TE TRAVELLING DAIRYI PUL 1EETiNG( N OW 1ILE. h The first (of the '(rseriof tw lve eet- de I11ngSof the raelling lDai-y sutent, nt w Ilf rontthe Onitarijo Agricltur,,! College iwas c held in the old B. C. church, Qnýeeni St., i, C-% WB mavile, on WMednesdahy aternloon. f et rMMW.L. Carlyle, PB. AofDndsfoi Co, and Mr.J. A. MlcTavish of Seaforh cir Iesin hre the former do'ing the tu spýeainig and the,( latter thepacca but- geter-making.Both)gentlemn perfo1med u their respective parts to the etre s& itio fet[ion of the large gathering oif farmiers, til farmes' wves ughtrs ad sos wh o wiere p)resent. There we-re also several of qIi our ciizes in atnac.Th Pl Amo dite lrnany w-ho we're present CI, and tookr a specil nturestàn de snjet soi cf bWtermakcing were M1r. and MIrs Sime ou Lie! Aluin, Providience; Mir.. Allin, do Shaws; Mir.and Irbn (eo.Aulun x- Se Mayorp Allen, Thos. Allun, Rich Allen, S. of 9 i h 0jl"1 % MAlu W A dot. no Miss Beithf, Mr. and 'Mn. M. Burk, Tm M.and MIrs. W. -J. agIijîs Bel[- foi Co A an, MissAM Berry, D)eputy-Reeve Brenit. e:i 69 K i g tCounillor and Mrs; L. Mk. Courtice, thi J0on. Clemienco, Mr. and Mfrs. W. Cour- To BOWMANILLE.tie, J. D. Col i, H.Il. Clean M. u'.1 anid M' . and i sCrydrmian, Miss th, James Dq mail.W Vl 54;til sut, M. and s.n W. Foley, finlr ichrd oi an iss EPoster, Mrs. JomFser os JURE7, 193. letcher, Miss Jeinnie Frasrt BOWMÂ7,V1103. Mr. and Mrg. Jno. Gauid,1D. "J. ibj- lb son,_Jno.-Griffith, Mrs. Johin and Mssth REFORM ASSOCIATIONS Glrat.ai) Ge'i. Haine, sq, .. M rM. andéha The annual meeting oif he We4st Dur-AMrs,. F.i. Hoatr, S. J. Hall, MIrs. Jno. a:s liant Lberia! as-h thn dm -barK S. J Hony, T. MIlenfry, J. W. le. hem iberial Associa ion was hl the i.Hrnd(eni, Iiss IElry, IMiýs ilayoraf t. au attendance being large. Mé. P. Burke ±Mr., tMis. and AMiss Jonless, Concll r Simpson thio peietcuidthe chair jý Jeffer'y, 3Mr. and Mrh. %W.Jacson, Su and opened the mieeting with a ocapital Mlrs, J. and Mi>ý- iss.ontn iss Janmes, eý M-pesSI. A. James. ce apeeeh. Mr. and Mrs. M Munday, S. MCn The elc iof officrs rested as nachiie, Le\vi Mris, . anld Itirs. Andl.n follows : ieFeeters. isis Janet NcTavish, Jno. c: Presidet-Mýr.D.BkeSpsn Mrryb re-elccrted. M-lrs M. IL Osbornle, John Ohrgo VieePreidenit s---Bow),manv ille-34r. J. R. E. Oshornie, C. Osbornle. aP C. ;Vanone ; 1 dalinon-À r à C. iss POLAdGeo. 1Porter, NV. E. Pollard, itq MNitchiell ; Clarkýe-Mr. C. J. Thornonl ; M. Porteru, Thos. Patersoýn, Ed. Prt,, n ii ~ecsle .Chias. VWight ; cal- Jacob Pollard. cri wtvight--. 1RQbt. Philp. AMrs Edwtiard Rutledge, M1isýs oweCIL Treasurer Mr JohuMcurry re- Mis. J. C. Rouwe, Mrs Jiol. Runidle. n C electd. M11. :and Mrs. R H. SoiicliI Mr. and l A.Yoî1ereelcrd.Mrà. S. Snowdena, sen., Mrs. O). Siiithi, pr Seeetay-M. Mr. and Mrs. Jino. Sando, Thos. Smale, in, CameofDistrct-Bowmanville reeTo; WMMi Souch, S. Souch, R. J. Shaw, th INotlîWar-W.CanluJ. ci. Mýss M. E, Stevens, Miss Jfflia Stevens, eV South -ard ". R. Rý. Cals-ker, Jno. Mrs. J. Sianiley. bi MCle lln. P. 11. Turner.te qrn eTr. Councillor J. C. Vanstone. TI WeatWar-Jn. Prcy XVn. effry. Miss Wilson, Capt. Wight, Miss \Wight, th Darlinigtou JMi JnesiaiPiarMr. and Mrs. A. B. XVrry, Mr. and Mrs. t Ml. MundayI H litt, %V.Trewin. J. B. WVery, Geo. H. XWebster, R. MWorth. c: penlfoundo, Rd. Pascoe. Ex-M]ayor A. Younie, Dr. Young, Miss Clrk-W Mllga, .Grey, JOb Ml. 'M. Younig, and a large niumrber of others Cobblediclk, Jnio Stew.trt, W. Ariistrong, w'hose names we cannot recail. A. W. Carveth, Jas. Burgsa, Jas. Stark, A large numnber o)f tests were miade Jas. Hunter,. with the Bab o ilk tester. The usual S NecslcW.Rickard, ýOln Allin,j pereentage av,,rages 3.7, hience it %vill bie J.AAwe seen that Most of the tests hiere werec A. heAwde. Ln-aboe tMis standard in beur b.fat iM iRereentties o is Doinon ibr-John Percys Hoiein, givipg DO! lbs al Convention etbOttawa :.hsr.D. ilidiigave. 6 :3per cent. Missel Burke imsn,.T. Lockhar1tIlMFiPPBih46 r on',2.q P ~~~~~~sey ho 7 mw 7 .I - .Bragg. 3.4; D). J. Gibson, Jnof Mc- Altrnaes.Meusses. Thomas i.iPater- Mrty )48Irs. Ml. PBur - , q SMon, W.F. Allen, J. Jeffey. W.canoir, 41, soi3.3 lMrn.B. Wu: 4.0, l. H S. Po!Lard, H WI. BurkJ. Keachie,W.6.; iM. Porter, 4.4; J. ness, 4.9 RichrdRd.Wooley, T. SlJ. 1T. 46 .;Go ln .ia du lPoNlck, Thos. B3akýer-, XVn. Tre\vin, C. J. Durbiam, 6. 7, J-,ersey, Thornton, Thos. PascLoe, Il. Elliott, WV. E. Oshorne, 3. 4, 4.2,4 Crydermnan; L. Coumrtice, Hf. Renwiïck, G(. Mr. Carlyle avct Ml. Long, Gýeo. Pollard, Johni Stewart, cleanlinesa in regard t fed 'Dr. Dickey, Dr. Aldrich, ID. Comtock, ande caring for thoencws in generl Te Jas. Deynan John Johnstoni, J. Jeromec, drinkinig water should be cleail and w4 Chi.. Wrighit, Rlich. 11h11, P. Mslolplentiful siupp'y of saît always within IRot. Jacksoni, S. T. Fe'rgusoxi, WM. 1P. their reach., The Inilking Of the cows Mlligau, George Greyp Levi Annîs, Joh should receive cereful attention. They of Allini, J,. O. ail, Jno.c Peenfon, 'A. houàd not be allowed to be wVorried dur-t ilIs. ing the day and sho le kepit as quietJ The foloin esolins were unan- as posible mwhile the ilkîng11 is being hmuIsly carriedl: 1done The imillk ahounld ho drawn f rom i Mokved by X. F. Allen, saconded by the cow, as quickly as possible great- u( Jas.Stark, tlît this assciation desires V, er quantiy lkely to be the result thanIo placre on recorddue appreciation of the when dhe imilkcing is dallied with. Comn-P- discecin mand dliînifcsted by the plyig whth pheuseonitos and tue prP- al representatives of this idng in the di.- or care of milk and cream good beutr as charge of public duities, nameoly, Robert lîkely to f,,llow%. Aflton .milking, dhe mîik te Behi, M. P., in thse bumse idf Colmonssolie strainied atf once bffi>oe being and Mnr. W . T okat M. P. P., in allowed( 1 f0Cool. fie did l)ot favon sIsal- sr the Ontoanio Legislature. Carried. loir panls but creamiers or thle Cooley canis tl Moyd yJon eac~esecnddbyr.for allowving the mnilk andi cream, to separ- i Mîtee.W hat e ascitzen~of tis boad te.If sliallow pianis-are usedheml DMionel oftwhhasctzno this ol roinc should niot be sllowied to stand more than Domnin, f vhih hi noleProine 24 lhours in snne-6in winter. E I- of OntNîo fonms an important section, we ery time a fresh lotÉ of creami is sddledl the Ir have felt the ever-incneasting destructive whvlole shoufld be lvell stirred sO as to en- c influence of protrecrive trae resrctionskale it to ryie evenly prpnepraoy forP, which h1ave hecîs crlsing thde great masscuiy l ma wd4a c of the people in nearly ail branches of in- chraurinfgst6c'emienshou edand m- duistry,and wovould censphacalUy declare sod lho strained t. preventk for the lowvering lof the Custornari to aMyfotpsignntek bandth roaoffaera whch nwchuarn. A chu.n wihoot a dashen a asa andthereova cfbaiwswhilii)u,,thought beat. The one used on tîsy obsrut te atuelcouseof uicciroal ocasin 1ws a .DIy"1bu oths__ it- of Comrmons by Mr. Blake, and the grand lyle wtilo lihe iwaS speaking sud discussion Liberal party led by thse sorld'a grand frceey iy eaged ini by these interested. old imai, Right Hon. X. E. Gladstone, If thec siinipie yet necoessary dIirectio-ns and to recognîizo in a fornlial ianniier the giïveni by hin were followed we thiîsk readincss with which Canada's ,ifte(I son. many nre of tise ladies of West Durham lias given bis pecris eiis to the mnight hecome boetter butter maikers thlan cause which hoe blîeved to be for the irel- thoy are, jnudghng froiia the gradles of but- i aro of lisIisîh flo-onrmn" ten frequenitIy seen ini the stores. inâtecelio [lie cumeus ,uc.,.i. ýýpr U:nJ ( ibenhe -3a'et nce cdo 'a cd te for ani Arts cure Grsoeoftep suos. hee sisolsasL ni ,e ta11,r: Or thj e t e doen oneg cen tiro.si, u:aiîlg ,anid cacighing iý) ti :acherls et ithe ea~Ito Little or 'no regard is bcd ý1for~ el1fare cof theUchlol iiy th? g'1(,î[Îh oýn of the aholadteaching at3hifl lie end tio whlicls the presenit High Sc!i1u 7Stem di(rects. Anýd ,rhsat isý the coîuý psence ? l he ansirýýer is cî-vie 'ise country is swarminlg w t e ' uds.Xe are quitue wel an re mepe1nsons liljo-in su ihu Mr coclson, u ltus inquire, lsvhe lo thje bloys ibo are ti bnod aet the Il chol tomup eli t 1"Ntetish. )f hle ploir-, triy. Neithe tein stuitd or theuir incelinlationsý direct th-1oîn ttisib rwonty yeav's ago tsebyswreeisa or the farua aiind tserec It aathat uce1lont, claSs4ofafermera'l vas addtî ,ed( ,e working populationl of th1is conqlti o day Jet afrmrgive fiveIboys a -go inainand the chlances are five t6fo 0 î1at four ont o f the f ive mill wanàt tole !,e f',n and entcr tho pn'l-, - '11,. -i ovu lin the tirth or are 'we drit . nI ou1r imlaginýation ?L c 1t u isseu0. ithl os,' to our on ig lbolod lie betinitise D1ino-aiask t] mys3 in teuac tsr.woaltiýo ions aIre stdyngilitisthe foll inteirti: id porpose of ona iifarmi-1ng. lave not takenl this pracical etso lýcortaininýg the ifrain u earnl that et thecnig Departaslent mid Uivriyeaintnsthereiv vritefru tise Iiisr formai of our11 s'ool, five for Uu.vrit aniuai iiifor Senioýr 1Leaving or Finat Cla artificetes. thirteen lforJunmilor Leavii rý Se-onid Clasa s tfi oand twiren: mel for Pnimary orThrCascet ue.Tisese ail point to thle proFessleîo ut we hLave not lîcard of any miso' 'oing to matniculate in giclur.' tue not nefi'ectinig 0o1our nHigi Scisool tsexeln staff of teecisers. It is t cli lrde systeni of edlucation that riticiýsing. For tis peemnntyag îuri oontiry that Canada ha, wj e]ccessan1ii1y a mors-e-dlay class of peojp 11l its3 sonsjjniust not ho educated for r professions. NVe ment eduicated fermel seimanîca snd tradesen. We wmnt 'e education thet cen ho acquined1 wenybodly's childl, budttIse edcateion xwm e ini the direction of making thenri Illigent vorkmren sud poi'becitizel Fheo onviction-is igrow innus 1d hat boys are makin1g a tremendous mn ike in leaviîsg the farin. Get tho c( ution, boýys, buit stický to tise farm. THE OATTLE TRADE. IPPERýS MARIN(;oxy- nPa' PECUS STILL. NOUAIO OJur fermer readiers irbo have hiý ceaning mucis disiressirg atone,,s ahio bilppers lcsng £5 U-)a liceS 1On. catrie stî pd to EiiLlindwill 'ho iteÏsef.-ii1 Montre-,a, Juei 4 --There lias b aht a spnt i catil - ihipl11nts daii th p-S. week, no leas thai 10 hoý sîarytîîîg 4,6-19 heal lîavirg saUled fn. th p-ort oÀ Montres].'Tne blipm-nlc uintg thie monts oif Myrtached 15,3 ea o atîle and 101 Shisp; tss 12,big 16,432 isead, with 3 utlwinit îs underatood thatt d snmiiewisst ear1isýr 1issls coinpletoly dippeý. duig tise present )v Ilitw ý cy -él !ilultjn(ed,tise nui lui conurection mwitli [ ire stock b idemproati feeling existsa tiset cf tise Montresi newspapara have in local cmu been pii-ntiig 'tie pro P gooti deal dauker tissutise fada iwi and in rpiy L() a questioni Mr. l 3îkndk poke as tolloi: - As oer cf faet uthe nKjoity of -attle nonits to Englani this seasont have mn)ail margin ou tisa nigitst id,. lie presont time Glasgýowv has bec: bad, but that bas been' beo br about by seuding 1.00 nsuny citt"e t imarket I caýn1not gay mvisat obj oct1 have mu view in giriug erronleous nation to tise press," M.Nl. Bickt conitinueti; "I add, isomever, thA t poris (,f the Englisis usnkets a, th, pesar injen1, somf tise Monrr-roi o ;,la, reproucdped liie rO equit lewa:t. If, fomr isane hipper osiný!g $15 per 'Mea], why are Oth !%uRionsto con e)ltiiue expoting > I<ot, consjuli the s2teemsbuýpcopi wiil ie toidti iat t0i-y could got cent. more caitie Illsun they are ' carry, anid 'have been blgeidonr; paet imo meoka to nefii- t aise F~npo) for et leat 2,000 heati of cettie." "1What I know 't0be n fiLet is tisa tise prosout all those mso ha ive c tisoir lisipmeîstB exclIu3îveiy to E have iad fair neturna; that is, to hin margin ou the cri ditaide of tise1 'Mn. Bckrd> b3iimg asketi w consideeti sfair agn el meaýn to sBay rsaàthtie cattie sold iri pool, Loodon ii Bnitri up to ti sjent tue mwouiti maso au arerigi lese3t $2 1 or heati -nid robably yen. uai ominber that tise mark, not aiiy bo3tter tissu tiey wcre issit but tise sieiamisipa ibave licou accert loilimsbs freigist pin beadti tisuf iy, and tise difforeni, inI tiefrà about tise profit tiese hippera are, a Inauirance la aise doue at frons j t cent. bass tisais in former years, th,*- gres tri Lieip ;cducO tise coat C mnLit. Imisy also ad3d,iu iaiti Mr.1 dike un conclusion, "that cAttie of excisange have s( 1. it iigiser rat, in fonie-r yesrst; tisoneforo w-iin hean e shipper say that lio is bsu per ise.vd un cji te -nant t tisesacr bee irruugteail steamsiisiçl endeavoring to ccr more u;pi: once corne te tisecnluintisatt as amaltA! ncan ie tise isetige. AUl ahades o[ KaisoMine eat R. 'W Bommanville. au'h of Mrs. Go: k, we arc ci extract~ froi 1... woiisu Eýst' Whitby LDivisions. iRe- -o i 2 ,uei.,u Dltcr is,0 cuece, Bs Po t3t rihm ruo ijivïeyi. ii intie air triUet au _eek froua lier on annes: sisowed a. gain of 77 making as meniber- gis eerei in, mýy note yeSterdaýy to nslip of 97-2. Amng the d-istiniguiahled, ho A Whbi1Iattended, heldé.ine'Hlop-visitons present were tMn. C.A. Everett, kins" usansin u oh fI.L This lieuse ýîî. W. P'., sud Mre. Goulding, St. Johnl, hso bas so interesting a %W7stony cornnction N. Bi Edwenrd Cansioîl P. M.w. A, :a- tiserewiiî, 1Iqsiltry sud give e turleofaeOhawa; as.B. Brooks ,. W.P., Tar- is nnatcpeeo ClfLgn. This onto; WY. H. IBewi, G. Scribe, Whitby; oul residleu-e wias plainuedand arage or Miss N. WilliamsE, G. Conductor, Solina. e- by oneMark hoans, a ir cr;and a Tlise followving resolutions ire r oid it. S. 1.P. [.in an, caaqun i mlti- uonalnousiy: M o ed tilionaire, sud ivas to cost ei,sMpooo l() lResolved that the Atie laàcsome lt exactiy. BJ_ef comletiontise od mani, wion al miembers of churches ashould u diEd, lcaving a vwidow agedl, 1i ppsqitder cesse pmring or eao colisevotig ne 50 or 0yrs She of cus rn ufor wiiskey. il mitîs tise aanin sd lee day rilo ove- (2) Wlereas tise Local Legisiature is in sîs l'ooking souso ecoatn ,jaieSpied a d oui as to tiseir poweor to grant a total iscaong fcoounpai onercalled Searesontsprohibition lai fortise proine of Ont- en sn aise ful! MUSÉat vienly hinlove and! Rio, and sereas tise Legiaatre lias cd eventu lmarnied b-ayung maýn) 1a aeda ilI for't he subtnitting to tise ani aged abut 25uon 26;-sud hestepped into 1peopie, of tise province the priviiege to to hoer iinany millions Shre on honr part in ý take a vote on tise plebîseite; tiserefore, y. feir yeara tisouglit it fit todie sal on ho b it resoived, that thls District Division odmonoy v\,as lot t toaien young lîusband, of Sons of Temperence are îillng to sac. ine muiile estp-onias lei t, isut any- ccpt tise Ipebiscite sud to do ah uin thse ',Voe thng womy y oA mentio.Hoîveven the power of the -District Division to roi! up tr ne cae aci. LeMoe tSe courts sud the a a rge nmjority infavor of prohibition. Lg mtemsoxpe sdyiigese A comimitîe mas appoieted to nct ln (o son ealt4 y tm omos," as p pnpt hliroy mitis otiser co))iiiittees appoint- of it. The"ishndstt lives to enjoy the eli to îedýrce tise vote iu favý\or of pro- Ise fîineat ud bout o 'f ecerything tîsis tin rhibition. Iluisle evening a pub liceet sg e-ints1asayied. o âSucsfodIe hîstor îg mas isld over wmcli Mr. A. L. su- of the boulse ; n1ow for tise bouse itself. R-unie, ). NW. P,., presided snd a very Wo 1It ha an immuense moodeni structure, plsedexellent programi was rendered, iemi- of in a Lange lot in a nueaaistocratie quarter bers of racol Division repreasentd taking ce of tehelit ; ha tmmree tnes high,tousepart The next District Divison Hil ho tmi the arcbiecture isafnomnuo yebcoselyhedin Orono in Noveniber. -'ai iil )-et it is niaster piec, coluining redeens- gis ing featunres of ail oun mGdmotu sud aniont New Building <rm o,stlso architecture. Froua tue street usa you go up a vinde nomr of murbestops to Mln. Alfrod Gulley sud Mr. F. G. cg s unotelorate entamnedsu po an- rBumber havefcmed a partnensip sud iy ing tise hall you sec to your niglî a coat-ivil cary om busineas as contractors, ifiud-bat noîsi supposocaibed a rovception humlidersa-sud gerneral carpentensi. Botis 1S, noossa. P'roceedmng yous m!cclithiisuamîxa iorouglily akîledsudpractîcl ire hall, avsm tn iini ih-m an looking kmeui haviug an intimate knowledge1 %Vo pyou are neminded cf am it i ýÏris itail tise details of their business sud1 Or So iigli. loftyasud gan. Off tlit mi un il! endeavor to give complote satisfc- ho hall openis upoîs te0bfàta Dinnin iii,. "i ion in al mors eituse to theni. we furnished i. nsimm e oaS sm. -o-dS,1Tisy "aepreapared tu undentake any noir ni- drsosut.,too iansd g !n-i>ing irork or repeiriug in tise canIpentirylio itb almoît to derscibe. Tise(! vals are dcorat- give e3timnates, andti ere necessary eu le, cd h 1ylisald suliai ,,e a dado :; pictiires hy 1sopply ateniaIls. Correspondience imay ho'lie ou althuts are accui,caiune a p-ece ho atidressed tu Guiley & Humuber, Con. rs, of tise, finct art. Tise chandeliers are tractersansd Builders, Bownmanville, or a îllcrOmmns in gLlass sud siver of curions they may ho seen persoiiy. Mr. for unique îvorkmnsiýhip. Paissing -fion tItis Guiley Ires on Centre St. snd Mn. Hum- ust you go into a isaf dozen oms misci ber, cor. Queen sud Ontadu los. in- tisouiliutoonte hy large Ïfoldirg doona 1 as. mnicis hy t o may motld alide back by "110W TO CUREILIL.LSKVX bISLASE.S" ply tie mprseof a ingle linger, simd tbey SiMpyspiy 'S&st' ONinan' is- mono as rvide and usuci iigher tissu tise No internai miedicine required. Cures il- entire door in our Dining Room et home. tetter, oczema, itoli, ail emptils on tise Tleýse roonlsa are ail fuirnished in a costiy face, isantis, nose, etc., loaving thes kin usianner, soinso hîsg rmitis tapestrys, rare clean, iwhite and liealtisy. Itî grecat iseal- sud oxo sve oius hung in ilS anti ing anti curative poiera are possst y some iseîid paintedcf curspe aciroons no ther nernedy. Asl, your druiggist for 08- laving mosý,i elahorete gas fixures and SWAYNE'SOINTMENT. LymnanSonso sdwor k.o One odd noons was furisis-1 Co., Montreal, Wholesale Agents. cd insi Moa ih"deaigu, evenyvtis*inl __________________ en his peculiar style- of deconations in colons, ce.Laiin hs floor you osceld ae ikd polialied oalS stair-casoeud raelutise a psrnments osed for sleceping Tisese rere ail in sanie style of gongeouisuesa6 oaciisamug ts athattaclied sud upon d ise cehigi 're pictures of cupid, etc.., nig for ne tu match ihile Iyinqupon -tous ias back befono or af ton sleeping. In miy lon Ledy's cisamber mor two miniature'D ysv n Of~ otler decorationshichIaciltcomm- La- 31 once tu descnbe. One otier depantusent tie1 must say a mor d «ou-tis kitcheiwn ~ T H ion itws an immense roorn WithaaftlefRomr.1 eklargoenugis tocok forunu anmy.li tise -kcenttre a smealllisouso for holding stei-pen abulr andsl otiser utensiis. At anotlt1eio uiW s iuîg of tise building wm a massie isevy Vain plain osk table for kitchenl purposes. On1 sne- sde tyo-za t-eionrymaElleu nd atie of sdoep stone for pnepening rveget-II) YO an lE tral aibles, wassiing dises in etc , a iloa coin- lir ple enrangement. U'pon this floor ires GO TO THE sce breakfast noomi, suppor noolis, billiard ntroom sud a rooîss encosed upon tieco sen aie, tise foutis h eiug open and looking ai - out upon ea heautiful lriaw. Yen muiay e s 1p- .perias ecatch au ides of tise magnitude of Ws t tlis bouse f romt my poor descriptioni.. 0f 1 te curse You imuattfIlI in detatils as to sony- on r nus' quartonsH, closets, bath nooinsa, china ]- v itFl iglt rouns, wme cillans, Co),9 liouse, etc. U'p- D o a tF bat on su euectic indicator in tiselieuse- Sis keepens voncu a, 55roonîs nomibened 91GOT TE for- sud 93, su you cen imalginietise vastuesu OTOTI .lke cf tiis mnausion. WVel, young Searies ils t'*giv-en tis buiuding toutise Art Association 11P- of san Franîcisco. Tbisa soci<cty com)iprises Ws l15ail tisefine enta, painting in oils, ivater inis clncihîsa painting, ivooti canvmng, a're snosic, etc., suid it isla nom a public art -") gallery,snd ope o tise %vide, wide mold; *-,9, ) if but the eveniing I attonded lieadbeen rne- o ou VVd>LIL>a la 3'011 served hy tiseasoiaio afrtise benefi per of tiser fniedyansd yen oniy obtaiced a te1 admission by invitationi. Ve wmo n ms- GO TO THE hecd ud enterËtained in addition te mianyr thnhundfreda of iv-onku of art by Splendid umsic sud eaopproyou secqoîte a fine p to sud grand affatir. A wîue use for parnt of Vt c"ý e somid m' m ey, dont youtiink l laud LI[MUMNI lx a iai ins, J-une 2,8th, 29th & 3Oth, Begý,inning at 8:45 a. i. eich day. N. B-Wriingand Dravving books i.ist ba handced to dhe pre£alding examuiner on moring of28th. PDRYbegîns Juiy 4tb. and July Itb. PÂSs; MATLICULÂTIý 1ON SEýNIOR LEÂuvis(, and H oNýo n SeCiio iAiR'sHII July 1Sth. M. iMr. FEN WIOK, B. A.', money? ýr a dlozeî r ilrlian C-10uead v 88,syafflsnc. tlue li iudu E 'iertots Ayerls a Bar igor, and ven1y seoni, al ouly cbecked any funtlisen bas of 1baIn, 'i predutced.tmis nt1relvuisemgr.owtls, hiebIlih rnmahued tiurnnt a stgbossy 'te this da: 1 (eau n ecemmened tlis p)ropartion o ali îlecd of a 'genuice lsi1r-restor. t 4s n j3astrop, Tex. nr. Geo. JoflI su1ri. flRbt PR have ýbouglit tiseold ctbissdtei business frem Mr. W. R.L. Camkrier Sas brFors- many years car£ied oin a s cessaful butcisoing business ishere. A Jeu has aisonougl ilsitnee'IV tise mttràý aid d te ligh liarav%ýctor tise Town l'Hall Meait ladquart.crs lie fuiiy suistaineti. ÎTis ews propniCt wil give cireful eoid promnpt attention ahorea1u are de1tterined te give ishactin teai cutoter. ash mii! paid for iidea, sheeupakina, talloir, po tny, egsec. H1igisezt pnice for g: caîves sud lama.Ciizenis are neques to give Joil &Rmetiue niw fins, a tr How to geta"'Sun.1ght" pictur Senti 25 '1Suuligist" Soap wrapp (wrmepper beaninL tise W( rds "Wlu.7y D a W'ionan Look Od Sooner Tisau a M t iE BzsDi,4SctIToronto, and you will nececive hy poe pretty picture, frée fromu advemtising irel mentisframing. Tis ais onm wsy to deconatec your home. Tise s is tiehe bet lu tise marlçet, antdi t eniy coat I.le. otage te sendi in wrappors, if you ea-ve Isleonds oiî Write youn suiddroas cairefully. ice CurtatinsY End 1House. amp CarpetsY End H )or Oil Oloth ? End IEouS ively white End Hot )od value for: GO TO THE West End Ho The Dry GoodCs, and Grocery E of B3owmanville. JOHN MoM, ýp d,