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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1893, p. 7

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GAT E F UL-C(-MOTV ~~'~y~îprougbkowledg -ottienatlirai rsnurin.and by a canret ai alicatiOn O01 t1I inc o n'ni, 2w l-3eeN kto r. NWe ias rtrî )ud rreka I t taýbles wjtlsa liq ny ba vy oto Ille, Xc jby tho ~irious 0T lse, ofq'il ch aticles W'f diet a zolu1titÀwti nabe gradualy b1; -iiUp utitl atcrong, enoutgi to reslet every tendencY te diseaýse; ilundredg of subtýeie aladies are float ~g roun us Io dy t aack wlierever theýre is;aweak ýPoint. We usY esoapebmany EL fatalsafl bkeepfinz ourseiva WeilI fortifia i witbi-pure blood aad Pa uroo"rly nourisis2d Made stmý1p1V with biiiu water or mille sold only in panýkete. isy irocers, iabtlled thu Ll.ME1EI'i 'S &Co., le estl hf Isis, 1,màde, Englauîl, SWEDNESDAY MAY 31, 1893 DU. J. C. MIT4IIELI. O ME F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂAN 1W en d Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offic and Residence. Enniskilleu. 74. TAlý RISTFER SOLICITOR, &m. MOrRIIS IBLOC1W. uetirsin;g Street, Bowran- lfe 'Glicitor for the Ontari Bankr W,vat* Holies s oaned ait the lowa3t rates Ù. . INKING L IENEDAUCUT ION EE R FOR L tise CluntY of, Dulram. Sales -attended ts on shortet notice and lowest rates. Addregs OR.YOIJE, V, S. 4FIEN TEE WEST DURHAM 0 Ne js0BlOck, where hilneif or assistant 1w ii LefOl.ild from 8.m to 9 p,.m. N ight catis :iet ijedrety post rjili Shed. Celle 'ty teeg'raýpliOr telephone will receive Prompt, sitetion171.yr' A.<l WANANV. S OE, -1,E10JGI NBO0THIA M'S ïBLOCK- Bowmanville. Nîght celle ans- wee frein one door soulh 0f Dr. Boyie'e. .Al calle btjý eeg-raplisor lelephonewilll eoelve prompt attention. il-tf L IV 45O1E. A UCTONEE , APPRAISER, Real .. E.statte Agent, Bowmanville, Ontario- Eýales ttended in any part of Province. A. A1. PONT, .AYCHITEOT. Plans and Speoifica. lins arerd for every clase of uilding. Speialattntin gveio10isating by steam îxid hot waler. aind to sanitary arrangements. 0ütEce: Camrrefllock, Witby 43-iy R. PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clotheî Made to Order. DIENTIST. OFFIC-,E -iRear of Messrs. liiginbothai--4& Son's Drug Store, dw tis~ AGRIOULTUR A ImportatcInformation for -Fai Tise Deparîment of Agriculture at isas issued s circuler of directions Robertson mixture for ensilage.T Ian says tisai if a field witb a draine leamy cou bc couvenienttle liceE eau be used, le sseuld be seiecied i suce te salieavy clay or wet seil caeesel and sbould recivee dressiug of manure, be piongis eprîug sud be hsriowsd le s ste', tilts before ties eeds are planled. Tise ie et which Indien cern fc uîey be plauted witb the bet rosel b-sl tinse t whiclî te plant pors ceeda aise, Iu meet districts tisat duriug lise lest ton days et May u'uotugli n lise steseute escape nigisi, sud early eneugis te giç'o th the advantage of ase long a seasenf ing as le preclicable. Tise berceb suullowere are lest hiable le lii frositissu Inliau cern. Tîte Judiau cern sud herse beaui bave becu mixed) are te ho plante( 3 el sapart, wîîh frein 2 te --lgr lineal foot in every now. A bu corn planter or seed drill usey be tisat parpote. Or lbey may ho pl bille 3 feet apart botis ways, witl te 10 grains lu every hili. A hoe or band crn planter msy be used. of Ilese implem en tesud ne oliser planter be evaîlebie, furrows 3 inc msy be plowed 3 foot spart.T may ho put l inssin an! coeol whicis tisefield sbeuld bc rolled. Tise sunfiowcr seede are to e gp themeelves, lu rows tbres feet ap net inere tisen 3 or 4 seede per lec îew. Tbey may ha -pianted wiil baud piauler, or by a metisod suni oe wisichis l used wltis lie Indien herse beaus. Alhelise eedesseouid beplan deplis of frein 2 le 3 luches. Only lu cases wbere a crust Ioni lard, belons or- immediatelya plnscouse up, a liglic barre' prveielpînil te ecrep. Tise en betwes- tise rows, wlîen lise pl smali, sbould be clese te Ibem;Ni plants have grewu le a ieigit of2 sisould be more distant and sci order net te injure tise sîde reots. Tics crop is le ise eut wirnuth( cern reacises tise 1'gla-ling" stage 01 tisaIis wisso tbeers are juet1 beet couditien for table use. Tise cern sud beaus may be eut or by auy of tise devices in use ler fedder coi;r lu tise field. Tise isesus oly of tise suufiower ho used. They may bceuct by a rsapiug boole or other kuife. The, put directly ie a waggou or cart a basket or inte isheaps, front w] may he ioaded aftsrwards., Wisen tise Indien cern isas rea 99 glaziug" stage of gnomrti, tise( ho put nie Ibe silo wtltout wilîrn îug ; but if sud wisen il bas net rea "giazing" stage ietore Iret coin ho eut and isît te wiit or du: fied for shoot eue day. Tise cern sud beaus (frein two aur te he cu inl euglhs of frei nee-hau oee ishsud put loto tîce'elle; beade only (frein hall su acre) cf si are te bc eut wiltissin. Tbey in Ibreugis lise cutiiug-boxenasndi Afair,!y evea distribution of th acbed the es, 111e te y lu the ces) are te l ishto sud lise uuflow\%erS nay I;o lsd with cern e mixtur!e Au autbority sys: "To gelt he correct conception cf tise position of tise Ayneshisir it wouid ho uecessary te consider sometingj, of thse composition of mille sud wisat hap'- pens te it in ehesse maling. Tise soiid conelliunts of mille are fat, casein, albu- men,-,mille sugar, esis. In botter mleiug we use ouly tise ingleingredieuttlise fat,' Iu chieese makiug , neuett d, wuc, coagulAle lsi ,enitauigl;ing tise fat IbereÀin, and eryigbts ceselu suld ft"1 ietist1e eb)eese, tise albumen, Liste mille1 suA indtt,,-, ,,nti îi, te vjhe, A H l" e eounn mens in rSOC Cýýiswîceut,9,,eïiug SeIl ;Mt-D ";l as5g --- -----t.e o '~' OWMA.NI IL fihled. Ifle leaves sd iiserprt r erin lamonut LOf caselu eau, 'isen cea p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t -.-~ _ cte eflutten loto oeue p1lace, s is le dsî quitea lar-gestuôuu lle a ItCIsas sd bav cien ptniouans ailo.tfisaI itis possible Ute malts beese fren clot 1 e ge-sc]tc hy tbeinesives, tise cuillag',e icis nd 1poorimille, sud net lbave fl l ~""~wi. venet Peesed;ýd - offin t wihahy;z lut th ise iiille does T.c b -ttrne creso espude9,fa eolcptaOfe-s un Repairea b; I1- - ,thetnsm e t Ofuis.cnîsind oe la uamu i fcain S A tibm-ayeýr ý)flinsrt err'aeîds of ciseceeforseý Dye sd bohesCbanrho nut)ÙueeUt.tti i-H ý,-.present as le made oItemL oode A.we-rrsted te ho aS neo Q-n- .e-ul knoansd lise otiser "nene(if-as-y, of tise silo, poore r mille. Tise cisese umede Inoni 1-Žtem rm-t'ehudoue, lu erder te niarle lIte ecîp 1'Lace l is heens- nucismille ahi be a icher ciseese iýthisui. Corner Kngaud ontaniosaes, silage. Incin e pooran mille, sud as tise rnarle-et w BoainnvuleAller tise silo le filied, lise surface siseuid psy eaisigier pries pet pound ftIo i be lsvsllsd sud iioroughly inamped, sud ciseese tissut ahI for ondnarycles 7-% TI1T eter lise lapse cf net more ibsu eue day il arcuId folle-w tisaI choesýi could he m JiR S alsotsraro hapldo.IfIi e sgrsnttn is nret rl s sould bc eovsred tei s deptis of six mu-bec profitabiy frointhelisenciset of maille,'but trsmped occasiouaîîy, o ai a o fCIf etti rce Iongond average choes, suid straho put on top lfta e-w dsys wiiî ho but a veny itle ainount moref laler, pnebby ne waete susilage aili holise icise f cisees, Ilfollows, thion, P ond ounlise epening of lise sio oed- very ioh mille is wertlu more te male in iug. butter tissu te be ueed bon ciseese-miale - -Tise "Robertson Mixture" is bo be led purpetes. The Ayrshiie milleils peculisr antis 4 lise, bss meal on grain pet 'iO lise adapted i cissese.mseiug pur-poes, beGas * of ensilage tissu bas besu rsqîtired anististe proportion oblfat sud cassin is juet aho 'M ~odinsry Indien cern ensilage toi make -aunigist for making s good chusses aiiw ecouemiesi ration bor leediug miikiug co-tus conmmasnd a full market pries, sud yet bi -C, HA NDE , 1 ). S. sud ftteuing caIllen fat arasîed lun iutg tise ciseese os( Ensilage bat coins te mean any kind of ricis. Grauai 0 lIe oya iieo t Dental fodder aisichis leoured sud preeerved lu s Surgons Coeri, scculent stats for tise feeding of domestie Green Mlanurnng- OFFCE PPOITEEXPESSOFFICE. animais. Tihs silo lias uco powrer bo add suy Tise Fanmer's Guide sys tisere ceois nutrient te tise lodder arichis t put i te it VJTLIEDAIR for presenvatien. Ie contente may bocomebh o nececupatiin, lu hereein minucar moe digestible sud palarabie by tise changes gurlyae els aeu u o abicis proceed eoarîy under tise actmon of (or uts cuuivleul) for benefite te ho isoti ferments, or tbey may, becoma lees pleseant ed a littîs laien ou, as in farming, sud aud arboieseme,-if fermentation gees lue peoîialy lu relationt te eeding tise land fat,. ret-o this ainy prodtuue monoe bundantl F:dder whichissdefcient in nutrients be- Take ren anu lot uns tance.If y o u,1 t a k e îîteîial is e ouly and cnstant tend. an barvests d sella it, and Iis not it C o ve .san ig tie ad Iha i n uses stock eedi Tedsuy preveut deleiotatien ad -ayi entons langely li tiste systein cf opena i lise fonction of tise silo ; sud te ibal sud it greein menons muet ho bis main dependen -sisould be contructed to exlude the altm os. bor coulineed or inceeseiug prn2eoity.V pisers. To do se equiresaltse use of huild- do net begîn te malte use of Ibis meansý iîcg maleruel of adequate treuglis. Tiese uppiyiug ferllily as as aoubd if are ceu fasteuing of tise parts, attise foundation sud bd .g eurselvu's le pursesa more oen hau t tise cornens of tise silo, slould ho seurs eiyati u ad. V cge I1ihavsieund one ply of suund1-iuch Ioniser tee pt ins ccherop of oes, rye on oiev -Grrra vcastouguod sud groovsd, sud uailed isorizontalý abere iu sna fcbn o o ie Gé~izaly casedby xiscsur 1ce Iy on tise inside of studa 2- incises isy 10, or hy landog is le îîd or oiîd c a i we~Wct, ilîig ina drugis, coniug 2 incises by 12 incises, tei be sufficienl. etbnetsiaipygo iied frott hot aun cdd places, iu thin A clay on sarîben floot is most econi- futurs yeas. Tise general anner is cal sud is as gond ase auy bat eau he put u e"iutsesn,îd ngee au ineowaîigdmeotesok Prof. \Vm. Sauîîders, Dreotor olflise tisýugis ho may ho a tooe-lesepen a2 -gor nny ctiser cýase Zendiug te0 Central Experimeulal Station, sud Prof, for il he grows sud isanvets cop i ails checle suddeny tise pespitatien. Tise Jas. W.- Robertson agniunlunmt, request purpose of lcediug tisemuot aîcd returui reut rdcç nfamtinofte farinera le ltesp s record olf:-tis abis te tise land, tisechancesa fiesultmeprdue oif amag tiotse e epa eodof: ht-appliauces fer cavîng tise prodc Unigmmbruef tseluneoti1oa, ises the sroilva rd cf are se inedequae tatisInet bal of il n and this causes pblegm or matter,whih 1l1Hoav tiesee sol rpnsed aberei s enedd, lu Inturuîug under nature tries te trow off by expectora.. 3 ie asc îatn.geen crop tisere is ne eppentuniby fort tien. h1,1s-any cases she le unable tb [4] The date of cuîîing. escape of tise valuablo elemouls. Tiseoc -is vý1nU assistançp, 4and [à] Tise stage of growvii attained by tise docomposes completeiy in the gronnd wi do o wt et a ~différent plants of tise mixture. 111e iuntended te ennish,sud enters th 7[61 ]Tise yieid pet acre of Indisu corn sud sud lisure upon its arorle. herse beans, [7]The yield pet aufre cfsenufoerr eade. A(un gRecruit. [8] Any urunsuaul condition of asatiser, A slupid loeking couîtryms u iated ý ~ ~-u-snob as iesvy sIenne, fredt, etc. . foe a hîsokemiti'sasisop, tise prepriei ~ use[9] Auy otisen occurrence er condition cf aU h ar as forging as sise, sud syedt aisicis may aff cttbie crop, Allen'A A orin upon abicît te report aiilh et performance antis mueba inteneet. te ou u de saso, Peas fi1ilnp e seu -baruy csitis, disaisieed wanhtisliemn ioui u estutu u bes litpar.ouriosýity, heldtise ted-bot iron su,,ddzu ________and___ ____________ Leltase mon officiaibÀinssea&hr eutunder Iis noso-ý, ioiug te males Sm eu ÎLinP vT-Bose --2IY~in e --~----5- a 555 ~,e'vz-' agu- 1 go fer e Oui tie tise at. ini Ilo ae d et er-a Ile lnys use L. riaIs more sud more cerl.Tus becx periments on tbe effects of foddier upen the pi.oductiou of milk le ud eat l-ateiY made il, ,mr* tise Uited States a*d lu urpieps, tt Ottawa met I orcibly thee need of rainmcli is for the rieber lu pretein titan msel f unr larîseers [The circu- leed, [d,warm, Our crops centain a largeý exceses of t1ise silo, sud materials wbich serve a.s fuel, 'wbile tbe ' lu preler- protein compeude, wbich mkemuscle, l. Iu ail bouc sud mille, are relativeiy wauiing. Tise s literal fariner le primarity responsible for tfisis ca sd lu tise of aifairs, sud must betiise oe to taire 1ibe te of fine flirt steps teameud it. Tl'iseee in-eded for tiseuse'of tise stock kýýcptl ise farn for lodder may be obtained un eue of isrl ee Wsys: Ils is the may bc purchased in tise feru ofcnetai tove these cd feede, sncb as sçvbcat bran, oilI sem tperiod le etc. ; il miay be obtained by grewîug tise Y or laie legumes whicb are able te obtain utoe freests ai directiy freintise air sue, couvert it in c 1e plants prolelu or it enay be obtaiued by breeding1 frgrow- sud imporling varieties of grains sud grasses beaus and riciser lu nitrogen tissu those cultivaied., ury Iroin Wbile le probable tisat tise feeder must, for)i tise presetut, continue te huy soeinoýf tise use (wblis protcin wbicb bis animais n ed, sitilIÎ, y d lu rows cars lu seleciien of crepe sud by grew iug raine per piaule riciser ln nitrogen; mucis more pro orsepowser tein may ho produced ou tise farin ittef. used for Tis proei i la eeded for fodder i lu order lanied lu te make k-suer meat, sud more of it,- sud th frein 6 more mille et less ceaI. Tise nitrogen neti )rse-peýver traituforncd ie meal or mille makes3 ricl, If noue maîcore for grasse.,, grainesud otiser cropa rsuitable sud tise nouer manure helpe te bning ilrger, ics dleep cropesud crops riciser iu protein. [ho seeds Tisereports of about 90 so ltest experi- red, suter meute witb fertilizers conducted lune EnglIaud states during tise past filteen yeuars ,Iated by have been sommarized lu two group.s: ýpart w!ý,,, seille rangiug frein sandy te bmainsd(2 et lu thi soils rsuging frein ieavy ioaîp teiseo ,h a smil I cay. Tliseteacising -û.l tise expeimleuis, uelr te tise ibus fer made lu Connecticut iead te Ilil, i cern sud following inferenees for sou lu inie sta generaily, thougis of course there mray b nted te a excepions: Nitrogen. -Tisis ?s more spt teah bene ,s ou tise ficial ou tise 1k-ht tissu)on heavy souls. aller tise Soluble fertilizers, as nitrate cf sodlaansd ýwug will sulpisate cf atmeonia, can genral1lybýe used ltivation witis profit ou igist bamin sl, but do net )lnts are prove of nînci valune for corn u n eavyso. wben tise For ieavy selle nitregen shouid bc supplied 2 est, il lu some erganic terni, as stable mariure îallow, in dried blood, etc. . Pispherie acid sud potasb-Havy us Indian clayey soils need te be supplied wlthIlag of growtb, amenîs of pisospisorio acid lu tise lertilizers peebthtie used, wisile ligliu, caudy te boainsu are more generaiiy, iisougb net uniformiy, bieip. h y baud ed by potaeh fertilizers. )r cutting Tise wîde différences, Iound lu souls affordl a îegagument lu laver of home m-ixed ns are te fertilizers. Tise spacial needs roi diffirent lcemmon souls caunot ho conidered by tte mnIe ey may be lurer who preparess is fertilizers for general t, or ie ouse. Tise fermai- may, boesprepýare sîcis tbey sncb umixtunre as wili reet bots lise defi- ceouies of hie sou sund tise requiremienits of ,acbed tise bus erepe. crep je te n. or dry. Ayrshires for the Dairy. a Reside4tf thse ls- toric le d Towvn. llienl isipeessvd Ped.ltldden for Five 1ente-s- i;4 ts ne altedth ie ShîlI 0' J'hystcaus-It e tue bsorbtinz Teett iCanees t!Relesnkbeleoey It bas ben fequentîy declared tiati tie age cflw mira"cles bas long since peesed. lfoeeve2r, newcvpsper men sud correspond- ept hae ocasenaiypubiisised accounits of remnlkabie vesoapes frein deatis by acci- ciont or ýdissase, whlcls bave ciearly proed tisaI an over-reliog Providence stili geverue isomn afairsd le iuterested lu homan lke.Tisa accounts of extrsordiuary de- liifsancýs ifrin pesitiîons of danger lu Ibis e ge wiseu eerciybody is of snob a practicai Ilinfi of ioid bave emnded evidence of an unimpachabeliaacter belote lisey wonld We aýccsptd by tise tisougisiful sud intelli- gent reader, sud semetimýes a mect searcis- in, eq iry mbthe Isole bave fnrniised petieprot compietsiy suhslautialiug Wbat bheeu claluued lu soinsecases, Wlc1ils ws bave recognîzeê the possubility o~ubweudorful occurrences, ir, bas sel- d'tnabeu nt privibegetb invsstigate theîn spdî 1,y ceiIexamination sud enquiry ite tseacIs arrive et a conclusion agrse- ing wir ie decianstions of those presuin. %bly iscoquaiuidwitb tise incident. Tej-da, b owever,,we are euablidlte pub- lihiýn iu te vicw -au account of eue of tise ust wondslrfiuli sud miiracubous debiverances of a feibow eeSturs frin ma bile cf pain sud s'311leilg. We cati voucis for lise absolilnte trsse ery statemieut lu Ibis atticie lu regard le Ibis remnankable restonation, b avicg ext inained Ion ouneselves botis tisetien oîn whir tish rce wssi performed sud inywh iso knswhlm onily s a bcd-nid den sufferer, sud wbo, now meet blminlutise dlaily reuine e, f hIe. Il le now somoetime aii)ce tisfre r ca i s tisai M'nj. Ispac Addison, oel historie Niagara-otstthe- Lake, bad beurued c f a long ctanding hobrlo gb~intisn.These rumors, beiug bots rept1atsnsd denied ws decided te investi- gate tie case for ont own per-sonai satisa- i ccordingly somte daye ago ws drove over te Liie historie lown oou utolur of investi- gation..' ul yeî soute miles frein Nia- gaia we miet e.fariner vio wse eigagod lu biing wood, sud a;leed hum if-be could 1dl uis ,wbere Mri. Addison lived. At first lie seemsid puzAled, but wisen we said lise gciiiws were seskcng isad beeu dole butL wseý recol.eredl, lie e-slid, ",OI1, yes, I 'ono ihumweil ; tisati nau's restoration wae qie a iacle, sud hwee Pink Pilu Iluat did lbt.fe liv rigist up in tise town. Il le four misaway." Ws iisanled'hum sud m talyuoed tise final bit ot evi- dience olf trt iil fuluese of tise report. Il Ibis gttealiving four miles sway, knew il ce lie coulda pealese positivsly about il, iwe ooud tisons muethe soute Inutis in tie ruiner. l'eacisiug tlise own we put up ab Loug's 1fioel, nsud w islloilu conversation witb tise genial lcost we Ison beund tisai eut mission vvaý,tt te a uce " Know Mn. Addi- sosaîduinie lo-t, III have luou int a log ime. Hi--,iudeed armas erçutterleble reevt.Ail tise (doctone eabout blýesdid tl-y unmoaýt, huit lbe only grewarrs, u for years lise aasbe-nddn Now ble sas iiL5 s anmyoue of hi ae.Hi rcoer as a Veil!miracle"' ,tfI wetýýeendicedtMnAdso' it oet'pd c "s u alrs qale action A -i;)i purpose of ontiie .ndreqî-Iis tell tiseste o f Lîus îsesud 'ro wodor gravel wseemn nmy boots, or e knpleilu my sce.'ies elneWClt f l'kwe y sensations et pain fyn i oe-~ lieshoy bul setiling hlu iI bl àind -ei .,ry joinît. 1 have ibeugst Ltisee symp- tome avoeiL Me oreepiug paralysie. lu. shoot siglîtesu mnouIsI aras etiffetued anitisshu. gn~5 o ibat I couid net wvonl sud very !lolntly af'terýarrds I aras unabîs te aral, et tise m iny bads on 5mtin10 eed myseif. I lsy uipo ise bed aund if I desined te tutu olvez I h1dte be nelied like a log. Tise pains 1I-sîîffered were terrible sud 1 olten wiï3!ced msî dead. My leidneye on inslec d te treoul# m ne causîng ine 10 ulnate C igiie ,or uiile ilmes dit-ing tise nigist. lul order te risc my av ile wenid firet dra y lee-t over l1ise sde of tise bed 1tissu geieg te mny bead aould 1liftne te m ln est. 1I ase as stiff sas stick auid cotid 1net hip mysi. Toie aras impssble, but mny aile sopponiiug nie I ceuld ragor siuffe mselî aleug a emootis floot. I aeci tisai ess condition fer aiou Ë five ysare, suffenin-g tise most intense sud aeiigpains. Iwaeaspont inubut 1 ~ se Icudgel seugis mouey I wonld punissesonscftishe se caiisd cures for rbeî t as uselese, hoarever, for tise y did net ibcl!p me, Tise pisysiciass viitd e. Dr. Anderson said ît wae ciseni tse nsaisnsd tisaI I conld net ho âl tnure. Hoareven, l'us did what be could à oshudge f ted fiaunel snd, rtibbîng on %llternaisedays altis iodine sud noats foot dhe ~ack of bis ýisesd with bisi arm. On be- u1gske if ho feit auiy disaý.,r,eable censa- tiens on takiug Pinke Pille, he iaugbod sudI said "-no, tisaI wes tise beauty of it. -With other imedicines tisere were nasty sud un- )Ileasant feelings, but 1 juet swallowed tise p)illsanad never felitbemn except lu tise * beeficial effect. ' As we saw tbe hsarty eid'gautleman so haeppy in hisrecovered isealtis, sud board hlm se graphicell'y describe his sufferiugs, we agreed wlrbhlm tisat a great miracle 1usd beau wrought tiscungistise agèecy of Dr. Williams' Pisele PUil. lNe sougist ont a numiber of rsdnr-f tise lowu, snd lu couiver.-ation with 1ti, n leatrued tiset tise acconut Mr. Addisou'1ued given nis of hie condition was lu every particular correct. His recovery bas uiaturally been tise talk 'f tise zown sud liscn l am'e, udmany otisers are usiog Pinke Pille for various aili- ments witis good resulis. A C(MAT WITH VIE MAYORt. We call-d oun1IL Pafford, Esq., Mayor of tise towu, sud proprietor of a tasty sud prosperous drug business. Hie verified wisat Mr. Addison isad ssld asete bis suffer- ingesud helpiese condition, sud said lia noever expected te sec iim arouud again. lHe said lie considered Mr. Alidisou't, rester- ation truly remarleable, and tîtat tise kuowl- edae of the beneit te hlm isad made au ex- [tensive demaud for Dr. \Villisnîs' Pinke Pille, so mucis tisait teir sales are away aisead of auy otiscr proprietary medicitte lu tise markeet. He remarleed lisat sîthougli soe xteutively advcrtlsed, il tiseir use were net followed by beneflciel resuits tise sale would rapidiy decrease, but tbe firin hold lhey have taken on tise publie proves Ibeir worlis, snd ibat lhey have ceme te stsy. TIIE DIVISION COURiT CLERK. Vte called upon J. B. Secord,"Eiq.,, Cierk of tise Division Cosrt, wbo îeid ise bad knowu Mr. Addison fer maniy years, sud that ise bore a higis reputatien for trutblul. nese. fHe kncw tisat lu tise cariier stages of bts trouble hie haël tîied several pisysi. clans lu vain, sud at lest be-came incapable of meving hismîf. As eiaset chance he took Dir. Williams' P-ink Pille fer Paie Peoýple, sud tisese at firat se dte make iim worse sud tise pairi ns mc eased, but centiuuiug tbem tiîey acted like magie, sud resuiîed lu a complote cure, Ris, cure is iooleed uipou by tise people as sousething wouderfoil, sud neoue double tisat tise agaucy empioyed, Dr. Wiliiams' Pînl Pille, was ilu e means under Divine Providence of effecting tise cure. fiaviug most carefuiiy sud conscieutiene- iy examiued julotehie miraculous recovery of Mdr. Addison, sud disp-.aseiooaitely re- viewing tise wisoie evidence, we camnebouse f uliy convinccd of tise Irnîbluluese of tise report. It le a pleasure for us ta publisis titis fulll sud autiseutie acceunt of tise mar- x ellons recovery of Mr. Isaac Addison sud, se far as we eau lend theo heip of our coi- rios te make leuowu ibis wouderful and efficacieus medicine whicis in se mauy in- stances isas produced startiing aud unisoped for relief frein pain sud illîness. Dr. Nilliam3' Pink Pille are a periect blond builder sud nerve reetorer, curing sncb diseases ase rbetmatism, lneuralgia, partiel paralysie, locomotor ,ataxia, St, Vitue' Dance, nervous prostration sud tise tired feeling tiserefroin, tise after effects of la grippe, diseâses dependîug ou bumors in tise blood, sncb as scrofula, cl'ronice.ry.tpe- las, etc. Pinke Pille give a iseaithy glow te paie sud ,allow complexions sud aa specific 'or tise trouibles pecltar te the femlessten, ud ini lise ase of inu Iey e 0,et s adical cure in alcace rising freinmental wrr, Verworleor eceeses of suynaue Tîsese lle are mnfctrdby 1tise Dr. Willisms Medicn, ý et rouk- FOR~ S, Si IAN INFA üf, 1eie st S ,ý-letn 1eis, L o f etAp. petite, 5)ibz1'1eslletc. Thele Pl , îoseîs Iolprg- tieproperties, uer a hi .n u t uteth io delicate syslem. Te act), recuit of yerentcre lui sttdy sanaS îlt,i ;c ce ithgraAccc wu the privat 'eicota nietpyci Thexý act priuerliy onthe csccnreicecc the Vitail Ferce, poeigAuuil'e.Erei gag thee Dioceltius prcî euting eand..igdtae For tale by Druggists, 50c. per box, o r sn e psid for 6tc., eo boes $25u COOPER'S LIÉlH> RaCO URFî Cures ilevel unejiýêL 4 etb er -n uy Ii COQPEII'S BINJON CURE:ý1 Curese Bu e '01 War-iaud MIi wle È . ý cs. DeisS d , yd skt, o Br., a 1 e Mîli 0e, n,!et ti, OA jWbeu you ases n deriemu lk t but if yon reqa ire -ei, hiug i rceis Sîspie Dry Gode, Patîet MadecineFs, Tinware, Gardon 'Laeds, 01c, 11li t. SOLINA STORE whers yen will fiud a firet-ciaEs eesortiunt wilich las been bougbt for cash, cetuetqueutiy I ans p re' pared to sou at ~ prices and not sacîl- fies quaiity. Acuerican and Cýuadîa-i cil al'ways i stock. Pisses give me a call and yon wii be weicome whethler yen boy or net. N. B. Ellioct'e Re'lier Flour kept. J. T. W 1 L. L 1 A "A 3 A iND - 'The Ladies' 6Jo 1al A large 6p'eIit2ae.Tjf ion MonthlT, vwiii bi et . I Only oeue doi l lad 1te $ 5cents for thu te ptp ,X$ý) Cali sdin(, smleopyo e-ery 0-enn hoi1 iic f1.50tV r~- -,ït-e1ier whlo olere suýbst- tu' es inii e li form is trying to defraud ýyen and Should be avoided. The public are aiso cautioîîed against aIl other so-called bleodlboilders and nerve tonics, no matter whatt namine may be given them. They are aLil imiitatLions wlsose makere hope to re-ap a pecuniary advan.iage f ron the woud-vr'ful reputation seiieîcd by Dr. Wiliams' P"ink Pille. Ask your dualer for De. Willi, is' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse al mitations aud Substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be liad of ail d-ruggists or direct by mail f romi Dr. Wilims edicine Company from cither sddreýse. Tise price at which tisese pille are soldmae a course of treatinent compara- tively incxpensive as compiiared with «tiser remedies ormedicaltrtie. Mattei' Enough. "Wisy, what's.tise matter with tise boy?" 'II wuz a seein' how many animale from my NKoah's srk I could boid in my moi', sud I vs been aud swallered a giratle an' a zebra 1 Wiseu Baby ivas sick, ive gave lier Caerta. When se was a Chiid, use cried for Castoria. Whi she beeame Mis, she ellnnc to Castorla. Whou se liad Chidren, use avc thelm Castoria. PURE RI WERE9 Resy fr ue l en Ountity. For rmsteiugBSA, BcËfcniug War, O i,,i)teQtin,and al hundredOthl lises. A eauequate 2) pec.uieal oa gold by AUt .e--- -ed 'Dra-1-sts.

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