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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1893, p. 8

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________________________________________________________ s OLARKR UMON. 1 THEIR CRYST.AL -WEDDING. uarvel at tue vast extent We believe we can 1';gltfufly dlaim Lrpet stoçk, Anid we win the distinction of being tic .argesL of critical buyers because importers of Lace andSý-ilkl Curtains., ig in this vast - stock Îs.And this fact, with an expert ex-. e designs in evf ry grade i perience, eugbles us to meet tho atest, There is nothing reqUirQmextýt. pf tpe- most exact- ORDES iBY MAIL RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION. 14 &16 14 -&- 16 EAST. rEAT one of the features. in the disp]ay With widths rangýing from 3 to 24 of OretlRg0s h xeto feet, it is very easy to lay the floor the variety of su-cptuous patterns. of a room of any size wîth Linolc- In afresly oenedimpotatin ofum or English -Oit Cloth without In afrslopndiprainf China and Japanese Mattings vîstor wil fnd omesinulaiyjoining strips. We have ail the pleasing effects. .Ëverything bears widths in any length desire 1, and _evidence of careful and tasteful .ail the patterns are extremely se'eciou.cheerful. 14 & 16 KING STREET EAST. <4«}NtJ. ~The sudden desth et Mrs. Alice Hallt "aha - .Dmin rnd~ <Conesssd fom tt Nes.) erly, wite et Mr. Samuel Wood, wasaa M-. Joe. Henrcehiped o fîsurprise ta mauy. She was tiken with I lvn auatrr tcgr fine herses te c seMs. recenitly. paralysis a few dsys ago sund died on were te hear the favoratble criticisaoe i . 'dy a 0 eeadws an oId some of tie cannoiseurs regai'ding tlseD Mi'. L. PT l . G ô -'ldanî Jbavine livd fort< iU raeh that ila ld îin this cOur e her -1-UglitrCrne n Ms ato-e years or more, Durng t la)t i0ht or mauatrite 1l "hci"t Toronto, have been viitiUg' at Mr'. J.G ten years slhe lias resided on lot '2'-, cou.j themneelves at the go fortunie that tbey7 lloney'a. 3, ~~~Cllarko, ce whîch 'Mr. Wood is owner. 1s on nE oaei aaa Misa Polly RrkinTarento, WaO .NMrs. Wuod waî a kind neiglbe)r asud her ILb is a well knowlin-1 ndudisputed tact, homne sUndty "ieek. 1 death la regretted. She la the mother et and no oee hows it better than the D)o net suifer tram sick headacho al Richard esudJaesWood eft1this plae Havana manufacturer hiinelf, 0hat Can- molment longer. It la not necesary. sud Mrs. Gea. MCornish et Hamptor. Iadla ta the dumping grouud for the poor- LvrPs iicrye.The fanerailotek place ou Tbursaay te est qu,,îiyofcgrmaei ib. Dose, oeelittle pt aiprtee. sins1Oon cmeeY. Th e loch of hawildermenb sud srrs on the countenauce at the parties frem dose. Small phli. A Westbrook Lady're Case. wbem aur buyer purcbased tobacco for Mi', spn ud a 11. J. W er f ther's iIares, N. un 2-Qee ur «IL sCadela" and '"La Fiera" cigars onB001 Ope.t J11d0y1weeknai lier w aive aff'erJd a rare subjeot for Mr'. A. Tamblyn. the masS popular ladies et this district j ' Mr'. J. W. Odtll is teaching Jarvis St. sud eue who bas been for years as stroîîg Cjolleite Institute, Toront-o, fer a short a worher ini the church as bier bealth Wlaa4y n terr1un. wonld allow, bas recent'y a! er six years ea ;:: -s-- of terrible auffering tram kidcey troubles, "oiaey3lts If eni desire a lbeiutiful Co mplexion, be ue yDd' inypla e rflbvws th Lbsoi,îedy rce pimplzsndblotches, aaiuty tre tr b m p )yimitse oud 0 'scase vuas oe .eo! bbe meat patbeîic in oui' Wby I 1OYnli te cher-peat igars are punfy au bioo bytis ue c Aei'~ nowîedge; she had tr.ied al remedicaî, s,>ld in C aa i, Sarsaparili taa. te aue !teehad iutcnvewed mauy famCUns pcalis-, TIese snd sinilar expressionrs were Bi u suurn ,taaydtheakî elith anud had tried treatwmcnt at RingatonHos- mak I y the sellers. cfisl, B ueyngu yrsSra pital, auly te be dîsobatrgcd as incurable. The saine (Àasao ihcco that la used ra r Il Se w&squitehopele 3,uad resigned bier- Uaila.;tei'tsuAas She as moreiui the brans a 0ehave meutionedi, if Mn, G. M.Lo9C bis a b se!1 ts c esr)o!horribfle ufer ,atct î dino cigars lu Havena bat Soeolciae Qeena Brthay. iu, weu y canc, wihot mcb on-îvuld briug dloub);l ho price boere tîsat is Mi.A. A,.Tueratdd the tunerfidëýe ncel a cure, sbe tr ied Dodd's kiduiey obt IcfM.Ebeneýze-r Als t sOh pilla. She bas tahen lun aIl six boxes, sud j ctiued by us. Satuirday week, Is now entirely cuned and able t3 édevotej Our numereni medala obtained lu cerin- hersoîf te bier duties with youthtul energy pe ieno with the xortd at Paris, 1867, TAEA PEICT.Sol iba oeecudb oeialfn u ee-Conteunial, 1876, etc., f lty demon2trate cite ono taken il wonld hol andudethat Budok lodBitea ab3 ong dds e us inpraise than she. She h-es tald Ilat ne are masters et aur business. BurockBlod Btt-eýis y 1)curdeo everyene for miles aroad o! bier release Don't hc bumhugged; if yen waut a the mioat sce ansd popular tuefrarm a bandage of pain, and has eaid ,te supenior arti cle at a f'arpneu, insist- uponi dyppibendsïche,cofletipaztiou,blîaus yc- ur co-rreu-poudent that tbe propnietona baving aur brauda. S. Davis & Sonis, nes, sdhlodet. u ~puelyve otftth.., reroedy do ret advertise hait Montre1llargeat sud highesb grade abe.enoughl. "Làs ud e prociairned frorn manufeactssred in the Dominion. Mm. eur leserPlatavilehasthe bousetepe;" shle îsld "I amn pisitively heen visibiuLg hia son Mn.. Relit. Fosber. coninc'd that lb lôas certain cura for all SITUATIONS VACANT. Mes.Jvd Mofatb and farily of Bow-forra of kidney diisease. No eue can maniville have heen viÉiring lier father, thauh its digcovery more than I1"1b - a'el known tact that for sevcral Mn. Soiemon llarnrn. ~ der. a good. otado ulss Mr aý. has.lmth et Jimies,Qbiowrite8: MOUNT VER-NON. oeducation b as been th3 means et precur- I hveusd vey emdyfor si'hAhead: .Mr'. Wilhur lied a very succeaif ni rais- ing a great mauy yug men sud wasuken aceIcol ere r thatfleen iuig.. . .Mr. E. Milîson sold a fine team fret clans positions, sud lu dechýding libat ycar7s, but CLarters Little Liver Pilla did et hunses ta Mr. Richardsou o! Comum- schocol ru attend ta obtain sncb au educaý- me ii.o.e gcod than ail the rosi. bus at a fine price .. .. Mr. Vernon con- llon,it ii very adviEable that yo e eiensý- cert June 2lst. On Sunday 18th the Iv conider yenr chances et employment evW.F. Varley of Montreal preacli- hildren wili fnrunish the music. &ttemnarde, sud if et al possible attend a ed ilu;the Mthodiat; ctiurch boere Sunday - chool 'tLuated where you are geing to even-ing week.ý obtain s position. The fllawing lipping Relv, Geo. B-rownusud Mesara. RoI. frcrn The Mankhhsm Econuamiat cf March 2Momnent sud J. Richard attended Cen- I cured a He1rse e! the ma-ge witk 16-Lh speaks fer itsîf. "Weý are very feene IOsaw.MINARDS LINIMENT. pleased te learu thaý,t Mies Manthia Lumley ot this village bas heen placed in s very H- ýav qa acormta n-eiie Dahui.Cu.sos' ÂiuR. flue poition as Stenographer in thefirni cure;fopsick ad acb5 niun ail cn 1cured a Helrse badly torr by a pitch et Reeve & Woodwortb, Barristers, troble. Cntc~s -bIe hverPIU. ar ok with MNR' LINIMENT. Solicitoro, etc., 18 Ring, St., E ,Torouto, Il~ St. Petons, C. B. EDWARD husacEr. hy the proprietor ofo Banker & Sec' Ty thnem. Shorlhaud sud Business Scheel, TarentD. M71 rn. PriBa te, was a ne. I cured s Herse ot a had swelliug with A shol that bas Fuzh a connectian with cen-t gueaýt -t thle NorthArei'n MINARDS LINIMENT. thç business public es ta fiud situation Misî:s Ethel Andrus is viinliber ais- Bathureit, N. B. Tiies. W. rÂVNE for its graduatea la certaiuly sý ver> Ic',Mr. eper indEay. weighty lever in deciding wlhere te t-ik' Musra Aber sd ohn iOdel were tsnbascourse. We wsb Misi Liiideo home rcý c_ntly.overy success ilulber nesi vacan lu îlite Sosi FeosSP-( -LE aljow a cough te mn utilit glsUeyoId 'tie reacli ef inedcin. Tey t,-n say, "Oh it wili we r aay, 'y butinu MoBt cases it Wears them aay Could tbey be induced te try th ucea i medicjne called Kemp's Basm hic je old on a positive guar. aute tecur, thy wuldimmnediately ,,ee theexceleutefeotafteýr takin-g the i ret do',s . Price 5SOc. and $.00. At al, drnggis ta. Mi'. l,. Fùster ttcde the funeral ef bi boterinia, r.Rot.Peine at, (',ueph. giving bargains1 lu American and C 1d 'LS IESIICIIGPLS Jan Wall Paper. YPOS--M oU1ýines -If yen waut te buy or seil a faim, SMTMMitr;itneici advrtse n he oruto'Wekly Mail.' and Stinginig; ma at night; we-7r£e bi That paper reaches 100,000 f armers, scrchiIil ftelewed acntiuertuiy beomes every week aud your advertise- ors om8 . e e le aducrt mnent ehould rmeet the eye of somne one beecoming, very acre.SÂYE5 n who ants te purchasec. Advertisements mENT as th le itching ard bleeding, heal of this clau, are inserted in the Toronto ulceratio, sud ý,l linmost cases remiovea thi W e e k l y M a i l, f c r F i y e C e n t s a w o r d f o r b er1 n r a . t d u g s a o r b y m a l f o f.or five, insertions. Addrezs 'Tho Mail,' phia. Lymanl Sons & Co., Montreal Toronto Canada. (Whoi1csa]eAgns TORON-TOIS NEW CAR PET HOUSU 1, iiutebtu ,e ai.,la t -t___in_______________ Triusting that when lit e's jouruey is ever, we may ail mett where partiug shai be seo more. Repaît ef S. S. No. 9, D.arlington for S1igned on behalf of the triends by Mey. Si'. 4-A. Welsh, Susie Hutchin- ,oosssîce on,C. Wight, W. Symos. Sr. 3-Ida S. 0. BCiEC, hins. Jr. 3-Mabel Collacutt, Ethel Mi. Wilkins, Etta Webb, Sybil Hlockers,Neda Aftera suitabie respouse byMr Rick- Symons. lSr. 2-Addte Rutledge, Ida ard, the chairman called ou the foliewing IWilkins, Ethel Collacutt, Blake Wilkins, gentlemen wbo aaid many hindly things ME~ie Smnith, James Hut chinson Jr, 2- of Mn. sund Mrq. Richard: Mesars. J . W, James Wight, Barold tlocken, uile Oubbiedick, C. M. Caviker, Arch. Tait, Burgess, Olive Parsons, Albert lili. Jos. Symonsý, James Richard, Jue. J. Sr 1-Cecîl Collacult, Wes'ey Werry, Ma2,on, F. Ailin, Jno. Symons, Richard Fr'eddie flouey, Laurie Gaud,Laura Hill. BrbggC.abrend .H.Oore Jr. 1-Mabel Darcb, Crozier Hutlchinson, Mi'. and Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick ptr- Morley Wilkins, Norman Wannct*, farmýd she reipm:nsible but plessant duty Cors Parsons. Regularity-A. Welah, et suppurters ta the groom sud bride. E. Webb, S. Ilocken, E. W'iihina, 1. At the proper time wheu the addreas was Wilkins, E. Callacott, J. Wight, ILi betiugc read Mr'. R. A. Bragg sud Miss Hocken, ?ý. Burgess, C. Collacutt. Marieý Dodds uncovered a besutiful co- Puuctuality-A. Welsh. Average at. bir e 1 Pincyer ard Tes- Set aud s very tendance, 34. E. M. F,îaauneo, teacher. ekýg uit lhaning larnp was Éspeudttd over the table. Thesa handsome donations ýV NGETÀCL.D Asi were hbought at Me. J. B. Martyms VRInOETA or-r.Asi taosChiiia Hlle, Bowmauville, sud Flint says in the Forum : It is probable weregresly dmlrd hyailpresnt. tiat s persan 'with an iuherited tendency Yeodgecid r t ftur piions et sh disessei e ould bevrotee a'aiut bridJe sud g'onrepcigwbich saould ladsuýpreme authority fer the erýSuig te yeers, the broornstckwa produiced a4thse tirt te gt ever it waa te wear rbe-"heno. f'rRichard hy tie lielp cf a frienid cleared 0h0 horizonîtal tstr sudI is tairly entit!Ld te hoid the reiansil ,,,0 ton yea-r'a.jounney. A sumiptueus repast waa îerved te ail suid about xniduighb s vEry happy c-om- pany dispersed, leavipg beat nia1 .eitor, the future bappines cf the genial hoet suid bostessand interustiî'g fainily o! five girls. infection with the tulsercle bacillus. In the tight et.modern discoveries cena-ump. tien eauÎ. neolonger be nigarded as au in- curabule diseaseo." Ib lano exsg@eratiou te aay that Rî-emp's Baisam, -wben taken lu ïime, Iias ssved many tram isa.- tion. At ail druggiste' 50c sud$1 Ripans Tabules. W7m. Radau-nVindicated. J ' f P3 j1~ 3 Tis RÂÂ1~'sMicRoB. KReLIER.CASE SETLED 13Y AVERDICT POU TIE No Store in town contains a nicer, newer or more fashionable stock~ PLÂINTIFF. of goods than that which we are showing this Qeason. Our slsb r* Y.Mail ud Exress.Dress Goods already bas beenreaab. hcase of ýWm. Radam, invtritor of dansMicrobe iler, against Dr. We also call attention to our Newv Spring Coats for LadiCes anl - Eccles and the -Druggiats Oircul'sr and Chi-mical Gýazeittei" wa5 decîded yesterday Children. 1by'a jury beore .'sdse Aidrews ju ihe supllrernle ceujrt. M. tLaâl rece;ved a We have received our importations of Parajls-aill tew nice artd verd1ict and a cmlt vindication fromn styli sh. thie chargs nruade b[y Dr. Ecclies nu an artce 2ulihP r te"Druggists Sce our new P rintý, new iDelaines, Muqlins,-, Embroideries, Laces, vtcý ilar" in Septeii-Ler, 1889, attcking Our Glove and Eoisery departmuent is as usual ri.ght in thie fr«At, the uicroba3 killer. Thne article stated thatî the icrobe kiler was compouaded We import oar Hose and Gloves and get the best goods procurablQ !ýt ofposoou russu tht nypaietthe lowest prices. We are certain you can save, mionev by bu'yleg 1using It weOuld die of cumulative poison- in)g, buit the testimony chowed that it is Gloves, and ilose at our store., an1 r1ntiseptic gas irnpregnated in watr Our customers can get the fashion sheets for eaeh inonth free- by nk. and conteined ne drugs. One of the charges made by Dr. ce ing for thcm. We want to keep the public posted aiong fasion»ble iu the wDugss icli'ias, that ifhunes as, they wilI then the better appreciate our goods whichi are alwvâ3s the icob killer were taken itrai inlag doses it would hi. fatal, but i. the ne-west. bro0uýht for ward twenty wituesêes wlio 1prov-ed thlat it ves not poison when.tah-en JO HN J. JI1\.8 N6J iuternally, even ln the largest quatities. They Ewuo that they had taker, some ________________________________________ 15 galonst 160 gallons interna4lyin periîoda rangiug trom three enotlhe te three y(-.ia rs.Qe patient, a %aiy, liai telken 1600 gallons of the microbe ki Ic i tand wss cure-d and left in perfcec Il LaS A h lead been bedriddeu nine im nths ;i iinfianiniatory rheumnatism and ha'ýi ary lest ber cgt Yet shq was 3iniur cr-ijAQte'y crei.ier cate wa rý .rd Owing to the late season, we have a large surplus stick Y d assmrce. and this is the peopl&.s chance. y The verdict eOf cncuddMr. i alm s satisfa-tor'y invewo the tact 2000 pairs of Boots and Sboes, l 1h~o the trial ne injýury te the business 0 e' ndBysSis cf the Radain mp.iy was i.hown ; but 1thei jury, convinced et the libelous char. 60 dozen Hats. 's acter et the articleattackiug me persen- 11ýally, rendered. anoia verdict fur that Ail our Slippers at actual cost. li 1amrount, 1 arn ntiied, fer it is a coul- Ladies Kid Buttoii Shoes $1,25, up. ýspet vindicat;on of the ni)'j est charges LaisTeSos1 c p y sudlibEhlouls sttack con the microbe kilicr.LaisTeSo 9 .up s Hignoiti&SoaensfrMirb en's Fine Shoes $1 up. 3.____!_____ Men's Heavy Work Shoes $1Up. Lovely English wool Carpets just epen- e' ut ron$.7 p cd onýtat Ceuôh,JTohnstlon & Cryderinan's. M nsSisfon$.- p gaDr. -u'1r We41dn iare v erndBoy's Suits from $1,50 . TiAn ierveti tnic snd blood biilder they W r showing this season the most comnplete stück we arl nield They increase the appe- ever yet boughadatowsprcs 1, tite pind ipromote a healthy performance ST a',l the ctions cýf the bo.-dy. A ther- 0CLO 7H I NG TO ORDER. s",)],,,yslnifcpprto, they neyer .fail te e é-Cet a cure ii directiorni are faith- Place your orders --s soon as possible. We hiave a larè_e r fully caried weut. lNething harmfli t ff of firStcasans 'l their compo ition. The mOsat delicate MASONhanis Li B'ystom wil l -e benefit-ted, Aek for fi.T trT IQ UfhQ T. GEO. AS N -1, tlesGle Pleýdt&en .h r i UUIUUUL. Visitors r of çxur Ca the favor everythiný new. Thi are the la out of dat 1 k A Vcry large comurPty cfreais u 1re 's it aStuIehoetMi.ud r piyte jei'n lucele',brating the î5tbh aLniiversary (cf ibeir ssarag. ter al 1),-d arrivtd sud the lakýdies cdtfie tables ot wità tne u'outents et the 'veil filled imekets Mr. M ý. A. Jamies vsaas wked te icaeas Ch airman sud ven ihei he ad ruade a few expilaria'ory remarka about ibe unceremeius intrusion jute Iheir uauaity quiet home, lhe called on Mr. S. J. Clemeuce, D. D. S., te read, this co-pliînentary DEAR EFBsENDs,-We have met herel thi% eveiug for the purpo, e et celebrat- it-ig Ihe fitteenth . anîîîvers ry o f your weddMing day ; uamely-your Crytaýl Weddiug. Since ycnr-lives were joiued together, limae bas wrought maur changes ins yeur cutwsvrdc circurnstancas, but it lias net paittd your lîves uorerhiled your hearta;; sud to-niglt we find yen ready te,, reuew t each other the vowa yon made bçfore God and man fifteen years age. Vurlite boýether bas thus tai' been greatiy býesse' Worldly prozperity bas attý edd our elfotis, aud, greatest bles- iii, of ;T, that unweicame RueEt. d(athl bas ret yet visite3. your borne. YOU are P etýI happy in yenr ftamily sud oach other. - ur iiiflesnce in the neigbborhood te 1wLich yen belouig bas aiways Leen felt for good ; sud we trust yen bave a long liteý cf ueefuluess before yen, aIse that your childreîa may toliow lu your foot* steps irni bççome as wenthy members of anciety ït thoir pà'ràrxa. W§ bave COrut here thim eveuiug,to rejoice with you, and bid' yen God-Speed and uow we wenld sl you te acecpt this token et rezard. Eop- ir g, it will serve te remind yen ef the wm t r.. s .-l n v n .la A R emarkà1bIy fine' Cigar. MNellow, Rieh and Ripe. Safe, Re- liable. TYRONE. Rex'. Mr'. By am, Mountain Grove, vis- ited bis son Mr'. Fl. G. Bysîn aud preach- ed a very interesting sermon iu Tyrone chusch on Sabbath eveuing. Mr. Gilfil- lau, Bowmauville, aesisjted in the Eervice iisEteCampbell, Principal Ty- rone &hcol, ws quite ýill on Satîerday but lias rcvrd..MaMneEm- marson, Peterboro, is home... .Tyrorie circuit generally is well satisfied te have Rev. R. McCallech and Rev. H. A. Strike for anether Coufereuce year.... Mr. snd Mrs. J. A. Charlton and eon, 'I'oroula, are havi ng a pleasaut vi'it with 1r eiid 1m e big, week. Their cheertul laces ara always weicoie .. .. Mr. Robté Hodgen ls inaproving .. .. Mrs. J. llodg- son hais been visiting ber daughter Mn.ý Geo. McLaughlin, Oahaisa. BABY ONESOLID SORE TrIed Effverything without Relief. No Ret Night or Day. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. My bb, wheu two montie. old, hâd s brc àlng ont with -whmt the docter called eczema. Hor head, arms, feci, apd bauds woro each oue olld sre. 1, tried everythiug, but neither the decters uer auy- tbingelse did beranygood. W. could get ne rest day ~ ~.,ii&v,... or nmght with ber, Iu my Sextremt1tried the Ou- t TIcunA IE MEDES. but 1 - coufes 1 had ne faith lu thcm, for 1 led nover seen them triod. 'Te my great surprise, lu oue week's time aCter begiuning te use- the CUTICUBA REiiEDIES, the Beres were well, but 1 CoutinUcd te use thee n. SOIUVENT for a little, whiie, ansd uow ahe le s fat a baby as yen wenld 11ke te sec, mid as 00ond as a dollar. 1 belevo my baby' wvotu live died if I bad net tried COTICUXiA REM- re'c.'. I write thuE tisaS every maSSer wltSa baby lito rmi Cei confideut tisat there, F;a amedicine tlin s'f'I curothe Nwost cezeia, sud tSstmdicifla 5Cli' RA IZEJOnT-DES. Upsss. BETTIE BIiiK!NE R, Lockhart, Terau. O-mticura Remedies Cie i P --- uî'nor cf ths in ansd scalp of tnfandy a-, 1 whIn d .hether tortuiriug, di8figuilng, itch. i--'uL nýng, scaly, crusted, pimpiy, or bletcisy, 1,;3j of bai', und cvery impnriiy of thse bloed, mlahe iap l,, sc:'ofnlo s, or herditary, wisen thc b et phy elciansa an ail otiser remedies fait, ]I'srmit', Save your eidren years of îmental sud pb! igzi suffering. Begiunenw. Cures made la lihe,11od arc pý,rumucut. "&1ýT1CURA lIEMEDIES are thse greaiest skin eu?êB, t.iood purifiera, and humer remledieS cf modemn tliu ', are abgoluely pure, and nxay be ncdon 55. yolusgest Infant wjtls thse mest gratifyiig succeasl, Sold cevry nhcre. l'usa, CUicer A-ý, 'Il . Fý r 35. lt EsT P, .MPreparedl by tie oru lIVue AND OuzacCAL COUrearIN, Bos,ýton. j"Seud for Il osv te cure kaD51it5"G paes 0 illustrationm, sud 10 esiieias DIMFLr, blaek-isead, cisapped sud lOUyeu PliiM eured b y Cuescuit., MFarnATED ,So.uP, FREFROM RHEUMATI8M 1[ncrne minute the, CutitillS Anti--ralu plaster relieves rhieu. mnatic, sciatie, hip, kiduey, chest, sud \Kmusenar pains ad weaknaes, .Tke frai sud only instantssooua psinkiinlgpa3te!ý. S cheol report focr M ay. N naeS in order c f imeut. Se. 4-RebeI)rt All MvaryCovl. Jr. 4-MAary Rwe,'1 Fi cL . Si'. 3 No'rmila licha, J Luth. J r. 3Lbi Coîbourne,Ev Brow, Bela Bi ilten iSamois; Sr.2- Minne lche NomanAluni, Luther Barra'oal, Brb eiEua Barraball, Jr. 2-Ratio, Colo, Emma Mýýorris,Newton Coîbeurne, Johnr Morris, Mincie Row, Norman 'Varoe,Bel Smith. Pt. 2- Lys Relley, Miauly Cole, George iik, Edwin Bail, Harry Rowe, Frank Mlori, Jennie Smitb,tiilie Rowe. Pt. 3-Ethel Rowe, Lillie Brown,Frnk Cle,Laurence Barrabaîl, Wllie Morris. TILaxa PUOU, teacher. Out Thia Out And pin it in the crewn of yonr hat, lest yenu torget thos naine of the great lung remdy for cousumption 3zd Pug diame "$alvator Magîi ts" Mobli Prooi Carpet Felt aud aIl kinds of Building Piper at R. Worth's. The numerous testimonialm reeeived place Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla in the toruiost rauh f ceAable remetdisia«et5 Try thoni. JuBt arrivîîîg a freish oupply of Field ansd Garden Seeds ut Murdoch's aid stand. 1 :

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