dE~4~P 31?~JPP .dLha- sud nntiei.aubjaCii-et-lil") f vefuseauiie -'t. lee1 Cicii. M-. ie 3o üt moauny be e<rdi lci".À l' un colin tron coîîgb te rush err dAtee;ICY V) i-e e fbou ug arouud c-'li-se-i cssc- -"uv ihee esw-akpoi cirC V ý Vi c4ipe muIs P a, fatal ý1c by u' eepins cîcrac!v ';wsli rtille i ltes ie -c i(h, t s1j7-i-urly noriaisd hb frame'- "- s- U'on - a-fle1 s1i-p ' uuiih oi - ý -vt,3ror milk t t- - ve Of R Uý'Y S OLICITOP., &mi. MOPPRI h( PJ vîoCEir, -sieKing Stroat. Bow'use- a ville. Sohicîter far the Oniari Bank i ~ l' vate MGI&evge-bn-s1 ai th3 10wa3t r-ste-sî S. C. Bh&INKING LIENSED AUCT IONHEER FOR c' thes Couty cf Durham. Sales -attenddf teo su shottesu notice and ow-ssu rates. âAddress t(U-curie p. 0. 33 ti RQUT. V4C1NG. V. S. t FFICEý IN THE WEST DURHAM Kc FwcVck. Mnie e. hccmelf ce--assistent W teî Cfonudl 1)r, m ta.m . tmo 9 1).m. N igic cafis su uehdeccedccuhyopoite Itill Shed. Calîs h eheg4neaphi or teltpI ienswil i receive Lrom pt 0 Lteitiou 171-yr sc A. C. WIMN.AN V. S c O*.BLOCK -Bowrnanviîle. Nugislicallhs"e <- weted freincoe doi sentis cf Dr. Beyle's. 1 AUI caihs bu' ilegrapis cr telepisonew-lli use eve h prompt attention. if-cf j 1. A. W. TC)LE. c ~UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Rsel I.Estale Agent, Bow-msevilhe. Ontario*-c k ale8 atiefiedin anu' part of Province, cý A. A. POST,t -A ROIIITECT. Plans acd Specifica-b - - ilons prepared for every cdas cf hbuilding.1a She-cial attention gysu o beeting bu' steam1 gui lbot w-ser anîd muscitaru' arrangementsi. Lfiee: (JoinsBlock, Wisitby 3 -lu'1 I R.PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made te Order. JM.BRIŽMACOIIBE' -OFFICE :--Rear of iMessrs. Higgnboham&. Son's Drug y store, donstairsý), THO10S. pEAT, Dyer aud Chthes Cleanen. Goode waracited te ho as nne uaw-ll know- tbeni frot esw- w-bondoue. Corner Kuxg and. Ontario Straase Bow-manville ID ENTI ST"R Y. c, 1IA1 NE, L. D. S Gradluate e tise RlollgecfDeta OFFICE vPPOSilTE EUXPRtESýS OFFICE- V)TALIZED AIR c asdb XO*rt od 1Generaid caesefi by exes, i thld itsor weaxiug dauup zlthes, stock- ings, or ecg ther cause tendhug to cliechusîd thl îe- e sspraf'on' Tise- ternît proie- fiammnatieaftiOf s licucjg meuubrarea ise lcg t throat, -tu rlse te i nro ",of b epectora- ' Vithout u til-,sîdhi i Why you~ Use A lie n'~ ifung Balsam, Three Siýze Bt1s gratd ntme an iliocc, fiii Ulal,1, (f ABROKENi NECK. bruisedrneadowminHoldbelriN l' -- ~kept in the hlouse te use if necessary . llîs-it Can NeiswB Ine1 frk' Time 'ick Heidache. bag, moi-,teeed w-,aVool ad ariml'Ile Joyou1s Res1 fTaig-aesQlt Thr~ae erci~ohedah5 rlnced and placed over the lo 'hwil a 1la Adlce r varicane aoer aces udor l-nitin~g, or rve the abdome~n wIll s-,tbhý Timely Al That al person may have what is popular-. vartionsor c aapuseassttecfte andgovern the howels. It ecanlbe ilnsed ly known as a broken neck and survive ysem a te hrbbngpan n hehed her trngh. Thec5torY cf HP.u. Fe egat'-S Ti with al faculties and powers intact seems 'stm, s te hrobin pan e te hadlong as the spi ess retain thirsreghgig arll Bestoration 4Given unv bY Doc- to ordinary minds an impossibility. iet eic prcrbdefrs a p y buithee snld -- J ters and iBe7levcii tObe Dyins isFn- ihe o n ide& on th e nmatter je in correct, presribd fo hya uhsican.In muy rutce1.j sI Éisevers Perrect ffesith. as the cemmon ides geuerally is. Surgsry ses die cause cf the hesadache is deeP- "Take this lttiewiepodr t ilieFroim the Ceomber Hleraid. has advanced te nc a degree that a alted and must be rcmoved before pe"ynaegte eîhln lep"sy on .seorlefcl babp dfn.Nurl i vht frind, steel) hsie m Pr'Vi. 'enidergat, cf the township broken eeck je aimost as readily repsited cfe f heab i p listhe pelsuasive i at t llu paper ting fRoheer ore cedn c bs ias a broken limb. A broken ne-lk may be any part ftebody inpistdhtth ly and longieglya ùi folded i palgepj kow te amst ail jn this section, meeded in uîost instances now w:ýii caught od This must ho supplied before the liard te lie awake night after ngbar ace Itswllonthtr.Peer whether thespinal cord, which is icee aie wjl ceae. ingLbe cocjcs trikecee, te, thee, fe", I ast went throngli a terrible sieize cf suffer. in thce spinal coltme isinud. ft 4tI!- There are, heevever, measure which eau knowing full eil that yen w iill e4si i n1sd htfwcfhefie de hsd an- pinal cord i ninju.redl the cuire ci )A tried te give tsmperary relief, and Do tlsleywetlerinbelhased.i i lT i Ine who hes netsenffered from the head ache hopeocfihic rsccvery. Mr. Prenderiitt'smnipessmo r actrmae i et eL n.ere ce a f ineuralgia,,kenow ihat tîje emans to theistosn.elegtrug 'ts ou ran rouble was clîronic enterit:e, (intestinal je- compresion te f1rctre whaerebnrese. ictim. Campleor and chloral. rubbei t-reaiizing, tueo, iltthe cîsat day'sdct.-sliamLnnationî and what lie sîiffered alt tinuessepnth codhe hae re ete te icofront you as an armeýd btain a creyb ece.iudeec good for s cure. Dr,,ýGustaveB. Schill had etherunutil thsy forte a liquîd, may be w.ic"ynrw'l ave eiter ourge er e pdollar ca teametacase so-ns three years sineweeama' )ained Over t1ce spot, or s menthol pcjicil ernt efc hm u eeseti eîa ramn ekwsvri rknade whead uasîîp- I sed je the sanie naineer. If these camno l1t withcnt avait.- Sedatives, atimulauts, eIrlyboe adhshedusp e etaiedthefae send b bthe ~ But it ils a mitake, believe me,, ite1to;eice and externat a p lietios ecportsd wobbled terribly. The man je a shoe- u sry liot'vater sud a muistard paste applied, the sleeping powder, unless, iedeed., Yo)iîrwes ucss.ie1 trie~ witlî lifttî or maeri1ei a shosker yet, for his . akugcae etteleveitonlogenou.ýl pbysician absolutely orders it. The nar- Il nt Biftmorr eif îh ekisase if it neyer was broken, thanks te o blste. Aflanelwet îthclcoronrmcotic, however innocent, the sedlat i ve, howI- e~i it wae always very brief wben the bssilu ugo.Tesoîae e nimet ayb tredsnda bt xate haever subtie, je in ils way a cruchdradl tormeciter returîîed te smite biîm day w-as exhibiting te lus family hie ekillPU ET T ET and, theuse of ' criioh is Ilivavm vitiitumbler.oy11In triedondtnon Mrras agtander. e trieda hanA pringaad LU-e, vill semnîse case the paie. A cup of hot su h s fa cec sawy il reiaov etiscniinM.miscalcnlated bis distance. 1e instead cf Pc.. p etc crAv mc n cant es ollwe bya tasocefulcfvairietethe sckeowlsdgement cf iirmiity.nrhe..Pcendergaet cuetinusd uti1 aset sommer, folouinonia ado on. o alrnaemore, a crutch ije hable teu ea or te siip, -lien lesphysi cial frae kly îoid Moi that doiug cne lîandepring did thres-down a A perso n Sibjet tetile form of headache Or te prove treicherous, or te lJoisselcf er hie case vas incurable. The ne-vs came a3 ipi fsaisdfa"ue i pnlcl pln:man'e head wobbled dresdlfuliy whcen the A- Fresli meat, ahl the cereals, vegetables, par.- rpinyr tcgmc cre e.ILong hefiors this, after a maticul struggle, dco a ald u h otrso tp îcularly beans and clery, and drink nilk, ln this vihole matter of iîsoýnilitielhe lhad Ibec forced te give up work on bis dotr w H cl d, bt hf1 k hIinn esop iotor oi, sd cco inpreerecete e~wiser way je te fizht the wakefui fIeedbyfarmi, but tbsieehadl aiways bsec hlese cf Ped th Ci e. prepared a fet mss, whichT-E R nd coffée. These may be nsed asas timu- lyicg caliîly stili with syeseshiit ,aIedl band ie re u eov ery îohuoyop his family and friends. ihe fith te bema-cten keehi hed in Pc set le ueceseity but notas s regular bever- sudandfeet stiriese, if yen ose. Tebelenine-i Bt the statement that hie case was con- stn ihu oin n sdteohr~T( ~T ge.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l Fitocftehlebdhyrbigl tired by exercice je the open a ir, fte die- id ersdincurable wac hîke a troke of im, appliauces known to urer i n csix J. - s'~ eI valebî ndofthe sb o d b ep ru tattebod o lste ciebathypnigdo, n i redecntel eeks the man's neck wsis subetaetîally icn ~uRI oh waterby suitabie clothing, with a light repset bé3fors going -te bedsd raddtebectatli9asn mr.iod shape. Tlc treatmeet w-as contieued ~ flannel Lext the ekin, especiahi a cight. abe il, tanth rtadwry ieblu nbwstc odto afie at tic or fourneThemand is curwea som- The tseth shcuhd be exami-ined y dn.relie ian-hwle range 'the apot. lo-uýse c(f lest stîmmer snd a flitile laier it Waesteee Tc1a1iîopgig hs lI/ ce u roei ttus o if tahensescary's chop affords. iicudrstýocd that Mr. Prcndsrgast was g -.Ie hies hep as handiiy aseif bis ceck had e -' neasures fait s nerve tonieceilnslcessary, leI a beantiful voluee)riiitedI for theens-. tîg btter and o ics way te rsev ery. ee eciboe.' and thîs a docter muet prescribe.tranne f aiy aeycieud aeîy oseof îbiS friende wlîile i l th!'L"er. r .Žsdcadrcci a1 Whe te cuss fomeik headache jels pisasacit it of(deeciiicreferrilg te a1n idant/ emrsd "edeget Is ucase cf "rke eck." It wse a lh tle ire fet, erfctres lubcdwih stabe- lM gentlewemse ripast eighty, -h11, 'selic i le sfe ct-aga i in ss eond s ab l.'l- ilwhose spinal çcomme wae v sfrturdu~k firp enful cfhoetreg coaffeswithoautamle- old oftee'do, lay awuskLe at 1tweIve o'ciock uiynauahyfelws s ewhtha ear hbase cf the braliie,l'y afal diowei "Mladonsid ned ihe ury0mal îci engar, given every file minutes for A7ruia1tri najcetc~ne rdte bs eakbsrsladw ci oes a wr ffs ttc.Oxît card lhsr croocinig eomthieg eoftly te her- were iuïformed thýt ic dis-evey w-soielysyfema cf t tnelsc The jury mlat iss f crim s omties er efetie.1selIf, an d ssked if auyvthic eteue of Dr. ilasPikPlssteel rod, whiicb i8 fasteced eclidly to thle of erocnred at m th erngeffet've.sud ,"Oh cc," was tise quiick,, ed ceerfiil reply: for PalePeopie.1iseAIP;rid a ul.paiientie back ile-a placter, sudextend BRIST L sbouid be put ep in powders Oft 20, grains "Hes giveth songe inihie ng '.~ No ceed cid th-, partîculare cf cnany remarlkabhe aoets ss. T ii o iep-L. scShake cee dry on the tongue sao f a crîcîch for thie treeg ecul. encuise by the use cf ibis remedy, and whîite tieet's isead je fasteced by ap hian S ReA.LsLL L1 low ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A wibshtî -trsn eeii n A her insidions acnd dangercîce hlabiit ce net by acy ineacîs eceptical, felt a strong which gracp the chie and foreluesS The1 CURES ALL minutes cîcîi six bave bec takece r ff u own sdhaebcocue nervouts cnd sccordcingly drove te Mr. Prendergast'-3. On andw hliie gsri'e cesk e.Teirgeonsele cacicue if admieietered ssrly. istes ;thîey fauoytbey ceed a fouie. A recigthe houses it;wae ascertained thai scd sisee haas wehatdspnr. lThe umgeaue Pesns-ubject te ick headache should sip cf this cordial, a glass of that stimuilanit ?Mr. Prendergast was some disane limay euCnediEcubti tm adth roe food sud fate, tcicg econs freeiy, drinking mnade over ailw.But aise for tise criitcli,'tise scrilbe wended bis w-sy, îîceeticîg appliances are need, sud tise spinal commeCER AI the juicesequeezed ce water. They ehocld Sncb uhings are culy tempcr-ary, and the îI ordiah weiceme su auivtio is uniijursd. Wh< len the spinal cord ie in- tekl exercse ntise open air, have a sponge ast *îate cf the perce w-li c depiende ýuponte ce-ne back te the bouses te dicener. 1 nred tise case becomes mucis more serions bat, fllwedbybrik rbhng nc s ayiiem e ors fller diener w-e crged hlm te tell about ada prtien le ueeeery.Wbee tise OR sud use cocue simple laxastive, if itis neces- Nature and test are compelteettereclova- fthe -rmsrkable change ibat liadttaken pnlcr eafce aayi nsm ai ssyone rtwce li ueebul ct etien n lemccicaseseif oniy' silowed a ifaitr plaýe ile hi,,e condition. Ai firet be w-se ere certain. Tfie ekihîful surgeon wili en- depeîcded upon or t willIincreace the diffi- cace.-[Hsrpers Bazar. i inchiceu1t' lit us off, cayieg thatlie -ýhateddevrtreoetepsueonhecd- ccîy. _______________te îblujk cf the oid daye cf, agony aud and tise chances for recovery are generaliy misery. Hiowever, eit lest he îold usahieq a1 te those of deaih. lie ]hadculergocîs, bis story belrigont -rpr(are of Infants. E FO HISOM. wist bas beensaid conereing bis condition. AFeakbeOdih u Prpe Af ter the doctors had given3him up bic ieetisadt aedelvs 0f tise total number cf deaths le wam lves Lest sud lassv Tunru hsenewis oig gie oe a re iecdlhe tiscurd e f eine may se ten wnesîber, arccring en tisercordne erlyof ffllArut' Wottirth l'a.eit Dse-vte tcy Dr. Williamus' Pink Pille. 11e scoit-abhy be said te be ne lese remarrable. Tisat one-thirlsre hiidmrn neder ce sr f e rostI'scrg. a. d tise ides at frct, sayiccg that these thingseprobably tle vîew- whiicb the Fiemborougis11 Il age Nwle hu mrteit snecsery A Pittshnrg speoiia ye :-At 3.50 vere ai bumbngs. At lest, more te pisases fis-ber folk taesocfftie ma -ter. OnTuesday eil ? We are lccliied to thiîck net. Tbe ecoktheairoo itbrgb and ;- bie wifs tisse anytbcng éIes, lhe sent to Coin- oneecfth liefhrmncfhtvlag - dleaesfromwilichteseeihldren dleî sie, cni a iie ytiecctvoetbi-- as- ris, froccu. preveciable causes. Net csîo rasevr no e rIly ie. ice efeciýi(erl,r for"some cf tise Pick Pîille. 1e hiadt net caugit sa large codfisis, and cn opeenn -.. fn'Ste wse cfcaS - e idlatrus otst if cnpcety aente acy dslLys w-heu ho ,,foecd î,hey-stomlacis foucld tiserein ne) fewsr tise Nty siways botseo muciandwFesivii), hlm irelief. Tise paie loeee, ,nesfi-si-hooIs and c.a ilises beted. h1l see ros tsew-etcfknw-ede ofile wbacacene udeny bsurdfhebi spettebeanterecr, edsedi earei srpiengtht isCfeItok is C RLEE te cars for tbiemi. Tcs device cf s e scw-hiieletcsair beosme mfll isope sud onfidenice.Ie procîired accil iie','sho, b ut refnse t0ewaiow-thlat, A NA.LBER M D cîcey sus.te pr -vetigret inf ant,1m - % p.1 it. Foiiowing îtterrific elect -e scuppl IId foued Oc1esielbmsehf gru\viigdj, o a ieeieorgans e ut have 1beccon- ~al.. her peeetoefor tise curecM taity e aw-rk -ehw-otb cfa pilflash ceepue cscaderoar of thuc -UsP,, efeutisat he coald -;îlk îeai mard n etsme a etlDbit.NruesFotain-JecS dsecase celvi, ihie infereice is tisat acea ee pouyaeîie ai.Ltreto~ {LesMrur.~~Dsrcse?-sc p iderable numlber cf itbes& deatilue1have.n~oko i ~m u oc ebi sprs1L edIrgmai ~realiiity a closeeu fe irc eltot i f t-ive poprtes 'or ai- ht rfil to Itie nî,7 ik,*ind cf fooIII rfgiven. -plihts( sdd&bid a' ~ i~if~, t.~"~..e ~ -re > II Uorfkii i Dnw-l-", Iit faigue. Iii a word tisatibe - -W ,-i t ran elxcate sstmu.Theyare the rcit ôtyears çfce-u cr' The 1neal ry f tetiintle ous -- 0- rectm;oe ;, hsd cemiletehy Hcoe ed. ail staken DPr. ts'si -'oyencac, remiemrber the lui 'Smidy sudAaà1i, aeId used wth greai cce cal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n cabhidjebtie sdferars;S~~m~ w-eie stpped b3y broken ýr, wilîame' Pick Pille etaise eiteetabouet 'bO le ie privais practiýce otan) eiiInctiyiiu cicthsdlooeeh and cofortaby, cet or debris cbofkieg ftisecondufiite, and for C-a hope cof benefi, ,sud miersîy te, pisses hie ae u ra ae au o epTe stpinrl otenrecnrs nric ciuresd etreîaîLued on s watmida'y and given ie as îeIIwif ow;lsfidetemaheetoheda tec e 'i ca " ic itlForce, proinotilig Aslnlioi,Eerc- 1eoLime 'Nofum ; ifI *se e keep ngtdme In ,t sereveticigancuringieiaJe tIl-ro gh al ost u n otice , It m st Le re- f l ý,m ak es i il h ad Forghsalet wyt rDrugForssse, y 1ugipet 6boxet-orosenr sen i2cn mehrd hta hidcamo 'tf ily larhy very windivw- glass on tris ciis Pftý. 'ei!ilacus' Pick Puls for Pl ecpiu e braie5c. o bxs cebrdta hl aitdgestceodsidecýfetise buihdicgs wa s isttereId, while imanufacîured by tles Dr. WiliiamyirJ-B. Buter MedcC., concailinn starcis, sncb as tics watsr, brsad ail over hotuv the cutise, skihite, gn eiieCo., cf Brockvilc Ont., nd ---- roivtl , food, psp or grusi, uctil if has tests ________r____and_________________N._Y,_a_________qn Therefore milk, which ile animal feod h"s bouses, privete sud parkncoeeetvatori.s Scise,,ctHdy, N. Y.,Te TGrmHcf nuques hy nature bec given as tise oeiy eoscOd- w-ste-sbttered andi foliage ruîceed. lyu eiblf.PnkPleaentl ElAE TROUTQe TO HE WRLD"FAh COU PER'S LICHT4190 CORN CURE- edc e ia ime hppe cocservatery in Scissnetady pstk sea patent Medicine, but i1 i t11iI Careful examinatioce prove that thse 0"Ylights cf gises w-ste brokï2c. aEffet- tien, Ac nalso f t---- uteis B[i> î ;' yîa"eaiiardsd i o 55i 0f1utrere higesfmoialty e moc chlden uaitaemete -se le progrees 5fah li fie Ithat iisey crtin.Il - - À i, i void th ise Sea u.due y r ling phiaofsecurd ares broh t y ilscd, Tg hle bows forthe=re z t etiseopera and Bijou tise- Ial the seen î,ii oc tise Floating Paiaces ce, the Detroità& COOPER'S BIJNIOiN CUREf atesi bat gt by ste givnapTeisshobsfotîeire 55iiti5 panlies w-ste ctrowyi ave r£ed aa eýi,,.- ,iiý hàt-Cleveland mc,,Iii Na-.igiatil "ompany. Cures Brillions. Watts and Moles, Swoier fo e ratifood. Cow'e milk, slight- sud several ivemen faieied litem ,frigis,.i. itet ihieg ispeci- Tw-o uew- sisel passO-nge Lsteamners have GlandeThick Neck sud Skie Disessescf foy w-aired sud wee ihsgr The stiuging pellets cf the lbail caneed Iu hfiefý oootratxe u u bnlt l'or tbis ITp -r Lake route, special cisarecter. Tises remedies are perfect neikisperîse nscf hehei ubsîtcts umber cf serions accidents b r etni~ pariel pe -,. iiine daýces, slsticcostiug$30000>ci n. ga-ante a-snd ,e no Det hoecsive ad25 cener.Oeep hik l ehp n ftebs usia e rses, that hbroite-gandeetm tla ircests afeat.sudhcett suds take neacdberla1geatd fer mother'e milir; sîtisccgistise wruer bas "0 yýe tser divrsefeualîsr VI3e e isae.0 mn4?ts hald excellent resnts f.-e'n Serpe cffiehe w-eh hnDo0 cytise driver cf onetea u -eieaitefeefl rpe aptto ffatest Steamevrc out be aksspe 10r. !îîrWiîîs e tvkiî5 e. - uinfants' foode., A tablespoonful of dragged eeverah squares and fstaliy ;injursd.I the heatt, sudtishe tired feeling reschting Milesps erur,- ongurebew-e limew-sa a eddte aipltc Michael Dccc, a,,ed feurfeen, was ims frem nervene protsîaiiee; ail diseases de-ClvadTeo dCkaolc hn neik eosicaiy eecrccîcdbyetppcgceanelciepeedieg ripoîu vital humors je ihe bhood, 51bus.'il i pEpl a-ckbtwe If is a mes, eorrowfuh sigisi te behnid a ligis wire. The funeral ofJospiscraie, Sncb ise serofueis, chracije erysipsias, eic. Tieo Dtoe jep-usMaçkiac, Petoc- hsgatd rsusemoain chldisndld wasproceedcngiohl Sekinavenue, As a remiedy for building aeew tise bhood, key and 1'hi-açe tlIhi triebwe upl -rarrm, r-cei iyblîctd hbeuy, w-h ise torm brk. nsee ling thse systen ite uý,snesfuhhy vreast Dto cd-lva' uugcl n a fesither piliow le a lbaby laoach eon a boItus tautilerew-se erblIofsin roedsese r. Wiilicae' Pick Pll. s stands 1Augus oobediy-lrvc vl u an A1 dy er fs îîgc isete rsaizwa, criiI n mie efar iieadaneof auy (cuber rsmediy l:vi1 knwî ecd linI clgrd a-oiLIe We ýyen jsfes,! anMvrieen iet tubc botiele re isemenisw-lieiper al cimsnsged. t le epot titdise for f,1ictroul'es pecuiliar te tise fema'lle Sysv u tt~.a. Fri-îs ttron DO " en-ougb to kilt he isld en th uos orie~lde ntepat aeeTc ueral sahh a icocoplexion.l ie aec e io ly e-w oundTnp ate-. tP Mlothersei sf tellchîihd if mohisgor e n .I pal,ýeo mn'i ý111dÜieS but cfry rqcur seytigii rcei troublesose ho avoided. Take your bbSe tw-as postpoued. An almoat idlenticaýl ex-tihey e;fecL i aradical oure le ail cases eiing dl qlprf telucîr fth-apit Sîspsry Ge ,Paetc.edciese, from itsslied every,,mornieg ai eglrpercecce befehi a fuinerai cortege as if eniter - freOi mental ilry, verwork, or excessese et mk trai-vv riontlueaS stfOfea STiwae- adnSedec. elat w-u, atm caît welldry. w- ifS fy titcw-el Lawrece. Tise muoesy ose w-lu Se lvery D.Pihe ns'Pk Pille are soid cnly tae pmhet. Addieas ,A.A. QSehaotz. firiut-edaêse cesorfmnent w-ich lbac beeu if is discoiored by hltductitif igliy with geon aros nbxe erccûicnimetae crrsua.P.Àretet& lv- d àeca1N7- ougb fc-P ashconepks uently 0, arn pro ries fleur, theni put uecti to ile body an ail above Self a milliodlar.O Nevilles wrepper, (prinisd je ted inkl. Bear le Co., De' roit, 7-icb. ah esi tcos rcssdnfsol in etise Ohio river, tlise Ldiaage temind tiat Dr. Williamcs' Pi k Pileear ,w-col gauze flannesishirt long enon-gh to -lan, L Ilqareiîty. cover its abdonusn, over ibis is a thici fl-ce- gardie nd farm puoducte le esîiimtet t ineyer sohd le bulk, or hy tise dozen or lice- Hie Tel.tgram- Acc:(riourn and Cnadiaiî il iaysini net skirt wifh inslicret iecebody ; then oe l000 ieeou am rc h rd u c eae -oeft ueiue Good-bye, love. Ie case anythine sok3 Psa gv e Gi u enwi fedufce fac tc bsutprpae iaf-liiluneee d etyed cariiieete- foiictended r i tyite dev. Tseysteaild____-_-r pu o eor nrig ub.ibdth eid itervihi s, hSfleide. pecueiary advaumeîage1item tisec w-onderf ci -î w-lin fedig l a emieret poitin. f rputfic acievs byDr.Wihism' Pck9 Afterthiis feed sudlput ihte ted. lii e Gigey t nnoteecbr iii " 'lac bll Xité uis wtc I e fic'c 1 greet mistake te keep a cbihd oct le tise satrange ecase. Ahris uitc mg2eeu f ieDk t'X ce- -ebed coacisth aendeyo a moncv anet'a-t',rc a'te ite -ýofficc, eighi air in a cacditurhieg if teta-t ishe 'ar ganndoosdw 1-tg oecbu irettgcce ~-j c ierALamfai- tubd in this w-sy, the child msy fret al oddl de1usien 9" i i-ie-cecX. .Irewvng f ciglis., Ne food is rsýquîried Setw-ee 1land "Ots -rdc l lsd &eeeî i'uc-r-e e uu id 1e Laý-r -75e Jcjcah joe îcponJeueWa1un ,a r., uIes tuesebhlîti Se aw-ske frýocusome e - deer,"rpidGiey ue a-n ciip tcv- lc ehee--c ~ ~ ZOi~T naturel cause. A lcelba,4x uce,'hSeieite -o snc e cagteui les e Criee B rÀ id-cepieie ii-ie ody5ne- -e- ci nai5 l-handstUno, helashd e fnl et uip r s teapoo ei.ia cflal eapc P i, t a it il i d ve r b r" vgsig.. ~~-~ w----------- P itche' atra