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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1893, p. 6

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KNI The QoId. il111, by feeding t with Scott& -Emusion. 1t is r able hoiw 0f Pure Norweglaf odL hier > Ji and Hypoph0bphiteOS will stop a Cough, cure a Cold,1 and chieck ConsumptiOn n lais arlier stages as wcii as all forms cf Wasting Dseases, ., Scroi'ua and Bronlchitis. R is atmfOSÉt, apattea a Milk.- RYLMAIL STEAMSHPL"S Vrop0sed Siiü.Sulo ocang., 15 Liv rpool ceishp utea.Qec 4May ... .. .. 2 Ma1y..21 M- IlMy. CSSA Mayy....28 Ma-, ISMNay . DA., un. 4 ju 25 My. SAUININ 1JOJne.. .11ju 1 J uns . .MNGLIN .l Jae .. iO Jurne. AIA. ý-ý24June . .25 Jua L5lunae..L EN'A.1July... 2June ...NUMIIIAN ..8 July.. ..9 Ju. C9 Ju ne ...SARDINIAN ..,la JuIy. ..16 JUiý 6 July ....-MtNGiLI&N..,i2 Jniy.... t3 July ...PARTiiIAN ...29 July.... 30Ja'. 2OJuly .. ..*LAURENrIAN..SAu ... 27 Jaiy ...NUMDIÂN...2 Aux., 13 Ani Steamers are disp)atched f rom Mentreai at cisyiglit on the day of sailing, and sali früm Qaebec t 9 a.m., Sundye. Steamers wiih a* will not stop at Q aebc, Rimou-ki or Londonderry. RATES 0F PASSAGE, B3y S S, Parisian, $60, $75 and $90, slnvur S110, $135 andi $165. reurn. Extra dlais calin or twn personi (rooins 50 to 57) $!00 single $18' retura. Extra claqs cabin5 fe)r iirepersaný (roins 50 to 57) $80 single, $150 return. By Sardinlan and Circassiau- $55 $60 and $70 $105, $110 $130 retura. By othe.r eieamer.s $10 and $6â $100 anC $110 retura. Second oabin-Oatward, $30 and $35; prepaiý $35; retura tickets, $65; chuîdren between 1 a ý 12 years hiait tare; infants. outward tree-pi- Traid $3, M. A. JAMES. Agent, Bawm anvîl Ar1 ALL CROOCL ESIOSAN c HANGE'IlZ1 LoFSe L , bai ,,tti l' y mail pri"e 50 cuts sx axs,$2.50. Tisje CýeteyFILi Co, Toronto, Ont. I arn prqpared te execute ail rdecrs f hlise ,,ainting, graining, gl3zing, p%; er hanging aind decoreting in thse nst ap provel tyles and at moderate terni. Wtt Papers, Glass, Putty sec l ixe( Paints in ail khades alwaye for se. Shop opposite Young & (jo'g first cia, grocery sare, King St., Bosusanvitis. 10Oders may be aise ief tat Young & C,, or at my reaidence, Q ieen St, 12-3m THOS. KIRBY. '4j.. f NEF.VE BEAWS area new ai N 1-11. Cvery that crse thue wocnt esec oeues Deblity, Lat Vigr s 'r'lia Maalsead; resiarea Il oflnesbeoldy ar mind risc by oeer-rorir, or th, uor, cesses ot youth. T1 -, Remudyàil 0saiuieiy Cues lemuet ebstirte cases alun a.21 ail SaAMENT3 1bave faLieVeneterehueve. ZolS bydru wglat t1prpae or siy fer 85. ar sent by mailc Wciu er1,uaidt.SoMii- BQ lb 1n1ali WOby STOTT &JU. N.'-Tew Tailo@r Sho]- Thiea'de, siine4 Nuleluies been ca,ý rring ihe',tFlii.llinbsiness i nnco.w hm c ned bs er Iisioseif Wai repidec.Kiag St,5wi whr, e h ap te makegente' anS b oys' aists un!lail the lut' st3yles.and ai Iowes-t prices. V F ;o-) isose,, iest rdr(l sujt, lewÎli carr-y aialiiine J.T. A L N BowmaniiieNov.lia,89Y Ilats re-shape and colored. Mi' is DONl4 u r~rOPT T1T~TVL'clon, Îu t oiualoSnt (III 're wenpn rrme gîntii 'A3,yee shral i Men's Thouts bu oe. l T 1 i 0 1 F J U 11,i-CE Iouusoldradtis il,, aaa 'lpeîet"Dî' tîe wy ertm ______tie thr. Bu iodlasinedrei4d OUin. '.uw-t vt l.îSsue sA vwamian's feelinig as ce ome ituuliy ________ mai ili i1-. reiese than l n ,ta Say nth oga ise " ay-jeclear, iand t i eioe o X itlceai tn e-, aî ie lier ntv nomns BROO(KLYN TABERNAfCLE FRE petl h firautl m1 o rk onearI hIs tîeye i cyou it, ltir FRM TSFI.OTIG EB. loe.Wh .lsu.~ ~u ~ ~ tadig n 3ecl e Te r eah Alhappy mreg is a neoFinîge FROM iTS Eterîdtv, wiBllàhaiLt e Urne tilat Mirians ,life, a new stmrIngpitfor îiapinesýa.anc Joyous s 11Cilï anîl EluqiIeiîtSel isoîs Cn. faîe, utbl dctv Sînlepl o.A ijn 1rl.ei a tre n ne ee liatndbY a wamaýn's love, usake ta pat cf tseir eligin ta 4'cu~i ttio î(i~ c~, tstr'engthenied bIy liercurgan gsddb - into tih ea."I eeee eheagod tle ord l Hijzi[1ý 1ler, hýii luri,. «-1 -___ 2Abridle %wio wanitIs tlis e peule to 1Listais Feel t1is iypeerîteisi taa. dc vet e sah an-." ye hh.i net spe'Ind i Imrie tlei tremot 'ilneh ;se agsDid Aft e C rosi- stmte.Tise cureof ont citbas eentypa snigbtsaeine, Oie tie, iseewono anatCt- tIse MecS Se. been eatwa d d1pîar. e ave a i eveàf iepat s hit as w iitireiewive, tcrditin i diating tis theeîssi saeu c sudet'e to- hh ags.Tseaisntsigwnn ýwnlwlio rtan fer Mayojr f i 1tatcity BaoocY'., ay 2.-Tiss wnsenS l s f i u a gcd ie ililad Ivnen s in)- lulte. Iil depe I'1on isalt C y1 ou wamau wto lia8îno Jbetitersense e tiepr.f gI lgs rstle isa tistoiny e is'hairts ar,, tdooedin 1',uÏ'!, at, and -wýisen you luiand lhew prietues îtisae todrive froun prec n inotta e. L B olnTlracie. Tise muse e en ii tBoisiy ad r ye elulNoi sing, i Seem will more omCiet, accemipaniec bj two braosa bands,an sîrumeniiauc o gegtionalýi, os f ta staylisera luil iti isapeptlatian tbrugslkn aont iseavcniilltilarities waig$,0 wrho imn s ud le terüs oostp.tlielisymuas, theisnlethe Suent Cily oeut yonier, new-il aft. er we have got inside tist earwerng$7y gorhetdiuonesi le trvi iIf-1.iise eea spe . eonary gatbrties, omwt srngteasor on lier fingers, deserves jasi abouit praersaa tie ernen fer clei~&iealonwt pis lw-w yes P"tisan te sîea lîew, je tiis ordie get tihe treateient se got. U et tlise àlnia extinguisliment 0,ftIsefoat f neserrectiont scred t tisings wtiich ougls.- net te hiave How weaid you feel if sudideniy confront- ing dablt cf $140,000, accunsulated from As a ccliî, wc. 'ftrn tis;is daytmake fri iitenied us at ail. How otten we weris ed i th a picture af Martia Waghington l tisedisstet wiiclireqsire tie beldia mxv dparure.Viawillprecli cor euselves up jate a great stexv abeut witli a lgar ietsween lher teetli, on a photvo. c uceimmsense clenches. Text intutv:eros eil fe oentbius-,g. Tise Bed Sea befone mnay be grapli of Juan ot Arc or Si. Ceallia, willi a cr0i Exd~15 : 20-21-"Aald Miriain, tise faitistul prayers. We will debaetter deepfandtise Egyptian cavalry beiindus0 pr ststhse sisier et Aaren, tok a work ln al dejiartosents. Vie sv-will,:1) may ha welnsennted, but if we trust tise I aog je tise corer et lisoer ac hing ould rias tiil,)üf n ler and; ad al te wmntise autumn, nestime aur ,LaY .olla-ge. Lord, w-e ill go titougis ne moea urt witoa feel that dere a is smefno rongc S went eut atter lier witis tieibrels and Vie will MI1 fithtte scins etrthîs mgni- býy 'he water than wlîen ie boy,ýlsood we a thuîsg to exist. Tiat's tise way 1 feel witli dances. Aad Miriam ansîveted ficeat pile witli werk for God Aanid suf'er- ro)IIed eut garnseets te tise kae,nd bare- ,aotcgrte le ugsinl al i tiesSing ye to tise Lord, fer lia bathsigiu at.Moepaeshv ee otcosdtsemao ro ntiseta any wamali I like may amokl, theora Se tunpedglcî-îousiy ; tise horse and ii, ffereci for Lis cînri nd laIs botisides>Idl h1onsesteaýd, ThOis oida ay semtei Wien a man fiuds a womse tisatthere tali-« gitfr igts trcle afl ltugiteSeaseaH ie tracis for tihe ycur ida and aitt Iagues tielrbe Noe e oiiamy atoe ie V nîrgd a is etrnngwaestht ut Lrdfa B iaisnumied glniossly Godhalfr ytei e cnIa).tg iod ou i?' ene utti Dytu o t - ii e is r na tualy sgivan te 'wh bt tis ere and lsrer thaLl, e isn wIlle y ' irsid cf tu L'lOrdie ac e r, an yen .iigth heord s reo liesclafetr ey e B ookjeta Tis e rse." avleg facs, d ilad.Ce xii i sa bom pipi taMii er san un Spaithe w "d tse b a, t a d e a, worfrhi it tii di isi \ l anvýl" eebttteywntilo ne ei n iligree turidl , two ihëtýbIund the D o nsoti iis ie Olithiht ta haveigrabed this ordby is n ideadtod Cgrlaa iarte nneatrd e ts twlv mii lesn Il sy l ie.detie ae eCnn btr u tei bn sftnc adeîy cc ie robilers ite u bao eriPilppne aroe tone e wil cthe ied f tse PBad Sa bcau se eiim e d elt aet se ral Bes, ndet disenlma o, isapý cIl ie. ae i n 0 fcslp4 tise sîsounta1'l onILI_____ spisise wtîzbitsfoe e pay it hen re net tli se aIlrmetetts h i e snplyed i dut adtieWler send lis ad Ye tstogi tie auoerfrni is dvinatrvie n isesacly bechlm ? iuk(sy witisot se biIlI)eally e th- a acrd jstrmen, wsydidais ne piugfi &snelsigsîficat pod 8 osînai-I ca is s e tn.e ieR up iLse a0.c iruxiiilt tsa oulo v, t et 5ai, lie strunsen , loty di aise net take tisai? the ndola tanilsbeun i,fo wv ~s tiesared ii is tis udan, ant 1isee wIl'id tht gea ioatse sat bavlefoT tiba a ni ntsrnas. A fieyr selaytsitise'a-y ad a r, ny ehe nstmuicait l i1jestrum ea used le -> B loistum ntetns iascl eu coacI-iatie t fgspriidhatitiiliteendd.ligau srvce b.risctoi cei, n e,-il is ce fnea ixdf Jra cross Minans! t avene tsai--hiS su he t isA, a oniin sew ,a-s liasedopedan d r-stw.,ut eu are ail ,,t tl reAher f tise svae cf i Eaytan by tieiacîas anf tisapstts-As m ncslMran vsngi.I ts e .aSthntsogits ~~~~ci: fleartic ais tLis e y wrcg ls et toris lita t I, TheI t rme w as asa e t n- et ise e Se c ofasn i iag ss e n waw ae ict tal eyts iim et vuyn as ir rls t i u tostael v r n d .1cef r t i s e p n ai nt h a b i ty e t . w i a n I lean d M fse, . T î u m - s r r m e t n s i h e n t t k e t a se timbr ai tMmbourins sue îeds the tbiiieranerpaeta in a thefr ise p kincel w isere w- cn o as verense nd Dinstrumtentoyenusi yadfotnofaoi: e- i4o8srie/,4 vie-hatibrl n an bunnJoBrdann tlte oss.yed isona Tiah-nothngIarifl la tiins ad sanc wt iesofit. Al i rturie îleiuais Tepntenddo-hou- mc h iktis e te-naand ponysi-or tobieisionswteîthsave ta put a ijîthe!issoreoeoloesw T1e ti-ains et tianksgiviexpcalsIl 51V cfthe es t, i ic>nt a r eaj inl ig leussets e hi>s olr tuibey re le t 5w ,Iicn'nt utIti iGbiel C aond f ander, and tua da myue c onsler tin v antisessavnl i'U SI N vaice a d driedeutantis doleron ariS, tic nt jice cnea reivaltoc wîil he lijtrumea ftianS avid luso beatn bythe nuckes o thesoonorn tAh c"y tiese - e i srs csigsllt LIfsoilehapRead SH.andtlsongani,lndThai ie Isaelies, tandng e n%,irst utiîaîsis cd tIse uss li br il pin -inahe ands tise rn itrNorwAn wr Isa i trb ed x ii cu u a vou tai-'gi t e sri g ý o 1i ie ti ý ý ih r w m rtcs . o ifstplacediSontiser'aeiaiy. ut tun'at woud evta ay, o r t e saro'1ci ia -ror inbi voln " rn VA L hirdi cupad Le atnto e itfseaii lctai 1 imoe.Dc n' eMier iabroe ane as I canno iae l J1InJiU meusantiwcmn ettis i et'mLuîhabit of Mi; a r gond JnTh e- iy,-mise onmode of, ie wosi hanis I hi Tlle YR del, cgpt a i n rtebratlon shm n, iDcn o Le teglav c ut yo sy con et fieii.But iea o a e n. i s tt isea I Y 'ARE RUN DOW tae tus vl f ictrai ss aecosngo ie l i r îQw a.O ore dat iluan vhec diie an lce t cme.Old , letIh ai iltoîevlieD-unc adas 1Vkleaseand r nocisar Yeuotai'a'f o ti- aeýi , Lsri te Lusasn d fan a m-ceeue trous tempta- in a sd i st %rng t ndn ora ntvuen bctu îîia estisait tie xtie lak. Tis tiîseta isanTils God(, ienals i lîîtrdin pae.i iiou v'wn i aetin, isab herai Bccw-aîtls Bi[id,1i ateilour seulvatsin15Ts oen er iiîa prdoning a tp s andu gae hyCIR N C O GU tisa finaLctiflasis itcf pladcieus.l TiseFile Isete ha ot ,Crit sa ve eLoptene. i nt a iAL'aveS E IF Riism irdna i da, Lne asi ia gahuts iave uistut cf ytccr1bereis -d iL xxIi but .1 î w e stad o vcsordon campit or spe"ILIar. T rli , sonei%7It te tstw hv e itugi n a poisxvn a itd.aniplstrte n ced gai picr i es ad tobs1c NO$.O ps 0TU '-Aiid Mirians, tiseDlsIlclseteva, tise - i ina tll)a ndoilx gnadenclwnetasaVO 0 uE D. L" cf Aurn,-I i'ois a I(t IIIiis r V ýn l ( lt itan' ii)n. ilIÏ ad, er t iseI't is O i, im sYna'leotis -~~~~~i of al ia a uinivnteu ttr'ii liv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) Lord, or BeaL0s1 t1' lliussasong inr, Lenq51vIiib-otn rsunecec boie tle niis îiîîîc înosy îdfris udntooe~irs' 1v tnis u is saiwaepbisaee- ,.,.t iv. isa lisystolc'is v-,a ftsa tooi tsa Io nili ra vider isa. uSS ie îîsH leawîit ie I r n M N ~ e ts gfeneciyo ftf l . ieusÏi ViCla haro atie ise- sci ela sa c<inaet hrsig-M e o leue. 'iiei. ith tia gatnS pe usie a.,nti tjThcsv, fer tise cav irysss £ e t hoC, Wearsu l iIatm Aga ine ii 'Il iv)cltst n s,[pec n sf oi00 ' ~ t li e s tes g f o~ n ia i i t l ýI % 1 n g e S r n f t 1 Li ý o Ha .e u-',$A là tis Sray ie-orns'- ri aCdts nie, a fipesg tac'cFtfsigi I? as anyt th atte l1ecuo s ise Bc aS AeYordk ii s lseseî ltiai- i fIscI ooerwei-afta sa h te " ' . in ni was slai, fil wiei. at oswtrnhti se ýtn ýIssnp lis at 'lIb "i. l xie of Ctidsg.t ise-i liv e sre-tatence HiS SP CI IC îlechard'ws isist a , milhavm m0~ilaen us- San'ilst dlpolcd Lse tis à 1wl. Een visoi esa:i arc no- Es idsy oo avnCiaPit anhiziis, sacreMti a s,'ssartia aveiPen anunies i ri-'ltor sui escw, e in lio f auuî ving Lie veei Isa ndg, Modeklui mn ayu i \ ae nui Mieraialo pulia t e uit nts tesmeut, structurs, m'a but Lse- uncsuuralCassacka.,i b cs muSSie R Stsa olfe athis f locis cs Pitin, as wl s tic s-cocu of bloo, s e na et lei dstoye b fie. Tiý e-aus t lcisf e t iecfL thean L ip- te tise blen ta adtu r t ay.t ioii. o ha is emela reonspl'te aioutLu yeut oris iggs îo iranes nutanicL sclî1.11înisete - anti Hînevon 1Cout ise vse have ssc nafoiu l tieandgti seuttiylutredgd. port y aun bet se hianeustraiAenb-1.i ueoce'unSElv I"oka. Ne ' -f'er iln dîsi git i isnnur istia ytonSbtise seye iessd iett u a-edtMiuinus dheiedhtinati1rtir(,d-i, -'11a c;re t 1i in ik a ti) svlte-isla cist-ue ta tse ahiS Sa avtSen soS to0e.&ism nd BotirSea w orei iot bv wlonutisacaiss teetsai ha et ausie. imb nr-g rmai, siseepeklicn ia Snpedpye i aazn vt the Lor, fo-rlHe bla u S ed g o n-estan id us i treuctisa.'- e - eI ta. Is tu il-u iea ahecl m ~ 11 R NECINEC. uîe iS, .Y sl bl o ise iidbiceerbt H ho n- Tahiteiuieas-ca enue Tia ts vlianiae ibsnbn - sev- net, in absence of ai, tinefiîbretli qiecIIsanto int 11stieu' '. r luits yLu pieetier tf I ýri lacs vi, -; a ak lta p ofhngoar I E K Y TO IE L H "Sng aetatu arfe e sat ni, is isnordisfo, ie oforts cr tninnîlue gTabniacle;tiseheray ee bsrsjiieu, uesîea flag tseiujci: Scus isatmahnrtisuertiio ts ~ tSe bth e iuosndjî t-Nie son." Bu1the, m il, n,! is teins isî a ise "eil yeftsit sa ie areat i~ w l y segr n x e I-) lcf li c-1 nmiv e n ivein Is ron fotin'atn gi sonti, isch irwlaniav n ongtise itfon staI t stý , fanti tiiIengtisa bujld- - :1n i - usIs ut-ea ati UY- t IeRnicMIe atr a - ln c isa ious ias ce outuIet1ifI-1a L. ittetitbatite-axe or n'ys'ear oii yaxI an",cat uii iaîeiet fpwa. Tssaae tsea D- ayfie T hj, ias.Ila- pr'ejeot deaisaui ,mu, nSfo cn cstuilia hrouti rom, ail tise impuities and fouIhumon n'nrcisrgar pasin betaei cat cact uta isesaceS wter, au oftis secetins;in ts1 a re imeor ani rndhitreh ierus ,t - Restîd Its ra an(liae ftie ulaet m n hss dsiii 1,iscltae as etlg A iiy fte o)Mac,1 r isee BosecfCat atic CLecf BS ean's ci coe eaiy irc-iet vaitiac S eay e edue urigroiouseS, ysppsli --. tle)fiusîia t il uMthsir nciesi ns- iacesDizzncs, Hertbrfv ~~>o Bfvn.biis aiigwaestia ts rtif"-.'~"r Fornie pnseall, isi laa imeetsan Imlmie ani îmunet ieraMan ise tom tcispesing e iadeanS; but Telyn- osipr o, rn so-1e~u Fondie, nerasn tau tpnc-yebc- tls it lcsnimuiganti tus isalievea tiiat tise BriLtis Governesnrt IV o.Dmness.ocf Vision, Jaun- can aven teii. Fer 21 yairs 1I isaiheusarsnt -rciagr-ASi"' va psseucetie eaerte camil PIl t ai ie, Sat Rhe, ,iErielSro- 3U.buldngcisrcse i Bocueln nSseap aris-ce, S.chldcfGe, tuI is aioi insainundler cnientsifula, Flitteirin o f th e 8, le- ing uhaîi buren n, etil I'tot I eeltij Leni, a la s n on id cjýIW'1anti ton Iseybe allaIs a L cstise aise ntlise vusncs, ad xencrýaI Debility ;al writen îy esie.îionas a-er ad m cosumS, al wter, a widsah i~i- pantti-euclyptusttî,e-5ii , î tuinkei yield to tise appy iifiaznce of UDO appoute tate-i'iiL ex oSsbia-tuaa~a niga, hi nie amti il tarity.Lesietist tse ireaiedbacllu asgîtlue m-lilyI OODBITERS nu loeîsvsxr m n,~~yafr sr.los scjî iefacovîi rutrLedutces isii -uS ee gs laidl as ba 1 t DeaRs, C c ttituI sY ijt icesv.5~e t a ~ t edciniadimet seas a p i raagt t ise a,-o! 1 () Pid.,q 9KING ST, VW., TO1ROTO, UTC ooctricity, lis applied, byt owesîel eqtrie Beit sow regio stegets boon olteïred suiferiug hm 1t. tis flest taking 'the ce ef dru g s l inl norro. -us and sheuiicatie oubles, and 'a iii eflect cures iu seemîngif )elIess casl, uhreevory1othr known tusin Lfailed. 41is s 1 1i-1 eey. and by ili ady, seo CUi111111e rat fait is readily fe12. PIOSITIVELY CURES c à elmatism1, Sexçilal eke. inta, Kina 1ae rvoUq Disass, t er eomplaint, 'qe)1 a, Lainmr ek ariùcc, Cr! lary JAsease08. R H E UMNlA T13 M Iis a woi 1btcttat mlicaI cinc 1utterly faeS e afo , rlief In rhemnatWî wtilyl ny beeni :1useasiareme<)lal lo fr a fow ycars, itfbas ceredjaeecse Rhuaism thn a,,Il ehe Cumdgei led. Saine et of(ur laîgpis~asrc .s aent 0efl nat uues, fo1u es. TO 1ES'TORE M'IANqDOD ofiians tpeople uifrfrolu a variety Of et the eid molas eft 1eà,t 1 n l1t fî1 .11Tc areo Is ales f erve ferce etopeýnwer tlist inuet be restoeci y medcai treatenent, and 13 docterrwhe W9ld try te i><ac)IOplislli 4his any klnd0f dru1gs ratiin acingerens 'ns et cliarlattanisin. Prperly treatea J THESE DISEASES CAU BE CIJRED actrlcty, as Pp"l y heOwerî Eectriq ilb and S-spensory 1,, etasýsurediy d0 It iýs tha eniy known remedilat thatL Il sappy wat s icking, nameyneu ['ce or pewer, ijmpaýrt tonoenci (lvieur to t1W rans and areus-e te bealthy atiinthe whoiâ erveus vystei. BEWAIRE OF IMITATIONS id tihe werthless,, cbeap, se-caileci Eleotrio its advertqsed by soeacencurns ancidde irngl the ceuntry. Tliey arcee( ic il ame eniy, worthless as a curative pawe 1, 1and ear at aiy[prîces. W. Challenge, the World 'e,0owan etrie Belt -whera the current ù i under coa- >1 et the patient as compietelv as th!S. -r 3)ur Traite Mark Is tha portrait et or ren emibossed iniii glc upen every Beit and pliance manefactuired by us. Send for Catailogiue,-)TaiIed (Sealed) Free. rE OWEN ELEOTRIC BELT 00., 49 Kir st. W., Toronto. eention this ppr CHILI -n Soientîfia Amiericanl AgeiiCy for -, tF AVEATS, % PICE S, etc. t5'a bue 'frscru tst u mn r' l tIe bli ys auegIven Cýcadof elarga la tise Larreet crasinc u ret5ptihit Man sheId b I tetl.asi .10 . yea- 55 i ets. fedeeSUi t. 1?ULiiIni, 61Rrsdwyita ar ruY first ctsdb neys. try te6 at h eafflty City hec/fb h en li h 'I -ines arc eloygged, tlsey air0 Dr. iL. A.Sh &C e in Uict, duat, Dyspepsia, Liver Complatint, Onu t the\"st5da n- Brights' ,3Disease, Diabetes and Or-o psy ;a, ou " T li.'ca«, b o

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