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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1893, p. 1

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rfi! ': TB MS :-&1.r50 Pe-a Âmxuas.OUR TOWN AND OOUN' NEcw SEBtiEsBOWMÂNVILLE, ONT. DAY.JUNE14, 893.VOLUME XXXIX. NULn,.B2- Titihs Date pRnhI. JOH NSTON&CRYDERMAN The balance ot, their Sprîng /ackets and Oapes at and under cost Pnice@ Inisist lupon havinlg this Brand. Refuse ail substitutes as be- ing as gYoodt. Thne y ou will b e sa fe,. Buirkoton S. S. Anniversary will ho Lhold as follows: On Sunday, June 18 the Rev. W. (Jrighiton, of Bobcaygeon, wiIi preach at 3 p.m. n.ud 1ev. D. S. fe ouck, at 7 p.m. On Meuday,Juno 19 at 2 p.m, there will ho a gaine of foot hall played between the Burkzeton and Raglan teanis. Tes wiil bho aerved frein 4 p. m. lilI aIl ara satls5fied. At 7 p.m. thore will ho a pro, gramnme given conlsi3ting cf simwirîg, recitatiens, and dialogue@ by iho cobild- ren. Aise addresses by Revs. D. S. Heouck, W. Creighteu, R. McCulloch sud A. J. H. Striko. Enniskillen Choir wil render some choice solections during the eveniuz. Tickets 25 cents; Cblidren neft members of the School 15c. Cone one, corne al. A good turne expecfed. Tho wll known strengtheniung preper- tios of Iron, combiued wi th other toics and a moat perfect nervine, are found iu Oarter's Iren Pis, which etrengthen the verves and body, aud improve thse blood and~ complexion. .&APL GROYE. lBA YD OLY. I &LEM1. Grov f3nda SeoolAnnver Everyb(dy arrange toe pend Domlinion The ariversary services of Salemi Irv hahedundR e ou mamoth ay,' ayo-pctgaines ad, S. S. church iil Wbe held Ion Sunday and Mon. ollows : Oa Suriday, June l8th ta.Re. eo. Webber, Toronto, ex- dlay June 2,5 and26. On Suuidtysernionsa Swill ho preached at 29:30 p.ný Pected te Preach 0on SunidaY July 2nd, may bo expectocd ab 2 30 anid î p in. froin ý.m. by the Rev. D). s lou, Laies meet at Mrs. T. Mountjoy's at 2, 'Rov. C. W. Watch-, of OshaWWa. Collect- ithemsi by the Choir, and recitj. Friday teo arrange for e...Visitors: Mr. ýis at each service. On1 Mouds>'y tea thq Sohiolars. (Jollecti,n at eaých W. Van-tone aind wife and Mr. S. Van- ,wiIl be servtid froci- 4.30 to 7:'30 p.m. A in aid of Sabbnth SchoolI. Oo atone and vwife, Pickering; r. Arthur conicert ivilli bagiveni iii the chur-ch in tha SJuno 19Llh comm-renlciu3g at 2 Trewin, Manitoulini Island'.. .. Mrs. J no. evening by tln from l3rooklin, Bow. iere will be singing, and- recita- Rund1e ha3 b,,,, nursing a epi ainedlankie manviilie, Tyrcn2?, Kirby and else3where. the Soholars, and addreeFes by ..... Ur. J. Mýounitjo)y visitedl town frîends Admni3issi o 0 es 2,ý. ; tea sudconer -D. S, Houckz, Rev. L. p'helps Sunda[2y. JIos bears his UJniversity honora 30ts.; concert only 15 ets. ors. Tea wi'L' ho served froe mekv.RIÇH, PEt8 ELooD as naturally resulta . filail are satisficd. Tick-ets froci tskir.g l;ood's Sarq-ipariila o per- îi]re 15. he ubic enrsi BMPTN.sonal cleanlines resuits frum free use of rdatyning ite o ecaethe Mrs. Thos. Ellhott has been viiting soaP and watr. This gre-at purifier y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Gi ttnigalteosrce. fenaiTootan aterodhome tho 111hY expals acrofula, sait rheumi, Tm. Foie7 had a successful rais- inWobrde ...r. 1. L_ Brown was and alil other imipuritie.s ail' build., up y. The boys enjeyed a good in Toronto asat Moniday. . . . The Cheeso every organi of the houdy. Now is the ffoot bilaller. Ms W. eo. have soid and ahipp 3d the balance cf lime b toake it. 1oroitto, is vîiing at Evergreen their Mfay ch eese... Re v. D. S. Houck, The higheFt pl-a1se hbas beeii wrn by .Miss Lizzie rwc ~ rtod Enniskillen, preached a splendid sermon Hood's Pis for their easy, yet efficient Visiting friends here. . .Mr. A. he Sunday eveniin. . ... 0cr estoemedI action. SeDld by ail dru,,gita. Prico 25 ey and Mr. J. D. Steveuis look towns3mai), Mr. E. TreDouth, was reno- cents- Loy in their new carrnages .. . . W vatîng ail the public buildings in Enis- Y N. late Mr. H. W. Foiey en his kuillen iass wek. .. Theýre wiil be a town- TY NE at Toronto University ha ving hip Epwoith League convention here Mr. and Ms R. A. Philp, lt'ater ith honora. tlii3 (Wednesday) aîternoon and eveuiing clarerce A. Phiip and NIM. B. F. Girdin -WyWouild you believe a cmennga2oChc. A good tihno is er, Cjobourg, visited frie evîs bore recont- s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e orsoerha anohraniia... .Our bicycle brig.ade seoins ly ... . Mr. Win. Brent wold tbree of his to ho on the inD-rease.. . .O.hawa boy, valuabil urscýs tO MrIR fadyt oto fl-Bcasehoi sppse t sem to be ini dein sud cf ltte, or at loast the prairie p) ovince. 1he gzay rcd Coats tetrt sdfehe tru? upp dtoare filiinga on, bit isnt in this coin pas8ed îhri uh on Tesdayniorniug on Fou ask fthe queationm'? Weil ho-, muI'tv.... Wewoullcongrattuiate Mr.thoi' r ocm.. gooclly number et farinersa and citizens attended thse trave ,ling dliry IinOetin)g lu the Son's' Iie. Qniteiàunb brought miik to beý teste t cf whoîn iimt a f&W were surprisd asud soin 3 d's îppeinfed wheni rcame t) be grad.ed. Mr. S Binigba1!rl'î 0o w te k1,Ihe1ledAhaving a very hligli perceioage cf crear.... .Mr. Cha. B il'. sister ii vitiiog i mi ... NIMims' Kato Biimbin, Burn, River, Mr.-. Wmn. Little aud Mrs. J. Briab' n, New Park, visited frientis hbo last week. -, . . Work fer fli e aeni. rushiug Ihi8 week. A-N UNUSUAL 1ET-ÂE-bthus seas3on cf tihe year thure are alw4ys many deatha, Iparlîcularly among children, froa Sumnier Oomiplainit,Diarrboeai, Dypenîery, ChoIera MIorbus, Craumps, etc., bt Ib is seasOn the" cases s3ei tobho uzIIIeually frqiuent sund Lttal, sud every cao ougbt te know that a sure sud .sneedy cure nan RvA.L.'Snider,pastor cof t1he tCburcb, Leaiugtoa ea cuired cf the.inoat painb ni ssiug case cf piles, cf long stan;d- LGCIC!.!;ILE LOTION," and recoin- 9ail thus sffiucfed. ENNflSKILLENY. recent visitor8: Miss Hayeés, Iiveli, Celumbus; J. Houc, Beemer, jr., Toronte. INrs. n at Brookln .... Rev. J. Liddy a very iusp!ring sud instructive ne Sunday night.. MiTe trav- iry had s good reception bore. ii1k tests-neotstlpg-en or cent. Prof. Carlylo's ad- as mucb spprociafed...Two bainbeys,AMr. J. N. Huztch- lem setcond year in miedicine sund 1P. Wadge Firat vsar in Arte9 W'. RÇ. Liddy, B. A., (brother cf Pastor Jas. Liddy) ou bis succeas ini bis filui I&ex- amuntions c)Bat Victoria oieit. . A inuwbo travels consifderably over ibis sud othier countries remarks, that for fiet, tidy, dlean aud îaity homes 1Hamup- ton bias ne suponior, sud if ho wanted te direct a youing mail te aly place te Sook for a wortîhy wf thete ovid3rucs icf practicai christiaiîty, luithetic culture sud adyvanci d civiliastion wvouid ho a uf- ficieut warrant for the recommeudation. Score another for our DvnCrihvil- mu's. been their( ed af tiick CI For Over Fîfty Years WiNsLow'aScTHoSvicur bas used by millions cf nmothera- for cbildren wbile teethïng.. If dlsfturb- Yniglit sud broknicf jour reat by s hild sufforing sud cryinst witb pain MAY 8 83 IILE CODOSU e0 ure White Hellebore, e Paris Green, e Insect Powder, 'r6 i.uî,S GIýBOUA801SUN$ Ohemists and Druggists. C. P. R. Ticket Office. ~OUNSLL'SMARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, B OW ANVILEONT. (Eûtablished 1837J) Finished Granite Monumirents in stock from'$125 to $5 00. HANDSOM-ýE DE8IGNI3G AND BEST MÂTERIALS. RED PETERHEAD ýýND GRAY RTBISLAW SCOTCH-e OSE> RED AND PU R'PLE SWEDE............ ANItdTE!i~ MUE PEARL ADEfIERALD ]PEAUL..............___ FIIHDMARBL1 MONUMETS in ýItkfrom $48-5 to 200. IN ALL THE BEST 1INDS 0F MARBLE AND LATEST DE8IGINS. ýý ýefore plaring yoiur orcler, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK n.d SEE WRAT YOU ARE BUYING. 7-ly -E. R. BOUNSALIJ, Proprietor. SALE.-A firmt daes fanin -or 115 acres situafed in thse Whiîby 1sf con, lofs 15 sud1 ulles cure, scrof ulma. FOOR SALE Olt RENT.-Houso sud 1lj acres for maie or le reut, slfuate on Scerg a reet uerlb. Thoe vremises consisal of s gMld hone wirh overy conveulence. dnlvIng 2hed. stable, etc. Tsec gardGrn coutains a lot ol flisc chiocost fruit of ail vieties liummediaie posssion can be given. For particulars apuply te W. FISEIHs. Bn.1owmaulvilie Ont lu- tf Beat value in Black, Green sud Japan Teas, Goffees, etc. Qality unequalled. ýPcWsc MJcc anosI, agent. Rev. William HrO11p*n7."~ 01 Sparts, N. à., voitarily Sasys "Te -Whom it -May Coneern: "Unaskcd I dleeiiu il mjy duity te a. sufferlng burianîty whiose b)oches and souils I on1 hae eathy ,teeil thlelll cf ise vaflue of Hood's Sarsaparila. Wh ic lvngluObo 01eeofi my ecildreu vas greatly Afflicted With Bouls hiavilng PO on lier limbs, and bbgunle ,to Walk. 1 had he.ard of Ilood'sSaaprla and h ouiglît a b)otîle, lle! sfvh1ich Cured en- tirely. Two years after, an1other Cls1ild wa sfflicted as 1ba-dly. 1I uaed fi the hý'-all bottle of llood's Sarsaparilla wviiiî like re- suIfs. About four yearsafater, flic clci ( lirst utfflictedt was again tornelikeC Job, suid 1 bouglit a bottie (on Snnjday att at) an agii a icre. I gave som cof themdicine ýte a poor svonsman and tw chldre; tey vere3 helped as ver ine.r111. a testimno- nliaI senit te C. 1. Hood & Co,, inirjiliSet came frein ail theý coMntr, asking if it wss a 'bons itde' ttimnia :l, andcofeciourei srojte ail that if u sansd have flic kn uedeo Scores ai-id Soe o!r IsonIs 1 he'ledCr cirdb odsSra parilia. Miid cssn husi hv y1eid dte it. Biliusness nd ba livehav be'en Corrcced in ny nfaiyTh 1 thse only patent medicine I1hvefeU1 likeC p)riin:g. I speaznet for C. T. Ileed, ufo the Jobs whe are imipatient and arc for- mnlted bleyond endurance. NofLinig Ilinow of wniii cleanse the blood, stiniate the liîver, or clean flhc stomacli se i)rfectiy as Hood's Sarsaparilla- Âny person i vshi.g te know more,. en1closing a sfamp 'will bo nformcd. Your.i for thie heaith, hiappiess and virtue cf humaniiify." WILLIAM IHOLLIYSIIFD, paStOo f rel- t"iuchurch, Spartsa, N. J. IIe' il ure habituai constipation. O lh~pared teo meet a oti numate demland for a 11UId elFficient sud reliable faimily pniysic. Tbey are otnc f anly kiud. He sPis nef pentisestenacl, lversudaliimntary caal, and ii'lculre liverComlpl;iint, Cont1ipaion,1 Yancal2liounes, HadaheInd1iges'tion,' ~r toaci,~itrssaffer EenJaundice. 'id jjsy lie broken UpIli)sud :,lever prevenltedl ,omaptiy tskfng Iloo's PL'ils. Hood's PlUs Are prcparcd by C> L flood & GCo.,Aotere, Lowell, 3Mass. rrice:25 rcents per box. So'ldby"' ail rulfaor lynin~-mil con reCetpt o"f a Mtpanq Tabules cuPeeè psa ISOLIiVA.1 WestlaJso bas mioved imbo nd Mr. W. Adhton bas mlov- muSe latel'y vsatEd by bin., u Treineer, T. Pascotý and eut te Niagrra Iat wet&ah Ispensmon IBridge, N. Y. kM8 Hog-artb' is witb hici. . . mNfrz. 'ldbas hi een visitiig fInonda Juncotion .... Rev.D. S,Hcuck a puipit bore Sunday... . -Mr. Oids is bulilding a uew driviug ceont visitons: Mnr. JQn. Bray, ýev. Win. Limbeit, Odessa'; 'uei Goard, Iewnmanivile. 1J. -B. leyDolds, -B, A. l àduafing list cf Toronto Uni- tre pleased to sce the saline of [d, a well known Solina boy. 0Say that smong the succeas-. urbain beys, thîs Sectioni bas its fait share. LEEA FGARE.-Fear kilis rucre, . Severe diarrbea, purnýing, a,' etc., are offeln mistaksn f r 'ubbes.A e doses of Dr.l ýtract cf Wiid Strswberry wil th tho disease sud tlhe tere BEBENE ZEfl, suuivcrsary services were a succeaý. ()a SU11daN7 despitE o, con gre ga i n e r t v 1ef,, B. C. î1, affernoon sud )n Monday the westher was nd People came frei nenar ýut 609 Pers ms partakinmg cf osa If as as realy excellnt asI Eýbcutzer ladies kuenw se serve. The program was bull for yeuuig sud old.Thse )r' Rev. L. Pheipa,' presided, ü contrîbuting to the prognatir Worden, Ethel Gay, Herbert1 Ossy Osborne, Edward IVon- 7Saiter, Luther T. Courtice. 'epriate dialogues wero given. mled te tho occasion wene1 ýv J. Liddy, W. Iimbert Vstch. Mr. W, E. Cpurtice 'et ary's* report, snd Mr. Jas. )treasuren'sansd as sSuponfin- e0 a short but tinsely speech. choir sud the acholans siup. -ce cf good siugiug. The cecd $15 which was realiy ansount for thesea tingeut ie11Y gansecf 4foot bal 'was t.g tu mfrernoori betweeu Hligis School suid as2sratcb s () te () in favor cf thse H. lr',ed Pinit at -A. cure uausea. 1118o0'.', s eothn-g yrup' for -chikijren Ming is pleaganûtot thse faste sud îh the escription cf oeeof the oldeat sud beat nalo physiciaus sud nurses in the Unit- Step. Price fwenty-five C'entsaa ffle. Sold by ahl druggisfs throughout s worid. Be sure te ask for "Mus. sr.(ro-UlY sud fHuter, ttie well knewu evangeIiîstq, have arraauged te spend the sumwmer mniitha at Miland. Mr.J. F. Cunuiinga of Oakwood preacb. cd twe excellent and practicali seru.ons on Suudfay week in the Qieeenat. Methodiat chu-ch bore. MIr. Wýallaca Scott, son of Win. Scott, B3. A., cf Ottaàwa Normal sholis guest wifh Dr. and Mirs. McAlpine sud cher Lindssy relatives. John Davey, E-q., i f Clarke, the uomnineo of the Liberal CoLservafives cf WesÉ Durhamn for the local bouse,' ha 5 boon un Lindlsiy guosf witb bis brother- in-law, Mr. Rickaby. Mr. Richard Sylvester bas rot urned from Whs trip te the _Nortb.west. Ho re- ports fth)at thse prospects for a bigy crop are excelle: r sud mn consequlenice evoryîig ii boimxg. The oimssl f impie. meula will bsnlargýer than ever before. Sundaýy, June 4, beiug the lwenitiethi %iiniver,,ary of the marriage cI Air. sud Mrs. Robert Sylves!t(r, the tinoE was con Pidcred opportuneo by Mrs. Syiveiter'a iothor,ý sist e rs an d brothors, t,) preseut theni wmtb a beautiful sflver 1b evc iu commiemoration of the day. The pre. sentation psrîook cf the nature cf s sur prise wbe3n on Mendsy Mrs. Cleens, Mrs. Sylvesttr'a eged, motixor, William H.,her eldeat brother sud Mrs. Clemlens, bis wi *fe, cf Dar-liugîaon, represonting tho other members cf tihe fimily, mad> the presontaticnýi. We extena our congratula- tions Io Mr. sud Mrs. Sylvester on the oveut, feeling assured that theV sud Iheir iteresîiug family will always menit the bigah cstbeenm in wlsmcb they are hield by ail who are pivsliged with- thoir aecquainýt- ance. - Warder. These puisu are iunen sonso the more pbyBic to ho met witb in theocrdunary alcobolie liquida, sud as in mercuriai pilla, coinmmnly isold. lu these pis mýre combioed elecusents designod te control the very centres cf hife, se Ihat overy orgatn acta in barmemsy with all ethera ne- producing, youthful feelin. Drugg,',aia sudodelers, or imail. Price 50 cfa., aix, f >r $2 50., The Cdiery Pili Ce., Torcuto. Ont EW IRA YEN. Mr. R. ýVitbenidgn Bp wavile as quit work onftho G.1T. R ... .Tho e&cion "ICe, are buýsily enaaged putîia3g in new fies.,., Mr. J. SulvnWho bas ien agent a-, Darlingloni for about feu yearsi bas sceep ed an appointment ai Port Union. Mr. -McTDonail late cof Port Union i3 filing the vacancy tilt an Sap. pomiimept is made. Report cf S. S. No. 3, Darlimgton, for May. Naines ici rder-tif mon'-. Sr. 4- L. f-l Clair Lauginaid. Jr. 4--Lillian Tri , Elîs Burgess, Vida VanCamip, Winnie Truil. Sr. 3-Eva Foley, Wit-nie Power, Sidney Fra-k. Jr,.-v Run. dis, EdIn VanCampl. Sr. 2-Minnie Sullivan, Mable Tru, Berzlha VanCamap, Lorrie Fiank, Eva Sîullivan, Elmer Van- Camp, Jr. 2-Hïarry Taprp, b s se Guy, Fred Frank. Pt. 2-Sidey Rundie, Willie oClarke), David Ciarke, Muy Trull. Sr. Pt. I-Mandy Tapp, Roy VanCamp, Jr. Pt. 1-Hioward Foley, Irelme Lang- maid, Mabel Courtice, Wilte Tspp, John Sullivân. N. MI. McDoNÂý7Ln), leseber. Bot te method and resuits whedY Eýrnnof Figu lu taken t lbq lesnt .N FRA~ YORK, AFP from e, Will sell

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