îcgýeconvenienco of cu3tomers ini the <outtrY and iiu order todeotreth ,31.,p 2rity of our glsses over th3e cheap tpasah beiiog olil at c-'tortionlato prices by 'h pdiars, we 1hve decidecd to pay iuonthly vists tei the following ?places nMakng Our firt votit as f llows Newcaszle at Fre bBr-os, juno L 07 0urono at L. A., Gamsby'sý, Ï38 Blackstook at Shiaw & MCun "14 Ibnlhlllen nt F. Rogersi" 1 THREE MOST- NOTED OPTIOAL1 COLLEGE'S iu Americaan have adl the nost maodemi scieniflu teats for properly adjueting spctacles and we guarantee perfect satisfaction lru he oat comiplicat- dcass,. .aigmd aseilyof giho study cd the eye for ma2ny years and mgvinh d te batitYfAfHucourses of 'leotarC8 ln tho albove olge eare qýUite willing 'te)refund thornne in anly irase wheré we o i to givo cair atÂfac. froi travgars a nd pdasand given thhin oney Y exhange forunsatisfactor chea goua wih anabuna!ce c wUappreciata theadanagsthe above aIrrangemlenit wili ive then-I. Prices3 the lowest. Gold go'odla aseily DRUGIGISTS and OPTICIAN. QR~ND TRUNK RAILWAY. GOINO AST tOING WES5T Mail.....S39cm afl .52à ilrm * xpre2q ...0U 27 1a imxpias..6 U, a im Mixed..... 245ýpnLocal ... ..83:W xrs. ... 9p1)umChica Ex... 2p Lm Ex.10 17 riail.8a.... 30 pma G et your seedCoaet tho West End Hise.,1 M~r. A. MDagiToroeto, pn Sanday et hotne. Miss Emfma Grant, Tomeaito, is visiLing- with friendas iii to'wn. ms. Wn. Brittaint, Toroato, is viiit- ing et M.Chas. Yog Mr. anld 11aJohni VanNest, Solina, wore guejsts ut Lorne VfaSunday. Mr. Franik Lylo of the Stanrda.rd Bank, Chatham, hias bren penodig a fow days at home. Mrs, (Rev,ý Wni. Coembe and Mlin. Spencer of Relblin were guests of Mrs, C. Dir. 'Tho%. Joues, L. D. S. TàMr-,. Joues of Vancouver, B. Cý hv be Vilmtinig old frierdnlatown.Ltes3 f r. and Mma. Brimacombe. Eer. John A. JeweII, B. A., Bay, was gneýat of his brother, Mm. Ilsaac Jewell, Sanday, and preachaed in Rex. M1r. Jolliffe'sq pulpit ln the mornuing le an appreciative audienuce. Services lu coane1ctio'n with the erdina- tie oIuf 'M. VW. S. Pritchard, B. A., as a muInister cf the congrgaienal denomina- tion and his formnai installation as pester of Trnity chuîch wili ho held on Tues- day next. 4~bi eta wil ho hid in the 'eVý- nng t 7.30 et which 1Revs. TProfs. Barbour and Wariner cf Mont-. real, Rav. Dr. Jacksýon. Ia ýgaton, Rer., j. -wooci, Ottaw, Pcv Dr. %Wild ce.- Rex. Dr, Bail, Toronto, aud others are oxpected to ho proet. A pleesent event took place la the Dia. ciples' chumch Wedumesday afternoon -when Miss May Chaplin, eldeat daughter of Mr. John Chaplin, gardeuer, and Mm. -Joseph -Pyùocf Osh-Awa wemo united ia LYirrfaga_ Bey. E. B, Bernespstrc * ie!-ch,,rch, performmd the ceremony et 5 o']4ok ln Ibe presonce 'of e large inm- o0f frieahds. The brido was tastly drasied i n a truvelling suit and wa-s asa!isted by her coua Li. issImýie oNomis cf Port 11pe p.lso beomingly attrd h gleoihiswss ably suppoted! by Mr. _D. Mo- LIean of Oaheiwa. After -artaking of e weddîug dinner, at the re d(,31oueof Mr. *-Cha. Mauing-,. the bap py couple lefI by t he Local carmy7,ing wiîh iheni tho best wilhes of a large, number cf friends. The nip cf a poisen-ous Eanaýke is but a sli,bt remeove frein bebng more dangemous *tha the poison cf Sorofula lu the blood. - .yer's Sersapamilla purifies the vital fluid, exppcls ail pisoncuasuîtbstanice, sud ciipplies the8 elemonts cf lhfe, health, and 5 treugth. NV. El. Osborne iuvitesa ailaIdies te test bis teas. Doudcous flayorn. The ne@w IF'dora liai "Sonator" at Maao's ; «also)fullino tifl bats. Calsud se fAo e heap 'Wall Paper frei 5.-. uP et T. Sherin & Co's. Lateat tylesclf piet.ume moulding cheep aI Dobs,,an ed "yar'Big20' Theohbiet price3 paid. for ail kindu of farm produce hy W. I. Osborne. Stylislh bats for goats -et Johns J. Mes- on'% Dry Goarsd Jowelry Store. Pume Indien, Tea iiorted direct, et _k7furdoch's old st -'a PETER MLTUno, ag'yen t, Dr. Butlei's Goflden Pilla are the oalos ncienitifie medicinial blod purifier sud * nerve tonie yet offredi the public. Give then% nt r sd hoconvinced. Il,.-' sborne has woni great favor1 wihth6 lde since they have tosted bis fine fiavored tees. N"o fluer tees ever came to B'owmenvblle aud they are cheep. Tho Worid's. Faim la tho attrcio o Mmi. T. G,,Bfagg is ho1me frein TQoto) University for vaceation. M rs. (Pov.) Wm. Limibert cf 0Odessa la viýitiiag frienidaiLu towu. Mms. Treuibe)th cfAbdenDkoa ~visîtinag at Mm. John i ellyar's3. Mr.s. Yirgmaa and sont areet Belle RivetlenIdingý the funemalof her brother. 500 Meiï's and Boys' Suits et Mason's8. You wilU he wise te Seo theni beoemeyout boy clolhing. A Teronto paper says the late Thoaý. G.Ormistc Enfledlf nett au cd eIat I$3, 190. Mr. F. J. Garratl11,0, hig littie nleice, MisKathleeýn EaIaevst rad la New Yomk. Gý o t h t -1 E Lousa for yourýl aoed Cerna ad cTurnip sed-th ey Lkeep ntigbut the heat. Rex. S. T. Barticît, Lkfllwes gusrt M.John FI lym'uver Suaday aad lead iii the devotional exorcii3ssin thle oveaiaig. Rer. )Vi.Ce bRblnpetSn day v.ith friendalutown aaid condacted F'clloweship AMeeting luinthe Me0t hod 0iaSt UPluumch in thi omn. Rev. Dr. aud rMrafe, 1Miss - E. Hliggiuh.otlhcmi, Fiay week. Mrs. R. Fre2laadatdd tho aiuas mleeting of thoe Wonmaas Boarc Congre. gational Missions bun Toron)ta lest week eu-d read a mach appmciated paper.- WthilQ playing lacrobsselas, Iledas ay ievpeulc-Ir --mGeo. !e"la!dhad thu is fortune te fracture the, bridge cf his nosE;, Thie dotretno i t -,u ,i,-t he iý Rex,. Caleb Parker, cf Cnpeîod b'as been âppoýinted by tho conferarce pfistor cf ù the-thod-'ist cchl, B-owm su- v ille, and the proseut popiulair pester, I Rev. T. W. Jolliff,goes te Caruphelîford, Do you waat a suit th!atll ho suý,eBlre te suit yeu, then leavo your(rda oat il ch, Johaston &, Cryd'ermanti',. Tbeýy do the largnest and beat odrdcbîigtrade ia Ibis coonty. 'mry theni f )r oas3 suit and yen wsll g hack for the noxt. Prof. E. 1. Badgley, M. A., LL. D., cf Victoria Univemsityî, Toronto, pmached on Disciplea3hip tse a laýrie audlience in the Mýethoiat churcli Sundty ubh.* Thjo few heard bis splendid sermon w ilh sati- factiono. M. A am s is-gent fo-r the olowo popular îtoamship lins-Allen, Alleni- Stete, Donn, Ansericn(fomri-eiy tle Ionmin), Anchor, and flamburg AmFican Packet Ce. AMl informnation about maýtes and sel ingaoa bo had on application et the STATESMAN offie, Bewmenville, poraelally or b'Y lotter. A garden party uinder the aus3pices of tbe Womann's Mý'i-ssionamy Auxiiiary cf th,- M1Lethodîst chorch wilil ho heýd et the residence oif M. T. E. Higgbnh)othami, Liberty St., on Friday evoning. Re- freshtnents served eat 5o'clock. Ge)Od pregrami. Admisision 1-5 cIa, Il ara comdially iaivitod to attend. XÂRLYCoG-y a mutuel arrange. menit the town merchants haverc, nm-ooA4 closing heurs. Thec clemks aeedi tho rEý, creatiou. Rer. W. A. Banner was ordalaed et bbe conferenco on Sonday sud bas beau ap. pointed pastor cf Leuinville circuit. fis many fieads haro wish bis succesa lu bis aassmiug full mank as a minister of the gospeýl. flu a caest addrems te the con- femeace on the occasion cf bis recopticu aes t favorably mmpres3ed the large audi- ue preacut. TouaRIST, Whcî hem ou p)leaîsome bout or bu~neî, ssuY. akoonevemy trip a oof Symap cf Fig, ,ait acta most pleesantly asud effoctualW oti the kidiueye, liver-sudbue, preventing fevera,hoad- aches and ether forms of sickekaca. For sale lui5,btte by al l ading dmugglFjs . The choieat family greceries at w. H. Oshomue's, Don't forg-et Kirby's uew peint shop. Drop ilandsudte hlm.i TuaiSrATSMA te ew ubaýcribera balance of 1893 fer SOc. Barb sud Aninealod Wire et R. Worthi's hardware store, Bowmlaaivile. About 800<)Ilmocf preby Velb Pap-.r te ha sold fmom 4c. np'wards e, t Xirb)y's. Ladies' Sprig _Jackets and Capes seil in4 off et and under eat- I im3oe t Couîch, Johunston & CrYderman's. Dr. Butler's GlIden PlUsaren'betheme .remedy for imipmovivg the copeinre- moavýIng b!)ck hedpinplea, etc. Lace, Cartalos lu ail qaalties-ne w sud ele4aat 'daigns-and ne botter value aajy- ï0bore. Couch, Johiasaton & Cryderrmn. The pleasanteEt, cheapeat, iuic t sud meost effectuai cough mixture ta the market ho day is "Magnas Expectorent" Wýe are showiug e loveby assertment cf Parasols bo-ught direct froni the manu- facturera sud evemy Parasol imported tbis seemon. Couch, Jobaston & Cryder- man. 1h is wonderful the cep Wall Paperu," aime Winde5w Shedes, 1Enimel, Mixed Peits, Glass and Kalsemninoe t T. Shemin &C'. tha ob!d stand, oeedoor eosaI'cf Red' hoe store. IMcCarthy aud aU iloter tatesmain need wstcbies. Se do nmany peopl e lu Bow- msunvîlle.'-T. N\. Riekard, VarietHal la Ihe cae who ceau supply yen aI about haîf rovular prices. Wy. FI. Oshborno hbsmavery excellent stock of uew famiiy groceries which ho is1 slngas cheap as the obespeat. Hoe ba doue e ascti bradle Pareadly asud.invites the pecfle t cal n -gifve hbam-a-trial-order. HIn ) T1mvE fa mir.Teman who boum yu confidentially joBt what wibi cure your cold la prescribiug K,ýemip'a Baisani Ibis year. 1-i the preparation of Ibis me- markahlo medboctie for coogbs sud colcta ne ex peuse la apared 10 comrbina oniy the la apendinig a foew days itowrt. Mm. Jf3o.Chiritie an.1 dsughi Montreal reguctsatR . J.Shaw' iss 3qCoiville lc larke al Mr-, Knighit ave to-daý?y ôr1the. omld'ý Mes. T. J. Msoof Tmoto iog hier fath'er and othýer relatives lam Mmr. A,.fi. Gale ofWaevl, hAn Mis lla Dobse nweeàlutc Weacknowlodge wich thanksa a of primo'- appios thil waok ,feoni Mus Gilbort, 8th co, , Darlingt on. The lectie Lght plant has agni on permanent quartersaend %WI and1 the lighl rgtybtig Mme. Hîgb. School Notes. The lest litcrarv meetiug cf theo L' Societ-, for this term w-,as heMd on acsdaày afterineon last. ThFo foll prorau carPndered: Ancdy esyon"Kuowloedgdo" by Mr. Colemnan: Lsong, "ToIli hesIr leva ie hy Miss -Meggio Tqit; piano duoet, et îh" played by M\isses Etta and Ia ficak;n; readings by 1Missete Elliott and Kerna Argue; son, Churu Tomr," by Mm. -Noýrumn H viln aud arp uet ,by 1-e2srs Colwill and ..fI. Elloî)t; Cheri A~ ~~) -v nhnrrAo r. Illeti cenool, ielin 9sumi smntngl douta of Its career and ilsi four chýar (1n lmh-ra WA t, 1-Io ,1-ld likote Mece members cf the present Esociatv clo-se t te in with e sociel gîeigsuch as enjoyod se mach hy the studeats lest y. It woubd ho ea fittingIenun tio t tarmn with soch pleasunt mlemories. Town Council. Litblo businesas tane tede eulnr nmeeting Morada uight. $ Mchnc'Iriîi'ute. Se-verai comosui catlions Werereeed sud some conmit! reopotedl. ClC1Ilhý,t eplAinod ti the drill Lhcd is not insured'rcccmd egremet wîhGovmumn 1 M. Jcff- advi*sed remeval cf Iew omerte m( desireable situatîin. Mo1ved beyJ.C braitb, seconded by L. Cornishi, thet t council linffatome will net entortea cinsrider eny patitijancr applicaton the remlissjion cf any fine or fines edju( ed against auy persea or peinons or c pematien for the infraction of any byl1 or by-lawG of tbip co)rporation lor a statuto or statutes cf the Province cfC tarie or Dominion cf Caniada, as the missio)n of aay fine lis hiqhly demogati te thluitemeats cf law sud order a tends LIsrgely te lemmson the influence th028 e1aPpoiuted te adiniiRter sud -sa the Mayor or othqr pmeiding officer sklibl firs, ho called ou te ulej if a ramisualon cf any fiue is net ultra vires cf Ibis couacil. Camied on adiiin-- aMe r. McKýay, Lybe, Je-ffeýry, Vans éone, MeMur- Iry, <Jonih,;l braitth, Davis eand MWortb. Nays-Mesprm. Prowcr sud Spmy. THE lil-,TE MR. TAMBL A noîbor v, thy sud îghly reap co~er cf 'e Durham- Mr. T;, eTamiblyn- iied la thae eght eth ye ' bis uo ah N\effcatle, ou ý nsa May 35,afloer along and pnhd LllA He wa bornaet St. Ivrs, Conwal, En.g- lansd, in 1825, aiud wa;4 the son cf The. Tamlbllyn, wbo wes ae bewyer sud a gey- erramont officiel for nmuy ears. Liîk e bis faîher hoe was e, man cf strouig convie tien-s, cf strict ioitegrity, sud a greet frieuld cf educalion iu aIl grades ef! cooa sud cellegea. liea rerebved an cex- col!lnt edlucatien la muie cf the hast uchoola iEnglïud, sud gave biis four mena every opprcttnity sud imeaus ,jte pro- pare themmieixta if ully for their varicusi Mr. Tamnblyn caet aaal83W, .is rriod ila 184<) sud sotied in Newc-amtIe iii 18t1 whoehoieemtjied uil bis death-. IHocteck a great iatemeaýt luail public mailttera; -wassfor tneny yeýasa schoel trutee, a warden of tho church of Euglauld, cf ahicehowas -a devoted ad-i berent sud' a constant attendant; a j1al ice cf the ppeace, ud labely presîdent ý7fj thoe Nocahe arbor Comlpaniy. Ilo was treesurer of thie township cf Clarko for 8sema ime sud où ecsl beiLig iocorporabed lu 1858lho wassap pointed village troasamar, s post hoie-Id1 util lb, beginniag cf thoe prouent year, whon h e miined owiug te Il Ilbhaltb. To show their respec-t for ii sud their eppreciation cf bis long isud fsithfai er- vicem, the Couacil atîeuded bis fanierai whicb took place on Fiday lest. Hia wife sud threeocf bis sens3 survive hbmn. 0f theaoe Mm. W. W. Tamrblyn, M. A., la principal cf tIhe Whilby Collogiate filstiute; Dr. T. J. Tamblyn eidei lu Gaou3ilh, sud NM. Chas. Tamabbyn is ln theo1 Fimast National Bank, Chicag, ,IlI. Lediles, cal! sud see Cenra0 Improv- ed Washer sud Royal Dominion WVrl- er-tho hast itiae-et W. fIL. Obomuce'tu Greal CleanugSale cf Mase 'ms ,000 pai r boots aud aucea, the stock muaI ho sold, Mr.Win. Jeusinucharge. Gret educîlous. Seo adyt.1 ASK YOUL FR11NS asaAEOUTr I.-Y4tlr t d1istmessing - ougb lCaibe 0cumred *. Wo jt kuow 1h heceuso Kemp's Balmarii witliii ill Not Buv Buck~ Lambs. mers, we have received1 a letter by tenl of the lar4gest buyers eti lu New Yorlcr, stating that thle ASURIL sto whom thlev nseil have decidled handie buick Lmba ules t a v,3.j n of 2 cents per ldressed -weight. 1 ÎL C(uRE yo ps raising lamiib, for iarket slould ore castratte thi ,ongbucks. blivers say they Wfill have to Imke rence, of 75C. to '91.WO a beald bel - buck lambs a,3nd owe or w.-the. d te the w-ise ehudhoaficet iý' i of woman'S troulb-1 les is wjith IDector pieree's Favoritc, Prescription, à Safely and cer- - taiuly, eývery dcli- caete weakness, de- rangement an d -d isease penciar te *the Sex is perma- Onit of ail the mdin for ,o- men, ithe," Fav or- ite Prescription" is thle ouly one tChat's aatd te do whalt is clIa iii ed 1for it. In al ",female0 finint" d rexlrte.p lical pains, dlisp1a-eie-ets, internai i sensationisand kIindred ail- ts, if it ever fails to benefit or youi have your rnoney back. ythig "jSct as good," or as pl bingl bd>,could Leand A Un, sud in juSitïtatwaýy. lis gaate meýdicie is ail oang, restomative tonie, es- ly adapted to weoman's needs Perfectly hrlesin anIy Coni- n of Aer System. So sure to cure zeer case Caaris Dr. Sge-'S- Ca-. Trhi RQinmdy th t -pro= ietors make you this offer: f you can't be cured, per- anenly, we'l1 pay you $500 Notice of Meeting. mneeting'l of the Damlington Union teos Factory Patrons wiIl ho hold Fmi. rJune 9 et 7.31) p.rn. for the purpose diring salesmnan, ce'eeaedawero, eleet- Commiittees and ather impo 't-ant bosi. 8. Ai! patro-ns ùr3 expected te attend. VID MlO-TýoNfElY, NMAU.KMUD, Pros ident. SEceay cf~ ~~~ij cottupto. !b oc*tor said ilat ,l too, wouh Ji se i i, ,antd ail ('11" ilior tbutît --tvo, Rf T Ai, nee o bete wav, 1eas Iwss wa tdptîny. A gatteriug ,fo)li eCat IlI urlyselt se asb1brpak tIble,5ki],I 10tk ot's e!edioilue, but t Iltiug la doue time Se, mich geeti as Ayr' Sarapa rilla. ItL las, iad'e tme elatstog" T. 1>. M., eatHns Prop a red(lb y jDr1. J Cy cr & Ce.,Le a. Cures others, wflcre oua Oel end siee the cheap and pretty Wall Papers atKry'bfeeuin. The Mýellissa Ralaproof Ovrço4 i s the o nly satisfactory iwaterproof germent. Sbeetheinet Masou's lothinz stete. S nekcrs Fietirig Wh'iei you ask fo 'r "Cable ExtLra." -Mungo(" or "ikr do not ho inducad te0 teke them brands tha ienrop.qAented as being "jtist as good,0or wi'th the apeogwy 'just out ef themi,"su ila subtorfLigas. Nearly haif a cýentury cf publc appreciation by the hast judges of cigars in this country, as shown by the sufficient gUa-an1t"eof l'hoir bg th e boy aemibranld of Cigars medo yu We do zIot mianufacture cheaýp goeds' S. Daývis &SoNs Mlontreal Notiese of Birthsa; 955cenîs; -Merrieges. 50 cents; Deatias, 5, cents, eaeis isertIon -but FICEC OF CIIARGII, when lte funera, cards are xrne ititisom 5ce BI1RTHS. Tï LEP-In Bowmanville, Jane 3, thie w1fe cf Dr. H. H. Tyler, of a daghter- DIED. McLEg;-1in Port Hlope. May 27, Mary Ell MLa ecd 27 yeers.ý Won-. - inClarke. May 20, Alce ltely beleved wifao o Samuel Wood, agced 61 3'ýeers. 'Newcaistle, -May 3j, Thomas, Tamble, aggd1 n3yyeera, lia ar p ,lvrect o ae auap sauts s aof r--- ,- inY iverJane i. -mr.R1obert cic parties, residenices, or animais et J 1 esghi, egc't ýiv2ams, tormierly of clarkc. sort noýtice Wwill go jute thecour------------_ -y if desbedl.BW AVLBMRE~ *We aIme teko photoýs of cetrY MARKETS t very low plriccîs Diop ln aud have CerrOrcîed byJMcMurtry, every Tnesduy ,Mc geod cabiocets takein cf yourself a< le we'I kniown gallery. TAT o0., ?Lu. 00Ibml........ VI 60 te Z2 30 larket DiwrianvWlÂe.Fall, r biah...0 00,0 67' . ...ss.. O0 00a,0O65 - Ffe ....O0 0, O 70 (ooiIe, t...O Ot 0 57 cit, ooado f----0 00 i 0 62 Jrn .RTE, 'I...........0 00 e0 50 .Fnfday, 8.OÂT, '- - - 0 ,,leO35 .'lua, 12. BÂRLEFY, tI1bzush, No. 1.... O0<0) je O 42 ewesle------Teda, .13. t 2x-.O0 0, O3 'etouville -Wdedy ' . - -. O 0<) t! 3 endli........hiurdtay, rP Ï5. nr. .eO i) 2 Meeting,'s begin eat 2 P. i.no-etvd 030 O 30 ______ tckwheat P bhastsý......a 00) o Ï O,42 Tho beat place te bay reliablo Seeds a PÂ,Bakee uh..O6 O7 om P. murdoch et theold stand. Mumy " 0... fi3 0 O;0 " ini,.0 00 G 55 All reaýdema arre ivtcd te moud us items l " ,..0O50 n9O 80 local news sud tbereby asssl la meking BUTTER, has table, V. lb... O0 00, 0 141 las p-aper inbercstia, ,iCHIOHEN, q.1,ý lb.. - O0<CI (i 0El See the îuewý Spring ý,CeaIe fer Laies Es,'doz...... < ,Oi d C hildrena t J ehan J. "aea D ry P T 'AE , us . . . . .O 0<) 0 O I5 î o dl sa ns d J ow e lr y S ' omb e . f l a , o n - - - - - - - - - - - -6 0 0 () ,, 7 0 au, A Yard of Panaies sud (tor New ['mcm- big vlue, Sendtffrithnt - staýmpq takenL A Remecly. Pmtpaîcd specieily for the cxpected 1in- vasion cf AiteChloiera. Aýf 1er havilng been toogh 4tsted and iha virtue sund powvvr proved lb ow beinL! placed lax the hinds cf the du àgsts i.4îkfor "Acmnc Accouis collected, irits anagecd. 17-:3tný R PRESENTS the Fcral if-o As- sociation; and the L-,rndon ïznd Larca. sbire, Commercial UJnioa. the Lnahîelire IrsaraneceCes,, c1 iho Steam Poiler and, P'late Glas t las. Co., ef Canapda. Offlice et Worh'i Hardware SLre, 13owýmcn.- ville, C ýjiRL W ANTED fo,Lr ainml os LAKE ONTfA RIO STEAM BOAT C"Y' werk in amail family. Appýly teM.A .1JaMaiS, SvAvai'ANa oMce,fLOwaurnille. U'- STEAMER ORuTH -KING ýaily for Rochester. and erter Mondey, may lIwl ev urgý ah O.00 a.m.. Port Hope et 9 ,45 e.m.. on .i cf C-I T1 I . 1-"Tal.'-i- setCh r p Pansd ý'E, ent cures1 1JASTURAG.-A splendid rmon cf J.Pasture for furm stock-te -ent w-ithpl- ty et goed gras-. weter and shecte. T. G, STONxEHUSE, north ef Hampton. 22-tf TAMBS WANTED.-Any number of .Sprlng Lamb3 wanted for whichl the highiest prie will be paid by Humai &Waiuwr ,ha Pe(oP1,3s Botchera. Bowmanville "iALVES WANTED,-Teni Calvesa ly, i'week wvanted for next four mconthbyý HU-ML & WRGHT, the Pceple's Bntchers, Bewmianville. SZ T 0 RET.-Forterom f year,,IGlen Dhi00ff acres, 2 miles fremhtby geod buildings and soil. Admiirable for iet or dalry. Chance for Reling exteuively itct Toronto mllk busineqssor stock reising ri nmericau Linarke0.Mca1 wî - ca., al oul Aeed epp1v. J. , De Wuby 2.f -R. C., Lehitnh The highest Market pnice wiIl be p-aid 0 ,L -W., 1ave Ba ggagà fori e-I qy ciy f rwoodeiivereu eue doororle eastc SÂasvrNoffice, Bow- Pau, .Agt, mnil.2-f Port HopC.CTTCT anvilIle. L W SQ I "~uafallt~d a -iana I me guarontee may lcrc9w ndrse~ a Met, lu"atlo va= LfiU er CWI ble bojagh frei tweve ents peu ponua uwas s Tile only SF:garaeand îtlte ely, ONE VE O; FIi i",Fr ïa Sinol ers, is 4braflds t cigars tat a, 2vý e tomI fli tlest lfor nearly haIf acntr. iaae reeoýgalzed aài hioue" t gods, and nlmays relmiabeas 1, Staed by te many ldloss ofc abIe4, MeinIi sand '-Vrasng soop Hs. coolamwnted at the !lampion Woolen Mlis for whh the highust cast their eyes haIfopn they are afraid te t1 ithe her oo E e senlsible and faetred-yco i fi dit b yotir advant- aega . Masa gn tck of coodS ou hand-jus whatthu Pfares want, whlch W!I ho exchanyd fCr vWo. With thanks for past favora, I remain vour ohedient Imm l~ are ly de.. traned la cr-nimercial1 usagesý. A thor- oughi course la practicable subje-t3 under excrece ffice-mca l1wili put aembitioug yo-ang mcnarad w o in possýession of nfrainthat bsa- rcaed emand in the commiuercial woridi. Elegant illustrat- ed cirular M Aild any addess. Appîy te SPENER &McCULLOUCH, P'R ŽCIPALS, iamilion Buinass CWllge, 34, 3A, 38, 40 JTames ýSt., South, Haamlton, Ont. Muiss Shaw ise ~a rri ~o uî, a iiv 2 Stock o." Hats. VWings, etc., at cost and LmanyT thin.gs far below cost. A ni.ce jlt of new Veil-. ings just received. Next dloor east of P. (O., EBOwinanviUlI D. TAYLOR, If yu wishi a really oodand relable Wateh eall and see thosa W a t an n E g n W a c e being soldi- awydx in priee ani fully T. N. RIOKCARD, iauaer, Jewel!er sud Op)tician, 1 eneral a-id Nervous bity LU it UlILI ý;jj0 oe-aae -1- 1 i --- 1 mumff i- -0-