3FIJ-O FRI )'js ai r muik t tises Che ci Il«Xuo.ln«OUI WEDNESDï)AY J]LTNî 7, 1893 vile. . J, C. orfb MIotSEL. L Ofle san ty 01Duncej. neki len. 74 tc n 1) 'ÎCO Sii~iM Sile. el c er or XierOntai Banýf o OFF 1 CiS El- L 1G(IB 1RA" L- K Bv. loc.w-Itemsiie ighorasistnt- *11' te fonn yiofor s.m.t o r u .m. Ni l ats .Atal teilgnepit ratlphortpone w ecuie eomp Prmtie ten tion.1.yr BLOOR BowAgf,îl-,, Nîgh celle pans-, Ailcele b teeg apt o eehe Cil 'bsu ulv prm atý7 e nt iion. Ib3l i A -,'A E UCJKER AP AISERa GntIFle gent, Bownlianviade. 0nareo ,.l S o pereiffor eer tas),fbilig ...... tenio...u n hetig bys.a 1 Di8eSet IÇo t Pua to Microbs,ý. Th3eicrobie origýiIIof hifctions 3diseases was ("nu of tegrdei oe rin bmedi- cal ~ ~ ia hit-.I a agl evointionized Theuwas a ifurther evnewheif Ïwas proved that thae harm d(oue bly -,he nmicrobes wauoV direct, but due Vo a viol n poio Lhuy producud, oneblanalojgous; Vo the posos ormallyV hrown off b-,;tbuýcelîs of' our tissules ; and thepse are inou o oln as tbey are dIuly carr;ed ont of the systeIn by tb0lmntn rgÏaneý. It iwas at fIrst tVbough"rt that the iScovery would1 cauise a revolution in miedical prac- Vice, tond enabie phySician)s Vocjure lpatienLts wyith m edicines vwbich wonld Cide-troy tbe p arasitic microbes. Wbaf mey bue done in ttiis direction jesf111l among tise problems of Vbe future. Theý chief advanfages of the discovery are that if empbasizes the supreme importance of general sanitation, aud thaf it may luad Vo exfendiug the principie of vaccination to moat infectious diseases, But acr-ording to Doctor 1'routssart, of.Paris,-wu quofe from the Boston Medicel and Surgicai Journal,- wu are in danger of carrying thîe microbe pathogeny foo fer, and of overlookiug tbe part that bulongs Vo tihs organiiism. ,le affirmeVstat àt wiil alwas bu impos silsle to expl ainIl patbology bymirbs and empbiasizus the fact that the fonctions of ths li 'ving celle thlemeelves mlay lbu pur. verteti or dustroyýed by other agents than miaro-organisme. Wbeui the fut sof celle are pervurted, tbhe eýxcesees of secrefed or excxreted naltr Ibecomie real poisons, similar in their effue(ot hosu produ(lced by Tbe faut les Vhe celle nI the tissues Ihave an organzatio au roper Js-iIuler o those of thseicoband wben thbeir fnnuc' ions arei diu dbcreverittable parasites, wb) ihftbe 0ogauiem bhas Venls tVo ulininaite by the, wlkonpoesofiiflamtin AiU oisnswbtever ibeir (origin ,$',e bu eiituinaIted bIy the kidneys, tb inteýstÀine or tuieein The fauý.t that theceleand mirbsare so elînilar in constituition and propurties intîjuates thlat i jeunsaýfe Vo ad- minister remedies that would bu effective againef Vite microbes. Pastot Kneipp's Water-Oure. Pastor Kusipp, tbe fanionus water docfor freminVorrishofin, ilu Bavaria, ftbu mod7em placeo-f pilgriinsge off the wat'ýr enftuiasts ofeal! countries, ý"is now lInrlnlecfurnig Vo~~~~~ ~ bi.olwr i h wodefl fec o hie wae-ue.Says a IBerlin lW uer to tU' London Daiiy iNýwS : Nea'rly wothon. saud ripersons ,asseembled V tuarfrom FI-atier Knieîpp's own iis the mysturies of hie cys. lem. Pa"stor Knuipp inakes e verv syrn- pathetie impression. His long blaek caseock covers a mediuni-eized stroncg body, on which reste an energetie headI. Alfbough bis hair ie rafter gray bis bnshy eyebrows are deup black. Froni the way bue holds liimsei f sud bis livuly movurnents, nobody would ta.ku Pastor Kueipp to bu 72 years of age. Hu te a wandering adIvertîsement for bis doctrine, te wii, as buie ays, lie owes bis lifu and strenigtb, and îvbich bu bas lived np Vo sincu 1842. Ru said tht wb,,af cov!ld noV bu cured with vairr vas ait!ogeVbecr incurable, Waeu wes Vhc epanaeafor ail teuei A, good'remedy uiuct b iverywbere eas3ily bu' able Vowbborneand cutVo tu ilie enV mp !ine.Rur Kileipp cornes Vo the AN A~UATERMIRCLE FAGITS 0'NOE -l IN G RIRA acioDuon hes stmRch ,and anes Te shold b"e eaten twhenCver posible. ie cetyit was anni!onnced ,!tha t he -Londo(, Panc~r hspit~l ad foýrbiddt!n il] ief lui rmeatinig torniatousi, as the,7y -ereai pruîspsin case o icancr. Iliresponsj Vonleru inquiries if there %vas anll roundlation f0 the rumor the c uir a ; the hiospital commiittee, Dr. Mard1de, a n. nounlled iofiiialiy tti " omaLtoesPetle pr-edispose to0 for e 'oite ,ancer fo mi, and that Vey are inotfinîlurions Vý o thoci ufe info, ite dieaslbt on the con, ttrar-yare awoesuartýicle oï dieCt pa'- ticui1ariy 2 i cod" ii ;s eol sufficýenit to displ) thIle ilsin i ti ecouttryto Look-to The it The choiera increas-3 in Russià ai 1séýic wheru as the weather grows war mer, ainil we must be pt epared for it in this coL;nt-,ras the hot season approaches. We(m, look to our diet as neyer before, for ;ilin h, face of every dread disease wumnst-oideîýiý as ail important tbe diiet, spongýiina, ti bath and similar hygieuic measures. Oneo the truest things about medicine to-da thatwe bave lese, medication and Omo1re of il proper diet and surroimnnings. PtVt patient iu the most favorable cniint resist disease and it is better than tak in druigs, TheV- ruiy scentiflc avncso medicine Iare Ioasýed upo tiie. Med-(iîcaitio("in cornes in vogue as a ïlad or fsiobut dietI and eanitary surround,îing.3ai are lay>s the sanie, S-ciecebaqs t liAmpsdont ofexstnc by bygienie hs druaded plagues tat dev astatedfvast po)pulations, and clioia audJ yeiw eerae preventud from sepu across 3theýounltry b uaati ne, s tr surnihg nd proPer diet. Smatl.po"x nlonger sepreakdeits conltagion froliou co nit o lanotbeprbeasvcinto basben nedasa sbld VM o stopit,i Pepal ever tha,'t for1ieLy tblrc eteed the life anid hbapiýiuess ofso many tbcusand of borns enolrvntdb t1get unlemi, aeî.Chioiera mustbe fencedin by quaýranltine, butt everyon;e can hleilpV plaýe llhineuif in a avorblecondition býv lîiokilug weil l'lieVhs iet. Nourisblinsg e f oraenyrmixture Ithat mray temipt tue palae m1ore. If our bde r nuibdwel they can res ies utr A. S, TVISNI. D. J'Ust ta Fix t t1lib H-r tlaa .» Sliewas seated bfoea long m irrri, onuo oftelags miur esa il 1nnt iu Torionto. Two dainty cretio i o lae, straw, -and(lcwere er bîined on bolie finger ips. She was gavelycomoparing1ý the-ir merits, whîile tbesaeorasoo by smiling. Anld so blr- deareeft frieudi caught sigbt of ber. "Wby, Dora, yon bers !Com rne huip me o decide. llow mncb did you eay'this one was ?"-1 "O0nly $39.42, awfully cbeap," cooed the saluasoruan. -111i try it on." The young lady turned to te glass ; ber friend watcbed ber with envions eyes. How did Flore ever geV so cmroney? "Lovly 1 crid Vh salcwomn, sisbe trdfrmthie mirror. "Teyar btlit lovui ."satid1 Doraï, ilua faint, ntîgt.a-ic.onn oc. "And lquite reasoniable, to,"weut on Flore. "Now, if'eieV ae t is Ore, coul Ihvethtclusterof floweiýrs mved tletoed o ealth After b Ün iven up hy Four Doctori, :Ii,, t',rkb a, e ors a je awnLad1Y g tSYY( heieO 1i' S5osili'y fi fic xLIieieffa iI 51hsI eferc. not mpuabd xbs ae given wstrpauI- ble.ruptaton f iny imulicine uver îrîngt efrethe nticoof the public o renarableindsdchar It je a constant bere f conversation, and the name iling die ma familier bonseliold words. Vse fer to, Dr. Williarns' Pick Puis for PalePeole.Milii of thle cases published t l hset-,Ory of people given up by ths utrand vvio were on the veîy threshoid 'fth ther worid henDr. Wililis' P'iuk Pis w ere bronght V o their notice. Pli es reporte!d were in mnost instanues listant front Dîinds and for titisreol iinV u onsdeedof moye tban p s.- 1ug initieeat. For the pact moîîthî, ioàr- evier, hs report ws ouarrent in own oýf voI1,btf;I ut uriccmpiheiby these arn pili l l. hsVocsipof AncnscIv, aa cted ýbat Mr. D.S. Roriiing, wife of s ponetfaner, resîýiting abot a;,uile wesft cf ,thle village of -apdowu sudi uvnmujes îfroniflndsba bengit un Ifp by ithu doc(tors and iitiat eus ied b ,1nred by Dr1Wn arn' in Piîs S g ruat ae hintretVaeni scas E tttTite Star deIde o iivestiate it and afwdaye ago rprauitieen p ro te, i-orniug hainmstýad for that purpsu tlitat very Ulite ese wa-Ls tali of but Vhs em tburecovery o)f Mrc. Ioring. lPos- ci1bly Vis faut that bohth Mire. oricg andl ier hsbrdwere boru nu hsimmdia iite ïIiigiborhood, ani are ,I'FpresuînabIL))y known Vo eves-ybody yin Vhs coiltry aroîînd, In- cîuse Vh itemefin th1icase, The Star M111n r01i1 g t te Hrigresidunlice was duitedby Mrs, Rori)iniglherseif. lhe looed hs ictreof huIth, and if was bard VCo be1ijeve tht she was ths sanie womi- i. wbiO iae af efb door four monthes ego. uIn ieer Vo thie question as to wsteale d tany objectin Vo-giving a lîîrorjy 'of ber cae foit pulication, Mre. lboring epheti htshitati wlnoV. "ITon ider Ifliet my re'covery wssml IracvU- lrou's; I give Dr. iiiian' in ille ail tis crdit su lemiii gthiet everybody. ehloulit i:kuowaboutit '" Mre. orning Viteis gave the fcio iisfory of ber remark- "Ayeeir "ago 1 was taken iii with what Vie dýctor ele spinal affection, wbicb, liilly realtetIinsupirtial paralysie, imy legs frorn Vhe kuiecs dowvn eing cornpietely dJeed. My fouigie Ivas also parelyzed. Oit Vite firrto f Jiy lesit I took Vo my bcd, witere I laid for four mnontits. No ougue eau teil whait b1ufrsd %Ivas, sensible ailVhsVim ani ueweveythngthat was going oul, buit I con1ld noV Seeep for te icin- Vts pin neai. 0crilsr1iVydout,,,- Sai4I[ Coid flot lilve, anti Vi(efioter ine~r-~1~1 ~ e ,a,1r~ionaureic ithhl Uncie Sain lias 1,700) railwaye. lu Ifrelaud trains ara e ircaily light. ed. T1ieý Prussien Goverument bas erecteti 2300dwlliiugs for Vhe governmeuf rail- wýay bauds. Reiiway traveling le cheape-3f in Hu- gr.If e osibe ogo froîn Bua.P h VKrenttadt, a ldistanceo 50( ilsfor ~l6,being et Vhs rate0of lrreemils frs jcent. As a train was botVo laeaClfrl stat!ýina Young burro wsce nhn imsfon Vh_- swîtci. Wheu tue1tain started Vths shriek of ts enmrsw hismle r7ightented hit and he jumped ith S110b force egainst Vhs swi tub as Vo hrow il, open JusV as hs train arrivel. As e reit Vhs locornotive anîd four of the cars were ditoit- The, 1 w Prquiring al Vhe reilroadg iu ths United Stý1ate to equip cl 'heir cars witb automatic couplinge will entail a cost upon hs comiparues of 85'),000,000. Thora are estiinatedto Vo b buween 2,000.000 and .3,000,000 cars, sud the cos t pur, car ivili bu ,bout .$20. Incudiirg Istekes, Vhe total lxsubis been estiinated et about $75,- 00O0-[Man ufa.Vturers' Gazette. The Siberiait raiiwav. on wlîiubhseRus- clai Gvernment is now pusbing wrork wîth rtakabi ergy, wili audd coideralsly to he re of acesibe inerai deposits of hs woland lprobably Vo Vhs inniber of itswokg mines. Large deposits of irou or re knoîvu Vo exiet ontVite located lins )f Vhsroa aulonig te foothlilîs of Vhs Jeb- bonnovoi range. Thecol epsisIt!Ise OsoriPeninsula iii Easterti Sibunia are airedworedtosoe xtent,adrrne uieîîîts havýýle een maduto u t hs werk- toge s soon jas the railway r"ee he iun. Exp&nýten of Euelli8h Club Li"fe. Thle lifeof anEnii lb mmber wit s, 11,500'O D1,80 ayeer. inivei coo nules the'tVo the a% erage AmILerican2- wotild bue mpsilif bu knew taby goiug t 1o work, bu co1u1(1 saru as imeuh Imore. It minse odg. liin usone qitstreet, et coniderabiy les than simuliar lodgin1gs wold coet hure, breakfast et tisogge aluin(lcon soiiue- wber6eulse sud dinner ettVhs cluib or e'thVie houses nfa friund. 1t is possible tVo dres de- ueutly on very liitIe, se that h-, youug man le etble Vo dine et the club tbe ý uer round if nued bu, Vo10 baehi1iti 2nluVsColn«- ry, isq cruise out a friend's yacýht or hie fishng n Vs Rghludcorfuinoýýrway. XILis colmon in Lodonclubs of Vhs qiet kýind V o provide a tablu iîtote dinuer et :3e. 61d. The dinner may have lu addition for thirty or forty cents e pint of excellent clar- et. Most of Vhe dinners at clubs of vury gond standing ssldom go beyond the fable d'hote andi ite pint of claret. Evun minl comparativsly easy circumefauces are con- tent witb titis, aud auxions that Vhs muai citeil bu kepf witin five shillings. Soruetbing butter is often provideti for a guebut if onu member of amati income udînies îvith enother etthe club or el,:,ewheru, a rýeturu dinnur becomes a mnatter of oblige. in. 1its eco)nomieýs of such ama excite no scoru oir3azrprije- l case is t,,oco'mmon, lu bas de"(ýilibmteiy al ltdilfe t ¶50 a ysar, anid th;e vrege Englishman sues lt.Inutaetu,Âestrictinga eUld'U 5con- site eslrd. ~ sumption of butter, encourage it. Lut te " Spsnd it et lissure," repiied P'af," limit bu te power, of digestion sud the" Shall I speud tiVbufore we bnrc.y you, or tendeucy o biliouse. Most cbildren witen wa are coming back b )y ses- maybealiowed ofollow thei.owu inclina "r.,îc-s"up- ,,is Lanus, iturvous prostratinuand the eiiuùg therefroni, hs af er effecte of se, diseases depending ou huniers lu ýod, such ase scrofuie, chsoni ereyip patpers ,titan auy j Pl'o Uiron~- A .ND - =t LW. C1L T, Trntoc! cnt ID ELïC AT E SL PURE I TH FR'PLC !N POPULAR FAVOR.q BEWARE 0F l IMIT ATONS. SFRAGRANT A N IN'FAL-LLE REMEDY1 Supeesede al othier peaain for thecutre o? .L JL.L cv'