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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1893, p. 6

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'- the shortening-"'4fý ctaking the place of lard---., dee-or cooking butter, or--«< e,..-botb. Costa Iess, gos î-"5'-farther, and la easily-i 6>.,-digested by asiyone. , 4&- AT ALL GROCERS.-4 49- Made only by "-~ H i N.K. FAIBANK&C.H ~' ~ Wellingto,,nnsd Amin Bs., "' MONTREAL. is hs e sttrimph ii phanamfor the cure éf il Vs >'.ptmthedctlgKDNssY AND 1,v zaC Gmplalut. *If Ltu re ronbietd Witls costivenesu lies, urteaci - Ileadacha, Issdlgese lori,- Peca RArzns,v TIFEsD lEme, ýmX, Re cimTePms lls Zighis, âMsanchol ;Feeling, BcsAcÀ bold et ail Drnig Scýers. Pstrb~o' edineCo., Ltlmlted, aPETERBOIRO', ONT. Smc- llcdachandremiî'e l he troublesinci- 0-rictuoa illous tae f ,,.systema, sncb as 1iniziuess, Ncsn Jo issDstrees after eatiîîg, Pain iu t eS Ie cWhife their most reusarkable succe' ho h,. own in curiug Ileadache, yet Cava' n-LîLvEn pîm.s are eq ali- amable i n stptocrD and p. evanrtiug thisa" ciigcmpan.whil< they also correct, ai ldsodrots oac, J stînula t hs er a1 imi it he bwelg k~en if they only ue ~cbethaywoul ha lmot pricelesi to those W'hosuier romVhsdi, tressing complaint;, ~utforumitsî thirgoodness doeseft end ~el amd tlms h once try tbem wl1 fid ~*ieeelitîspus vlubla fiii s many ways that '~y su fo zh isigto do without there. f s hsbans eof '. manr livOs that bers Ig where s'a make oui- great boast. Our pille cure it while others do not. SCeavsa'e L1TTi.z Livna PILLS are very'sinall and vary easyo take. One or two puIswnako a dose. Tbay ai-e trictly vegetable and do xiot'gripa or purge, but by their gentis faction 1 Jease ai l so use thein. In vials et 25 cents,, ,vc for $1. Sold avery-mhere. or sent by mail. CATL MDICî17M00., tlmw rork. M h uil bilDo.1 bû1moi, HESPERIA'S VEIL. 1 A FAIRY STORY. Tata was a princess, ths ricisest lu Vht world. She owned a tlsousand palaces, aué was hs omly cbild of Doltnec, who ruisde hundred kingdoms. Sise iad e thousand dresses, and she cbanged them four imes a day,and alVise courtieisesaidVo lier: -Yomi are as fair, as tise moroiing ;" -"your sysE are soft and brigist as Vhs ceening star ;'5 .your bair is longer and lovelier than the nymph0Oupha." But when sho turnedaIsmýide, sise beard them laegis and jear sitlisoueanau otiser ; amîd in aIl11hs ae there wvas noi a single mirror. Oua day thiere cýame uo court a Gçgnii, and he isad lu bis baud a littîs mirror ilu golden frame. «« Who' wili buy ?" cali eta Geni "Here is a mirror lu whicis mortels Ss theinseives as, otisers ses hem. " AV once Tota, who lied heard him f romt hs window, sent ber maids, and wiVi ai] he jewels in tise treasury, sise bonglit the mirror. Graspiug iV eagerly sise bnrried V. bier boudoir and locked hersaîf i l abus but scarcely had she glanced lu 1V whau sis. uttered e most lamentable scream, 5h. was hump-backsd ; sise lied but oua 5ye, no cysiasises, e long chîn, a hooked no,,e, red beir, decayed and broken eetis, a mon. strous mon tb, and was as thin and ilack a: a crow. Witb ail lier miglit she it dashed Vo the floor but it was hard as edamaut and re. maimed nubroken. Tise courtiers who rushed in cried out that tise glass wes false, end Visa Genli one of those evil bsîngs who deligit to torture tise eblidren of mou; but hs princeRs would noV ha comforted. With the mirror ln bar bosom Site shut bier- self tmp in the higliset tower of he palace, and tisera, aiternateiy, looked et herseif and bemoa;ad lier fate. To increasec lier dietress word cam a Vs ,Prince H1aw s as travelling witb a splendid retLinus Voc court,eu that he camne Vo asIc bier lbaud, "1 wii nyerses lm"vowed Tcta ;" wiiishu siyeif np and dis h.ere." Bt onea day assherepsqatsd tissfor Vh one .j h Unded adfifýiti iune, Lilia, he firy qus1en, ýcame c. r ite chimn'mýy, sud stood, on Vhhearfth, lu thâ kese f an id wm-,VM lu u ' 'k_ Jti ber bau sis h & deo Ivertis. Toteh',ardly vn kd t er; but said eagein. "No yomiWn I' -i hsold woman-, '"for you vwill i îarry 1île prince." Isehe cndada eli ' ekecé the prini- ces sSo rtsfuiy. "No but eie is h veil of Hesperie," anssvered the oid waman. "Wear this and you will excel ali maidene o? tiheertis in loveiinsss" And as sha '.poke, siethrew it around ith' prizoosss, Tot&a snaïoheîdcp lier glv-s'ceand saw lier. self straigisi , 1m Lnd litise vith long sun- ny bairý, andie Most. beautiful fa-e, lu- stantly sa" feàU Voriugîng tbe halls witb might ansi main. "Cel ' ýk Lord Viddlestlck. Tell him Vo ssnd mny maiti.. a-..d my dresises, andi tweuty jpages, ced -'- "Stop1 1" 7e$Ad tise. olsi womiau, "sehet wil yen 4g' d e mefot &a ltissI' ."«TakE isat vosslike," auswarad tise Prinses,, aili puiiag et Vise belle. "I sah .lsmuvour promise -- reînsm- ber" sans-nmitise noiid eonian as grbs wbisk- cep tho llxn Al the ,r.aicts ocamus ruuuing aethVie Prn C cass ' cei, wisz., whn she laid eside tise Veil, was b-m iies 'îI'iVo berseif, than aver. "Elow ,heantîful hes ecclusion basuad yonr 1Hmghmess 1! saisi 5he miiat Vhs saine Iiimi.a sifng ate cdi oter.1 The r'inceo-who@e gliss told hier a fer dîffereumi atory-..sms.-ed ber Fp amnd sas si- lent, whie they pu,, ou bar e robe o? silver tissus, and a spisa-llid arowiî ; Voeu oves- aIl, misa tbrew thse rail ling hitissrto 'nnoticed. Tise maide o? h-'cear screamed andi tared. "Blase my soul 1" exelaimesi the Lord Higli Fiddlestick, wiso aetiht mment put bis bead in et tisa duos, hacking down stairs lu bis aston8hmnt-r,île tise King, lier fatîser, rubises bis eyes, ansi pulied lus beard, wlsen ise saw lier, fancying thet ha seas asieep andi draaining. Prince Haw, who th ouglit ho bad neyer seen anytbing lFo lovc ,rn bis-: i ,fe, bov.eýd Vo he grouîsd, ais beiore e suparims- beimig; andi tbe Prinsce.e, wlso m..s tise is-st hour or su, was uneasy and edos;bt fii, reassu, ed by a sly peep et lier Igle 'ga.sso sweli with impo rtaîsce, and forgat that si.e alid ever bec. ugly. Tbirty days tise Prince viites e thVie court. Tise gardens seere tiscown opsnu Vise palace resounded witbîinusicpfuntiuiusliy; eaci dayVise Princees chiange(!i ber robes for others. stili mare splendid, and eensesi Vo gios l,,ovliar witb evss-y change, *,or sisa was _Kcas- a iewaye o webr ise silveýr veil. Tise wedding day was appoi0ntesi ; ail tilse ailors, and jewelers, andi dressm-akCm nu hs city seere-bcsy, andi Tota was walking, abus lunVthe gardese, Vinking of ber future grandeur, and looking nccasioîsily ilulber heloved glass wis e d Idwoman linVise grey jacket rosa suddeniy before isr. " Go Vo Lord 111gb Fisidlezticl," said Tota, wtbotit lolciug up.1 $.No" saisi VhLe womau,Il mny business le witis you,." "I bave no time o epare" A psi-iucess ouglît eiways hiave time Vo keep lier wvord. You promisesi me sebat- aver 1 sonisi mk in returu for tisa veil of Hesparia." "Taesit, selitever iV l," said Tota. o Gi ve ih me, tissu. 1Vl is e glass in yor ani.Iwaut I for my c est of curiositias." YOUNG FOLES. Hi- lovely juet Vo look "t. Witb hie tboughtfufl, hrt rown cyes, ie gentie face tan(i bining curie,- But ho lent vcýry wiec. Two brbaehabs'onid Two dinspie, be can show. Vet bca's ignorant of i)many Vings That ittiebabies lkno. Tbaugh be talks in childieb fa'ibion, Ha know'e but p retty words, And be say8 tbemn in a voice as ewect As the cooing of the birds. Hae miles et everybod, But hhahent iearned Vo fret; And=gr looke and pouce- H1 nesm't know thorm yat! Oh. everytbing contents bim. Sa be's neyer iearned o tease; And kicks and t-rcans-hbas umaare There are sncb things as thesa. But he's lovaly juet Vo look at And o cuddle anîd opet, Flor te wriggie out of ioving arms,ý Ha basn't leerned it y et. Oh, a s et first 1 toid you, -Ha isn't very sise ; Yetwcre wc ail as ignorant, Eartb migbt hc Paradiso. EmmA C. DowN. Tho ftbistopher Cin mbusr. steamer heing bulît 1b" h- Ansaric-asi teel Barge Com pâlnyyet 1ýî: zSip . i',r, Mi n under tise superiitsu..m - < e Cp' ý g McDougail, brother of ap.Aexts~. McDougai, tise tm's.rge~re "wisaleack" 'eoabas raeisd Csi sPt coat of paint, and lei piyý4.rn pletion. It is experte-! Viat Vi seelc l ha s-ady Vo ail outisa '-,,;- i'Ska i, les navigation ni) thers cpasss. *'-o a 'c1luE su huilt sxpremsîy for t.'c Word's fais- tsadf, ansi is capable of carryiig ,belcr 401 andi 5,000passengersast oua ime. Great interemt eixi4ld ' C'di Criss- plier Columbues, not onl'v hecause -f her e- treordiuary size, btbec0eseo?' lier peeculllur modal, wbscb, so fer as esnr-ryil is cncerned,-is really msu experint. Hfes dimnsions are 362 leestoves-u.11, 42 fEet beam, with a e daticf 24 lest eregiL are trile expansion, of,0 erepwg bilît bhy Sas usm E?.HoF, e &Co isa , ind(ers are'26 inchsa, 42_'inchos ansi 7'-mâ-~ sîe. Tisera le eabattes-y ai ix Sect'- type ,jboiliers, sacli i lest in diaine le- antd P2 ltil1ong ovaierugstdfumuaote. Tiid halles-s wes-e bushý by tisa Clevelaisi Shiip- building cospeuy, ansi as-e reposted Vo b modeis o? tiseis- klnd. Tisa singlea f unne, <-)r ".sniokestack," l enaasiy '20;lest lu diamsc~- er ansi tisacaptain'z bridge ; le seiligis PI) leest bove tise wates- lins. tIV leaxpectosi tisat Vise waves wiii neyes- waslih high. A feature o? he construction i l ia he busricane ani upper decks as-e rass5esi upon mson urts V o sucis ieigis t tisiven tVce iieaviesc seas wiil scarceiyv reecis iem. Tisa spacebetweeu Visa main ansi upper tdech ký, opei, ais as-a almo hs bu! w asi- k-, m s, a ,t aj -os se will have uncimpedsd,3 rushl-)~ over tbol-iowss- deck, is oofpoaudiceg tisa Pides, as is dons witis lu -u isip2,. 'wsîdo tise iron tusrets ara spiral Stairs Its- eascemding eidescaudirig Vo ise--dii'g moins aud omIses- onpestmessîs in 0t ise ba, ansi he equilibrins o? hs vassal ies saweil1 esrangad tisai tises-e el ha has-dly any roil. ing shioumîc she geV into Vhs trougis o? the By os-des- o? ho German Emupas-os-ch bas .just bean placesi in oun f t-hccabjine of bis yacht e platie sacr henVsafaut Viat "Messial von Moltke livesi lies-e fsos is'let 3rd to tise lOtis ofetebr 1890." twoegsoe-aî culllo? butýýter, ou0 hait cupfu i' f isiiedmet gravy or dsip-1 pings, one-half cupi ni o? sw eet-an, Ore- bell teespoonissi o? soda. Before hcking, dip hs top of sadis cooky lu tise seiita ? e gg, thon iu graniulatLee auges-. Tise white o? tisa egg senoV Vo hbeatenl. In u li mourning among tise Ciine e black strende of tise queue as-a repiace ,i y white ones ans inlutisesecond 1,vsuig b liglit bine or green.. It is an impeýrdouailfle breacis o? etiquetta for an ipufsos- Vo enter ri tisa prasence of a superior witb bis pigiatil t fround round bis neck or issas, ansi the y greateet insuit ons manc ce faaotfier îss Vo pull bis pigtaii. IV sasms ersy oàcls"CVo i ses seilors ou ship or iu bars-acks cojmbiqg1 sacis oiier's long tresses, os- coolies eat these street corners perormiug Vise sains fsien4dIvr office. Cusg m f riss a mato wear la1 becs-J andi musta;hlia til ha hecornesa grandfather. Children Cry for1 ion. IlTdke whatevcr else vou lilie-.t se MISOELLAf4EOUfS ITEMS. gold a-nd jewels in thle-"ý "Ai!1e gcid andl jcvwels of the m re -r Chinla tea costs $20 a pounld. mine," returnied the nid Nwoman. " 1 w&u Igpthsoer200oblss nothing but the glass"' gp a vl ,0 bIsk, "And 1 tel yon i 1 ilflot part wîthtlT Inu fiand wmnare hbik cashiers. repeated the princes,-. Toronto geýts ,as for $1.05 a thousand. Tbink again," said the ,olid woman fol' ifI eav yo, yox Cn nyer au e bk." Ti- founder of the Quakers was a Shlos- Tota lnghed s corn1fuily azd'tIrni dlmeL, maker. hack. Whlen, she turned, the nId wo 1a Te rcachi was origiually a po)isonlous was goDne. I"Give 1ber my prectou giss1air j d inideed "s'he iamurned, ooking fu~ A Jfao lcreroad char.ges three in it as she 1,cnt Vo bedrsc for I,-l cents fa ýrO. brida C'.'c~ uecopays lher winuphysician Ail thie mids of bionor lvere 1w ibi4~6,0 r The br idai robes iay on thehed. Te(-1,ri;~" ~o cess took off ble vei aud Fseated hors., o'dcred thirtecen torpedo- while they combe-d and riidh.X; ' c5r'-r. with geins. Suddeiy tou as4 ~ t.' in Jepan who has tcii acres she had iooked a zd," iev2"- g1 ' . pna - otin-polst. gone. Iii ail w4s terror ai, ~ 'ii tq 'U . . , )ke Austra- IISeareh th-. palac- "c'> » "'er!li ý1'vr.."c Ail the pses wer. en"d T" <,' himei ae t ~u, oa-,' r,- 1). -ýd in the Indian mselfsam.e;bo', h no window bad bAen op'. cd ý-ý , s% ey lQ ý, I. .pST&ie ge Il - n- - @i s,%lt works are go much '%.a ahi ,othole uflexplolp ~ ~ k," ~coea mipx was not ýîI, bc t"ioqu - In thfe mid-c 3 ,0 h. confusion camce Prince Haw, who, fînîmtg ,le 'oive, ps't t 'la', "f t rellord taken by American as- ace d(re-rtod, atirl 1'ea i g n n h4'u ut-'t"O' cf a-, eolipse -o. Long isiand Princes" roomus, w fnt np to ask wv' ït w- t: Vhs matter.i A sh;p receutly cieared at Liverpool «"Whem-, le my bride ?" lhe askied, 1,ooking whli",h -'-4 "uit in 1836, but which Lloyd$ wildly aý--u"d, II and who le this trillhtflil I 'ecl red 'l 'rseecuy Sound. 1 bag, wlho speal<s '.PhL 'a Y5 W show"îig the violet shacie the The' ritics ' ored a fearful srmkand tmkesC fth iriol sa hb1ei feul dmwn flim.Prinee Haw ý-s1-'d Vo .1, 4'.mor f an inch. the st3Jhles, ansd rode - lil, wil,,i f %J-A curions caprice le that of a iNew York lowe'l by aIl hai retine-]eaving -I womau who bas made a collection of penny hier recovery +o ssmt hersp'f np aý-m'in 1, ler ad bas securcd over 600 sncb lon.tly tower, and call on tt'e i ~y "if" Vu-1tropi rturn, &;ý shg looked in he to ath' I ost of the transportation in Havana, rglasis. Blut. opportunitie- -nd fairy qncepi Cba, s funmshed by littie horses hitched seldoui come twize ; ani thongli Tota bawis to , victoria. There are 3,000 of those riga berlseif hoarse, ni)o1od womn-an in gray wii]linth-at city, ando but one horse car lins. ever come Vo lber agaîn down the chimneyîFý,. Thie South Carolina Fermera' Alliance saved its iieinbers sTiearly 'S1,000,000 dur ing nOW OYOTERS GROW. the iast year ithe Fuchae f frii, --for tVelorops. Witen They Art Iery yq>UUkz h TakLes, A mran in ']erre Hlaute, -1 nà_ lut an ini- 2,000.000 or Thens t, Covei, a ~efaut trat in a box & ha et and fber four lacs, ittns Tabby adlopted the rodent and it The riveter at he commencemnt 'of 55Vhmvng career me 80 amall that '2,000,000 wouldï on1y D. W. Hughes, of Mexico, Mo..'possesses occupy a square inch. In six mronths eaeh1 one of the few patents issued by t.,-.,in individnaloyster is large enoughto cover ailf federaite Government. 1V was for a breecti. acrowneacb. The oyserisits own aschitect, plng for a cannon. and the sheil grows as the fish inside growsq, A London bookseller sayR, as the resuit being never ton smnall. of o'bservation of bie customers, ths,ù Vhe It also bears its age npon its back, and phuloso,ýphers read by wonien are Schopcu- it is as easy Vo tell the age of an. oyser bya hauer, Plato, Marcus Aureliuii, E5icLetue lookmng et its sheil as it is that of hose b nd3 Renan. lookmmsg at their teeth. Somne extensive experimemitshave recent- Every one who has handied an, oyster 1,y been made ii conuection w'th. tue Ger- slîll usthav noice th sucesiv nay1ellrs menarmy, the object of wbicn bas been to overlepping each other. providle continuons electrical illumination Th ese art echnicaily ermed shoets, andat igh from bailoons. eacb one marks a year's growth zisoltb by counting thema the age of an oys8ter cai Tbe foIlowing advertisement le from au b. determined. Aus1tralian palisr: I'Wanted-A yonng Up Vo he tinse of its maturity -Vbat iý, womnan (1the plainer the better), Vo belpi a when 4 years of age-the shots are r-egtli:rsalgeniteel farniiy ini heir domesti mat- and successive, but after that time tLhey ers; mns without ringlets preferred.", become irregular and are piled one njpon i Australia, it is sehl, t'ilephonic mes- another, %o that tbe sheli becomes.- bu1ky sage s lhave bien snccessfuliy transmitted and thsckened. ove r ire fenc(es. The man who t'nonght Fossil oystere have been kIeeni of whîh i of this device nitilized the top wire of the each sheli was ine inchesick whence fecean thrre wire across the road they imay 'Dgse d Vo bcmorc tan 9")U i pes. yaars o.Id. A necw religions) sect caili'ng hemsýeivesý One Vo two million Dy-,term are prýoduce.d "The Eveun g Lighcsý" bas been organlized from a sing!e parent and theirorci ilunss.The-, do îlot caltopeor accountýed for b'y he fact tbat m:an ls nDol' auny iireeles, but mey Vech thbat the,(yceau the only oyster-eating ai3nimai, do 1 eny;thing that he aposties did. The star _fish loves the oyster and preC1ts The crall b wen liv;ing near Vhs cae' mepon~~ k nesnl.Avreyof w lrfaÉce bas W11d eopdeyes ; in deeper ar aiovery fond of young oyeVterý, Voe' t ater only P-esstalke are prepemt-no eyes at whiCh it bores rignVthrote4 Y 4 hl n pcmnrmstleprwtr -eug-ui Che - ', - '-- 'v~iieforiing aViV Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, W-BEAVER BLOCK-, onunil BIGGEST, STORE, BJGGEST VARJETY, BIOGESI VALUE, Everybody invtitet o ealîanid sec our new ftoolwear TUiE SHOE MA.N. HA TSI!-0- has one of the best, the iatest anid largest stockl of Rats, bought di- rect fromn the best manufacturies, direct from England and New York. Prices as low as the low- est---from 50c up. For Men and Boy's - soft or hard and lu ail colo-rs and shapes. C all and examine prices and ogoods. -In Gent s furnishings a large and ýwell selected stock alwayrs on- ýhand. Highest prices paid for Raw Furs When Engiishmen Marry. le bis quertes-ly reVus-n of mas-nages, bis-Vhs ansi deatis-Vhs registrar-generel hsingsà out Vise remas-kable fact that more ma- agek place iu Engiand ansi Waes u=rig Vhs fonrtl qucastes- o? ths yeaer Van iu eny oua o? lie pracasiiug quartera. From tiissnie Viera bas beau no exception dns-lng Vhe lest tan yeers. Equeiiy Vsus it is tiseS feweet masr1eges ake place iu Vhs fisst quarter of Vise yJar, prohebly because of Vhs Leuten seasoi, ni Vthsesb~ud ge naral y feit n hae second quaýrtr, %vieep thera are as a ruls more me&rriee thani m the tisird quarter. Taking Vhse average ca Vhs lest 10 years Vhs mean anuela rate per 1,000 persons mers-ied bas been ip the first quarter of ths year 12.], intise sc~ bquarter 15.3, lunVise tbltd quarter 15.0ý, and~ in Vhe fourth quarter 17,5. In Vh,, fouith quarter of lest yeas' the averaeWs 78 THE STARSTILI SHIMES!il 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and -,titinigs of al kinds, for men, yonths z P8 and boys, ivere5 neyer, excelled and prices nover more moderate._ Two reasonswh you are certain to be, benefi tted in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that -We keep ouly reliablP goods and they are sold at lowest living profit. Our customers can depend on getting, well-made, gooci- fitting and stylishly cnt clothing, at prices to suit ail pocket* Fulllines of Ties, Coilars, Cuifs, Braces, Uandkerchjefs, etù,ý If you want a suit this Spring you will please us and benefit yourse]f by looking through our magacui(f iit stock a& the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmianville. Microbe Killer Emriches the blood and gives Vomie aud strength Vo Vhs whole system Microlbe Killer G;ves L-Ioyamlcy of spirits, strength and healtis to &il u iere of 1. Microbe Killer ' Does this, bacaiusa îsemain onsatituent je Oxygen, Nattire'a remedy. Microbe Killer Ueed in asiekise3e is no experinsent, crude drage and minerais are. Microbe2 Kilier Iln hs greatet tonjo for tlred men and women ever produced. Microbe Killer Co- -te ail bii.flg disorders easiiy, if taken ia ime, used frseeiy, 'M ie,.cba Killer 1 ~Pulrifies the bkcod ant1 tissus by driviug out the living germe. Microoe Killer Has no equal as a rheumatiea pecific ; cures guaranteed. FPor Sale by Higginbotham & Soin, AGENTS FOR BOWMAN VILLE. Prions $1 and $3, according Vo size. M. RADANM MICROBE KILLER 00,,LIMITED. 1DENand GDEN Tise city oýf 0ttawr wiii asen ieseei i railwy frnchie -lutbirty yeairs. Tise coporatiou ai 1pay $500 pr e;ar for evary mile of Vs-eck, in addition Vo aas-rying workiugmeu andsi obool .mhildsen et reducesi rates. R ýev 1-Dr. Talmae keepe isesspaper scrap eo o'. Ho le -very pas-tîcular about Vise m1atter lie imiserts. 1V bas taken Vwenty yettrs Vo meke Vwo hîslky volumes. Tisa mttar bas iseen culiesi fromn al!sources and ragsfrom gay Vo grave. A ole dog in Indianapolis foilowsd its master Vo the s-ailroad station, wliere ha ,vae Vms start for Louisille. Wben ha got, on tisa Vrain ansi ordered Vise dog Vo go homne, it jmîm.ped on tise track in front of an approGachiuîg train, laid iLs neck ou Vhs rail endi weaslu ttykillesi, Tliehrntwa4 the fis -stper-makar, fanil 1,iol s0e originial Patent 'Tise papal- it maesi about 1ike Visat of tie naws.paper sseas-Iy as firm iani de of iessstially Vise s~sn maeria-wody ibers sorapesi fromn [n Emi-ffand Visera is aul Or'ganîzation knowu a s Vhs Rural D)istrict -1ureullg as- asociation. The nurses as-a in triig two years et a cout of $-250. Eacb niurse bas a -aaary of $125 Vo $150, wiVb board andi lodging euda donkey cart iu wbîcis Vo go tise rounds of e district o f 2, 000, Vo 3,000 Tise habittisa soutsermi iegroes have of Valàiug Vo tisemselves le noticaci by every Oua in Vise towns haiow Mason andi lixou's lna. One servant in a sou theru family usesi Vo carry on conversations wiVis ler- self, sometimas aileging carelessness and disos-der uinaneVone of voice, Visen defend- img iserseif frnm tisose charges ln anothe- Thse mal mou syndicats nifVise nortbwest are al!hniad ýî luecous-aginig Visaincrease of Vsa Pci 0.1coat saimoni. Fivtison- s-ansi mýiionSalmon are tuirned loe into Vhs rives-s ai Oregon by Vhs syndicats abuse aerye,ý yeer, ansi as tue industrinus femais setlmon l aye 900 eggs Vo avcrýy pounsi of ber weight, Visa prospect of Vise fish seams su- La vendar lias euddanly eppearasi in souts Austrýialie, Vise plant epýriiigiug luxu-iomîsly osralarge as-sa 0fýý blacksap in tise totsof tise coionly. At tirest tise «sattiars tisougisi VisePlant ývae a seessi,buton ud ing ont ite Vms nrature Viey rsieiV cultiivatte lavender eona considLerable %calG, ivis is viaw of estahiishing a regula- efu rytrade - A crusade bas, beau started 'in Emîglansi ageinstise application aifVise word '" es luire "Vo cpassowils 1i1have no sigbt Vo it. I'isosa who started it coulaissVisat Visera ara uucsoswissu sonetising mors than "Mr."1 s3 wanited, auJ s"' Vhey recommensi tises-e- oiva nithsgoodoisi tasisionesi "gentleman," urbicismeus aIl wiso sre iegitimetely eutitîsidVoebepr armej James ý3Giaisiser, tise wali-known Scotch îneterologist, essarta, aiter long investiga. tion thet Vhs niutb day oi Vhs moon is Vhs Most reiny cf the wisoia Vweuty-eiglit, and tisi in tise firsi ansi lest weaks of tise moon's cga Visarasufaîl is less VisanVise average. The reords kspt hy Mr. Gleisiser also sedicate 4 o'ciock l is heafetemoon, as the ralumiest hous-in Vhe day. There, are uow 27 royal fansîlies in Europe wha bave about 400 membets. Pltcher's Castorla. 11A- TS el

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