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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1893, p. 2

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for alpurp, ore Lancly sand hands fro In-a jo ury orfor presrviguse ?1ler othesin d andohrieý.) ha nd5cntsdSrfrom ein- uýqIa n ïý juryal , c nsor lfor OF. A CADANSATEA- Blprankinrmi lu vanbrahes.5 F;ublicaîion otAderts dinstund; e by c's rat 1 e nd Ier e f00 I idn firsolus cf 0.5and cets prds ne eSe' sbvin Ba- Dec artneLnas10cnt .rn This Ba,î n'iDs BprepaD rodt)da LgIti- atank ing eý týin i iNbonh Farmce.f ;lr' not iesd so ted; Aideposits partînentCI Joo (i snd iollactionsumdvmcunEuroPe 1.nle ttes, dafiaifJa isoGla. vean U.üie-ýt. W. J.eba BtOugh nE2,l HOUjSEEIOTD, I Wif You flappy Dream. 1, 1 lCI:jOS IN OvE 1e he sastervgl ep lndethe wbitelido dr tp nwocp, Then I îlot tIekcatch the wipr That sw feterthamUol ero AWl th, "t-in w 1011yVu(Ia,py ram. The bon ed th!e po 50Is old bfoleep caresot Te oten the broken dh, 1Fýihies, Anth tear , f l dopy drsotp Tehn es -.the oces hlho Ofhe thaooarcuigtkte ie The ohadows may bide the sushine And darken the world formre - But the Il.glit of the past shall brigiteu ,lumrnory's loveIit gicarno, WVith the kisso of the baby shviter .And lier "wif yon happ,.rl)y dreatns." onny Adviser bis Grandma. shrei as ev rybody knows, an old saw ba'sed upon the utter fntility of teach-t i ig one'e grandmother to suck eggs. It is sefe te say, however, thet Joheny novert bad Iteard t-for Johnts j just 7, eud bis c store ot keowledge doesn't run lu the lino cf axioms and proverbe. Iu fact 1 don't'tbiek that yenu could ove make hlm believo that people cal1 taxims "saws." lie would t'ay : "Oh, yeu're tryin' r te fool. me," if yen teid bim se. John's idea je that the wholo end aud aim of older people je te fool btm. He bas dednced th ist from the photographer's telling bitu tet watcb for a tueuse te cerne ont of thet camera, and the nurse's toling hlm itbat sh tork brought the baby,atîd bis ftber's promising that if hoe waa a good littie boy hoe wonld take im fishing soins dsy-but ail that ie neithler bore northere.t Now, Johuy he a bad hiabt cf forgot- ting eit timos!' where ho tn going-. [lie calle it tbis, but we call it runnsnig away. It i!:lly. grieves mne to thiitk hew often it happons that lho doesn't moan tee oauy- wbcre, but the- first thing hoe knows hoe is in some other 1-ey's yard, or dowu towni, or over by thec railroad track, er lu soe place tbat ho bas been forbiddeu te ge. (One roasoiiny hybis tbought causes me se nchl serïrow je becauso it reminds me of my own chiibeod; another je -the chance that John mightÉperbaps attompt te epeîî this article out and miss the moral.) Well, this tftne hoewesn't payine the proper attention to bis envireemente and wheu hie mother discovered hlm hie was three blocks froin home and up ou the very top ef a great wiudmill which had beea put1 up besido the warebcuse. Jehn lad not, imself, discevered that ho was there-if we may take hie word for it- -until hie mothor called je a lend, frtghtened voico "John, coe e bre, G;et down from there ai once" John got dewe, but hoe gravely told bis mother on the way home that she did ai risky thiug te caîl se sharply te bim wbeu hoe wae up se bigh. "Why," said hoe, "what if ;bad cf tbougbt that yo'd wbîp me whonwe getheme and hed (cf been so scared that I'd cf foul off. Thon yen wouldn't bavoeuy lute oyany umore. I fet sure yen wou1(ld't whjip mie, snamtina, else Iwo ldu't hvoerne owu et il. 1 car, tel whcuen i are goîng to punisb m ie, an' yen eain'iî gielg tethiîs urne, I know."' Jonsviohad ei somewhat forcod checer- fuinees and b lis pae es saeo is nthr'sfightouodei, Vwite faeks to po, h"ýeno c lbsfate; as hopre- For gj mothr dsendl1y. to, fer- poît c theorinlserought tehnd Ulitto sosis ra mother's feet, "Now, graudima, ~ ac him, " hie mothersa Frrnmptly rratesaopotr& ailrptrt dear, sweî graendma-wn ci reRt Hri' tain. the Un ted States anai te curie ced beautiful eid face, Do rieniotOi anada. gravcly aed looked reproach' T e i c r r a i l 1 î r a î s f r .~s n a ll J o h n , w viise fa c , w a s u s Tele-rafli ransérs cemmittai as a woodeu rnask. Mde for large or o'iih 'rs;uu n cIl part et Tîtere iras an unbroken silence citer Canada% This is c',pecily adî'attgcomno te moiber lef , only for the crickets and ir Vcreen.ý living i Macnlleba or the Xotbwoest' t iii okes the tueas avathable ci once at tic tead8 and sof t surnuer soueds, and the 'Ptae ofparmtuurscl tehk. genîle breezo swayed the hop vines witb a F. L. FOR'rr, GUnO McGIL. lazy, waviue moton. Johun dnd net lhue Accountantilanî slence and he heed to sit s sil He made a rabbit ont of tins lsa,dkerchtef, furtuvely watcbuing hie grandtnoth9'r s faco tle wbleý There wcs ne approvcl inu ubcmîln bin oyos se hi îurned bts iback upenlte Old vanesceit bloaomor spaikle; îh atif sh la iot lbeauty ihe dosot mise ta 1isý eyes inow follow he)"r thap fn ther and bet ter sort;ý that fair or ifoul !he ove,-s lramd if lber oyes we.-recloedb ie 'oldnot ha ve them t gteelnn 3e chanige ber te une, fairer. Food bas Ibeen hepodby taiiTîg t tas become a custon to let girls ieé in the pen air, to siufol' them to0 play gaine;Wbich birty yeas siec would have bio1n pro- nounced "boydenipiish -te a mQ5s pro briens adjctive-aLnd even to, trtainiu tem hrough gmasiswith sCionltifie aittentioni and regularity. They m i'ay take s smnch xorcise- as they like, and owing to the, partly accidentai introduction of vigorous aneinwhich both sexes can share, thiey fie to take a good deal. " Ladîies' cricket" anid "ladies' golf" areiiatvrclswh nothing to reconimend thb4em bu the oipon iir ; but lawn-tennis Is sberp,hea1 l -hy wo-rk, a great deal btter than tbe bay-makir.g of he last century, which overtaxed tlhe spie, and so are ridin g, as now practisedi, andi the walk of eight or ton miles, even if it enls in i rathier fatiguiug truidge. Exereipe ofthaLt kind, while it makes the buys lsçnsets ho girls up, a cbange which il(;nedoubt one cause of their apparent inecase iii hei'?ht. Thy stand on their feetaud standup ýsatheir grandtuothers, with ail their diligon backhoards and injunctionrs to sit strai-ght lp against chairbacks, wichu were tortres, never did. The girls stîn-d iko olies without their stiffiess, and heceui-se àhey ceau de it, and know they can, tbey faulu nstinec- tively into a style of drese wbicet. -isly thEir ability, wbicb recognizes, for exenple, the place of theo waist in tthe buafigure Gtrls do not Ilellop " now, C bav ecdee almost forgotten a word wuc 40 years ago -was incossantly in terseniors' ivonh ',an TI'0ÂJE ANDOCOMMEIICE. Thùxp)iorcf gold- frern Cape Colny durun Marb amuen"nîdto £~00 Charesto, 8.., s considered the First posaonarlket ini tho worhLdlut 1819 57, 49 tns ef phIospha'te rock vailued et $42000,wre teko romSeuth 1Carleltua6 Net sine the fUneof ] BaeBrOîbers opayfor h500,0 as se largo a -banel-iugfilr ' noucdas ithat cf the EnlisbSmdtIh amid. Anfstralian. chrtrc bukof Lnin ibliebilities of 4,0,O. The e largosr locopsiotïve i the world wasi reety crnleeih IbdoIlend for the .0oxican CeiinBp!, a.The weight ce the drivers is 201,00t)pund, ed 20,'000 pond on eech truck. This groat locd, bowever, is greatly, distribtod over the ridgod wheel base. Accordieg to the Rend- McNally Býankers' Monthly, there are eight thousand banks in the United States, and uearly baif cf those are National banks, the romainder are State or privete batiks. National batiks put up $100,000 in United States bonde in WVash- ington to sçcuro $9(',000 in curroncy. Con- sequentlytho currecy of the National banks le curroui, et uts face, ail .or ite United States, whîch is a distinct advantage o,,er tbe old Stete batik notes. Following ciosey the failure of the Stand- ard Bank of Australie on the 2Sth, witb e capital of £,0005t,000) and a reserve ftînd ued iundivided profitseof £ 12,500, as well as a igh.reputation and fumerons branches, cornes the announemeut that the National B3ae cof Australie, with 150 branches, è2,000,000 eut horized capital aed liabilities- le the coletuios c lone cf £7,500,000, bas failed. The Standa'ýrd is practically e build- ing society;: aeiýît8 failure is regerded as unIimportantcopaedwuththers. Ans- <-0 ) h Vastoria îe Dr. Samuel Pitcher'e prescription for Infant& and Cbildren. It centaine neither Opium, MUorphine nor' ether Narcotic substance. It le a harmiess substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castôr 011b It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycars' use h Millions of Mothers. C astoria destroys Wormns and alla7l feveris1îness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curds cure Diarrhoea and Wiud Colle. Casturia relieves' tecthing troubles, 'cures constipatoit miatIcy Castorig, assimilates thse food, regulates the stomach aun'd bowels, giving healthy and natural see.Case torla is thse Children's Panaeea-the I*otLcer's rlend Castorîa. catorit ile a excellent imedicino for cl- dreu. !ttothers lhc7 e rpentedly told me ef iii good offect upon their ehidren."1 lu. . .. OscooD, Loweii. Stase. kuowu t10 lu." 1-. A. An.-' wae the-rigin in thousande cý f acss)f posi- tralien sscLuriols wore etfýt seriol5sly dis- tive physical barin. A well-bred. gýri uw- urbed. Thie assets of the National are "Castorie is the lient renedy forchilidren et "u'pyilu utec ruedpe dys doe no,t ii C5;f sle were listeing D9to simtd i£l00,0 Thiq si eut- wiIainzcquainted. Ibpclî dyio o ent hv pkuhgl o cOp a rebu-,ke, and stif'feing m_ reWte disregard epcoas it wcs u. onceThursdày last fur distauînmohrwhctid'tcei c uter ou1sbde practice tiLh0soi ilt; but sebe doos nerollo," y 1more thait the 1ank declaried its annueal dtvidend interesi oftrcirech1dren, aduse Castori l- cc at1zioug,-lii ir ou havemnols ur thn betis ie wis bitabutfi1~ ichsof I10 Per cent. -Like Llt-othere, au extra, stenfthvcusua"f rmsvhuer edical suppl3 1what is kown ne r5ulal toc igbt. rui ul, puitsis Egii'en as the ,-ause. De- deaoenthelr,, '0e ns yocneiu, peut.ytw~r fr ole utosibt thse --posits amlou-uted te; £9,000,000. imorphin, eoihing syrup and 'tLber L1îurtful nierite et sirb Las wonils toe lcç-eitu~ Mark This- The Toronitc Evenieg News givos the fol: agets dwu thritýet, itereby anig trruo Asunsbinlylhusbaitd makes a nmer 'y, beu-loing reasons -for cheaper hf e insurance tbem te promaturegravoae." Ltn- Ha NT.LaODsnea4< iful berne, worth baitig, woth . orïefiug, The promiurn incosue cf hf e insuranco cern- Dis. J. F. 'KINcssEUO, XI . SI1, Loston, Alam~g fer. If a msan la brec.z, cerpcoiie apies dloing business inu Canada only ie- CfVy r Acn aed sympatînetie, bis wifesne in lier ear creased from $2,882,000 ln 1875 lu $3,b44,- ~ CnarCmay ~7~urySreNwYr iy over ber, puddings and hor mendi)g ibas- 000 in 1882. In the Foubseque.t ton years TeVnaVCM-a7 74_U-ý_K ' r-C*Y ket, counts the heurs tili ho eur sa there was cn increese in this incorne frorn night, and renews bier yontliîi lu hceecuityîbeea-d a bal million te upwarde cf fine sue fels cf bis approbation andaditon million dollare. The enermous advauce bu Yen my thitîk h week or idih if yen the latter period, as compcred with the .poaso, but lb is the aditred wiejw1hears frmer oneeshowe thal our peeple are be- FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SO\T, BO-' AN-,,L worde of praisi en d rcovs silee of en- coming rapidiy educated as te ttho advan -_______________________________________ meedation, wbo le apabe, dscreet and tages offred by ibis system of rakng pro- executuve. vision for the future. Another fact isE LEuentPie -Te gatc rid ad jiceorth finetmillion beliars, the ubl ies n r i e For he Coks.and the managers of cempanies. The promi num inceme lait'yoar wcs, above stabed, of twe lemons, to whiclîad fourege re- claims wcs only a lie above feur millions,.- serving Ilin whites cf twol beatale wn1btwo" When the receipte from prenniums alente- Te unwesge eiet hn tefreso /s îra cupscf nga an eu ta!esoongl f bt- excîudung the reventue f rom investrnents ter. Thon takobwo tab)lespootu>ifeil cf for, mdl fsrutnscietd eycspo for the liberal patronage extended to us during thbe p season, mixed witlu e liLe waior, ad oite cup vies-is considercbly over double tie no ugo also to remnind thein that we are stili in the, are and of water, aed stir ie the ethor ing~eins i paymenî of dlaimis it certainly does seernpeae t a h The wblbes cf two egge bct1 wiîhiel ve as 'If a inaterial redluction mighti be mado in rp edt pa th teaspconfuls of sugar fro se*bIeteC . Tish hrefr crigrss makeeteo pies. f iecag o arigrss CAAMLFc.neFstAtes-brecps uIndecionwth the beavy exporta- , EIH ~IHEIST N[ A IR ET PIiICE tionl of gld te Europe the \very important of brcwn sugar, ubree-fourtlns cup croýate, ma r(o internaujonal geld and silvor WO0 n fbree-fourtb1s cup of 1butter, beill 'teether crliae a eu'reviged. E. Bt'n, uIll b hardons in-'nwater. Beat,' ail tei nres,1t b A \abe onhy o Urn1e. Ver deiu. AprileskNiheSinsan'itje0,at wbeRever LI-KINQ îrienGRA0N 1 FaunI-T lIE.-One cOf the hboit wayS to 1exehCange bteu uoeand Ame-rîca f1or make pies from salljuicy he tç tance reahes la certain figure gol J deiverOU t our soehuecor. 1King and J.Georgyesret ccok tiue fit oaaely he.-i t unities more or leeiense, mut h alntn W ae1s nhadalîes F~iido~dïurer rtýtpgete u t ,i sielbt;s opae oftv1"pelbou ringuýe atreatle, and NE W AN E H Sl pie cruls'te wboýn baed itbut llng.reed, a'-tnï cpu te puif and risc uuevenly, lay ee tsvý e w ai - f Cn&da LvrolCare at uBc.ora. sheli boefore bakuiuo noled pâper, îsncb asinle 'f A anid hor ses, and Fresh Ground Ge y Plaster in Barrels confectioners use. Thon put lu a, flling 0of ni L n otîssterling iu goid w,,eighs 8.93 j- senalsquares of siac breýad that' ye'î isb b ons, ced in silver at rsotmarket valuoehc eaepeae osi brewned for garnisbing sonup, o o ss over 196 tons. This enort,,us and needies - An apple pie mcdeo w;ibboui anyn rerst (especially-nînong nations se igbly ciriliz- I "O 1 and witb the epplesosuct jeihalve ýiduî !d as Europe and Northi Amorica) expense ith salite deveop leptnir flaior cd rnght be saved by an arrangement oui the Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CILEANC BUREýENED COAJ niiiklod with sugar, is oeiin l sr-pr fnatibonal reasuries or banks par- snucb a pie use a large spoon. allel wiih ibat between the pritncipal hanks a ways in stock. ie will bo found mocre delicat' of New York inu whîcb, un urne cf crisis, We invite, inspection and guarantee satisfaction. Wuîout aptees of aey km î,hey utter ciearing-bouse certificates. begtn n$ lese ~tti0Lil-.Ng,,one can estumate the good wbiit' M C J T A ~ wutblbb l11 unce n G11 foilow tienosct desirabte generai L LNC orane cvish ai ti natte ns cf Europe audAmer- non. of uca wouid provuide uoelvswth fw - an fvorite gold coins for use inu common. Thiie n ea broue-b sinssnse more uprti, ee ta liconou iý)lanlguage cefd lmucb m! norý.e easy cf' T"" ru f 'tined eh t iona oc nvsBs,-înnMN h iofrmteextra easoe wýitb --e- --0 -. ~,O. t., C t' 3- .,' ,4. -~ lt- br~~»'ri' -t - -t.--t~t, r- ~t' t ~ t---.- '-t t- - -c a' -~ ~ - - t - t' -r - IntilSO OrŽr.r-Žt'rrt - - -r-t'--- -vs.r-tt -t ' -' t' - r-.t -r -e' '-i --., .i.'vn ar"np" rî-t"-tŽ - r-r»' - - - -'t.- k - i--t t-t--t' '~'--"t- -t" t -,-ri sr-~e--t ~5- - -, - -e ~ t....h~ ,.i,,.ti-tii-mir tiueî~, No nuire tocubJeirnu r---" - 'g 'r- n .'iunOt"~ttti ~Pki.ii t'h~ 5t ~it' ~ Pp~-<-'nseOrs ,uctt!d ;e~t~ ~ -~ ~c~o- a"-- w--- -n ~,t'a~t c' .t~ - - '-ïr-rr-'~ '-~r~ ~arnHI- - t. - - - ' - - t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t-t' -' ,~ - - - - 'r ' - - e-~t"' ~ ' - seaiir- i-ny a-arrn, rer-e-. t t,,' er-c~--t-0'-' t"' ni ~ .t~ c~urt. it ,n,, ~t'xn~tr, - tu ' - , -r- -' - -i ., r v~~r-n r navet frv it wi1 y,,î, n jtntis',V Lt~t.r..t t' S I- C~tt'.ltru.~tî:ca alun. 'e'rar»ioe.,n.'-i~- .r-rr O-e-' ~-.' rt.~i- r.' ctr-. . ar-b. - ir-- r- r- ,.~ ...r-~y.r-: -h t,'... US 1.' u.,ill oct ha iuu' t' inr-rist, <~~tji,: i ,,r.-,, or~0"'r-e',~ 't' s-' .,'t', e. w~ ,,e,î'~N,, ~ ~ittttr-r~~v c- ,,n * s-- - a .- ~-.-~r--- ut- t., ..,. - ~ ~ . - ,- - H'i-r,-,, H~a 51 -os ,'lat iV~trr-r-t~ ,r-,r<.t' 'î ,-'~t ' - -, - - i t net wotg w'~noîuî e~res', a,,tn wsl nec ,sj- t t ttc intnae 'ttms ,ccca t.t.rnt',.t,.,,,r- a .r-~ - - ~ero ~tor-ir in cuy woa h is rnnî'.h stronro t necut ced bar s~'f t, whl~c curIe .lr~.riped dcwi~ Lntruot' Wiir-v -Cover c c r-t' t.~ t' ~ r-.~ *r'tt., i .aarToiinnvrr-~eaiituibindtîitî smnncut'icse-,4a [0f r-,r-~acî,',t,-.r,î,n truc ISOtIaS t s - . -. -- t-y~--'tc~t~,, i Oit' t-a-S' ttt'~r i. -. '- i~'~rt'tr inUat ru.-v-"'.'-t t'-- Feace c,.,t up eud Fer-ut aud Te'irnsl'iï'ed guanos w~rc ibm ana nunuy, j ~d't liaIt pint ut nulttng w: -u - r- -.'-. - --. -,y, ~--. - ,-r- ,. -. - - i - -t - - .,--t-tt - -' t- -t'-' t' -'-r '-"'-"--r -- c.-. r»' - t t ~¶.rt-t,,-r, sc-tt ~tt. ~t-ef~ '~ e, 0~ r- t-- t -t t-r- -r 't"- t t' -t- - t - - t;- - - - tr-t,-.~~t ,~ri~rli -- ,', ,~r-. tint - -' - r t------------- anC tttnttC ot 5itric. ln.~t.iet-tts nneî .s,:s i.'- ~t' ~ t t , - n I Cr- 'v -r-"' wifr- 'i-cv t-'.'t-. r- dote that- hi,, wife I one-huaif cupful of moiasaes, - t i t - te r- - titP Wt'-î 1rt rt' inerte î,ivp t, et-',' stusi~ a .'.-, - ru r-~..- t ---'t, ~ t~.-r t-'. - - -t t---r- -V- -- -- - - t" -r--t, t-fl t'-t' - ' -, t - ' -'- "'"~------------ - -- t "' ,,.-on..n-e' - & -~ -- ' rua ', "- 't t t' - ' --t - - - - ~ i~i'~.1i', fl'hi"r-V " "'-r'----'---------- d tu.~.I ~ .: ..-,.~ Jr- t-h. ~ cra-ar'iYt;xk, u-~ -r- t-n crr .'- ' ~- '~- r-t- -r- ~-'r- ' f c bec saîd the enu~re telegraphie s~rvice uf utuat. gages. lie nevttî- st-tut, it la believod, uns breas. yuutarif f tho labit ni '~~a ru: id Ct~nd r--sun' i-y rrr4riilet' t--- --""' -- - '-- e r-~. ~- .~. t.. - ' -- ~,ttttt't'... - - - anndupî.trii,,ntatt.rtitii~tttt t't'tt.,t.ttrt - r r-~"~ r' , - - -~ ir .r- t-- - i A,-'înr-e~rrn le- Fac'. dc Patr'a. r'- -'-i' 'n of '-.-'-~rtv b--e ti~ bnlk cf if je thoptirulsascl ttt~t,, r-i --- ' -r -- 'r- r- "'r-t --i-r k' ,r-.-e-- 'cv.r-yî'-dt."."';,~,~- j....t- r-r,,, -t -t--t-t-t -' '----t'-'--.----t'.-.--' '-'-r'-, t -- - i- - - -t- r,. tpa ,r.--'ru- ' t' .4--. r -r- . - ' r - - - *&t' -' r-" t cas-e, t i .-t'-t -, t' t ' ,t ~~it t't~ - -~ - ' roornnnne r»t Ilte An-gent'ur 5t'it~ '- ~r» -n-r-~s-~. ' ' tir '-J '-'-r r-'i i-eup Ut' "i I t.1,'lt'~ t' it~t ti»,.aîl or' - jiîzandaunnottuofîlioirc~Iti'Vi' -c r t' -'t-r-r- - -r f ~tc ht'r- e' -si-ns t', ~i-~-~r-r-.-- -"r--- -' '.,,-',-t---r,'i--rr- -'-t- 't - - -'t - »'r'i. -. <-- - willal is

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