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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1893, p. 1

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:-~160 P~ ÀxuarOUR TOWE AND OOUNT YJ RIES,-, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTÂRJO, LD AF'TER.WÂRDç. M, Â J4>mlSEuTkA» RpxEo .1'. JUNE 7, 189).3. VOLUME.XXX NuM 2 Lie balance ot the ir-Sping 4cle t8 and a1pe& and under cost' 0ce.Ili aving efuise rs be- Thine .31T. (JARSWRLL. ,S.hüo1 reprt for MUay. Sr 4, Bo)nnie Richards,' Walter Armour; Jr 4, Evz Courtice, Wilfred Cawker; 8-r 3, Franc'as S Cawker, We.3ley Salter, Emuma Cornish; 4t Jr 3, Edna Cornish, Charlie Goyne, Ida Ri Hanicock; Sr 2, MUaud Hancock, Herberto Hancock, Allie Colemlan; Jr 2, Katie_ McDonald, Viola Rucdie, Vrna Goyne;o PL 2, Frank Hanicock. J Michael, Walter Stacuy; PL 1, Walter MUichael, Lottie p, Richards, Birdli, Dean. Htghest per- p, cenitage of mark-s taken 85, obtained by G, Frankie Han-ock,. Average attendance 2 for the month 41. T. FUA-N-KWUGT Do not be diacouragced if ther xnedi- Pý cines have failed to give you relief.* W Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure actePR on the Kidneys direct, combined with a mild action )n tho ]Mver and bowels, KI thereby removing the cause of Back-Ache tek enur etomach, dizzmuieEs, indigestion and constipation. Try it. I UVEZR. B CA STL E. -E VW-HA VEN. 7y ferivices of Ebenezer TheoRai'. J. A. MIcReen,B. A. ,nreac-h- M. Wm. Anniis i,- recovering froml'his vil be held as follows: ed in the Presbyterian church on ýFriday recen)t ilIjury. .,Theý union' Sabi;ath Ilth three serm-oris wiil ..Mr. Duncan Arnrit le çery ii..., 8011001fa flouriahiiog.ThakateOshawa 1030O a. m1. 2 30 p. Ill, Viaitors: Mrs-.E. McNachitan, lr. and Methodist c furfrh d elibrary 1eV. W. J. Jolliff,, B. Mrs. David fMcNachtan,, Cobourg; Miss pre2enited snd to Miple Grove, for a book a. Oa Mcnday, 12th, iLivingâtoile, Toronto; Mc- Oeo. D)uglas; -ù, .. .Lev. R. 1D. Fraser and Rev. L, eeum11ed at - P. ni. coni- Mr. 31o. Ballagh, Rocheste-. i'hllps h'ive been snraking pastoral calis , recitations ai-d dia. TripGHOLERÂA ]FOr i]lis mcre .. .. Mr'.-E.-"J.Brke 0had a cow killed on aolnu ddresse3 by th-an choiera. Sevwere dîarrh.ýa, . rvn tlie tiack recontly arid one of Mr, C Qtool an uRn Trul s h-precÀvdfilnjre on Te O a a aer 4 p. J.colic, cramp , etc., are often nmistaken for p iv d a-a iahmie fon Te Êredn 4p n.cboleraic troVuls. A few 7doses of Th, paeitrai ..eeral froniflere at. children nct irembers Fowier's Extract of Wïid Strawbicrry wili tended thre McthoAitonfrecoa-,O0h. nts. Alil are cordialiy rernove boýth the disease and the terror ýawa. it inspires. A MEnROf 0t-a Ontro Board of would iyou believe a Hlealth eaya : "I have prescrsbed Scott's ~oner than any oterIJNfIID.Emulsion in Consomption and even wheu The anniversary services of Enfield thre dizestivi Ipowevrs er weakiî a se0 h'le 's uppoaed te Sabbath Solhool will be held as folows'ee ooedbgodeslt. H.P nd tell the truth? Buýt On Suulday June l sermons will ha Yeomans, A. B., lM. tD. 80 .A. L. Snider,patro h rch, eured of the7mos't pairf ni case of piles of long stand. PILE. LOTIO," aud recom- hus ifflicted. SGHOOL HOUSE. standing of thre pupile of ýariingtcni, f ur Mhy. Sr. emience; Jr. 4th-Maýbel aiu Rickard, Ainie Soper, Colin McDonald; Sr. 3rd kard, John McDonald, ýd Otteil, Ierbert Allir' r.2nd-Lillie Rickard, Eva Rickarj, Msy Oltoni, Arffhur Rowe, Fred Rove, 1, Howard Rickard; Jr. ilton), Pearl Cobbleiel, (orne Cobbledick; Pt. Il rd, Arthur Super, Roba es McD)old, JBertha Wonnicott; Pt. J-Olive Brgg Hobert Koight, Olive Cobbledick, Ezzie Rowe. ML . I. DoD, with conaia halving ï hele B., aud bie. wrll be prached ab 2 30 p n,byRi.J Liddy, llamnPtoms sud at 6 30 p. ro, by Mr. O. Ilezz'ewool, Oihawa. Collection1 at each service. Oa Monday at 4.30 p. Mn. tea will be served titi ail are satisfled after Nwhi(h a capital p) omrm wilI be reu- dertd cons&sting of readi nga, recitationis, etc , by mnelubera ( f the achool suid ad- dresse-s by Rev. R. L. Elw-arda of Black- stock, Rev, A. J. H. St-,rike of Tyrne sud o;thers. Tickets 25c ; chiidren, 1P. Mi a Luis Repynoide, Scarboro, andi MLis5s Annie Ho-,arth ha'-e been viziting agt Mr. R. Pascoe' ... . Miss Li li Pa3coe i3 vsiting friends at Niagara and Fount- hill . . . An another week a iik route wil L~e started te Geneva cheese factory. . .. Mr. Alex. Eos is hu purchased the cste of the late CJhas. 'Knapp. HAva You NEuiTRALuiA '-If you are suffering the zagonies of ineurigia, and have fiied to got a reine y that wl afford relief, we a ut you to try Polsort's Nervilire. No remedy in the n rket has given anlything like the Sanie deýgre.i of aatisfaction. I1ts action on nerve pmin is simiply mýarvelIlous, and as it je put up) in 2,5 cent botties no greut fxpc nS(3 lainl. ed in glvin1g it a trial. PoIson's iNez viline is 'he moat p'eas îut, poeerfu!, sud cer- tain pain remedy iu the wvorld. Sold bv druggists san L deýa!ers in med!cino, 25 cents a hottle. eAffin, Littie Britain, 1is r . J a s .' s , . . r . . M.W. A. Tonm as crec ed a new fence. . . . Mr.U.lIogarth, Misa Laure, Hogsardh sud âr. Thos. Paicoe 'have been at Nieg' ,àaand in the West.. .. Vis- itors of tho wek. Miss E Ves3awaY, Hsmilpton; AMiteAdlla Dancasttr, àMr. Mre. S. Wesbington), Mrc. Geo Wilbur from town; Mr. sud Mra. E. Hana, En. niakilien ... . Master Lonsou Huibert cf Ca - sare% wlij had ben working with Mr. W. Aiahton saud who hai ben auffe.,ring frin dii>htheria died on Snday more- ing. 11id 1easains were taken c' Black- stck for interment on Monday.. . Y Zon aiinivers!ary pisaed off very pieasantfly on Sunday. Rev. R. T. Cou<irtice of New- tonvile praubed tice ti) crowdd cougregaýtions. Our preachers being abpeot attending Conerec~,a 1numibr of tte E. L of Chris3tiun Eadeavor fiorn Batheqda car- ried on service 'Sanday e-veniiug herm. Excellent essa-ye were real by MiassEý Co0,Cou1h,'d Berry aLd Mvr. Cole, Mr. Ro)y Lad1 the mneetiý, ng auJave aul excellent addreas ou tht. Lord'ji Supper. The people liera were miach pleased with the service sud hope to have their friends again. . .. Peu)ple arý pleased to laarn) the.t Rev, A. J. B. S rike i S tbe our minis. tar agaiu for next Jear .. .. The iew mus. le and daning, hall on Front street wae ;p fullnla bton 8upa4v evennc We TO & RYDE MAN Isistu h~ 1.1 UUIIthi!s Brand. Ri ail a ilng as gooci. f ouwiii be ae -om T 1 t e. . t Cz

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