I -t t ~tou~1aclV<~ 4eic àfe. 1e J a dsick, of/ý tta7e a.nd-hellofIlard, -Shew or tCu-ff) eme, more il-au-L e.vr., be- aftePet N Yr C~ii~ eAr tcýt DROP A POSTAL FOR A SAMPLE OF TiHE' ~~I A S bright1 fam ly religlous newsPaper. ILLUSTRATED 32 Pages Weekly. The Christian at Woi lcX 3,359. ins Bldg., )rk, . . Y. ie the latobt tiumphin pharmacy for the cure of ail the sympto,ý nidcating IÇsmeay AND 1îYea Complaint. 1 Ifyou are troubled wth Cestîvenees, l3lzziness, Sour Stoiacla, ~Iea ,.oe t~csion u APiHE, w-,dhat ail llrug StAorer. 1eterbor' Mlec.ne Co,,Limiteçl. Fe PEERBR', ONT1. dent to a tilioss state of the s0550c, s'îch as liziness, -Nausa. Diolvsines, Dî-)stress after eai - ais in the Sie, &c V.), ile heir must rlusarka.ble succesbas been show n in curmng 7Iicadaclse, yet CAsovn'L in Livpza 1'iLI are, equally sliable i Con-tîpation, curml, jansd pres oting hie anuoying cosuplaint, Nhl 1 hby aiso correc-t ail dîsorders of the s whil<c ;tmrulate the llser ,nd regulate the bos i Eyen if hey oniy cred Ach hevould be a. -'t priceiess to those I w o>sifer from thi, dstre,,sing complant; blut fortL ateiy their gooduess dues mot end herad ithose who once try then wsi f 1_hese ile pils valuable iu so many wdys htat theyiii mt he wiling- to do witout te. -1,k tefeeaiick had cma ieor great boast. Our pis cure à1 Wiot oesdo flot., Caevkcs L i Lvan Pirs nrc ver3- emalt ênd ereas to ake i.ne or tsiollpiEsiake aoe.Theëy area tsictly vegetatîlean d do 0o gie rpug, t yhir g'ntle action 7,!base ail wuuetos lu vila s at 25 cets; ve or $1 . Soid everyivhere, or sent by mail. chueapeet wintor tfood hat we eau get foi the hogs. Very little dry feed neede te ho given Ci the bogs if goodcuti. eneilage je povided. Our ordiusry field cre le ]aclking lunetil ient sugar toeineet the requirenseîst, outh' AGRIOULTURAL. The Parm Gardon. There is une duty whîuh ovemy fermer uwee tu bimeel! and bis family whlch la vemy generally more iîonorud lunhe breach has. ln Cie observance, sud that is ho mako a gardesi. Ilrobably nuenet o! en farmers have nu gardon et al. 0f th-ite hat have somethlnofu a g-irdonis i so ly a litle patcb a rod or su esquare svich le 'made by the wite -sud Imuher aided, may lie, îy lier hblîdron, sud dune atter the onansd tire- sone houuework is ail uvr. Sncb a gardon oven ls decided advantage, but t is e stand- ing reproacb tuthenman, butsand, father sud owuor, as. lie ie hat bas duone ,unotenïg, to helple tIse work. Thore je a portion of gardon wrz whlchwomen an I chilîdren can du btter than mes,, aud as jr, is lîgbt, eacy, sud intorosting tIsane is nu guod resos. why that part should eut ho dune by them, but there is another part which nu woman ehould h cailed on or allowed to do:' Ine hirst place the pioce o! land for the gardon need 1.00 ho ou large, an eigbt or evoîs a exteenth part o! an acre is plenty for the gardoen o! e fermer, ssmplytu eupply the -household. The land shoulid ho well mauurod sud deeply plouglied. Two or four good wagon loacie umautre witb as littie litter ut straw ilu b se there cen ho fouud le eeougb for the abcve mcntioned si7et of gardois. Thee aftet ploeghing the tonos should bc ail picked clear off 1. If the land ie a ulue tendv luamn with nu tuncs su much the btter. ,le choosing a gardon spot a piece ut ligîsisarm sou le proforable provided 1h cao ho foued close Co the bouse. For maoy ressues b l isuportant to bave the gardon close tn the Ibonse. Afe clear- ing off aiy rubbitli or -eoneoon the lansd, givo it a good harrowing to mellow the surface sud render 1h levol. WVe will suppose hat the pioceofo!land choses. sud hus prepaCed se four rude wide snd five rods long wlsech gives- 20 square rods or oue-eighth ou an ore. ,For couvenieuce lu cutivatieg and -'- -,"se mari caîîdu as muciî as pue - .!le wurk wltha horse we will s-V off tho gsrden le hede ur pt, eacb ut them the whole leugtlisutf rode. Thon lot us examine what wo want tu put le, firt a couple ut ruwe o!, early putahoot, two rossou sweet cure, a row o! bots,onue ut narrots, une ot parenîpe sud a couple o! tureipe. Theso tbings will occupy six fet for the ptitues, six fet for the corn sud une fot each row ut he tots makiîsg 17 fot ie ail or a little os-rone ofo the four rude in width.' Thee about two rowe ut cahbages aned cauliilowers will ho wanted which will allow about six- Cy plans and wil )ccnpy about sevon fot in wîdtb. Two ows ut beane and twu double ruwt ut poase wll give a fair snpply sud ake about ton feet more ut wdtb or pee- bape twelve. Ail hose tîsinge can ho put le ow ln u scb a wsy tlîst eearly ail the ciesuiug c e ho dne with ea mall culti- vatur sud salhorse. Prohably lu the middie o! the summer the crops will gt su spread over the ground that 10 wili nut ho este Co put s horse hrough but lu he ealy part o! tiese teson the horse cen save a great deal ut hueing hy ibis plitu. We eCil have uealy hait om cpace for a test- bille ut cucomberesud equaseteach aking abouilt six foot square, a emali, bed ut lettuce sud a patcb ut cpiuach a patch ut traw- bormy plantesud a tew commnt sud guoso- herry busehes sud au union bcd, 1h w-îlI ho observed hat nu attempt ut made to ry difficoît or unusual vegetables.- If the fsmmer's wite bas an ambition lu hat vway sud will eow some tomato secde lu a box ealy in sprîng sud ake came ut thons lu the bouse she cao essiiy have a gondi eupply ufthose delîcione vegetables hy set- in yont eome en or fitteen plants a! Cr Ciao ltlo frosttes.-u the samne way es4rly sud uuch largor unions caci, hobotaieied hy ew ieg eeedilea box sud Cmeisplatiuig about .eIsJue. If the famuer himselt will ake tle trouble sud encourage une uft tie boys to do it, 1h les till btter to make a hotbed sud raise e'e uwu plante, tonsahu, csbbage, caulifiuwer, etc., but hie is usre trouble- sonue sud roqoiros a certain amount of ekili, wbich muet farmers have nt gesi. What bas beon outiued ahove dos'not requiro mach ime, labor, or attention sud nu ekili or knowledge heyoud what evemy fermer muet have. The rture, huwover, it large, euh perbeus le moeey but lu comfort and pleasore sud one might say luxury. Vegehables are al. Muet a ueceseihv ho healthy living aud are - tàgreeabio varioty iii he ou mono- ocons bill ut t e ut the ordioary frs table. Iu thse country they canssot be houghsud su ho socumo bem Cufarmuer must ais0 theus, sud lu un wav can ho epeud a day or twolinbehe pring sud an boum or Csv ah istrvals dtîrieg the ssnnser se profihsbly and weli. Eneilage for Hogs. If uneo i going tu sinter boge cbeaply and] s'scceetfuliy lie musC bcgin ou prepame for il in the cprîng sud summor peceding the wiuter. The fermer who truetsteo u in ,about haviug propor food, for the bogs thrnugh the winter it prtty sure ho usake more failuresthan encuessos. The propos fooudfor ewîîîe sunsvîuer depende so mucîs upon the locality in wbich tbey are brougliî up hat nu general sdvice cen ho given. Ie oîue section une food le choaper tissu in an- other, sud it wuuld psy btter ho aite hat for the wiotem teedisîg tIssu eey other. hoges system, aud uaturelly it doos nut1 begir, to form a complote fouli . l'VIile sugar norn is nDt exa-tiy a complote food it cornes nearer to it than a!-i muest any othor une article hat we cans grow on tie farni. If this is mdo the besis of the foed rations durieg Che -i. ter, and a fair amount uf any dry feer aid- ed tu it occasionally, the lioge willcertaiily du btter than by any haph&zard methud' of ubtaining winter foýod. It i in planting Cime that wo mýuet coneidor tho question whetherwe shall have such winter foud for Ouir hogs anuther soasun. At ]oast une ý field can ho devoted to the culture uft Chie ensilage cnom for wieter, feeding- aud tise1 first trial sylli bo Iollowed hy the sou, [E. P. Snlitla, in Rural Canadien. Iu farming, muet of the crops are plantedi or eown where they are Expected ou grow1 and mature. This le partly owing Cu thei nature of the crops and partly hecause lu field culture it wonid roquire Cou muchj labor to traneplant tho plants. I horticul-t ture, lsowevor, t le found advîeahle to( transplant mauy kinde of vegetables sudi fruits. Those species requtring a long sea- con te perfect hir fruits, may hoe tartod lu a hothouse or a hotbed, or le Opon hcds le eheltered locations, where they can ho protocted fromn the cold, a long ime beforo t ik safo to plaut Cbem ln the open air. It 'le also hoievod that many epecies fruit areE better if traucpianted, the tcndeu'y to mun to plant gruwth le checkod hy transplanting( aud the teudency to ferma fruit oncouraged.0 %lunhie latitude the latter part of May and first few dsys uftJ une are tho favored periode for traneplanting., In our long ex- perieuco we have foîsnd hat but litile le gain ed by hurrying partially tender plante loto the Opens grounuelefore the seasnof ut frottesud chilling wind2 are paet. Suchi vegetablesasetoînatoos, for illustration, mýay ho badly tnnted hy transpialiting before soil and atmusphoro are in condition tu pusb theminto rapid growth. lu trauisplantingý, a warm, cloudy-day le preforablo. The plante ehould ho well soaked with wator a few boums beforo hey are aken up. If but few are to ho transplante,,sad they are to hoc moved but a short distance, .hpv had, btter he taken up with tomes soil adhering. Wbere Chie le not convenient, file route may ho drawn ont of the sot t, soaked earth ai- mut intact, and thon had btter ho pud- dled-dipped into thin rand su that the route shah hoc coated withhrmnd, whlch wlll prevent rapid dryieg. Thon, in stting themîn lu hir places make liberal boletsu that tho riiots saîl nut ho cramped, and pîress the sil very frmly about the route. This will excînde the air and prevout their dryieg ont. Th e Grape Tree of Ten Thousand clusters. The miammoth grape vine of Muntecito, in Santa Barbara Couty, Calitornia, mnay uudoubtedly ho cailed the grostest vine the worlel ever saw. At a public meeting uf Che citizeîîs of Sauta Barbara, hleld lu Teh- bot% hall, un Sep. 9tis, 1875, regolutions of deep rogre-at the death of hie vine-which uccrred hat year- <were unanimuuely adopted sud published. Their grief wae somewhat eofteeed by Che tact hat 'a daughter vine wae ieft them gruwing noar the sainle spot, and which oaily eclipsos for sizo sud productiveneess auy ingle vinle in. Chulicwurld. The dead miouarcb to,ôd luinthe valloy uf the Montecito, about an equal distance frous tue Paciflcoun the su r sd Chu Sauta mnez > ýineains on the inorthi. Uyatt to,13ut hat, it wais thse largst ud mueipodiseoiive grape vineg the sous4d er psodppocd. Hietory fueutehe8 s us,,ith soîno instbanese ofverv large i,ï :~-foýr;!.b 'hce, the doousa(ufthe Catjiedral uoft Ravonna were li ade of vine pak,12 feet long sud 15 iechea wide. Tho columne of ,uuo's tem- 1ple, Metapont, sud the statue of Jupiter, for the city of Apollonium were made of Che Wood of the vice ; sud yot fromilwhat we 1can learu noue of these vinîes ýworoequal lu 1gigantic proportions tu hie great Cme. In 1856 1 visited the uoted vine ah Hampton Court, lu Englaisd, which -le grownu undot gla8sssud sasd Co ho 200 yoars old, yet the .diamoter ufthie old wurld vine is ni eqîsal inse e Coune of the main branches of the Montecito munseo. The yield of tise Eng- lish vine bas isevor in any year oxo, eded 2,000 ib., while the Califorula r00 bas, on the hast autburity, yiclded 20,0)0 clusters, .sveragiug over five tons ut grapes ot excel- 4lent quaiity. Its trunk was immense, the cîrcumfereuce 8 fot froin Che grouîsd was 75J. fot sud the branches covered over 112, 1000 square feet, su hat 2,000 peuple could 1eaiily siC boneatb its wide-spread branches. rThe olîl r00 af Cr is deatb was carefully carried te the Centeunial, at Philadelphia, wheîo doubtiess mauy bave seen for them, selves thia very interosting relie of Sauta Barbara. Thore le a very interesting story ýconnecled with Cis tres, called " The 1Legend of the Monhecito Grapa Vine." It le ou long a stury for tbis article, bot the suostanceilethis: "A grapecutting waepme. îsented o a beautiful youssg Spanisb lady by b er lover, about a huîsdred years ago, as a epro tcm ridiîsg whip. She planted it un the r POt svhere she supposed lier lover w'as kiil- led, sud su hie mementu ut love developed tinto hie greeit vine sud for anght we kuow 1 ilis ronssntic hitory înay ho rue. The -vine wat irrigahed trousi ot sprisîgs, %hich tcontains uiphate ut irnu ad other minerai, sutietancee, sud scicutiste attribute îsegreat suze te thosee ag4ents. in tb(nociee- e M tý anchestet exhibitionucame idieaïoinsnuist h. ueo ; ber stanud ut fur- eitisro sd fittingc, many ut wbicb woe altougether novel, sud bad been niado truns bit- own gracetul design, proved oeeou the Muet attractive in tihe building sud dresw tieattention ut royilty, wisih the recuit hat the sppoiutment et " Decorah or to the Que"wae contormeel oueer. Mi3ss Pob- à I.ýi.usun' ccesaxas now a6surod, sund ber sfl ooýnce on the Eîuglish standaird et tasce iu th,- lutenior decorahion boeusne exteuded býy ber eccopteuce ut the poest fado item iu cohmettons to the readers ut the London Qniee,and by tIe opeuiug o! s brsucb eot hIem, business ah 20 Brook street, London, aud betaxcen wlicb dlaenty depot o! whah îigbt ui ly ho cailed decoratis-e "conftections" andI lier establishmnent lu Meucheter, Mis Robineon divides bot week. MiEs 1->oobiston doseut coýnfine hensoîf m .eroiyIv t furnisbiug the aboies utf the incýwlyx-ussried or replacing tise cunumon- place with the artistin in Enigliie homes. She revois ilu mamunsth orders, sncbase fit- Do Not Nezbect Stock at Pasture, lateet achievemeut le the supernteuding et In the mosîth, ut Jue musC ut the stock all tIse unterion fitting snd ilecorations ot are ah pasttre, in tact, ail l iis are oredIlle Caupasia, the largesis sud finest ship et aIl. It is the unnetîsof treeb, insh pas eflat. "b wae sncb tuun, sl.esasys, in ber ure, axhen stot;k car. get s fu bite, if ever. brnighh way, "Olstly m'î plans beInte the Muest large terme have onie or more permia- grave sud revenend dimeciosou the Cssnard usunt peeturos, fields Chais are ou nough teu)Compsuy, before ss usIn 1 as thu e rstaxoin. pinax ho advantage ; partially cleareïi aoud- ani amtisjt 's'o bd ever apýpeared." Their lande, trous whinh Che heet timber lias boon ismprs wevercumo by their admiratin et sud Chie clearing carried nu tuttber; lur the beauty sud origiuatuty ut hem e'heine twemp land trous wiuicl the wood biac lieen ut decoration, axhich tbey hIearily appnov- cleared sud a ewa opeu ditulistout, but the ed. Miss Rlobinsons psrsousaliry is radient swamp reais not nsore theu haIt suhduned, ýith the charm ut uave-tasing spirite eu( yet yieldieg an amazing amount ut pestuoe,,ïvacity. WIork bas net epuileil ber I lu- througb the drieýis ut sumrmers. Wo bavle floîte vaity ;" nr liase the bbttie ut bnci- knaxnuscb pastures as the latter, sud utten ceslite lîanished lier rue geusiiesssansd woudemed bow stock wero able te fil] hn-tuiiiy selves ou waiit appesred Cu hoe uch short,i scauty grass. But tise misture ie the iuscky- Ereak;nz It Gentîy. soul, axtbhe heat uftChie summer suc peut- "Cive me your cassdid judgmont ne1 thete îng down upon i, repleneshies the shor t lnoi ad the ye'ung msan uft heensy as- herbage as test ase t is grazed. Ou gouerel pirat ýions. Il Do tbey coîsvey the ides ut prinnipies it axuld seens wastetul to kep psevais al t" land yielding bot part ot ite productive ce- Yes, sm~ replied the eîkUtor, iooking pscity, yet, axhen we couchder hat îut-al thns o% or,Il thiey do. lucre- s sameithiiig eve-ny fermer keepe mure landi tisalisL- luecu- cvry lino that cevys the idea. Every tivatos wcil, or than he cen cultivate svillns cneie the 1siud-learted man, let- aitb the working capital lbe empiuys, par. ig s doaxu as gouiy as hoe ouîd, "lCe- haps it May uset ho bad policy ho allo s,.;uc gs ae capital letC0r.i" fields ho reussin in pasturu. husaudirng hoi__________ pîant-tood fur future genoratione. l,, thereage1 heigbt t of+he elephaut le is ufteto happons tîsat tîsase wiidpeur infot feldsare terne distance fos he dl,,eliin, Tems paetlsdbjvetgnu tou, far tu ho pastured sytiTileadysustago anihavistgu y sîimals hat are wsut.'ed nah Cho bamnlasy teaen soi1e13 oss-0,etl sncb as coaxe is miilk andti wurk huts leugtfi, sud bas a 13i-iuch bore. Its range lierce Young cittle, coite u escp'lei mlsailh a projectile weighing 1,- turued upon hose diStant' pet s Tis 00lb msy o gPond ecouomny prnvided snb ani- maeaenut ton much neglented duriug Che, ,uey euissmer tesson when every day is roýwded wiith work. Sncb animais ueed sýaling t,ýrequeuoly, sud hir wat er eupply ebnl h carefuilly looked atter. IC turne- Closýes haýppensthat thoe mal etreamse, the epjr isuge or the swamp boise relied upon to supiy thorn witîo water bave boeunu- ex.jsectedly dry sod Ohe pour animais are snffeniug etrioly truns thiret. Sncb ne- ien-t sa>; serions refiection upon the bumen- loy; o! the uwîser. Auain, anme ut the alln: ma]s msy haro jumpe loto a uighhor's fieý d o r a ueighbor'e nmaemay he Ces- pauseýing upon yunyore vithout yuur knowing Ail ut these possibilitîos shoud admnsih tho fermer eut tOu sHow maey days at a ime u lapsevwithout seeiug sncb sonisie auçl Iiamingtbst Cbey are ail rigbt. We haee, nuwu honîert, pinîse fammers Co make if a, practice, on Chie afternoon of the Sab- bahaterr eurniig tmornscbnrch and est- ing hir dînuer, Ou ake a vssel witb sait un hir bande auud seek sunh distant herds au I docks anud as hose dumb frieuda came tu reot them aud locked aruund thons, eagerly enjuyiug the condiment, nt doubh- inig that tbey were doiug e gond wurk, hat wouild not ho coudemuoid by tihe Great Sîlepherd. It bas long been a tradition among ferm- enas that sheep eau get sioug vcry steli et psrewtlsout an-y enpply ut water. We hik Cie s ic istaeesinotion. Sbeep may esap eath trous hirt, but Chsone eau bo iled,'ub t un the mainde .1 tChooe wbo bave certý-ulîy watehued sbeep, hotb lu tumuser sudi wieter, whec a liheral auppiy ut water was accessible and ceeu bosv trequenhly they will topairt Ou à asd drink, hat thoy muet tLer greatîy wben Eutireiy deprived ut wa oer., Do cnt lot the sic test upun your solthat you have caueed avoidehie sutfer- ing ho aey ut yuur fellow boinge, buwever humble- TRE CAMPANIAS DEOE.ATIQNS. A Bstgit EsîlI'vonau 11theao Vos-k Wlie Iaglis Exeited i the'onder sueýd IqI21rlraon of Ail. For t o peso wleek or su the papoe bave haluin.711h to Sey about tise heautitul decor- msti ofuthoe uew Canard teeînsbip, the Canspaula. The folluwing loCer trons Eeg- lanud wiil givo sdded letereet Cu the dehaile. - it lent perlîsekeown, in America'tbas the magnificeut aew Cinarder which ar- rived lu New York ou Ssturday on botr melden voyage, bsving male the fattest initial trip ou record, wee entirely uphol- steýred, decorated sud fitted up byea wuman ; sud yot sncb le the case. Mies Charlotte Roi e, ooratur touthe Quee-the fraC btbusiness womsc tu roceive recognition firoinsler Majesty-bolde a toremuet place ieý bekr lino tu-day, which wac wuîs by nu ftitfeld or fayot, " but by dete rmina- ten csity sud perseveranco, added Co Crute artistie instincts, sud s natural sud hghly cultivated gifttut design. it us îuow eightiyeasesinueasbrighu,sou- biiuself-confident girl, equipped witb an ,ý,enlei-Ceducation, touud herseoitcou- troInted with the problens o! osmul g ber nwn living, or, as 8ee sys, Ileittiug 1de, liv-ing onu s ittue." She had rocesved a t1oruugb training lu art, design aud mcuodeliug. Wsth characteristiu indepen- douce aet once dehermieed to strike net ile a îsow direction, serning the weil-wore i-y ut gonec-eor Ilcumpanion.' lu epite u.1ise om.îou8 ehakiugs o! head ai ldx,,rniiigsrosber temil sud truonde ebe reued susu roome in ber uapive cihy ut Manheeoet£2010, or $l,000 a yer. She ttce hn h sriilshouru ichtsr1P. Steme- la sliodah ber te , Cor~odn is , Les bo ror et pbit!ot h ding lier M c O ýLi r amor sudeo aas reptssehsed lby ail tut adclationu o! serviegin ber own o eusued many day e utriai sud discouregement ; when nu sales were moýde, whsen stock sceîsmulafed sud becamo ont ut date " oui ber bands, anti when drtycealers turned ber luexpemionno tu Cho(,ir own adventage; sud axhen Cleintrepid, sud, ase yet, nt hopelese yonug dealer axas eve-rywhere gteeted hy lber peseluistie 'r iends axîtistisai s ut exasporetuug tors- ia1 " I told yous s." Firally atfea orders caume in, and wore tilled with sucb crtiginali-, hy and buldnese ut design, ertsticwsork - .a..hip sud thnouigbhs in i-s - io- tht rdq11xv, il ,l'. ià : "i i, ï- - -o! it" -1 once, Sippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At ouI 'Store, tawBE-%NVER BfLOCI,im iBowmamivilIe> BIGG-EST STORE, BIGGEST VARIETY, IBIGGTEST VALUE. Every~body iîîvîted to cali and see our niew foofwear - TRE SHOE MAN., has one of the best, the Iatest an2d Iargest stock of Hats, bought di- rect from the best manufacturies, dir ect from England and New York. Prices as Iow as the low- est---from 50c up. For Men and Boy's soft or hard and in ai colors and shapes. C ail anad examine prices and goods. In Gents furnishings a large and well selected stock always on hand. Highest prices paid for Raw Furs The Brtieli Galumbia rrosble. Mr. Theudore Davioes, tIse Premier uf Brtisb Gel unbie, proposes ho try if suber argument wxil nuis ah'ay thbe feeling ut irrita- tion Ch;at lses oaused the nsebiauidere te taik utseeiesiuc. Hoe wilbeardsthe lo lu itts lait by deetuding thbe policy ut bis Govermnsnt attisecentres u xice-C If hodeteninines ptomphly to dccl nj ' by ail the intareets iuvolved, hat d iîon wiil accomplîsia mure than any fmosu.nisou ution canuet nuax ha prevented, but fit sbouid ho emrediod et the earllcst possible mnoment. More Chan hat, the peuple sbould ho assured hat nu actiu'u will.ho takeu regarding tho Parliarnent bulildin gs util s repreesetive 1Ilouse abolI hais pronouncedl upon tiese ehome. Sncb, con. cssions as Chose sbould petr Cheurîlty ut the province, wbleb le ut mnore ,impor- tance Chan auy party victory. t-, 't t o - 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kindls. for men, youths and boys, were neyer excelled and prices neyer more nioderate. Two reason's why you are certain 'to be benefitted in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that we keep onIy re1iabli- goods and they are sold at lowest living profit. -Our customers can depend on getting, well-made, good- fltting and stylishly et clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Full lines of Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, Handkerchiefs,- etc. If you want a suit this Spring you will please us and benefit yourself by looking through our magnificent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmanville. Microbe Killer Enriches the blood and gices tone and Btrength to the whole isystem Microbe Killer Gives buoyancy of aspirits, strangth and- health to ail uqera of if, Microbe Killer Dosthis, b3caus3 its main coastitueflt is Oxygen, Nature's remediy. Microbe Killer Lsed ini sickne3s is no experiment, crude drags and mineralis are. Microbe Killer la the greate3t tonic3 for tired men and womern everl produced. Microbe Killer Corrects al bodiiy disorders esiiy, if tak 3u i timne, uaed f reely.- Microbe Killer PurîfleB the blood and tissues by driving out the livin.gg eyrs. Microbe Killer Has no-equl as a rheuniatiae pecific ; cures guaranteel. For Sale by f-igginbot ham & Son, AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE. Prices $1 and $3, according to size. W.R ADAM MICROBE KILLER 00,9 LIMITED5 J. P., Bracoildale. 1 1