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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1893, p. 8

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& PENDER TORON"-TO'S NýJEW, CABPET HOUSE 14,& 16 KING) ST. EAST 000 The trade that cornes to us and to which we devote our most careful attention is the trade of people of good taste and good judgment. If we eau please them we can please al others.' Good juadges of carpets are also good judges of prices, and the very large patronage since the opening of our building is evidence of the perfect satisfactioni that purchasers derive. Our leading aim lias been to present the most extensive variety of new styles, and our Lace Curtainand Carpet iDepartrnents are noted for these features, which are equally potent iii both the costly and the miore inexpensive"goods. And good taste crowns them al. 00 CilOICE INDIA AN-D TUJRKEY, RUTGS, CHOICE ORIENTAL SILKS, For Draping and Decora/ive PurJ boses. LINOLEUMS AND ENGLISH OILCLOTIIS, in ait wid//zs uj5 uJ Io 21Jeel, in any /en,g//z, Window Shades, Foies, FiIv/nres, etc. Discount oj 10 per cent. on Window Shades du ring r eraincler of Mue season. O O FOSTER & PENDER, 14 and 16 KING ST. EAST, TORON TO. Go MAIL ORDERS, CAREFTJLLY ATTEINDED TO can supply you an Iron, Roof whic] he as oheap as Wooden Shing1es. FOSTER 17ba reporter borae aked if lielied not ed reinedies and dectors for relief, te ici the eld gentlemen rapliad, Yes I ve tried evary remady I could hear or id et and hava gene e inu who pro. Sed te ha abla te cura piles end maeaa ciaity et it, botli in Canada and in ichigan, but nouaeoftIsernt could cura s, ud I1avas told I could only ho cured an oeration. but I rafusad anch relief d sald I1avould dia firat. 1 firsi heard Magie Pila Letion hy reding ini the ruser of the curaet Alfred B. Harris, Kinigoville, avho lied suffarad frein piles r40 years. Se I et once secured a bot. froin Piikoy & Co's drug store, paying o for it and was cured in about twe ah.s and did net use ail et ona hottle. tact I faIt immediate easa frein the 3t application ; that was lat feul and I ve net lied a aigu or symptom ('f piles ýce, and I heliava I sincompetely aur.- Further ha aaid I cen tell you 1 hava un se had witli pile. I have had te get mny banda and knepEs remainir7 thora If a day et e turne ; It waa the oily way ,uld -et relief. That-MagoiPl~e Tî- ABLE STORY. rIFTY*$EV-EŽt YEAE5 SUI FERýNG WITH PILES CURMD BY MAGIe PILE LOTION. àaaixm Banner. The Banàner reporter having learnied frisn Mesars. Piikey & Co., druggiate, of Chatham, (-f a ram'arkabLe cure of a case f ie f sta-nding by the use cf -'sIgie Pile II)i ion, and hairig in the î.eig«h- ~rocf àMerlin, deterini dte verity' flic, saine by callinpg upon the subjeet, Mr. Rohart Graham, who lises on thee ciuth lif of lotN. 8, in the llIs concession ofthse Township of Raleigab, in tIsa coanty Of Kent. I toýund tIse old gentleman, net a~iIsasndnghie 78 years, husily engaged in' feeding bis cattle. Iu ansaver te nsy e û9uiry a. te whather ha was tIsa person wboholdbouîglt a bettlaet Magie Pile Laotion fromi Messrs Pilkay & Ce., ef Cbahheni, and beau cured of piles ef over 40 years standing ha repliad that lio aas. Hlave yen any objection te teli me about it fer publication ? 1 aaid "No, net the aijgliteat objection, fer if I cen do any oe any good while I livo I amn quito ailling t~o do se." Continuing, ho aaid: It avas about the year 1836 in Enlgland that 1 was irstat ettcked by piles, fi teysevan years ago, and I have alid tIsan more or less every yaar sinca. I hava suffered exaruci- siting, pain. Tliay talk about tnieir being different kinda et pilas, I don't belfeve it. 1 think itching, bleeding and blind piles ere only tha different stages of ttha disesse, but 1 hava gene through thain ail. 1 bava werked in tIsefield with my legs and feet soaking in bleod front thein. 1 hava at édifferent tines. ahileaavy front the I ua ad te lia deava baside tha road or tn iha fields for heure the pain lias been so greet frein then,, anai oniy with tha ereatest difficulty and tuffering did1Ireach homne. Once I remember In particuler 1 w a itli my son a couplaet miles away frein home en a very celd day, whan I A pes atteckt d hy the pain. I iabored te overcoma it ttii I1 a.se0celd I could do nothing, se muy son laid nie fiat on the waggon sif and celd as I1avas and drove ni e home. I tell you I have suffarad tar- FORSP-RTNG- iNo Store'in town contains a nicer, newer or more fashionable stockr of goods than that whieh we are showingy this season. Our sales of Dress Goods already bas been.remarkable. We also cadi attention to our New Spring Coats for Ladies and~ Chi ldren. We have received our importations of Parasols-ail new nice and, stylish. See our new Print4, new Delaines, Muslins, Embroideries, Laeetc Our Glove and Hoisery department is as usual right in the front We import our Hose and Gloves and gut the best gooda proctirabe;% the lowest prices- We are certain you can save monev by 'buy1.g Gloves and Hose at our store. Our customners cani get the fashion sheets for each month free b s ing for them,. We want to keep the public,,pcndod nJcm UW""':ý fines as they will theni the better appreciate our goods whlich areLý the newjest,. ecvrnaw bel etopf . 'ol 'ratieoftc, r JOET.N4 T ~CVI~-T P&T E 9T, D CD c0 W\Nater, Wind and Stormn Proof , also an absolutel protection from Fire and Lig'htniing. 01NON0. Mr. and Mra. Clark, Ooboiirg, viitad (Conbdensed frorn thte News.) et Mr. R. flili's yce ntly. TIsa Royal Tenîpla-a will rr.aet tIse Misa Lepha May, daugliter ot Mr. TJas. second 13rday ln each nienth durirg the May of Essex Centr-, is visitine ralatives and triends liera. D.W. W. Andrus essiýtccd the Ce- ALhIougIs it is iset cleinsad that Ayer's bourg basRe bell team at Peterboro Sarsaparilla cures oveaiy iii te aviicli flash Qoeen's hrthday. Ile lias now gene te is Ieir, ye1t, as a tir ter ot tact, itcontes M.on t ana tritb a vieof et1scaing there. neacrr îoing this tii n any othar modicine i ever eompouudedý. le purifyin, the le thora eîer was a specific for atay <e beditr'ovatsesuc .1 eal i comUpiaint, tIssu Carter'îr Litla Liver, P1illSaiae a specifie for sick heatiache, acddsrer ttsahra1ssan ovory v omen aiiould krow thiîs. OrIv Mr. PR ht. Foster îpi a few Jaya, w'tb ena p;Ili e dose. T. y -týien. friands in, Guelphs re%'eutly. r.Jeohn ad ellrceivei c painful Mr. Milton KeatWe l, viited bloav in tIse eye whilo running a plainr, lu I toavn ra-cently. A band is te ho orgati*zed in Orenoi fI "Yeu cenoet tli,k Iow p's a-el I am tIse citzensaili assi't lu ptncheAàng in- Ithat I used Membials- Kidot-y imd Liver atuet.Cuare."'Thie r-mîrk wiamda bhy Mm, re-AFE,-S CuED-Sis,-or ear 1G. C Adanî-P,i,f T.W. Chamiiberiin & Ce., EAF robEd iiCURSDJe-Sies,F a-e I Pres9ce t, Omît , Woe'toDritt-iancd wiastreéuid savihce fusa, t'adles:1tiets > Maicira esrs, whou 1giviug a rwt'inr oldaareai'd erOitail. sr etcinsenial in r'fer, sscs, ro ihebî-retcial appiingIlaearde YelewOit i-st -- affet i inhs uwssc-e cd mny Ieariug and I n1 owlier ci well as anycue. Mus. TETLCcesot, M >'.11l rscbi Shootus, lsnxspeLut N. S. Queetr., Birthday wlufi eds he"'e. Mr. Il. 1Il Oiel'e stea ýlos eon re. r . Bu- - h(ý,-fl , o an ovated. lu-g a couple oL'f ;s ti-re -Miss Ru2seli, London, has b-en vii - Rt-v. Walas .1J. Kîsett, fuýrD1er'y et ing lier unce, MNr. Wm. Priîngle. tMir town n. î novv a iuîosimet of Geaud SoEFOOLISH PEOPLE s.lOW a 001db to Raçids:, Micb., ai is i ga nd luan- run until it geis beyoud tIsa reach of gailaile stosk. moedicine. T1.ey ofttn say, -O1, it aili JUST A% GoD, pu-hi.-p,, ; but il juit as aveýzai aaY,7 but in moat cases it aears go-ce AiPu' liau's, i t 1, t ;a vary bigli t ho in a-way. Co)ulti they beinmduced tO recorrsîadatien fer Ibisori and bhast Biawich la a old on :a pos:iive g1i,--tracter. UeiuSe te ccpiamsy (Àthe nte tecura, tliey w>ould iMmaediataY ly dngeous o- rouigaueio -,Ge tIse exelnaffect ttrtakim ts1efrd *graydelr1aIe ea1eg frt dos, ýPrice 50C. and $.0 At ailor profit and diofr ts nerase Mr. andtIMrs. R. J. W'llrsoPoit, Perry, vîiteti ag ber fa tber's,, M 1. W.1 Walter, rolontly. Mr. C. J. Tiuctnisorî spen-it 2411), l1 Oranges-iile. Bailyduif, waro guests (if S Pke ros., Sunday weekz. Mr, Hart yAexnroainvie viteti hie uncle, Mr. m. Tliso&psoni, TIse YielhM),ist ýýàchis et Nowetlo and O0s-ne circuit have invitad Rev. R, MU. Pope.ot e l f ,bei-nc, and PRev. iH. 1A dams, St. Oie, which. has been acceptedl subj, et to-tbe Station Comînittea. I know MNINARD'Sý LINIMENT will cure diphtberia. Fr3nch Village. Jeairý D. BOUTILIEN. I know MINARD'S LIi1-M ENT wiAl cure croup. Cape Island., J.. CuscNîxonaiavn I know MINARD'S LINIENT is tIsa best ransady ou eaithl. Norway,Me JoerA.So', "1l0W TO Cu iME ALL SiN»SAEs Siînply eppiy 'WYESOINTME-NTý" No internat uadcie rauired. Cures toute-, azîs th aleutoson the face, bada nse,, etc., laigtIkitI clear, wijrad Iaetb.ita greet Iseal- ing eud curative oavrare possesued by ne othaàr vrmdy. Ask ye)ur d1rugýgist fcr wAs'sOINTME-MT. Magia Pile Lotion is mnanufactured by the Salvator MLtagnus 4MtdîiLe Co., Lin. ited, of Brockville, Ont.,, avIo aIso manu- facture thIe great lung remedy Salvator Magiàut, and that unrivalied cougli re- iedy, Magnus EpcornThs e.e miedies are for sale at &Hl drug stores or cani bc had from tFe manafacturerà at rokieOnt. Wm. Rdam -iVincicatqd. THE ADM' M1c'RoBE KILLER CASE SETIELED BYA %VERDICLT Pl'111TE >L A ITTIFE . TBe case cfW. Radain, ivn of R a'sMiýcrob'e Killer, eantDe-. Eùcclearad thle DugssCircuoar anid Cheiý5ical G.azette" waa decided ye.sterday by a jury bLfore Judge Andrews in the uPreme 0ceUrt Mr. Rtdant recoived a verdict and a comùplote vindication frein the charges made by Dr. Eccles in an article publiished in the "Druggists Oircular" in September, 1889, attacking the microbe killer. The article stated that thie microbe kiler was compeumsded ofp(osocs drug8, zaud tliat any patient using ià would die cf cumulative poison. ing, but the testimocýy showed that it ii ani a:tiseptie gas impregnated in watgr and conitainied neorus One cf' the charges made by Dr. Ecoeeo ii th Druggista' Circular" was, that if the mic;robe killer were taken internally in latge d(Joses it would hi. fatal, but 1 brouglit fo)rw.ard twenty witneî.-es mho ~proved that it waa net poison whey t .en interE all, even in the largest qu 'e. tii s. They swore that they had takier, some 15 gallons te 160 gallons internally in poriods ranging frein ilrce maontfl to thre years. One patient, a lady, had taken 160 galons of thse microbe killar and wss cured and lot t in perfect health. She had bean bedridden nine rnontlis with inflammratory rheumatism and bail nearly lest bier Riglit. Yat ahe ' we. iu court cempletely curad. fier case avas regard- adas a miî-racle. TIsa verdict ef $500, conluded Mr. Râaam is satisfactory in viow of tIsa fact that on the trial ne iuj ury te tha business of the Radarn 0Company was shown-; but theo jury, convinced of ,the libalous char. acter of the artiec attacking me persen- ally, rendeDred a nominal verdict for that arnount. 1 an gratified, for it i. a coin-- plete viodiciation of the ubj ust charges aud libalous attack on the microbe killer. N.1 Y. MIcil i id Express. BEST EvER MA&D-Dear Sirs,-I cen highly recommaiind Regayard's Pectorali Balsarn as thse best remnedy ever mae for coughs 8a13 c0lda. 1I11an neyer witbout it in my house. tIAxnt PÂLEnLemna- villa, Ont. Owing to the late season we have a large surplus 'stGek and this is the people's chance. 2000 pairs of Boots and Sh)oes, 500 Men's and Boy's Suits, 60 dozen Hats. Ail our Slippers at actual cost, Ladies Kd 3uttoa Shioes ,$L25 up. Ladies Tic, Shoes 90c. Up. Nlen's Finel Shoes $1 up. Men% IHeayy Work Shoes $1 up. Men-s Suits frorn $3.75 up. Boy's Sulits from $1,50 up. We are showing this season the most coînplete stock v ever yet bought aind at lowest-prices. CLOTHING TO ORDER. Place your orders as soon as possible. WVe have a Ia$e staff of first class hands. THE OLOTHHINC HOUISE. MOUNT' VERN O. Mîýe s lHa and Emily Lick are home froui Boston school of Oratory . .. .Next Sabbath the services will ha conducted by the E. L. of 0. KE... .The Sunday Sahool ceuimittee have decided to have a concert instead of an anniversary.... M-Ira. Jordan VanNlest who bas been very ili wîth inflammation is improving .... A large number of children spant a grandt time at Misses Maud and FlosBie Hed- don's birthday party on the 24th. Visitors- hMrs. Allun and daughters, Taunton, ab Mr. J. Pascoa's; Mr. J. B. Reynolds, Toronto; Mise KaLte Elliott, Bowmanville, at Mr. G. Argue'sî; Mr. R. Holden, at Mr. E. Ariis' Mr. and Mrs. WaIker Millson, Newtonville; Mr. Fred and Mro. P. Werry, Tyror.a: Measor. Clair Langmaid ard George Annis, Eben- ezer, at Mr. E. Millson's. FREE.i You cau get the fashion abeet each month by callingp at aur store. We present these te the public in order that they may tIse botter appreciate orr new ifashionsble goode. John'J. Masor. T 'o RENT,-For ternm cf years, "(Ilen Dhn "-e00 acres, 2 iles f8roin WhItb,- or dairy. (ieiefor sc etn inlto Torclito ml uies rso raisicg a ama)rleCan markoi. ii en0î,hcapital oni'y Aeed apDly. J. Hi. Dev, Whlt'r, M2tfr EXTRA A Riem arkably Cliga'r. MeIIow,E and Ripe. Safe, Ilable, OR SALE OR1 1i acres for sala :0e st-cet nortis. TI od Ibouse witis evary 1,stable., etc. Theg W. H. Osborne invites ail ladies to test bis tais. Dalicious flavorm. Caîl and Seo the cheap Wall P.sper frein 5c. up at T. Sharin & Co's. Math Prooi Carpot FaIt and al l inds cf Building Paper at 1". Wort[I's. -Juat arriviuga freab saupply otfieald and Gîrdoen Seedia at Murdoch'a uldPtt nd. Tho numecrous testimoniale receivad place Dr. Butlar's Golden Pilh! ini the formost rank, of reliable reinedLi agents. Try than. Mr. 11. Cenn bas takeni over the Fire and Accident business heretofere c iriad on ýby Mr. R. Vîrtua and aili hav e an office in Worth's hardware store. The West E nd flouae bave a splendid essortinent cf Hamp Carpets, double and single aidth, te match wl'lcl means the seving et a lot ef work. Seo them. FATAL RES-uIT or DELÂY.--Siakuesa3 Reneraffly folloava in thse path of negflect. Don't be racklesa but prudantiy take a few doses of Scott'a Emuision immediata. ]y fellowing exposure te cold. It aili gave you many-painful days and sleepless nights. Tha World's Fair i. the attraction for '93. However do flot lose siglit of the fact that T. N. Rickard is a watchinaker, jeavelar and optician and thet repairing i. oe ef his specialties, therefore any work you may giva him te, do aill ho doue well. Ladies' Spring Jackets and Capes sali- ing off et and under cost rprice at Couch, Johuston & Crydarman's, W. H. Osborne lias won great favor aitli the ladies since tliey have tasted hie fine flevored teas. Ne fluer toas aver came te Bowmian ville and thay aie cbaap. Out Thi.3 Out And pin it iu the crown cf your bat', les t you forget tIse naine ot the great luug remedy for consunaptien sud lung dipearie "Salvator .Magn us." Ripans Tabules. MCOFULA 19-YEARS For cr Fu etr. %Viti, oua.Lyhai a laS si,',. my face- avea dry and scaly, az.d iurecd liLte fire iimo f th6 turne. ,ily body bcd big red Cp") o it, and J_ did net Xeowebat e do1l'aent '~...-" te fur iffeeutdoctore O ced tmcy -1 pn:'meat firsk -~r~~ ~vn; heuI tr ~dother - . remedies,, but theýy dîd nie, ne Food. 1I was ashiame& .-. to go j ttopublic. 1I was a. Weuk' scy, 1'"Whzct 1te uttr, s hy do't yer ttccs 'et ,ni Eveil ,et riv!y ai abr I hadl te v. ,r'a sort cf cap te lreep the flirt freregetinlto the sores. A fter 1fv ,oM vi L 1 ,tilwud be cxeedwt i M red pepe i oer my cec ced face. Somue t'vu or tbreo peolie cdvised me te try the COUTICUItUA ItEmEDiEs. I dîfi try, tb'-r, and arn glad 1 bave douesu. Gkmd te say I am a w'eil man, and in the- bt-st o f health siure. 1 cannuet praiseU the CurcTICUB.,. IE3EDIES tee ltgbly. I1reloser my portrit LEV1 L W. 1,A'IOŽf, Larksville, PaA CCuoaRc .FSOLEsxr, 1be-w MBlooi'd cd SUn Purifier iut&ruaily (te cleause the bleodj( of ait lm- puri!tics and poisecous eiemenits), and CuTicuEA> tht gît-at Skie Cure, and CoIuRA SOAF, au ex- quisite Skie Purifier andBeut eexterually (ta.ý clear the skieacund scalp aud i setore, the bair), duta*q every disease and humer jof tiie skie , eeal, ot bloofi, tith los& of haie, froam icfancy te cefroni pimples te serofula, wheu thse best physicices, lbos. pitalo, cnd ait ether remedies Cti. §eid everywlsere. Prisse, CVTIrrrornÂ, 75c.;: 5eÂP, c.; ItESOLViENT $1.50. I'reparledl by the Pol'. TELS iU NDCEI CenvoliýATION, Bosito1, 9iýe-How tu Cure Skia Diseases." 64 page, 5 illustration1s, and testinaýoniaL3, imaileti ires. PIMPLES, blackheadis, ref, rougli, cisapped, andi *IVIily skin cured by CUrsc.C SeÂrAF No RHEUMATIZ ABO UT MNI In one mnUte the ïllU~tim SAniti-Pain Pater relieveaS rhei.. Marie, scatie, bp, kiduey, masculas'5 and chest pains. Th ise i-and oly Ltnanopa-killumg atrengtiseuing pimaiese_

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