousmeud Îil for sick headiAch li'EuaiD. ANS Lk eOnt. Miulard's 'inliment relietta Neuraîgis Xext Friday ia tJe 27eth ariniversary et the Fcian Raid cf 186G. Richard Sanpson, aged 14, H1ope, hýË mya;teriously dlisappeared. Mr. Chas. A. Burden cfI Rochest1er, N. Y., was lu tewu over srnday. Mr. M. Lockhart of Toronto sp6unt Que an's birthday att his homreý here. Miss Mcbaughliu hias heen ,isiti,,g linr sister, Mrs. B. B. Cronyn, Toronto,. .Mrs. T. Uenwood, Port HopeA, wasa roceut guest of Mrs. 1-'. D. Devidson. Miss Cumminga geas te Brockvillc,, June 5th, to write on an iexaminatien. 1Miss Henwood of Port Hp was gue,ýt cf Mis3 Mahel Nerthote on the 2-1th. John Hlunt, Port Hepe, waas robbed et $25 in Peterboro on Queu's birthiday, Mr. John Bownsan, ex-reeve cf Harm- ilton township, sud wifo woeaguests et Mr. James Thonipson, Conýýcesson St, E., over the week end. Great Clearing Sale of ?ao' ,000 par b,ýots sud shoos, the stck miust b- sold, Mr.Win. Jenningsi in cag.Great reductionq. See advt. Miss Clarkie, daughter cf IRev. W. Clarke, the writer, G uelpli, mwho weto Africà as a misionary iu Jane 181,0, diaed thora cf foyer 'March 18. Mutceal's b'g ProvincialEhitIc will ho held Se pLt 4 to 9th. Maen- trie,% early. . OStevensons, Manager sud Secretary, 74 St. Gabriel St. A. O. U. W. Maxim-Aso3smeut. r' tho good seeds throwu upon good îoil, aud whon our toil shall casse, the har- vest being grewn, e-ur lovad cnes rot] where we have sown.- J. W. W. El'ddy, It having heen reproeonted te, us that s "Govemnm-ent phiotographier fcoma Otta, 1wa" is "ta4king" the school h<luýes in tii distr!ct, wà wlsh te get the facls cof t1ic case. Why la ho spoken of as a a Gov- ernmont employes ? A little item lu n nwspapeýr tay sornps tirnes mnake a man an eniolry te the papar for life, but it won't sitop hsm if rom re'ad- ing it. It mierely changes himi from ù subseriber tû a bcrrower. Every publisi- e eau recall tue namas (f citizen)t who come uudur thia hcead. In tho Juno nnher of TuEMTEE NursERY GUIDE, Dr. Caufield dispolo sorne popular Meusions conicerning th! contageous diseuses cf chldhood whi4« "seomo muothers think it j nt as welI kQý thoir childreante have as net. 20 centsa nuinher $2.00 -% ycac. The Babyhood yPuhlishing Co., 5 Bcekmuan St., New York. Mrs. S. Manning's many friands ari 1 Viving her s cordial walcome homje froni 3 Califcrnia where she lia% spent the win- tter with hem daughter, Mrs. Cls6rkap. Sbý m ays everything was eorched aud dry acc weather ike car imideumrmer when sbe lef t Redlands. She wes savon cdays ar reute and wa.s quite weacy -witb the 1crý journey. The Royal Tempitlars parelqd toe churel on sun'day Morning nuider emon Bro. W. J. Bîagg. The siaters 0d arI> Iyoung were eut luRcocd force, but th brethers3 were found "w,àniting" many oc thîem. Perhap4 10 o'clcck la too carly c- 'Sunday moroing for them týo tamn oui, RE R:y Bro. T, W. -T,"'ý SEx. 4: 9J and EzQlk. 33: 6. Thece was r ucertain sounid about hiq opinions aud professing christias who pray for the ex 0 tension ef Christ'a kiugdlom s nd vote fi the devil'a rumn ageutï5 got a sccring. During the puat winter mnany person in thia district.have died sud their friend will heoerectlug monumnents to the:à ceory., We eau in sincerest confident, recommend, ail intending purchagers c ehead atones, monuments, etc., te cal o( 1 Mr. E. R. Bounsail, et the Buwmanavill 8e Marble Works,, who has received fron 9Setland atory fine assortmaeut cf granit ptcmb stoneu, uow ou exhibition at th rWorke. Mr. Bounsall ima thoroughly re 0' hlmn will ha preperly doue. The hes 3tmonuments îsa Lindsay sud Peterbor 0,cemeteries have been erected hy Al r- Bounseli, and there ha% noveýr been. ai )rwork froint ther sculptora placed in Bew mantville cemet.ery that will comp-ilare wit An eccsiioneal bettle cf Àyer's Sars Ps smilla dees more te correct the tendonc cf the blood te accumnulate humiors, an la keep th, o,gansaeud ud halthy, 1ha any other treatunent we kncw cf. "Pis Svauitioýn la btter than entre." Try it thi miintb. Ai colora cf prepared! Paint etB c- Worth'o, Bownauville. Lovely English wool Carpots j nast opai ,d cd ot et Couchjohnstou & Cryderinuan' y- Don't forget that the "Big 20" is ati i. giving bergains in American Can en Id ian Wall Paper. ýV. A PRemedy. )a ed Prr.psred sp)ecially for the expectodi ~.vasion cof Asie le Choiera le a a been tberougblv teated sud its virtue ai epewer proved lanowbeiug placed inut] blanda cf the rugst.Ask for "Àcý cholera Xyrp," rPitcher's Castoria. jas, Morris is very Psici aunivaraary Jiin .John Piuch is vu ýne i u 2 siting frie'nds ia Dr. Lm inlaVery III with pneumn- usia-hotb lunga. Mc. Allen Willaw.s, Baliavilla, spent he 24th et home. Air. H. C.- Del of Erin bas beau gucat ýt Mc. Thos.Shiua Mr, Jasý. Moeanis rccovaring niccly ýromu his atteck of pueuronlia. Miss Minnie Jolliffe of Clarke >iitcd it Methodist personage Sunday. MUr. Rd. 1Mo1ses asud family, of Grand ýaid, Mih., are, visiting friands haro. Miss Edith Ku-,owhson, Lindeay. bas etau visitiug lhec ister,Mrs. E, L- Fortt. MINr. suda Mrs. R. R. iloskin and fam- ly speut the '24th witb relatives lu Oýh- lwa' Mc.r W. S. ormist3on), Lb. B,, Toront-, ýpeut Qe'abirthday etMca.J. sip. Mr. and Mcs. A. J. Taylor snd family rf Toronto 1have been vfisitxnrjg at Mc. J. Rankui'.s. The Travelingý Dairy to-day will he lield lu the old B.ý C. church building, Qaeeeu-st. The S.S. Par;isient on -which Mc. sud h1ra. C. Ted were pamengers reached Liverpool Mouday. Mr. sud Mcas. T. A. Brown and Mc. W. Bickeil, Toronto, were guesta cf Mr. 1H. C. Tait on the2th 0f much more then usuel interest wes' the meeting c h Epwortb Leegue cf the MethI-odiqt Chnrch., Mouday night undar the direction cf Misa McWaIin and 'Mc. 1). Il. Coatea, B. A. An admirable pro pram had hacu pccpared sud was render- cd with good effeot te the large audience of young people. The topie for the even-, ng wasae moat intecesting eue, "The Bible Ideal cf Chacacter" sund.the akil with which it wes hai ied and diacnssed n fiacted great credit ou thos2 tàking part. Mca. Isaac Je)well gava an cxcecdingly practical, ernast addres5, full ef fool fer r, fiection, sud ashe treated bier aîubjeet, the Ideal Charactar, in a vcry gifrted manner, most favorebly ipesighec liescers. Mc. R. 1H. Staacy read Pe vccy crediteble peper, brilliantlypsrayg the cherac-tera of twe models of virtue sud faitbifalness, Abrahami, frein the <)'d Testament, and cur Lord J eans Christ, from the New Teýstamnent. A carefully pcepared paper ou "The Excellent WVomani"%va read hy Mr. M. A. James, giving lu dgta-l with original thonghts e vivid Peu picture cf the virtucus woman eulogized se perfectly in Proverbs 31, 20 te 31. By reqnest ho also gave e brie! address on the subject cf. "Woman'a Sphere," sbhowiu*g cleaery thet, althou-h ho emphasiz-cd a thercugth home train- ing as elways shie fiat this.g in order lu a woman's educatiou),ahe shnoJld ha alla)w- ed te fellow sny p)rofession (or vocationi sabe chose if she wasacdapted fur it ; knd that ahe shfould iune ciwiae ho preventedl frem leaving the limited aphere te wýhich a oswictled, to erysipelas. sffMig veto extremniïy r, rmtlhe st. the ankle en oid sore, wlsicbegan mto ex- tend tiooeU'eraparts of thse body. Attr'trymg varions remedies, 1 be'gan taking .Ayer's Barsaparilla, and, before 1 bad finisbed tlic first bottle, 1 experienceegea relief; t1ise second bottle eff ected a co=lt cure." Ayer's 8arsaparilla Prepsred by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau., Çures etherswlII cure youi A COMLAINT. EI>IT0R TÀATE--MaNý.-I dislike to find fauît wlth unr mayor. bat whien hoý shows snob a want of loyglty and. respect for, our beloved Queen as not te inejît on the Union Jack being hoiâsted over the town hall on hot birthclav, wo think it time to make a complaint. Citizans aro anxious te know why the nid flag did flot, float. Mr. Mayor. please explain. TRUE BRITON. Whcn yoiiaîkshfer "Cable Extra," 'Mungo" or "Kicker" do not ho ludnced. te teks3 other brande, thet are repreaoutod a. beinig "piFat as good," or with the apohogy "juat eut cf thern," suda-smiller subterfuges. Nearly haîf8e century e! publice pprocistion by the best judges o! cigara in this coutry, as showu hy the immens-e quantities sohd, sboald hoea sufficient guerautea cf their being the VERY 'BERT. ï ou take ne riaka when you boy any hcend cf Cigars made hy us. We do not manufacture cheap gooda. S. DAVIS & SoNs, Moritreal, Caii sud soe the cheap sud pretty Wall Pespers et Kcrby's b, foce buviug. Net.-e cfRirisai~Ists lars!Sages. 50 cesmît s ~ aeh InsiertIon hi ife oflMc. 2 quartette froni Messs. IH. Kn1ght,\W. ICight,O. Smnith sud T. E.Hfigginbotham. The detotionai ( xeýrciees wsere condnCtedl byMers F. A. Hsaddy sud J. Joblin. Hîigh School Notes. Our foot ball teant went te Norwood on W'ýedniesdey,- 24th mast, te seeh frESh laurels lu new fields. This la tho ficat tinte they bave gone eo far fcomn home lu ase-rch of lame sud though tbey camne homo disappoin 'te d they are net disheart- eued. Wheu tbchy arrived . et Norwcod, by way cf1 C, P. R. from Bucheton, tbey wvere well receîtod sud during their brie! ejoumu smeng the REsterners they wero ,exceeding-'y well treated sud the tbanks cf the wbole club are duoi the otertainors for the watt hearted hospitality wbicbh tbey disphayed. The Foot Behi Tourne- meut seas tho thoexcteeo f the day suid our 1beys wece soeonet worh holding tlhcir osen agahint the strongeat terni ln the. Midland Coanties. It wa% comnposed cf pupilsansd ex ,pupils of Norwood Hligh Seoool and every player shiowed evidence cf careful training. Our boys put uip a gced gaine sud their pleyinig was ach aduiired hy thoe poc-tato)rs, but they woee unable te score any geais, foýr the lutine- iblo bo' oi ie hoine tcam eemed e h alsesys (3u1guiard sund nohly defended thoir goal. flu spitecof ail car1 boys coahd do, or cather, what they did do, thoeir op- poçnnts ýhot Hihall betwe r goal sticks three ties sud thus the match e- salted in a v-,ictuory foc the Nor- Wood teai. The Competition wss for the Silvor Cap sud the ý,hespionohip of ,ha Midflaud District. Our boya wero arrsniged asfows:Gl, . W. Brad- hurn; Bacha, L. B. Whh ansd C. Everett Browin; fafbca .W aee F. W.Wccry sud J. Lawaon; Cotre-fir- waied, H. Rnndle ; Left Ming, W. J. Inchiaud C. Siemnon ; Riglit Wing, L. Paco sud J. H. Etiott. Mr. D. H. Costtes, B. A., accompariied the boys, sud with the chierc, reporta a god time. Miss Hlghet, M. A , asud Miss Oumni- ings spent thie 24th with f riends lu PrINGFIEýLD, MO, April '21, '93. ler MNedîicine Co. ELSME,-Hsving rently had umy )I called to yeur Goldlen Pilla as lIent remedy for building up the ked nervoue systeni, will say : I sd enough cf theui to make a test cf their efficacy, and can say l]y that they have doue une good. avoï especially relieved me lirgely rvous hoadaches which have given ble mnore or leus for several years. r Water WVork, Springfeld, -Mo. best place tob'.reliahle Seeds is 'Murdoch rte old stand. lie new SprinpR Coats ýfoýr Ladies ildreu xt John J. Maos Dry MARRID bride'a father. on ite 1h byh Rt Reobt. Cade, Mc. Wilam Gleorgea Richarde, cf the townsteip of ickering, sud fMisa Mary Elizabieth Dixoen. ef Whitby. MoMuisve-Caos-Aýt 97 Snimech St..Tor- onte, the residence ef mc. Gco. E. Hunier, cousin of the bride, on May 21h. by Rat. Can- on Sanson,, Mr. Thos. J. Me Vlrtry, Bowmau- ville. and Miss Louie A. Crosby. daughter of the laie Marshall Crosby, et Aurore. DIED. HENsRY-At Newtonville, May 1 9, aged 03 vears,Catharine,widow of the laie Jas. lHenry, SALTON-At ltnthven. Essex Ce., Ont.,. May 19, Lillie Learoyd. beioved wite of Rat. S. Sal- ton, in her 36th year- To live in hearts we leave behind is nets te die. W iLnor-In the Township cf 'Westminscer. May 23 1893, Thomas Weldon, Son., in hie 9thl year, formerly of Darlingten. WOOLWATD The highest rnarket price will ho pald for rny quantlity of wool deliverel one door eapt of STATESMAN office, Bow- 1mantille. LEWIS QUICK. BO-WMANVILLE IMARKETB* Corrretelat Ry .. I5euriry, .ýery Ssda Fwouîs, t: 100 t4........ 81 60 to $2 30 WHE., ,Fali, tV bush ... 0 0 IlO67 Russian, .. O0 00 O 065 n Fife, Il... 0 00 lO070 n Uooîse, n.....00 n Oil 057 Colorado ti........ 0 0 lO062 Rya la" .... 0 000 O50 OÂ&Ts, la..... .0 00,,0 33 BluTTERt, bost table, VI lb ... 0 00 0 14 CCK 1 1 lb.......... 0 (OÙ, 0I2ý EcoSI;VIdoz ....... ....0 00 ,011 PoTÂ&Tozs, V bush........O0 00 0 50 RAY, Vton............. 600,, 7 00 )LINCOLN REUNTER, BARI{ISTER,SOLICITOR, NOTARY Publio. Oonveyanoor. etc., Bewmanviile. *Ont. Office over Davis' boot store, ICng St, Acceunts collected. Estates msnagod. 117--m G IRL WANTED'for generol house q: work ln emaît family. Àpply te M. A. JAMES, STATESMAkN Offie. Bowmanvilte. LB-tf -PÂSTURAGE.-A splendid m rn of AL pasture fer farmn stock te rent with plen- ty of good grass,. water aud kshade. T. G. SToNýEmouaE, north of Hampton. 22-tf T-LANKET LOST-On Safuirday last ..L3 between Orone and Bowmatville, a horse blanket. The finder wiii confer a favor by lea-vtng (t et S. J. H1ALL'S, Bewmanville. 19-tf. TAM13S WANTED.-Any number of 'fi.Spring Lambs wanited fer whichl the highest prtcel will be patd by H u îE r&W'Rýi fNT' thc Peeplea ï3Butchers. Bowmianville. d-I4LsVES WANTED.-Tean flvris à es an suour New 1'rem- FHME& Wuxv, tha P'eople'e Butchers, % combines beaut nd B1 avfl.8t o)r ,hemi -atamjpa tken Ripans Tabules cure niauses., 1We sýhow the fineat Stock of UnliOn- wool Tapestry and Bru3sels (2arpe!s heldý by any house in M'est ljurham., Couoh, Johistcn & Cryderma-n. -o- îi ceaetrï5hblss inade jute ejgars lx aycases is bralidell oi t te celgar Tusý gz.ara;nt9e zsnay bo rcallY nrtol wh~n the publ.arce fri, ca ~ I frsntelve ets per po-und il jvnardf,3 Tâte ouly .F:uant anil lte ouniy OIE, E 0FElt 110 sinokers. Li; brands ol cigars tisha *ývestoo>il tue tesýt for nal lialf a cesery, tIsat rre reronzi5eed ce, hllest g %»4s, al I'sayg 15 statcd by lise nîauy mtllio-xs of' Cabi, that are soit! yaly n«liw nUiCis tuB June 28th, 29th L& 3Oth, Beginning at 8:-45 a. m. ech day. N. B.-'Wrïitg aad Drawing- books ust ho banded to the premiding examiner on morning of 28th. PRIuAÂRy bepins July 4th., and PAýSS MATBICULATION } July 4th. SEIO LEÂývi-NO nd HioNoR SCTLRSI' July I 8th. MÂ TIU ULf-&TION ) M. M. FENWICK, B. A., WNOOL VWANI ED 50,00W lbs. wool wanted at, the Hamlpton Woolen Mîis for which the highiest cash price wil ho p'id. Farmors only their eyes hAif open, they are'P buy of the middle mon buLt tl' thlem wiith their wool. bring- your wool wbsp fa ctured- -you will age. Alway- hand-jo- will 'b' for D. 'ýPA Yii1OE SS lu business 11f. is Jargely de. SUCCE pendent upon O CCESS heinig propterly trained in commercial usagces. A thur- ough couirso iu practicable subjeets under experionced office-nnwill pu t amibitious young mon and womeu iu possession of information that lias a rcaiy demand in the commercial world.Eegn illustrat- cd circular msiled to any. add-ress. A pply to SPENCER' & McCULLOUCH, PRINCIPALS, Usmnilion Business Coilege, 3M,,36, 38, 40 James St., South, Hlamilton, Ont. if you wish a î'eally goori and reliable Watch cail and see those Waltham'and Elgin W&tches baing sold away down in prîce and fuillY guaranteed by T. N. RIOKARD, Watch maker, Jeweller aud Optician, Variety HalL Miss Shaw is clearing9 out ail Winter Stock of Hats, Wings, etc., at cost andi many things far below cost. A nice lot of "new Veil- ings ,Justreevd icdo eî fP.OBwmnil ............ 1 1 - 22-tf. 1

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